Are you looking to captivate and engage your readers?
Adjectives that start with Q are a quick way to liven up your writing, post, poem or story.
They also help to broaden your vocabulary and enhance your English skills.
Let dive right in:
- Full List Chart (97 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with Q
- Negative Adjectives That Start with Q
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with Q
- Q Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with Q
Let’s begin with a full list of adjectives that start with Q. Although “Q” is not common, that are more adjectives than you could imagine.
Qabalistic | Quarantined | Quick-Minded |
Qatari | Quarrelsome | Quick-Paced |
Quackish | Quarried | Quickset |
Quacky | Quartan | Quick-Sighted |
Quade | Quartered | Quicksilver |
Quadrangular | Quarterly | Quick-Tempered |
Quadraphonic | Quasi | Quick-Thinking |
Quadrasonic | Quaternary | Quick-Witted |
Quadrate | Quaternate | Quiddative |
Quadratic | Quavering | Quiescent |
Quadrilateral | Queachy | Quiet |
Quadrillionth | Queasy | Quietsome |
Quadripartite | Quebecois | Quilted |
Quadriphonic | Quebecoise | Quinary |
Quadrisonic | Quechuan | Quincentenary |
Quadruped | Queenlike | Quincentennial |
Quadruple | Queen-like | Quinquefoliate |
Quadruplicate | Queenly | Quintessential |
Quaggy | Queen-size | Quintillionth |
Quaint | Queer | Quintuple |
Quakerish | Quelled | Quirked |
Quaky | Quemeful | Quirky |
Qualifiable | Quenchable | Quits |
Qualified | Quenched | Quivered |
Qualitative | Quenchless | Quivering |
Qualitied | Querulous | Quixotic |
Quality | Questionable | Quizzical |
Qualmish | Questioning | Quodlibetical |
Quantal | Questionless | Quondam |
Quantifiable | Quibbling | Quotable |
Quantitative | Quick | Quotidian |
Quantized | Quick-Acting | Quick-Drying |
Quaquaversal |
Positive Adjectives That Start with Q
Following are some positive adjectives that start with Q that we use in our everyday conversations. You may also use them to motivate others to perform better.
Quantitative | Questionless | Quirked |
Queachy | Quenchable | Quiddative |
Qualitied | Quinary | Quiet |
Quibbling | Quivered | Quick |
Negative Adjectives That Start with Q
Below you will find the most intriguing and strong adjectives starting with Q with negative connotations.
Quiescent | Quarrelsome | Qualmish |
Quirky | Quizzical | Quackish |
Querulous | Quick-tempered | Questionable |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with Q
Following descriptive words that start with Q will help to extend your thinking and improve your English skills. Please feel free to share them with your friends.
Qabalistic | Quantitative | Quick |
Quackish | Quantivalent | Quicken |
Quadrangular | Quarreling | Quickset |
Quadrantal | Quarrelsome | Quicksilver |
Quadraphonic | Quarried | Quicktime |
Quadrate | Quarry | Quick-witted |
Quadratic | Quartering | Quiet |
Quadrilateral | Quarterly | Quietsome |
Quadruped | Quartic | Quilted |
Quadrupled | Quartzy | Quintessential |
Quadruplex | Quasi | Quintillionth |
Quaggy | Queasy | Quintuple |
Quaint | Quebecois | Quirky |
Quakerish | Queenly | Quits |
Quakerlike | Queen-Size | Quittable |
Quaky | Queer | Quivered |
Qualifiable | Quenched | Quixotic |
Qualified | Quenchless | Quondam |
Qualitative | Querulous | Quotable |
Qualitied | Questionable | Quoted |
Quality | Questionary | Quotidian |
Qualmish | Questioning | Questionless |
Quantal |
Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a Person
Now it comes to adjectives that start with Q to describe a person. They’ll help you to explain people’s distinguishing characteristics. Try to use them into our everyday lives.
Qatari | Quackish | Quaint |
Qualified | Qualitative | Quantifiable |
Quantitative | Quarantined | Queasy |
Queer | Questionable | Quibbling |
Quick | Quicker | Quickest |
Quick-tempered | Quick-witted | Quiet |
Quintessential | Quitter | Quivering |
Quotable |
Adjectives That Start with Q – Definitions and Examples
Here you’ll find definitions and examples of those adjectives starting with Q for further learning.
