In this post, you will find the world’s most comprehensive list of adjectives that start with I!
Your can use these adjectives when playing a word game, writing a paper, a message, a story and a lot more.
Let dive right in:
- Full List Chart (801 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with I
- Negative Adjectives That Start with I
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with I
- I Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with I
Let’s begin with a full list of adjectives that start with I. See how many of them are familiar or new to you.
Indirect | Incorporated | Icebound |
Introverted | Isoclinal | Implanted |
Immediate | Irreparable | Intensional |
Ignorant | Indiscernible | Infernal |
Invariable | Impenitent | Infrasonic |
Incoherent | Immaculate | Influent |
Invigorating | Inculpatory | Improper |
Invisible | Ill | Indusial |
Intent | Inscriptive | Intrinsic |
Irrelative | Isosceles | Invalid |
Irish | Intradermal | Irrational |
Infinitival | Incorrect | Ill-Informed |
Insane | Impetiginous | Inverse |
Imperfectible | Intravenous | Ineluctable |
Introductory | Inauthentic | Internal |
Incriminatory | Infamous | Innumerous |
Inauspicious | Inexact | Iranian |
Inexorable | Incident | Indissoluble |
Intimate | Inshore | Iatrogenic |
Insectivorous | Imperialist | Ingratiatory |
Inured | Ignominious | Impressionistic |
Ineloquent | Iterative | Initiatory |
Illusionary | Inquisitive | Interfering |
Imperceptible | Inherent | Ingenious |
Interspecies | Ideal | Intoxicant |
Indistinct | Illegitimate | Improving |
Incongruous | Innoxious | Interdepartmental |
Inconvenient | Indigenous | Isobilateral |
Indie | Ill-Judged | Irretrievably |
Incomplete | Intrauterine | Indictable |
Intracranial | Irresistible | Immoderate |
Innovative | Independent | Imperious |
Incitive | Incontrovertible | Inner |
Intersectant | Immoral | Iniquitous |
Imitation | Indulgent | Inferior |
Indocile | Interfaith | Intrusive |
Irate | Inheritable | Irredeemable |
Indehiscent | Incompetent | Initial |
Intercellular | Inapplicable | Inevitable |
Indigestible | Inland | Inexpressible |
Incombustible | Inquisitorial | Incognito |
Inexpungeable | Intraspecific | Irrevokable |
Inviolate | Insurable | Insipid |
Impure | Immunodeficient | Inoperable |
Insolvable | Indispensable | Indifferent |
Infeasible | Inharmonious | Instantaneous |
Interested | Inadvertent | Innate |
Inexpressive | Invulnerable | Instinctive |
Immaterial | Incestuous | Intrinsical |
Inaudible | Intermittent | Ironclad |
Isotonic | Inquisitory | Indeterminable |
Irretrievable | Inexhaustible | Insensate |
Imparipinnate | Inextirpable | Inescapable |
Impermissible | Inadequate | Inflectional |
Illustrious | Inartistic | Increasing |
Immune | Idolatrous | Immature |
Integumental | Informational | Incautious |
Incompatible | Insubordinate | Ignescent |
Implike | Ichorous | Inventive |
Insanitary | Infantile | Insomniac |
Inconvertible | Irksome | Imported |
Indurate | Interlobular | Insensible |
Icteric | Indefinable | Indisputable |
Interoceptive | Ironlike | Interstitial |
Inhuman | Ischaemic | Inconceivable |
Inclusive | Interbred | Insubstantial |
Inclined | Isomeric | Inhibited |
Inexpensive | Inalterable | Involucrate |
Iridescent | Incorporative | Indestructible |
Impertinent | Incurable | Indecipherable |
Imperative | Integrative | Inspirational |
Inequitable | Inharmonic | Intentional |
Insusceptible | Inmost | Ineffable |
Inalienable | Idiopathic | Inflammatory |
Impressionable | Impassive | Intact |
Ignorable | Implicative | Isotropic |
Instigative | Interdependent | Inchoate |
Illusive | Indian | Isolable |
Indiscrete | Inlaid | Illustrative |
Indigo | Inefficient | Inerrable |
Innocent | Intolerable | Icky |
Imaginarily | Important | Immunocompromised |
Invidious | Interstate | Imprecise |
Improvised | Isosmotic | Involved |
Infinitesimal | Impaired | Identical |
Illuminating | Ismaili | Ineffectual |
Imitative | Immobile | Inwards |
Implicit | Indonesian | Invited |
Impendent | Intemperate | Inguinal |
Inspiratory | Illusional | Insouciant |
Inessential | Idiographic | Indolent |
Impuissant | Incommutable | Interlocutory |
Included | Inebriated | Impish |
Interdisciplinary | Ipsilateral | Immunised |
Incredible | Imaginary | Idyllic |
Icy | Incurved | Idealised |
Illogical | Intended | Itinerant |
Indiscriminate | Interschool | Inexcusable |
Incalculable | Isothermal | Interminable |
Insolent | Introversive | Incased |
Impetuous | Indwelling | Interchurch |
Identically | Indicative | Invariant |
Insular | Intercostal | Intercalary |
Intramural | Interior | Iffy |
Incandescent | Impartial | Indisposed |
Inconstant | Infective | Incapable |
Indefensible | Inclement | Imbricate |
Impassable | Indecorous | Incorrigible |
Irremediable | Indicatory | Infatuated |
Influential | Imbecilic | Inconspicuous |
Inanimate | Incarnate | Inductive |
Injudicious | Inextensible | Intelligent |
Isocyclic | Informatory | Inapposite |
Inky | Irreplaceable | Industrious |
Irresponsible | Ingenuous | Intuitionist |
Inimitable | Immemorial | Improbable |
Introjected | Interrogative | Indignant |
Infirm | Ideational | Ironed |
Indubitable | Injured | Incredulous |
Iconoclastic | Incognizant | Indelible |
Impermanent | Insatiate | Implemental |
Intermeshed | Irreconcilable | Inexpugnable |
Implacable | Iridic | Icosahedral |
Indigent | Insightful | Itchy |
Impoverished | Indivisible | Isochronous |
Intraspecies | Impressive | Inflammable |
Innovational | Indexical | Inflated |
Imperialistic | Imperceptive | Indrawn |
Isopteran | Impellent | Iraki |
Inviolable | Inopportune | Inexpert |
Improvisational | Introvertish | Introuvable |
Irritating | Inarguable | Interpretive |
Incorruptible | Icterogenic | Incised |
Insidious | Irrefutable | Involute |
Inconclusive | Inspiriting | Inconsolable |
Irenic | Interlineal | Italic |
Immutable | Imperturbable | Iridaceous |
Ineradicable | Inspiring | Innermost |
Imperial | Imbricated | Integral |
Infrangible | Inboard | Icelandic |
Infinite | Inodorous | Infrared |
Isotropous | Irritated | Immensurable |
Internecine | Inelegant | Inculpable |
Irritative | Ironic | Intradermic |
Incontestable | Intrepid | Impressionist |
Impending | Idempotent | Irrevocable |
Inbuilt | Inexpedient | Inexpiable |
Incursive | Illusory | Imponderable |
Isothermic | Intergalactic | Impeccable |
Inefficacious | Incan | Ionized |
Inaesthetic | Iberian | Incremental |
Inveterate | Insignificant | Invitatory |
Immunogenic | Immoveable | Indecisive |
Incurious | Incurvate | Interfacial |
Incommodious | Impulsive | Inglorious |
Intercrossed | Interpretable | Intimidating |
Imputable | Indefatigable | Isomorphous |
Inane | Insoluble | Intransigent |
Immaculately | Interim | Italian |
Inaugural | Insensitive | Innocuous |
Ivied | Inferential | Importunate |
Immotile | Irreligious | Immense |
Informed | Intense | Intrastate |
Instructive | Improvident | Immeasurable |
Inexperienced | Impolitic | Intangible |
Interoperable | Inattentive | Idiomatic |
Impractical | Ingrowing | Instinct |
Interchangeable | Ironshod | Inadvisable |
Impregnable | Inbred | Inconsequent |
Interstellar | Inexplicit | Inextricable |
Inoffensive | Incontestible | Invitational |
Incomputable | Inscrutable | Injectable |
Ignitible | Irritable | Infallible |
Isoclinic | Isotopic | Impudent |
Informal | Impatient | Interlacing |
Intoxicated | Incorporating | Imputrescible |
Inaccessible | Ingratiating | Involuntary |
Intracerebral | Inviting | Inflowing |
Inert | Illimitable | Insurmountable |
Inflamed | Industrial | Imbalanced |
Interlocking | Inquiring | Immodest |
Inbound | Insupportable | Irrelevant |
Infuriated | Idolised | Impersonal |
Individual | Indecent | Impotent |
Insentient | Incognizable | Illiterate |
Incipient | Imperishable | Inhospitable |
Ischemic | Ideographic | Iconic |
Imperforate | Isogonic | Inelaborate |
Informative | Intersexual | Innumerate |
Intransitive | Intertidal | Incidental |
Incomprehensible | Initiative | Imaginative |
Identifiable | Inerrant | Inward |
Inculpative | Ideologic | Inhibitory |
Incisive | Ineffective | Insecticidal |
Incendiary | Inhumed | Inflatable |
Imbecile | Indelicate | Intumescent |
Intestate | Irrecoverable | Infected |
Incognoscible | Idiotic | Inadmissible |
Integrated | Invasive | Indefinite |
Improvable | Inconsiderate | Inapt |
Imprudent | Immunological | Ionic |
Immovable | Igneous | Impracticable |
Immunochemical | Impassioned | Insufficient |
Inexperient | Incessant | Intralobular |
Inutile | Iron | Inarticulate |
Illative | Insectan | Intestinal |
Implicated | Inept | Idiomatical |
Incumbent | Interlinear | Irreversible |
Ictal | Immanent | Inconsequential |
Idealistic | Immiscible | Inhomogeneous |
Imminent | Irrepressible | Ill-Fated |
Inchoative | Irregular | Insecure |
Implicational | Isentropic | Interspecific |
Implausible | Indescribable | Indefeasible |
Impeccant | Impervious | Incomparable |
Impugnable | Infectious | Integumentary |
Indebted | Interracial | Insolvent |
Indiscreet | Impressible | Irreducible |
Impossible | Inordinate | Imaginable |
Insalubrious | Infertile | Invincible |
Impenetrable | Irremovable | Imposing |
Instant | Incorporeal | Isochronal |
Imperviable | Inaccurate | Intelligible |
Incongruent | Inflationary | Illiberal |
Inseparable | Incomprehensive | Incorrupt |
Insulting | Intrigued | Isomorphic |
Intimal | Inappreciable | Ibsenian |
Incorporate | Indexless | Insurgent |
Inactive | Inhabitable | Ingrained |
Inelastic | Interlinking | Impecunious |
Impressed | Intellectual | Intoned |
Impromptu | Isometric | Investigatory |
Insuperable | Ineligible | Inexplicable |
Irreclaimable | Iraqi | Inorganic |
Immunocompetent | Introspective | Idle |
Insufferable | Indoor | Implosive |
Iodinated | Innumerable | Irreverent |
Invaluable | Informally | Infelicitous |
Infrahuman | Incoming | Iambic |
Indomitable | Insincere | Inside |
Irresolute | Illegible | Infuriating |
Intriguing | Ingrown | Intracellular |
Ideological | Introvertive | Impolite |
Inhalant | Ignoble | Instinctual |
Interesting | Ictic | Inst |
Iliac | Inducive | Impermeable |
Intertribal | Inborn | Individualistic |
Intramuscular | Injurious | Inhumane |
Intuitive | Insistent | Inestimable |
Impalpable | Impious | Intricate |
Inimical | Illicit | Inpouring |
Immortal | Infrequent | Intermediate |
Idiosyncratic | Indeterminate | Interactive |
Isolated | Incontinent | International |
Ironical | Iritic | Institutional |
Interrelated | Intragroup | Instrumental |
Inspired | Imperfect | Isometrical |
Islamic | Ionian | Inedible |
Interpretative | Intractable | Irascible |
Interpersonal | Incommunicado | Inconsistent |
Immunologic | Intensive | Intolerant |
Inconsiderable | Iodinating | Ignitable |
Improved | Inoperative | Inexpungible |
Inflexible | Inappropriate | Interrogatory |
Inherited | Iodized | Irruptive |
Illegal | Inwrought | Invertible |
Insatiable | Invertebrate |
Positive Adjectives That Start with I
Never underestimate the power of positivity and the power of positive words. They leave a long-lasting impression on the reader or listener. So this category contains positive adjectives that start with I.
Ideal | Incorruptible | Innocuous |
Idealistic | Increasing | Inquiring |
Identifiable | Incredulous | Inquisitive |
Illuminating | Independent | Inseparable |
Imaginable | Indestructible | Insightful |
Imaginative | Indispensable | Inspirational |
Immaculate | Individual | Inspired |
Immense | Indivisible | Instant |
Immortal | Indomitable | Instinctive |
Impassioned | Indulgent | Instinctual |
Impeccable | Industrious | Instructive |
Imperial | Inexhaustible | Instrumental |
Important | Inexpensive | Intact |
Imposing | Infallible | Integral |
Impressive | Infinite | Integrated |
Improvable | Influent | Intellectual |
Improved | Influential | Intelligent |
Inarguable | Informal | Intended |
Incandescent | Informed | Interchangeable |
Inclusive | Innocent | Interested |
Negative Adjectives That Start with I
Everything and everybody in the world is “imperfect” – best example of negative adjectives starting with I.
