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650 Adjectives That Start with T to Boost Your Vocabulary


Are you looking to delight and engage your readers?

Incorporating adjectives that start with T is a trendy way to be creative in writing.

They also help to increase your vocabulary and strengthen your English skills.

Let dive right in:

Full List of Adjectives That Start with T

Let’s begin with a thrilling list of adjectives that start with T. Getting well hold of them will make you a talented person in front of friends.


Positive Adjectives That Start with T

The following list of positive adjectives that start with T will help you to jump-start your peaceful prose and shed some light on people around you.


Negative Adjectives That Start with T

Below is a list of negative adjectives starting with T. Learning these adjectives will not only help you to improve your vocabulary, but also help you speak English more fluently.


Descriptive Adjectives That Start with T

Descriptive words that start with T are used widely in everyday conversations. You can use them when playing a game, describing a person, writing a story, etc.


Adjectives That Start with T to Describe a Person

Describing people’s physical appearance is something all English language students must learn. Therefore we have put together a list of adjectives that start with T to describe a person.


Adjectives That Start with T – Definitions and Examples

To help you understand those adjectives starting with T thoroughly, we prepared their definitions and examples below.

Tabby: striped and mottled with darker color; brindled; babbler.

– A tabby cat.

Taboo: considered so offensive or embarrassing that people must not mention it; prohibited; banned.

– Any talk of the divorce is strictly taboo.

Tabular: presented or arranged in a table in rows and columns; empty; horizontal.

– The results are presented in tabular form.

Tacit: ​that is suggested indirectly or understood, rather than said in words; implicit; understood.

– By tacit agreement, the subject was never mentioned again.

Taciturn: ​tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfriendly; untalkative; uncommunicative.

– A taciturn and serious young man.

Tacky: not dry and therefore slightly sticky; sticky; wet; gluey.

– The movie had a really tacky ending.

Tactful: ​careful not to say or do anything that will annoy or upset other people; diplomatic; delicate.

– I tried to find a tactful way of telling her the truth.

Tactical: carefully planned in order to achieve a particular aim; calculated; planned.

– A tactical decision.

Tactile: connected with the sense of touch; using your sense of touch; tangible; touchable.

– Visual and tactile communication.

Tactless: saying or doing things that are likely to annoy or to upset other people; insensitive; thoughtless.

– A tactless remark.

Tactual: of or relating to the sense or the organs of touch; material; palpable.

– Tactual stimuli.

Tahitian: a native or inhabitant of Tahiti; Polynesian; Fijian.

– The Polynesian language of the Tahitian.

Tailless: having no tail; acaudate; anurous.

– Manx cats are tailless.

Taillike: resembling a tail; caudal caudate; caudated.

– Taillike appendage.

Tailored: of clothes made to fit well or closely; made for a particular person or purpose; tailor-made.

– A tailored jacket.

Tainted: dirty or no longer pure; no longer pleasant or safe to eat, drink or use; contaminate; pollute.

– Tainted drinking water.

Taiwanese: a native or inhabitant of Taiwan; Nationalist China; Asiatic.

– Kuomintang still has a majority in the Taiwanese Parliament.

Talebearing: prone to communicate confidential information; blabbermouthed; tattling; communicative; communicatory.

– Guard with vigilance against a talebearing and tattling spirit. 

Talented: having a natural ability to do something well; gifted; skillful.

– Some of these young musicians are incredibly talented.

Talentless: devoid of talent; not gifted; incompetent; incapable.

– People said that I was talentless, that I couldn’t act.

Taliped: twisted or distorted out of shape or position; clubfooted.

– I was born with talipes and i have suffered with pain for 23 years. 

Talismanic: possessing or believed to possess magic power especially protective power; bewitched; charismatic.

– A talismanic amulet.

Talkative: liking to talk a lot; chatty; loquacious.

– She was in a talkative mood.

Talky: containing a lot of talk or conversation; chatty; conversational.

– The film is brilliantly animated, but it’s overly talky and suffers from painfully slow pacing.

Tall: having a greater than average height; big; high; large.

– She’s tall and thin.

Tallish: somewhat tall; tall; great in vertical dimension; high in stature.

– He’s tallish, with fair hair and glasses.

Taloned: armed with claws or talons; grappler; hook.

– The hawk taloned the mouse.

Tame: not afraid of people, and used to living with them; domestic; not wild.

– The bird became so tame that it was impossible to release it back into the wild.

Tameable: capable of being tamed; tamable manipulable; tractable; easily managed.

– The civets are naturally wild, and even ferocious; and though tameable to a certain degree, they are never perfectly familiar.

Tamil: belonging to or connected with a people living in Tamil Nadu in southern India and in Sri Lanka; in or connected with the language of these people; India; in Sri Lanka.

– Tamil Language movie.

Tangential: having only a slight or indirect connection with something; excursive; rambling; tangential.

– A tangential argument.

Tangerine: ​deep orange-yellow in colour; apricot; cantaloupe.

– A tangerine evening gown.

Tangible: that can be clearly seen to exist; material; physical.

– We cannot accept his findings without tangible evidence.

Tangled: complicated, and not easy to understand; dispute; argue.

– Tangled financial affairs.

Tangy: having a strong sharp taste or smell; tart; sour.

– She breathed in the crisp, tangy air and realized that it was almost autumn.

Tanned: having a brown skin colour as a result of being in the sun; brown; bronze

– He had a tanned face and clear eyes.

Tannic: connected with, containing or like tannin; malty; tannic-acid.

– A dense, dark red, tannic wine that will keep for years.

Tantalising: possessing a quality that arouses or stimulates desire or interest; please; hearten.

– A tantalising taste of success.

Tantalizing: making you want something that you cannot have or do; alluring; drawing.

– The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them.

Tantamount: tantamount to something having the same bad effect as something else; commensurate; identical.

– If he resigned it would be tantamount to admitting that he was guilty.

Tantric: connected with the ideas in certain ancient Hindu or Buddhist texts about prayer and meditation; mikkyo; tantra.

– Tantric rituals.

Tanzanian: a person from Tanzania; United Republic of Tanzania; African.

– It’s the largest Tanzanian company.

Taoist: connected with the Chinese philosophy that is based on the writings of Lao-tzu; adherent; disciple.

– Taoist temples.

Tapestried: decorated with tapestries; drapery; arras; dosser.

– Tapestried walls.

Tardive: late-occurring, especially with reference to symptoms of a disease; late; later.

– Tardive dyskinesia.

Tardy: slow to act, move or happen; late in happening or arriving; later.

– The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.

Targeted: aimed at a particular place or group of people; selected; choose.

– Strategically targeted attacks.

Tarry: like or covered with tar; linger; loiter.

– A length of tarry rope.

Tarsal: of or relating to the tarsus; anklebone; astragalus.

– There is a tarsal, but no metatarsal gland.

Tart: quick and unkind; sharp; cutting.

– A tart reply.

Tartarean: of or relating to or characteristic of Hades or Tartarus; Hadean; Plutonian infernal.

– Some say this Tartarean conqueror was called Timour or Temur-chi, and his origin is wrapt in mystery.

Tartaric:  pertaining to or derived from tartar; Sodium tartrate dehydrate; Sodium tartrate dibasic dehydrate.

– It was that of two tartaric acids, deposited from wine-lees.