Qabalistic: having a secret or hidden meaning; cabalistic; cryptic.
Qatari: of or concerning Qatar or its inhabitants; Katari.
Quadrangular: of or relating to or shaped like a quadrangle.
– It was an Eternal Quadrangle, which was eternal as well as quadrangular.
Quadraphonic: of or relating to quadraphonic; quadrasonic; quadrisonic.
– In full effect, the quadraphonic sound in this cavernous space is a triumph of engineering, and a feast for the ears.
Quadrate: having four sides and four angles; square.
– The free surfaces of the upper teeth are quadrate, except the first and last, which are nearly triangular.
Quadratic: of or relating to the second power.
– It’s the famous quadratic formula, which is the crowning achievement of high-school algebra class.
Quadrilateral: having four sides; four-sided; many-sided.
– The film claims these two couples were entwined in a messy love quadrilateral.
Quadrillionth: the ordinal number of one quadrillion in counting order; ordinal.
Quadripartite: involving four parties; four-party; multilateral.
– There is a simple enough point being made by the frequently bewildering quadripartite narrative.
Quadrisonic: of or relating to quadraphonic; quadraphonic; quadraphonic.
Quadruped: having four feet; four-footed; quadrupedal.
Quadruple: having four units or components; four-fold; multiple.
Quadruplicate: having four units or components; quadruple; fourfold.
– The measure calls for the end of a paper permitting system that used quadruplicate documents to register applicants.
Quaggy: (of soil) soft and watery; boggy; miry.
– In Scotland, they offered a way of avoiding a six-mile walk around a quaggy loch.
Quaint: attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic); old-time; stylish.
– Despite its eye-popping wealth, the article said Midland had still retained all the quaint virtues of a small town.
Qualified: meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task; competent; eligible.
– She is qualified for the job.
Qualitative: involving distinctions based on qualities; soft.
– The great difference between us and the other animals may be the qualitative difference made by speech.
Quality: of high social status; upper -class.
– I liked the women who wore tailored slacks or shorts, pastel tops, trendy loafers, and quality earrings, like Mary Miller’s.
Quantal: of or relating to a quantum or capable of existing in only one of two states; quantized.
– Time becomes “quantal” just like the blocks on the island.
Quantifiable: capable of being quantified; Quantitative.
– More important is the general, less quantifiable, sense that the service is something you need to have to be culturally current.
Quantitative: expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement; decimal; denary.
– It is essentially a qualitative, not a quantitative, process.
Quantized: of or relating to a quantum or capable of existing in only one of two states; quantal.
– Light is quantized into photons, directly contradicting the wave theory of light that had not been questioned for more than a century.
Quarantined: under forced isolation especially for health reasons; isolated.
– Uncle Clyde has TB—tuberculosis—and has been quarantined at the hospital.
Quarrelsome: given to quarreling; argumentative.
– The officer in front swung his head around swiftly with a quarrelsome expression.
Quartan: occurring every fourth day (especially the fever and weakness of malaria).
Quarterly: of or relating to or consisting of a quarter.
– If you just read the quarterly public water reports, as she had, the numbers were right there.
Quasi: having some resemblance; similar.
– My quasi sobriety, combined with the exercise, means I’m also sleeping better.
Quaternate: consisting of or especially arranged in sets of four; quatenary; multiple.
– The European Venus’ looking-glass was observed in my garden to produce some quaternate and some quinate flowers on the same specimens.
Quavering: (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear; tremulous; unsteady.
– He spoke in Yiddish, his voice quavering a little as the words came out.
Queasy: causing or able to cause nausea; loathsome; vile.
– Her perfume brings back a new rush of memories that make me queasy.
Quebecois: of or relating to Quebec (especially to the French speaking inhabitants or their culture).
– Capturing the Quebecois culture was key to Lemercier, who extensively researched the province’s culture and mores and insisted on local casting.
Quebecoise: of or relating to Quebec (especially to the French speaking inhabitants or their culture).
– Silva was looking for actresses who could speak Quebecois French, but was willing to settle for traditional French.
