This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with A!
You can use these adjectives to describe qualities, personality, and attributes of an individual.
Meanwhile, enhancing your vocabulary with descriptive words that start with A will help to complete your academic essay or just hold better conversations.
Let’s dive in:
- Full List Chart (513 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with A
- Negative Adjectives That Start with A
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with A
- A Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with A
For your convenience, below is a pure list of adjectives that start with A. If you need definitions and examples as well, you can find in following sections.
A1 | Airborne | Arboresque |
Abandoned | Airheaded | Arborical |
Abderian | Airless | Arboriform |
Abdominal | Airlike | Arborous |
Abhorrent | Airline | Architectural |
Abiding | Airsick | Ardent |
Abject | Airtight | Arduous |
Ablaze | Airworthy | Arenicolous |
Able | Airy | Areolar |
Able-Bodied | Ajar | Areolate |
Abloom | Alarmed | Argent |
Abnormal | Alarming | Argentic |
Abounding | Alert | Argentiferous |
Aboveboard | Algebraic | Argentine |
Abrasive | Alien | Argentinian |
Abrupt | Alienable | Argentous |
Absent | Alienated | Argillaceous |
Absentminded | Aliform | Argive |
Absolute | Alight | Arguable |
Absorbed | Aligned | Argumentative |
Absorbing | Aligning | Arid |
Abstracted | Alike | Ariled |
Absurd | Alimental | Arillate |
Abundant | Alimentary | Ariose |
Abusive | Alimentative | Aristocratic |
Abysmal | Aliphatic | Aristocratical |
Academic | Aliquot | Aristotelean |
Acceptable | Alive | Aristotelian |
Accepted | Alkahestic | Aristotelic |
Accepting | Alkalescent | Arithmetic |
Acceptive | Alkalic | Arithmetical |
Accessary | Alkaline | Armed |
Accessible | All-Around | Armillary |
Accessorial | Alleged | Aromatic |
Accessory | Allelic | Arresting |
Accidental | Allelomorphic | Arrogant |
Acclaimed | Allergenic | Artful |
Accommodating | Allergic | Articulate |
Accompanying | Alleviatory | Artificial |
Accomplished | Alliaceous | Artistic |
According | Allied | Artless |
Accountable | Alligatored | Ascendant |
Accoutered | Allocable | Ascendent |
Accoutred | Allotted | Ascending |
Accumulated | Allover | Ascensive |
Accurate | Allowable | Ascetic |
Accursed | Alloyed | Ascetical |
Accusative | All-Purpose | Ascitic |
Accused | All-Too-Common | Ashamed |
Accusing | Alluring | Asian |
Acerbic | Allusive | Asiatic |
Achievable | Alone | Asinine |
Aching | Aloof | Askance |
Achy | Alpha | Askant |
Acid | Alphabetic | Askew |
Acidic | Alphabetical | Aslant |
Acknowledged | Alphabetised | Asleep |
Acoustic | Alphabetized | Aslope |
Acrid | Alterable | Asocial |
Acrimonious | Alternating | Aspectual |
Acrobatic | Alternative | Aspheric |
Actionable | Amatory | Aspherical |
Active | Amazed | Asphyxiated |
Actual | Amazing | Aspirant |
Acute | Ambidextrous | Aspiring |
Acyclic | Ambient | Asquint |
Adactylous | Ambiguous | Assamese |
Adagio | Ambitious | Assertable |
Adamant | Ambivalent | Asserting |
Adamantine | Ambiversive | Assertive |
Adaptable | Amblyopic | Assignable |
Adaptative | Ambrosial | Assigned |
Adapted | Ambulant | Assistant |
Adaptive | Ambulatory | Assistive |
Adaxial | American | Associable |
Addicted | Americanized | Associate |
Addictive | Amiable | Assorted |
Additional | Amicable | Assumable |
Additive | Amniotic | Assured |
Adductive | Amoeban | Assuring |
Adenoid | Amoebic | Astonished |
Adenoidal | Amoeboid | Astonishing |
Adept | Amoebous | Astounded |
Adequate | Amok | Astounding |
Adherent | Amoral | Astringent |
Adhesive | Amoristic | Astronomical |
Adiabatic | Amorous | Astute |
Adient | Amorphous | Asymmetrical |
Adjacent | Amort | Atheist |
Adjective | Amphibian | Atheistic |
Adjoining | Ample | Athirst |
Adjunct | Amused | Athletic |
Adjunctive | Amusing | Atlantic |
Adjustable | Analgesic | Atmospheric |
Adjustive | Analgetic | Atomic |
Adjuvant | Analog | Atomistic |
Administrative | Analogous | Atonal |
Admirable | Analogue | Atonalistic |
Admired | Analphabetic | Atonic |
Admiring | Analytic | Atoxic |
Admissible | Analytical | Atrabilious |
Adoptable | Analyzable | Atrocious |
Adopted | Ancestral | Attachable |
Adoptive | Anchoritic | Attached |
Adorable | Ancient | Attainable |
Adored | Anecdotal | Attempted |
Adoring | Anemic | Attendant |
Adorned | Angelic | Attentive |
Adpressed | Angered | Attenuate |
Adrenal | Angry | Attractive |
Adrenalized | Angular | Attributable |
Adrenergic | Animal | Atypical |
Adrenocortical | Animalistic | Audacious |
Adroit | Animated | Auditive |
Adulatory | Annoyed | Auditory |
Adult | Annoying | August |
Adulterine | Annual | Augustan |
Adulterous | Anonymous | Aureate |
Adumbrative | Another | Auric |
Adust | Antagonistic | Auricular |
Advance | Anticipated | Auspicious |
Advanced | Anticlimactic | Australian |
Advancing | AntiCorrosive | Austrian |
Advantageous | Antiquated | Authentic |
Advective | Antiseptic | Authoritarian |
Adventurous | Antisocial | Authoritative |
Adversarial | Antsy | Autobiographical |
Advisable | Anxious | Autographed |
Advisory | A-Okay | Automatic |
Aerial | Apathetic | Autonomous |
Aesthetical | Apologetic | Available |
Aestival | Apologizing | Avant-Garde |
Aetiologic | Appalled | Avenging |
Affable | Appalling | Average |
Affected | Apparent | Aversive |
Affectionate | Apparitional | Avestan |
Affective | Appealing | Avian |
Afferent | Appeasing | Avid |
Affiliated | Appellant | Avifaunal |
Affirmative | Appellate | Avionic |
Affordable | Appellative | Avirulent |
Afraid | Appetent | Avoidable |
African | Appetising | Awake |
After | Appetizing | Awakening |
Aftermost | Applauding | Aware |
Aftershafted | Applicable | Awash |
Agamic | Applicative | Away |
Ageless | Applied | Aweary |
Aggravated | Appointed | Aweigh |
Aggravating | Apposable | Awesome |
Aggressive | Apposite | Awful |
Aging | Appreciable | Awkward |
Agitated | Appreciated | Awol |
Agitative | Appreciative | Awry |
Agleam | Apprehensive | Axenic |
Aglitter | Approachable | Axial |
Aglow | Approaching | Axile |
Agnate | Appropriate | Axillary |
Agnatic | Approved | Axiological |
Agonizing | Approving | Axiomatic |
Agrarian | Approximate | Axiomatical |
Agreeable | Aquacultural | Ayurvedic |
Agreed | Aquaphobic | Azerbaijani |
Agrestic | Aquatic | Azido |
Agricultural | Aqueous | Azimuthal |
Ahead | Aquicultural | Azo |
Ahistorical | Aquiferous | Azoic |
Ahorse | Aquiline | Azonal |
Ailing | Arboreal | Azonic |
Aimless | Arboreous | Azotic |
Ain | Arborescent | Azure |
Positive Adjectives That Start with A
Positive adjectives are always helpful in daily communication and writing. You can find such adjectives beginning with A below.
Absolute | Adventuristic | Anesthetic |
Abundant | Advisable | Angelic |
Acceptable | Affective | Anticipated |
Accepted | Affirmable | Aortic |
Accommodative | Affirmatory | Apex |
Accredited | Affordable | Apian |
Acknowledged | Agreed | Appealing |
Activated | Alive | Applicable |
Active | Alluring | Appointive |
Actual | Alternative | Apposable |
Adaptive | Amazing | Aquarian |
Adjustable | Ambrosian | Aqueous |
Adoptable | Amendable | Arabic |
Adorable | Amused | Arbitral |
Adoring | Anachronic | Assertive |
Advanced | Anal | Astute |
Advancing | Ancestral |
Negative Adjectives That Start with A
In this section, you’ll find a list of adjectives starting with A that you can use to describe things from a negative perspective.
Abducted | Aged | Annoying |
Aberrant | Aggravating | Anticlimactic |
Abhorrent | Aghast | Appalling |
Ablaze | Agonized | Artificial |
Abnormal | Ailing | Askance |
Abrasive | Aimless | Askew |
Absentminded | Airless | Aspiratory |
Absurd | Alarmed | Assailant |
Abusive | Alcoholic | Asunder |
Abysmal | Alleged | Atrocious |
Accursed | Allergic | Audacious |
Acidic | Aloof | Audit |
Addled | Amateurish | Authoritative |
Afeard | Ambiguous | Avaricious |
Affected | Ambivalent | Avoid |
Afflicted | Amok | Awkward |
Afraid | Anemic |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with A
One of the main functions of adjectives is to describe the world around us. And following descriptive words that start with A serve this purpose.