Icy | Imperialistic | Inadmissible |
Idiotic | Impersonal | Inadvisable |
Ignorant | Impetuous | Inane |
Ignored | Impious | Inapplicable |
Ill | Implausible | Inappropriate |
Illegal | Implosive | Inapt |
Illegible | Impolite | Inarticulate |
Illegitimate | Imposing | Inattentive |
Ill-fated | Impossible | Incoherent |
Illicit | Impoverished | Incompetent |
Illogical | Impractical | Ineffective |
Immature | Imprecise | Infamous |
Immeasurable | Improbable | Insane |
Immodest | Improper | Insecure |
Immoral | Imprudent | Insidious |
Immovable | Impure | Insignificant |
Impassable | Inaccessible | Insulting |
Impatient | Inaccurate | Irrational |
Impenetrable | Inactive | Irresponsible |
Imperfect | Inadequate | Irritating |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with I
You may find it hard to think of descriptive words that start with I. But we got some below for you.
Icelandic | Illustrative | Impromptu |
Iconic | Imaginable | Improvable |
Icy | Imaginary | Improvised |
Ideal | Imaginative | Impure |
Idealized | Imbalanced | Inactive |
Identifiable | Immovable | Inborn |
Identified | Immune | Inclined |
Ideological | Immunized | Inconsequential |
Idiotic | Immutable | Inconspicuous |
Idle | Impacted | Incursive |
Idolized | Impaired | Indebted |
Idyllic | Impatient | Indelible |
Iffy | Impeded | Indelicate |
Ignited | Impelled | Indonesian |
Ignorant | Impending | Industrialized |
Ignored | Imperceptible | Ineligible |
Ill | Imperfect | Inert |
Illegal | Impervious | Infected |
Illegible | Impish | Inferior |
Illegitimate | Implanted | Infirm |
Illicit | Imploring | Infrequent |
Illuminated | Imposed | Initial |
Illusionary | Impressed | Inky |
Illusive | Impressible | Inlaid |
Illusory | Imprisoned | Inland |
Adjectives That Start with I to Describe a Person
Have a look at our collection of adjectives that start with I to describe a person. Which do you think is the best to describe someone?
Idealistic | Improbable | Indirect |
Idealized | Impromptu | Indiscriminate |
Identical | Improper | Indiscriminating |
Identifiable | Improved | Indisposed |
Identified | Improving | Indisputable |
Ideographic | Improvised | Indistinct |
Ideologic | Imprudent | Individual |
Ideological | Impudent | Individualist |
Idiomatic | Impugnable | Individualized |
Idiotic | Inactive | Induced |
Idle | Inadequate | Indulgent |
Idolized | Inadmissible | Inebriated |
Idyllic | Inadvertent | Infuriating |
Ill | Inadvisable | Ingrained |
Illegal | Inane | Ingratiating |
Illegitimate | Inappropriate | Ingratiatory |
Illicit | Inarticulate | Ingrown |
Illiterate | Inaudible | Inharmonious |
Illuminated | Inbound | Inherent |
Illusive | Inbred | Inheritable |
Illustrious | Indefeasible | Inherited |
Imaginable | Indefinable | Inheriting |
Imaginary | Indefinite | Inhibited |
Imbecile | Indelicate | Initial |
Immaculate | Indentured | Injured |
Imposing | Independent | Injurious |
Impoverished | Indescribable | Innocent |
Impractical | Indestructible | Innovative |
Impregnable | Indeterminate | Inoffensive |
Impressed | Indian | Inoperable |
Impressionable | Indicative | Inquiring |
Impressionist | Indicatory | Intent |
Impressive | Indigenous | Indigent |
Imprisoned |
Adjectives That Start with I – Definitions and Examples
The list part is finalized. Now it comes to definitions and examples for those adjectives with I.
Indirect: happening not as the main aim, cause or result of a particular action, but in addition to it; ambiguous; ancillary.
– The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain.
Introverted: more interested in your own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people; quiet; restrained.
– His teachers perceived him as shy and introverted.
Immediate: happening or done without delay; instant; urgent.
– RAM stores information for immediate access.
Ignorant: not having or showing much knowledge or information about things; not educated; oblivious; obtuse.
– Never make your students feel ignorant.
Invariable: always the same; never changing; unchanging; unalterable.
– Her routine was invariable.
Incoherent: unable to express yourself clearly, often because of emotion; disjointed; incomprehensible.
– She broke off, incoherent with anger.
Invigorating: making somebody feel healthy and full of energy; bracing; exhilarating.
– An invigorating walk/shower.
Invisible: that cannot be seen; microscopic; unseen.
– She felt invisible in the crowd.
Intent: determined to do something; bent; set; determined.
– The government was intent on achieving greater efficiency.
Irrelative: unconnected or unrelated; immaterial; extraneous.
– He turned away from them as from something foreign and irrelative to him, and his calling.
Irish: relating to Ireland, its people, or the Celtic language traditionally and historically spoken there; Goidelic; Irish Gaelic.
– The Irish government.
Insane: very stupid, crazy or dangerous; bizarre; deranged.
– I must have been insane to agree to the idea.
Imperfectible: capable of being made imperfect; imperfect; not perfect; defective.
– Imperfectible is incapable of being made perfect.
Introductory: intended as an introduction to a subject or an activity for people who have never done it before; inaugural; preparatory.
– The booklist at the end of the chapter contains some introductory reading on the subject.
Incriminatory: charging or suggestive of guilt or blame; criminative; inculpatory.
– Police had reportedly searched his flat and found incriminatory evidence.
Inauspicious: showing signs that the future will not be good or successful; unfortunate; bad.
– An inauspicious start.
Inexorable: that cannot be stopped or changed; relentless; implacable.
– This is where the inexorable logic of the theory breaks down.
Intimate: encouraging close, friendly relationships, sometimes of a sexual nature; private; confidential.
– He knew an intimate little bar where they would not be disturbed.
Insectivorous: (of an animal) that eats insects; carnivore; omnivore.
– Of the amphibians, frogs and many lizards are largely insectivorous.
Ineloquent: lacking eloquence or fluency of expression; inarticulate; mumbling.
– The ineloquent coherence of the book gladdened and surprised me.
Illusionary: of, pertaining to, or characterized by illusions; deceptive; misleading.
– An excellent novel about illusionary freedom and betrayal, with a powerful undercurrent of fear running the whole way through.
Imperceptible: very small and therefore unable to be seen or felt; gradual; inaudible.
– There was an almost imperceptible pause as she gathered her breath to speak.
Interspecies: hybridized from, relating to, or occurring between different species; interspecific.
– Some technical interspecies issues may need to be addressed first.
Indistinct: that cannot be seen, heard or remembered clearly; vague; hazy.
– His memory of the incident was somewhat indistinct.
Incongruous: strange, and not suitable in a particular situation; inappropriate; incoherent.
– Such traditional methods seem incongruous in our technical age.
Inconvenient: causing trouble or problems, especially in connection with what you need or would like yourself; annoying; awkward.
– That’s most inconvenient for me. I’m working that weekend.
Indie: not belonging to, working for or produced by a large organization; independent; affiliate.
– An indie publisher.
Incomplete: not having everything that it should have; not finished or complete; fragmentary; inadequate.
– Spoken language contains many incomplete sentences.
Intracranial: within the skull; cerebral.
– Intracranial hemorrhage.
Innovative: introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something; ingenious; inventive.
– There will be a prize for the most innovative design.
Incitive: arousing to action or rebellion; incendiary; inflammatory.
– Hunting down my incitive with a forty-four – spark it in cartridges.
Intersectant: crossed or intersected in the form of an X; decussate; intersecting crossed.
– Intersectant crossed or intersected in the form of an X.
Indocile: difficult to teach or discipline; not submissive; assertive.
– When Arguelles was her governor, she was indocile and refractory; under the care of Olózaga she only remained three months.
Irate: very angry; annoyed; enraged.
– She sounded extremely irate.
Indehiscent: not splitting open to release the seeds when ripe; remaining closed.
– She argued against any differences in extent of predation between dehiscent and indehiscent species.
Intercellular: located or occurring between cells; entity; living thing.
– Intercellular spaces.
Indigestible: that cannot easily be digested in the stomach; malodorous; moldy.
– Beans can be rather indigestible.
Incombustible: (especially of a building material or component) consisting or made of material that does not burn if exposed to fire; non-flammable; non-combustible.
– An incombustible floor construction.
Inexpungeable: not capable of being expunged; inexpungible; ineradicable.
– Inexpungeable incapable of being expunged.
Inviolate: that has been, or must be, respected and cannot be attacked or destroyed; untouched; undamaged.
– Their privacy remained inviolate.
Impure: not pure or clean; not consisting of only one substance but mixed with one or more substances often of poorer quality; unclean; admixed.
– Some of these drugs are highly impure.
Insolvable: incapable of being solved or explained; insoluble; impossible.
– It is one of the most insolvable questions in history why so little effort was made by the French to save the Maid’s life.
Infeasible: not possible to do easily or conveniently; impracticable; absurd.
– Proof that a program works is infeasible unless it is very short.
Interested: giving your attention to something because you enjoy finding out about it or doing it; showing interest in something and finding it exciting; involved; keen.
– He sounded genuinely interested.
Inexpressive: showing no expression; expressionless; unexpressive.
– An inexpressive face.
Immaterial: not important in a particular situation; irrelevant; extraneous.
– It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.
Inaudible: inaudible (to somebody) that you cannot hear; unheard; indistinct.
– She spoke in an almost inaudible whisper.
Isotonic: with added minerals and salts, intended to replace those lost during exercise; isosmotic.
– After bacterial growth and lawn formation, the culture was layered with 10 ml of an isotonic solution of sodium chloride.
Irretrievable: that you can never make right or get back; hopeless; irrecoverable.
– The money already paid is irretrievable.
Imparipinnate: having a terminal unpaired leaflet; compound.
– The foliage is abundant, evergreen with imparipinnate leafs that present paired spines presumably in the place of leaflets.
Impermissible: that cannot be allowed; banned; barred.
– He said that this behaviour was impermissible in a democratic society.
Illustrious: very famous and much admired, especially because of what you have achieved; distinguished; eminent.
– The composer was one of many illustrious visitors to the town.
Immune: not affected by something, especially something that you might expect to be harmful; exempt; resistant.
– You’ll eventually become immune to criticism.
Integumental: of or relating to the integument; especially; cutaneous; integumentary.
– He keeps fat in the limpid integumental Reflections live on.
Incompatible: two actions, ideas, etc. that are incompatible are not acceptable or possible together because of basic differences; conflicting; inappropriate.
– The hours of the job are incompatible with family life.
Insanitary: dirty and likely to spread disease; germy; unhygienic.
– They were forced to live in overcrowded and insanitary conditions.
Inconvertible: not able to be changed in form, function, or character; unchangeable; irredeemable.
– I think that shows it is possible to have an inconvertible currency which is generally acceptable.
Icteric: of, relating to, or affected with jaundice; jaundiced; yellow unhealthy.
– On physical examination the skin and scleras were icteric.
Interoceptive: relating to stimuli produced within an organism, especially in the gut and other internal organs; sensitiveness; sensibility.
– The interoceptive system gives us the ability to feel what is happening inside our body.
–: not human; not seeming to be produced by a human and therefore frightening; unsympathetic; savage.
There was a strange inhuman sound.
Inclusive: having the total cost, or the cost of something that is mentioned, contained in the price; broad; comprehensive.
– The rent is inclusive of water and heating.
Inclined: inclined (to do something) wanting to do something; given; predisposed.
– She was inclined to trust him.
Inexpensive: not costing a lot of money; cheap; economical.
– A relatively inexpensive hotel.
Iridescent: showing many bright colours that seem to change in different lights; lustrous; pearly.
– A bird with iridescent blue feathers.
Impertinent: rude and not showing respect for somebody who is older or more important; impolite; rude.
– She found the question highly impertinent.
Imperative: very important and needing immediate attention or action; vital; compulsory.
– It is imperative to continue the treatment for at least two months.
Inequitable: not fair; not the same for everyone; unfair.
– Distribution of wealth in the country is highly inequitable.
Insusceptible: not responsive to physical stimuli; immune; resistant.
– The larvae are insusceptible to most treatments.
Inalienable: that cannot be taken away from you; inviolable; absolute.
– The inalienable right to decide your own future.
Impressionable: easily influenced or affected by somebody/something; susceptible; impressible.
– He is in a highly impressionable state.
Ignorable: that can be ignored; disregard able; forgettable.
– She has written about how ignorable you become as you get older.
Instigative: arousing to action or rebellion; incendiary; incitive.
– The new Chief Executive of News International pledged to defend investigative journalism against those who might seek to undermine it.
Illusive: not real although seeming to be; illusory; fake.
– There is an Illusive sense of depth.
Indiscrete: not divided into distinct parts; flawless; perfect.
– The rock was indiscrete, breaking into small pieces when the lab tech tried to divide it.
Indigo: very dark blue in colour; blue-green; azure.
– An indigo sky.
Innocent: not guilty of a crime, etc.; not having done something wrong; honest; legitimate.
– They have imprisoned an innocent man.
Imaginarily: existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied.
– Well, football is living imaginarily, only under truthful circumstances.
Invidious: unpleasant and unfair; likely to offend somebody or make them jealous; abominable; calumnious.
– It would be invidious to single out any one person to thank.
Improvised: created and performed spontaneously or without preparation; impromptu; makeshift; extemporized.
– An improvised short speech.
Infinitesimal: extremely small; tiny; little.
– Infinitesimal traces of poison.
Illuminating: helping to make something clear or easier to understand; enlightening; illuminated.
– We didn’t find the examples he used particularly illuminating.
Imitative: that copies somebody/something; counterfeit; echoic.
– His work has been criticized for being imitative and shallow.
Implicit: implicit (in something) suggested without being directly expressed; constant; contained.
– Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.
Impendent: comparative more impendent, superlative most impendent; impending; threatening.
– In practical application, it is an impendent need to use the far-field small divergence angle of laser beams.
Inspiratory: relating to the act of breathing in; puffing; pulmonary.
– Inspiratory, expiratory, and throat muscles are needed for effective coughing.
