In this post, you will find the world’s most comprehensive list of adjectives that start with J!
You can use these adjectives to pay someone a compliment, write a story, play a game or anything you can imagine.
Let dive right in:
- Full List Chart (106 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with J
- Negative Adjectives That Start with J
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with J
- J Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with J
Let’s begin with a full list of adjectives that start with J. Probably most of them look unfamiliar to you.
Jabbering | Jerky | Joyless |
Jacksonian | Jerry-Built | Joyous |
Jacobean | Jesting | Jubilant |
Jacobinic | Jesuit | Judaic |
Jacobinical | Jesuitic | Judaical |
Jade | Jesuitical | Judgmental |
Jaded | Jet | Judicable |
Jadish | Jet-Black | Judicial |
Jagged | Jetting | Judicious |
Jaggy | Jeweled | Jugular |
Jain | Jewelled | Juiceless |
Jainist | Jewish | Juicy |
Jamaican | Jiggered | Julian |
Jamesian | Jiggling | Jumbled |
Jammed | Jihadi | Jumbo |
Jam-Packed | Jihadist | Jumentous |
Jangling | Jilted | Jumpy |
Jangly | Jingly | Jungian |
Janus-Faced | Jingoistic | Jungly |
Japanese | Jinxed | Junior |
Jarring | Jittering | Junoesque |
Jaundiced | Jittery | Jural |
Jaunty | Jobless | Jurassic |
Javan | Jocose | Juridic |
Javanese | Jocular | Juridical |
Jaw-Dropping | Jocund | Jurisdictional |
Jawed | Joint | Juristic |
Jawless | Jointed | Jury-Rigged |
Jazzy | Jolly | Just |
Jealous | Jolty | Justifiable |
Jeering | Jordanian | Justificative |
Jeffersonian | Journalistic | Justificatory |
Jejune | Jovial | Justified |
Jellied | Jovian | Juvenile |
Jellylike | Jowly | Joyful |
Jerkwater |
Positive Adjectives That Start with J
By using following adjectives beginning with J, you express your thoughts in a positive way. These words can also potentially affect the mood of the listeners.
Jaculable | Jocoserious | Joysome |
Jake | Jocular | Jubilant |
Jaunty | Jocund | Judicious |
Jazzy | Jokey | Juicy |
Jessant | Jolif | Junoesque |
Jeweled | Jolly | Just |
Jiggish | Jovial | Justifiable |
Jim-dandy | Joyful | Justified |
Jocose | Joyous |
Negative Adjectives That Start with J
“Jealous” is usually one of the few negative adjectives starting with J people can think of. Is that true to you?
Jabber | Jealous | Joker |
Jaded | Jeering | Jolted |
Jagged | Jeopardizing | Jaundiced |
Jam | Jittering | Jumpy |
Jammed | Jittery | Jobless |
Jarring | Job-killing | Junky |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with J
Since “J” is not a common letter in the English language, you may think there are not many descriptive words that start with J. But actually, there are dozens.
Jacketed | Jestful | Judge |
Jacobean | Jesting | Judgmental |
Jaded | Jewish | Judicial |
Jadish | Jiggish | Judiciary |
Jaggy | Jocular | Jugular |
Jamaican | Joculatory | Juiceless |
Jammed | Jointed | Junior |
Jangling | Jolly | Jurassic |
Jarred | Journalistic | Jurist |
Jarring | Jovial | Just |
Jaunty | Joyful | Justifiable |
Jawed | Joyless | Justified |
Jealous | Jubilant | Jutting |
Jeering | Judaic | Juvenile |
Jerky | Judaistic |
Adjectives That Start with J to Describe a Person
People vary in terms of their physical appearance and personalities. Therefore you need comprehensive adjectives to describe them. Below are some adjectives that start with J to describe a person for you.
Jabbering | Jerky | Judiciary |
Jacketed | Jewish | Juicy |
Jamaican | Jinx | Jumbled |
Jammed | Jinxed | Jumbo |
Jangling | Jobless | Jumping |
Japanese | Jogging | Junior |
Jaundiced | Joined | Just |
Jawed | Jointed | Justifiable |
Jazzed | Judas | Justified |
Jeering | Judge | Juvenile |
Adjectives That Start with J – Definitions and Examples
Since some of these adjectives with J are new to most people, definitions and examples below are necessary to learn and understand them better.
