In this post, you will find a giant list of adjectives that start with G!
These adjectives will help you incorporate a positive and confident tone in your writing and communication style.
Let dive right in:
- Full List Chart (402 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with G
- Negative Adjectives That Start with G
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with G
- G Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with G
To begin with, let’s go through a full list of adjectives that start with G together. See how many of them are already familiar to you already.
Gabby | Gibbose | Graduated |
Gabled | Gibbous | Graecophile |
Gabonese | Gibelike | Graecophilic |
Gaelic | Giddy | Grainy |
Gaga | Gifted | Grammatic |
Gainful | Gigantic | Grammatical |
Gainly | Giggling | Grand |
Galactic | Gilbertian | Grander |
Galilaean | Gilded | Grandest |
Galilean | Gilled | Grandiloquent |
Gallant | Gilt | Grandiose |
Gallic | Gilt-Edged | Granitelike |
Gallican | Gimbaled | Granitic |
Gallinaceous | Gimcrack | Granular |
Galling | Gimpy | Granulose |
Galore | Ginger | Grapelike |
Galvanic | Gingerly | Grapey |
Galvanising | Gingery | Graphic |
Galwegian | Gingival | Graphical |
Gambian | Girlish | Grapy |
Game | Given | Graspable |
Game-Changing | Giving | Grasping |
Gamey | Glabellar | Grassless |
Gammy | Glabrous | Grasslike |
Gamopetalous | Glace | Grassroots |
Gamy | Glacial | Grassy |
Gandhian | Glaciated | Grateful |
Gangling | Glad | Gratified |
Gangly | Gladsome | Gratifying |
Gangrenous | Glamorous | Grating |
Gaping | Glamourous | Gratis |
Gap-Toothed | Glandular | Gratuitous |
Garbed | Glaring | Grave |
Garbled | Glary | Gravelly |
Gardant | Glassed | Graven |
Gargantuan | Glassless | Gravest |
Garish | Glassy | Gravid |
Garlicky | Glaswegian | Gray |
Garmented | Glaucous | Gray-Haired |
Garmentless | Gleaming | Grayish |
Garrulous | Gleeful | Greaseproof |
Gaseous | Glial | Greasy |
Gasified | Glib | Great |
Gasping | Glimmery | Greater |
Gassy | Glistening | Greathearted |
Gastric | Glistering | Grecian |
Gastroduodenal | Glittering | Greco-Roman |
Gastroesophageal | Glittery | Greedily |
Gastrointestinal | Global | Greedy |
Gastronomic | Globose | Greek |
Gastronomical | Globular | Green |
Gathered | Glomerular | Green-Eyed |
Gauche | Glooming | Greenhouse |
Gaudy | Gloomy | Greenish |
Gauguinesque | Glorious | Greensick |
Gaumless | Gloriously | Greenside |
Gaunt | Glossy | Gregarious |
Gauntleted | Glottal | Gregorian |
Gaussian | Gloveless | Grenadian |
Gauzy | Glowering | Grey |
Gawky | Glowing | Greyed |
Gay | Gluey | Greyish |
Gelatinlike | Glum | Grieving |
Gelatinous | Gluteal | Grievous |
Gelded | Glutinous | Grilled |
Gelid | Gluttonous | Grim |
Gemmed | Glycogenic | Grimacing |
Gemmiferous | Gnarled | Grimy |
General | Gnarly | Grinding |
Generalised | Gnomic | Grinning |
General-Purpose | Gnomish | Gripping |
Generational | Gnostic | Grisly |
Generative | Go | Gritty |
Generic | Goalless | Grizzled |
Generous | Goal-oriented | Grizzly |
Genetic | Goateed | Groaning |
Genetical | Gobsmacked | Groggy |
Genial | Goddam | Groomed |
Genic | Goddamn | Groovy |
Geniculate | Goddamned | Groping |
Genital | God-Fearing | Gross |
Genitals | Godforsaken | Grotesque |
Genitival | Godless | Grotty |
Genitive | Godlike | Grouchy |
Genitourinary | Godly | Groundbreaking |
Genoese | Goethean | Ground-Floor |
Genotypic | Goethian | Groundless |
Genotypical | Goggle-Eyed | Groveling |
Genovese | Going | Growing |
Genteel | Gold | Growling |
Gentile | Gold-Digging | Grown |
Gentle | Golden | Grownup |
Gentlemanlike | Gonadal | Grown-Up |
Gentlemanly | Gonadotrophic | Grubby |
Gentler | Gonadotropic | Grudging |
Genuine | Gone | Grueling |
Geocentric | Gonzo | Gruelling |
Geodesic | Good | Gruesome |
Geodesical | Good-Hearted | Gruff |
Geodetic | Good-Humored | Grumbling |
Geographic | Goodish | Grumose |
Geographical | Good-Looking | Grumous |
Geologic | Goodly | Grumpy |
Geological | Good-Natured | Grungy |
Geometric | Good-Tempered | Guaranteed |
Geometrical | Goody-Goody | Guardant |
Geophysical | Gooey | Guarded |
Geophytic | Goofy | Guatemalan |
Geopolitical | Gooselike | Gubernatorial |
Georgian | Goosey | Guided |
Geostationary | Goosy | Guiding |
Geostrategic | Gordian | Guileless |
Geothermal | Gorgeous | Guiltless |
Geothermic | Gormless | Guilty |
Geriatric | Gory | Guinean |
German | Gossamer | Gullible |
Germane | Gossamery | Gummy |
Germanic | Gossipy | Gumptious |
Germfree | Gothic | Gurgling |
Germinal | Gouty | Gushing |
Germy | Governable | Gushy |
Gerundial | Governing | Gusseted |
Gestural | Governmental | Gustative |
Getable | Gowned | Gustatorial |
Getatable | Grabby | Gustatory |
Gettable | Graceful | Gusty |
Ghanaian | Graceless | Gutless |
Ghanese | Gracile | Gutsy |
Ghanian | Gracious | Guttural |
Ghastly | Gradable | Guyanese |
Ghostlike | Gradational | Gynecologic |
Ghostly | Gradatory | Gynecological |
Ghoulish | Gradual | Gyral |
Giant | Graduate | Gyroscopic |
Positive Adjectives That Start with G
It is very important to use a positive tone while communicating especially in the management position. So this segment contains a list of positive adjectives beginning with G.
Gainful | Giving | Grateful |
Gallant | Glad | Gratified |
Galore | Glamorous | Gratifying |
Game | Glazed | Gratis |
Gamesome | Glazy | Gratuitous |
Garden | Gleaming | Great |
Generative | Glittering | Greater |
Generous | Glorious | Greatest |
Genial | Godlike | Gregarious |
Genteel | Godly | Grinning |
Gentle | Gold | Groomed |
Gentle | Good | Groovy |
Genuine | Goodhearted | Grounded |
Germane | Goodly | Grown-up |
Gettable | Gorgeous | Guaranteed |
Giddy | Graced | Guided |
Gifted | Graceful | Guiding |
Gifting | Gracile | Guiltless |
Giggling | Gracious | Gumptious |
Giggly | Gradely | Gustatory |
Gilded | Grandiloquent | Gutsy |
Gilt | Grandiose |
Negative Adjectives That Start with G
Are you searching for negative adjectives starting with G? Then this section is perfect for you.