Tasmanian: of or relating to Tasmania or its inhabitants; Australian.

– In Braim’s Australia we find specimens of five Tasmanian forms of speech.

Tasseled: decorated with tassels; ridge; aigrette.

– I was Wee Willie Winkie with long flannel nightgown, long tasseled night-cap and candleholder with lighted candle.

Tasselled: fringed or adorned with tassels; tasseled adorned; decorated.

– The corn has begun to tassellled.

Tasteful: attractive and of good quality and showing that the person who chose them can recognize good things; fastidious; refined.

– Tasteful furniture.

Tasteless: having little or no taste; showing a lack of the ability to choose things that people recognize as attractive and of good quality; flavorless; bland.

– The sculpture seemed tasteless and vulgar to her.

Tasty: having a strong and pleasant taste when it is eaten; delicious; palatable.

– A tasty meal.

Tatterdemalion: ragged or disreputable in appearance; being in a decayed state or condition; dilapidated; battered; broken.

– They are led by Macaan’s favourite tatterdemalion.

Tattered: old and torn; in bad condition; battered; dilapidated.

– Tattered clothes.

Tatty: in a bad condition because it has been used a lot or has not been cared for well; shabby; ratty.

– A tatty carpet.

Taupe: grey-brown in colour; camel; cream.

– The carpet made of dark taupe velvet covers the entire floor.

Taurine: of, relating to, or resembling a bull; bovine.

– Cats need more meat than dogs and they also need taurine, which is not found in dog foods.

Tautologic: saying the same thing twice in different words, when this is unnecessary; repetition; reiterating.

– The findings for the low group may appear tautologic, but they are not.

Tautological: saying the same thing twice in different words, when this is unnecessary, for example ‘They spoke in turn, one after the other; pleonastic; redundant.

– It is all quite tautological, this nonsense.

Tawdry: intended to be bright and attractive but cheap and of low quality; gaudy; flashy.

– Tawdry jewelry.

Tawny: brown-yellow in colour; blistered; brown.

– The lion’s tawny mane.

Taxable: that you have to pay tax on; payable; assessable.

– Taxable income.

Taxing: ​needing a great amount of physical or mental effort; demanding; exacting.

– This shouldn’t be too taxing for you.

Taxonomic: connected with the scientific process of classifying things arranging them into groups; position; bracket.

– Species from different taxonomic groups.

Taxpaying: That pays taxes; payable; assessable.

– The taxpaying public feels that it is actually their money and they should be heard.

Teachable: that can be taught; amenable; intelligent.

– Students who are teachable and eager to learn the book’s style makes it very teachable.

Tearaway: designed to be easily separated or opened by tearing; wild; reckless person.

– A box with a tear away seal.

Tearful: crying, or about to cry; weeping; sobbing.

– She suddenly became very tearful.

Tearing: causing continued or repeated pain or distress; hasty; violent.

– Toni bellowed, tearing after her.

Tearless: not crying; dry-eyed; inhuman.

– Mary watched in tearless silence as the coffin was lowered.

Teary: full of or involving tears; sorrowful; weeping.

– Teary eyes.

Technical: connected with the practical use of machines, methods, etc. in science and industry; connected with the skills needed for a particular job, sport, art; practical; scientific.

– We offer free technical support for those buying our software.

Technological: connected with technology; industrial; mechanical.

– Technological advances.

Technophilic: an enthusiast of technology. Technophilia; programmer.

– She’s an unabashed technophilic.

Techy: characterized by technological sophistication; technical; hacker.

– Techy innovations.

Tectonic: relating to the structure of the earth’s surface; basaltic; earthshattering.

– The tectonic plates of the global economy are shifting.

Tedious: lasting or taking too long and not interesting; boring; monotonous; dull.

– The journey soon became tedious.

Teeming: present in large numbers; full of people, animals, etc. that are moving around; brimming; filled.

– Teeming insects.

Teenage: between 13 and 19 years old; connected with people of this age; juvenile; youngster.

– A teenage girl.

Teenaged: between 13 and 19 years old; immature; juvenile.

– They have two teenaged daughters.

Teensy: very small; bittie; bitty; itsy-bitsy.

– I’m a teensy bit sick of experts.

Teentsy: very small; bittie; bitty; itsy-bitsy.

– Marc stepped into the limelight with the Party Girl Clutch and this teensy bag lives up to its title.

Teeny: very small; tiny; minuscule.

– A teeny-weeny insect.

Teetotal: never drinking alcohol; abstinent; abstemious.

– He’s strictly teetotal.

Telegnostic: obtaining knowledge of distant events allegedly without use of normal sensory mechanisms; extrasensory; paranormal.

– The psychic must have used telegnostic technique to read the future.

Telegraphic: connected with sending messages by telegraph; concise; brief.

– The first telegraphic message between Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Telekinetic: involving or done with telekinesis; telepathic; clairvoyant.

– A powerful telekinetic and also has telepathic powers of persuasion which he keeps a secret.

Telemetered: measured by means of telemetry; measurement; mensuration.

– Data from these instruments is telemetered to the laboratory.

Telepathic: using telepathy; psychic; clairvoyant.

– Telepathic communication.

Telephonic: involving the telephone; call; beep.

– Telephonic life coaching is provided over the phone for those who need help losing weight.

Telescopic: connected with or using a telescope; making things look larger as a telescope does; obscure; remote.

– A rifle with a telescopic sight.

Telltale: showing that something exists or has happened; revealing; revelatory.

– The telltale smell of cigarettes told her that he had been in the room.

Tellurian: of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air; telluric; terrene; terrestrial.

– Including the Tellurian and the Margonian, we now have forty-eight regions defined.

Telluric: of the earth as a planet; terrestrial; alluvial.

– The internal solar system includes four telluric planets.

Telocentric:  having the centromere at or close to the end.

– A telocentric chromosome.

Temperamental: tending to become angry, excited or upset easily, and to behave in an unreasonable way; volatile; excitable; emotional.

– The printer’s being temperamental this morning.

Temperate: having a mild temperature without extremes of heat or cold; clement; pleasant.

– A country with a temperate climate.

Tempestuous: full of extreme emotions; caused by or affected by a violent storm; stormy; blustery.

– A tempestuous relationship.

Temporal: connected with the real physical world, not spiritual matters; secular; non-spiritual’

– Although spiritual leader of millions of people, the Pope has no temporal power.

Temporary: lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time; not permanent; interim.

– They had to move into temporary accommodation.

Temptable: susceptible to temptation; susceptible; corrupted.

She was temptable.

Tempting: something that is tempting is attractive, and makes people want to have it, do it; enticing; alluring.

– It was a tempting offer.

Tenacious: continuing to exist, have influence, etc. for longer than you might expect; persistent; firm; tight.

– A tenacious illness.

Tenanted: resided in; having tenants; occupied inhabited.

– The house is tenanted by two Chinese students.

Tendencious: marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view; biased.

– His analysis was rooted in a somewhat tendencious reading of French history.

Tendentious: expressing a strong opinion that people are likely to disagree with; controversial; partial.

– Tendentious political memoirs.

Tender: kind, gentle and loving; caring; sympathetic.

– Tender words.

Tenderhearted: having a kind and gentle nature; kind-hearted; tender.

– I know he is particularly tenderhearted.

Tenderised: made tender as by marinating or pounding; diminish; dissolve.