Inessential: not necessary; excess; needless.
– Inessential luxuries.
Impuissant: unable to take effective action; powerless; helpless.
– Jonah was a relentless bully who sought to intimidate any impuissant student that he could find in the schoolyard.
Included: contained as part of something; admitted; combined.
– We all went, me included.
Interdisciplinary: involving different areas of knowledge or study; cross-disciplinary; integrative.
– Interdisciplinary research.
Incredible: impossible or very difficult to believe; unbelievable; amazing.
– It seemed incredible that she had been there a week already.
Icy: very cold, not friendly or kind; showing feelings of dislike or anger; freezing; raw.
– My eyes met his icy gaze.
Illogical: not sensible or thought out in a logical way; unsound; absurd.
– She has an illogical fear of insects.
Indiscriminate: an indiscriminate action is done without thought about what the result may be, especially when it causes people to be harmed; haphazard; unsystematic.
– Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics.
Incalculable: very large or very great; too great to calculate; boundless; enormous.
– The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment.
Insolent: extremely rude and showing a lack of respect; disrespectful; bold.
– Her tone grew insolent.
Impetuous: acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results; rash; impulsive.
– An impetuous young woman.
Identically: in exactly the same way; comparably; comparatively.
– The children were dressed identically.
Insular: only interested in your own country, ideas, etc. and not in those from outside; circumscribed; isolated.
– The British are often accused of being insular.
Intramural: taking place within a single institution, especially a school or college; indigenous; internal.
– Jeff played intramural basketball in high school.
Incandescent: giving out light when heated; luminous; radiant.
– Incandescent lamps.
Inconstant: not faithful in love or friendship; fickle; changing.
– It was this inconstant wind, he remembered, that had frozen Tamara’s face and nearly killed her.
Indefensible: that cannot be defended or excused because it is morally unacceptable; unforgivable; unjustifiable.
– It would be morally indefensible for her to desert her father now.
Impassable: impossible to travel on or through, especially because it is in bad condition or it has been blocked by something; impenetrable; insurmountable.
– The mountain roads are totally impassable to cars in winter.
Irremediable: too bad to be corrected or cured; hopeless; incurable.
– An irremediable situation.
Influential: having a lot of influence on somebody/something; authoritative; dominant.
– She is one of the most influential figures in local politics.
Inanimate: not alive in the way that people, animals and plants are; lifeless; motionless.
– A rock is an inanimate object.
Injudicious: not sensible or wise; not appropriate in a particular situation; unwise; imprudent.
– An injudicious remark.
Isocyclic: containing a closed ring of atoms of the same kind especially carbon atoms; homo cyclic.
– Isocyclic is containing a closed ring of atoms of the same kind especially carbon atoms.
Inky: black like ink; dusky; dark.
– The inky blackness of the cellar.
Irresponsible: not thinking enough about the effects of what they do; not showing a feeling of responsibility; capricious; immature.
– It would be irresponsible to ignore the situation.
Inimitable: too good or individual for anyone else to copy with the same effect; matchless; peerless.
– John related in his own inimitable way the story of his trip to Tibet.
Infirm: ill and weak, especially over a long period or as a result of being old; ailing; anemic.
– Father was becoming increasingly infirm.
Indubitable: that cannot be doubted; apparent; assured.
– Indubitable proof.
Iconoclastic: criticizing popular beliefs or established customs and ideas; irreverent; dissident.
– His iconoclastic tendencies can get him into trouble.
Impermanent: that will not last or stay the same forever; temporary; ephemeral.
– It was not his fault if at first some extremely unsound and impermanent shanties were run up on the vacant site.
Implacable: of strong negative opinions or feelings that cannot be changed; inexorable; intractable.
– Implacable hatred.
Indigent: very poor; impoverished; needy.
– Because he was indigent, the court appointed a lawyer to defend him.
Impoverished: very poor; without money; needy.
– The impoverished areas of the city.
Intraspecies: elating to or occurring between members of the same species; intraspecific.
– There was a noticeable inter- and intraspecies variability in pathogenicity towards wheat and maize.
Innovational: being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before; innovative; inventive.
– An innovational thought could create more profit for company.
Imperialistic: connected with a system in which one country controls other countries, often after defeating them in a war; absolutist; colonial.
– An imperialist power.
Inviolable: that must be respected and not attacked or destroyed; impassable; impregnable.
– The inviolable right to life.
Improvisational: relating to or characterized by spontaneous performance, especially in music or drama; improvised; impromptu.
– The improvisational style of jazz.
Irritating: annoying, especially because of something somebody continuously does or something that continuously happens; annoying; bothersome.
– I found her extremely irritating.
Incorruptible: not able to be persuaded to do something wrong or dishonest, even if somebody offers them money; un-bribable; honest.
– Bribery won’t work with him. He’s incorruptible.
Insidious: spreading gradually or without being noticed, but causing serious harm; artful; cunning.
– The insidious effects of polluted water supplies.
Inconclusive: not leading to a definite decision or result; ambiguous; deficient.
– A coalition government was formed following an inconclusive general election.
Irenic: aiming or aimed at peace; amiable; amicable.
– Although you and your sister constantly fought as young children, your relationship might become more irenic as you grow older.
Immutable: that cannot be changed; that will never change; unchangeable; enduring.
– This decision should not be seen as immutable.
Ineradicable: (of a quality or situation) that cannot be removed or changed; accepted; accustomed.
– The slave trade had an ineradicable effect on world history.
Imperial: connected with an empire; royal; kingly.
– The imperial army.
Infrangible: unbreakable; inviolable; adamantine.
– There is no infrangible genetic prescription of human behaviour.
Infinite: very great; impossible to measure; boundless.
– An infinite variety of plants.
Isotropous: invariant with respect to direction; isotropic; identical.
– Around this primary axis all the parts are alike or isotropous.
Internecine: happening between members of the same group, country or organization; domestic; fratricidal.
– Internecine feuds.
Irritative: serving to excite or irritate; angry; bothered.
– An irritative agent.
Incontestable: that is true and cannot be disagreed with or denied; indisputable; ascertained.
– His claim to the land is incontestable.
Impending: (usually of an unpleasant event) that is going to happen very soon; imminent; nearing.
– They were all filled with a sense of impending doom.
Inbuilt: an inbuilt quality exists as an essential part of something/somebody; built-in; integral.
– His height gives him an inbuilt advantage over his opponent.
Incursive: making incursions; invasive; aggressive.
– He writes in cursive when he takes notes.
Isothermic: meteorology of equal or constant temperature with respect to space, volume, or pressure; isothermal; isogram.
– A continual circulation might thus be set up in an isothermic enclosure and maintained with the performance of an unlimited supply of work.
Inefficacious: not producing the desired effect; ineffective; unsuccessful.
– Social conventions honed over thousands of years were suddenly inefficacious.
Inaesthetic: Not aesthetic; in aesthetic; unaesthetic.
– Inaesthetic violating aesthetic canons or requirements.
Inveterate: of a person always doing something or enjoying something, and unlikely to stop; enduring; entrenched.
– He was an inveterate traveller.
Immunogenic: relating to or denoting substances able to produce an immune response; sensitive; unsusceptibility.
– Immunogenic vaccines.
Incurious: having no interest in knowing or discovering things; aloof; detached.
– He’s strangely incurious about what goes on around him.
Incommodious: causing inconvenience or discomfort; difficult; disadvantageous.
– The temperature is high, and it would no doubt at first be incommodious.
Intercrossed: produced by crossbreeding, bred from parents of different varieties or species; hybrid; crossbred.
– Data mining is an intercrossed subject, involving many fields such as machine learning, model reorganization, induction and deduction, statistics.
Imputable: capable of being assigned or credited to; ascribable; due.
– The oversight was not imputable to him; absurd.
Inane: stupid or silly; with no meaning; flat; insipid.
– The last question was especially inane.
Immaculately: in an extremely clean and tidy way; spotlessly; flawless.
– Immaculately dressed.
Inaugural: first, and marking the beginning of something important, for example the time when a new leader or parliament starts work, when a new organization is formed or when something is used for the first time; maiden; original.
– The inaugural meeting of the geographical society.
Ivied: covered in ivy, relating to the academic institutions of the Ivy League; leafy; creeper.
– The ivied rectory.
Immotile: not capable of moving spontaneously and independently; immobile; immutable.
– Nearly all cocci are immotile, while the bacilli may or may not be.
Informed: having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject or situation; knowledgeable; learned.
– They are not fully informed about the changes.
Instructive: giving a lot of useful information; informative; educational.
– It was a most instructive experience.
Inexperienced: having little knowledge or experience of something; immature; inept.
– A child of his age is too young and inexperienced to recognize danger.
Interoperable: of computer systems or programs able to exchange information; compatible; consistent.
– They will need to be interoperable with our allies and coalition partners.
Impractical: not sensible or realistic; absurd; illogical.
– It was totally impractical to think that we could finish the job in two months.
Interchangeable: that can be exchanged, especially without affecting the way in which something works; compatible; synonymous.
– The V8 engines are all interchangeable with each other.
Impregnable: strong and impossible to defeat or change; invincible; invulnerable.
– The team built up an impregnable 5–1 lead.
Interstellar: between the stars in the sky; intergalactic; astronomical.
– Between the stars lies the interstellar medium, a region of sparse matter.
Inoffensive: not likely to offend or upset anyone; innocuous; pleasant.
– A shy, inoffensive young man.
Incomputable: unable to be calculated or estimated; innumerable; incalculable.
– Incomputable riches.
Ignitible: capable of burning; burnable; ignitable; combustible.
– Clothing saturated with oxygen is readily ignitible and will burn vigorously.
Isoclinic: being or relating to an isocline; isoclinal.
– In particular in four dimensions there are also double and isoclinic rotations.
Informal: relaxed and friendly; not following strict rules of how to behave or do something; straightforward; unofficial.
– Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department.
Intoxicated: under the influence of alcohol or drugs; drunken; tipsy.
– Driving while intoxicated is illegal.
Inaccessible: difficult or impossible to reach, get or use; distant; impassable.
– They live in a remote area, inaccessible except by car.
Intracerebral: occurring or situated within the cerebrum; intelligent; intellectual.
– The patient developed intracerebral haemorrhage without associated hypertension and with normal coagulation profile.
Inert: without power to move or act; dormant; immobile.
– He lay inert with half-closed eyes.
Inflamed: red, painful and hot because of infection or injury; swollen; puffed up.
– An inflamed and swollen finger.
Interlocking: having parts that overlap or fit together; continuity; integration.
– A design of interlocking leaves.
Inbound: travelling towards a place rather than leaving it; entering; incoming.
– Inbound flights/passengers.
Individual: single; separate; discrete.
– Individual tiny flowers.
Insentient: incapable of feeling or understanding things; inanimate; lifeless.
– It’s arrogant to presume animals to be insentient.
Incipient: just beginning; embryonic; nascent.
– Signs of incipient unrest.
Imperforate: lacking the normal opening; not perforated; unbroken; unharmed.
– Unicellular spores of these parasites have an imperforate wall.
Informative: giving useful information; instructive; informational.
– The talk was both informative and entertaining.
Intransitive: used without a direct object; objective; indifferent.
– The verb ‘die’, as in ‘He died suddenly’, is intransitive.
Incomprehensible: impossible to understand; unintelligible; impenetrable.
– Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people.
Identifiable: that can be recognized; attributable; detectable.
– The house is easily identifiable by the large tree outside.
Inculpative: causing blame to be imputed to; inculpatory; accusative.
– The drunk driver’s inculpation by the police was based on the fact that he was swerving all over the road for several miles.
Incisive: showing clear thought and good understanding of what is important, and the ability to express this; penetrating; acute.
– He had a clear, incisive mind.
Incendiary: causing strong feelings or violence; inflammatory; provocative.
– Incendiary remarks.
Imbecile: a rude way to say ‘very stupid’; idiotic; asinine.
– Imbecile remarks.
Intestate: not having made a will a legal document that says what is to happen to a person’s property when they die; unheard; unrepresented.
– The large sum of money that came to him when she died intestate was a shock, and he had not spent a penny of it on himself.
Incognoscible: incapable of being perceived or known; incognizable; imperceptible; unperceivable.
– You can use incognoscible as a adjective satellite in a sentence.
Integrated: in which many different parts are closely connected and work successfully together; unified; combined.
– An integrated programme of patient care.
Improvable: susceptible of improvement; corrigible; serviceable.
– The practices are improvable, and in fact are improved as we go along.
Imprudent: not wise or sensible; unwise; careless.
– It would be imprudent to invest all your money in one company.
Immovable: that cannot be moved; immobile; immutable.
– An immovable object.
Immunochemical: of, relating to, or utilizing immunochemistry; immunochemistry.
– Today’s biological and biomedical laboratories employ an array of different immunochemical techniques.
Inutile: useless; pointless; abortive.
– The tribe were about to cook poor little Verva because her mother was dead, and she seemed a bouche inutile.
Illative: of the nature of or stating an inference; inferential.
– The illative faculty of the mind.
Implicated: implicate somebody (in something) to show or suggest that somebody is involved in something bad or criminal; involved; suspected.
– His business partner was implicated in the theft.
Incumbent: having an official position; binding; necessary.
– The incumbent president.
Ictal: Of or pertaining to a sudden physiologic attack such as a seizure, stroke or headache; Etymology.
– The patient was in an ictal state.
Idealistic: having a strong belief in perfect standards and trying to achieve them, even when this is not realistic; idealized; optimistic.
– She’s still young and idealistic.
Imminent: especially of something unpleasant likely to happen very soon; Impending; Threatening.
– The system is in imminent danger of collapse.
Inchoative: expressing a change of state that happens on its own. Opened in the door opened is an example of an inchoative verb; initial; inceptive.
– Economic globalization is inchoative at capitalist country.
