In this post, you will find a vast collection of adjectives that start with K!
You can use these adjectives to compliment someone, write a book, play Scrabble or anything you can imagine.
Let dive right in:
- Full List Chart (101 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with K
- Negative Adjectives That Start with K
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with K
- K Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with K
Let’s begin with a full list of adjectives that start with K. Probably most of them look new to you.
Kabbalistic | Kidding | Knaggy |
Kafkaesque | Kiddish | Knarred |
Kaleidoscopic | Kidney-Shaped | Knavish |
Kaleidoscopical | Kif | Knee-Deep |
Kamikaze | Killable | Knee-high |
Kampuchean | Killer | Knifelike |
Kantian | Killing | Knightly |
Kaput | Kilted | Knobbed |
Karyokinetic | Kin | Knobbly |
Kashmiri | Kinaesthetic | Knobby |
Katabatic | Kind | Knockabout |
Katabolic | Kinder | Knockdown |
Katari | Kindhearted | Knock-down |
Katharobic | Kind-Hearted | Knocked-Up |
Kayoed | Kindly | Knock-Kneed |
Kazakhstani | Kindred | Knockout |
Kechuan | Kinesthetic | Knotted |
Keeled | Kinetic | Knotty |
Keen | Kinglike | Knowable |
Kempt | Kingly | Knowing |
Kenspeckle | King-size | Knowledgeable |
Kenyan | King-Sized | Known |
Kerasine | Kinic | Kokka |
Keratinophilic | Kinky | Kookie |
Kerchieft | Kiplingesque | Kooky |
Kex | Kissable | Koranic |
Key | Kissy | Korean |
Keyable | Kitchen | Kosher |
Keyed | Kitschy | Kurdish |
Keyless | Kittenish | Kurilian |
Keynesian | Kitteny | Kuwaiti |
Khaki | Klutzy | Kyphotic |
Kick-ass | Knackered | Kyrgyzstani |
Kicky | Knackish |
Positive Adjectives That Start with K
This list of adjectives starting with K is very positive, so you can use them to describe people or happy situations. Make sure to use these adjectives to spread positivity.
Kaleidoscopic | Kind-hearted | Knowledgeable |
Keen | Kindly | Known |
Key | Kingly | Kooky |
Kind | Knightly | Kosher |
Kindered | Knowing | Knowledgeable |
Negative Adjectives That Start with K
Since “K” is not a common letter in the English language, there are not a lot of negative adjectives starting with K as you can imagine.
Kid | Klutzy | Knavish |
Kiddy | Knagged | Knee-jerk |
Killing | Knaggy | Knobby |
Kindless | Knarled | Knuckled |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with K
“Knowledgeable” is one of the few descriptive words that start with K I can think of. Do you know more?
Kaleidoscopic | Kindred | Knightless |
Keeled | Kinematic | Knobbed |
Keen | Kinetic | Knobby |
Keltic | Kingdomed | Knockdown |
Kerned | Kinghtly | Knock-kneed |
Key | Kingless | Knock-on |
Keyboard | Kingly | Knotless |
Keyed | Kingy | Knotted |
Kick-ass | Kipper | Knotty |
Kiddie | Kittenish | Knowable |
Kidney | Knackered | Knowing |
Kilted | Knackish | Knowledgeable |
Kimbo | Knacky | Known |
Kin | Kneecap | Knuckled |
Kind | Kneed | Knurled |
Kindergartner | Knee-deep | Krumhorn |
Kind-hearted | Knee-high | Kurdish |
Kindless | Knee-jerk | Kuwaiti |
Kindly | Knee-length | Kvetch |
Kindness | Knightage | Kyrgyzstani |
Adjectives That Start with K to Describe a Person
Are you in need of some adjectives that start with K to describe a person? Then this section is perfect for you! The following K adjectives are unique and useful for everyone out there.
Kaput | Kind | Knobby |
Keen | Kindergartner | Knockout |
Kempt | Kingless | Knotty |
Kentuckian | Kingly | Knowable |
Kenyan | King-size | Knowledgeable |
Kept | Kinky | Known |
Key | Kissable | Knucklehead |
Kick-ass | Kissy | Kooky |
Kid | Kittenish | Korean |
Kiddish | Kleptomaniac | Kosher |
Killer | Klutz | Kurd |
Kill-joy | Knackered | Kuwaiti |
Kilted | Knavish | Kvetch |
Kin | Knightly | Kyrgyzstani |
Adjectives That Start with K – Definitions and Examples
For deeper understanding of these adjectives with K, you are advised to go through definitions and examples below as well.
Kabbalistic: of or relating to the kabbalah; cabalistic; cryptic.
– Probably Sabbata won over some Mahometans to his Kabbalistic dreams.
Kafkaesque: characteristic or reminiscent of the oppressive or nightmarish qualities of Franz Kafka’s fictional world; complicated; confusing.
– Working there was like being trapped in a Kafkaesque nightmare.
Kaleidoscopic: having complex patterns of colors; multicolored; multicolored; many-coloured.