– Tenderised meat.

Tenderized: to make (meat or meat products) tender by applying a process or substance that breaks down connective tissue; tenderization; abate; alleviate.

– The turkey is no tenderized.

Tendinous: consisting of tendons; hamstring; ligament.

– Tendinous tissue.

Tenebrious: dark; shadowy; obscure.

– The tenebrous spiral staircase of the self.

Tenebrous: shut off from the light; dark; murky.

– Two doors along a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom.

Tenfold: equal to or having 10 times as many or as much; decimal; decagonal.

– A tenfold increase in population.

Tenor: with a range of notes similar to that of a tenor voice; drift; tendency.

– A tenor saxophone.

Tense: nervous or worried, and unable to relax; tight; rigid.

– He’s a very tense person.

Tensed: stretched or stressed tightly; under mental or emotional strain; taut or rigid. 

– She tensed as he walked toward her.

Tensile: used to describe the extent to which something can stretch without breaking; soft; flexile.

– This experiment demonstrates the tensile strength of the wire.

Tensional: of or relating to or produced by tension; anxiety; apprehension.

– This is the result of tensional or compressional forces originating from tectonic movement.

Tensionless: free from tension; lax; lacking in strength or firmness or resilience.

– She drops to the ground, tensionless, and her eyes roll back into her head.

Tentacular: Of, or pertaining to, tentacles; Resembling a tentacle or tentacles; feeler; antenna.

– At the base of the head dorsally are a pair of flat tentacular lobes from the edges of which the cephalic filaments or captacula arise.

Tentative: not definite or certain because you may want to change it later; provisional; unconfirmed.

– We made a tentative arrangement to meet on Friday.

Tenuous: ​so weak or uncertain that it hardly exists; slight; insubstantial.

– A tenuous hold on life.

Tenured: that you can keep permanently; term; duration.

– A tenured post.

Tepid: slightly warm, sometimes in a way that is not pleasant; lukewarm; chamber.

– She stood under the tepid shower.

Terefah: not conforming to dietary laws; nonkosher; tref impure; unclean.

– Eventually, Maimonides added even more to finish the list of terefah conditions at 70.

Terete: slender and smooth, with a circular transverse section; cylindrical or slightly tapering; rounded.

– The terete-leaved terrestrial species are very easy to cultivate. 

Terminable: capable of being terminated; fixed; limited; restricted.

– His employment was terminable at the will of his employer. 

Terminal: that cannot be cured and will lead to death, often slowly; incurable; untreatable.

– He has terminal lung cancer.

Terminological: connected with the meanings of words, especially the technical words and expressions used in a particular subject; drama; fable; fantasy.

– Some terminological confusion surrounds the use of these words.

Ternary: having three elements, parts, or divisions; triple; pyramidal.

– We conclude that all three patterns are robust and that they exist in stable ternary variation.

Ternate: arranged in threes or in subdivisions so arranged; treble; trilateral.

– The leaves are ternate, divided into three leaflets.

Terpsichorean: relating to dancing; ballet master; chorus girl.

– Aside from singing, she shows her terpsichorean skills in some of the numbers.

Terrene: of or relating to the earth; worldly; mundane.

– There is a patriotism of the soul whose claim absolves us from our other and terrene fealty.

Terrestrial: of animals and plants living on the land or on the ground, rather than in water, in trees or in the air; earthly; worldly.

– A terrestrial habitat.

Terrible: very unpleasant; making you feel very unhappy, upset or frightened; dreadful; awful; appalling.

– I’ve just had a terrible thought.

Terrific: excellent; wonderful; tremendous.

– She’s doing a terrific job.

Terrified: very frightened; petrified; scared stiff.

– I’m terrified of losing you.

Terrifying: making somebody feel extremely frightened; terror-struck; horror-stricken.

– It was a terrifying experience.

Territorial: connected with the land or sea that is owned by a particular country; parochial; provincial.

– Territorial disputes.

Terse: using few words and often not seeming polite or friendly; curt; brusque.

– The president issued a terse statement denying the charges.

Tertian; recurring at approximately 48-hour intervals; tertiary; triennial.

– The boy had the disease for three years, ending with tertian ague.

Tertiary: third in order, rank or importance; triennial; tertian.

– The tertiary sector.

Tessellated: made from small flat pieces arranged in a pattern; arrangement; circuitry.

– A tessellated pavement.

Testaceous: relating to or possessing a testa or hard shell; shelled; epidermal; covering.

– Testaceous fish.

Testamentary: of, relating to, or of the nature of a testament or will; attestation; authentication.

– The first is the effect on testamentary power.

Testate: having made a valid will; testatrix; testator.

– He died testate, leaving his entire estate to his wife Katherine.

Testicular: ​connected with the testicles; ball; nut.

– Testicular cancer.

Testy: easily annoyed; showing this; irritable.

– There was a testy exchange of words.

Tetanic: of, relating to, being, or tending to produce tetany or tetanus; intermittent cramp; intermittent tetanus; tetanilla.

– In two cases which we witnessed of individuals poisoned by strychnine, similar tetanic phenomena were observed.

Tetchy: easily annoyed; irritable; irascible.

– He sounded tetchy when I asked him where he’d been.

Tetragonal: of, relating to, or characteristic of the tetragonal system; tetragonally; crystal; rhombohedral.

– The tetragonal aperture is very oblique and almost horizontal.

Tetravalent: having a chemical valence of four; foursquare; quadrilateral.

– A tetravalent atom.

Teutonic: showing qualities considered typical of German people; Germanic; chauvinist.

– The preparations were made with Teutonic thoroughness.

Texan: of or relating to Texas or its inhabitants; American state; American.

– Texan is quite a horseman.

Textbook: used to describe something that is done exactly as it should be done, in the best possible way; workbook; assigned text.

– A textbook example of how the game should be played.

Textual: ​connected with or contained in a text; literal; recorded.

– Textual analysis.

Textural: ​relating to texture; tonal; surface-texture.

– The textural characteristics of the rocks.

Thalamocortical: of, relating to, or connecting the thalamus and the cerebral cortex.

– Thalamocortical activity.

Thalassic: of or relating to seas and oceans; aquatic; coastal.

– The thalassic peoples here in the Equatorial Zone are fairly good empirical, teaspoon-measure, chemists.

Thankful: pleased about something good that has happened, or that something bad has not happened; relieved; pleased.

– I was thankful to see they’d all arrived safely.

Thankless: ​unpleasant or difficult to do and unlikely to bring you any rewards or thanks from anyone; unappreciated; unrecognized.

– Sometimes being a mother and a housewife felt like a thankless task.

Theatrical: connected with the theatre; stage; dramatic.

– A theatrical agent.

Theatrically: ​in a way that is connected with the theatre; dramatic; histrionic; melodramatic.

– Theatrically speaking, he was a genius.

Theban: of or relating to the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes or its inhabitants; Egyptian; Thebes.

– The Theban contingent fought bravely on behalf of Grecian liberty in the decisive battle of Chaeroneia, and bore the brunt of the slaughter.

Thematic: connected with the theme or themes of something; confined; insular.

– The thematic structure of a text.

Then: existing or acting at or belonging to the time; afterwards; subsequently.

– The then secretary of state.

Thenar: of, relating to, involving, or constituting the ball of the thumb or the intrinsic musculature of the thumb; palm.

