In this post, you will find a huge list of adjectives that start with H!
Your can use these adjectives when writing an essay, a story, a message, a poem and a lot more.
Let dive right in:
- Full List Chart (530 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with H
- Negative Adjectives That Start with H
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with H
- H Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with H
First, let’s share with you a full list of adjectives that start with H. Read them one by one and see how many of them are new to you.
Habilimented | Hematologic | Homogenous |
Habitable | Hematological | Homoiothermic |
Habited | Hematopoietic | Homologic |
Habitual | Hemic | Homological |
Hackneyed | Hemimetabolic | Homologous |
Hadal | Hemiparasitic | Homophile |
Hadean | Hemispheric | Homophobic |
Haemal | Hemispherical | Homophonic |
Haematal | Hemodynamic | Homophonous |
Haematic | Hemolytic | Homosexual |
Haematogenic | Hemophilic | Homosporous |
Haemic | Hemopoietic | Homostyled |
Haemolytic | Hemorrhagic | Homostylic |
Haemorrhagic | Hemostatic | Homostylous |
Haggard | Hempen | Homothermic |
Hagridden | Henpecked | Homozygous |
Haired | Hep | Homy |
Hairless | Hepatic | Honduran |
Hairlike | Hepatotoxic | Honest |
Hairsplitting | Heraldic | Honey |
Hairy | Heraldist | Honeycombed |
Haitian | Herbaceous | Honeyed |
Halal | Herbal | Honeylike |
Halcyon | Herbivorous | Honied |
Hale | Herculean | Honking |
Half | Here | Honorable |
Halfhearted | Hereditary | Honorary |
Half-Hearted | Heretical | Honored |
Halfway | Heritable | Honourable |
Half-Way | Hermaphrodite | Hoofed |
Hallowed | Hermaphroditic | Hooflike |
Hallucinatory | Hermeneutic | Hooked |
Hallucinogenic | Hermetic | Hooklike |
Halt | Hermitic | Hooved |
Halting | Hermitical | Hopeful |
Hammy | Heroic | Hopeless |
Handed | Heroical | Horary |
Handelian | Hertzian | Horizontal |
Handheld | Hesitant | Hormonal |
Handicapped | Hesitating | Horned |
Handled | Hesperian | Hornless |
Handleless | Het | Hornlike |
Handless | Heterocercal | Horny |
Handmade | Heterocyclic | Horrendous |
Handsewn | Heterodactyl | Horrible |
Hands-Off | Heterodox | Horrid |
Handsome | Heterodyne | Horrific |
Handsomely | Heteroecious | Horrified |
Hands-On | Heterogeneous | Horrifying |
Handstitched | Heterogenous | Hortative |
Handwoven | Heteroicous | Hortatory |
Handwritten | Heterologic | Horticultural |
Handy | Heterological | Hospitable |
Hangdog | Heterologous | Hostile |
Hanging | Heterosexual | Hot |
Hanoverian | Heterosporous | Hotheaded |
Haphazard | Heterothermic | Hot-Tempered |
Hapless | Heterotrophic | Hotter |
Haploid | Heterozygous | Hottest |
Haploidic | Heuristic | Hottish |
Happier | Hex | Hourly |
Happiest | Hexadecimal | House |
Happy | Hexagonal | Housebound |
Haptic | Hexangular | Housebroken |
Hard | Hexed | Housewifely |
Hardback | Hibernal | Howling |
Hardbacked | Hick | Hoydenish |
Hardbound | Hidden | Hubristic |
Hardcore | Hidebound | Huffish |
Hard-Core | Hideous | Huffy |
Hardcover | Hidrotic | Huge |
Hardened | Hiemal | Huger |
Hardfisted | Hierarchal | Hugest |
Hardheaded | Hierarchic | Huggable |
Hardhearted | Hierarchical | Hugoesque |
Hardline | Hieratic | Hulking |
Hardscrabble | Hieroglyphic | Hulky |
Hardworking | Hieroglyphical | Human |
Hardy | Hifalutin | Humane |
Harebrained | High | Humanistic |
Harmful | Highborn | Humanitarian |
Harmless | Highbrow | Humanlike |
Harmonic | Highbrowed | Human-Like |
Harmonical | Highfalutin | Humble |
Harmonious | Highfaluting | Humbled |
Harmonizable | Highflying | Humbling |
Harried | High-Functioning | Humdrum |
Harrowing | Highland | Humic |
Harsh | High-Maintenance | Humid |
Harsher | High-Rise | Humified |
Harshest | High-Risk | Humiliated |
Hasidic | High-Sounding | Humiliating |
Hassidic | High-Speed | Humming |
Hastate | High-Spirited | Humongous |
Hasty | High-Strung | Humorless |
Hated | High-Tech | Humorous |
Hateful | High-Toned | Humourless |
Hatefully | High-Yield | Humourous |
Hatless | Hilar | Humpbacked |
Hatted | Hilarious | Humped |
Haughty | Hilly | Hunchbacked |
Haunting | Himalayan | Hundred |
Hawaiian | Hind | Hundredth |
Hawk-Eyed | Hinder | Hungarian |
Hawkish | Hindering | Hungrier |
Haywire | Hindermost | Hungriest |
Hazardous | Hindi | Hungry |
Hazel | Hindoo | Hurried |
Hazy | Hindu | Hurt |
Head | Hindustani | Hurtful |
Headed | Hip | Husbandly |
Headfirst | Hiplength | Hushed |
Headless | Hipless | Huskier |
Headlike | Hipped | Huskiest |
Headlong | Hippocratic | Husky |
Headstrong | Hircine | Huxleian |
Heady | Hired | Huxleyan |
Healing | Hirsute | Hyaline |
Healthful | Hispanic | Hyaloid |
Healthy | Hispaniolan | Hybrid |
Hearable | Hispid | Hydraulic |
Hearing | Hissing | Hydric |
Hearsay | Histologic | Hydrophobic |
Heartbreaking | Histological | Hydrophytic |
Heartbroken | Historical | Hydroponic |
Heartfelt | Historied | Hydrostatic |
Heartless | Histrionic | Hydrothermal |
Heartrending | Hi-Tech | Hydrous |
Heartsick | Hitlerian | Hydroxy |
Heartwarming | Hitless | Hygienic |
Heart-Whole | Hittite | Hygienical |
Hearty | Hmong | Hygrophytic |
Heatable | Hoar | Hygroscopic |
Heated | Hoarse | Hymenal |
Heathen | Hoary | Hymeneal |
Heathenish | Hobnailed | Hyoid |
Heathlike | Hogged | Hypaethral |
Heatless | Hoggish | Hyperactive |
Heavenly | Hokey | Hyper-Active |
Heavenward | Holey | Hyperbolic |
Heavy | Holiday | Hyperboloidal |
Heavy-Armed | Holier | Hypercritical |
Heavy-Duty | Holiest | Hyperemic |
Heavy-Handed | Holistic | Hyperfine |
Heavyhearted | Hollow | Hypermetropic |
Heavyset | Hollywood | Hyperopic |
Hebdomadal | Holographic | Hypersensitive |
Hebdomadary | Holographical | Hypertensive |
Hebephrenic | Holometabolic | Hyperthermal |
Hebraic | Holophytic | Hypertonic |
Hebraical | Holozoic | Hypertrophied |
Hebrew | Holy | Hypethral |
Hebridean | Home | Hypnagogic |
Hectic | Homebound | Hypnogogic |
Hedonic | Homegrown | Hypnoid |
Hedonistic | Homeless | Hypnotic |
Heedful | Homelike | Hypnotised |
Heedless | Homely | Hypnotizable |
Hefty | Homemade | Hypoactive |
Hegelian | Homeopathic | Hypochondriac |
Heinous | Homesick | Hypocritical |
Heliac | Homespun | Hypodermal |
Heliacal | Homeward | Hypodermic |
Helical | Homey | Hypoglycaemic |
Heliocentric | Homicidal | Hypoglycemic |
Hellenic | Homiletic | Hypognathous |
Hellenistic | Hominal | Hypophyseal |
Hellish | Homing | Hypophysial |
Helmeted | Hominian | Hypotensive |
Helminthic | Hominid | Hypothalamic |
Helpful | Hominine | Hypothetic |
Helpfully | Homocercal | Hypothetical |
Helpless | Homocyclic | Hypotonic |
Hemal | Homoecious | Hypovolaemic |
Hematal | Homoerotic | Hypovolemic |
Hematic | Homogeneous | Hysterical |
Hematogenic | Homogenized |
Positive Adjectives That Start with H
If you want to leave a positive impression in front of people, try to use following adjectives beginning with H often.