Able | Advanced | Ambidextrous |
Absurd | Aerial | Amicable |
Academic | Afflictive | Animal |
Accept | Affordable | Annual |
Acceptant | Aged | Apathetic |
Accessible | Ageless | Applauding |
Accountable | Aging | Applicable |
Accurate | Aggregate | Appropriate |
Accused | Aggressive | Approximate |
Adaptable | Aggrieved | Ashamed |
Addictive | Agrarian | Assorted |
Additional | Alarming | Astronomical |
Addle | Alike | Average |
Adjacent | Alive | Aware |
Adjoining | Alone | Awesome |
Adjustable | Alternative | Azure |
Adult | Amazing |
Adjectives That Start with A to Describe a Person
Do you sometimes feel stuck when trying to describe someone? These A adjectives to describe a person will help you out.
Abandoned | Ailing | Ardent |
Abject | Airsick | Aristocrat |
Able | Alien | Armed |
Absent | Alleged | Armored |
Academic | Alone | Arrested |
Acceptant | Ambulatory | Asexual |
Accountable | American | Ashen |
Accurate | Americanized | Athletic |
Acned | Anemic | Atypical |
Adept | Angular | Australian |
Adoptive | Appalachian | Austrian |
Adroit | Appellant | Average |
Advanced | Applicable | Average |
Afraid | Applicant | Awake |
African | Arcadian | Away |
Ageless | Archeologist | Awkward |
Agile | Archetypical |
Adjectives That Start with A – Definitions and Examples
To help you understand the usage of these adjectives with letter A better, we provide a concise definition and example for each of them below.
A1:very good or well; excellent; awesome.
– This guitar is in A1 condition.
Abandoned:having been deserted or left; deserted; discarded.
– An abandoned baby was found in a box on the hospital steps.
Abderian:given to laughter; inclined to foolish or incessant merriment; foolish; absurd.
– His abderian laughter is annoying.
Abdominal:concerning the stomach and the area below it; intestinal; stomachic
– Last July, Cory Dowd’s nagging abdominal pain was getting worse.
Abhorrent:causing a strong feeling of hate, especially for moral reasons; repugnant; repellent.
– Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.
Abiding:lasting for a long time and not changing; enduring; lasting; persisting.
– He is an artist with an abiding concern for humanity.
Abject:terrible and without hope; groveling; crawling.
– Both of them died in abject poverty.
Ablaze:burning quickly and strongly; alight; aflame
– Cars and buses were set ablaze during the riot.
Able:having the skill, intelligence, opportunity, etc. needed to do something; intelligent; talented; skillful.
– A viral illness left her barely able to walk.
Able-Bodied:physically healthy; fit; strong.
– Disabled and able-bodied children can enroll on the athletics course.
Abloom:something that’s abloom is flowering or blooming; efflorescent; mature.
– If a plant is abloom, it’s covered in flowers buds are opening, and blossoms are big and full.
Abnormal:different from what is usual or expected; unusual; uncommon.
– The ship was blown off course by abnormal weather conditions.
Abounding:existing in or providing a great or plentiful quantity or supply; proliferate; abundant.
– We live in a country rich in history and abounding with natural beauty.
Aboveboard:legitimate, honest, and open; unconcealed; trustworthy.
– We felt the judging was all aboveboard and fair.
Abrasive:acting in a way that may hurt other people’s feelings; rude; unkind
– Throughout his career he was known for his abrasive manner.
Abrupt:speaking or acting in a way that seems rude and unfriendly; brusque; curt.
– He indicated Isabel with an abrupt movement of his head.
Absent:not present in something; lacking; non-existent.
– Love was totally absent from his childhood.
Absentminded:tending to forget things, perhaps because you are not thinking about what is around you, but about something else; forgetful; distracted.
– Grandpa’s becoming quite absent-minded.
Absolute: total and complete; complete; universal.
– Around them the darkness was absolute, the silence oppressive.
Absorbed:very interested in something or somebody so that you are not paying attention to anything else; soak up; captivate.
– She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
Absorbing: interesting and fun and holding your attention completely; fascinating; compelling.
– Fishing can be a totally absorbing hobby.
Abstracted:thinking deeply about something and not paying attention to what is around you; absent-minded; distracted.
– He was listening to music and had an abstracted expression.
Absurd:not logical and sensible; ridiculous; extremely silly.
– That uniform makes the guards look absurd.
Abundant:existing in large quantities; more than enough; plentiful; ample.
– We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.
Abusive: rude and offensive; insulting; offensive.
– He was fined for making abusive comments to the referee.
Abysmal:extremely bad or of a very low standard; terrible; dreadful.
– The council has an abysmal record on education.
Academic:connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities; instructional; pedagogical.
– The university is renowned throughout the world for its academic excellence.
Acceptable:agreed or approved of by most people in a society; bearable; tolerable.
– Children must learn socially acceptable behavior.
Accepted:generally believed to be correct; acknowledged; approved
– Everything about the child’s adoption was against accepted practice.
Accepting: to take willingly something that is offered; acquire; obtain.
– Hope that you’ll start accepting me as your friend.
Acceptive:inclined to receive or accept, receptive; approachable; impartial
– I am an inceptive candidate and a susceptive candidate, and an acceptive candidate.
Accessary:a thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive; attachment; addition.
– He is an accessary to the murder.
Accessible:that can be reached, entered, used, and seen; reachable; attainable.
– The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.
Accessorial:nonessential but helpful; inessential; unessential.
– Accessorial software can execute all required functions for compute added design.
Accessory:an extra piece of equipment that is useful but not essential or that can be added to something else as a decoration; accomplice; associate.
– We stock a large range of bicycle accessories.
Accidental:happening by chance; not planned; coincidental; random.
– I didn’t think our meeting was accidental he must have known I would be there.
Acclaimed: to praise or welcome somebody/something publicly; praise; applaud.
– This book has been widely acclaimed as a modern classic.
Accommodating:willing to help and do things for other people; obliging; cooperative.
– David was gentle, generous and accommodating.
Accompanying:provided with something else; go along with; escort
– The curator of the exhibition also wrote the accompanying catalogue.
Accomplished:very good at a particular thing; having a lot of skills; expert; skilled.
– She was an elegant and accomplished woman.
According:as stated or reported by somebody/something; in accordance with; honoring.
– You’ve been absent six times according to our records.
Accountable:responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are asked; responsible; liable
– Politicians are ultimately accountable to the voters.
Accoutered:to supply one with what is needed; furnish; outfit.
– I remember seeing a soldier fully accoutered with his knapsack on in a large tank.
Accoutred:dressed in a particular type of clothing or having a particular type of equipment, especially a type that is impressive or likely to attract attention; appoint; equip.
– She arrived accoutered in an ankle-length leather coat.
Accumulated:to gradually get more and more of something over a period of time; amass; assemble.
– By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
Accurate:correct and true in every detail; precise; exact
– The cost is an accurate reflection of the quality of our products.
Accursed: having a curse a bad magic spell on it; doomed; condemned.
– His line would be accursed to the last generation.
Accusative:the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective that is used in some languages to show that the word is the direct object of a verb; ablative; dative.
– The accusative forms of the pronouns ‘I’, ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘we’ are ‘me’, ‘her’, ‘him’ and ‘us’.
Accused:to say that somebody has done something wrong or is guilty of something; charge with; indict for.
– She accused him of lying.
Accusing:showing that you think somebody has done something wrong; allege; arraign.
– Her accusing eyes were fixed on him.
Acerbic:critical in a direct and rather cruel way; sharp; scathing
– The letter was written in her usual acerbic style.
Achievable:that can be reached, especially by making an effort for a long time; attainable; feasible.
– Light travels at the highest achievable velocity in the universe.
Aching:to feel a continuous pain that is not severe; hurt; sting.
– I’m aching all over.
Achy:suffering from a continuous slight pain; acute; sore.
– I feel all achy.
Acid: a chemical, usually a liquid, that contains hydrogen and has a pH of less than seven. The hydrogen can be replaced by a metal to form a salt. Acids usually have a bitter sharp taste and can often burn holes in or damage things they touch; sourness; acerbity.
– The acid burned a hole in her coat.
Acidic:having a very bitter sharp taste; bitter; sharp.
– Some fruit juices are very acidic.
Acknowledged:to accept that something is true; recognize; concede.
– It’s a generally acknowledged fact.
Acoustic:related to sound or to the sense of hearing; audial; aural.
– The orchestra typically lives in a reasonably large performance hall with good musical acoustics.
Acrid: having a strong, bitter smell or taste that is unpleasant; pungent; stinging.
– The fog was yellow and acrid and bit at the back of the throat.
Acrimonious:angry and full of strong bitter feelings and words; bitter; rancorous.
– His parents went through an acrimonious divorce.
Acrobatic:involving or performing difficult acts or movements with the body; athletic; gymnastic.
– He is an acrobatic dancer.
Actionable:giving somebody a legally acceptable reason to bring a case to court; applicable; functional.
– Our lawyer advised us that the breach of contract was actionable.
Active:always busy doing things, especially physical activities; mobile; energetic.
– Staying physically active in later years can also keep you feeling younger.
Actual:used to emphasize something that is real or exists in fact; genuine; authentic.
– The story of the film is based on actual events and people.
Acute:very serious or severe; critical; dire.
– Competition for jobs is acute.
Acyclic:not occurring in cycles; monocyclic; bicyclic.
– This dynamic programming approach produces a directed acyclic graph in lieu of the tree.
Adactylous:without fingers and/or toes;
– Adactylous is a common finding in reactive arthritis.
Adagio:a slow of piece of music; larghetto; lazily.
– The true Adagio of the slow movement was testing for woodwind ensemble.
Adamant:determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about something; unshakeable; immovable.
– Eva was adamant that she would not come.
Adamantine:very strong and impossible to break; hardheaded; implacable.
– He made an adamantine defense of the existing position.
Adaptable:able to change or be changed in order to deal successfully with new situations; flexible; adjustable
– Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.
Adaptative:connected with changing; able to change when necessary in order to deal with different situations; accommodative; reconciling.
– Societies need to develop highly adaptative behavioral rules for survival.