Jacksonian:a scholar or a political follower of the seventh US president, Andrew Jackson; Andrew Jackson.
– From about 1825 to 1845 Woodbury was the undisputed leader of the Jacksonian Democracy in New England.
Jacobean:connected with the time when James I (1603–25) was King of England; Englishman; Jacobean.
– She collects Jacobean portraits.
Jacobinic:of or relating to the Jacobins of the French Revolution; Jacobean; Jacobin.
– Jacobinic terrorism.
Jacobinical:Relating to or characteristic of the Jacobins; politically radical.
– In the south of France he worked hard for the Jacobinical cause, and figured as “Brutus”.
Jade:a hard stone that is usually green and is used in making jewelry and beautiful objects; baggage; flooz.
– A jade necklace.
Jaded:tired and bored, usually because you have had too much of something; satiated; sated.
– I felt terribly jaded after working all weekend.
Jadish:Vicious and ill-tempered, like a jade; coarse; contemptible.
– It sheweth Mens Nature, that when they are pampered in any kind, they are very apt to play jadish Tricks.
Jagged: with rough, pointed, often sharp edges; spiked; barbed.
– One ominous jagged line runs down the side of the classrooms.
Jaggy:having a sharply uneven surface or outline; jagged; scraggy.
– It came off wonderfully well, though rather jaggy.
Jain:connected with Jainism; Jagger; jiggery.
Jainist:a follower of Jainism, a religion based primarily in India; religious order; religious sect.
– Jainist, a Hindu reform church, prohibits the killing of any living creature.
Jamaican:a person from Jamaica; West Indian; Jamaican.
– I was in Jamaica doing body painting for a calendar shoot for Penthouse and I had the opportunity to paint a Native Jamaican.
Jamesian:relating to or characteristic of the American-born British novelist and critic Henry James or his works; James Michener; James Mil.
– A Jamesian scene of American tourists.
Jammed:not able to move; stuck; squeeze.
– I can’t get the door open—it’s completely jammed.
Jam-Packed:very full; crowded; filled; full.
– Hundreds more people were waiting outside the jam-Packed stadium.
Jangling:to make an unpleasant sound, like two pieces of metal hitting each other; to make something do this; vibrate; ring.
– The band is known for its distinctive jangling guitar sound.
Jangly:the discordant ringing of nonmusical metallic objects striking together; jangling cacophonic; cacophonous.
– We all felt we could relate to that because we’re not about the jangly pop or the rock’n’roll scene of the Strokes.
Janus-Faced:insincere or deceitful; double-faced; duplicitous.
– A Janus-faced politician.
Japanese:a person from Japan; east-Asian; Asian.
– The Japanese books are very odd.
Jarring:to have an unpleasant or annoying effect; grate; jolt.
– There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice.
Jaundiced:not expecting somebody/something to be good or useful, especially because of experiences that you have had in the past; bitter; resentful.
– He had a jaundiced view of life.
Jaunty:howing that you are feeling confident and pleased with yourself; cheerful; cheery.
– A jaunty smile.
Javan:a native or inhabitant of Java, a large island in the Malay Archipelago; Indonesian; javan.
– The great skill of the Javans in agriculture.
Jaw-Dropping:so large or good that it surprises you very much; amaze; amazing.
– The production is absolutely jaw-dropping.
Jawed:talk at length; chatter; bad-mouthed.
– I was too busy to spend time jawing with the rest of the crew.
Jawless:having no jaws or lacking a jaw; Jawless vertebrate.
– It is a sister group of the jawless craniates Agnatha.
Jazzy:brightly coloured and likely to attract attention; snazzy; bright.
– That’s a jazzy tie you’re wearing.
Jealous:feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else; envious; covetous.
– He’s only talking to her to make you jealous.
Jeering:to laugh at somebody or shout rude remarks at them to show that you do not respect them; taunt; mock.
– Gabrielle ignored the jeering and continued walking down the school steps.
Jeffersonian:relating to or characteristic of the former US president Thomas Jefferson or his policies; follower.
– His goal was to ensure Jeffersonian democracy.
Jejune:naive, simplistic, and superficial; innocent; artless.
– Their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions.
Jellied:prepared or cooked in jelly; congealed; jelled solid.
– The pie was good; crisp pastry, and succulent jellied meat within.
Jellylike: thick like gelatin; gelatin like; gelatinous thick.
– Shortly after the tadpole wriggles out of the jellylike case and begins life outside the egg.