Habitable | Heedful | Honorific |
Hale | Helpful | Hopeful |
Hallowed | Heralded | Hortative |
Handsome | Heroic | Hospitable |
Handy | Heuristic | Hot |
Happening | High | Hotshot |
Happy | High-class | Huggable |
Hardworking | Highest | Human |
Hardy | High-minded | Humane |
Harmless | Hip | Humanistic |
Harmonious | Holiday | Humble |
Harmonizable | Holiest | Hunky |
Head | Holistic | Hygienic |
Healing | Holy | Hyped |
Healthful | Homey | Hyper-immunizing |
Healthy | Honest | Hypersexual |
Heartening | Honeyed | Hypersonic |
Heartfelt | Honorable | Hyper-stimulated |
Hearty | Honorary | Hypnotic |
Heavenly | Honored | Hysterical |
Negative Adjectives That Start with H
Things can’t always be pleasant. Everyone has to suffer or see sad circumstances. Therefore we provide following list of negative adjectives starting with H to describe those scenarios.
Hackneyed | Harrowing | Hefty |
Haggard | Harsh | Hellbent |
Hagridden | Harsher | Hellish |
Hair-raising | Harshest | Helpless |
Hairsplitting | Hasty | Heretical |
Half-baked | Hateful | Hesitant |
Half-hearted | Hatefully | Hesitating |
Halfway | Haughty | Hexed |
Hallucinatory | Haunting | Hidden |
Hallucinogenic | Hawkish | Hideous |
Halt | Haywire | High-risk |
Halting | Hazardous | Hoarse |
Hammy | Hazy | Hogged |
Hangdog | Headstrong | Hoggish |
Haphazard | Hearsay | Hokey |
Hapless | Heartless | Hollow |
Hard | Heartrending | Homeless |
Hardcore | Heartsick | Homely |
Hardened | Heathen | Homesick |
Hardheaded | Heathenish | Homicidal |
Hardscrabble | Heavier | Hopeless |
Harebrained | Heavy | Horrible |
Harmful | Heavyset | Horrid |
Harried | Heedless | Housebound |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with H
Descriptive words that start with H are commonly used in regular discussions. Check some of them below.
Habitable | Heartstricken | Hoary |
Habited | Heathen | Hollow |
Habitual | Heating | Holographic |
Hackney | Heaving | Holy |
Hail | Heavy-duty | Home |
Half | Hebrew | Homicidal |
Halting | Heedful | Honest |
Halved | Heedless | Honorary |
Hanging | Hefty | Hooded |
Happening | Heinous | Hooked |
Harassed | Heirless | Hopped |
Hard | Heirloom | Hotbed |
Harmful | Her | Hourly |
Harmonic | Hesitant | Humid |
Harping | Heterodox | Hunchbacked |
Harsh | Hewn | Hundred |
Haunted | Hierarchical | Hurtful |
Hazel | High-born | Hushed |
Headachy | Hilly | Husked |
Headed | Himalayan | Hybrid |
Headless | Hind | Hydraulic |
Headlong | Hispanic | Hypocritical |
Healable | Historic | Hypothetical |
Heartbroken | Historical | Hither |
Heartrending |
Adjectives That Start with H to Describe a Person
Following are some adjectives that start with H to describe a person. Which one would you like to use to describe your beloved one?
Haggard | Heinous | Hot |
Hairless | Hellenic | Howling |
Hairy | Helpless | Huge |
Handicapped | Heroic | Hulking |
Handless | Hideous | Human |
Handsome | High | Humane |
Handy | Hindu | Humanitarian |
Hanging | Hip | Hung |
Haphazard | Hippy | Hungarian |
Hapless | Hirsute | Hungrier |
Happy | His | Hungry |
Hard | Holy | Hurried |
Hardworking | Homeless | Hurt |
Hardy | Homely | Hushed |
Hasty | Homesick | Husky |
Hawaiian | Homicidal | Hypnotized |
Heady | Honest | Hysterical |
Healthy | Honorable | Heavy |
Heavenly | Horny | Horrible |
Heavyset | Horrid | Horrifying |
Heft |
Adjectives That Start with H – Definitions and Examples
Going through the list only is not enough to learn thoroughly. It is also necessary to learn their definition and example as well.
Habilimented: dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination; appareled; attired; dressed.
– Unlike my sister, who cares about fashion, my habilimented style is always focused on what makes me the most comfortable.
Habitable: suitable for people to live in; bearable; comfortable.
– The house should be habitable by the New Year.
Habited: dressed in a habit; clad; clothed.
– The habited men of the monastery.
Habitual: usual for or typical of somebody/something; accustomed; customary.
– They waited for his habitual response.
Hackneyed: used too often and therefore boring; overdone; worn out.
– A hackneyed subject.
Hadal: relating to the zone of the sea greater than 6000 m in depth; chiefly; oceanic; trenches.
– The hadal zone spans from depths of to the ocean floor.
Hadean: relating to or characteristic of Hades, the underworld of the dead; plutonian; tartarean.
– He was condemned to a Hadean eternity.
Haemal: of or concerning the blood; haematal; hemal; hematal.
– This is the vascular or haemal system.
Haematal: vomiting blood; haematic; hemal.
– Haematal relating to the blood vessels or blood.
Haematic: relating to or affecting the blood; hematic; hemic.
– In order to ensure physiologic haematic levels of glucose, the organism mobilizes the fat deposits and muscle proteins.
Haematogenic: pertaining to the formation of blood or blood cells; haematopoietic; haemopoietic.
– Haematogenic Infection of the pubic bones is rare.
Haemic: relating to or containing or affecting blood; haematic; hematic; hemic.
– Antihypoxic activity was investigated in two models, haemic and circulatory.
Haemolytic: relating to or involving the rupture or destruction of red blood cells; anemia; haemophile.
– Haemolytic anemia.
Haemorrhagic: accompanied by or produced by haemorrhage; hemorrhage; bleeding.
– A viral haemorrhagic fever.
Haggard: looking very tired because of illness, worry or lack of sleep; drawn; skinny.
– He looked pale and haggard.
Hagridden: afflicted by nightmares or anxieties; distracted; bothered.
– He was hag-ridden by his early success.
Haired: having hair of a specified kind; hairy; hoary.
– A curly-haired boy.
Hairless: without hair; bald; clean-shaven.
– The animal that Canion found was hairless with blue-gray colored skin.
Hairlike: long and slender with a very small internal diameter; furry; fuzzy.
– There are plentiful hairlike green leaves which may be longer than the stems.
Hairsplitting: characterized by or fond of small and over fine distinctions; quibbling; fault-finding; niggling.
– The legal experts have a particularly hair-splitting mentality.
Hairy: dangerous or frightening but often exciting; covered with a lot of hair; bearded; bewhiskered.
– It was all pretty hairy, I can tell you.
Haitian: a person from Haiti; Haitians; haitien.
– For the sake of national survival, nonintervention became a Haitian credo.
Halal: from an animal that has been killed according to Muslim law; permissible; accepted.
– A halal butcher.
Halcyon: (of a period of time in the past) peaceful and happy; pastoral; quiet.
– The halcyon days of her youth.
Hale: strong and healthy; robust; sound.
– He is only just sixty, very hale and hearty.
Half: to the extent of half; partly; limited.
– The glass was half full.
Halfhearted: lacking heart, spirit, or interest; desultory; feeble.
– He made a halfhearted attempt to contact them.
Half-Hearted: done without enthusiasm or effort; unenthusiastic; lukewarm.
– He made a half-hearted attempt to justify himself.
Halfway: midway between two points; in-between; average.
– We’ve reached the halfway point of the season.
Half-Way: to some extent; central; halfway.
– I’m incapable of doing anything even halfway decent.
Hallowed: respected and important; sacred; blessed.
– He stood on the hallowed ground of Yankee Stadium.
Hallucinatory: connected with or causing hallucinations; dreamlike; fanciful.
– A hallucinatory experience.
Hallucinogenic: that affects people’s minds and makes them see and hear things that are not really there; crazy; experimental.
– Hallucinogenic drugs effects.
Halting: stopping and starting often, especially because you are not certain or are not very confident; hesitant; clumsy.
– We carried on a halting conversation.
Hammy: artificial or exaggerated; theatric; dramatic.
– In the television ads, he cheerfully delivered some hammy lines before falling backwards into a swimming pool.
Handheld: small enough to be held in the hand while being used; portable; pocket.
– A handheld camera.
Handicapped: having a condition that makes it difficult for you to do some things that most other people can do; hamper; impede.
– He has been handicapped since his motorcycle accident.
Handled: having a handle or handles, especially of a specified type or number; managed; organized.
– I handled the checkbook from the very first.
Handleless: having no handle; Hilted; knob.
– After which there was another great pot-hole, like a vast mortar with a handleless pestle of rock remaining therein.
Handless: having no hands; inefficient in manual tasks; clumsy.
– She was handless to interfere.
Handmade: made by a person using their hands rather than by machines; handcrafted; crafted.
– Handmade furniture.
Handsewn: sewn by hand, without the use of a sewing machine; hand-crafted; handmade.
– These are handsewn artefacts, impressive inside and out.
Hands-Off: dealing with people or a situation by not becoming involved and by allowing people to do what they want to; unflappable; uninvolved.
– A hands-off approach to staff management.
Handsome: attractive; good-looking; beautiful.
– He had an interesting and rather handsome face.