Adapted:become adjusted to new conditions; acclimatized; acquainted.
– Nature is as well adapted to our weakness as to our strength.
Adaptive:connected with changing; able to change when necessary in order to deal with different situations; modifying; robust.
– Adaptive learning systems offer students customized learning experiences according to their needs and capabilities.
Adaxial:nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface; ventral.
– They are situated on the abaxial side and the adaxial side of the leaf.
Addicted: unable to stop using or doing something as a habit; dependent; obsessive.
– She had become addicted to tranquillizers.
Addictive:a substance or activity causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted; obsessive; enslaving.
– Cigarettes are highly addictive.
Additional:more than was first mentioned or is usual; extra; added.
– He provided additional information about this incident.
Additive:a substance that is added in small amounts to something in order to improve it, give it colour, make it last longer; addition; add-on.
– Strict safety tests are carried out on food additives.
Adductive:bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part; adducent; adducting.
– Design thinking and strategic thinking have some commonalities in their characteristics, both are synthetic, adductive, hypothesis-driven, opportunistic, dialectical, enquiring and value-driven.
Adenoid: relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue; nares; nostrils.
– He drew attention to the close connection between rickets and enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
Adenoidal:an adenoidal voice caused by adenoids swelling; nasal; pinched high.
– The patient has gross adenoidal enlargement.
Adept:good at doing something that is quite difficult; skillful; talented.
– He became adept at getting even the shyest students to talk.
Adequate:enough in quantity, or good enough in quality; sufficient; enough
– There is a lack of adequate provision for students who use wheelchairs.
Adherent:a person who supports a particular set of ideas; supporter; advocate.
– We should not show animosity to adherents of other faiths.
Adhesive:a substance that you use to make things stick together; sticky; clinging.
– Use a good waterproof adhesive in addition to the screws.
Adiabatic:relating to or denoting a process or condition in which heat does not enter or leave the system concerned; non-isothermal; oscillatory.
– An adiabatic wall must be able to block radiation.
Adient:tending to move toward a stimulus; impulsion; inspire.
– Each pallet must have material / product for only one Adient plant.
Adjacent:next to something; adjoining; beside.
– The planes landed on adjacent runways.
Adjective:a word that describes a person or thing; adjunct; adnoun.
– Reliable is not an adjective that could be applied to my car.
Adjoining:next to or joined to something; contiguous; neighboring.
– They stayed in adjoining rooms.
Adjunct:a thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important; supplement; addition.
– The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.
Adjunctive: forming an adjunct.; ancillary; accessory.
– The rendering of it is not an adjunctive performance, not a mere extraneous decoration.
Adjustable:that can be moved to different positions or changed in shape or size; adaptable; convertible.
– The height of the bicycle seat is adjustable.
Adjustive:concerned with, making, or controlling adjustments; alteration; arrangement
– To settle in a chair with adjustive motions.
Adjuvant:a person or thing that aids or helps; additional; ancillary.
– It includes an inactivated form of the virus and an adjuvant.
Administrative:connected with organizing the work of a business or an institution; managerial; directorial.
– The University of California, San Diego, is a major employer in the region with thousands of administrative staff.
Admirable:having qualities that you admire and respect; commendable; praiseworthy.
– He made his points with admirable clarity.
Admired:to respect somebody for what they have done or to respect their qualities; applaud; praised.
– Her work was much admired by critics.
Admiring: showing respect for somebody/something for what they are or what they have done; applaud; praise.
– James was admiring of her courage and determination.
Admissible:that can be allowed or accepted, especially in court; allowable; permissible
– The claim was not admissible under the current policy.
Adoptable:capable of being adopted, suitable or eligible for adoption; borrowing; embracing.
– These pipelines of adoptable animals primarily, but not exclusively, moving from south to north have become a cultural phenomenon in their own right, and a key part of a broader transformation of companion-animal welfare.
Adopted:an adopted child has legally become part of a family that is not the one in which they were born; embrace; take on.
– Danny is their adopted son.
Adoptive:relationship as a result of the parent legally adopting the child; foster; surrogate.
– Like her adoptive mother, Destiny was mesmerized by the chocolate gaze and rich deep voice.
Adorable:very attractive and easy to feel love for; lovable; charming.
– What an adorable child!
Adored:adore somebody to love or like somebody very much; cherish; admire.
– It’s obvious that she adores him.
Adoring:showing much love; idolize; revere.
– He waved to the adoring crowds.
Adorned:to make something/somebody look more attractive by decorating it or them with something; embellish; decorate.
– The children adorned themselves with flowers.
Adpressed:lying closely against the adjacent part, or against the ground; solid; tight.
– They possess adpressed stem leaves bearing a small basal spur and uni-flowered inflorescences.
Adrenal:situated near or on the kidneys; adrenal medulla; suprarenal gland.
– A retired endocrinologist urged her to have her adrenal function checked.
Adrenalized:tense or highly charged; anxious; nervous.
– Adrenalized with excitement.
Adrenergic: activated by epinephrine or any of various substances having epinephrine like activity; phenylephrine; pressor.
– Stimulation of alpha adrenergic receptors in the heart actually weakens and slows the heart.
Adrenocortical:of or relating to, or produced by the cortex of the adrenal gland; ductless gland; endocrine gland.
– Several cases of intrarenal adrenocortical carcinoma have been reported, although they are very rare.
Adroit:clever and showing skill; skilful; capable.
– He is an adroit negotiator.
Adulatory:showing great praise, especially when it is greater than necessary; flattering; complimentary.
– I found myself irritated by the adulatory tone of her biography.
Adult:a fully grown person who is legally responsible for their actions; mature; grown-up.
– Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Adulterine:born as the result of an adulterous relationship or illegal, unlicensed, or spurious; cheating; deceitful.
– He even contemplated securing the throne to them, though they were thus doubly adulterine.
Adulterous:having sex with somebody who is not their husband or wife; unfaithful; disloyal.
– He had an adulterous relationship with his wife’s best friend.
Adumbrative:serving to foreshadow; faintly; indicative.
– The painting is adumbrative of later, more fully developed Christian imagery.
Adust:dried or darkened as by heat; burned; scorched.
– The Oxford scholar long ago, as described by Chaucer, was adust and thin.
Advance:to move or bring forward; forward; promote.
– The general advanced his troops to the new position.
Advanced:ahead or far or further along in progress, complexity, knowledge, and skill; leading; progressive.
– An advanced class in Spanish; to take a course in advanced mathematics. Our plans are too advanced to make the change now.
Advancing:advancing years/age used as a polite way of referring to the fact of time passing and of somebody growing older; evolution; expansion.
– She is still very active, in spite of her advancing years.
Advantageous:good or useful in a particular situation; beneficial; important’
– A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.
Advective:the usually horizontal movement of a mass of fluid; vorticity; parametrization.
– There’s going to be a good deal of moisture advection by Hurricane Florence, towards the Appalachians.
Adventurous:willing to take risks and try new ideas; enjoying being in new, exciting situations; daring; intrepid.
– Many teachers would like to be more adventurous and creative.
Adversarial:involving people who are in opposition and who argue against each other; antagonistic; antipathetic.
– The group might have condemned violence while still maintaining an adversarial relationship with the police force.
Advisable:sensible and a good idea in order to achieve something; wise; prudent’
– It is not advisable to swim in this part of the bay.
Advisory:having the role of giving professional advice; consultative; counselling’
– He acted in an advisory capacity only.
Aerial:operating on a track or cable elevated above the ground; high; lofty.
– There’s also a comparatively-more-complicated basketball mode, which tests players’ aerial skills with massive hoops that hover over the pitch.
Aesthetical:artistic or relating to good taste; charming; lovely.
– I study their shapes and behaviors and connect them to my conceptual and aesthetical concerns.
Aestival:belonging to or appearing in summer; sunny; warm.
– Aestival is an adjective pertaining to summer.
Aetiologic:the study of the causes of diseases; analysis; diagnosis.
– An antibody response to these bacteria could play an aetiological role in ulcerative colitis.
Affable:pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to; genial; congenial.
– He greeted everyone in the same relaxed and affable manner.
Affected:changed or influenced by something; pretentious; high-flown.
– AdmiringRub the ointment into the affected areas.
Affectionate: showing caring feelings and love for somebody; loving; fond.
– He is very affectionate towards his children.
Affective:connected with emotions and attitudes; emotional; emotive.
– In addition, affective experiences and feelings are now conserved.
Afferent:bringing to or leading toward an organ or part, as a nerve or arteriole; neural; neurological.
– Hence one of the goals to which each afferent fibre from a receptive organ leads is a number of motor nerves.
Affiliated:being in close formal or informal association; related; connected.
– The institute was closely affiliated with the medical faculty.
Affirmative:expressing agreement or consent positive not negative; supporting; acknowledging.
– I think that he may have his affirmatives and negatives the wrong way round.
Affordable:believed to be within one’s financial means; cheap; economical.
– This will be likely to make it more affordable to people on low income.
Afraid:feeling fear frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer; frightened; scared.
– He had always been afraid of death.
African: of or connected with Africa; Afro-American; Anglican.
– Unlike the African species, the Indian elephant charges with its trunk curled up, and consequently in silence.
After:later in time than; in succession to; at the close of.
– Chefs have been on the trend for years, hosting underground dinner parties and after-hour meals for staff.
After most:nearest to the stern of a ship or the tail of an aircraft; antipodal, closing.
– Captain Pearson describes this explosion as having destroyed nearly all the men at the five or six aftermost guns.
Aftershafted:a supplementary feather, usually small, arising from the underside of the base of the shafts of certain feathers in many birds; plumage; plume.
– In general, the aftershaft is absent; however, small ones on some tail and wing feathers may be present
Agamic:occurring without sexual union; germinating without impregnation; not gamic.