Gainless | Gimmicky | Grappling |
Gameless | Glaring | Grating |
Gamesome | Glassy-eyed | Greasy |
Gaping | Glib | Great |
Garish | Gloating | Greedy |
Gaseous | Gloomy | Grief |
Gassy | Glum | Grief-striken |
Gastrointestinal | Glut | Grieving |
Gauche | Glutton | Grievous |
Gaudy | Gluttonish | Grimaced |
Gaulish | Gluttonous | Grimy |
Gaunt | Gnarled | Griping |
Gawky | Gnawing | Gristly |
Generalized | Goading | Gritty |
Generic | God-awful | Gross |
Ghast | Goofy | Grotesque |
Ghastful | Goonish | Grouchy |
Ghastly | Gorged | Groundless |
Ghetto | Gossipy | Grudging |
Ghostless | Goulish | Gruesome |
Ghostlike | Graceless | Gruff |
Ghostly | Grainy |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with G
Descriptive words that start with G are usually part of our routine. So we have such a list for you.
Gallant | Germanic | Grant |
Galled | Germfree | Grassless |
Gamy | Ghostlike | Gratifying |
Gangly | Gibbous | Gravitational |
Garden | Giddy | Grilled |
Garish | Gifted | Grooved |
Garlicky | Gigantic | Gross |
Gathered | Gilled | Growing |
Gaudy | Girlish | Grueling |
Gaunt | Given | Grumbling |
Gauzy | Giving | Guarded |
Gay | Global | Gubernatorial |
General | Glorified | Guided |
Generalized | Glorious | Guiding |
Generic | Glossy | Guileful |
Generous | Gloved | Guilty |
Genteel | Glowering | Gummy |
Gentle | Glowing | Gushing |
Gentlemanly | Glued | Gutless |
Geographical | Godforsaken | Gutsy |
Geologic | Gone | Guttural |
Geological | Gonzo | Gymnastic |
Geometric | Goodly | Gynecologic |
Geometrical | Gorgeous | Gynecological |
Geostationary | Gory | Gyral |
Adjectives That Start with G to Describe a Person
We often find ourselves in need of words to characterize people. So, in this list, we’ll examine some of the adjectives that start with G to describe a person.
Galling | Giant | Green |
Gangly | Gifted | Grey |
Garbled | Gigantic | Grieving |
Garish | Giggling | Grimy |
Gaseous | Giving | Grinning |
Gaudy | Glaring | Gritty |
Gaunt | Gleaming | Grizzled |
Gauzy | Glistening | Groaning |
Gawky | Global | Groggy |
Gay | Glorious | Groomed |
General | Glowing | Gross |
Generic | Gluttonous | Grotesque |
Gentle | Gnarly | Growling |
Genuine | Golden | Grown |
Georgian | Gone | Grown-up |
Geriatric | Gorgeous | Grubby |
German | Gray | Guaranteed |
Ghastly | Greasy | Guiltless |
Ghostly | Great | Guilt-ridden |
Ghoulish | Greek | Guilty |
Adjectives That Start with G – Definitions and Examples
To help you learn these adjectives with G easier, we also provided their definition and example below for convenience.
Gabby: talking a lot, especially about things that are not important; talkative; chatty.
– Daisy liked to keep a bottle in her room, and when she’d had a few sips she became even more gabby.
Gabled: having one or more gables; rafters; eaves.
– A gabled house.
Gabonese: a person from Gabon; African; Gabon.
– The two met for 90 minutes in the Gabonese Presidential Palace.
Gaelic: in or connected with the Celtic language of Scotland; Erse; Goidelic.
Gaga: confused and not able to think clearly, especially because you are old; crazy unsound.
– He went a bit gaga after the accident.
Gainful: used to describe useful work that you are paid for; profitable; remunerative.
– They can be expelled only if they have no gainful employment after three months.
Gainly: graceful; comely; handsome.
– Her hair was kempt, her clothing shevelled, and she moved in a gainly way.
Galactic: relating to a galaxy; astronomic; astronomical big.
– A galactic year is the time the galaxy takes to rotate once completely.
Galilaean: relating to Galileo or his methods; denizen; dweller.
– He who was a Roman or Frank has in this land been made into a Galilaean, or an inhabitant of Palestine.
Galilean: relating to Galileo or his methods; habitant; indweller.
– A generalized Galilean transformation deserves more investigation.
Gallant: brave, especially in a very difficult situation; heroic; courageous.
– She made a gallant attempt to hide her tears.
Gallic: connected with or considered typical of France or its people; Gaulish; French.
– He lifted his shoulders in a Gallic shrug.
Gallican: of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church in France; Gallic; French.
– To insular minds, whether Scottish or English, every deviation of the Gallican ritual from their own was a sore vexation.
Gallinaceous: relating to birds of an order which includes domestic poultry and game birds; croup; raptorial bird.
– Mix in gallinaceous feed, fed a cock to eat.
Galling: making you angry because it is unfair; annoying; irritating.
– It was galling to have to apologize to a man she hated.
Galore: in large quantities; aplenty; in abundance.
– There will be games and prizes galore.
Galvanic: producing an electric current by the action of a chemical on metal; electric, galvanizing.
– The bomb warning had a galvanic effect.
Galwegian: of or relating to the region of Galloway, Scotland; Galwayman; Galwaywoman.
– My Galwegian thought this reasonable, because in this region the rent, it appears, is only collected once a year.
Gambian: a person from Gambia; Gambia; Republic of The Gambia.
– It’s no surprise that a Gambian man will refer to his wife as “boss lady”.
Game: an activity that you do to have fun, often one that has rules and that you can win or lose; the equipment for a game; entertainment; amusement.
– The kids were playing a game with their balloons.
Game-Changing: that completely changes the way a situation develops; transition; conversion.
– A game-changing technology.
Gamey: (of meat that has been hunted) having a strong taste or smell as a result of being kept for some time before cooking; mettlesome; spirited.
– The opinions are like the mutton, high and gamey.
Gammy: of a leg or knee injured; lame; unfit.
– He cannot understand why a gammy knee is a reason for his not being reinstated as a police constable.
Gamopetalous: having the petals united; petalled; petalous.
– Finally, again, among these the lower polypetalous plants preceded the higher gamopetalous plants.
Gamy: having a strong taste or smell as a result of being kept for some time before cooking; high ill-smelling; malodorous.
– It’s got a rich, almost gamy quality that lends itself to all sorts of big flavors.
Gandhian: related to the Indian spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi, who opposed British rule in India and pursued a policy of using peaceful methods to work for change; Mahatma Gandhi; Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
– He had recently returned from India, where he met with leaders of the Gandhian movement.
Gangling: tall, thin and not moving in an easy way; lanky; skinny.
– A gangling youth.
Gangly: tall, thin and not moving in an easy way; rangy; stringy.
– He was gangly and thin.
Gangrenous: decaying becoming destroyed by natural processes because the blood supply to it has been stopped because of an illness or injury; ruined; withered.