Hands-On: doing something rather than just talking about it; firsthand; manual.
– To gain hands-on experience of industry.
Handstitched: stitched by hand rather than by a machine; hand-crafted; handmade.
– The dresses are beautifully designed and are handstitched.
Handwoven: woven by hand or on an unpowered loom; hand-loomed; hand-crafted.
– The fernery was flanked by two other handwoven baskets of sweet-grass.
Handwritten: written by hand, not printed or typed; in writing; transcribed.
– A handwritten note.
Handy: easy to use or to do; useful; convenient.
– A handy little tool.
Hangdog: if a person has a hangdog look, they look sad or ashamed; downcast; browbeaten.
– His hangdog expression.
Hanging: suspended in the air; beetling; dangling.
– Hanging palls of smoke.
Hanoverian: of or relating to the British kings and queens from George I to Queen Victoria; hanover; royal line.
– The Hanoverian succession.
Haphazard: with no particular order or plan; not organized well; aimless; arbitrary.
– The books had been piled on the shelves in a haphazard fashion.
Hapless: not lucky; experiencing extreme bad luck; cursed; hexed.
– Often the hapless victims have no warning that the flood is on its way.
Haploid: containing the set of chromosomes from one parent only; haploidic; monoploid.
– It is considered that the mitochondria are maternally inherited and are, therefore, haploid.
Haploidic: having a single set of unpaired chromosomes; haploid; monoploid.
– Haploidic drones have 16 chromosomes and not 32 like the diploid queen.
Happier: feeling or showing pleasure; pleased; contented; cheerful.
– And I am sure there will not be a happier man than you.
Happiest: giving or causing pleasure; contented; delighted.
– Those were the happiest days of my life.
Happy: feeling or showing pleasure; pleased; Joyful; Cheerful.
– He always seemed happy enough.
Haptic: relating to or involving the sense of touch; tactile; tactual.
– Players use a haptic device such as a joystick to control the game.
Hard: full of difficulty and problems, especially because of a lack of money; tough; rough.
– Times were hard at the end of the war.
Hardback: of a book bound in stiff covers; album; booklet.
– A hardback edition.
Hardbacked: having a hard back or cover; hardback; hardbound.
– His second book came out in hardbacked last month.
Hardbound: of a book having a hard cover, usually of stiff paper or cloth; hardback; hardcover.
– This publication is hardbound, oversized and rather expensive.
Hardcore: highly committed in one’s support for or dedication to something; determined; hard-line.
– Hardcore gamers.
Hard-Core: having a belief or a way of behaving that will not change; devoted; die-hard.
– Hard-core party members.
Hardcover: bound in stiff covers; hardback; paperback.
– Hardcover and paperback editions.
Hardened: very experienced in a particular job or activity and therefore not easily upset by its more unpleasant aspects; strong; tough.
– Hardened police officers.
Hardfisted: unwilling to part with money; closefisted; tightfisted stingy; ungenerous.
– Hardfisted revolutionists.
Hardheaded: determined and not allowing your emotions to affect your decisions; unsentimental; practical.
– A hardheaded businessman.
Hardhearted: giving no importance to the feelings or problems of other people; unfeeling; heartless.
– You would have to be pretty hardhearted not to feel something for him.
Hardline: having very fixed beliefs and being unlikely or unwilling to change them; uncompromising; unyielding.
– A hardline conservative.
Hardscrabble: not having enough of the basic things you need to live; desolate; impoverished.
– A hardscrabble life/upbringing.
Hardworking: putting a lot of effort into a job and doing it well; dedicated; diligent.
– I want to stand up for all the decent, hard-working families in this country.
Hardy: strong and able to survive difficult conditions and bad weather; firm; fit.
– These hardy mountain folk seem to thrive on the cold.
Harebrained: crazy and unlikely to succeed; rash; foolish.
– A hare-brained scheme/idea/theory.
Harmful: causing damage or injury to somebody/something, especially to a person’s health or to the environment; adverse; bad.
– Fruit juices can be harmful to children’s teeth.
Harmless: unable or unlikely to cause damage or harm; inoffensive; naïve.
– The bacteria is harmless to humans.
Harmonic: relating to the way notes are played or sung together to make a pleasant sound; melodic; symphonic.
– The harmonic and rhythmic interest of the music.
Harmonical: involving or characterized by harmony; consonant; harmonic.
– The slow movement ventured boldly into dark harmonical realms, the finale scampered out into the sunlight.
Harmonious: arranged together in a way that is pleasant because each part goes well with the others; pleasing; congenial; coordinated.
– A harmonious combination of colors.
Harmonizable: capable of being made harmonious or consistent; reconcilable; capable of being reconciled.
– The height of head harmonizable blade or any arbitrary adjustable backer.
Harried: harry somebody to annoy or upset somebody by continuously asking them questions or for something; harass; agitated.
– She has been harried by the press all week.
Harrowing: making you feel very upset because you are very shocked or frightened; agonizing; distressing.
– The book makes harrowing reading.
Harsh: cruel, severe and unkind; bitter; bleak.
– The punishment was harsh and unfair.
Harsher: unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses; grating; jarring; grinding.
– His words came out harsher than he intended.
Harshest: cruel or severe; savage; barbarous.
– That’s the harshest thing I have ever heard leave your mouth.
Hasidic: connected with Hasidism, a form of the Jewish religion that has very strict beliefs; Hebrew; Judaist.
– Everywhere he was zealously engaged in propagating the Hasidic doctrine by means of the spoken and written word.
Hassidic: relating to or denoting Hasidism, a mystical Jewish movement founded in Poland in the 18th century in reaction to the rigid academicism of rabbinical Judaism; Hebrew; Judaist.
– Hassidic boys of the Jewish faith visited the synagogue to worship and pray.
Hastate: having a narrow triangular shape like that of a spearhead; trilateral; cuneate.
– The hastate leaves are shapely, and the whole plant is charming when grown away from dust.
Hasty: said, made or done very quickly, especially when this has badly results; hurried; abrupt.
– We made a hasty departure.
Hateful: very unkind or unpleasant; abhorrent; bitter.
– We will not tolerate this hateful bullying.
Hatefully: full of hate; repulsive; spiteful.
– The more subtle directors used homosexual characters powerfully, if hatefully.
Hatless: not possessing, or not wearing, a hat; uncovered; unclad.
– He stood hatless and coatless in the snow.
Hatted: wearing a hat; turbaned.
– A suited, booted, and hatted gentleman.
Haughty: behaving in an unfriendly way towards other people because you think that you are better than them; arrogant; disdainful.
– He replied with haughty disdain.
Haunting: beautiful, sad or frightening in a way that cannot be forgotten; weird; uncanny.
– A haunting experience.
Hawaiian: relating to Hawaii, its people, or their language; American; Native Hawaiian.
– One of their early successes in conservation was the preservation of the Hawaiian goose.
Hawk-Eyed: watching closely and carefully and noticing small details; eagle-eyed; X-ray eye.
– A hawk-eyed policeman saved the lives of dozens of shoppers.
Hawkish: preferring to use military action rather than peaceful discussion in order to solve a political problem; combative; contentious.
– The president is hawkish on foreign policy.
Haywire: to stop working correctly or become out of control; chaotic; confused.
– After that, things started to go haywire.
Hazardous: involving risk or danger, especially to somebody’s health or safety; dicey; difficult.
– They endured a hazardous journey through thickening fog.
Hazel: (of eyes) between light brown and green or gold in colour; amber; bay.
– She has hazel eyes and long brown hair that reaches the middle of her back.
Hazy: not clear because of haze; blurred; blurry.
– The mountains were hazy in the distance.
Head: chief; principal; leading; main.
– The head waiter.
Headed: having the name and address of a person, an organization, etc. printed at the top; pointed; turned.
– Headed notepaper.
Headfirst: characterized by the head going first or in front of the rest of the body; recklessly; impetuously.
– He avoided serious injury following a head-first fall on to the ice.
Headless: without a head; stupid; unintelligent.
– A headless body.
Headlike: resembling or suggesting a head in shape or function; headed.
– Hauling her to the bed, he shook out a pillow from its case and draped the case over her head like a hood.
Headlong: quick and done without looking where you are going; abrupt; impetuous.
– Rather than have a headlong collision, the driver swerved in front of the bus.
Headstrong: a headstrong person is determined to do things their own way and refuses to listen to advice; impulsive; bullheaded.
– She is too wild and headstrong to be guided by me.
Heady: having a strong effect on your senses; making you feel excited and confident; intoxicating; exhilarating.
– The heady days of youth.
Healing: tending to heal; therapeutic; curative.
– A healing experience.
Healthful: good for your health; healthy; wholesome.
– A healthful diet includes plenty of green vegetables.
Healthy: having good health and not likely to become ill; active; athletic.
– She was finally starting to look healthy again.
Hearable: heard or perceptible by the ear; audible.
– Several other companies are currently also investing development capacities in hearables.
Hearing: able to hear well; not deaf; detecting; distinguishing.