– Budding applied to that form of agamic reproduction found in plant lice.
Ageless:not aging or appearing to age lasting forever; eternal; undying.
– That’s an intriguing moral for a visual parable made by a painter whose style is defiantly, transcendently ageless.
Aggravated:made worse or more severe; intensified; annoyed.
– He was found not guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Aggravating:causing or full of aggravation; disturbing; irritating.
– I’ve had an aggravating day.
Aggressive: characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like; militantly forward or menacing; combative; destructive.
– She also expressed regret for not being more aggressive internally to help right the ship on the response.
Aging:the process of growing old; crumbling; declining.
– It delivers great anti-aging benefits and leaves my skin glowing.
Agitated:showing in your behaviour that you are anxious and nervous; excited; disturbed.
– Calm down! Don’t get so agitated.
Agitative:causing or tending to cause anger or resentment; appealing; dangerous.
– He was very agitative, but I don’t think he meant to harm us.
Agleam:shining brightly; bright; brilliant.
– His skin was agleam with sweat.
Aglitter:glittering especially with reflected light; shimmering; sparkling.
– The tree was all aglitter with Christmas decorations.
Aglow:glowing; aflame; flashing.
– She was aglow with health.
Agnate:a relative whose connection is traceable exclusively through males; affiliated; allied.
– Failing an agnate, a member of the gens of the dead man is to inherit.
Agnatic:related on the father’s side; paternal related; connected by kinship.
– Transition was made possible from an agnatic society based on blood ties to one based on contiguity.
Agonizing:accompanied by, filled with, or resulting in agony or distress; excruciating; harrowing.
– We spent an agonizing hour waiting to hear if the accident had been serious or not.
Agrarian:relating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property; agricultural; rural.
– You can find all the tools, seeds and machinery needed to fulfill your agrarian adventures.
Agreeable:willing or ready to agree or consent; acceptable; consenting.
– It’s always better to find an agreeable solution whenever possible.
Agreed:arranged or set by common consent; certain; defined.
– King agreed to this arrangement but did not reveal it to his followers.
Agrestic:rural; rustic; unpolished; awkward.
– Cowley retreated into solitude, where he found none of the agrestic charms of the landscapes of his muse.
Agricultural:the production of crops, livestock, or poultry; cultivation; horticulture.
– Agriculture is the main industry in this rural location.
Ahead: in a forward direction onward forward: advanced; forward.
– There’s a young man who is sure to get ahead.
Ahistorical:without concern for history or historical development; indifferent to tradition: central; theoretical.
– Beyond its ahistorical bent, it also misses two other issues.
Ahorse:on horseback; ahorseback moving; in motion.
– From every side, there was the sound of an arrival of men, both on foot and ahorse.
Ailing: unsound or troubled unwell; sickly; weak.
– He’s visiting his ailing father.
Aimless:without aim; purposeless; pointless.
– Hours and hours of aimless walking in a mall is my idea of uber hell.
Ain:belonging to or on behalf of a specified person; own; personal.
– They built a church that still stands today, which overlooks the hillside and Ain River.
Airborne:carried by the air, as pollen or dust; aerial; floating.
– I’ve read viral particles can stay airborne and travel beyond six feet.
Airheaded:Slang. A scatterbrained, stupid, or simple-minded person; dolt; slam dunk; slammer.
– We build our slang, our jokes, our medicine, even our obscenity around the belief that sex and social behavior go together.
Airless:lacking air; stifling; unaired.
– A glittering spectacle of British pomp and majesty it may be, but the clothes are rather tight, and the room is somewhat airless.
Airlike:resembling air or having the form of air; Resembling air; gaseous.
– With its simple design and compelling functionality, airlike is the fastest way to share content between friends.
Airline: a system furnishing air transport, usually scheduled, between specified points; air service; air shuttle.
– A few airline flights went non-smoking.
Airsick:afflicted with airsickness; nauseous; dizzy.
– Jenkins had been airsick once and didn’t want any more of the same.
Airtight:having no weak points or openings of which an opponent may take advantage; impenetrable; indisputable.
– If you don’t, well, you can use plastic wrap or store them in airtight containers on the parchment paper.
Airworthy:meeting established standards for safe flight; equipped and maintained in condition to fly; aerobatics; airborne.
– There are about a dozen in the hands of receivers for bankrupt shipping companies he might find one that’s still airworthy.
Airy:open to a free current of fresh air breezy; breezy; uncluttered.
– It’s not as light and airy as the Columbia, but with its polyester and nearly as many pores as the Strata, it breathed well.
Ajar:neither entirely open nor entirely shut partly open; unclosed; unlatched.
– Freeman said that during the gap in the video, Prather was pounding on the door so violently it popped ajar.
Alarmed:a sudden fear or distressing suspense caused by an awareness of danger; apprehension; fright.
– The idea is to make the trail go cold or, better yet, raise false alarm for investigators.
Alarming:causing alarm or fear; dangerous; frightening.
– The forests are disappearing at an alarming rate.
Alert:fully aware and attentive; wide-awake; keen.
– An alert guard stopped the robbers.
Algebraic:occurring in, or utilizing algebra; analytical; numerical.
– Another does most of the work of applying basic algebraic rules like associativity.
Alien:belonging or relating to noncitizens; strange; not belonging to one.
– For one thing, “computer proofs may not be as alien as we think,” De Deo said.
Alienable:capable of being sold or transferred; entailed; inviolable.
– The conviction of the makability of nature makes her alienable from the landscape.
Alienated: turned away from its original purpose or course transferred or diverted; disaffected; alone.
– He alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper.
Aliform: wing-shaped; wing-like; alar.
– You might fly an aliform butterfly kite on a windy day.
Alight:to settle or stay after descending; descend; disembark.
– I’ll fantasize about setting colonial summerhouses alight using dendrites & neurons.
Aligned:arranged in a straight line or arranged in a specified way; matched; parallel.
– He aligned the two holes so he could put the screw through them.
Aligning:to agree with or support another person, group, organization, or view; place; position.
– Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard.
Alike: used after you have referred to two people or groups, to mean ‘both’ or ‘equally’; similar; the same.
– They tried to treat all their children alike.
Alimental:that which nourishes; nutriment; food.
– The prisoners’ aliment was nothing more than bread and water because the warden just wanted to sustain their lives.
Alimentary:concerned with the function of nutrition; comestible; digestible.
– Then it is starved so that its alimentary tract will be as empty as possible at the time of killing.
Alimentative:nourishing nutritive; wholesome; beneficial.
– The doctor has recommended changing my alimentative habits.
Aliphatic:relating to or denoting organic compounds in which carbon atoms form open chains (as in the alkanes), not aromatic rings.
– The aliphatic acids contribute greatly to the flavor of honey by interacting with the flavors of other ingredients.
Aliquot:a small amount of something that is taken from a larger amount, especially when it is taken in order to do chemical tests on it; divisor; aliquant part.
– The stock solution was frozen in aliquots until used.
Alive: full of emotion, excitement, activity; breathing; moving.
– Her eyes were alive with interest.
Alkahestic:the universal solvent believed by alchemists to exist; resolution; solution.
– Alkahestic relating to the alkahest.
Alkalescent:tending to become alkaline; slightly alkaline; salty; soluble.
– This treatment with acid and alkali is usually effected by agitation with compressed air.
Alkalic:of igneous rock containing a relatively high percentage of sodium and potassium; caustic; acrid.
– The tool N was used in refining their alkalic salts, and served to take off the salt as crystallized in course of its manufacture.
Alkaline:having the nature of an alkali; salty; soluble.
– Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.
All-Around: able to do many things; versatile; not specialized.
– He won a gold medal in the team all-around and came in fourth place in the individual all-around.
Alleged:declared or stated to be as described; asserted; doubtful; suspect.
– The alleged murderer could not be located for questioning.
Allelic:the different forms of the gene at these points are called alleles and specific aspects of our individuality are influenced by particular allelic combinations; allelomorph; recessive.
– Parental types are progeny that exhibit the same allelic combination as their parents.
Allelomorphic:either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character; allele.
– Allelomorphic means one of two or more alternative forms of a gene occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes.
Allergenic:causing allergic sensitization; irritant; pollen.
– Every limited ingredient dog food recipe is designed to support healthy digestion and minimize exposure to allergenic ingredients.
Allergic:having a strong dislike or aversion or relating to allergy; hypersensitive; susceptible.
– Just be sure to skip over this one if you are allergic to latex.
Alleviatory:having the ability to reduce or moderate the severity of something; ease; mitigate.
– The alleviatory effects were due to the enhancement of the mechanical barriers in the leaf epidermis.
Alliaceous:having the odor or taste of garlic, onion; odorous; having odor or a characteristic odor.
– The peculiar alliaceous flavor that belongs to them is well known.
Allied:connected with countries or groups that join together to fight a war or work for a shared aim: associated; united.
– Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing.
Alligatored:of paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide; cracked rough; unsmooth.
– You cannot revive a finish if it is thin, flaky, checked or alligatored; you must strip it.
Allocable:that can be allocated; acceptable; admissible.
– The portion allocable to state business can be paid by the government.
Allotted:divided or distributed by share or portion; appropriated; assigned.
– No one wants to spend a precious chunk of an allotted Zoom call figuring out why your aunt and uncle can’t connect.
Allover:extending or repeated over the entire surface, as a decorative pattern; nervousness; uneasiness.
– His pictures are all over the house.
Allowable: that may be allowed; legitimate; permissible.
– Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.
Alloyed:debase (something) by adding something inferior; meld; blend.
– A salutary fear alloyed their admiration.
All-Purpose:for every purpose; multifaceted; varied.
– The text of the offertory is an all-purpose one, suitable for almost any occasion.