– Her toes went gangrenous.
Gaping: wide open; extremely wide; immense.
– A gaping hole.
Gap-Toothed: having a wide space between two of your teeth; choppers; dental.
– A gap-toothed smile.
Garbed: garbed (in something) dressed in a particular way; dress; attire.
– She was appropriately garbed in funereal black.
Garbled: of a message or story told in a way that confuses the person listening, usually by somebody who is shocked or in a hurry; confused; muddle.
– He gave a garbled account of what had happened.
Gardant: looking forward; full-face; guardant forward.
– The word leopard is always made use of by the French heralds to express in their language, a lion full-faced, or “gardant “.
Gargantuan: extremely large; enormous; massive.
– A gargantuan appetite.
Garish: very brightly coloured in an unpleasant way; gaudy; flashy.
– It’s a little too garish for my taste.
Garlicky: tasting or smelling strongly of garlic; fishy; floral.
– A garlicky breath.
Garmented: dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination; appareled; attired; dressed.
– Went about oddly garmented.
Garmentless: possessing no clothing; Clothesless; unclothed.
– He was garmentless, having used his single cloak to tie up the sentry with.
Garrulous: talking a lot, especially about unimportant things; talkative; chattering.
– The normally garrulous commentator had nothing to say.
Gaseous: like or containing gas; evaporating; smoggy; fuliginous.
– A gaseous mixture.
Gasping: to have difficulty breathing or speaking; pant; puff.
– He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.
Gassy: containing too much gas in the form of bubbles; bubbly; carbonated.
– UK lagers are criticized for being weak and gassy.
Gastric: connected with the stomach; intestinal; ventral.
– He suffered from diabetes and gastric ulcers.
Gastroduodenal: relating to, or connecting the stomach and the duodenum; small intestine; internal organ.
– The patient underwent emergency pancreatoduodenectomy with preservation of the gastroduodenal artery.
Gastroesophageal: happens when your stomach contents come back up into your esophagus; Acid Reflux; Heartburn.
– Chronic problems with oral feeding and gastroesophageal reflux necessitated a fundoplication and placement of a gastrostomy-tube.
Gastrointestinal: of or related to the stomach and intestines; intestinal; stomach.
– The final business of the day was a debate on the management of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Gastronomic: connected with cooking and eating good food; cuisine; culinary science.
– The gastronomic capital of France.
Gastronomical: relating to the practice of cooking or eating good food; culinary art; cookery.
– However, he has a secret gastronomical passion raw garlic.
Gauche: shy or uncomfortable when dealing with people and often saying or doing the wrong thing; awkward; gawky.
– A gauche schoolgirl/manner.
Gaudy: too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste; garish; lurid.
– The showgirls wore gaudy costumes.
Gauguinesque: Reminiscent of the works of Paul Gauguin (1848–1903), French postimpressionist artist; painter.
– She made “Return from the Farm,” in a Gauguinesque style that reflected her connection to and appreciation for the countryside.
Gaumless: gormless; airheaded; birdbrained.
– Did I ever look so stupid, so ‘gaumless,’ as Joseph calls it?
Gaunt: of a person very thin, usually because of illness, not having enough food, or worry; haggard; drawn.
– She looked gaunt and exhausted.
Gauntleted: wearing a protective glove; gloved; gauntlet.
– Only his arms and gauntleted hands are visible, leaving the viewer to guess as to his face and body.
Gaussian: another term for normal distribution; normal; mean.
– The surfaces ‘ points have been corrupted with a Gaussian noise of 2 mm variance.
Gauzy: made from a type of light cloth that you can see through and that is usually made of cotton or silk; translucent; transparent.
– A gauzy material.
Gawky: especially of a tall young person not easy or comfortable in the way they move or behave; awkward; graceless.
– A shy gawky teenager.
Gay: sexually attracted to people of the same sex; homosexual; lesbian.
– I didn’t know he was gay.
Gelatinlike: thick like gelatin; gelatinous; jellylike thick.
– What he saw was a tiny, gelatinlike globule; among scientists it is known as the amoeba.
Gelatinous: thick and sticky, like jelly; glutinous; gummy; sticky.
– A gelatinous substance.
Gelid: covered with ice or very cold; arctic; frigid.
– A gelid pond.
Gemmed: noting perfection or very high quality; spangled; decorated.
– She has a ring gemmed with diamonds.
Gemmiferous: bearing buds or gemmae; gemmiparous; reproductive structure.
– There are no sporophytes and solely possess gemmiferous shoots.
General: affecting all or most people, places or things; widespread; common.
– The general feeling was one of relief.
General-Purpose: having a wide range of different uses; all-purpose; flexible.
– A general-purpose farm vehicle.
Generational: connected with a particular generation or with the relationship between different generations; intergenerational; millennial.
– A generational conflict.
Generative: that can produce something; procreative; reproductive.
– Generative processes.
Generic: shared by, including or typical of a whole group of things; not specific; common; collective.
– ‘Vine fruit’ is the generic term for currants and raisins.
Generous: giving or willing to give freely; given freely; liberal; lavish.
– The gallery was named after its most generous benefactor.
Genetic: connected with genes (the units in the cells of a living thing that control its physical characteristics) or genetics (the study of genes); hereditary; adjective inherited.
– There are about 4 000 inherited human genetic diseases.
Genetical: of, relating to, or produced by genes; genic; hereditary.
– He’s had two shoulder surgeries that were a genetical weakness, from the family.
Genial: friendly and cheerful; affable; congenial.
– He was a kindly gentleman with white hair and a genial smile.
Genic: relating to genes; genetic; genetical.
– A genic mutation.
Geniculate: having kneelike joints or bends; crooked.
– We conducted a trial-by-trial analysis of responses to flashing spots in 11 cells of the cat’s lateral geniculate nucleus.
Genital: connected with the outer sexual organs of a person or an animal; private parts; genitalia.
– Genital infections.
Genitival: relating to the genitive case; intimate; passionate.
– A genitival construction.
Genitive: used to show possession or close connection between two things; intimate; passionate.
– Suzie’s toy is new. “Suzie’s toy” is an example of the genitive case and the possessive case.
Genitourinary: of or related to the genitals and urinary organs; urogenital; urinogenital.
– Genitourinary disease/medicine.
Genoese: relating to or characteristic of the Italian seaport of Genoa or its inhabitants; Italian; Genova.
– A wealthy Genoese family.
Genotypical: Of or relating to a genotype; genotypic.
– My eye color is a result of my genotype.
Genovese: of, relating to, or characteristic of Genoa or its inhabitants; city; genoa.
– There is an attempted assassination on Costello by Vito Genovese in 1957 that leads to the emergence of the Genovese Family.
Genteel: (of people and their way of life) quiet and polite, often in an exaggerated way; from, or pretending to be from, a high social class; refined; respectable.
– Her genteel accent irritated me.
Gentile: describing or typical of a person who is not Jewish; agnostic; atheist.
– The writer is a Gentile.
Gentle: calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way; kind; lenient.
– A kind and gentle man.
Gentlemanlike: befitting a man of good breeding; gentlemanly refined; cultivated.