Implausible: not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince; unlikely; not likely; improbable.
– This is a blatantly implausible claim.
Impeccant: free from error or fault; sinless; legitimate.
– Contrary to his impeccant habit, Average Jones bore the somewhat frazzled aspect of a man who has been up all night.
Impugnable: That can be impugned; open to (verbal) attack; open to question.
– Jenkins thought the hearings clearly showed that both figures had committed impugnable acts.
Indebted: indebted (to somebody) (for something) (formal) grateful to somebody for helping you; appreciative; beholden.
– I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help.
Indiscreet: not careful about what you say or do, especially when you reveal something secret or something that could be embarrassing or offensive; careless; hasty.
– One indiscreet comment could spoil the whole thing.
Impossible: that cannot exist or be done; not possible; hopeless.
– Only a year ago and this would have seemed impossible.
Insalubrious: dirty and unpleasant, possibly connected with immoral or illegal activities; seedy; healthful.
– An insalubrious backstreet bar.
Impenetrable: that cannot be entered, passed through or seen through; bulletproof; impassable.
– An impenetrable jungle.
Instant: happening immediately; immediate; instantaneous.
– This account gives you instant access to your money.
Imperviable: not admitting of passage or capable of being affected; immune; impassable.
– She is turning a deaf ear to the people and is imperviable to argument or protests.
Incongruent: affecting the components of an alloy or other substance differently; conflicting; contradictory.
– My lack of appeal as good boyfriend stock was incongruent in a life where I had so many female friends.
Inseparable: inseparable (from something) not able to be separated; indivisible; integral.
– Our economic fortunes are inseparable from those of Europe.
Insulting: causing or intending to cause somebody to feel offended; offend; abuse.
– She was really insulting to me.
Incorporate: having a bodily form; embodied; absorb; assimilate.
– Through an incorporate resilience, slighted confidence restores itself.
Inactive: not doing anything; not active; dormant; dull.
– Some animals are inactive during the daytime.
Inelastic: of a substance or material not elastic; inductile; inextensible.
– A tough, inelastic membrane.
Impressed: admiring somebody/something because you think they are particularly good, interesting; fascinated; dazzled.
– We were all impressed by her enthusiasm.
Impromptu: done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed; unrehearsed; unprepared.
– An impromptu press conference
Insuperable: that cannot be dealt with successfully; insurmountable; unbeatable.
– The practical difficulties of enforcing this penalty would be insuperable.
Irreclaimable: not able to be reclaimed or reformed; irredeemable; unreformable.
– Their irregular shape also condemns them for the most part with the many admirable but irreclaimable crooked rugs.
Immunocompetent: having a normal immune response; detachment; evacuation.
– The immunocompetent had a direct proportion to molecular weight of the samples.
Insufferable: extremely annoying, unpleasant and difficult to bear; unbearable; detestable.
– Insufferable pride.
Invaluable: extremely useful; valuable; helpful.
– The book will be invaluable for students in higher education.
Infrahuman: an obsolete term describing all species “below” humans; animal; nonhuman.
– To me it seems that thoroughgoing knowledge of the lives of the infrahuman primates would inevitably make for human betterment.
Indomitable: impossible to subdue or defeat; invincible; unconquerable.
– A woman of indomitable spirit.
Irresolute: not able to decide what to do; changing; doubtful.
– I stood irresolute beside my car.
Intriguing: very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer; absorbing; alluring.
– These discoveries raise intriguing questions.
Ideological: based on or connected with an ideology; philosophical; theoretical.
– His agenda has been purely ideological.
Inhalant: serving for inhalation; opiate; analgesic.
– An inhalant siphon.
Interesting: attracting your attention because it is/they are special, exciting or unusual; alluring; amusing.
– The article raises several interesting questions.
Iliac: relating to the ilium or the nearby regions of the lower body; pelvic; genital.
– The iliac artery.
Intertribal: between or among tribes; interstate; interracial.
– The intertribal warfare of long ago is forgotten today.
Intramuscular: happening inside a muscle or put into a muscle; hypodermic; hypo spray.
– An intramuscular injection.
Intuitive: obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts; emotional; innate.
– He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted.
Impalpable: that cannot be felt physically; delicate; disembodied.
– As to the public school spirit, it is a real thing, but it is impalpable.
Inimical: inimical to something harmful to something; not helping something; destructive; harmful.
– These policies are inimical to the interests of society.
Immortal: that lives or lasts forever; endless; enduring.
– The soul is immortal.
Idiosyncratic: unusual and particular to a person or thing; distinctive; individual.
– His teaching methods are idiosyncratic but successful.
Isolated: of buildings and places far away from any others; remote; deserted.
– Isolated rural areas.
Ironical: showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying; expressing irony; contemptuous; cynic.
– His tone was ironical, but he looked at Anna obliquely to test the accuracy of his words.
Interrelated: closely connected and affecting each other; integral; interdependent.
– Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas.
Inspired: having excellent qualities or abilities; produced with the help of inspiration; stimulate; motivate.
– He has some truly inspired ideas about life.
Islamic: connected with the Muslim religion; Muslamic; Muslim.
– Islamic law.
Interpretative: connected with the particular way in which something is understood, explained or performed; providing an interpretation; allegorical; analytical.
– An interpretative problem.
Interpersonal: connected with relationships between people; social; mutual.
– Interpersonal skills.
Immunologic: of or relating to immunology; immunological.
– The binding of the two is very specific and is called an immunologic synapse.
Inconsiderable: large; large enough to be considered important; base; casual.
– We have spent a not inconsiderable amount of money on the project already.
Improved: having become or been made better; revised; upgraded.
– An improved design.
Inflexible: that cannot be changed or made more suitable for a particular situation; rigid; immutable.
– The rules are too inflexible to allow for human error.
Inherited: of money, property, or a title received as an heir at the death of the previous holder; inborn; transmitted.
– Inherited wealth.
Illegal: not allowed by the law; unlawful; illicit.
– His illegal activities landed him in jail several times.
Insatiable: always wanting more of something; not able to be satisfied; insistent; rapacious.
– The public seems to have an insatiable appetite for celebrity news.
Incorporated: formed into a business company with legal status
– The Incorporated Society of British Advertisers.
Isoclinal: having equal magnetic inclinations; isoclinic equal; having the same quantity, value, or measure as another.
– Most Yellowknife Supergroup metasediments are tightly isoclinal.
Irreparable: too bad or too serious to repair or put right; irreplaceable; irreversible.
– Her death is an irreparable loss.
Indiscernible: hat cannot be seen, heard or understood; faint; imponderable.
– The differences are almost indiscernible.
Impenitent: not feeling ashamed or sorry about something bad you have done; hardened; obdurate.
– To this day she remains impenitent about her criminal past.
Immaculate: perfectly clean and tidy, with no marks or flaws; spotless; flawless.
– She always looks immaculate.
Inculpatory: that causes someone to be blamed for something; denunciative; accusing.
– Through the use of forceful interrogation techniques they managed to get inculpatory information from him.
Ill: suffering from an illness or disease; not feeling well; afflicted; ailing.
– We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal.
Inscriptive: comparative more inscriptive; superlative; most inscriptive.
– The monumental inscriptive is scarcely readable.
Isosceles: having two sides of equal length; irregular; perpendicular.
– The other four edge figures are isosceles triangles on the base vertices of the pyramid.
Intradermal: not accurate or true; inexact; untrue.
– His version of what happened is incorrect.
Impetiginous: Of the nature of, or pertaining to, impetigo; skin disease; skin condition.
– You are suffering from impetiginous disease, a skin infection.
Intravenous: (of drugs or food) going into a vein; endovenous; venous.
– An intravenous injection.
Inauthentic: not what somebody claims it is; that you cannot believe or rely on; counterfeit; fake.
– The dominated wife’s values presumably are inauthentic.
Infamous: well known for being bad or evil; notorious; disgraceful.
– A general who was infamous for his brutality.
Inexact: not accurate or exact; imprecise; ambiguous.
– Economics is an inexact science.
Incident: liable to happen because of; resulting from; circumstance.
– The changes incident to economic development.
Inshore: towards or close to the land; ashore; inland.
– The boat came inshore.
Imperialist: connected with a system in which one country controls other countries, often after defeating them in a war; absolutist; colonial.
– An imperialist power.
Ignominious: that makes, or should make, you feel ashamed; disgraceful; humiliating.
– He made one mistake and his career came to an ignominious end.
Iterative: that involves repeating a process or set of instructions again and again, each time applying it to the result of the previous stage; circular; iterative.
– We used an iterative process of refinement and modification.
Inquisitive: asking too many questions and trying to find out about what other people are doing; curious; inquiring.
– Don’t be so inquisitive. It’s none of your business!
Inherent: inherent (in somebody/something) that is a basic or permanent part of somebody/something and that cannot be removed; intrinsic; genetic.
– Violence is inherent in our society.
Ideal: perfect; most suitable; flawless.
– She’s the ideal candidate for the job.
Illegitimate: not allowed by a particular set of rules or by law; unauthorized; unlicensed.
– Illegitimate use of company property.
Innoxious: Having no harmful effect; harmless; innocuous.
– Vanity, I believe, my dear brother, is not so innoxious a quality as we are desirous of supposing.
Indigenous: coming from a particular place and having lived there for a long time before other people came there; relating to, belonging to or developed by these people; native; local.
– She campaigns for indigenous rights.
Ill-Judged: that has not been carefully thought about; not appropriate in a particular situation; ill-advised; misguided.
– Those few ill-judged words cost him his job.
Intrauterine: within the uterus; within the womb.
– So with fertility treatments and intrauterine insemination, Kate became pregnant with twins.
Irresistible: so strong that it cannot be stopped or resisted; alluring; charming.
– I felt an irresistible urge to laugh.
Independent: confident and free to do things without needing help from other people; autonomous; nonpartisan.
– Going away to college has made me much more independent.
Incontrovertible: that is true and cannot be disagreed with or denied; indisputable; undeniable.
– The facts were incontrovertible.
Immoral: not considered to be good or honest by most people; bad; wicked.
– There’s nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money.
Indulgent: tending to allow somebody to have or do whatever they want; permissive; tolerant.
– Mothers tend to be less indulgent towards daughters.
Interfaith: between or connected with people of different religions; interdenominational; inter religion.
– An interfaith memorial service.
Inheritable: capable of being passed from a parent to a child in the genes; genetic; inborn.
– Inheritable characteristics.
Incompetent: not having the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done; helpless; inadequate.
– The prime minister was attacked as incompetent to lead.
Inapplicable: inapplicable (to somebody/something) that cannot be used, or that does not apply, in a particular situation; immaterial; impertinent.
– These regulations are inapplicable to international students.
Inland: in or towards the middle of a country; away from the coast; central; heartland.
– The town lies a few kilometers inland.
Inquisitorial: asking for information, especially in a threatening way that continues for a long period of time; analytical; disquisitive.
– He questioned her in a cold inquisitorial voice.
Intraspecific: produced, occurring, or existing within a species or between individuals of a single species; superlative.
– Intraspecific competition.
Insurable: capable of being or proper to be insured, as against loss or harm; guarantee; assurance.
– Anyone with an insurable interest in the property should be listed on the policy.
Indispensable: too important to be without; essential; crucial.
– Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives.
Inharmonious: not combining well together or with something else; conflicting; inconsistent.
– The loud inharmonious wailing continued for hours.
Inadvertent: done by accident, without being intended; unintentional; reckless.
– An inadvertent omission.
Invulnerable: that cannot be harmed or defeated; bulletproof; impassable.
– Parents may seem invulnerable to their children.
Incestuous: involving sex between two people in a family who are very closely related; carnal; depraved.
– An incestuous relationship.
Intermittent: stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly; sporadic; periodic; broken.
– Intermittent bursts of applause.
Inquisitory: diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; probing; searching inquiring; given to inquiry.
– He questioned her in a cold inquisitory voice.
Inexhaustible: hat cannot be exhausted, finished; very great; energetic.
– An inexhaustible supply of good jokes.
Inextirpable: Difficult or impossible to eradicate or destroy; enduring; lasting.
– The more you cut off the branches which imprudently appear, the more powerful and inextirpable become the roots below.
Inadequate: not enough; not good enough; deficient; faulty.
– The system is inadequate for the tasks it has to perform.
Inartistic: not conforming to the principles of art; not artistic; unaesthetic.
– The method of their preparation was most inartistic, although it was effectual.
Idolatrous: connected with the practice of worshipping statues as gods; admiring; affectionate.
– Praying to an image was regarded as idolatrous.
Informational: giving facts or details about somebody/something; educational; informative.
– The informational content of a book.
Insubordinate: refusing to obey orders or show respect for somebody who has a higher rank; disobedient; disorderly.
– Bethany was fired for being insubordinate after she refused to stock the storeroom as her manager asked her to.
Ichorous: of or resembling or characterized by ichor or sanies;
– An ichorous discharge.
Infantile: typical of a small child and therefore not suitable for adults or older children; childish; immature.
– Infantile jokes.
Irksome: annoying; tiresome; irritating.
– I found the restrictions irksome.
Interlobular: situated between lobes e.g. of the kidney or liver; between lobes.
– This interlobular tissue contains capillaries and other specialized cells.
Indefinable: difficult or impossible to define or explain; impossible; incommunicable.
– She has that indefinable something that makes an actress a star.
Ironlike: resembling iron; rigid; steely.
– Straight against the ironlike claws he drove, reckless in the grasp of the anger that had exploded within him at the unfair.
Isomeric: relating to an isomer or isomers; metameric; isomerous.
– When two different bodies, like the above, have the same composition, they are said to be isomeric.
Inalterable: unable to be changed; fixed; immutable.
– Yet I think his mind groped further, towards what he could not see, the body’s obscure, inalterable dream of mutuality.
Incorporative: growing by taking over and incorporating adjacent territories; increasing.