All-Too-Common:very frequent, it happens a lot; accepted; commonplace; conventional.
– Corruption is all too common these days.
Alluring:very attractive or tempting; enticing; seductive.
– She was wearing a most alluring dress at Sam’s dinner party.
Allusive:Obsolete metaphorical; symbolic; figurative.
– Her music is witty, ironic, and allusive.
Alone:separate, apart, or isolated from others; unique; unequaled; unparalleled.
– I got him alone and asked him what had really happened.
Aloof:reserved or reticent; indifferent; disinterested.
– I would far rather remain aloof on that point.
Alpha:being the most dominant, powerful, or assertive person in a particular group; first; start.
– Being alpha male, dominant, macho is deep in their mindset.
Alphabetic:relating to, expressed by, or using an alphabet; consecutive; graded; indexed.
– Alphabetic awareness was measured by asking children to report the initial letters of 24 spoken words.
Alphabetical: in the order of the letters of the alphabet; consecutive; logical.
– The names on the list are in alphabetical order.
Alphabetised:arrange in alphabetical order; arrange; catalogue.
– The listings are arranged by state and alphabetized by city.
Alterable:capable of being altered; adaptable; adjustable.
– The recipe is simple and easily alterable.
Alternating:occurring in turn repeatedly; rotate; oscillate.
– He inserts in the primary circuit of the alternating FIG.
Alternative:affording a choice of two or more things, propositions, or courses of action; option; selection.
– He developed an alternative design for the new engine.
Amatory:of or relating to lovers or lovemaking; amorous; ardent.
– Ruth got over being worried by amatory bouts with the wounded poilus after a while.
Amazed:greatly surprised; astounded; suddenly filled with wonder.
– I was amazed at his reaction to a simple compliment.
Amazing:causing great surprise or sudden wonder; excellent; wonderful.
– He has an amazing ability to learn new languages.
Ambidextrous:able to use both hands equally well; unusually skillful; facile.
– He is a promising, ambidextrous young golfer.
Ambient:of the surrounding area or environment; completely surrounding; enveloping.
– Biologists explore the effects of ambient light on plants.
Ambiguous:open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal; obscure; indistinct.
– His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.
Ambitious:having ambition desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth and specific goal; strongly desirous; eager.
– Only ambitious students get the best marks.
Ambivalent:having mixed feelings about someone or something or being unable to choose between two (usually opposing) courses of action; contradictory; doubtful.
– He has an ambivalent relationship with his family.
Ambiversive:a state intermediate between extroversion and introversion; extraversive; extroversive.
– Ambiversion is the state or quality of being an ambivert—someone said to have a personality type that is in between that of an introvert and an extrovert.
Amblyopic:dimness of sight, without apparent organic defect; visual disorder; visual impairment.
– Improving vision in adult amblyopia by perceptual learning.
Ambrosial:exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; delicate; fragrant.
– The shop was full of ambrosial smells.
Ambulant: moving from place to place; itinerant; shifting.
– Newly ambulant toddlers need to be protected from dangers around the home.
Ambulatory:of, relating to, or capable of walking; itinerant; peripatetic.
– One of our two patients who died suddenly underwent 48 hours of ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring.
American:relating to the United States of America or its inhabitants; Yanke; United Statesian.
– Alex planned to make it a safari of North American wildlife.
Americanized:to make or become American in character; assimilate to the customs and institutions of the United States.
– The longer she stays in the U.S., the more Americanized she becomes.
Amiable:having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable; friendly; sociable.
– He is perfectly amiable.
Amicable:characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable.
– I hope that they will be able to reach amicable agreement.
Amniotic:of, relating to, or having an amnion; afterbirth; arachnoid membrane.
– A needle is inserted through the mother’s abdominal wall into the amniotic sac holding the baby.
Amoeban:any protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda, esp any of the genus Amoeba, able to change shape because of the movements of cell processes; cell; ciliate.
– The amoeba can only be used through a microscope since it is such a tiny animal.
Amoebic:a variant of amebic; biological; nuclear.
– He was suffering from an amoebic abscess in the liver, making him very weak.
Amoeboid:denoting or characteristic of an amoeba; rhizopod; rhizopodan.
– He was, we think, wrong in adhering to the belief that the movements of aggregated masses are of an amoeboid nature.
Amoebous: pertaining to or resembling amoebae; mebic; amoeban; ameban.
– He is given some Uses of Amoebous.
Amok:a psychic disturbance characterized by depression followed by a manic urge to murder; uncontrollably; wildly.
– The soldiers ran amok after one of their senior officers was killed.
Amoral:not involving questions of right or wrong; without moral quality; neither moral nor immoral; barbarous; excessive; outrageous.
– I strongly disagree with this amoral approach to politics.
Amoristic:a person who is devoted to love and lovemaking; lover; paramour.
– He gets on best with romantic Christians of the amoristic sect
Amorous:inclined or disposed to love, especially sexual love; erotic; romantic.
– She smiled and at once he became amorous of her.
Amorphous:lacking definite form having no specific shape; formless; unorganized.
– A dark, strangely amorphous shadow filled the room.
Amort:utterly dejected; spiritless; lifeless.
– Amort, who had the reputation of being the most learned man of his age, was a voluminous writer on every conceivable subject, from poetry to astronomy, from dogmatic theology to mysticism.
Amphibian:belonging or pertaining to the Amphibia; frog; salamander.
– The military developed an amphibian tank that can float in shallow water but also drive along the beach.
Ample:fully sufficient or more than adequate for the purpose or needs; plentiful; enough.
– The police found ample evidence of wrongdoing.
Amused:pleasurably entertained, occupied, or diverted; entertained; diverted.
– She was smiling enigmatically as if amused by some private joke.
Amusing:causing laughter or mirth humorously entertaining; laughable; humorous; funny.
– I don’t find his jokes at all amusing.
Analgesic:relating to, or causing analgesia, or the relief of pain; anodyne; pain reliever.
– Aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations.
Analgetic:capable of relieving pain; nalgesic; anodyne moderating.
– This severe complication challenges the role of transoral infiltration therapies in analgetic medicine.
Analog:displaying a readout by a pointer or hands on a dial rather than by numerical digits; similarity; abacus.
– Telephone lines carry data in analog form.
Analogous:having analogy; corresponding in some particular; similar; alike; comparable.
– I could not think of a situation analogous to this one.
Analogue:having analogy corresponding in some particular; similar; alike.
– No model can ever be a perfect analogue of nature itself.
Analphabetic:not alphabetic; illiterate; inexperienced.
– He was part of Taiwan’s folk music scene and worked as an analphabetic creator of lyrics.
Analytic:pertaining to or proceeding by analysis opposed to synthetic; rational; systematic.
– If we adopted the counting method, we should proceed in a different way, our method being analytic.
Analytical:a variant of analytic; conclusive; discrete.
– She looked at the room with an analytical eye and saw where the changes were made.
Analyzable:capable of being partitioned; complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts.
– Its mathematical structure must fit the process of coding units into a system of analyzable terms.
Ancestral:pertaining to ancestors descending or claimed from ancestors; tribal; affiliated.
– They only know that their ancestral land is under threat.
Anchoritic:relating to an anchorite a person who lives in seclusion usually for religious reasons; skeptic; solitaire.
– Many Christian saints were anchorites who removed themselves from the world to focus on their spirituality.
Ancient:dating from a remote period of great age; aged; venerable.
– The people in the village still observe the ancient customs of their ancestors.
Anecdotal:based on personal observation, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluation; unreliable; unscientific.
– Anecdotal evidence suggests that sales in Europe have slipped.
Anemic:lacking power, vigor, vitality, or colorfulness; listless; weak.
– The doctor told me I was slightly anemic.
Angelic:like or befitting an angel, especially in virtue, beauty; ethereal; saintly.
– She looked angelic in white.
Angered:fill someone with anger provoke anger in; annoy; irritate.
– Maybe it angered him because she hadn’t found him irresistible.
Angry:feeling or showing anger or strong resentment expressing, caused by, or characterized by anger; wrathful; furious.
– He got angry when he found out about their plans.
Angular:having an angle or angles; lean; gaunt.
– He has an angular face.
Animal:any such living thing other than a human being or pertaining to the physical, sensual, or carnal nature of humans, rather than their spiritual or intellectual nature; fleshly; beastly.
– She frequently walks a dog, a loathsome animal who fails to warm to my affection.
Animalistic:relating to, or resembling an animal or animals; brutish; passionate.
– The two teams were matched in a ferocious, almost animalistic battle.
Animated:full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous.
– She gave an animated description of the project.
Annoyed:irritated, disturbed, or bothered; upset; irked.
– My mother was very annoyed, but she got over it.
Annoying:causing annoyance; irritatingly; bothersome; aggravating; bothersome.
– Please stop making that noise it’s getting annoying.
Annual:occurring or returning once a year or performed or executed during a year; yearlong; anniversary.
– We had more snow this year than the average annual amount.
Anonymous:without any name acknowledged, as that of author, contributor, or the like; unnamed; unidentified.
– The donor wishes to remain anonymous.
Another:being one more or more of the same; further; additional.
– I hate to ask you for another favor, but I wonder if I could pay you to drive me home.
Antagonistic:acting in opposition opposing, especially mutually; hostile; unfriendly.
– She was antagonistic toward the media.
Anticipated:predicted, foreseen, or expected; foreseen; certain.
– The author anticipated objections to his theory.
Anticlimactic:like, pertaining to, or expressing anticlimax; futile; impotent, inadequate.
– His cure seemed anticlimactic after his dramatic description of the symptoms of the disease.
Anticorrosive:something that prevents or counteracts corrosion; corrosion-resistant; anti-rust.
– They make anti-corrosive coverings for pipelines.
Antiquated:continued from, resembling, or adhering to the past; old-fashioned; obsolete.