Jerkwater:of or associated with small, remote, and insignificant rural settlements; one-horse; pokey.
– Some jerkwater town.
Jerky:making sudden starts and stops and not moving smoothly; fitful; twitchy.
– With jerky movements, she finished dressing and replaced her weapons.
Jerry-Built:built quickly and cheaply without caring about quality or safety; shoddy; gimcrack.
– The place is a bit jerry-built.
Jesting:said or done for amusement; joking; fool around.
– A jesting commentary on world affairs.
Jesuit: a Roman Catholic priest who is a member of the Society of Jesus, a group founded in 1534 to do missionary work; Jesuitical; jesuitic.
– A Jesuit priest.
Jesuitic:Of or relating to the Jesuits, or to their principles and methods; incorporeal; transcendental.
– A former Jesuitic monastery.
Jesuitical:dissembling or equivocating, in the manner once associated with Jesuits; illogical; indirect.
– When a reporter asked him a question, it would often elicit a series of Jesuitical responses.
Jet-Black:deep shiny black in colour; inky; pitchy.
– Her jet-black hair was swept up gracefully into a plaited crown.
Jeweled:decorated with jewels; beady; gemmed.
– There were masks and a curved sword with a jeweled hilt.
Jewelled:adorned, set with, or made from jewels; spangled; decorated.
– It consists of five principal parts – the card, the needles, the bowl, a jewelled cap and the pivot.
Jewish:Jews or Judaism; believing in and practicing Judaism; Hasidic.
– It is the local Jewish community.
Jiggered:damaged; broken; fidget.
– Some of these lengths were jiggered for flatware, and then sent to the potters for shaping.
Jihadi:a person who advocates or takes part in a jihad; a jihadist; mujahid.
– His tactic has been to make covert alliances with the jihadi.
Jihadist:a person who advocates or takes part in a jihad; a jihadi; mujahid.
– A mission to recruit jihadists.
Jilted:jilt somebody to end a romantic relationship with somebody in a sudden and unkind way; throw over; reject.
– He was jilted by his fiancée.
Jingly:that jingles, having a jingling sound; clang; clatter.
– The key fell on the ground with a jingly sound.
Jingoistic:showing a strong belief that your own country is best, especially when this is expressed in support of war with another country; battling; belligerent.
– A lot of the war movies were very jingoistic.
Jinxed:having or bringing more bad luck than is normal; curse; bewitch.
– The whole family seemed to be jinxed.
Jittering:suffer from jitter; be antsy; be hyper.
– The episode is only available as a jittering videotape version.
Jittery:nervous or unable to relax; nervous; anxious.
– Caffeine makes me jittery.
Jobless:without a job; unemployed; unwaged.
– The company has plans to make more people jobless.
Jocose:humorous; jocular; witty.
– Robert is well known for his jocose disposition, always makes everyone around him laugh.
Jocular:humorous; jocular; witty.
– He tried to sound jocular.
Jocund:cheerful; happy; jolly.
– He then added a stanza between the first and second, and changed laughing to jocund.
Joint:involving two or more people together; linkage; connection.
– The report was a joint effort.
Jointed:having parts that fit together and can move; butcher; carve.
– She knocked his hand away and headed for the house in a stiff jointed hobble.
Jolly:happy and cheerful; jovial; merry.
– He had a round, jolly face.
Jolty:causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements; bumpy; jumpy.
– How was she going to get on with such jolty, jerky, bossy people?
Jordanian:a person from Jordan; Armenian; Asian.
– But as one Jordanian intelligence source told The Daily Beast, “we know ISIS and we know that for it women do not normally.
Journalistic:connected with the work of a journalist; broadcaster; columnist.
– His journalistic background.
Jovial:very cheerful and friendly; happy; cheery.
– He addressed Molly in his usual jovial manner.
Jovian:relating to the planet Jupiter or the class of giant planets to which Jupiter belongs; unearthly; alien.
– Clouds in the Jovian atmosphere.
Jowly:having marked jowls; double-chinned; loose-jowled fat.
– He was more jowly than before, and had white hair.
Joyful:very happy; causing people to be happy; sparkling.
– It was a joyful reunion of all the family.
Joyless:bringing no happiness; without joy; gloomy.
– A joyless childhood.
Joyous: very happy; causing people to be happy; joyful
– She could now enjoy the joyous prospect of being reunited with him again.