– His address was particularly gentlemanlike.
Gentlemanly: behaving very well and showing very good manners; like a gentleman; honorable; noble.
– So far, the election campaign has been a very gentlemanly affair.
Gentler: calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way; kind; tender.
– He lived in a gentler age than ours.
Genuine: real; exactly what it appears to be; not artificial; authentic.
– Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article.
Geocentric: with the earth as the center; middling; central.
– On the contrary, the sermon assumes a geocentric view of the universe.
Geodesic: relating to the shortest possible line between two points on a curved surface; geodesic line; geodesical.
– The world line of a ray of light is a geodesic in the continuum.
Geodetic: pertaining to geodesy; chorographic; hypsographic.
– They will like, perhaps, to hear of a new and very interesting form of metal construction which is called the geodetic system.
Geographic: based on or derived from the physical features of an area; geological; earthly.
– The geographical distribution of plants.
Geographical: connected with the way in which the physical features of a place are arranged; geometric; spatial.
– The importance of the town is due to its geographical location.
Geologic: relating to the study of the earth’s physical structure and substance; cartography; chorography.
– A geological map of the country.
Geological: connected with the scientific study of the physical structure of the earth, including the origin and history of the rocks and soil of which the earth is made; geography; cartography.
– They were beautiful and tiny, some sort of geological anomaly.
Geometric: connected with geometry; angular; computative.
– The great majority of these weights had simple geometric shapes.
Geometrical: relating to geometry, or according to its methods; computative; congruent.
– The windows in the outer walls are filled with pierced stone screens of geometrical design.
Geophysical: connected with the scientific study of the physics of the earth, including its atmosphere, climate and magnetism; geographical; constitution.
– Geophysical data.
Geopolitical: connected with the political relations between countries and groups of countries in the world, as influenced by their geography; political geography; world-politics.
– An uncertain economic and geopolitical situation.
–: (especially of architecture and furniture) from the time of the British kings George I–IV (1714–1830); American; Sakartvelo.
A fine Georgian house.
Geostationary: moving around the earth at the equator at the same speed as the earth turns, so that it appears to be always in the same place in the sky; fixed; securely placed.
– The special case of a geostationary orbit is the most common type of orbit for communications satellites.
Geostrategic: relating to the strategy required in dealing with geopolitical problems; geopolitics.
– It all makes for a thorny geostrategic problem.
Geothermal: connected with the natural heat of rock deep in the ground; hydroelectricity; renewable resource.
– A geothermal heat pump.
Geothermic: of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth; geothermal.
– The factory uses geothermic energy.
Geriatric: connected with the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and care of old people; aged; ancient.
– A geriatric patient.
German: from or connected with Germany; Germanic; Modern German.
– The aid appeal has galvanized the German business community.
Germane: connected with something in an important or appropriate way; relevant; pertinent.
– The report contains matters that are germane to the case.
Germanic: connected with or considered typical of Germany or its people; German; Teutonic.
– She had an almost Germanic regard for order.
Germfree: containing no germs; sterile or clean; hygienic; sterile.
– An enclosed, germ-free environment.
Germy: carrying germs; contaminated; infected.
– Buttons of elevators are extremely germy.
Gestural: of, relating to, or consisting of gestures; nonverbal communicative; communicatory.
– I’ve been pushing multi-touch gestural for over 20 years myself, beginning while I was still at Apple.
Getable: capable of being obtained; gettable; obtainable; procurable.
– I was concerned but not alarmed, it was still a getable score.
Getatable: easy to reach or ascertain; accessible; approachable.
– Miss Cox was singularly alone in the world except for some very dear friends who were not getatable.
Gettable: capable of being got: attainable, obtainable.
– The target was still eminently gettable.
Ghanaian: a person from Ghana; African country; Ghana.
– A delicious new way to enjoy the taste of high quality Ghanaian cocoa bought from small-scale farmers on Fairtrade terms.
Ghanese: of or relating to or characteristic of Ghana or its people or language. African country; Ghana.
– One observer of the culture of Ghana remarked that Ghanese are addicted to ceremonies.
Ghastly: very frightening and unpleasant, because it involves pain, death; horrible; terrible.
– She woke up in the middle of a ghastly nightmare.
Ghostlike: resembling or characteristic of a phantom; apparitional; ghostly; phantasmal.
– The truck’s headlights were all fuzzy and ghostlike.
Ghostly: looking or sounding like a ghost; full of ghosts; unnatural; supernatural.
– The airfield was bathed in the ghostly glow of a searchlight.
Ghoulish: typical of an evil spirit in stories that opens graves and eats the dead bodies in them; macabre; grisly.
– A ghoulish laughter.
Giant: very large; much larger or more important than similar things usually are; huge; colossal.
– The match was shown on a giant screen outside the town hall.
Gibbose: more than half full; gibbous bulging; convex.
– The whorls are posteriorly gibbose or tumid at the sutures, and the callus is less spreading than in others of the genus.
Gibbous: with the bright part bigger than a semicircle and smaller than a circle; rounded; curving outward.
– They were outside in the clearing in front of the fire below the waxing gibbous moon.
Gibelike: abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule; derisive; jeering; mocking.
– Those behind the fence frequently shouted and yelped in taunts and gibelike cries, but the regiment maintained a stressed silence.
Giddy: feeling that everything is moving and that you are going to fall; dizzy; faint.
– When I looked down from the top floor, I felt giddy.
Gifted: having a lot of natural ability or intelligence; talented; skillful.
– A gifted musician/player.
Gigantic: extremely large; enormous; huge.
– The problem was beginning to take on gigantic proportions.
Giggling: to laugh in a silly way because you are embarrassed or nervous or you think that something is funny; snigger; snicker.
– Destiny, giggling and ran at her side, caught up in the fun.
Gilbertian: wildly comic and improbable; humorous; humourous.
– The only Gilbertian aspect of this affair is the sight of you, going round in circles.
Gilded: covered with a thin layer of gold or gold paint; elaborate; embellish.
– A gilded picture frame.
Gilt: covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint; aureate; gilded.
– It is highly ornamented with gilt and stucco.
Gilt-Edged: very safe; exclusive; Choice.
– They all held on to far more gilt-edged than they sold.
Gimbaled: supported on gimbals and remaining steady or level when the base tips; supported.
– It had other special mechanical features, such as gimbaled headlamps.
Gimcrack: badly made and of little value; shoddy; jerry-built.
– The place had a certain gimcrack theatrical glamour.
Gimpy: disabled in the feet or legs; crippled; game; halt.
– But when it was over, he clapped Gimpy on the shoulder and said it was all right.
Ginger: light orange-brown in colour; zingiber; Zingiberaceae.
– A ginger hair.
Gingerly: in a careful way, because you are afraid of being hurt, of making a noise; cautiously; carefully.
– He opened the box gingerly and looked inside.
Gingery: like ginger in colour or taste; animated; entertaining; lively.
– The cake has a delicious gingery taste.
Gingival: concerned with the gums; gum; animal tissue.
– The gingival tissues.
Girlish: like a girl; of a girl; youthful; childlike.