– It is a thenar muscle, and therefore contributes to the bulk of the palm’s thenar eminence.

Theocratic: ​connected with the government of a country by religious leaders; monarchy; dictatorship.

– Theocratic rule.

Theological: connected with the study of religion and beliefs; religious; scriptural.

– A theological college.

Theoretic: of or based on theory; lacking practical application or actual existence; hypothetical; impractical.

– The idea is purely theoretic at this point.

Theoretical: connected with the ideas and principles on which a particular subject is based, rather than with practice and experiment; conceptual; abstract.

– A theoretical approach.

Therapeutic: helping to treat an illness; healing; curative.

– The therapeutic benefits of herbs.

Therapeutical: of, relating to, or used in the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods; curative; medicinal.

– Myrobalan is used in Ayurvedic preparations and therapeutical value.

Thermal: designed to keep you warm by preventing heat from escaping from the body; heated; hot.

– Thermal underwear.

Thermic: of or caused by heat; caloric; thermal.

– Thermic energy. 

Thermodynamic: connected with the relations between heat and other forms of energy; macroscopic thermodynamics; thermal behavior.

– The thermodynamic properties of gases.

Thermoelectric: of, relating to, used in, or operated by the generation of an electromotive force by the Seebeck effect or the Thomson effect; seebeck-effect; solid state.

– A thermoelectric thermometer.

Thermolabile: easily decomposed or subject to a loss of characteristic properties by the action of heat; reactive.

– Thermolabile is unstable when heated.

Thermometric: Of or pertaining to the measurement of temperature. Of, pertaining to, or employing a thermometer; instrument; thermostat.

– A thermometric model is established and proved by experiment.

Thermonuclear: ​connected with nuclear reactions that only happen at very high temperatures; atom-powered; fissionable.

– A thermonuclear reaction.

Thermoplastic: becoming soft when heated and rehardening on cooling without appreciable change of properties; thermoplastic resin; celluloid.

– A thermoplastic polymer can be melted and solidified many times.

Thermoset: that becomes permanently hard when it is heated; thermohydrometer; thermohydrometric.

– Performance of thermoset rubber but processed like thermoplastic.

Thermosetting: that becomes permanently hard when it is heated; thermoplastic; thermoset.

– It was the first synthetic thermosetting plastic ever made. 

Thermostatic: connected with or using a thermostat; thermostatically; humidistat.

– Thermostatic control.

Thespian: connected with acting, drama and the theatre; actress; performer.

– Her popularity owed much to her thespian talents.

Thick: having a larger distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal; broad; deep.

– A thick slice of bread.

Thickened: made or having become thick; stiffen; condense.

– Stir until the sauce has thickened.

Thickening: used for making something thicker; solidify; gel.

– Corn flour is used as a thickening agent.

Thickheaded: stupid; unintelligent; ignorant.

– He’s a stubborn and thickheaded old fool.

Thickset: especially of a man having a strong, heavy body; heavily built; stocky.

– He has the same thickset build as his father.

Thickspread: covered thickly; overlaid; enclosed.

– Toast thickspread with jam.

Thieving: used to describe somebody who steals things; steal; purloin.

– You’ve no right to take that, you thieving swine!

Thin: having a smaller distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal; narrow; slim.

– Cut the vegetables into thin strips.

Thinkable: that you can imagine as a possibility; conceivable; feasible.

– Such an idea was scarcely thinkable ten years ago.

Thinking: intelligent and able to think seriously about things; intelligent; sensible.

– Thinking people change their minds all the time.

Third: being next after the second in place or time; triennial; tertian.

– The third taxi in line.

Thirdhand: received from or through two intermediaries; secondary.

– Thirdhand information.

Thirsty: needing or wanting to drink; dry; dehydrated.

– We were hungry and thirsty.

Thirteen: coming after the twelfth in numbering or counting order, position, time; long dozen; baker’s dozen.

– He was just a few months shy of thirteen. 

Thirtieth: the ordinal number of thirty in counting order, position, time; often written 30th.

– The thirtieth of the month.

Thistlelike: resembling a thistle; armed; furnished with bristles and thorns.

– Mediterranean thistlelike plant widely cultivated for its large edible flower head.

Thoracic: connected with a person’s thorax, the part of the body that is surrounded by the ribs, between the neck and the waist; bronchial; chest.

– To undergo thoracic surgery.

Thoriated: being or sounding of nervous or suppressed laughter; tittering.

– A thoriated tungsten electrode.

Thornless: lacking thorns; spineless; unarmed.

– Friendship is the only one thornless rose in the word.

Thorny: causing difficulty or disagreement; knotty; problematic.

– There are still some thorny questions to be answered.

Thorough: done completely; with great attention to detail; rigorous; in-depth.

– The police carried out a thorough investigation.

Thoroughbred: of high quality, with parents that are both of the same type; pure-bred; pedigree.

– A thoroughbred mare.

Thoroughgoing: very careful and complete; looking at every detail; unconditional; complete.

– A thoroughgoing revision of the text.

Thoughtful: quiet, because you are thinking; contemplative; meditative.

– He looked thoughtful.

Thoughtless: ​not caring about the possible effects of your words or actions on other people; inconsiderate; uncaring.

– A thoughtless remark.

Thousandth: The ordinal numeral form of one thousand; last in order of a series of a thousand; billionth; trillionth.

– The city’s thousandth anniversary.

Thracian: of or relating to Thrace or its people or culture; European.

– Practically every man in this school is an expert with a Thracian sword.

Thrashed: very drunk; destroyed; badly damaged.

– He thrashed me with his belt.

Threadbare: old and thin because it has been used a lot; ragged; frayed.

– The carpets had worn rather threadbare.

Threadlike: thin in diameter; resembling a thread; filar; ropy.

– Her mouth was a threadlike incision above almost a double chin.

Thready: consisting of or resembling a thread or threads; fibrous; filamentous.

– Traction on a bicycle is thready at best.

Threatening: expressing a threat of harm or violence; menacing; intimidating.

– Threatening letters.

Threefold: having three parts or members; triple; trinal.

– A threefold purpose.

Threepenny: Having a value or cost of threepence; of little worth; mean; vulgar.

– He said he did not want threepenny bits, and he did not know who did.

Threescore: being or containing three times twenty; sixty; fourscore.

– They remained there for threescore years.

Thriftless: without thrift; improvident; wasteful. 

– Despite being extremely hasty and thriftless, he always keeps his promises.

Thrilled: very excited and pleased; exhilarated; elevated.

– He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again.

Thrillful: causing a feeling of great excitement or happiness; thrilled; excited.

– A thrillful discovery.

Thrilling: exciting and a lot of fun; rousing; lively.

– A thrilling experience.

Thriving: continuing to be successful, strong, healthy; comfortable; substantial.

– A thriving industry.

Throated: making a certain kind of sound from the throat; necked.

– Deep throated.

Throaty: sounding low and rough; gravelly; husky.

– A throaty laugh.

Throbbing: beating or pulsing rapidly or forcefully, as the heart under the influence of emotion or excitement; beat; pulse.

– He had a throbbing pain in his shoulder.

Thrombosed: affected with or obstructed by a clot of coagulated blood; obstructed; seizure.

– The maternal deaths resulted from thrombosed mechanical valves.