– The Russian Empire was a typical incorporative state.
Incurable: that cannot be cured; hopeless; inoperable.
– An incurable disease/illness.
Integrative: combining two or more things to form an effective unit or system; centralizing; centripetal.
– An integrative approach to learning.
Inharmonic: not harmonic; discordant; jarring.
– These findings suggest that gamelan musicians were able to use inharmonic templates to support accurate pitch processing for these instruments.
Inmost: most private, personal and secret; deepest; inner.
– She revealed her inmost thoughts and feelings.
Idiopathic: relating to or denoting any disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown; primary; agnogenic.
– Idiopathic epilepsy.
Impassive: not showing any feeling or emotion; emotionless; apathetic.
– The two men remained impassive throughout the trial.
Implicative: tending to implicate or imply; characterized by or involving implication; evocative; redolent.
– The three classes of homomorphisms of implicative posemigroups are investigated.
Interdependent: that depend on each other; consisting of parts that depend on each other; addicted; attached.
– The world is becoming increasingly interdependent.
Indian: of or connected with India or with the subcontinent that includes India, Pakistan and Bangladesh; American Indian; Amerind.
– Smith is half American, half Indian.
Inlaid: decorated with designs of wood, metal, etc. that are set into the surface; decorate; inset.
– An inlaid wooden box.
Inefficient: not doing a job well and not making the best use of time, money, energy; helpless; incapable.
– An inefficient heating system.
Intolerable: so bad or difficult that you cannot tolerate it; completely unacceptable; unbearable; impossible.
– Her behaviour has become intolerable.
Important: having a great effect on people or things; of great value; essential; critical.
– We have an important decision to make.
Interstate: between states, especially in the US; internal; nationwide.
– Interstate commerce.
Isosmotic: Of or having the same or equal osmotic pressure; isosmotically.
– Isosmotic is of, relating to, or exhibiting equal osmotic pressure.
Impaired: not working as it normally would or as it does in most people; damaged; defective.
– Anxiety can lead to impaired cognitive function.
Immobile: not moving; motionless; immovable.
– She stood immobile by the window.
Indonesian: relating to Indonesia or its people or language; Asian.
– The islands of the Indonesian archipelago also hold very distinctive faunas.
Intemperate: showing a lack of control over yourself; uncontrolled; unrestrained.
– Intemperate language.
Illusional: marked by or producing illusion; illusionary; unreal.
– To understand and grasp Li’s poems, we must share his mind to a basic degree and then his illusional mood.
Idiographic: relating to the study or discovery of particular scientific facts and processes, as distinct from general laws; pictographic; hieroglyphic.
– The presented material has been collected in the course of the source research carried out using the idiographic method.
Incommutable: not commutable; not interchangeable; unchangeable.
– Incommutable is not capable of being exchanged with, or substituted for, another.
Inebriated: drunk; inebriate; intoxicated.
– He leaves the bar inebriated, stumbling down a corridor and causing a scene after he trips and drops his wedding ring.
Ipsilateral: belonging to or occurring on the same side of the body; homolateral.
– She subsequently developed ipsilateral vision loss and hypesthesia of the infraorbital nerve.
Imaginary: existing only in your mind or imagination; fanciful; fantastic.
– The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.
Incurved: bent into or having an inward curve; incurvate; curved; curving.
– The doctors who dissected his body found the pulmonary artery and heart abnormally enlarged, and two ribs broken and incurved to give the heart more room.
Intended: that you are trying to achieve or reach; purposed; designed.
– The intended victims were selected because they seemed vulnerable.
Interschool: Occurring or taking place between two or more schools; intragroup; internal.
– At the age of ten, she began to compete in interschool races.
Isothermal: involving or possessing a constant temperature; plutonic; igneous.
– The isothermal layer of the atmosphere.
Introversive: directed inward; marked by interest in yourself; concerned with inner feelings.
– It’s going to make people very introversive.
Indicative: indicative (of something) (formal) showing or suggesting something; ominous; suggestive.
– Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest.
Intercostal: located between the ribs the curved bones that go around the chest; skeletal muscle; musculus intercostalis.
– Intercostal muscles.
Interior: connected with the inside part of something; internal; domestic.
– Interior walls.
Impartial: not supporting one person or group more than another; neutral; unbiased.
– As chairman, I must remain impartial.
Infective: able to cause infection; infectious; communicable.
– But the DNA from this organism is not infective.
Inclement: not pleasant; cold, wet; brutal.
– Walkers should be prepared for inclement weather.
Indecorous: embarrassing or not socially acceptable; improper; indecent.
– While she was striking in her physicality and energy, many critics found her too indecorous and overbearing, particularly in the later acts.
Indicatory: pointing out or revealing clearly; indicative; revelatory.
– The crane is associated with her as an indicator of the weather.
Imbecilic: a rude way to say very stupid; idiotic; brainless.
– Imbecile remarks.
Incarnate: in human form; embodied; exteriorized.
– The leader seemed the devil incarnate.
Informatory: providing or conveying information; informative; advisory; consultative; consolatory.
– The text is precise and informatory.
Irreplaceable: too valuable or special to be replaced; expensive; exceptional.
– These pictures are irreplaceable.
Ingenuous: honest, innocent and willing to trust people; naïve; innocent.
– You’re too ingenuous.
Immemorial: that has existed for longer than people can remember; archaic; fixed.
– An immemorial tradition.
Interrogative: asking a question; in the form of a question; questioning; .curious
– An interrogative gesture/remark/sentence.
Ideational: relating to the formation of ideas or concepts; academic; analytical.
– Policy has been shaped by both material and ideational factors.
Injured: physically hurt; having an injury; damaged; spoiled.
– His injured leg prevented him from walking.
Incognizant: lacking knowledge or awareness; unaware; unconscious; oblivious.
– The government appears incognizant of the growing threat to our agricultural industry.
Insatiate: incapable of being satisfied or appeased; insatiable; eager.
– They have an insatiate appetite for scandal.
Irreconcilable: if differences or disagreements are irreconcilable, they are so great that it is not possible to settle them; stubborn; inflexible.
– A seemingly irreconcilable conflict.
Iridic: of or relating to the iris of the eye; tissue layer; metallic element.
– When, however, a true adhesion between corneal and iridic tissue takes place the filtration angle is not so easily opened.
Insightful: showing a clear understanding of a person or situation; perceptive; astute.
– One particular author seems to be more insightful than the rest.
Indivisible: that cannot be divided into separate parts; inseparable; unified.
– Atoms were originally thought to be indivisible.
Impressive: making you admire them, because they are very large, good, skillful; amazing; astounding.
– Several of the younger players also looked impressive.
Indexical: relating to or denoting a word or expression whose meaning is dependent on the context in which it is used (such as here, you, me, that one there, or next Tuesday; buffeting; hammer.
– Its indexical value is associated with all the desirable qualities.
Imperceptive: not perceptive; lacking perception; insensitive.
– Usually she found this kind of man very imperceptive and gross.
Inopportune: happening at a bad time; inappropriate; inconvenient.
– They arrived at an inopportune moment.
Introvertish: somewhat introverted; shut-in introversive; introvertive.
– He’s very shy and introvertish.
Inarguable: Not arguable; certain; incontestable.
– Her conclusion is so obvious as to be inarguable.
Icterogenic: producing jaundice.
– Icterogenic is causing or tending to cause jaundice.
Irrefutable: that cannot be proved wrong and that must therefore be accepted; inarguable; incontestable.
– Irrefutable evidence.
Inspiriting: cheerfully encouraging; heartening; uplifting.
– By vigorous measures and inspiriting speeches he restored their courage, though his own heart was nearly failing him.
Interlineal: situated or inserted between lines; intersectional; interstellar.
– It is in old Gaelic, and there is an interlineal gloss.
Imperturbable: not easily upset or worried by a difficult situation; calm; composed.
– Above all he was imperturbable and never upset when things appeared to go against him.
Inspiring: exciting and encouraging you to do or feel something; encouraging; exciting.
– The book is less than inspiring.
Inboard: located on the inside of a boat, plane or car; outboard; powerboat.
– An inboard motor.
Inodorous: having no odor; odorless; non-aromatic.
– It is tasteless and inodorous and imparts no disagreeable taste or odor to the substance being treated.
Irritated: irritated (at/by/with something) annoyed or angry; bothered; disturbed.
– She was getting more and more irritated at his comments.
Inelegant: not attractive; unrefined; uncouth.
– An inelegant fall.
Ironic: showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying; expressing irony; sarcastic.
– An ironic comment.
Intrepid: very brave; not afraid of danger or difficulties; fearless.
– Traders and missionaries often proved themselves to be intrepid explorers.
Idempotent: denoting an element of a set which is unchanged in value when multiplied or otherwise operated on by itself; unchanged; unaltered.
– This matrix is idempotent.
Inexpedient: of an action not practical or suitable; that might have a bad effect; detrimental; impolitic.
– It would be inexpedient to raise taxes further.
Illusory: not real, although seeming to be; hallucinatory; misleading.
Any power he may seem to have is purely illusory.
Intergalactic: existing or happening between galaxies of stars; interstellar; celestial.
– Intergalactic space.
Iberian: relating to Spain and Portugal; Hispanic; Hispanian.
– The Iberian Peninsula.
Insignificant: not big or valuable enough to be considered important; inconsequential; infinitesimal.
– The levels of chemicals in the river are not insignificant.
Immoveable: that cannot be moved, impossible to change or persuade; inflexible; unbending.
– An immovable object.
Impulsive: (of people or their behaviour) acting suddenly without thinking carefully about what might happen because of what you are doing; impetuous; rash.
– He has an impulsive nature.
Interpretable: if something is interpretable, you can decide that it has a particular meaning and understand and explain it in this way; accountable; decipherable.
– This finding is not readily interpretable.
Indefatigable: never giving up or getting tired of doing something; tireless; inexhaustible.
– She was indefatigable in her search for the truth.
Insoluble: of a problem, mystery, etc. that cannot be solved or explained; baffling; difficult.
– The problem seemed insoluble.
Interim: intended to last for only a short time until somebody/something more permanent is found; provisional; temporary.
– He only holds the post on an interim basis.
Insensitive: not realizing or caring how other people feel, and therefore likely to hurt or offend them; unsympathetic; heartless.
– An insensitive remark.
Inferential: characterized by or involving conclusions reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning; derivable; deductive.
– He has to construe the knowledge as inferential.
Irreligious: without any religious belief; showing no respect for religion; agnostic; atheistic.
– Since every time he inquired about religion, he was told do not question, just do as you are told, he lived a seemingly irreligious life.
Intense: very great; very strong; extreme.
– They watched with intense interest.
Improvident: not thinking about or planning for the future; spending money in a careless way; spendthrift; thriftless.
– Her improvident habits left her with no retirement savings.
Impolitic: not wise; unwise; imprudent.
– It would have been impolitic to refuse his offer.
Inattentive: not paying attention to something/somebody; apathetic; bored.
– An inattentive pupil.
Ingrowing: especially of a toenail or a hair growing into the skin; ingrown.
– He had an ingrowing toe nail, which sometimes made him grouchy and sour, so he was dubbed Pickles.
Ironshod: shod, cased, or tipped with iron or steel; shod; shodden.
– Once afoot, they had used an ironshod staff to execute a giant’s stride off the damp.
Inbred: produced by breeding (= producing young) among closely related members of a group of animals, people or plants; congenital; hereditary.
– An inbred racehorse.
Inexplicit: Liable to more than one interpretation; ambiguous; cloudy; equivocal.
– Mindful of our family audience, the performance was carefully edited to ensure it was suitably inexplicit.
Inscrutable: especially of a person’s expression impossible to understand or interpret; enigmatic; unreadable.
– He was wearing that inscrutable look again.
Irritable: getting annoyed easily; showing your anger; bad-tempered.
– She waved him away with an irritable gesture.
Impatient: annoyed by somebody/something, especially because you have to wait for a long time; anxious; eager.
– I’d been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.
Ingratiating: trying too hard to please somebody; sycophantic; toadying.
– He wasn’t just helpful, he was positively ingratiating.
Inviting: making you want to do, try, taste, etc. something; attractive; appealing.
– The water looks really inviting.
Illimitable: without limits or an end; without limits; unbounded.
– The illimitable human capacity for evil.
Industrial: very great in extent or amount, connected with industry; manufacturing; factory.
– They had made industrial quantities of food.
Inquiring: showing an interest in learning new things; examining; heuristic.
– A child with an inquiring mind.
Insupportable: so bad or difficult that you cannot accept it or deal with it; intolerable; unbearable.
– Their debt had become an insupportable burden.
Idolised: to admire and respect someone very much, often too much; revere formal; worship.
– She idolized her father.
Indecent: of behaviour, talk, etc. thought to be morally offensive, especially because it involves sex or wearing no clothes; obscene; dirty.
– He made an indecent suggestion to my wife.
Incognizable: Not cognizable; incapable of being recognized.
– If they are utterly incognizable , how does Hamilton know that they are contradictory?
Imperishable: that will last for a long time or forever; enduring; perpetual.
– I will still be here, standing over them, gigantic, imperishable.
Ideographic: relating to or dealing with something concrete; individual; unique.
– Other ideographic signs describe him as the “strong and universal ruler.”
Isogonic: having or pertaining to equal angles; angular; angulate.
– Halley used his voyages on the isogonic lines.
Intersexual: noting or relating to a person, animal, or plant having male and female reproductive organs, or in which the chromosomal patterns do not fall under typical definitions of male and female; gynandrous; hermaphroditic.
– The clinic provides support to intersexual patients.
Intertidal: of, relating to, or being the area that is above low-tide mark but exposed to flooding by the tide; shoreline; coastline.
– At low tide, the vast intertidal zone is a major resting and feeding ground for large populations of endogenous and migratory birds.
Initiative: Serving to initiate; inceptive; initiatory; introductory; preliminary.