– Peter and Nita have endured years of being treated with condescension and disrespect by hearing people.
Heartbreaking: extremely sad; agonizing; calamitous.
– It’s heartbreaking to see him wasting his life like this.
Heartbroken: extremely sad because of something that has happened; grief-stricken; sad.
– He was heartbroken when she left him.
Heartfelt: showing strong feelings that are sincere; sincere; ardent.
– We offered her a heartfelt apology and a bunch of flowers.
Heartless: feeling no sympathy for other people; cruel; brutal.
– The decision does seem a little heartless.
Heartrending: causing very sad feelings; heartbreaking; distressing.
– A heart-rending story.
Heartsick: extremely unhappy or disappointed; dejected; depressed.
– They were absolutely heartsick over the loss of their home.
Heartwarming: causing feelings of happiness and pleasure; exhilarating; heartening.
– It’s heartwarming to hear of the success you’ve had with the appeal.
Heart-Whole: not in love; heart-free.
– She went on as companionable, as adaptable, as aloof and heart-whole as ever.
Hearty: showing friendly feelings for somebody; cheery; cordial.
– The Colonel gave me a hearty handshake.
Heatable: capable of being heated; acrimonious; bitter.
– It’s suitable for heatable filter paper as packaging material.
Heated: full of anger and excitement; acrimonious; bitter.
– She became very heated.
Heathen: connected with heathens; agnostic; barbarian.
– Heathen gods.
Heathenish: resembling or characteristic of heathens; barbarous; savage.
– Monarchy, he said, was preposterous, and it had a heathenish origin.
Heathlike: resembling heath; stalk.
Heatless: without generating heat; cold.
– And the heatless jalapeno gives me one to latch onto.
Heavenly: of heaven; divine; holy; celestial.
– Heavenly Father.
Heavenward: directed or moving towards heaven or the sky; upward; skyward.
– With a heavenward glance, he turned to Alf.
Heavy: weighing a lot; difficult to lift or move; massive.
– She was struggling with a heavy suitcase.
Heavy-Duty: not easily damaged and therefore suitable for hard physical work or to be used all the time; considerable; leading.
– A heavy-duty carpet.
Heavy-Handed: using too much of something in a way that can cause damage; coercive; cruel.
– Don’t be too heavy-handed with the salt.
Heavyhearted: feeling depressed or melancholy; melancholy; sad; sorrowful.
– Is it better to be serious and heavy-hearted?
Heavyset: having a broad heavy body; blocky; chunky.
– Oliver Ingraham was a heavyset man with silver hair.
Hebdomadal: of or occurring every seven days; hebdomadary; weekly periodic.
His chief public activity at Oxford was in connexion with the hebdomadal council, and with the Clarendon Press.
Hebraic: of or connected with the Hebrew language or people; Hebraical; Hebrew.
– Hebraic poetry.
Hebraical: of, relating to, or characteristic of the Hebrews or their language or culture; Hebraic; Hebrew.
– The Hebraical calendar, the months all begin with the sighting of the new moon.
Hebrew: of or connected with the Hebrew language or people; Hasidic; Judaistic.
– This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.
Hebridean: relating to or characteristic of the Hebrides, a group of islands off the north-western coast of Scotland; Hebrides.
– Hebridean folklore.
Hectic: very busy; full of activity; boisterous; chaotic.
– They’ve got a hectic schedule planned.
Hedonic: relating to, characterized by, or considered in terms of pleasant (or unpleasant) sensations; decadent; effete.
– The drone arrived long after the hedonic sense of victory had worn off.
Hedonistic: engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent; self-indulgent; indulgent; pleasure-seeking.
– A hedonistic existence of booze, drugs, and parties.
Heedful: paying careful attention to somebody/something; thoughtful; careful.
– The government should be heedful of the impact of inflation on savings.
Heedless: not paying careful attention to somebody/something; oblivious; indifferent.
– Heedless bravery.
Hefty: of a person or an object big and heavy; colossal; fat.
– Her brothers were both hefty men in their forties.
Hegelian: relating to or characteristic of the German philosopher Hegel or his ideas; Hegel.
– The Hegelian conception of the state.
Heinous: morally very bad; abhorrent; abominable.
– A heinous crime.
Heliac: pertaining to or near the sun; especially the first rising of a star after and last setting before its invisibility owing to its conjunction with the sun. heliacal.
– The homopolar generator, the largest ever built, was capable of supplying H1NF Heliac.
Heliacal: relating to or near the sun; empyreal; stellar.
– They also possessed lists of the fixed stars, and drew up tables of the times of their heliacal risings.
Helical: like a helix; coiling; spiral.
– Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, travels a helical path through space.
Heliocentric: with the sun as the center; Copernican.
– The heliocentric model of the solar system.
Hellenic: of or connected with ancient or modern Greece; classic; humanistic.
– The cities appear equally Hellenic in their political organs and functions with boule and demos and popularly elected magistrates.
Hellenistic: of or connected with the Greek history, language and culture of the 4th–1st centuries BC; Hellenic; Hellenistical.
– All the Hellenistic courts felt it a great part of prestige to be filled with the light of Hellenic culture.
Hellish: extremely unpleasant; horrible; infernal.
– His school days were hellish.
Helmeted: wearing a helmet; equipped; equipt.
– Helmeted firefighters.
Helminthic: of, relating to, or caused by parasitic worms; anthelminthic; anthelmintic.
– A helminthic medicine.
Helpful: able to improve a particular situation; useful; accessible.
– It would be helpful to have more detailed information.
Helpfully: in a way that helps a particular situation; usefully; advantageously.
– The waitress helpfully provided cutlery and serviettes.
Helpless: unable to take care of yourself or do things without the help of other people; defenseless.
– Children are the most helpless victims of war.
Hemal: of or concerning the blood; haematal; hematal.
– This is the vascular or haemal system.
Hematic: relating to or affecting the blood; blood-soaked; bloodstained.
– Blood samples were obtained and hematic biometry and liver enzyme analysis were performed.
Hematogenic: pertaining to the formation of blood or blood cells; haematopoietic; haemopoietic.
– Long bones osteomyelitis is often caused by trauma, hematogenic spread, or the presence of a prosthetic device.
Hematopoietic: of or relating to hematopoiesis, the formation of blood or blood cells; haematogenic; haemopoietic.
– Additionally, he has focused on the regulation of genes expressed in hematopoietic stem cells and their progenitors.
Hemic: hematic; gory; grisly.
– Examination revealed pallor, edema, hemic murmur, and palpable liver.
Hemimetabolic: Having an incomplete metamorphosis; hemimetabolism; hemimetamorphosis.
– Hemimetabolic discusses insects both amphibious and terrestrial.
Hemispheric: pertaining to or operating throughout a hemisphere; meridian; semicircle.
– It is semicircular in shape, with a hemispheric mound at the middle of the anterior half.
Hemispherical: having the shape of a hemisphere; arched; curved.
– The crater is a hemispherical dish with a rim all at one height.
Hemodynamic: relating to the flow of blood within the organs and tissues of the body; hemodynamically.
– Hemodynamic effects were found only on the immature heart.
Hemolytic: relating to or involving the rupture or destruction of red blood cells; hemolytic.
– Hemolytic anemia.
Hemopoietic: pertaining to the formation of blood or blood cells; haematogenic; haematopoietic.
– Despite the final fate of hematic cells, hemopoietic cells retain a relative degree of plasticity dependent on environmental factors.
Hemorrhagic: happening with or caused by haemorrhage; drain; extravasate.
– A haemorrhagic fever.
Hemostatic: tending to check bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels; styptic astringent.
– They are very astringent, hemostatic and sedative
Hempen: made from hemp fiber; fibrous tough; resistant to cutting.
– Hempen rope.
Henpecked: often criticized and told what to do by somebody else, usually a wife or female partner, and too weak to disagree; bullied; browbeaten.
– A henpecked husband attempts to escape from his domineering wife.
Hep: old-fashioned term for hip; tolerable; admissible.
– Seventeen of the centers did not offer hep B viral load testing.
Hepatic: relating to the liver; arteria hepatica; hepatic vein.
– The absence of hepatic blood flow in the pulmonary circulation has been postulated in their pathogenesis.
Hepatotoxic: damaging or destructive to liver cells; Toxic; harmful.
– Hepatotoxic chemicals damage liver cells primarily by producing reactive oxygen species.
Heraldic: connected with the study of coats of arms and the history of old families; blazonry; coat.
– The Knights Shield displayed a heraldic blazon which identified the Knight.
Herbaceous: connected with plants that have soft stems; decorative; blooming.
– An herbaceous plant.
Herbal: connected with or made from herbs; grassy; vegetal.
– Herbal medicine/remedies.
Herbivorous: eating only plants; vegan; vegetarian.
– Herbivorous dinosaurs.
Herculean: needing a lot of strength, determination or effort; almighty; backbreaking.
– A Herculean task.
Here: used when you are giving or showing something to somebody; available; at hand.
– Here’s a dish that is simple and quick to make.