– kaleidoscopic diamond patterns.
Kaleidoscopical: continually shifting or rapidly changing; kaleidoscopic changeable; changeful.
Kamikaze: relating to or denoting a kamikaze attack or pilot; reckless, foolhardy.
– A kamikaze attack.
Kampuchean: relating to or characteristic of Kampuchea (now Cambodia) or its people; Cambodia; kingdom of Cambodia.
– The Kampuchean nation.
Kantian: relating to or consistent with the works of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant; humean; teleogical.
– A sophisticated Kantian account of praise and blame
Kaput: broken and useless; no longer working or effective; broken, malfunctioning.
– The water pump’s broken, kaput.
Karyokinetic: of or relating to the division of the nucleus of a cell during mitosis or meiosis; reduction division; meiosis.
– Nuclear division is usually accompanied by all the essential features of karyokinesis.
Kashmiri: relating to Kashmir, its people, or their language; kurdish; pakistani.
– An Indic language spoken in Kashmir, written in both Devanagari and Arabic script.
Katabatic:(of a wind) caused by local downward motion of cool air; interlace; enlace.
– The leading two mile chasers had clashed on six previous occasions and each time Katabatic had come out on top.
Katabolic: relating to or characterized by catabolism; declining; deteriorating.
– we wanted to verify the catabolic pathways of our three strains.
Katari: of or concerning Qatar or its inhabitants.
Kayoed: knocked unconscious by a heavy blow; out; knocked out.
Kazakhstani: of or relating to Kazakhstan or its inhabitants; Kazakh; Alma-Ata.
– A mother in Kazakhstan kept her daughter’s mummified corpse in her flat for three years.
Kechuan: of or relating to the Quechua or their language; kechua; Quechua.
Keeled: (of a person or thing) fall over; collapse; collapse; faint.
– A wardrobe was about to keel over on top of him.
Keen: having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm; eager; anxious.
– A keen gardener.
Kempt: (of a person or a place) maintained in a neat and clean condition; well cared for; natty; taut.
– As the daughter of a hairdresser, it was second nature for the woman to keep her hair neat and kempt.
Kenspeckle: easily recognizable; conspicuous; commanding; marked.
– He loved walking in the village, where he was a kenspeckle figure.
Kenyan: relating to Kenya or its people; namibia; nepal.
– A Kenyan runner who benefits from training at a higher altitude.
Kerasine: kerasine (comparative more kerasine, superlative most kerasine); Resembling horn; horny.
Keratinophilic: (of a plant such as a fungus) growing on keratinous substances such as hair, hooves, nails, etc;
– Keratinophilic fungi were isolated by the hair baiting technique using human hair as keratin bait.
Kex: The dried stalks of any of these plants.
Key: of crucial importance; crucial; central.
– She was a key figure in the international art world.
Keyable: able to be classified according to a key.
Keyed: (of a locking mechanism or switch) operated by a key; reconciled; attuned.
– Keyed locks for windows.
Keyless: lacking a key or keys; hot-wire; hot-wire.
– The car comes standard with keyless entry and ignition.
Keynesian: relating to or denoting the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes;
– The supply side was elevated in contrast to, Keynesian demand management.
Khaki: A dull greenish or brownish-yellow colour; amber; brick.
– The wearing of khaki uniform clothing is not compulsory.
Kick-ass: forceful, vigorous, and aggressive; forceful; vigorous.
– He’s a kick-ass guy who takes no prisoners
Kicky: exciting; fashionable; exciting; breathtaking.
– Kicky high-heeled boots.
Kidding: playfully or teasingly deceptive; bothering; joking.
– I’m just kidding myself.
Kiddish: old-fashioned, slang. childish; like or typical of a child; childish; babyish.
Kidney-Shaped: shaped like a kidney, with one side concave and the other convex and with rounded ends; reniform; flowerbed.
– There was a kidney-shaped pool out back and a putting green on the side lawn.
Kif: very good (used as a general term of approval).
– That T-shirt’s kif.
Killable: fit to kill, especially for food; comestible; edible.
Killer: denoting a person or thing that kills; murderer; liquidator.
– I woke up with a killer hangover.
Killing: causing death; deadly; lethal.
– A killing disease.
Kilted: of a garment or material) gathered in vertical pleats; zipped; sailed.
– kilted skirts.
Kin: (of a person) related; related; akin.
– She was kin to the brothers.
Kinaesthetic: relating to a person’s awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints; bodily; physical.
– kinaesthetic learning through a physical activity.
Kind: generous, helpful, and caring about other people; warm-hearted; good-natured.
– She’s a kind, thoughtful person.
Kindhearted: having a kind and sympathetic nature; kind; caring.
– she was friendly and kind-hearted.
Kindly: kind, warm-hearted, or gentle; benevolent; warm-hearted.
– A kindly woman helped him find his way home.
Kindred: similar in kind; related; related; allied.
– Books on kindred subjects.