– His language was antiquated and his style dry, but his work was considered important.
Antiseptic:free from or cleaned of germs and other microorganisms; hygienic; sterile; disinfectant.
– These vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities.
Antisocial:unwilling or unable to associate in a normal or friendly way with other people; introverted; reserved.
– People say that I am antisocial because I don’t talk that much.
Antsy:unable to sit or stand still; fidgety; uneasy.
– It was a long drive and the children started to get antsy.
Anxious: full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; apprehensive.
– We experienced a few anxious moments as we waited to hear the results of the test.
A-Okay:in perfect working order; excellent; adequate.
– The doctor says I’m A-OK now, that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with me.
Apathetic:having or showing little or no emotion not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive.
– Young people are becoming increasingly apathetic.
Apologetic:containing an apology or excuse for a fault, failure, insult, injury; regretful; remorseful; repentant.
– She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
Apologizing:to make a formal defense in speech or writing; express regret; ask forgiveness.
– She screeched, and then beat the animal to death with a rock, apologizing to it the entire time.
Appalled:overcome with horror, shock, outrage, or dismay; amazed; anxious.
– She was appalled to see how much damage the storm had caused.
Appalling:causing dismay or horror; alarming; astounding; awful; dire.
– We had been waiting there for days in the most appalling weather conditions.
Apparent:capable of being easily perceived or understood; plain; visible; clear; obvious.
– From the beginning, it was apparent that she was not an ordinary child.
Apparitional:a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, especially a ghost; a specter or phantom; wraith.
– The conscious life of all men is apparitional and illusive.
Appealing:evoking or attracting interest, desire, curiosity, sympathy, or the like; attractive; engaging; tempting.
– One of the most appealing things about Alex was his confidence.
Appeasing:to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe.
– He brushed off the idea it could be Byrne and justified his interest as only appeasing his elderly stepfather.
Appellant:a person who appeals or a party that appeals to a higher tribunal; claimant; seeker; litigant.
– The appellant submitted that that case was wrongly decided.
Appellate:having the power or authority to review and decide appeals, as a court; civil; common law.
– The judges have appellate jurisdiction of cases civil and criminal coming up from the lower courts.
Appellative:tending toward or serving for the assigning of names; designative; descriptive.
– The schoolmaster’s surname led him as far into dissertation as his Christian appellative.
Appetent:instinctive inclination or natural tendency; intense desire; strong natural craving; appetite.
– Previously he was acutely appetent of my success.
Appetising:stimulating one’s appetite; tempting; delicious.
– The smell of freshly baked bread is appetizing.
Appetizing:appealing to or stimulating the appetite; savory; appealing; tempting.
– The menu itself was good looking and all the dishes sounded appetizing.
Applauding:to clap the hands as an expression of approval, appreciation, acclamation; give praise; acclaim.
– The count sat in the ballroom, smiling radiantly and applauding the players.
Applicable:applying or capable of being applied; usable; apropos; pertinent.
– Businesses must comply with all applicable laws.
Applicative:usable or capable of being used; practical; applicatory.
– This program emphasizes the importance of theoretical and applicative knowledge.
Applied:having a practical purpose or use derived from or involved with actual phenomena; enforced; adapted.
– Lifting the hair off the back of her neck, he applied the cool towel.
Appointed:by, through, or as a result of an appointment; predetermined; arranged; set.
– She was appointed professor of chemistry at the university.
Apposable:capable of being apposed or brought into apposition; controversial; questionable.
– The human thumb is apposable.
Apposite:apt in the circumstances or in relation to something; suitable; well-adapted; pertinent; relevant.
– Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite.
Appreciable:sufficient to be readily perceived; estimated; considerable.
– There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.
Appreciated:to value or regard highly place a high estimate on; acknowledged; recognized.
– I really appreciated the information you gave me.
Appreciative:feeling or showing appreciation; responsive; admiring; affectionate.
– It’s nice to have an appreciative audience.
Apprehensive:uneasy or fearful about something that might happen; afraid; concerned.
– I’m very apprehensive about tomorrow’s meeting.
Approachable:capable of being approached; accessible; convenient; affable.
– They are extraordinarily approachable people.
Approaching:to come near to in quality, character, time, or condition to come within range for comparison; proceed towards; advance towards.
– I heard footsteps approaching.
Appropriate:suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person occasion; convenient; correct.
– I didn’t think it appropriate to tell you who I was.
Approved:officially agreed or accepted as satisfactory; allowed; authorized; backed.
– Despite being brothers, neither approved of what the other did.
Approving:showing or feeling approval of someone or something; ratify; sanction.
– His mother leaned forward and gave him an approving look.
Aquacultural:the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants, especially fish, shellfish, and seaweed, in natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments; hydroponics; tray agriculture.
– Tropical shrimp are produced either by industrial trawling in the wild or by intensive aquaculture.
Aquaphobic:abnormally afraid of water; hydrophobic; afraid.
– Tanya genuinely told everyone she was aquaphobic, and became the person to keep other players from drifting down the river by using a rope.
Aquatic:taking place or practiced on or in water; amphibious; floating.
– The pond is quite small but can support many aquatic plants and fish.
Aqueous:formed of matter deposited in or by water; flowing; colorless; damp; moist.
– The punch is an aqueous solution composed of water and fruit juice.
Aquicultural:a technique of growing plants (without soil) in water containing dissolved nutrients; hydroponics; tank farming.
– In addition, remains of fish tanks have been found which suggest the importance of aquiculture and the production of garum.
Aquiferous:conveying, containing or yielding water; geological formation; groundwater.
– The aperture, which was formerly supposed to be an aquiferous pore, leads into an extensive and often ramified cavity surrounded by glandular tubules.
Aquiline:shaped like an eagle’s beak; hooked; beaked; prominent.
– His face was narrow and his nose aquiline, as if carved by hot winds driving over an arid land.
Arboreal:living in or among trees; surviving; flourishing.
– Its arboreal vegetation is richer both in genera and species than that corresponding to it in the Old World.
Arboreous:thickly wooded having many trees; jungly; lumbering.
– They are plentiful about Moose Factory and inland, where they breed, choosing an arboreous situation.
Arborescent:treelike in size and form; dendroidal; dendroid.
– It is a small tree or arborescent shrub that has a pantropical distribution, found on coasts around the world.
Arboresque:resembling a tree in form and branching structure; dendroidal; tree-shaped.
– All the species are arboresque or shrubby, varying in size from the most stately of forest trees to the dwarfish bush.
Arborical:inhabiting trees or relating to or formed by trees; arborary; arboreal; arborous.
– It is easy for the deer to hide in the fallen leaves of it’s arborical habitat.
Arboriform:resembling a tree in form and branching structure; arborescent; dendriform.
– Enzodiazepine, youre barking up entirely the wrong arboriform growth.
Arborous:of or relating to trees; forested; lumbering.
– The environment provides an arborous and terrestrial habitat for langurs as well as well as meeting the needs of their folivorous diet.
Architectural:conforming to the basic principles of architecture; constructive; engineered.
– New research shows that borrowing architectural principles from the brain can help AI get closer to our visual prowess.
Ardent:having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent.
– My old father’s an ardent royalist so I may give it to him.
Arduous:requiring or using much energy; vigor; strenuous.
– We wish him well in his arduous task.
Arenicolous:growing or living in sand or sandy places arenicolous plants; sabulous; ammophilous.
– The characteristic of the coast is shallow, with extensive formation of sand banks, where many arenicolous bivalves are grown like cockles or clams.
Areolar:a small area between things or about something; halo; stoma.
– The entire areola and nipple area looks like a small, raised mound on top of the breast.
Areolate:a small ring of color around a center portion; interstice; areolar.
– The exoperidium is thick, and the rays are typically areolate on the upper surface, and are dark grey to black.
Argent:like silver silvery white; achromatic; white.
– As the 60-year old woman grew old gracefully, her argent hair showed her age but still made her appear beautiful.
Argentic:containing silver and having a valence greater than the corresponding argentous compound; conductor; noble metal.
– These solutions fail to give a precipitate with argentic nitrate.
Argentiferous:containing silver; metal; metallic.
– The mineral galena, which is common in the Mississippi River Valley, is often argentiferous and so is sometimes mined for silver as well as for lead.
Argentine:a silvery substance, especially one obtained from fish scales, used in making imitation pearls; silver; gray.
– The argentine domes of our main course arrived.
Argentinian:a native or inhabitant of Argentina, or a person of Argentine descent; Argentine.
– The Argentinian peso was pegged to the dollar and was made freely convertible.
Argentous:containing univalent silver, as argentous chloride, AgCl; noble metal; bright.
– Oxide, obtained it as a black precipitate by adding potassium hydroxide to the above solution of argentous citrate.
Argillaceous:containing a considerable amount of clayey matter; clayey; loamy.
– There are occasional argillaceous partings rich in finely divided plant fragments.
Argive:relating to Argos; Hellene; Greek.
– She is described by the Argive elders as speaking in riddles because they fail to understand her predictions.
Arguable:susceptible to debate, challenge; doubt; questionable.
– It is arguable that this was not as grave a handicap as it might appear.
Argumentative:fond of or given to argument and dispute; disputatious; contentious.
– She has become very argumentative and difficult.
Arid: being without moisture; extremely dry; parched; sterile.
Our land is dry and arid and very little grows.
Ariled:having a fleshy and usually brightly colored cover; covered; overlaid.
– They bloomed green amid the ariled white landscape.
Arillate:having an aril; envelope; hide.
– The pure white aril is rich in sugars and tightly adherent to the seed.
Ariose: characterized by melody; songlike; melodious.
– He loosed the ariose floods of his voice, till a gusty song of the spring-time seemed to fill the garden.
Aristocratic:relating to government by an aristocracy; courtly; dignified.