Through: finished or done; finished; done.

– He just walked through the door.

Throwaway: produced cheaply and intended to be thrown away after use; disposable; non-returnable.

– Throwaway products.

Thumping: ​thumping great/big/good; very big; very good.

– He told us a thumping great lie.

Thundering: sounding like thunder; noisy; enormous.

– The thundering herd.

Thunderous: very loud; deafening; roaring.

– The performance won thunderous applause from the audience.

Thunderstruck: extremely surprised and shocked; amazed; astounded.

– She was thunderstruck when her parents told her she was adopted.

Thundery: with thunder; suggesting that thunder is likely; loud; roaring.

– A thundery sky.

Thwartwise: extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; cross; transversal.

– Some impulse moved me to squat down and draw the toothed blade of my saw thwartwise across the bulge of that egg.

Thyroid: of or relating to the largest cartilage of the larynx; thyrotrophic hormone; hormone.

– A thyroid personality.

Thyrotoxic: of, relating to, induced by, or affected with hyperthyroidism; thyroid gland; thyroid.

– Thyrotoxic heart failure.

Tibetan: of or relating to Tibet, its inhabitants, or their language; Tibeto-Burman; tongue.

– Under an intelligent teacher they meanwhile studied the Tibetan language and Buddhist.

Tibial: of, relating to, or located near a tibia; bone flute; shin.

– A tibial fracture.

Ticklish: difficult to deal with, and possibly embarrassing; awkward; problematic; tricky.

– It’s quite a ticklish problem deciding how many people to invite to the wedding.

Tidal: connected with tides, the regular rise and fall of the sea; falling; rolling.

– A tidal river.

Tiddly: slightly drunk; drunken; tipsy.

– I feel a bit tiddly.

Tidy: arranged neatly and with everything in order; orderly; well ordered.

– She keeps her flat very tidy.

Tied: rented to somebody on the condition that they work for the owner; bind; tie up.

– A tied cottage on a farm.

Tigerish: resembling a tiger in fierceness and lack of mercy; merciless; unmerciful.

– A tigerish fury.

Tight: held or fixed in position securely; difficult to move, open or separate; compact; compressed.

– He kept a tight grip on her arm.

Tightfisted: not willing to spend or give much money; mean; stingy.

– His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise.

Tightfitting: ​that fits very tightly or closely; close-fitting; compact.

– A tightfitting skirt.

Tightlipped: not willing to talk about something; reticent; taciturn.

– Despite the rumors, government officials remained tightlipped today.

Tillable: capable of being farmed productively; arable; cultivable.

– There is some fine tillable and grazing land south of the lake.

Tilled: turned or stirred by plowing or harrowing or hoeing; ploughed; plowed. 

– Tilled land ready for seed.

Timbered: built of timbers; with a framework of timbers; constructed; beamed.

– A timbered cottage.

Timeless: not appearing to be affected by the process of time passing or by changes in fashion; lasting; classic.

– His work has a timeless quality.

Timely: happening at exactly the right time; opportune; well timed.

– A nasty incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police.

Timeserving: doing as little work as possible in your job because you are just waiting until you leave for another job or retire; opportunist; opportunistic.

– He’s a timeserving drone who works for America’s Internal Revenue Service. 

Timeworn: ​old and used a lot, and therefore damaged, or no longer useful or interesting; worn out; old.

– A timeworn sweater with holes in the sleeves.

Timid: shy; nervous; not brave.

– He stopped in the doorway, too timid to go in.

Timorese: of or relating to Timor or its inhabitants; Asian; Asiatic.

– The people are like the Timorese with frizzly or wavy hair and of a coppery brown colour.

Timorous: nervous and easily frightened; timid; fearful.

– A shy and timorous teenager He spoke with a timorous voice.

Tined: having prongs or tines; pronged; divided.

– A three- tined fork.

Tinkly: the short high ringing sound of a small bell; tinkling; reverberant.

– It’s like one of those tinkly bells that you get with Buddhism or one of those religions, a little dry bell.

Tinned: preserved in a can; bottling; conserving.

– Tinned fruit.

Tinny: having a taste like metal; thin; metallic.

– The beer tasted tinny.

Tinpot: especially of a leader or government not important and of little worth or use; third-rate; gimcrack.

– It’s worrying that soon any tinpot dictator will be able to get their hands on nuclear weapons.

Tinseled: glittering with gold or silver; clinquant; tinselly adorned; decorated.

– The show was all tinseled.

Tinselly: cheap and gaudy; garish; tacky.

– I kept thinking wistfully about my tinselly decorations, gathering dust in the attic.

Tiny: very small in size or amount; miniature; minuscule.

– We come from a tiny little town in upstate New York.

Tipsy: slightly drunk; tiddly; squiffy.

– I suspect she was a little bit tipsy.

Tiptoe: standing or walking on or as if on tiptoe; cautious; stealthy.

– He went on tiptoe to the nursery door and opened it.

Tiptop: excellent; choice; elite.

– The house is in tiptop condition.

Tired: feeling that you would like to sleep or rest; needing rest; weary; overtired.

– I’m too tired even to think.

Tireless: putting a lot of hard work and energy into something over a long period of time; indefatigable; vigorous.

– A tireless campaigner for human rights.

Tiresome: making you feel annoyed; annoying; boring; dull.

– Buying a house can be a very tiresome business.

Tiring: ​making you feel the need to sleep or rest; exhausting; weaken.

– It had been a long, tiring day.

Titanic: very large, important, strong or difficult; colossal; gigantic.

– He has set himself a titanic task: to revive the country’s economy.

Titular: having a particular title or status but no real power or authority; nominal; ceremonial.

– The titular head of state.

Toadyish:  attempting to win favor by flattery; bootlicking; fawning.

– Toadyish is marked by toadyism.

Tobagonian: of or relating to Tobago or its inhabitants; Bahamian; Barbadian.

– He was known as being a proponent of Tobagonian secession from Trinidad and Tobago.

Toeless: having no toe or toes; footless; apodal.

– A toeless shoe.

Togged:  Dressed; clothed; costumed.

– He got togged up for the meeting.

Togolese: belonging to or relating to Togo or its people; togolese republic; African.

– The Togolese capital.

Toilsome: marked by or full of toil or fatigue; laborious; burdensome.

– A toilsome task.

Token: representing no more than a symbolic effort; minimal; perfunctory.

– Please accept this small token of my appreciation.

Tokenish: insignificantly small; a matter of form only; nominal; token minimal.

– A tokenish meal.

Tolerable: fairly good, but not of the best quality; reasonable; bearable.

– A tolerable degree of success.

Tolerant: able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it; forbearing; liberal.

– He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.

Tomboyish:  used of girls; wild and boisterous; hoydenish; unwomanly; not womanly.

– Just remember that even a tomboyish girl may love a romantic marriage proposal.

Tomentous: densely covered with short matted woolly hairs; hairy; hirsute.

– Tomentous haired.

Tonal: relating to tones of sound or colour; harmonic; rhythmic.

– There is little tonal variety in his voice.

Toneless: not expressing any emotion or interest; detached; dispassionate.

– The chairman’s voice was firm but toneless.

Tongan: of or relating to the island monarchy of Tonga or its people; tilbury; surrey.

– Tongan beaches.