– His face was delicate, almost girlish.
Given: that you have stated and are discussing; particular; specified.
– We can find out how much money is spent on food in any given period.
Giving: to hand something to somebody as a present; to allow somebody to have something as a present; offer; proffer.
– What are you giving your father for his birthday?
Glabrous: free from hair or down; smooth; hairless; naked; bald.
– The small, nearly round, glabrous, ribbed fruits are born on a sparsely flowered spike.
Glace: (of fruit) preserved in sugar; sticky; sweet.
– How many love you moments of glace.
Glacial: caused or made by glaciers; connected with glaciers; frosty; frozen.
– A glacial landscape.
Glaciated: covered or having been covered by glaciers or ice sheets; refrozen; super cooled.
– A glaciated valley.
Glad: pleased; happy; delighted.
– She was glad when the meeting was over.
Gladsome: filled with, marked by, or causing pleasure; carefree; jaunty.
– The astonished cripple no longer needs the friendly crutch, but treads with ease and joy his gladsome path.
Glamorous: especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people; attractive; captivating.
– Glamorous movie stars.
Glamourous: possessing glamour; alluring; fascinating.
– A glamorous career.
Glandular: connected with a gland or glands an organ in a person’s or an animal’s body that produces a substance for the body to use; epithelial; secretory.
– Glandular tissue.
Glaring: of something bad very easily seen; blatant; conspicuous.
– The most glaring example of this problem.
Glary: shining intensely; blazing; blinding.
– Look out of that window; it’s a bit glary with the sun full on, but do you see those rows of stakes the nets are made fast on?
Glassless: not furnished with glass; unglazed.
– The glassless windows of the old house looked menacing.
Glassy: like glass; smooth; shiny.
– A glassy material.
Glaswegian: from or connected with Glasgow in Scotland; Glasgow; Scotchman.
– Steven has a Glaswegian accent.
Glaucous: of a dull greyish-green or blue colour; acid green; bottle green.
– Both stems and leaves are glaucous.
Gleaming: shining brightly because of being very clean; glimmer; glint.
– A gleaming new kitchen.
Gleeful: happy because of something good you have done or something bad that has happened to somebody else; delighted; pleased.
– A gleeful laugh.
Glib: using words that are clever, but are not sincere, and do not show much thought; slick; pat.
– He had assumed that his glib explanations would convince us.
Glimmery: tending to glimmer or having an effect suggestive of glimmering; glowing; shining.
– In the east there is the slightest glimmery of light.
Glistening: shining with a sparkling light; sparkle; twinkle.
– The glistening golden dome.
Glittering: very impressive and successful; shimmer; glimmer.
– He has a glittering career ahead of him.
Glittery: shining brightly with many little flashes of light; gaudy; jazzy.
– A glittery suit.
Global: covering or affecting the whole world; worldwide; international.
– This year the global economy will grow by about 4 per cent.
Globose: having the form of a globe; spherical; annular.
– The cells are generally globose.
Globular: having the shape of a ball, globe or globule; consisting of globules; spherical; round.
– The plant has distinctive globular flowers.
Glomerular: relating to a cluster of nerve endings, spores, or small blood vessels, especially around the end of a kidney tubule; capillary; malpighian body.
– The permeability of the glomerular capillary wall.
Glooming: depressingly dark; gloomful; gloomy; sulky dark.
– It is a very glooming sign.
Gloomy: nearly dark, or badly lit in a way that makes you feel sad; depressing; shadowy.
– It was a wet and gloomy day.
Glorious: deserving or bringing great success and making somebody/something famous, extremely pleasant; splendid; wonderful.
– We congratulate you on this glorious victory.
Gloriously: in a way that deserves or brings great success and makes somebody/something famous, in a very beautiful and impressive way; splendidly; wonderfully.
– Nelson died gloriously at Trafalgar.
Glossy: smooth and shiny; gleaming; bright.
– Eating carrots should make your pet’s fur thicker and glossier.
Glottal: of a speech sound produced by the glottis; grating; growling.
– A glottal stop.
Gloveless: devoid of gloves; Ungloved.
– Alan’s gloveless hand is nearly as cold as the snow.
Glowering: glower (at somebody/something) to look in an angry, aggressive way; glare; scowl.
– He stood behind her, eyes glowering.
Glowing: giving enthusiastic praise; bright; shining.
– He spoke of her performance in the film in glowing terms.
Gluey: sticky like glue, a substance used for joining things together; covered with glue; gummy; jelled.
– The sticks are too new and they give out a pungent, gluey, cloying smell.
Glum: sad, quiet; unhappy; gloomy.
– The players sat there with glum looks on their faces.
Gluteal: relating to the gluteus muscles; backside; bottom.
– The gluteal region.
Glutinous: sticky; gluey; gummy.
– Glutinous rice.
Gluttonous: eating too much; typical of a person who eats too much; greedy; insatiable.
– Gluttonous habits.
Glycogenic: of or relating to glycogen; cellulose; glucose.
– The application of a glycogenic treatment did not show an impact on blood metabolite levels due to huge individual differences.
Gnarled: of a tree twisted and rough; with hard parts growing all over it; knobbly; knotty
– A gnarled branch/trunk.
Gnarly: (slang) difficult or dangerous, (slang) very good; excellent; ugly; hideous.
– Wow, man! That’s totally gnarly!
Gnomic: clever and wise but sometimes difficult to understand; concise; cryptic.
– He made gnomic utterances concerning death.
Gnomish: used of small deformed creatures; little; small.
– Gretta was interested in the tiny little garden gnomish whose eyes seemed to follow her through the rows of flowers.
Gnostic: connected with knowledge, especially mystical knowledge (knowledge of spiritual things discovered through prayer rather than through reason and the senses); astute; insightful.
– Gnostic belief systems.
Go: functioning properly; move; proceed.
– All systems go.
Goalless: without either team scoring a goal; frivolous; haphazard.
– The match ended in a goalless draw.
Goal-oriented: concerned with or focused on achieving a particular aim or result; aggressive; determined.
– We live in an increasingly goal-oriented culture.
Goateed: having a small pointed chin beard; unshaved; unshaven.
– His dark face ended in a little black goateed.
Gobsmacked: utterly astonished; astounded; shocked.
– The locals were gobsmacked when US lot trooped in.
Goddam: a swear word that many people find offensive, used to show that you are angry or annoyed; blamed; blasted.
– There’s no need to be so goddam rude!
Goddamn: a swear word that many people find offensive, used to show that you are angry or annoyed; confounded; cursed.
– Where’s that goddamned pen?
Goddamned: a swear word that many people find offensive, used to show that you are angry or annoyed; damn; darn.
– I just did something so goddamned stupid.
God-Fearing: living a moral life based on religious principles; righteous; dedicated.
– They are hardworking, God-fearing people.
Godforsaken: boring, depressing and ugly; wretched; miserable.
– I can’t stand living in this godforsaken hole.
Godless: not believing in or respecting God; atheistic; unbelieving.
– A godless generation.
Godlike: like God or a god in some quality; divine; godly.
– His godlike beauty.
Godly: living a moral life based on religious principles; religious; devout.