– The money was intended to support initiatives in bilingual education.
Inerrant: incapable of being wrong; authoritative; flawless.
– They believed in an inerrant scripture.
Ideologic: relating to or concerned with ideas; philosophical; theoretical.
– Others left the party for ideological reasons.
Ineffective: not achieving what you want to achieve; not having any effect; feeble; fruitless.
– The new drug was ineffective.
Inhumed: placed in a grave; buried; interred belowground.
– There were so many dead that it was impossible to Inhumed them all promptly.
Indelicate: likely to be thought rude or embarrassing; indecorous; unbecoming.
– We studiously avoided the indelicate subject of her divorce.
Irrecoverable: that you cannot get back; lost; incurable.
– Irrecoverable loss of sight.
Idiotic: very stupid; ridiculous; crazy; dumb.
– An idiotic question.
Invasive: especially of diseases within the body spreading very quickly and difficult to stop; forward; interfering.
– Invasive cancer.
Inconsiderate: not giving enough thought to other people’s feelings or needs; thoughtless; careless.
– It was inconsiderate of you not to call.
Immunological: connected with the scientific study of protection against disease; resistant; unaffected.
– The mice developed an inflammatory myopathy with clinical, biochemical, histological and immunological features similar to human myositis.
Igneous: (of rocks) formed when magma (= melted or liquid material lying below the earth’s surface) becomes solid, especially after it has poured out of a volcano; burning; combustible.
– Almost all magma created by the hotspot has the composition of basalt, and so the volcanoes are constructed almost entirely of this igneous rock.
Impassioned: usually of speech showing strong feelings about something; fervent; passionate.
– He made an impassioned plea for the rebels to lay down their arms.
Incessant: never stopping; constant; ceaseless.
– Incessant meetings.
Iron: very strong and determined; ferric; ferrous.
– She was known as the ‘Iron Lady’.
Insectan: of or relating to the class Insecta; ant; aphid.
– Insectan is consisting of insects.
Inept: generally incompetent; bungling; inept leadership.
– He was always rather inept at sport.
Interlinear: written or printed between the lines of a text; interplanetary; intersectional.
– The characters are carefully carved, with conspicuous interlinear baselines.
Immanent: present as a natural part of something; present everywhere; inborn; indwelling.
– God is immanent in the world.
Immiscible: hat cannot be mixed together; non-miscible; incompatible.
– This larger drop is itself suspended in an immiscible fluid.
Irrepressible: lively, happy and full of energy; ebullient; unquenchable.
– The irrepressible Kane scored two goals.
Irregular: not arranged in an even way; not having an even, smooth pattern or shape; uneven; jerky.
– Irregular teeth.
Isentropic: having or taking place at constant entropy; Thermodynamics.
– In fact the assumption that the heating is uniform was verified and the expansion after heating was found to be isentropic.
Indescribable: so extreme or unusual it is almost impossible to describe; ineffable; sublime.
– The pain was indescribable.
Impervious: impervious to something not affected or influenced by something; impassable; impenetrable.
– She was impervious to his charms.
Infectious: an infectious disease can be passed easily from one person to another, especially through air or water; contagious; toxic.
– Flu is highly infectious.
Interracial: involving people of different races; multicultural; desegregated.
– Interracial marriage.
Impressible: capable of being impressed; impressionable; affected.
– Mortimer Lightwood was not an extraordinarily impressible man, but this face impressed him.
Inordinate: far more than is usual or expected; excessive; disproportionate.
– They spent an inordinate amount of time and money on the production.
Infertile: of people, animals and plants not able to have babies or produce young; impotent; unfertile.
– An infertile couple.
Irremovable: incapable of being removed; unmovable; immobile.
– The irremovable taint of corruption.
Incorporeal: without a body or form; immaterial; bodiless.
– Material bodies and incorporeal minds.
Inaccurate: not exact or accurate; with mistakes; defective; false.
– We can’t base a forecast on inaccurate information.
Inflationary: causing or connected with a general rise in the prices of services and goods; boom; expansion.
– The inflationary effects of price rises.
Incomprehensive: lacking comprehensiveness; incomprehensible; incomprehensively; baffling; impenetrable.
– In one of his incomprehensible freaks he set off for Lyons.
Intrigued: very interested in something/somebody and wanting to know more about it/them; interest; fascinate.
– He was intrigued by her story.
Inappreciable: incapable of being appreciated; imperceptible; negligible.
– The amount of these poisons necessary to produce their specific effects, may be inappreciable.
Indexless: lacking an index; having no index.
– Still, all must agree that an indexless book is a great evil.
Inhabitable: suitable for people to live in; bearable; comfortable.
– Soon we will be running out of inhabitable space on the planet.
Interlinking: joining or connecting together; interlaced; intertwined.
– The two cities are interlinking.
Intellectual: connected with or using a person’s ability to think in a logical way and understand things; mental; scholarly.
– Gifted children typically show great intellectual curiosity and a wide range of interests.
Isometric: relating to a style of drawing in three dimensions without perspective; aerobics; gymnastics.
– An isometric view of a cube.
Ineligible: not having the necessary qualifications to have or to do something; unfit; unqualified.
– The new rules have made thousands more people ineligible for legal aid.
Iraqi: of or relating to Iraq or its inhabitants. Arab Asian.
– An Iraqi official said that the bomb was intended to create more chaos in Iraq.
Introspective: tending to think a lot about your own thoughts, feelings; thoughtful.
– There were a lot of family problems and Jim became increasingly introspective.
Indoor: located, done or used inside a building; internal; interior.
– Poor indoor air quality can result in increased risk of asthma and allergies.
Innumerable: too many to be counted; very many; countless.
– Innumerable books have been written on the subject.
Informally: in a relaxed and friendly way; in a way that does not follow strict rules of how to behave or do something; carelessly; coolly.
– They told me informally.
Incoming: arriving somewhere, or being received; approaching; coming.
– Incoming flights.
Insincere: saying or doing something that you do not really mean or believe; deceitful; devious.
– An insincere smile.
Illegible: difficult or impossible to read; indecipherable; unintelligible.
– His signature is totally illegible.
Ingrown: (especially of a toenail or a hair) growing into the skin; deformed; impacted.
– It is simply a much ingrown comment on the way we review industry.
Introvertive: directed inward; marked by interest in yourself or concerned with inner feelings; introversive; reclusive.
– She seemed removed and introvertive, almost too cautious and self-conscious within the new environment.
Ignoble: not good or honest; that should make you feel shame; base.
– Ignoble thoughts.
Ictic: Pertaining to, or caused by, a blow; sudden; abrupt.
– We have said that Vishnu is raised to his position without ictic suddenness.
Inducive: Tending to induce, inducing something, or relating to the inducing of something; express; explicit.
– Inducive arguments are not logically valid arguments.
Inborn: an inborn quality is one that you are born with; innate; congenital.
– Some people have an inborn tendency to put on weight.
Injurious: injurious (to somebody/something) causing or likely to cause harm or damage; damaging; adverse.
– Injurious to health.
Insistent: demanding something and refusing to accept any opposition or excuses; assertive; dire.
– She didn’t want to go but her brother was insistent.
Impious: showing a lack of respect for God and religion; pious; irreverent.
– He was fearful of seeming impious.
Illicit: not allowed by the law; illegal; illegitimate.
– Illicit drugs.
Infrequent: not happening often; rare; scarce.
– Muggings are relatively infrequent in this area.
Indeterminate: that cannot be identified easily or exactly; undetermined; borderless.
– She was a tall woman of indeterminate age.
Incontinent: not able to control the bladder and bowels; unchecked; uncontrollable.
– Many of our patients are incontinent.
Iritic: of or relating to located near the iris of the eye; membrane; tissue layer.
– The risk of developing iritic varies according to the type of Juvenile Arthritis.
Intragroup: Taking place within a group, especially within a social group; intramural; internal.
– Two experiments investigated the role of intragroup communication in intergroup conflict escalation.
Imperfect: containing faults or mistakes; not complete or perfect; flawed.
All our sale items are slightly imperfect.
Ionian: of or relating to Ionia; Greek; Hellene.
– Some of the Ionian dunes are over 30 meters high, the team estimates.
Intractable: of a problem or a person very difficult to deal with; incurable; intransigent.
– Unemployment was proving to be an intractable problem.
Incommunicado: without communicating with other people, because you are not allowed to or because you do not want to; isolated; secluded.
– The prisoner has been held incommunicado for more than a week.
Intensive: involving a lot of work or activity done in a short time; comprehensive; demanding.
– Two weeks of intensive training.
Iodinating: Treated or reacted with iodine or hydroiodic acid; iodinate.
– Iodinating medium may also be either ionic or non-ionic.
Inoperative: that cannot be used because it is not legally or officially acceptable; broken; broken-down.
– Your insurance policy will become inoperative if your circumstances change.
Inappropriate: not suitable or appropriate in a particular situation; improper; incorrect.
– It would be inappropriate for me to comment.
Iodized: Treated with iodine or an iodide; iodinated.
– It was discovered in 1821 that goiters could be treated by the use of iodized salts.
Inwrought: intricately embroidered with a pattern or decoration; endemic; indigenous.
– Robes inwrought with gold.
Invertebrate: of an animal without a backbone; anticlimactic; barren.
– Invertebrate pests.
Icebound: surrounded by or covered in ice; chilled; frigid.
– An ice-bound region.
Implanted: deeply rooted; firmly fixed; held.
– The embryos were implanted one at a time.
Intensional: incapable of explanation solely in terms of the set of objects to which it is applicable; requiring explanation in terms of meaning or understanding; connotative.
– We are far from a final resolution of these questions which, because of their intensional character, may not have tidy answers.
Infernal: extremely annoying; demonic; devilish.
– Stop that infernal noise!
Infrasonic: of sounds lower than humans can hear; perceptible; noisy.
– The infrasonic weapon and the traditional arms is different.
Influent: having a lot of influence on someone or something; affluent; bayou.
– Social sub – cultures influent teenager deeply.
Improper: dishonest, or morally wrong; indecorous; indelicate.
– He had been indulging in improper business practices.
Intrinsic: belonging to or part of the real nature of something/somebody; inherent; integral.
– These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest.
Invalid: not legally or officially acceptable; incapacitated; disabled.
– The treaty was declared invalid because it had not been ratified.
Irrational: not based on, or not using, clear logical thought; unreasonable; absurd.
– You’re being irrational.
Ill-Informed: having or showing little knowledge of something; ill-advised; immature.
– The public is ill-informed about their legal rights.
Inverse: opposite in amount or position to something else; counter; reverse.
– A person’s wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness.
Ineluctable: that you cannot avoid; unavoidable; inevitable.
– The ineluctable signs of ageing.
Internal: connected with a country’s own affairs rather than those that involve other countries; domestic; private.
– He accused the US of trying to interfere in his country’s internal affairs.
Innumerous: too numerous to be counted; countless; infinite.
– At length the huge innumerous mass was put into motion, and began its career, darkening the face of day.
Iranian: a person from Iran; Asian; Arab.
– Nevertheless, the general opinion has been that the Scyths were Iranian.
Indissoluble: of a relationship that cannot be ended; binding; enduring.
– An indissoluble friendship.
Iatrogenic: a medical disorder, illness, or injury caused in the process of medical treatment; dispel; banish.
– Iatrogenic infections are responsible for thousands of deaths among hospital patients each year.
Ingratiatory: pleasingly persuasive or intended to persuade; coaxing; persuasive.
– Her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable.
Impressionistic: giving a general idea rather than particular facts or details; evocative; allusive.
– He wrote an impressionistic account of the battle scene.
Initiatory: of or concerning initiation or serving to initiate; initiative; antecedent; basic.
– Their very position, became thus the initiatory step in their assent to power.
Interfering: involving yourself in an annoying way in other people’s private lives; impede; obstruct.
– She’s an interfering busybody!
Ingenious: (of an object, a plan, an idea, etc.) very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas; creative; imaginative.
Ingenious ways of saving energy.
Incertain: lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; uncertain; unsure; ambivalent.
– Children are certain cares, but incertain comforts.
Interdepartmental: between departments; involving more than one department; interculture.
– Interdepartmental committees.
Isobilateral: capable of being divided into symmetrical halves along two different planes; bilateral; bilaterally symmetric.
– In the case of isobilateral leaf, it is made up of either only spongy or palisade parenchyma cells.
Irretrievably: in a way that means you can never make something right or get it back; hopeless; irrecoverable.
– Some of our old traditions are irretrievably lost.
Indictable: of a crime for which you can be charged as a serious crime that needs a trial by jury; corrupt; deplorable.
– An indictable offence.
Immoderate: extreme; not reasonable; excessive.
– Immoderate drinking.
Imperious: expecting people to obey you and treating them as if they are not as important as you; domineering; imperative.
– The professor was as imperious as ever.
Inner: private and secret; not expressed or shown to other people; inside.
– An inner voice told him that what he was doing was wrong.
Iniquitous: very unfair; wrong; wicked.
– An iniquitous system/practice.
Inferior: not good or not as good as somebody/something else; lesser; secondary.
– Of inferior quality.
Intrusive: too direct, easy to notice, etc. in a way that is annoying or upsetting; impertinent; meddlesome.
– The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.
Irredeemable: too bad to be corrected; not improved; not saved; hopeless.
– She does not believe that anyone is completely irredeemable.
Initial: happening at the beginning; first; basic.
– There is an initial payment of £60 followed by ten instalments of £25.
Inevitable: that you cannot avoid; undeniable; unavoidable.
– It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.
Inexpressible: of feelings too strong to be put into words; indescribable; ineffable.
– Inexpressible joy.
Incognito: preventing other people from finding out who you are; anonymous; bearded.
– An incognito visit.
Irrevokable: incapable of being retracted or revoked; irrevocable; sealed.