Tongueless: Lacking speech; mute; Making no sound; silent; speechless.

– The great tongueless bell is another striking accessory to the temple services.

Tonic: making (as the mind or body) stronger or healthier; refresher; cordial.

– A weekend in the mountains was always a tonic for him.

Tonsorial: of or relating to a barber or barbering; beautician; coiffeur.

– The tonsorial shop.

Toothed: having teeth; notched; serrate.

– The motor was driven by a toothed belt.

Toothless: having no teeth; edental; edentate.

– A toothless old man.

Toothsome: tasting good; tasty; delicious.

– They had this perfect toothsome quality.

Toothy: a toothy smile shows a lot of teeth; appetizing; delectable.

– A big toothy smile.

Top: of, relating to, or being at the top; uppermost; chief; leading.

– I can’t reach the top shelf.

Topical: connected with something that is happening or of interest at the present time; current; up to date.

– They met to discuss matters of topical interest.

Topless: not wearing any clothes on the upper part of the body, especially so that the breasts are not covered; naked; unclothed.

– A topless model.

Topmost: highest; uppermost; upmost.

– The topmost branches of the tree.

Topnotch: excellent; of the highest quality; marvelous.

– It’s a top notch hospital. 

Topographical: connected with the physical features of an area of land, especially the position of its rivers, mountains; geographic; geological.

– A topographical map.

Topological: Of or relating to topology; earth science; geology.

– In the algebraic theory of data, continuous data types are modeled by topological algebras.

Toroidal: of or relating to a toroid; solid; anchor ring.

– Low radiation noise based on its toroidal construction.

Torpid: ​not active; with no energy or enthusiasm; lethargic.

– He became torpid, bloated and horrible to look at.

Torrential: falling in large amounts; copious; severe.

– Torrential rain.

Torrid: ​full of strong emotions, especially connected with sex and love; passionate; sultry.

– A torrid love affair.

Tortious: having the nature of or involving a tort; wrongful; circuitous.

– A feoffment might be a tortious.

Tortuous: not simple and direct; long, complicated and difficult to understand; convoluted.

– Tortuous language.

Torturesome: causing torture; intolerably painful; intense.

– The enforced inactivity was torturesome as suspense.

Torturous: pertaining to, involving, or causing torture or suffering; distressing; excruciating.

– His breathing was torturous.

Torulose: of a cylindrical or ellipsoid body; swollen and constricted at intervals; unshapely.

– The mycelia of the fungus are swollen and form torulose hyphae.

Total: being the amount or number after everyone or everything is counted or added together; entire; complete.

– Try to cut down on the total amount of fat that you eat.

Totalistic: of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life; totalitarian; authoritarian.

– Operating in a totalistic fashion.

Totalitarian: (of a country or system of government) in which there is only one political party, which has complete power and control over the people; authoritarian; autocratic.

– A totalitarian state.

Totemic: important because of being thought of as a symbol of a particular quality or idea; tribal; affiliated.

– His party celebrated a totemic victory.

Totipotent: having the ability to give rise to unlike cells; stupidity; inaptitude.

– Totipotent cells can generate an entire organism.

Touchable: Capable of being touched; tangible; palpable.

– They’re thick, comfortable, warm and touchable.

Touched: ​feeling happy and grateful because of something kind that somebody has done; feeling emotional about something; influenced; concerned.

– She was touched by their warm welcome.

Touching: causing feelings of sympathy; making you feel sad or emotional; moving.

– It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears.

Touchy: touchy (about something) (of a person) easily upset or offended; sensitive; hypersensitive.

– He’s a little touchy about his weight.

Tough: having or causing problems or difficulties; sturdy; rugged.

– It was a tough decision to make.

Toupeed: wearing a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness; wigged; wearing a wig.

– He pulled off his toupeed with a smile.

Touristy: attracting or designed to attract a lot of tourists; busy; crowded.

– Jersey is the most touristy of the islands.

Tousled: untidy in an attractive way; untidy; messy; disarranged.

– A boy with blue eyes and tousled hair.

Towering: extremely tall or high and therefore impressive; elevated; soaring.

– Towering cliffs.

Towheaded: of hair color; whitish; ash-blonde.

– He’s no blue-eyed, towheaded innocent anymore.

Toxic: containing poison; poisonous; venomous.

– Many pesticides are highly toxic.

Toxicological: connected with the scientific study of poisons; mutagenicity; genotoxicity.

– Toxicological screening for psychoactive substances was routinely performed.

Trabeated: designed or constructed with horizontal beams or lintels; straight; uncurved.

– The ornamental trabeated ceiling is an important feature of the room.

Trabecular: of, relating to, consisting of, or being trabeculae; corneoscleral.

– Trabecular tissue.

Trabeculate: Having trabeculae; crossbarred.

– The ducts in a banana stem are trabeculate.

Traceable: if something is traceable, you can find out where it came from, where it has gone, when it began or what its cause was; attributable; detectable.

– Most telephone calls are traceable.

Trackable: apable of being traced or tracked; traceable; identifiable.

– It’s a conspicuous, trackable indicator of the bilateral relationship.

Trackless: without a track; obstructed; pathless.

– The rain rendered the route trackless.

Tractable: easy to deal with or control; manageable; amenable.

– This approach helps to make the issues more tractable.

Tractile:  capable of being drawn out in length; ductile; adaptable.

– Tractile powers.

Tractive: serving to draw; tractional; drag; draw.

– The tractive power output.

Traditional: being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of people, that have not changed for a long time; conventional; customary.

– Janet makes cheese by traditional methods.

Tragic: making you feel very sad, usually because somebody has died or suffered a lot; disastrous; calamitous.

– He was killed in a tragic accident at the age of 24.

Tragical: making you feel very sad, usually because somebody has died or suffered a lot; horrible; terrible.

– Tragical story of his life.

Tragicomic: connected with plays that are both funny and sad; breathtaking; climactic.

– The play is a tragicomic masterpiece.

Tragicomical: of, relating to, or resembling tragicomedy; melodramatic; humorous.

– The story we uncovered was at worst tragicomical and often joyous.

Trainable: capable of being trained; amenable; apt.

– They are intelligent, friendly and very trainable.

Traitorous: ​betraying your friends, your country, etc. by giving away secrets about them, by lying to or about them or by doing other things that will harm them; treacherous; disloyal.

– A traitorous thought.

Tralatitious: having been passed along from generation to generation; handed-down; accustomed.

– Among Biblical critics a tralatitious interpretation is one received by expositor from expositor.

Tramontane: situated on the north side of the Alps; foreign; strange.

– The blue sky became overcast, and a strong tramontane, as the north wind is there called, was blowing.

Trancelike: as if in a trance; confused; mentally confused.

– I look into a mirror next to the camera it’s trancelike.

Tranquil: quiet and peaceful; serene; relaxing.

– A tranquil scene.

Tranquilizing: having the effect of calming a person or animal, or putting them to sleep; sedating; sedative.

– He used nicotinamide for tranquilizing the animal.

Tranquillizing: to make an animal or person become unconscious or calm, especially with a drug; soothing; relaxing.

– A tranquillizing drug.

Transalpine: situated on the north side of the Alps; ultramontane tramontane; transmontane.

– This done he set himself to training his new men, encamped in Transalpine Gaul, in readiness to meet the foe.