Hereditary: of a disease or characteristic given to a child by its parents before it is born; genetic; inborn.
– Hair loss is often hereditary.
Heretical: of a religious belief or opinion against the principles of a particular religion; agnostic; apostate.
– Heretical beliefs.
Heritable: that can be passed from one member of a family to another; genetic; inborn.
– The fold in the ears was caused by a heritable, dominant, mutated gene.
Hermaphroditic: a person or thing in which two opposite qualities are combined; double-gaited; gynandrous.
– The hermaphroditic population has full restoration of the male sterility mutation and thus no females.
Hermeneutic: relating to the meaning of written texts; critical; demonstrative.
– A robust hermeneutics of model design meets the criteria for supporting those phenomena.
Hermetic: tightly closed so that no air can escape or enter; airtight; impervious.
– The strange, hermetic world of the theatre.
Hermitic: characterized by ascetic solitude; anchoritic; eremitic.
– I do get that hermitic urge.
Hermitical: haracterized by ascetic solitude; anchoritic; eremitic.
– She, too, had no doubt been terrified into that hermitical retirement among the señoritas now universal.
Heroic: showing extreme courage and admired by many people; courageous; daring.
– She is a heroic figure we can all look up to.
Heroical: having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes; heroic bold; fearless and daring.
– His heroical deeds were celebrated in every corner of the country.
Hesitant: slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain, embarrassed or unwilling; afraid; averse.
– It was a few seconds before she heard a hesitant reply.
Hesitating: tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking; ambivalent; shaky.
– His hesitating delivery.
Hesperian: of or concerning the Hesperides; occidental.
– White is the color that Hesperian likes.
Het: made warm or hot; heated; heated up; het up hot.
– Mike tends to get het up about silly things.
Heterocercal: having unequal upper and lower lobes, usually with the vertebral column passing into the upper; asymmetrical.
– The tail is asymmetrical (heterocercal), and numerous placoid scales (dermal denticles) are embedded in the skin.
Heterodactyl: having the first and second toes directed backwards and the third and fourth forwards; bird’s foot.
– They are the only type of animal with a heterodactyl toe arrangement.
Heterodox: not in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions, especially in theology; unorthodox; dissident.
– His heterodox beliefs raised doubts about his fitness for high office.
Heterodyne: relating to the production of a lower frequency from the combination of two almost equal high frequencies, as used in radio transmission; combine; compound.
– A heterodyne interferometer.
Heterogeneous: consisting of many different kinds of people or things; amalgamate; composite.
– The heterogeneous population of the United States.
Heterogenous: of different origin; not from the same source, individual, or species; various; miscellaneous.
– These prospects have been frustrated, however, by the disorganized and heterogeneous nature of development in culture.
Heteroicous: having several forms of gametoecia on the same plant; polygamous; polyoicous.
– Heteroicous is having archegonia and antheridia either on the same branch or on different branches of the same plant.
Heterological: not describing itself; heterologic; heterologous.
– As a consequence, heterological predicates are ruled out, for both the word for the subject.
Heterologous: having a different relation, relative position, or structure; not homologous; eterologic; heterological.
– Heterologous antiserum.
Heterosexual: sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex; showing this; straight; straight person.
– A heterosexual relationship.
Heterothermic: of animals except birds and mammals; having body temperature that varies with the environment; ectothermic; poikilothermic.
– The two tropical insectivorous bats were clearly heterothermic.
Heterotrophic: getting food from the body of another living thing and not by making it from simpler substances; herbivore; omnivore.
– Heterotrophic nitrifier, named strain HN, was isolated from the greenhouse soil.
Heterozygous: having two varying forms of a particular gene, with young that may therefore vary in a particular characteristic; chromosome; clone.
– All the mutations were found in heterozygous state.
Heuristic: heuristic teaching or education encourages you to learn by discovering things for yourself; examining; interested.
– When you visit the doctor, he will use heuristic methods to rule out certain medical conditions.
Hexadecimal: using a system for representing pieces of data using the numbers 0–9 and the letters A–F; average; binary.
– Hexadecimal code/values.
Hexagonal: having six straight sides and six angles; hexadic; semestral.
– For snow, no attempt is made to model the hexagonal crystal structure of the snow flake.
Hexangular: Having six angles or corners; hexagonal; semestral.
– Fix the Towel Ring on the base with the M5 inner hexangular set screw.
Hexed: cast a spell on; bewitch; bedeviled.
– He hexed her with his fingers.
Hibernal: of, characteristic of, or occurring in winter; bleak; chilly.
– Bears prepare for their long hibernal sleep by overeating.
Hick: connected with people from the country who are considered to be stupid and to have little experience of life; bumpkin; rube.
– A hick town.
Hidden: something that is hidden is kept or located in a place where it cannot be seen; buried; clandestine.
– Hidden dangers lurk in the ocean depths.
Hidebound: having old-fashioned ideas, rather than accepting new ways of thinking; narrow-minded; conservative.
– She wanted a life that was less hidebound by rules and conventions.
Hideous: very ugly or unpleasant; revolting; appalling.
– The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare.
Hiemal: of or relating to winter; wintry.
– Warm manual: Hiemal study, you work all night and often be indifferent reading place.
Hierarchal: classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers; hierarchic; stratified.
– You have to create boundaries in the fiercely hierarchal world of rock-chickdom, or you do not survive.
Hierarchic: capable of being graded; graded; ranked; stratified.
– She thinks the hierarchical structure of the family was also a factor.
Hierarchical: arranged in a hierarchy; ranked; stratified.
– The company’s structure is rigidly hierarchical.
Hieratic: of or concerning priests; sacerdotal; priestly.
– He raised both his arms in a hieratic gesture.
Hieroglyphic: using hieroglyphs pictures or symbols, representing a word, syllable or sound, especially as used in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems; pictorial; blocked-out.
– A hieroglyphic inscription.
Hieroglyphical: written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial symbols; hieroglyphic.
– The decorative value of hieroglyphical was fully appreciated in Egypt.
Hifalutin: (especially of speech, writing, or ideas) pompous or pretentious; rhetorical; ornate.
– You don’t want any highfalutin jargon.
High: used to talk about the distance that something measures from the bottom to the top; huge; immense.
– The grass was waist-high.
Highborn: having parents who are members of the highest social class; aristocratic; elite.
– The wedding was a social event of impressive proportions, attracting the highborn of Wales and England alike.
Highbrow: interested in serious artistic or cultural ideas; intellectual; scholarly.
– Highbrow critics generally disapprove of this type of novel.
Highbrowed: a person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture; cerebral; creative.
– I suppose my reading tastes then were similar to now in that they’ve always been eclectic and not particularly highbrowed.
Highfalutin: trying to be serious or important, but in a way that often appears silly and unnecessary; pretentious; affected; arrogant.
– Highfalutin language.
Highfaluting: affectedly genteel; grandiose; hifalutin.
– His language in those telegrams and letters was highfaluting and bombastic.
Highflying: very successful; opportunistic; aggressive.
– A highflying career woman.
High-Functioning: performing or operating at a high level; active; effective.
– High-functioning autistic children.
Highland: connected with an area of land that has hills or mountains; colossal; gigantic.
– Highland regions.
High-Maintenance: needing a lot of attention or effort; bad-tempered; irritable.
– A high-maintenance garden.
High-Rise: having many storeys; statuesque; elevated.
– A high-rise block of flats.
High-Risk: involving a lot of danger and the risk of injury, death, damage; dangerous; hazardous.
– Rock climbing is a high-risk sport that requires special equipment and training.
High-Sounding: complicated and intended to sound important; pretentious; bombastic.
– The tourist threat is often couched in high-sounding good intentions which may well appear credible even laudable to the average person.
High-Speed: enlarge image that travels, works or happens very fast; quick; rapid.
– We are talking about a network of modern highways, high-speed trains, airports and air routes.
High-Spirited: very lively and active; lively; merry.
– A high-spirited child.
High-Strung: nervous and easily upset; excitable; restless.
– He is high-strung and prone to nervous excitement, but is an effective and caring leader to the detective squad.
High-Tech: using the most modern methods and machines, especially electronic ones; futuristic; modern.
– High-tech industries.
High-Toned: high in social, moral, or intellectual quality; civilized; intellectualist.
– I became attuned to the high-toned squeaking of shrews, which appeared to be engaged in conflict.
High-Yield: used to describe bonds that pay a lot of interest, shares with high dividends, etc., often involving a high level of risk; fruitful.
– One of the most striking examples of research and development applied to developing countries is the breeding of new high-yield varieties of wheat and rice.
Hilarious: extremely funny; amusing; comical.
– Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.
Hilly: having a lot of hills; elevated; mountainous.
– A hilly region.
Himalayan: relating to the Himalayas; giant; mountainous.
– The Himalayan foothills.
Hind: the hind legs or feet of an animal with four legs are those at the back; behind; following.
– The horse reared up on its hind legs.
Hinder: to make it difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen; hamper; delay.