Kinesthetic: relating to a person’s awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints; bodily; physical; bodily; physical;
– Kinesthetic learners need lots of hands.
Kinetic: relating to or resulting from motion; animated; lively.
– Wind energy can be changed into kinetic energy by the sails on a windmill.
Kinglike: Resembling or characteristic of a king; kingly noble.
Kingly: associated with or typical of a king; regal; royal; regal.
– His kingly duties.
King-size: (especially of a commercial product) of a larger size than the standard; very large; colossal; immense.
– We have a lovely carved cedar Four Poster bed, King Size and Super King beds or twin beds on request.
Kinky:involving or given to unusual sexual behaviour; abnormal; unusual.
– Don’t worry, it only seems kinky the first time.
Kiplingesque: characteristic of the style of the British novelist, short-story writer, and poet Rudyard Kipling.
– The book is a Kiplingesque fantasy.
Kissable: inviting kissing through being lovable or physically attractive; lovable; caressible.
– Soft, kissable lips are just what you need for morning beach bridal makeup.
Kissy: characterized by or given to kissing; amorous; loving; romantic.
– Dean and I were just getting kissy.
Kitchen: of, pertaining to, or designed for use in a kitchen.
– This morning I cleaned the kitchen window.
Kitschy: (of art, objects, or design) considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way; bad taste; vulgarity.
– kitschy souvenir shops.
Kittenish: playful, lively, or flirtatious; playful; fun-loving.
– Her voice had that kittenish quality.
Klutzy: clumsy, awkward, or foolish; amateurish; blundering.
– My big klutzy hands and feet.
Knackered: tire (someone) out; exhausted; worn out.
– This weekend has really knackered me.
Knackish: Trickish; artful.
Knaggy: knotty; rough with knots
Knarred: dishonest or unscrupulous.
Knavish: dishonest or unscrupulous; dishonourable; unprincipled.
– His knavish tricks will be frustrated.
Knee-Deep: submerged to or reaching as high as the knees.
– The water was only knee-deep.
Knee-high: reaching as high as the knees.
– Knee-high boots.
Knifelike: cutting or able to cut as if with a knife; cutting; keen.
– A penguin had recently tobogganed across the glacier, its flippers slicing knifelike slits in the snow.
Knightly: associated with or typical of a knight; chivalrous; gallant; noble.
– A knightly quest.
Knobbed: used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots; gnarled; gnarly.
– A knobbed stick.
Knobbly: having lumps which give a misshapen appearance; knobby, lumpish.
– Knobbly knees.
Knobby: full of or covered with knobs:
the knobby trunk of a tree; knobbly; lumpish.
– He sat down heavily beside the knobby one, crowding him into the shade.
Knockabout: denoting rough, slapstick comedy; crude; mean.
– I put on my knockabout clothes and went out for a walk.
Knockdown: capable of knocking down or overwhelming someone or something; win; earn.
– He died in hospital after being knocked down by a car.
Knock-Kneed: (of a person) having legs that curve inwards so that the feet are apart when the knees are touching;
– The patient had a distinctly knock-kneed gait.
Knockout: extremely attractive.
– She looked knockout in that dress.
Knotted: fastened with or having a knot or knots; tangled; knotty.
– A knotted rope.
Knotty: full of knot; gnarled; knotted.
– Panelling in knotty pine.
Knowable: able to be observed, understood, or ascertained.
– Our ways of being affected are alone knowable.
Knowing: showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness that is secret or known to only a few people; significant, meaningful.
– Ron gave her a knowing smile.
Knowledgeable: intelligent and well informed; well informed; informed.
– She is very knowledgeable about livestock and pedigrees
Known: recognized, familiar, or within the scope of knowledge; familiar.
– Lead was one of the metals known to the ancient world.
Kokka: of or pertaining to the branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan; religious order; religious sect.
Kookie: crazy, eccentric, or foolish.
Kooky: strange or eccentric; buggy; fruity.
– It’s slightly kooky, but I love it.
Koranic: relating to or contained in the Koran;
– There is further metalwork, this time brass and bronze vessels with Koranic or poetic inscriptions in low relief.
Korean: relating to North or South Korea or its people or language.
Kosher: (of food, or premises in which food is sold, cooked, or eaten) satisfying the requirements of Jewish law; clean; decent.
– A kosher kitchen.
Kurdish: relating to the Kurds or their language; kurdistan; turkmen.
Kurilian: of, relating to, or characteristic of the Kuril Islands.
Kuwaiti: relating to Kuwait or its people; Middle East; Gulf states.
– The Kuwaiti Royal family.
Kyrgyzstani: of or relating to or characteristic of Kyrgyzstan or its people or culture.
– Putin appeared to wince briefly as he sat down in his chair after strolling in with his Kyrgyzstani counterpart.
Adjectives That Start with K – Infographic [Downloadable]
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Final Thoughts
This was all for adjectives that start with K for you.
To improve your vocabulary and make yourself an expert in the English language, make sure to read these beautiful words over.
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