– Her aristocratic features were strong and firm, her eyes the color of spring, circled by silver.
Aristocratical:elegant or stylish in appearance and behavior; upper-class; well-born.
– It is still not aristocratical, but it is eminently respectable.
Aristotelean:pertaining to, based on, or derived from Aristotle or his theories; categorical logic; formal logic.
– The Fatal Dowry is not an Aristotelean tragedy with a definite beginning, middle, and end it is rather a cross-section of life.
Aristotelian:a follower of Aristotle; syllogistic logic; term logic.
– He did, repeatedly and habitually, in true Aristotelian manner.
Aristotelic:of or relating to Aristotle or his philosophy; Aristotelean logic; peripatetic.
– Aristotlelic held that the vas or active intelligence alone is immortal.
Arithmetic:the method or process of computation with figures the most elementary branch of mathematics; calculation; computation.
– Her progress in arithmetic has been equally remarkable.
Arithmetical:involving adding, subtracting multiplying, or dividing numbers; analytical; numerical.
– Any attempt at providing watertight differentiations for pairs such as arithmetical or geometrical leads to no satisfactory conclusions.
Armed:having a specified number or kind of arms often used in combination; equipped; loaded.
– The man is armed and dangerous.
Armillary:consisting of hoops or rings; gemstone; treasure.
– When several rings or circles were combined representing the great circles of the heavens, the instrument became an armillary sphere.
Aromatic:having an aroma; fragrant or sweet-scented; odoriferous.
– Above her, bees buzzed around the aromatic apple blossoms.
Arresting:attracting or capable of attracting attention; interest; striking.
– The eye-catching painting was visually arresting to all of the art gallery visitors.
Arrogant:characterized by or proceeding from arrogance, or a sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement; aloof; bossy; cavalier; cocky.
– He is a little bit arrogant but it needed to be channeled in the right direction.
Artful:skillful or clever in adapting means to ends; deceitful; tricky.
– He has shown himself to be an artful politician.
Articulate:uttered clearly in distinct syllables; expressive; enunciate.
– She’s an intelligent and articulate speaker.
Artificial:lacking naturalness or spontaneity; forced; contrived; feigned.
– All things are artificial, for nature is the art of God.
Artistic:showing skill or excellence in execution; dramatic; imaginative.
– He shows real artistic talent.
Artless:free from deceit, cunning, or craftiness; ingenuous; genuine.
– Her simple artless charm won us over instantly.
Ascendant:a position of dominance or controlling influence possession of power, superiority, or preeminence; predominant; superior.
– The former was in the ascendant during the early years of the reign.
Ascendent:A person from whom one is descended. A position of power or control; growing; flourishing.
– Compelled by illness to leave the fleet, he found on his return to Dort that the Orange party were in the ascendent, and he and his brother were the objects of popular suspicion and hatred.
Ascending:moving upward; rising; increasing.
– Rather than join them, she paced the hall before following it to its end and ascending to the roof.
Ascensive:rising or tending to rise; upward; skyward.
– The simple trial proved a complete success, due, as it appeared to them, to the ascensive power of a cloud of smoke.
Ascetic:exceedingly strict or severe in religious exercises or self-mortification; abstinent; abstaining.
– She left the comforts of home to live the life of an ascetic.
Ascetical:a person who practices great self-denial and austerities and abstains from worldly comforts and pleasures, especially for religious reasons; disciplined; abstinent.
– Here he lived a quiet if not an ascetical life.
Ascitic:denoting or relating to an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity; abdominal; dropsy.
– The postoperative course was marked by rapid improvement of the ascitic and abdominal discomfort.
Ashamed:feeling shame distressed or embarrassed by feelings of guilt, foolishness, or disgrace; embarrassed; guilty.
– She felt ashamed for hitting her brother.
Asian:a native or inhabitant of Asia or a person of Asian descent; indian; Asiatic.
– There is widespread discrimination against doctors of Asian origin.
Asiatic:an Asian person; middle-eastern; Korean.
– Asiatic banana plant cultivated especially as a foliage plant in Japan.
Asinine: foolish, unintelligent; silly; stupid.
– It is an asinine way of collecting revenue.
Askance:with suspicion, mistrust, or disapproval with a side glance; sidewise; obliquely.
– He looked askance at my offer.
Askant:with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval; skeptically; suspiciously.
– The reformers looked askant at the mystical tradition.
Askew:to one side; out of line; in a crooked position; awry; disdainfully.
– His glasses had been knocked askew by the blow.
Aslant:slanting or on a slant; oblique; tilted; pitched.
– The halls and rooms were old and decaying, the walls crumbling, the pillars rotten at their base, and the beams and rafters crooked and aslant.
Asleep:in or into a state of sleep; dormant; inactive.
– The cats are asleep on the floor.
Aslope:at a slope; aslant; slantingly; diagonally.
– The street must have been on a slope.
Asocial:not sociable or gregarious; withdrawn from society; reserved; retiring.
– The cat’s independence has encouraged a widespread view that it is asocial.
Aspectual:of, relating to, or producing a particular aspect or aspects; attitude; condition.
– Despite its overall low rate of occurrence (as indicated by the corrected means), the role of do appears to be aspectual.
Aspheric:departing slightly from the spherical form; rounded.
– The aspheric contact lenses are the more popular of the two models, mostly because they can literally multitask.
Aspherical:deviating slightly from a perfectly spherical 1 shape and relatively free from aberrations; aspheric.
– The particles formed in all three systems are similarly aspherical.
Asphyxiated:to cause to die or lose consciousness by impairing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious agents; choke; suffocate.
– The murder victim was asphyxiated.
Aspirant:aspiring or seeking to attain something important or of value; contestant; competitor; hopeful.
– The goal of every spiritual aspirant is to realize his real nature.
Aspiring:eagerly or ambitiously aiming for a particular career, title, social status; enthusiastic; impassioned.
– Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters.
Asquint:with an oblique glance or squint; askance; slyly; dubiously.
– He was born with a squint.
Assamese:relating to Assam, its inhabitants, or their language; northeastern Indian.
– The state’s population grew throughout the century, inspiring a vocal movement of Assamese citizens against Bengali-speaking migrants.
Assertable:capable of being affirmed or asserted; affirmable; possible.
– Nothing appears assertable about him apart from this kinship.
Asserting:state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully; declaring; arguing.
– He’s speaking up and asserting himself confidently.
Assertive:confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive; aggressive; dogmatic.
– They acknowledge the unprecedented challenges facing us and the need for more assertive and determined action.
Assignable:capable of being specified; debatable; interchangeable.
– The word has no assignable meaning in our language.
Assigned:designate or set aside for a specific purpose; appropriate; allocate.
– The new teacher was assigned to the science laboratory.
Assistant:serving in an immediately subordinate position of secondary rank; assisting; helpful.
– The photographer issued them a few directions, with his assistant helping them pose.
Assistive:providing a means of reducing a physical impairment an assistive device such as a hearing aid; dependable; usable.
– Alma’s family hired assistive personnel to support her in daily tasks like bathing and preparing meals.
Associable:capable of being associated; pertinent; relevant; suitable.
– The results indicate that the main procurement territory was 16 km2 in area, associable with a forager radius.
Associate:to keep company, as a friend, companion, or ally; connect; relate.
– Her associate respected her for her hard work.
Assorted:consisting of selected kinds; arranged in sorts or varieties; matched; suited.
– At the reception, there were assorted sandwiches on the tray including hoagies, grilled cheese and Reubens.
Assumable:capable of being assumed, as an office or an obligation; presume; believe.
– Loans are assumable, provided the assumer is qualified.
Assured: guaranteed; sure; certain; secure.
– He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.
Assuring:to pledge or promise; give surety; guarantee.
– The window was open, assuring her it was neither cold nor raining.
Astonished:filled with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder; amazed; shocked; stunned.
– I was astonished by the amount he could eat.
Astonishing:causing astonishment or surprise; amazing; marvelous.
– He showed an astonishing lack of concern for others.
Astounded:to overwhelm with amazement astonish greatly shock with wonder or surprise; stagger; surprise.
– The doctors were astounded that he survived.
Astounding:capable of overwhelming with amazement; stunningly surprising; breathtaking; eye-popping; mind-boggling.
– Your ignorance is astounding.
Astringent:slightly acidic or bitter; constricting; contracting.
– The fruit is shockingly sour and astringent.
Astronomical:extremely large; exceedingly great; enormous.
– The cost of the office building was astronomical.
Astute:keenly perceptive or discerning; sagacious; smart; quick; perceptive.
– He is an astute observer of the current political scene.
Asymmetrical:having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry; unsymmetrical; crooked; uneven.
– Her edgy asymmetrical hair cut was so dramatic that it became the talk of the town.
Atheist:a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings; non-believer; disbeliever.
– As an atheist, I do not accept this religious argument.
Atheistic:disbelieving or lacking belief in the existence of God; godless; irreligious.
– His atheistic view of the heavens was one cause for his imprisonment and eventual exile.
Athirst:having a keen desire; eager; anxious.
– So he travelled all that morning, and the day was very bright and warm, so that by and by he was an-hungered and athirst.
Athletic:physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports; active; energetic.
– His athletic career spanned three decades.
Atlantic:relating to the Atlantic Ocean relating to, or situated on the eastern seaboard of the United States; oceanic; coastal; eastern.
– The Atlantic is by far the saltiest of the great oceans.
Atmospheric:pertaining to, existing in, or consisting of the atmosphere; climatic; meteorological.
– The largest pond is as sensitive to atmospheric changes as the globule of mercury in its tube.
Atomic:propelled or driven by atomic energy; microscopic; thermonuclear.
– At this atomic level, the mechanics of quantum physics also come into play, with some seriously intriguing results.