Quechuan: of or relating to the Quechua or their language; kechuan.
– Translation from their native language to English and back to the Quechuan language, in many cases was needed.
Queenlike: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a queen; queenly; noble.
– Grace made a flourish with her hand, queenlike.
Queenly: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a queen; queenlike; noble.
– For one thing, the problem of determining how much is queen and how much queenly radiation.
Queer: homosexual or arousing homosexual desires; gay; hemophil.
– It was a queer thing to want to talk with a deaf-mute.
Quelled: subdued or overcome; quenched; suppressed.
– A wave of inexplicable anger washed over me, which I immediately quelled.
Quenched: allayed; satisfied; slaked.
– Her fire is quenched, she used to be so bright.
Quenchless: impossible to quench; unquenchable; insatiable.
– Probably Longfellow came closest, noting that lighthouses are “steadfast, serene … a quenchless flame.
Querulous: habitually complaining; whiny; fretful.
– Hell, I am querulous and old, but I must try not to lose my temper when they arrive.
Questionable: subject to question; contestable; supposed.
– Natural talent is a questionable phenomenon. Inclination perhaps, but innate ability is extremely rare.
Questioning: showing curiosity; curious; wondering.
– She is questioning about his qualifications.
Questionless: showing curiosity; wondering; curious.
– She gestured toward what was to become my regular seat, then continued her line of questioning.
Quick: moving quickly and lightly; agile; nimble.
– Mr. Das’ quick black eyes darted from the quilt to me and back.
Quickset: grown from cuttings planted directly in the ground; planted.
Quick-Tempered: easily made angry; irritable; irascible.
– They tend to be impulsive and quick-tempered.
Quick-Thinking: having or showing an ability to think or react quickly and effectively.
– A major crash was avoided thanks to quick-thinking drivers.
Quick-Witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively; alert; astute.
– She was far too quick-witted to complain.
Quiet: making little or no noise; silent; still.
– The car has a quiet, economical engine.
Quilted: made of layers of fabric held together by patterned stitching; thick.
Quincentenary: of or relating to a 500th anniversary; quincentennial.
Quincentennial: of or relating to a 500th anniversary; quincentenary.
– This year marks the quincentennial of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian Renaissance master who died in May 1519.
Quinquefoliate: (of a leaf shape) having five leaflets; compound.
Quintessential: representing the perfect example of a class or quality.
– When he became head of the National Party, he seemed to be the quintessential party man, nothing more and nothing less.
Quintillionth: the ordinal number of one quintillion in counting order; ordinal.
Quintuple: having five units or components; five-fold; multiple.
– No one imagined that the prison population would more than quintuple in their lifetime.
Quirky: informal terms; strikingly unconventional; kinky; far-out.
– You can’t say it’s a quirky thing she thinks sometimes, because she went all the way with it.
Quits: on equal terms by payment or requital; equal.
Quixotic: not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic; impractical; romantic.
– I realized that I had not been objective in my quixotic fight to save the clubs.
Quizzical: perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know); questioning; perplexed.
– He sighed, relaxing, and gave them a little quizzical smile.
Quondam: belonging to some prior time; past; former.
– We arrived at our destination; where our hostess, seeing the state of my quondam master, refused us the room.
Quotable: able or fit to be repeated or quoted; repeatable.
– He comes up with so many quotable phrases.
Quotidian: found in the ordinary course of events; everyday; routine.
– Blum’s human taxonomy—small gestures, plain T-shirts, smudges of eyeliner—is quotidian enough to be subversive.
Adjectives That Start with Q – Infographic [Downloadable]
Click the button below to download an infographic of describing words beginning with Q. It comes with an amazing design.

Adjectives Starting with A to Z
That’s all for adjectives starting with Q. Are you ready to continue the learning journey with other alphabets?
Adjectives That Start with:
Final Thoughts
Thank you for reading till the end. We hope your stroll through this list was an amazing experience.
And we hope you’ve learnt some new and interesting adjectives that start with Q, such as quixotic, quirky, quaint, queasy and quick-minded.
So do you know any other Q adjectives or did we miss any important one?
Either way, please let us know by leaving a quick comment.
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