Transatlantic: ​crossing the Atlantic Ocean; transoceanic; transpacific.

– A transatlantic flight.

Transcendent: ​going beyond the usual limits; extremely great; fantastic.

– A writer of transcendent genius.

Transcendental: going beyond the usual limits of human knowledge, experience or reason, especially in a religious or spiritual way; supernatural; preternatural.

– A transcendental experience.

Transcontinental: ​crossing a continent; transnational; world.

– A transcontinental railway.

Transcultural:  extending through all human cultures; diversity.

– A transcultural ideal of freedom embracing all the peoples of the world.

Transcutaneous: Penetrating, entering, passing through, or shining through the intact skin; transdermal; percutaneous.

– He was a pioneer in the use of transcutaneous nerve stimulation.

Transdermal: relating to, being, or supplying a medication in a form for absorption through the skin into the bloodstream; transdermic; percutaneous.

– The injections and transdermal patches are the best form of supplementation for those who have malapsorption issues.

Transdermic: through the unbroken skin; percutaneous; transcutaneous; transdermal.

– Transdermic treatment.

Transferable: ​that can be moved from one place, person or use to another; interchangeable; negotiable.

– This ticket is not transferable.

Transformable: subject to alteration or change; convertible; translatable.

– I am transformable.

Transformational: ​connected with a complete change in somebody/something, especially a positive change; transformative; metamorphic.

– A transformational moment in the country’s history.

Transformative: causing or able to cause an important and lasting change in someone or something; cathartic; metamorphic.

– Let us consider such a mental transformative process in detail.

Transgendered: describing or relating to people whose gender identity does not match the sex that they were said to have at birth; transsexual; intersexual.

– The organization supports transgendered rights.

Transient: continuing for only a short time; fleeting; temporary.

– The transient nature of speech.

Transistorized: equipped with transistors; transistorised equipped; equipt.

– The project initially examined the feasibility of constructing a transistorized airborne digital computer.

Transitional: connected with the process of changing from one state or condition to another; intervening; interposed.

– A transitional period.

Transitive: used with a direct object; direct-object; intransitive.

– In ‘She wrote a letter’, the verb ‘wrote’ is transitive and the word ‘letter’ is the direct object.

Transitory: continuing for only a short time; fleeting; temporary.

– These feelings of resentment tend to be transitory.

Translatable: Capable of being translated into another language; convertible; transformable.

– His books are eminently translatable.

Translational:  Relating the act of translating text; explanation; reading.

– This robot can perform a pure translational motion for the moving platform.

Translucent: allowing light to pass through but not completely clear; semi-transparent; pellucid.

– The sky was a pale translucent blue.

Translunary: situated beyond or above the moon; superlunary; celestial.

– Who can imagine a translunary visitor in Times Square?

Transmissible: capable of being transmitted as from one person to another; endemic; infectious.

– Transmissible diseases.

Transmittable: capable of being transmitted by infection; catching; communicable; contagious.

– The file can be converted into a format that is easily transmittable over the network.

Transmontane: on or coming from the other side of the mountains; tramontane transalpine; ultramontane.

– The transmontane section of the state.

Transmundane: extending or lying beyond the world; ethereal; immortal.

– God is no longer conceived as a transmundane being who guides the destinies of mankind according to a preconceived plan.

Transmutable: capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy; convertible; transformable.

– Is lead really transmutable into gold?

Transnational: existing in or involving different countries; international; multinational.

– Transnational corporations.

Transoceanic: lying or dwelling beyond the ocean; offshore; overseas.

– A transoceanic land. 

Transonic: moving, capable of moving, or utilizing air currents; hypersonic; subsonic.

– Moving at a transonic speed.

Transparent: allowing you to see through it; see-through; clear.

– The insect’s wings are almost transparent.

Transplacental: occurring through or by way of the placenta; placental.

– Transplacental passage of nutrients.

Transplanted: ​transplant something (from somebody/something) (into somebody/something) to take an organ, skin, etc. from one person, animal, part of the body, etc. and put it into or onto another; transport; move.

– Surgeons have successfully transplanted a liver into a four-year-old boy.

Transpolar: across the North or South Pole; abroad; transpontine.

– Transpolar air routes.

Transportable: ​that can be carried or moved from one place to another, especially by a vehicle; carriage able; cartable.

– We must have easily transportable units from factory to store.

Transposable: capable of changing sequence; permutable; exchangeable.

– Transposable elements.

Transsexual: of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth; transvestite; transgendered.

– Transsexual people.

Transuranic: having an atomic number greater than that of uranium; Hassium; lawrencium.

– He’d been able to create a transuranic isotope that was stable.

Transversal: extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; cross; thwartwise; transverse crosswise.

– Transversal vibrations.

Transverse: placed across something; diagonal; crosswise.

– A transverse bar joins the two posts.

Transvestic: receiving sexual gratification from wearing clothing of the opposite sex; transvestite; homosexual.

– She is considered the first transvestic supermodel.

Trashy: of poor quality; with no value; rubbishy.

– Trashy TV shows.

Traumatic: extremely unpleasant and causing you to feel upset and/or anxious; disturbing; shocking.

– Divorce can be traumatic for everyone involved.

Travelable:  capable of being traversed; traversable; passable.

– Highway crews soon had the roads travelable.

Traversable: able to be traversed; navigable; negotiable.

– A Query Path object is traversable.

Treacherous: that cannot be trusted; intending to harm you; deceitful.

– He was weak, cowardly and treacherous.

Treasonable: that can be punished as treason; traitorous; treacherous.

– A treasonable act.

Treasonous:  having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor; faithless; traitorous; treasonable.

– It seemed to me a mild rebuke compared to his treasonous conduct. 

Treatable: of an illness or injury that can be made better with medical care; resolvable; retrievable.

– A treatable infection.

Treble: high in tone; high-pitched; piping.

– A treble voice.

Treed: planted with trees; wooded.

– A treed hillside.

Treeless: without trees; unwooded; untimbered.

– A treeless plain.

Treelike: resembling or similar to a tree; dendroid; arboreal.

– Hard drives are organized into treelike structures.

Tremendous: very great; huge; enormous.

– A tremendous amount of work has gone into the project.

Tremulous: shaking slightly because you are nervous; causing you to shake slightly; trembling.

– He was in a state of tremulous excitement.

Trenchant: expressed strongly and effectively, in a clear way; incisive; piercing.

– His trenchant views on the subject are well known.

Trendsetting: that starts a new fashion and makes it popular; trendy; up-to-date.

– A trendsetting band.

Trendy: very fashionable; stylish; modish.

– Trendy clothes.

Trepid: Timid; timorous; fearful.

– The trepid animal stepped out from the brush to take the food.

Triangular: involving three people or groups; three-sided; three-cornered.

– A triangular contest in an election.

Triangulate: consisting of or marked with triangles; disunite; splinter.

– Triangulate radio signals for radio navigation.

Triassic: of, denoting, or formed in the first period of the Mesozoic era that lasted for 42 million years; Mesozoic; Age of Reptiles.

– The Triassic world was different from today’s world.

Tribadistic: of female homosexual behavior that attempts to simulate heterosexual behavior; homosexual; tribadism.

– A tribadistic intercourse.

Tribal: ​connected with a tribe or tribes; ethnic; racial.

– Tribal art.