– These gifts of domestics to the younger members of the family, were not irrevokable, yet they were very rarely withdrawn.
Insipid: not interesting or exciting; dull; innocuous.
– The group are an insipid imitation of the Beatles.
Inoperable: that cannot be used or made to work; not practical; infeasible.
– The policy was thought to be inoperable.
Indifferent: indifferent (to somebody/something) having or showing no interest in somebody/something; mediocre; incurious.
– The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.
Instantaneous: happening immediately; rapid; spontaneous.
– An instantaneous response.
Innate: of a quality, feeling that you have when you are born; inborn; hereditary.
– He never lost his innate sense of fun.
Instinctive: based on instinct a natural quality that makes somebody/something behave in a particular way, not thought or training; impulsive; ingrained.
– My instinctive reaction was to deny everything.
Intrinsical: belonging to a thing by its very nature; emotional; immanently.
– No writer can be less intrinsically worthy of study than Wolff.
Ironclad: so strong that it cannot be challenged or changed; abiding; definite.
– His memo is ironclad proof he was involved.
Indeterminable: impossible to know or establish accurately; undefined; undetermined.
– He wandered around for an indeterminable amount of time, living his life as a scavenger and losing his emotions.
Insensate: lacking physical sensation; unconscious; insensible.
– A patient who was permanently unconscious and insensate.
Inescapable: of a fact or a situation that you cannot avoid or ignore; unavoidable; inevitable.
– This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the two things are connected.
Inflectional: an inflected word has a different ending or spelling according to its grammatical function in a sentence; articulation; pronunciation.
– She spoke with no inflectional word.
Increasing: growing or rising; becoming greater; more in number.
– The population of Caucasia is increasing rapidly.
Immature: behaving in a way that is not sensible and is typical of people who are much younger; childish; premature.
– Immature behaviour.
Incautious: done without thinking carefully about the results; not thinking about what might happen; careless; unsafe.
– Incautious borrowing.
Ignescent: Emitting sparks of fire when struck with steel; scintillating; combustible.
– Ignescent stones.
Inventive: especially of people able to think of new and interesting ideas; imaginative; innovative.
– She has a highly inventive mind.
Imported: brought in from another country in order to be sold; borrowed; borrowing.
– Large quantities of rice are imported from German East Africa.
Insensible: not aware of a situation or of something that might happen; unaware; numb.
– They were not insensible of the risks.
Indisputable: that is true and cannot be disagreed with or denied; undeniable; irrefutable.
– It is indisputable that the crime rate has been rising.
Interstitial: in or related to small spaces between the parts of an organ or between groups of cells or tissues; musculus; Iliopsoas.
– Interstitial cells.
Inconceivable: impossible to imagine or believe; unthinkable; unbelievable.
– It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem.
Insubstantial: not very large, strong or important; weak; frail.
– An insubstantial construction of wood and glue.
Inhibited: unable to relax or express your feelings in a natural way; constrained; frustrated.
– She felt very inhibited by her own lack of experience.
Involucrate: having an involucre; husk; scale.
– To establish a protocol of rapid clonal propagation of Saussurea involucrate by using embryo as explants.
Indestructible: that is very strong and cannot easily be destroyed; durable; immortal.
– Their shells are so hard they are virtually indestructible.
Indecipherable: of writing or speech impossible to read or understand; illegible; unreadable.
– His signature is indecipherable.
Inspirational: providing exciting new ideas; making somebody want to create something, especially in art, literature or music; motivate; persuade.
– An inspirational leader.
Intentional: done deliberately; deliberate; intended.
– It is difficult to prove whether their actions were negligent or intentional.
Ineffable: too great or beautiful to describe in words; indescribable; incredible.
– Ineffable joy.
Inflammatory: intended to cause very strong feelings of anger; incendiary; intemperate.
– Inflammatory remarks.
Intact: complete and not damaged; undamaged; unharmed.
– Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.
Isotropic: of equal physical properties along all axes; isotropous; identical.
– The radiation was isotropic and it corresponded to a temperature that was consistent with red-shifted radiation from the Big Bang.
Inchoate: just beginning to form and therefore not clear or developed; amorphous; elementary.
– Inchoate ideas.
Isolable: capable of being isolated; separate; independent.
– Objects, in contrast, seem supremely isolable, easily detached from their original contexts of production.
Illustrative: helping to explain something or show it more clearly; explanatory; expository.
– An illustrative example.
Icky: unpleasant, used especially about something that is wet and sticky; disgusting; horrible.
– She could feel something icky on her fingers.
Immunocompromised: having an impaired immune system and therefore incapable of an effective immune response, usually as a result of disease, such as AIDS, that damages the immune system; immunodeficient.
– Four questions were asked about the type of immunocompromised patients they saw.
Imprecise: not giving exact details or making something clear; inaccurate; estimated.
– The witness’s descriptions were too imprecise to be of any real value.
Involved: taking part in something; being part of something or connected with something; muddled; ramified.
– Some people tried to stop the fight but I didn’t want to get involved.
Identical: similar in every detail; equal; same.
– The two pictures are similar, although not identical.
Ineffectual: without the ability to achieve much; weak; not achieving what you want to.
– He plays the role of a blustering and ineffectual teacher.
Inwards: relating to money coming into a country rather than leaving it; inbound; entering.
– The direction in which they were moving was inwards.
Invited: tempting; alluring; attractive.
– They have invited 80 guests to the wedding.
Inguinal: of, relating to, or situated in the groin; Barbie; bikini.
– The contents of the abdominal cavity may protrude into the inguinal canal, producing an indirect inguinal hernia.
Insouciant: not worrying or caring about anything; nonchalant; carefree; careless.
– He sometimes seems insouciant to the point of carelessness.
Indolent: not wanting to work; lazy; inactive.
– Some of my classmates are indolent in their health habits.
Interlocutory: made during the progress of a legal action and not final or definitive; Intercessional; conversational.
– An interlocutory decree is entered which becomes absolute at the end of six months, unless appeal is entered
Impish: showing a lack of respect for somebody/something in a way that is funny rather than serious; mischievous; devilish.
– He takes an impish delight in shocking the press.
Immunised: having been rendered unsusceptible to a disease; immunized; vaccinated insusceptible; unsusceptible.
– We should require that every student is immunised against hepatitis B.
Idyllic: peaceful and beautiful; perfect; without problems.
– He had an idyllically happy childhood.
Idealised: exalted to an ideal perfection or excellence; idealized perfect; glamorize.
– She became an icon and an idealised symbol of women’s achievement.
Itinerant: travelling from place to place, especially to find work; wandering; roaming.
– Itinerant workers.
Inexcusable: too bad to accept or forgive; unjustifiable; impermissible.
– Inexcusable rudeness.
Interminable: lasting a very long time and therefore boring or annoying; endless; everlasting.
– The drive seemed interminable.
Incased: covered or protected with or as if with a case; cased; sheathed.
– Incased in a protective covering,
Interchurch: occurring between or among or common to different churches or denominations; interdenominational.
– Interchurch aid.
Invariant: always the same; never changing; invariable.
– This result has implications for the invariant length of a four-vector.
Intercalary: Describing a time period inserted between others; leap; defective year.
– In intercalary years the first seven months commence one day later.
Iffy: not in perfect condition; bad in some way; doubtful; unsettled.
– That meat smells a bit iffy to me.
Indisposed: unable to do something because you are ill, or for a reason you do not want to give; unwell; sick.
– She cannot perform tonight as she is indisposed.
Incapable: not able to do something; incapacitated; impotent.
– The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves.
Imbricate: lying lapped over each other in regular order; enfold; envelop.
– This aestivation is imbricate.
Incorrigible: having bad habits that cannot be changed or improved; incurable; intractable.
– I’m an incorrigible optimist.
Infatuated: infatuated (with somebody/something) having a very strong feeling of love or attraction for somebody/something so that you cannot think clearly and in a sensible way; besotted; bewitched.
– She was completely infatuated with him.
Inconspicuous: not attracting attention; not easy to notice; camouflaged.
– She tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.
Inductive: using particular facts and examples to form general rules and principles; inaugural; preparatory.
An inductive argument.
Intelligent: able to understand and learn things; brainy; bright.
– Elephants are intelligent creatures and enjoy interacting with humans.
Inapposite: out of place; inappropriate; inappropriate; unsuitable.
– The Shakespearean allusions are inapposite.
Industrious: working hard; busy; hard-working.
– She was surrounded by energetic, industrious people.
Intuitionist: a doctrine that objects of perception are intuitively known to be real; keen intuition; precognition.
– Some of the consequences of the intuitionist thesis are little short of revolutionary.
Improbable: not likely to be true or to happen; unlikely; rare.
– It all sounded highly improbable.
Indignant: feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly; annoyed; furious.
– She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.
Ironed: smoothed with a hot iron; pressed; compacted by ironing.
– After the dress dried, she ironed it with an old block iron she found in the closet.
Incredulous: not willing or not able to believe something; showing a lack of ability to believe something; doubtful; hesitant.
– ‘Here?’ said Kate, incredulous.
Indelible: impossible to forget or remove; permanent; enduring.
– The experience made an indelible impression on me.
Implemental: of, relating to, or being an implement or relating to or providing implementation; enforce; execute.
– Fourthly, is the productivity of harmonious development implemental, or harmonious?
Inexpugnable: incapable of being subdued or overthrown; impregnable; indefeasible.
– It thus fell to the infantry to attack and defend with its own weapons, and the defense was, locally, almost inexpugnable behind its tall breastworks.
Icosahedral: of or having the form of an icosahedron; parallelepiped; sphere.
– The outer capsid has an ordered structure with icosahedral symmetry.
Itchy: having or producing an itch on the skin; creeping; irritation.
– I feel itchy all over.
Isochronous: Happening at regular intervals; isochronal; simultaneous.
– Galileo published his discovery of the isochronous property of the pendulum in 1639.
Inflammable: that can burn easily; burnable; combustible.
– These gases are highly inflammable.
Inflated: believing or claiming that somebody/something is more important or impressive than they really are; magnified; overblown.
– He has an inflated sense of his own importance.
Indrawn: indrawn breath is air that somebody breathes in suddenly and quickly, expressing surprise or shock; reserved; withdrawn.
– She heard his quick indrawn breath of surprise.
Iraki: a native or inhabitant of Iraq; Iraqi.
– The Iraki people are innocent.
Inexpert: without much skill; unpracticed; unskilled.
– An inexpert dancer.
Introuvable: impossible to find; undiscovered; unseen.
– Introuvable is impossible to find.
Interpretive: connected with the particular way in which something is understood, explained or performed; providing an interpretation; interpretative; explanative.
– An interpretative problem.
Incised: cut into or engraved; carved; etched.
– The design is incised into the clay.
Involute: especially of petals or leaves in bud; having margins rolled inward; rolled; coiled.
– The fuel plates are curved in the shape of an involute, thus providing a constant coolant channel width.
Inconsolable: very sad and unable to accept help or comfort; comfortless; dejected.
– They were inconsolable when their only child died.
Italic: of letters that are printed, written or on screen leaning to the right; font; agate.
– The example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type.
Iridaceous: of, relating to, or belonging to the Iridaceae, a family of monocotyledonous plants, including iris, crocus, and gladiolus, having sword like leaves and showy flowers.
– Of them have leaves over a foot in length, reminding one of the leaves of broad-leaved grasses or iridaceous plants.
Innermost: most private, personal and secret; masked; concealed.
– I could not express my innermost feelings to anyone.
Integral: included as part of something, rather than supplied separately; intact; undivided.
– The unit comes complete with integral pump and heater.
Icelandic: from or connected with Iceland; Armenian; Aymara.
– The Icelandic colony was an interesting forerunner of the American republic.
Infrared: enlarge image having or using electromagnetic waves that are longer than those of red light in the spectrum, and that cannot be seen; cardinal; coral.
– Infrared radiation.
Immensurable: unmeasurable; immeasurable; not able to be measured, therefore connoting extremely large.
– He was for bestowing on Zuleika the half of his immensurable estates.
Inculpable: free from guilt; blameless; guiltless.
– He confessed to them with noble frankness, that he was not altogether inculpable for its misfortunes.
Intradermic: situated or applied within the layers of the skin; intracutaneous; intradermal.
– Traditionally hypodermic needles are used for intradermal injections, instead of intradermic needles.
Impressionist: giving a general idea rather than particular facts or details; evocative; allusive.
– His paintings have an impressionist style; but his etchings and engravings are far more detailed and accurate.
Irrevocable: that cannot be changed; final; irreversible.
– An irrevocable decision.
Inexpiable: not capable of being atoned for; obsolete; implacable; unappeasable.
– This exquisite and tender drawing is something more than the record of inexpiable crime.
Imponderable: difficult to measure or understand; uncanny; mysterious.
– Imponderable mysteries.
Impeccable: without mistakes or faults; perfect; precise.
– Her written English is impeccable.
Ionized: converted totally or partly into ions; reacted; oxidized.
– The acid is a “weak” acid, being ionized only to a very slight extent in dilute aqueous solution.
Incremental: increasing in regular amounts; gradual; piecemeal.
– Guy wires attach to the pole at various incremental heights.
Invitatory: serving to invite; conveying an invitation; inviting.
– Unless the Invitatory is used, each Hour begins with the versicle God, come to my assistance.
Indecisive: not able to make decisions quickly and effectively; hesitant, wavering.
– Some blame indecisive leadership for the party’s failure at the polls.
Interfacial: included between two faces, of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an interface; confluence; crossing.
– Several cellular processes are regulated by interfacial catalysis on bio membrane surfaces.
Inglorious: causing feelings of shame; shameful; disreputable.
– An inglorious chapter in the nation’s history.
Intimidating: frightening in a way that makes a person feel less confident; aggressive; frightening.
– This kind of questioning can be very intimidating to children.
Isomorphous: being of identical or similar form or shape or structure; isomorphic.