– A political situation that hinders economic growth.
Hindering: to make it difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen; hamper; delay.
– An injury was hindering him from playing his best.
Hindermost: located farthest to the rear; backmost; hindmost.
– Hindermost is hindmost.
Hindi: using or connected with the Hindi language; Hindu.
– James can also spoke Hindi language.
Hindoo: of or relating to or supporting Hinduism; Hindi; Hindu.
– The Hindoo temples consist properly of a tower thirty or sixty feet in height, without windows, and having only a small entrance.
Hindu: connected with Hinduism or people who are Hindus; Hinduism; Hindi.
– A Hindu temple.
Hiplength: extending to or over the hips; hip-length.
– A hiplength coat.
Hipless: having or seeming to have no hips; slim.
– He did so with one great Essay of Strength; whereupon my horrified Eyes beheld Horatio’s legless and hipless Trunk.
Hipped: having hips of a specified kind; contemporary; cool.
– A thin-hipped girl.
Hircine: of or resembling a goat; sheepish; Goatish.
– When in combat, Hircine appears as a horned wolf or bear.
Hired: employed for a short time to do a particular job; employed; signed up.
– A hired assassin.
Hirsute: having a lot of hair on the face or body; hairy; shaggy.
– Frighteningly hirsute, a single black eyebrow spanned his protruding forehead.
Hispanic: of or connected with Spain or Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America; criollo; American.
– Because of her Hispanic ethnicity, Maria had a great appreciation for Spanish culture.
Historical: of or concerning history or past events; past; bygone; ancient.
– Historical evidence.
Historied: abounding in notable history; having an illustrious past; storied.
– Italy is a richly historied Mediterranean country.
Histrionic: histrionic behaviour is very emotional and is intended to attract attention in a way that does not seem sincere; dramatic; melodramatic.
– Histrionic gestures.
Hi-Tech: using the most modern methods and machines, especially electronic ones; futuristic; modern.
– We need an economy which can unleash the creative powers of hi-tech artisans.
Hitlerian: of or relating to Adolf Hitler or his regime; Nazis.
– The novel was required reading for all members of the Hitlerian Youth.
Hitless: denoting a game, inning, etc., in which no hits are achieved, especially by a specific player or team; goalless; scoreless.
– After two hitless innings, Kansas City took a 4–2 lead.
Hittite: relating to the Hittites, their empire, or their language; denizen; dweller.
– That plateau and lands to the west of it was the homeland of the Hittite Empire.
Hmong: relating to or denoting the Hmong or their language; Asian; Asiatic.
– In Northeast Thailand, Hmong women go through labor without uttering a sound.
Hoar: greyish white; grey or grey-haired with age; glacial.
– The cold hoar frost glistened on the tombstones, and sparkled like rows of gems, among the stone carvings of the old church.
Hoarse: if a person or their voice is hoarse, their voice sounds rough and unpleasant, especially because of a sore throat, a painful throat because of an infection; discordant; gravelly.
– He shouted himself hoarse.
Hoary: very old and well known and therefore no longer interesting; trite; hackneyed.
– A hoary old joke.
Hobnailed: marked by the wearing of heavy boots studded with hobnails; rural.
– Hobnailed laborers.
Hoggish: greedy; piggish; ravenous.
– Hoggish excess.
Hokey: expressing emotions in a way that seems exaggerated or silly; corny; maudlin.
– They made us all sing some hokey song at the party.
Holey: a holey piece of clothing or material has a lot of holes in it; shredded; patchy.
– His shoulders and his back were visible because he was wearing a holey aertex vest.
Holier: dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred; consecrated.
– It was all so holier than thou, he was always bringing conscience into it.
Holiest: connected with God or a particular religion; sacred; consecrated.
– Islam’s holiest shrine.
Holistic: considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts; comprehensive; integrated.
– A holistic approach to life.
Hollow: having a hole or empty space inside; concave; sunken.
– The tree trunk was hollow inside.
Holographic: produced using holograms; in the form of a hologram; lustrous; vibrant.
– A holographic picture.
Holographical: reflecting shimmering or iridescent colours; iridescent; variegated.
– The makeup artist used holographic glitter on the eyes.
Holometabolic: undergoing complete metamorphosis; holometabolous; metamorphic.
– Like all holometabolic insects, they go through four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
Holophytic: able to synthesize complex organic compounds by photosynthesis; holometabolous ; holometaboly.
– Typical plants are holophytic, that is, they obtain their food substances from purely mineral sources.
Holozoic: ingesting and using complex organic material as food, as most animals; heterotrophic; holozoicadjective.
– In Holozoic nutrition, energy and organic building blocks are obtained by ingesting and then digesting.
Holy: connected with God or a particular religion; hallowed; humble.
– The Holy Bible.
Home: relating to the place where one lives; central; familiar.
– I don’t have your home address.
Homebound: unable to leave one’s house, typically due to illness or old age; housebound; confined.
– The delivery of care to people who are homebound.
Homegrown: made, born, trained or educated in your own country, town; domestic; homemade.
– The team has a wealth of home-grown talent.
Homeless: having no home, and therefore typically living on the streets; displaced; dispossessed.
– The scheme has been set up to help homeless people.
Homelike: having qualities associated with home; comfortable; familiar; cozy.
– The new fireplace makes the living room feel so homelike.
Homely: of a person’s appearance not attractive; plain; unattractive.
– A homely child.
Homemade: made at home, rather than produced in a factory and bought in a shop; handcrafted; homegrown.
– Homemade cakes.
Homeopathic: using homeopathy a system of treating diseases or conditions using very small amounts of the substance that causes the disease or condition; immunological; scientific.
– Homeopathic medicines/remedies/treatments.
Homesick: sad because you are away from home and you miss your family and friends; lonely; wistful.
– She felt homesick for her country.
Homespun: simple and ordinary; not coming from an expert; rustic; crude.
– Homespun philosophy.
Homeward: towards home; oriented; homeward-bound.
– Commuters were heading homeward at the end of the day.
Homey: pleasant and comfortable, like home; cozy; delightful.
– The hotel had a nice, homey atmosphere.
Homicidal: likely to kill another person; making somebody likely to kill another person; bloodthirsty; maniacal.
– He had clear homicidal tendencies.
Homiletic: of the nature of or characteristic of a homily; didactic; disciplinary.
– Homiletic literature.
Hominal: of humankind as a species; human; having human form.
The hominal kingdom.
Homing: trained, or having a natural ability, to find the way home from a long distance away; roosting; shedding.
– Many birds have a remarkable homing instinct.
Hominian: characterizing the family Hominidae, which includes Homo sapiens as well as extinct species of manlike creatures; hominid; human.
– Hominian characterizing the family Hominidae.
Hominine: a member of the subfamily Homininae, which includes gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans and their extinct relatives; animal; anthropoid.
– Hominine essence is the furthest gist of hominine entire regulation.
Homocercal: appearing outwardly symmetrical but with the backbone passing into the upper lobe, as in all higher fish; Ichthyology.
– These fish also have eight anal fin rays on the tail fin, which is a forked version of a homocercal tail.
Homocyclic: containing a closed ring of atoms of the same kind, especially carbon atoms; isocyclic; cyclic.
– Although strictly speaking a homocyclic, inorganic compound, pentazole has historically been classed as the last in a series of heterocyclic azole compounds containing one to five nitrogen atoms.
Homoecious: of parasites especially rust fungi; completing the entire life cycle on a single host; autoecious.
– Homoecious is having the same host during the entire life cycle.
Homoerotic: relating to gay sex and sexual desire; homoerotic; homophile.
– Since the 1980s, the paintings have primarily explored his own sexual identity through the portrayal of homoerotic and transvestite subject matter.
Homogeneous: consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type; alike; comparable.
– Old people are not a homogeneous group, as some people seem to think.
Homogenized: treated so that the cream is mixed in with the rest; standardized; normalized.
– The program also gives homogenized feedback to the teacher, providing an overall picture of what is going on in their classes.
Homogenous: consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type; akin; alike.
– Old people are not a homogeneous group, as some people seem to think.
Homological: Having a similar evolutionary origin; homologous.
– Injective module is the important part of homological algebra.
Homologous: similar in position, structure, etc. to something else; homologized; related.
– The seal’s flipper is homologous with the human arm.
Homophile: relating to gay people; homoerotic; lesbian.
– The homophile movement lobbied to establish a prominent influence in political systems of social acceptability.
Homophobic: having or showing dislike towards gay people, or treating them unfairly; discriminatory; prejudiced.
– He distracts attention with homophobic rants and attacks on opposition politicians and journalists.
Homophonic: characterized by the movement of accompanying parts in the same rhythm as the melody; harmonic; rhythmic.
– His version, like Mozart’s, is mostly homophonic.
Homophonous: having the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning or spelling; homophonic; monophonic; equivocal.
– ‘Bear’ and ‘bare’ are homophonous.
Homosexual: sexually attracted to people of the same sex; homoerotic; lesbian.
– A homosexual act/relationship.