Jubilant:feeling or showing great happiness because of a success; overjoyed; exultant.
– The fans were in jubilant mood after the victory.
Judaic: belonging to or connected with Judaism; Jewish; Hebrew.
– It is true, he wrote no actual commentary on the Bible, but his philological works exercised the greatest influence on Judaic exegesis.
Judaical:of or relating to or characteristic of the Jews or their culture or religion; Judaic; Hebrew.
– They were promulgating a specifically Judaical message for Judaic adherents.
Judgmental:judging people and criticizing them too quickly; subjective; approximate.
– Stop always being so judgmental.
Judicable:capable of being or liable to be judged or tried; ascertainable; assayable.
– JUDICABLE is capable of being or liable to be judged.
Judicial:connected with a court, a judge or legal judgement; legal; judiciary.
– Greenpeace applied for a judicial review to challenge the court’s decision.
Judicious:careful; sensible; showing good judgement.
– It is curable with judicious use of antibiotics.
Jugular:to attack somebody’s weakest point during a discussion, in an aggressive way; deep; gruff.
– She went straight for the jugular and asked him to explain his previous criminal record.
Juiceless:Without juice or sap; dry; dull; lacking vivacity.
– January sees this plot of a dull, dirty green, unless hidden by snow; the dirty green is a short, juiceless herbage.
Juicy:containing a lot of juice and good to eat; succulent; tender.
– The meat was tender and juicy.
Julian:a first name for boys; Claudius Julianus; Julian the Apostate.
– I was charmed by the kindness of the gold-rush town Julian, California, where I cowboy camped in an empty field downtown as a thick mist draped over my wife, Tina, and me.
Jumbled:mixed together in a confused or untidy way; mix up; muddle up.
– A jumbled collection of objects.
Jumbo:a large plane that can carry several hundred passengers, especially a Boeing 747; huge; enormous.
– We would talk about the birds and flowers and grass and Jumbo and Pearl.
Jumentous:Of, relating to, or smelling like horse urine; smelling strongly; jumentous.
– Relating to or characteristic of a beast of burden: applied to urine having a peculiar odor.
Jumpy:nervous and anxious, especially because you think that something bad is going to happen; tense; anxious.
– What’s the matter? You’re so jumpy this evening.
Jungian:a follower or adherent of the works of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung; psychology; psychologist.
– One of the most distinguished Jungian of our day.
Jungly:characterized by jungle or resembling a jungle; lanose; flossy.
– Then we will go forward, and perhaps some of these jungly-fools will tell us where the road is.
Junior:having a low rank in an organization or a profession; younger; youngest.
– She is junior to me.
Junoesque:of a woman imposingly tall and shapely; curvaceous; curvy.
– A handsome Junoesque woman.
Jural:relating to rights and obligations; valid; lawful.
– The jural consequences of marriage began from the moment that both were covered by the coverlet.
Jurassic:of the period between around 208 to 146 million years ago, when the largest known dinosaurs lived; of the rocks formed during this time; neoclassic; thoracic.
– During the Jurassic period, humans didn’t exist, and dinosaurs ruled the earth.
Juridic:of or relating to the administration of justice or the office of a judge; law; jurisprudence; legal.
– Such actions have resulted in relevant juridic and media response.
Juridical:connected with the law, judges or legal matters; authorized; constitutional.
– He spoke to her in theological, juridical, medical, and philosophical voices.
Jurisdictional:connected with the authority that an official organization has to make legal decisions about somebody/something; authority; command.
– A serious jurisdictional error.
Juristic:of or relating to jurists; juridical; argumentative.
– At Bologna, the centre of juristic studies, Aurispa had but little success.
Just:based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair
– We strive for a just and democratic society.
Justifiable:existing or done for a good reason, and therefore acceptable; legitimate; valid.
– She took a justifiable pride in her son’s achievements.
Justificative:attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing; defensive; justificatory apologetic.
– Phillip was not fired when he was justificative for his repeated tardiness to work.
Justificatory:serving as proof or justification; defensive; apologetic
– He had no adequate preparation for it, nor, so far as I could perceive, any justificatory call.
Justified:having a good reason for doing something; explained; accounted for.
– She felt fully justified in asking for her money back.
Juvenile:relating to young people who are not yet adults; young; teenage.
– What can be done to help these juvenile delinquents turn away from crime?
Adjectives That Start with J – Infographic [Downloadable]
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Final Thoughts
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