– A godly man.
Goethean: of or relating to or in the manner of Goethe; Goethian.
– Goethe was the nearest approach, but Goethean was a stuffed shirt, by comparison.
Goethian: of or relating to or in the manner of Goethe; Goethean.
– But for Barrès, it has a Goethian quality; “all is true, nothing exact.
Goggle-Eyed: with your eyes wide open, staring at something, especially because you are surprised; wide-eyed; dumbfounded.
– We looked out the windows goggle-eyed in anticipation of fiery death.
Going: moving or working, as machinery; active; alive; existing.
– The theatre-going public.
Gold: bright yellow in colour, like gold; gilt; halcyon.
– The company name was spelled out in gold letters.
Golden: made of gold; gold-coloured; blonde.
– A golden crown.
Gonadotrophic: of or relating to or involving gonadotropin; gonadotropic.
– Meat producers may seek to improve the fertility of female animals through the administration of gonadotrophic or ovulation-inducing hormones.
Gonadotropic: That stimulates, or promotes the growth of the gonads; olgotha; goliard.
– The suitable therapy is gonadotropic agents or two step compound therapy.
Gone: used to say that a particular situation no longer exists; away; absent.
– The days are gone when you could leave your door unlocked at night.
Gonzo: relating to or denoting journalism of an exaggerated, subjective, and fictionalized style; crazy; insane.
– The woman was either gonzo or stoned.
Good: of high quality or an acceptable standard; fine; of a high standard.
– The piano was in really good condition.
Good-Hearted: kind; willing to help other people; amiable; friendly.
– To be fair, she was a good-hearted woman who tried to do her best.
Good-Humored: having a cheerful mood; genial; friendly; affable.
– A good-humored atmosphere.
Goodish: quite good rather than very good, quite large in size or amount; tolerable; acceptable.
– It’ll be a goodish while yet before I’ve finished.
Good-Looking: (especially of people) physically attractive; attractive; nice-looking.
– She’s strikingly good-looking.
Goodly: (old-fashioned, formal) quite large in size or amount; sizeable; substantial.
– A goodly number.
Good-Natured: kind, friendly and patient when dealing with people; warm-hearted; friendly.
– Anthony is so good-natured—he finds it difficult to hate anyone.
Good-Tempered: cheerful and not easily made angry; affable; amiable.
– He was a happy, good-tempered child.
Goody-Goody: smug or ostentatiously virtuous; self-righteous; sanctimonious; pious.
– Sandy’s a real goody-goody – always doing extra homework and arriving early to lessons.
Gooey: soft and sticky; gluey; tacky.
– The heavy rain turned the track into a gooey mess.
Goofy: silly; stupid; crazy.
– A goofy grin.
Gooselike: having or revealing stupidity; anserine; dopey.
– All the riders’ ooohed and ahhhed as the gooselike bird poked around in the bushes, looking for something to eat.
Goosey: having or showing a quality considered to be characteristic of a goose, especially foolishness or nervousness; nervous; anxious.
– The pace slows, relaxation begins and even parents get to act a little loose goosey.
Goosy: having or showing a quality considered to be characteristic of a goose, especially foolishness or nervousness; dopy; foolish.
– Have been feeling goosey all morning.
Gordian: extremely intricate; usually in phrase; complex; complicated in structure.
– She was a Gordian shape of dazzling hue.
Gorgeous: very beautiful and attractive; giving great pleasure; lovely.
– It was absolutely gorgeous.
Gormless: lacking sense or initiative; foolish; stupid.
– A constantly grinning, rather gormless boy.
Gory: involving a lot of blood or violence; showing or describing blood and violence; grisly; gruesome.
– He insisted on telling us all the gory details about their divorce.
Gossamery: As light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film: aerial; aery; airy.
– That gossamery voice is as seductive as ever.
Gossipy: containing informal talk or stories about other people’s private lives, that may be unkind or not true; blabbing; blabby.
– A gossipy letter.
Gothic: built in the style that was popular in Western Europe from the 12th to the 16th centuries, and which has pointed arches and windows and tall thin pillars; barbaric; barbarous.
– A Gothic church.
Gouty: suffering from gout; ill; sick.
– This drug is for joint pain and swelling due to attacks of acute gouty arthritis.
Governable: Capable of being governed or subjected to authority; amenable to law or rule; controllable; manageable.
– Cities have to be made governable, livable, and economically viable.
Governing: having the right and the authority to control something such as a country or an institution; rule; control.
– The Conservatives were then the governing party.
Governmental: connected with government; of a government; administrative; bureaucratic.
– The Bank lends to governments and governmental agencies.
Gowned: wearing a gown; attire; cloak.
– At a debutante ball, the expensively- gowned girls stand in a line to be introduced individually.
Grabby: having or showing a desire for something that is not yours or that you already have enough of; greedy; eager.
– A grabby child who always took all the toys.
Graceful: moving in an attractive way that shows control; having a smooth, attractive form; elegant; stylish.
– The dancers were all tall and graceful.
Graceless: not knowing how to be polite and pleasant to other people; gauche; maladroit.
– A graceless, angry young man.
Gracile: attractively slender or thin; fragile; frail.
– The skeleton, a gracile adult male, was found buried with more than 2,000 small beads.
Gracious: (of people or behaviour) kind, polite and generous, especially to somebody of a lower social position; courteous; civilized.
– Lady Caroline was gracious enough to accept our invitation.
Gradable: that can be used in the comparative and superlative forms or be used with words like ‘very’ and ‘less’; hierarchal; hierarchic.
– Most adjectives are gradable.
Gradational: characterized by a scale or series of successive changes, stages; degrees; gradual.
– A gradational change.
Gradatory: progressing or advancing by gradations; gradual; graduated gradual.
– Arranged in a gradatory series.
Gradual: happening slowly over a long period; not sudden; slow.
– Recovery from the disease is very gradual.
Graduated: divided into groups or levels on a scale; group; classify.
– Graduated lessons/tests.
Graecophilic: characterized by a love of Greece and Grecian things; Graecophilic; philhellene; philhellenic.
– Zhinsifov was born in 1839 in Veles in the Ottoman Empire, today in the Republic of Macedonia in Graecophilic Greek in Prilep at his father’s school.
Grainy: not having completely clear images because they look as if they are made of a lot of small marks; gritty; homespun.
– The film is shot in grainy black and white.
Grammatic: of or relating to grammar; semantic; acceptable.
– The newspaper editor was criticized for leaving grammatic errors be published in the latest article.
Grammatical: connected with the rules of grammar; syntactic; morphological.
– A grammatical error.
Grand: impressive and large or important; magnificent; imposing.
– The wedding was a very grand occasion.
Grander: magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style; magnificent; imposing.
– He imparted to the title a grander significance out of the riches of his personality.
Grandest: denoting the largest or most important item of its kind; main; principal.
– Much of the grandest scenery is due to glaciation.
Grandiloquent: using long or complicated words in order to impress people; pompous; bombastic.
– Her speech was full of grandiloquent language, but it contained no new ideas.
Grandiose: seeming very impressive but too large, complicated, expensive, etc. to be practical or possible; magnificent; grand.