Atomistic:existing or operating separately from other similar things or people; mechanistic; reductive.
– Without human society we remain atomistic individuals, isolated and alone.
Atonal:not written in any key or mode; discordant; loud.
– He defied the atonal trend of his generation with his uniquely harmonic, contrapuntal style.
Atonalistic:the absence of a key; alternative to the diatonic system; atonal; un keyed.
– This atonalistic note, phrase, seems harsh or discordant.
Atonic: lacking muscular tone; disabled; paralyzed.
– The signs of atonic changes in meibomian glands were similar in both groups.
Atoxic: not toxic; nontoxic; harmless.
– The blood-pressure also with moderate doses is normal, and with small atoxic doses there is no slowing of the respiration.
Atrabilious:gloomy; morose; melancholy; morbid.
– Conscious of his landlord’s atrabilious temperament, Daniel knew to wait until the moment was right before asking for an extension on the rent.
Atrocious:shockingly bad or tasteless; dreadful; abominable.
– The weather has been atrocious all week.
Attachable:capable of being fastened or added to something else; bind able; bondable.
– It also comes with an attachable neck strap to wear for more security and support.
Attached:joined to something; connected; bound.
– Please complete the attached application form.
Attainable:that you can achieve; achievable;obtainable.
– This standard is easily attainable by most students.
Attempted:that somebody has tried to do but without success; strive; aim.
– There was an attempted coup.
Attendant:a person whose job is to serve or help people in a public place; auxiliary
– Pool attendants kept a constant watch on the swimmers.
Attentive:listening or watching carefully and with interest; alert; awake; watchful.
– He listened, quiet and attentive.
Attenuate:to make something weaker or less effective; weakened; reduced.
– The drug attenuates the effects of the virus.
Attractive:pleasant to look at, especially in a sexual way; beautiful; charming.
– I find men look more attractive as they age.
Attributable:attributable to somebody/something probably caused by the thing mentioned; traceable; assignable.
– Their illnesses are attributable to a poor diet.
Atypical:not typical or usual; unusual; uncommon.
– In some ways, the sample we studied for our research was atypical.
Audacious:willing to take risks or to do something that shocks people; daring; fearless.
– They have audacious plans for the new school.
Auditive:another term for auditory; aural; audile.
– Simply because our auditive perception has assumed the habit of saturating itself with visual images.
Auditory:connected with hearing; acoustic; auricular.
– The patient has damage to the auditory nerve.
August: impressive, making you feel respect; distinguished; respected.
– He had dared to challenge the views of an august body of imperial historians.
Augustan:connected with or happening during the time of the Roman emperor Augustus; Grecian; Greek.
– The authors of the Augustan age are unduly depreciated, while Ennius, Plautus, Laberius, Sallust are held up as models of imitation.
Aureate:decorated in a complicated way; brilliant; golden.
– Here and there the falling golden leaves of a pomegranate made an aureate glow on the red-brown earth.
Auric:containing gold in the trivalent state; gilt; halcyon.
– Water decomposes it into gold and auric chloride.
Auricular:perceived by or addressed to the ear made in private; phonic; audible.
– After getting hearing aids, Grandpa Taylor realized he had fixed his auricular deficiency.
Auspicious: showing signs that something is likely to be successful in the future; promising; favourable.
– It was an auspicious date for a wedding.
Australian:of or connected with Australia; inhabitant; native Australian.
– There are no mountains behind the Great Australian Bight.
Austrian:a person from Austria.
– He was continually devising plans for the better government of Austria, and although they ended in failure, he established the unity of the Austrian dominions.
Authentic:known to be real and what somebody claims it is and not a copy; genuine; original.
– I don’t know if the painting is authentic.
Authoritarian:believing that people should obey authority and rules, even when these are unfair, and even if it means that they lose their personal freedom; autocratic; dictatorial.
– The school was very authoritarian and exam-orientated.
Authoritative:showing that you expect people to obey and respect you; reliable; dependable.
– He has an authoritative tone of voice.
Autobiographical:based on the writer’s or artist’s own experiences; memoir; personal history.
– The movie is largely autobiographical.
Autographed:write one’s signature on something; countersigned; endorsed.
– The whole team autographed a shirt for him.
Automatic:having controls that work without needing a person to operate them; mechanized; automated.
– My camera has manual and automatic functions.
Autonomous:a region or an organization) able to govern itself or control its own affairs; self-governing; sovereign.
– Higher education is relatively autonomous from the government.
Available:that you can get, buy or find; obtainable; accessible.
– Most available evidence suggests that home-schooled children are getting a good education.
Avant-Garde:preferring or introducing new and very modern ideas and methods; innovative; advanced.
– The theatre shows a lot of avant-garde work.
Avenging:inflict harm in return for an injury or wrong on behalf of oneself or another; take revenge for; take vengeance for.
– At the end of the film, the murderer is killed by his victim’s avenging girlfriend.
Average:calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts; mean; median.
– The average age of participants was 52 years.
Aversive:relating to aversive conditioning; aloof; apathetic.
– Because she likes neutral colors and modern décor, anything colorful or showy is aversive to the designer.
Avestan:an ancient East Iranian language of the Indo-European family; Iranian Language; script.
– In Avestan geography no other region has received such treatment.
Avian:relating to birds; aerial; floating.
– LONDON Zoo has shut down its bird enclosures amid fears they could catch a highly infectious strain of avian flu.
Avid:very enthusiastic about something; keen; eager.
– She has taken an avid interest in the project.
Avifaunal:relating to birds of a particular region or period; double birdie; snort.
– Prominent bird species seen in the park are both migratory and resident avifaunal species.
Avionic:connected with the electronic devices in an aircraft or spacecraft or the science of electronics in designing and making aircraft; aeronautics; astronautics.
– They are equipped with advanced avionics, and there is no immediate urgency to replace them.
Avirulent:a microorganism not virulent; non-poisonous; nontoxic.
– It was avirulent and elicited partial protection against systemic challenge only.
Avoidable: that can be prevented; preventable; avertable.
– Many deaths from heart disease are actually avoidable.
Awake:not asleep especially immediately before or after sleeping; wake (up); awaken.
– I was still awake when he came to bed.
Awakening:an occasion when you realize something or become aware of something; rouse; arouse.
– If they had expected a warm welcome, they were in for a rude awakening.
Aware:knowing or realizing something; conscious of; acquainted with.
– As far as I’m aware, nobody has done anything about it.
Awash:awash (with water) covered with water; flooded; covered with water.
– The river had burst its banks and the road was awash.
Away:to or at a distance from somebody/something in space or time; aside; elsewhere.
– The station is a few minutes’ walk away from here.
Aweary:wearied or tired; fatigued; exhausted.
– I was as weary as a dog, although I had never been told that gentlemen riding amid such adventures were ever aweary.
Aweigh:raised just clear of the bottom used of an anchor; bound; restricted.
– As you crossed the threshold of the doorway you stepped upon a plate resembling the floor of aweigh-bridge.
Awesome:very impressive or very difficult and perhaps rather frightening; breathtaking; amazing.
– They had an awesome task ahead.
Awful:very bad or unpleasant; disgusting; nasty.
– I feel awful about forgetting her birthday.
Awkward:making you feel embarrassed; difficult; tricky.
– I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone.
Awol:absent without official leave but without intent to desert; away; missing.
– We not only dealt with the enemy but with servicemen who had gone awol.
Awry:if something goes awry, it does not happen in the way that was planned; amiss; wrong.
– All my plans for the party had gone awry.
Axenic:raised under sterile conditions; germfree; uncontaminated.
– Axenic cultures were obtained and cell wall regenerated during subsequent culture.
Axial:related to an axis; essential; fundamental.
– The axial magnetic field lines are thus compressed and will conserve their flux throughout the implosion.
Axile: Situated in the axis of anything; axile placentation.
– In many cases, however, the placentas are formations from the axile, and are not connected with the carpellary leaves.
Axillary:relating to the armpit or a corresponding part; alar; alary.
– He also had an axillary abscess that was duly drained.
Axiological:relating to the study of values; central; constitutional.
– Most communication theory is guided by one of three axiological approaches.
Axiomatic:true in such an obvious way that you do not need to prove it; self-evident; unquestionable.
– It is axiomatic that life is not always easy.
Axiomatical:taken for granted; accepted; apothegmatic.
– It is an axiomatical fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy.
Ayurvedic:a type of traditional Hindu medicine that treats illnesses using a combination of foods, herbs and breathing exercises; Hinduism; Sanskrit.
– Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems.
Azerbaijani: relating to Azerbaijan or its people or their language; Azerbaijani.
– The use of Azerbaijani, divided into various dialects, the Altay language Turkic languages, Arabic alphabet text.
Azido:elating to or containing the monovalent group; chemical science; chemistry.
– The tensile properties of the azido-functionalized silk fiber were equal to those of normal silk fiber.
Azimuthal:an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system; reentrant angle; oblique angle.
– A surface facing east has an azimuthal of 90 degrees.
Azo:containing two adjacent nitrogen atoms between carbon atoms; aniline; chromate.
– The azo compounds are intensely coloured, but are not capable of being used as dyestuffs unless they contain salt-forming, acid or basic groups.
Azoic:without any life or signs of life in the past; cold; dead; defunct.
– Marine life was discovered at depths previously thought to be azoic.
Azonal:having no zonal organization or structure; azonic; usage.
Winter Beauty, and in pots against the house a zonal pelargonium is a mass of flowers.
Azonic:Confined to no zone or region; not local; assuming; aging.
– Azonic studio is a design company based in Hong Kong specialize in visual design.
Azotic:relating to azote; nitric; nitrous.
– Forbid azotic acid to boil at the freezing temperature, and command water to boil at zero.
Azure:bright blue in colour like the sky; blue; ultramarine.
– The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.
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