– It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and is isomorphous with stibnite (Sb2S3), which it closely resembles in appearance.
Intransigent: unwilling to change their opinions or behaviour in a way that would be helpful to others; stubborn; adamant.
– An intransigent attitude.
Italian: from or connected with Italy; Latin; Portuguese.
– They silently spooned up Italian ice cream, content in this measure of understanding that was growing between them.
Innocuous: not intended or likely to offend or upset anyone; harmless; inoffensive.
– It seemed a perfectly innocuous remark.
Importunate: asking for things many times in a way that is annoying; burning; clamant.
– Importunate demands.
Immense: extremely large or great; enormous; gigantic.
– There is still an immense amount of work to be done.
Intrastate: within a state; abroad; inland.
– Local calls are charged at the same rate as intrastate calls.
Immeasurable: too large, great, etc. to be measured; boundless; immense.
– Her contribution was of immeasurable importance.
Intangible: not able to be touched or measured; ethereal; unreal.
– The benefits are intangible.
Idiomatic: containing expressions that are natural to a native speaker of a language; grammatical; correct.
– She speaks fluent and idiomatic English.
Inadvisable: inadvisable (for somebody) (to do something) not sensible or wise; that you would advise against; careless; foolhardy.
– It was thought highly inadvisable for young women to go there alone.
Inconsequent: characterized by lack of logical sequence; illogical; inconsecutive; inconsequent reasoning.
– He was a little inconsequent in that part of his remarks.
Inextricable: too closely linked to be separated; inexplicable; difficult.
– Knowledge and economic power have become inextricable.
Invitational: (especially of a competition) open only to those invited; bid; challenge.
– An invitational competition.
Injectable: capable of being injected; dose; needle.
– An injectable form of glucagon is sometimes used to treat insulin shock.
Infallible: never wrong; never making mistakes; authoritative.
– Doctors are not infallible.
Impudent: rude; not showing respect for other people; impertinent.
– An impudent young fellow.
Imputrescible: not putrescible; not capable of putrefaction.
– This salt gradually combines with the flesh, gives it firmness, renders it imputrescible , and incapable of being attacked by insects and worms.
Involuntary: happening without the person involved wanting it to; unintentional; automatic.
– The company announced involuntary redundancies.
Inflowing: flowing inward; influent incoming; arriving at a place or position.
– The sinking down occurs in the Kattegat when the inflowing Atlantic water enters the Baltic as an undercurrent.
Insurmountable: (of difficulties, problems, etc.) that cannot be dealt with successfully; insuperable; invincible.
– The age barrier appeared insurmountable.
Imbalanced: unevenly or unfairly arranged; cumbersome; overloaded.
– With some machines, washing single items can be a problem, because the machine will sense an imbalanced load.
Immodest: having or showing a very high opinion of yourself and your abilities; conceited; bawdy.
– I am immodest enough to think that I played an important part in her decision.
Irrelevant: not important to or connected with a situation; extraneous; immaterial.
– Whether I believe you or not is irrelevant now.
Impersonal: having no friendly human feelings or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant; abstract; detached.
– A vast impersonal organization.
Impotent: unable to achieve an erection and therefore unable to have full s#x; powerless; ineffective.
– The operation left him impotent.
Illiterate: not knowing how to read or write; ignorant; unlearned.
– A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate.
Inhospitable: difficult to stay or live in, especially because there is no shelter from the weather; unwelcoming; hostile.
– Inhospitable terrain.
Iconic: being a famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea, way of life; archetypal; epochal.
– Dover and the White Cliffs hold iconic status in British history.
Inelaborate: not elaborate; lacking rich or complex detail; unelaborate; plain.
– In the account of Cain, which immediately succeeds, the narrative is inelaborate , casual, secondary; the dialogue is simple and touching.
Innumerate: unable to count or do simple mathematics; ignorant; uneducated.
– He said that to be innumerate was a great disadvantage to the sheer business of living.
Incidental: incidental (to something) happening in connection with something else, but not as important as it, or not intended; accompanying; attending.
– The discovery was incidental to their main research.
Imaginative: having or showing new and exciting ideas; inventive; artistic.
– You’ll need to be a little more imaginative if you want to hold their attention.
Inward: inside your mind and not shown to other people; inbound; entering.
– Her calm expression hid her inward panic.
Inhibitory: acting to restrain, hinder, arrest, check, or prohibit an action, impulse; discourage; forbid.
– Our results confirm that inhibitory processes are reduced in patients with schizophrenia.
Insecticidal: connected with the use of chemicals to kill insects; defoliant; fungicide.
– We have seen large areas of the countryside devastated by the use of such insecticidal sprays.
Inflatable: needing to be filled with air or gas before you use it; expandable; blow-up.
– An inflatable mattress.
Intumescent: swelling and charring when exposed to flame; distended; tumefied.
– In the reduction flame, upon charcoal, it is reduced to the metal with intumescent.
Infected: affected by harmful bacteria, a virus; afflicted; ailing.
– The wound from the dog bite had become infected.
Inadmissible: that cannot be allowed or accepted, especially in court; invalid; unacceptable.
– Inadmissible evidence.
Indefinite: lasting for a period of time that has no fixed end; inexact; indistinct.
– She will be away for the indefinite future.
Inapt: not suitable or appropriate in the circumstances; unsuitable; unfitting.
– A more inapt name I cannot imagine.
Ionic: of or related to ions; classic; humanistic.
– They were written in Ionic and consist of long series of argument.
Impracticable: impossible or very difficult to do; not practical in a particular situation; impossible; imprudent.
– It would be impracticable for each member to be consulted on every occasion.
Insufficient: not large, strong or important enough for a particular purpose; inadequate; deficient.
– The management paid insufficient attention to working conditions.
Intralobular: situated or occurring within a lobule as of the liver, pancreas, or lung; pulmonary septa.
– Hepatic stellate cells (HSteC) are intralobular connective tissue cells presenting myofibroblast-like or lipocyte phenotypes.
Inarticulate: not able to express ideas or feelings clearly or easily; incoherent; blurred.
– She was inarticulate with rage.
Intestinal: connected with the intestines; enteric; gastroenteric.
– Intestinal surgery/infection.
Idiomatical: containing expressions that are natural to a native speaker of a language; grammatical; correct.
– Assuming that she heard me correctly, my attempt at idiomatical fluency had flopped.
Irreversible: that cannot be changed back to what it was before; inevitable; permanent.
– An irreversible change/decline/decision.
Inconsequential: not important or worth considering; trivial; insignificant.
– The speech was full of inconsequential details.
Inhomogeneous: not uniform in character or content; diverse; heterogeneous.
– The theory will need to be extended and take into account an inhomogeneous medium.
Ill-Fated: not lucky and ending sadly, especially in death or failure; cursed; doomed.
– She regretted ever meeting him at that ill-fated party.
Insecure: not confident about yourself or your relationships with other people; afraid; anxious.
– He’s very insecure about his appearance.
Interspecific: occurring among members of different species; interspecies.
– The interspecific relationships of the species in the Hyla microcephala group are not clear.
Indefeasible: not capable of being annulled or voided or undone; impregnable; indomitable.
– After his father’s untimely demise, which reeked of foul play, Prince Nikolai took to the throne as was his indefeasible right as the king’s eldest son.
Incomparable: so good or impressive that nothing can be compared to it; matchless; inimitable.
– The incomparable beauty of Lake Garda.
Integumentary: refer to a covering or coating, especially natural coatings like skin, shells, and rinds; aril; coat.
– Integumentary signs are perhaps the most variable features of VKH disease include vitiligo, poliosis, or alopecia.
Insolvent: not having enough money to pay what you owe; broke; indebted.
– The company has been declared insolvent.
Irreducible: that cannot be made smaller or simpler; clear; excluding.
– To cut staff to an irreducible minimum.
Imaginable: used with superlatives, and with all and every, to emphasize that something is the best, worst, etc. that you can imagine, or includes every possible example; conceivable; plausible.
– The house has the most spectacular views imaginable.
Invincible: too strong to be defeated or changed; unconquerable; impassable.
– The team seemed invincible.
Imposing: impressive to look at; making a strong impression; magnificent; majestic.
– A grand and imposing building.
Isochronal: Having the same duration. Happening at regular periods; isochronous, periodic.
– There was something indescribably grim and bodeful in those isochronal batterings of the solid ground.
Intelligible: intelligible (to somebody) that can be easily understood; understandable; comprehensible.
– His lecture was readily intelligible to all the students.
Illiberal: not allowing much freedom of opinion or action; intolerant; narrow-minded.
– Illiberal policies.
Incorrupt: incapable of corruption: such as; incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; not subject to decay or dissolution; un-bribable; honest.
– He was as ruthless and as incorrupt as Robespierre himself.
Isomorphic: being of identical or similar form, shape, or structure; isomorphous.
– Two concatenable processes are isomorphic, and thus identified, if their underlying processes are isomorphic via an isomorphism that respects all the orderings.
Ibsenian: of or relating to or in the manner of the playwright Henrik Ibsen.
– Ibsenian character.
Insurgent: fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country; rebellious; revolutionary.
– Insurgent groups/attacks.
Ingrained: ingrained (in somebody/something) (of a habit, an attitude, etc.) that has existed for a long time and is therefore difficult to change; fixed; implanted.
– The belief that we should do our duty is deeply ingrained in most of us.
Impecunious: having little or no money; penniless; poor.
– An impecunious student.
Intoned: uttered in a monotonous cadence or rhythm as in chanting; chantlike; singsong rhythmic; rhythmical.
– Let us pray the priest intoned to his congregation.
Investigatory: involving examining an event or a situation to find out the truth; examining; heuristic.
– The police have full investigatory powers.
Inexplicable: that cannot be understood or explained; incomprehensible; mysterious.
– For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
Inorganic: not consisting of or coming from any living substances; extinct; inanimate.
– Rocks and minerals are inorganic.
Idle: of people not working hard; lazy; inactive.
– An idle student.
Implosive: formed by implosion; tending to implode; affricate.
– Prenasalized stops as well as the implosive are extremely rare.
Irreverent: not showing respect to somebody/something that other people usually respect; cheeky; derisive.
– The movie takes an irreverent look at the city.
Infelicitous: not felicitous; not appropriate or well-timed; an infelicitous remark; awkward; unfortunate.
– An infelicitous moment.
Iambic: of rhythm in poetry in which one weak or short syllable is followed by one strong or long syllable; dactylic; dramatic.
– A poem written in iambic pentameters.
Inside: forming the inner part of something; not on the outside; known or done by somebody in a group or an organization; hidden; secret.
– The inside pages of a newspaper.
Infuriating: making you extremely angry; incense; anger.
– It is infuriating to talk to someone who just looks out of the window.
Intracellular: existing, occurring, or functioning within a cell; intracellularly; subcellular.
– Intracellular toxins affect the organelles and other substances inside of a cell.
Impolite: not polite; rude; disrespectful.
– Some people think it is impolite to ask someone’s age.
Instinctual: based on instinct (a natural quality that makes somebody/something behave in a particular way); not learned; accustomed.
– He says his decisions that day were instinctual.
Inst: in or of the present month; instant present.
– Your letter of the 10th inst.
Impermeable: impermeable (to something) not allowing a liquid or gas to pass through; airtight; dense.
– The insulating material should be impermeable to water vapor.
Individualistic: different from other people or things; doing things in your own way; self-absorbed; selfish.
– His music is highly individualistic and may not appeal to everyone.
Inhumane: not caring about the pain or problems of other people or animals; very cruel; callous
– Inhumane treatment of prisoners.
Inestimable: too great to calculate; invaluable; precious.
– The information he provided was of inestimable value.
Intricate: having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together; baroque; complex.
– An intricate network of loyalties and relationships.
Inpouring: pouring inward; incoming; arriving at a place or position.
– Inpouring throngs of immigrants.
Intermediate: located between two places, things, states; center; intermediary.
– Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid.
Interactive: that allows information to be passed continuously and in both directions between a computer or other device and the person who uses it; bilateral; collective’
– A series of interactive exhibits will teach visitors about the history of the bridge.
International: connected with or involving two or more countries; foreign; global.
– In crucial areas of international relations the nation state still dominates.
Institutional: connected with a large important organization, for example a university or bank; conventional; accepted.
– Institutional investors.
Instrumental: important in making something happen; involved; active.
– The Conservation Trust performs an instrumental role in the protection of rural environments.
Isometrical: of, relating to, or characterized by equality of measure; contour; line.
– By using the knees to stabilize the pelvis, muscles are relieved of their isometrical tasks.
Inedible: that you cannot eat because it is of poor quality, or poisonous; bitter; contaminated.
– The waiters were rude, the food inedible.
Irascible: becoming angry very easily; irritable; cranky.
– She’s becoming more and more irascible as she grows older.
Inconsistent: inconsistent (with something) if two statements, etc. are inconsistent, or one is inconsistent with the other, they cannot both be true because they give the facts in a different way; conflicting; contrary.
– The report is inconsistent with the financial statements.
Intolerant: intolerant (of somebody/something) (disapproving) not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own; biased; bigoted.
– She was intolerant of others who were less efficient than her.
Ignitable: capable of being ignited; able to burn; flammable.
– Highly ignitable chemicals.
Inexpungible: that cannot be expunged, erased, or obliterated; inextirpable; indestructible.
– Inexpungible is incapable of being obliterated.
Interrogatory: seeming to be asking a question or demanding an answer to something; analysis; audit.
– An interrogatory stare.
Irruptive: a sudden, violent, or forcible entry; a rushing or bursting in. incursion; invasion.
– Domestic accuses aircraft manufacturer seeking the way of irruptive server market.
Invertible: capable of being inverted or subjected to inversion; converse; reverse.
– An invertible matrix.
Improving: to become better than before; to make something/somebody better than before; enhanced; upgraded.
– Things are improving every day.
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