– The grandiose scheme for a journey across the desert came to nothing.
Granitelike: hard as granite; granitic; rocklike; stony hard.
– Desperately we’d claw at its granitelike surface.
Granitic: showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings; flint; flinty; obdurate.
– A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.
Granular: consisting of small granules; looking or feeling like a collection of granules; powder; powdered.
– The substance is hard and granular.
Granulose: composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency; coarse-grained; farinaceous.
– The effective application of a bentonite as a basis for the granulose form of the preparation was provided.
Grapelike: resembling the fruit of a grape vine; acini form; botryose.
– Her tumors, growing in grapelike clusters in her lungs, had begun to bleed into the linings of her lungs.
Grapey: having a taste like that of grapes; grapy tasty.
– The meaning of GRAPEY is of or relating to grapes especially, of wine.
Graphic: very clear and full of details, especially about something unpleasant; vivid; explicit.
– He kept telling us about his operation, in the most graphic detail.
Graphical: connected with art or computer graphics; pictorial; visible.
– The system uses an impressive graphical interface.
Graspable: Able to be grasped; understandable; accessible.
– He reaches forth an inquiring hand, and finds graspable wicker legs within reach.
Grasping: always trying to get money, possessions, power, etc. for yourself; greedy; acquisitive.
– A grasping landlord.
Grassless: Lacking grass; bleak; devoid; nude.
– You’ll see a bamboo broom used to sweep grassless yards.
Grass like: resembling grass; grassy; abounding in grass.
– The waving green grass like leaves form a rich submarine meadow.
Grassy: covered with grass; carpeted; lush.
– A grassy bank.
Grateful: feeling or showing thanks because somebody has done something kind for you or has done as you asked; thankful; appreciative.
– Thank you for doing this. I really am so grateful.
Gratified: pleased or satisfied; gladden; delight.
– We were extremely gratified at the number of people who supported us.
Gratifying: giving pleasure and making you feel satisfied; enchant; appease.
– It is gratifying to see such good results.
Grating: unpleasant or annoying to listen to; scraping; grinding.
– The sound of his grating voice complaining all day was driving me crazy.
Gratis: done or given without having to be paid for; free; without charge.
– I knew his help wouldn’t be given gratis.
Gratuitous: done without any good reason or purpose and often having harmful effects; unnecessary; unjustified.
– It was a completely gratuitous insult which the singer’s agent was forced to apologize for.
Grave: very serious and important; giving you a reason to feel worried; dignified; earnest.
– The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child’s safety.
Gravelly: full of or containing many small stones; husky; gruff.
– Silt and gravelly deposits had been left by the tide.
Gravest: giving cause for alarm; serious; important.
– Perhaps the gravest obstacles were to be expected from the army.
Gravid: pregnant; childbearing; expectant.
– The next day we put a gravid female into the aquarium and allowed her to spawn in the male’s nest.
Gray: not bright; full of clouds; nondescript.
– I hate these gray days.
Gray-Haired: with grey hair; frosty; graying.
– The gray-haired man had an olive complexion and sharp blue eyes that swept over all of them.
Grayish: fairly gray in colour; ashy; blanched.
– Grayish hair.
Greaseproof: resistant to penetration by greases and oils; imperviable; impervious.
– The butcher chops it and it is wrapped up in greaseproof paper.
Greasy: covered in a lot of grease or oil; oily; shiny.
– The sink was piled high with greasy dishes.
Great: very good or pleasant; considerable; substantial.
– We had a great time in Madrid.
Greater: used with the name of a city to describe an area that includes the center of the city and a large area all round it; prominent; eminent.
– Greater London.
Greathearted: characterized by bravery; courageous; generous.
– The wind had blown the tiny nestlings from their snug little home and the greathearted man was trying to find the nest for the wee, helpless chirpers.
Grecian: from ancient Greece or like the styles of ancient Greece; classic; humanistic.
– Grecian architecture.
Greco-Roman: having characteristics that are partly Greek and partly Roman; Hellenic; classic.
– The Greco-Roman ruins, a short drive away, were thronged, but this amplified, rather than diminished, our visit.
Greedily: n a way that shows that you want more money, power, food, etc. than you really need; eager; impatient.
– She ate noisily and greedily.
Greedy: wanting more money, power, food, etc. than you really need; gluttonous; ravenous.
– He stared at the diamonds with greedy eyes.
Greek: of or connected with Greece, its people or their language; Grecian; Hellenic.
– Even Greek can be embossed in it, as you know.
Green: having the colour of grass or the leaves of most plants and trees; greenish; viridescent.
– His piercing green eyes.
Green-Eyed: envious or jealous; resentful; greedy.
– This is where I get a bit green-eyed and bitter.
Greenish: fairly green in colour; green; aquamarine.
– The dark base of the mountainous thunderheads had a greenish tinge.
Greensick: of or pertaining to or suffering from chlorosis; chlorotic.
– Greensickness is chlorosis.
Greenside: adjacent to a putting green; land site; site.
– His second shot came to rest in a greenside bunker.
Gregarious: liking to be with other people; sociable; companionable.
– She’s very outgoing and gregarious.
Gregorian: of or relating to Pope Gregory I or to the plainsong chants of the Roman Catholic Church; doctor of the church; saint.
– The Islamic calendar has fewer days than the Gregorian calendar.
Grenadian: person from Grenada; Organization of American States; Windward Islands.
– Grenadian soldiers were dispatched in armoured vehicles by the Coard faction to retake the fort.
Grey: not bright; full of clouds; colorless; nondescript.
– I hate these grey days.
Greyed: become grey with age; blur; camouflage.
– He had put on weight and greyed somewhat.
Greyish: fairly grey in colour; ashy; blanched.
– She has greyish hair.
Grievous: very serious and often causing great pain or difficulty; serious; severe.
– He had been the victim of a grievous injustice.
Grilled: cooked over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame; barbecue; roast.
– Grilled bacon.
Grim: looking or sounding very serious; bleak; dreary.
– He set about the task with grim concentration.
Grimy: covered with dirt; dirty; stained.
– His clothes were grimy and bloodstained.
Grinding: rough and unpleasant to listen to, that never ends or improves; crush; pound.
– I heard a loud grinding noise coming from the engine.
Grinning: smiling broadly; smirk; be all smiles.
– She looked at Mick’s grinning face.
Gripping: exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention; afflict; affect.
– His books are always so gripping.
Grisly: extremely unpleasant and frightening and usually connected with death and violence; gruesome; ghastly.
– A grisly crime.
Gritty: showing the courage and strength of mind to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant; courageous; brave.
– Totten ham’s gritty fightback was rewarded by a goal in the closing minutes.
Grizzled: having hair that is grey or partly grey; greyish; silver.
– He looked old and grizzled.
Grizzly: grey or grey-haired; gray; leaden.
– A grizzly beard.
Groaning: denoting a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure; creak; grate.
– He made groaning sounds and took labored breaths.
Groggy: weak and unable to think or move well because you are ill or very tired; dazed; muzzy.
– The sleeping pills left her feeling very groggy.