Homosporous: Producing spores of one kind only.
– The spores of the homosporous Vascular Cryptogams are usually of small size.
Homostyled: having styles all of the same length; homostylic; homostylous.
– According to Fritz Muller, a species of this genus in St. Catharina, in Southern Brazil, is homostyled.
Homostylic: having styles all of the same length; homostyled; homostylous.
– Homostylic having styles all of one length compare heterostyled.
Homostylous: Having flowers with styles of uniform length, usually equal to that of the stamens; homostyled; homostylic.
– Homostylous having styles all of one length compare heterostyled.
Homothermic: having constant and relatively high body temperature; homeothermic, homoeothermic; warm-blooded.
– They brood the chicks over a period of 12 to 14 days, by which point they are feathered and homothermic.
Homozygous: having two identical alleles of a particular gene or genes; genetics; chromosome.
– All were homozygous for the mutation that squelches gene activity.
Homy: unsophisticated; unpretentious; unsophisticated; homely.
– An idealized vision of traditional peasant life as simple and homy.
Honduran: a person from Honduras; relating to Honduras or its culture.
– Castellon’s Honduran allies had been abruptly recalled to meet an invasion of their own country by Guatemala.
Honest: always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating; authentic; decent.
– They were honest, hard-working people, trying to farm on their own two feet.
Honeycombed: filled with holes, tunnels; alveolate; cavitied.
– The cliffs are honeycombed with caves.
Honeyed: soft and intended to please, but often not sincere; candied; flattering.
– She spoke in honeyed tones.
Honeylike: resembling honey; sugary; containing sugar.
– It provides a tasty honeylike treat for indigenous people.
Honied: soothing, soft, and intended to please; bamboozle; beguile.
– He wooed her with honeyed words.
Honorable: deserving great respect; distinguished; ethical.
– It is not honorable of you to behave like that.
Honorary: given as an honor, without the person having to have the usual qualifications; unpaid; unsalaried.
– An honorary doctorate degree.
Honourable: deserving great respect; honest; moral.
– She had a long and honourable career in government.
Hooked: needing something that is bad for you, especially a drug; enamored; captivated.
– People who are truly hooked will go to any lengths to satisfy their craving for the drug.
Hooklike: resembling a hook especially in recurved form or in ability to grasp and hold; hooked curved; curving.
– It is almost rectangular-shaped, with a slight hooklike protuberance on the northeastern region of the island.
Hopeful: making you believe that something you want will happen; bringing hope; promising.
– The latest trade figures are a hopeful sign.
Hopeless: if something is hopeless, there is no hope that it will get better or succeed; desperate; useless.
– It’s hopeless trying to convince her.
Horary: relating to hours as measurements of time; uninterrupted; continual.
– The general horary arrangement of time.
Horizontal: flat and level; going across and parallel to the ground rather than going up and down; level; parallel.
– Horizontal lines.
Hormonal: affected by hormone changes in your body in a way that makes you feel emotional; endocrine; endocrinal.
– I was 14 rebellious, sulky and hormonal.
Horned: having horns or having something that looks like horns; barbed; edged.
– About more than 100 people were horned in the bullfighting this year.
Hornless: having no horns; antlered; having antlers.
– They are usually hornless and have round ears.
Hornlike: made of horn; corneous; horny hard.
– Their sturdy, straight trunks are heavily armed with hornlike knobs.
Horny: sexually excited; desiring; hard up.
– To feel horny.
Horrendous: terrible or extremely unpleasant; horrific; horrifying
– She had sustained horrendous injuries.
Horrible: making you feel very shocked and frightened; terrible; awful.
– A pretty horrible experience.
Horrid: very unpleasant or unkind; horrible; disgusting.
– Don’t be so horrid to your brother.
Horrific: very unpleasant or unkind; horrible; abominable.
– Don’t be so horrid to your brother.
Horrified: extremely shocked or frightened; appalled; frighten.
– He was horrified when he discovered the conditions in which they lived.
Horrifying: making you feel extremely shocked or frightened; horrific; appalling.
– It’s horrifying to see such poverty.
Hortative: giving strong encouragement; exhortative; hortatory encouraging.
We set the hortative methods for teachers to praise teachers’ performances.
Hortatory: tending or aiming to exhort; exhorting; moralistic.
– A series of hortatory epistles.
Horticultural: connected with the study or practice of growing flowers, fruit and vegetables; floricultural; gardening.
– A horticultural show.
Hospitable: pleased to welcome guests; generous and friendly to visitors; welcoming; friendly.
– The local people are very hospitable to strangers.
Hostile: aggressive or unfriendly and ready to argue or fight; antagonistic; aggressive.
– The speaker got a hostile reception from the audience.
Hot: having a high temperature; producing heat; boiling; heated.
– All rooms have hot and cold water.
Hotheaded: acting too quickly, without thinking of what might happen; hot-tempered; easily provoked.
– The riots were started by a few hot-headed youths.
Hot-Tempered: tending to become very angry easily; irascible; quick-tempered.
– He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.
Hotter: containing pepper and spices that can produce a burning feeling in your mouth because they have a strong taste and smell; blazing; boiling.
– You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chilies.
Hottest: involving a lot of activity, argument or strong feelings; scorching; sizzling.
– Today we enter the hottest phase of the election campaign.
Hottish: somewhat hot; hot; causing a sensation of heat or burning.
– But if he looks fittish, and his form is hottish, He’s British.
Hourly: done or happening every hour; occasional; recurrent.
– Trains leave at hourly intervals.
House: a building for people to live in, usually for one family; apartment; box.
– We live in a two-bedroom house.
Housebound: unable to leave your house because you cannot walk very far as a result of being ill or old; deformed; handicapped.
– She has been housebound since she fell.
Housebroken: trained to defecate and urinate outside the house or in a special box; house-train.
– Once the puppy is housebroken, you should be able to let him roam free without worrying about messes.
Housewifely: connected with the activities of a housewife a woman who stays at home to cook, clean, take care of the children; wife; woman.
– It was a pleasure to see the housewifely way in which Mr. Wilson set about everything.
Howling: very great or extreme; turbulent; windy.
– She flew into a howling rage.
Hoydenish: used of girls; wild and boisterous; tomboyish; unwomanly.
– She has dropped that hoydenish, tomboyish manner that was so offensive when she returned from the ranch.
Hubristic: excessively proud or self-confident; arrogant; brash.
– A hubristic belief in his own self-proclaimed genius.
Huffish: to be blustering or arrogant; petulant; angered.
– The Sage experienced some of the emotions of a huffish philosopher when floored by a hulking lout from the copper regions.
Huffy: in a bad mood, especially because somebody has annoyed or upset you; angered; annoyed.
– She gets all huffy if you mention his name.
Huge: extremely large in size or amount; great in degree; enormous; vast.
– The sums of money involved are potentially huge.
Huger: extremely large; enormous; vast.
– Hill’s division had been drawn again into the main operation and followed the Federal line of retreat to Malvern Hill with Huger and Magruder on their right.
Hugest: extremely large; enormous; immense.
– But truth be told, I had the hugest crush on Chris.
Huggable: Capable of, or suitable for, being hugged; clasp; embrace.
– Her personality exuded a great big huggable charm.
Hugoesque: in the manner of Victor Hugo; Hugolian.
– Hugoesque in the style of Victor Hugo.
Hulking: very large or heavy, often in a way that causes you to feel nervous or afraid; gargantuan; gigantic.
– The cruise ship was a hulking great monstrosity.
Hulky: of great size and bulk; hulking big; large.
– Once a great, hulky colored boy, who was the torment of the neighborhood, treated me roughly while I was playing on the street.
Human: of or connected with people rather than animals, machines or gods; mortal; personal.
– Contact with other people is a basic human need.
Humane: being kind towards people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary; approachable; benevolent.
– These regulations ensure the humane treatment of all refugees.
Humanistic: believing in or based on humanism, a system of thought that considers that solving human problems with the help of reason is more important than religious beliefs; enlightened; flexible.
– Humanistic ideals.
Humanitarian: connected with helping people who are suffering and improving the conditions that they are living in; altruistic; charitable.
– They are calling for the release of the hostages on humanitarian grounds.
Humanlike: suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things; anthropomorphic; anthropomorphous human.
– Turning and looking up, he saw two humanlike but fierce eyes shining amid a thick, dark screen of interlacing vines.
Human-Like: suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things; anthropomorphic; anthropomorphous human.
– At least you could make out humanlike shapes onstage from that distance.
Humble: showing you do not think that you are as important as other people; modest; courteous.
– Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.
Humbled: humble somebody to make somebody feel that they are not as good or important as they thought they were; gentle; modest.
– He was humbled by her generosity.
Humbling: humble somebody to make somebody feel that they are not as good or important as they thought they were; humiliating; mortifying.
– A humbling experience.
Humdrum: boring and always the same; dull; tedious.
– The use of computers to perform humdrum tasks.
Humic: relating to or consisting of humus; humid; humides.
– Humic acids.