Groomed: used to describe the way in which a person cares for their clothes and hair; brush; comb.
– She is always perfectly groomed.
Groovy: fashionable, attractive and interesting; cracking; dandy.
– Groovy furniture decorated the hip bar and attracted a younger crowd to the billiard spot.
Gross: very unpleasant; very rude; crude; disgusting.
– He ate it with mustard.’ ‘Oh, gross!
Grotesque: strange in a way that is unpleasant or offensive; malformed; deformed.
– The story was too grotesque to believe.
Grotty: unpleasant or of poor quality; miserable; rotten.
– A grotty little hotel.
Grouchy: easily annoyed and often complaining; grumpy; cross; irritable.
– I am just in a grouchy mood this morning.
Groundbreaking: making new discoveries; using new methods; innovative; inventive.
– A groundbreaking piece of research.
Groundless: not based on reason or evidence; unfounded; baseless.
– They denied what they called completely groundless allegations.
Groveling: grovel (to somebody) (for something) (disapproving) to show too much respect to somebody who is more important than you or who can give you something you want; crawl; creep.
– He went groveling to her for forgiveness.
Growing: increasing in size, amount or degree; expand; stretch.
– A growing number of people are returning to full-time education.
Growling: of an animal, especially a dog) making a low guttural sound in the throat that indicates hostility; snarl; bark.
– Putting his hand in front of a growling dog was a dumb thing to do.
Grown: of a person mentally and physically an adult; developed; mature.
– It’s pathetic that grown men have to resort to violence like this.
Grownup: adult; developed; full-fledged.
– Joe has two grown-up children.
Grown-Up: mentally and physically an adult; adult; full-grown.
– What do you want to be when you’re grown-up?
Grubby: unpleasant because it involves activities that are not honest or moral; sordid; filthy.
– A grubby scandal.
Grudging: given or done unwillingly; reluctant; covetous.
– He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady.
Grueling: extremely tiring and demanding; backbreaking; burdensome.
– It was grueling, dusty work, with just a few minutes of relaxation before and at the end of a long day.
Gruelling: very difficult and making you very tired, needing great effort for a long time; punishing; hard to endure.
– I’ve had a gruelling day.
Gruesome: very unpleasant and filling you with horror, usually because it is connected with death or injury; appalling; frightful.
– We spent a week in a gruesome apartment in Miami.
Gruff: impatient and unfriendly; blunt; boisterous.
– Beneath his gruff exterior, he’s really very kind-hearted.
Grumbling: expressing a complaint in a bad-tempered way; complaining; dissatisfied.
– Grumbling employees said they were prevented from accessing e-commerce sites.
Grumose: transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass; coagulate; curdled.
– Grumose is formed of clustered grains or granules.
Grumous: resembling or containing grume; thick; clotted.
– The stomach often contains a dark grumous fluid, occasionally tinged with blood.
Grumpy: easily annoyed; in a bad mood; bad-tempered; ill-tempered.
– Why are you so grumpy today?
Grungy: relating to the fashion associated with grunge rock, involving layers of loose clothing and torn jeans; dilapidated; disheveled.
– She looked fashionably grungy in a pair of biker boots and an army print coat.
Guaranteed: for which a guarantee is provided; formally assured; approved; assured.
– The guaranteed bonus is not very high.
Guardant: depicted with the body sideways and the face towards the viewer; full-face; gardant forward.
– Three lions passant guardant.
Guarded: careful; not showing feelings or giving much information; cautious; attentive.
– You should be more guarded in what you say to reporters.
Guatemalan: a person from Guatemala; American; Anguillan.
– For many years it has been the aim of the Guatemalan government to attract foreign immigration.
Gubernatorial: connected with the job of state governor in the US; administrative; dominant.
– A gubernatorial candidate.
Guided: that is led by somebody who works as a guide; direct; steer.
– A guided tour.
Guiding: giving advice and help; having a strong influence on people; informative; interpretive.
– She was inexperienced and needed a guiding hand.
Guileless: behaving in a very honest way; not knowing how to trick people; unsophisticated; aboveboard.
– She had the guileless innocence of a child.
Guiltless: not having the unhappy feelings caused by knowing or thinking that you have done something wrong; innocent; clean.
– I didn’t like him, and felt completely guiltless about it.
Guilty: feeling ashamed because you have done something that you know is wrong or have not done something that you should have done; convicted; culpable.
– Matt and Chrissy both looked equally guilty.
Guinean: relating to or characteristic of Guinea or its people; dago; ginzo.
The late Guinean poet.
Gullible: too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked; naïve; foolish.
– The advertisement is aimed at gullible young women worried about their weight.
Gummy: sticky or covered in gum; a gummy smile shows your teeth and gums; adhesive; cohesive.
– Gabriel handed her the food and water gummy cubes she’d first had in Hell.
Gumptious: having gumption; alert; eager; vigorous.
– With his gumptious looks he will make a success of himself.
Gurgling: to make a sound like water flowing quickly through a narrow space; babbling; bubbling.
– The water made a gurgling noise as it ran down the drain.
Gushing: expressing so much enthusiasm, praise or emotion that it does not seem sincere; effusive; enthusiastic.
– She gave an embarrassingly gushing acceptance speech.
Gushy: excessively effusive; effusive; over-effusive; enthusiastic.
– Her gushy manner.
Gusseted: provided or reinforced with gussets; connection; coupling.
– Not having gussets.
Gustative: of or pertaining to taste or tasting; gustatory; auditory; sensual.
– Food or drink competitions reward products primarily for their gustative worth in the form of an award or a medal.
Gustatorial: relating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste; acoustic; afferent.
– The open-plan kitchen brings you both gustatorial and visual pleasure.
Gustatory: connected with tasting or the sense of taste; aural; neural.
– Gustatory delights.
Gusty: with the wind blowing in gusts; blustery; breezy.
– A gusty morning.
Gutless: not brave or determined enough to do something; cowardly; craven.
– A gutless performance.
Gutsy: showing courage and the desire to succeed; courageous; determined.
– Her gutsy performance in the game impressed everyone, even her teammates.
Guttural: of a sound made or seeming to be made at the back of the throat; grating; growling.
– Guttural consonants.
Guyanese: a person from Guyana; Co-Operative Republic of Guyana; British Guiana.
– The treasured Guyanese gold bracelets she wore every day were found inside a different purse on her bedroom closet floor.
Gynecologic: relating to the branch of physiology and medicine which deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system; pregnancy; reproductive.
– Women with Gynecologic problems.
Gynecological: relating to the branch of physiology and medicine which deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system; pregnancy; reproductive.
– Women with Gynecological problems.
Gyral: relating to a gyrus or gyri; whirling; gyrating.
– My garbled gyral nature, partaking uneasily of both, prefers to wander and hang and float about between the two.
Gyroscopic: having the characteristics of a gyroscope; spinner; whirligig.
– If you have a toy gyroscope at home, you can easily observe this effect yourself.
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Final Thoughts
Congratulations! You’ve gone through all of adjectives that start with G. We hope it was fun experience for you.
An easy way to master them quickly is to use them in your regular talk and writing. And soon, they will become a part of your communication style.
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