Humid: of the air or climate warm and slightly wet; damp; dank.
– These ferns will grow best in a humid atmosphere.
Humiliating: making somebody feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people; embarrass; mortify.
– It was the most humiliating night of his life.
Humongous: huge; enormous; elephantine.
– A humongous steak.
Humorless: not having or showing the ability to laugh at things that other people think are funny; arrogant; dreary.
– His laugh was short and humorless.
Humorous: funny; showing a sense of humor; amusing; comic.
– He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain.
Humourless: not having or showing the ability to laugh at things that other people think are funny; arrogant; dreary.
– He gave a short, humourless laugh.
Humpbacked: having a humped back; bowed; contorted.
– A humpbacked bridge.
Humped: having a hump or humps; like a hump in shape; bent; bowed.
– He was tall and broad with humped shoulders.
Hunchbacked: an offensive word used to describe a person whose back has a hump; awry; bowed.
– She lives with her hunchbacked widowed uncle.
Hundred: a hundred, hundreds (of…) (usually informal) a large amount; centennial; century.
– If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times.
Hungarian: Hungarian means belonging or relating to Hungary, or to its people, language, or culture; Magyarorszag; Magyar.
– He advocated the creation of a Hungarian port at Fiume.
Hungrier: feeling or showing the need; eager; greedy.
– They were hungrier and you have to give them credit.
Hungriest: having a strong desire or craving; ravenous; starved.
– China’s industry is the hungriest consumer of the world’s metal.
Hungry: feeling that you want to eat something; eager; greedy.
– All this talk of food is making me hungry.
Hurried: done too quickly because you do not have enough time; rushed; hasten.
– I ate a hurried breakfast and left.
Hurt: physically injured; damage; disable.
– He complained of a hurt leg and asked his trainer to stop the fight.
Hurtful: making you feel upset and offended; unkind; upsetting.
– I cannot forget the hurtful things he said.
Husbandly: characteristic of or relating to the role of a husband; wifelike; wifely
– She leaves their home, releasing him of all husbandly duties.
Hushed: quiet because nobody is talking; much quieter than usual; silence; shush.
– A hushed courtroom listened as the boy gave evidence.
Huskier: of a person big and strong; strong; muscular.
– I’m an expert,’ she said, her voice slightly huskier than normal, `in the subject of female gynaecology.
Huskiest: sounding deep, quiet and rough, sometimes in an attractive way; muscular; stocky.
– The huskiest yelped and snarled in fierce rivalry.
Husky: sounding deep, quiet and rough, sometimes in an attractive way; robust; brawny.
– She spoke in a husky whisper.
Huxleian: of or relating to Thomas Huxley; Huxleyan.
– There are few of us who do not reject outright both the Orwellian and the Huxleian nightmares.
Huxleyan: of or relating to Thomas Huxley; Huxleian.
– But it is less detrimental in its Huxleyan than in its Wallacean form.
Hyaline: glassy and translucent in appearance; shiny; sleek.
– The cyst is surrounded by a cyst wall which in consequence of its nonstaining properties appears as a hyaline layer.
Hyaloid: glassy; transparent; glazed.
– There is no pecten, but the numerous hyaloid arteries which are found in the embryo represent it.
Hybrid: that is the product of mixing two or more different things; amalgam; combination.
– A hybrid language.
Hydraulic: moved through pipes, etc. under pressure; hydromechanical; pneumatic.
– Hydraulic fluid.
Hydric: of an environment or habitat) containing plenty of moisture; very wet; hydrophytic; growing wholly or partially in water.
– Hydric soils.
Hydrophobic: having an extreme fear of water; infected; diseased.
– These lipids contain hydrophobic regions that are insoluble in water.
Hydroponic: relating to or involving hydroponics, the process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid; aquaculture; agriculture.
– Seedlings were grown in hydroponic tanks.
Hydrostatic: relating to or denoting the equilibrium of liquids and the pressure exerted by liquid at rest; hydrometric; hydrologic.
– The hydrostatic pressure of the cell.
Hydrothermal: relating to or denoting the action of heated water in the earth’s crust; deposition; epoch.
– A sealed subsurface hydrothermal system can be stable, but will trap metabolic waste.
Hydrous: containing water as a constituent; watery; liquid.
– A hydrous lava flow.
Hydroxy: conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially by being clean; sanitary; sanitary; clean.
– Hygienic conditions.
Hygienic: conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially by being clean; sanitary; sanitary; clean.
– Hygienic conditions.
Hygienical: tending to promote or preserve health; hygienic; healthful.
– Medical supplies are disposed of hygienically.
Hygrophytic: requiring an abundance of moisture; hydric.
– Hygrophytic ecosystems occur when there is a short dry period with a few rain showers.
Hygroscopic: relating to humidity or its measurement; absorbent; absorptive.
– It is very hygroscopic, absorbing water with the evolution of hydrochloric acid.
Hymenal: a fold of mucous membrane partly or wholly closing the orifice of the vagina; nuptial; spousal.
– Their hymenal opening tends to be circumferential.
Hymeneal: of or concerning marriage; espousal; nuptial.
– Hymeneal orgies.
Hyoid: relating to the hyoid or structures associated with it; hyoid bone; hyoideum.
– As the most developed pair in birds they are com monly, although wrongly, called the hyoid horns.
Hypaethral: of a classical building) having no roof; hypethral unenclosed.
– The hypaethral temple.
Hyperactive: too active and only able to keep quiet and still for short periods; overactive; overzealous.
– His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.
Hyper-Active: abnormally or extremely active; excitable; high-strung.
– A hyperactive pituitary gland.
Hyperbolic: deliberately exaggerated; using hyperbole; distorted.
– He wrote in very hyperbolic terms.
Hyperboloidal: having the shape of a hyperboloid; rounded; curving.
– He considered the horizontal strata of this hyperboloidal as always in motion.
Hypercritical: excessively and unreasonably critical, especially of small faults; carping; captious.
– He was a sarcastic, hypercritical man.
Hypersensitive: having extreme physical sensitivity to particular substances or conditions, easily hurt, worried, or offended; oversensitive; supersensitive.
– Proximity to death makes people hypersensitive and aware.
Hypertensive: suffering from blood pressure that is higher than normal; Hypertension.
– Hypertensive patients.
Hypertonic: of or in a state of abnormally high muscle tone; Rigid; stiff.
– The hypertonic solution was so salty that it could be safely ingested.
Hypertrophied: excessive development of an organ or part; overgrowth; hyperplasia.
– The right-sided ventricle was coarsely trabeculated, hypertrophied and thick walled.
Hypnagogic: relating to the state immediately before falling asleep; somnolent; narcotic.
– In half-waking states these manifestations are relatively frequent in the so-called hypnagogic hallucinations.
Hypnogogic: of or relating to the state just before one is fully asleep; somniferous; somnific.
– The hypnogogic state is that heady lull between wakefulness and sleep when thoughts and images flutter, melt, and transform into wild things.
Hypnoid: of or relating to sleep or hypnosis; asleep; in a state of sleep.
– In the hypnoid state, one may have dream-like experiences.
Hypnotic: making you feel as if you are going to fall asleep, especially because of a regular, repeated noise or movement; mesmerizing; soporific.
– His voice had an almost hypnotic effect.
Hypoactive: abnormally inactive; inactiveness; energetic.
– The name was chosen because of the overall hypoactive behavior and sluggishness conferred by mutations in this gene.
Hypochondriac: another term for hypochondriacal; bellyacher; complainer.
– My brother is a real hypochondriac.
Hypocritical: behaving in a way that does not meet the moral standards or match the opinions that you claim to have; deceptive; duplicitous.
– It would be hypocritical of me to have a church wedding when I don’t believe in God.
Hypodermal: relating to the region immediately beneath the skin; hypodermal injection; hypospray.
– Inside was a hypodermic syringe, the tip of the needle protected by a plastic cover.
Hypognathous: having a lower jaw that protrudes beyond the upper jaw; prognathic; prognathous.
– The Hypostomal Bridge is usually found in insects with hypognathous orientation.
Hypotensive: lowering the blood pressure; hypertensive.
– Hypotensive drugs.
Hypothetic: based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence; circumstantial; conjectural.
– It was a hypothetical condition which he had never even considered.
Hypothetical: based on situations or ideas that are possible and imagined rather than real and true; academic; supposition.
– I wasn’t asking about anybody in particular it was a purely hypothetical question.
Hypotonic: having a lower osmotic pressure than a particular fluid, typically a body fluid or intracellular fluid; having deficient tone or tension.
– In some hypotonic infants, sucking is weak and in some cases not present at all.
Hypovolaemic: affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion; overwrought; emotional.
– Janet became hysterical and began screaming.
Hypovolemic: pertaining to hypovolemia, or characterized by low volume of blood in the circulatory system; hypovolaemic.
– Hypovolemic shock developed while we were performing a series of examinations.
Hysterical: in a state of extreme excitement, and crying, laughing, etc. without any control; agitated; crazy.
– He became almost hysterical when I told him.
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