Tributary: ​ a river or stream that flows into a larger river or a lake; headwater; branch.

– The Thames is fed by several small tributaries.

Tricentenary: of or relating to a period of 300 years; day of remembrance; triennial.

– If you want fireworks for the tricentenary, by all means that can be arranged.

Tricentennial: Occurring every three hundred (300) years; tricentenary.

– The tricentennial anniversary was celebrated for a full year.

Trichromatic: of, relating to, or consisting of three colors; dichromatic; bicolored.

– Black and white red trichromatic advocate hit my home.

Trichrome: coloring tissue elements differentially in three colors; trichromatic; tricolor.

– This is a trichrome stain.

Tricksy: given to tricks; mischievous; playful; prankish.

– The river is about five miles from shore to shore, and we have known it of old for a most enticing and tricksy customer.

Tricky: difficult to do or deal with; difficult; awkward.

– A tricky situation.

Triclinic: relating to or belonging to the crystal system characterized by three unequal axes; anorthic.

– Triclinic system.

Tricolor: having or involving three colors; bicolor; trichromatic.

– The canvas mainly uses the tricolor.

Tricuspid: having three cusps; tricuspidate angular; angulate.

– A tricuspid molar.

Triennial: ​happening every three years; tertiary; tertian.

– The conference takes place on a triennial basis, although there have been some exceptions.

Trifid: being deeply and narrowly cleft into three teeth, processes, or points; divided; three-dimensional.

– A spoon with a trifid top.

Trifling: small and not important; trivial; trivial; unimportant.

– The money involved was a trifling sum.

Trifoliate: having three leaves; trifoliated; trifoliolate.

– Trifoliate leaves.

Trifoliolate: having three leaflets, as a compound leaf; having leaves with three leaflets; trifoliate.

– The plant has angular stems and trifoliolate leaves on stalk.

Trig: extremely precise; prim; stylishly or jauntily trim.

– Everything was trim and trig and bright Mark Twain.

Trigonal: of, relating to, or shaped like a triangle; having three angles; triangular.

– The shape of the shell is trigonal ovate.

Trigonometric: connected with the type of mathematics that deals with the relationship between the sides and angles of triangles; algebra; calculation.

– We might prefer to stick to trigonometric functions.

Trilateral: ​involving three groups of people or three countries; triple; pyramidal.

– Trilateral talks.

Trilingual: able to speak three languages equally well; multilingual; bilingual.

– He is trilingual in English, Spanish and Danish.

Trillionth: coming last in a series of a trillion; million; gazillion.

– The currency was worth less than one trillionth of a US cent.

Trilobate: consisting of or having three lobes or parts; three-lobed; trilobated; trilobed.

– Trilobate arrowheads.

Trilobed; having three lobes; three-lobe; trilobite.

– A trilobed leaf.

Trim: looking thin, healthy and attractive; neat and well cared for; well kept.

– She has kept very trim.

Trimmed: looking thin, healthy and attractive; neat and well cared for; well kept.

– We trimmed the Christmas tree.

Trimotored: having three motors; motored; motorized.

– Trimotored aircraft engine.

Trinidadian: a person from Trinidad; West Indies; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

– Trinidadian a native or inhabitant of Trinidad.

Trinuclear:  having three nuclei; trinucleate; trinucleated.

– Trinuclear structures.

Trinucleate: having three nuclei; binuclear; binucleate,

– Trinucleate cells.

Tripartite: ​having three parts or involving three people, groups; triple; threefold.

– A tripartite division.

Tripinnate: having the pinnules themselves pinnate; tripinnated.

– Leaves are tripinnate with spines along the rachis.

Triple: having three parts or involving three people or groups; three-way; threefold.

– A triple heart bypass operation.

Triplex: having three apartments, floors, or sections; threefold; triple.

– Triplex windows.

Triploid: having or relating to three times the haploid number of chromosomes;  polyploid.

– A triploid organism.

Tritanopic: inability to see the color blue or to distinguish the colors blue and yellow; blue-blind blind; unsighted.

– Tritanopic is inability to see the color blue.

Trite: boring because it has been expressed so many times before; not original; hackneyed; banal.

– As trite as it sounds, I had forgotten what greenness was until I saw those palms.

Triumphal: done or made in order to celebrate a great success or victory; champion; conquering.

– A triumphal parade.

Triumphant: very successful in a way that causes great pleasure; victorious; successful.

– They emerged triumphant in the September election.

Triune: three in one; of or relating to the Trinity; trey; triad.

– The triune God.

Trivalent: having a valence of three; chemical science; chemistry.

– Terbium appears to be trivalent.

Trivial: not important or serious; not worth considering; unimportant; insignificant.

– I know it sounds trivial, but I’m worried about it.

Trochaic: of rhythm in poetry) in which one strong or long syllable is followed by one weak or short syllable; rhythmical; metrical.

– The trochaic metre of the poem.

Trojan: a person from the ancient city of Troy in Asia Minor; adventurous; audacious.

– A Trojan horse.

Trophic: relating to feeding, and to the food necessary for growth; reviving; vitalizing.

– Since animals are higher on the trophic level, they are less efficient sources of food energy.

Trophoblastic: of or relating to the trophoblast; keratinocyte; leukaemic.

– Trophoblastic cancer.

Tropic: of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or occurring in the tropics; tropical; equatorial.

– The tropic sun glared down on us all day.

Tropical: coming from, found in or typical of the tropics; lush; steamy.

– Tropical storms battered the Gulf Coast all week.

Troubled: of a person worried and anxious; difficult; problematic.

– She looked into his troubled face.

Troublesome: causing trouble, pain, etc. over a long period of time; annoying; irritating.

– A troublesome cough.

Troublous: full of trouble; stormy; causing trouble; troublesome.

– These troublous times.

Trousered: wearing or accustomed to wear trousers; knickers; slacks.

– A trousered girl.

Truculent: tending to argue or become angry; slightly aggressive; defiant; aggressive.

– ‘What do you want?’ he asked, sounding slightly truculent.

Truehearted: Having a faithful heart; honest; sincere; not faithless or deceitful.

– I wish we were all truehearted.

Trustful: full of trust; free of distrust, suspicion, or the like; confiding.

– A trustful friend.

Trustworthy: that you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere; reliable; dependable.

– Mitchell was a solid and trustworthy man.

Trusty: that you have had a long time and have always been able to rely on; reliable; trustworthy.

– A trusty friend.

Truthful: truthful (about something) (of a person) saying only what is true; honest; sincere.

– They were less than truthful about their part in the crime.

Tsarist: ​supporting or connected with the Russian system of government by a tsar, which existed before 1917; overlord; autocrat.

– The city was built by the tsarist empire in the early 19th century. 

Tubal: connected with the fallopian tubes; elliptical; body structure.

– A tubal pregnancy.

Tubby: of a person short and slightly fat; stout; chubby; plump.

– Our chef was a genial, slightly tubby man.

Tubed: of a tire; having an inner tube; cannula.

– My bike is tubed.

Tubeless: Without a tube; without an inner tube.

– Tubeless tire.

Tubelike:  constituting a tube; having hollow tubes; cannular.

– The plant produces tubelike flowers.

Tubercular: having tuberculosis; connected with tuberculosis; consumptive.

– A tubercular infection.

Tuberculate: having tubercles; consumptive; phthisic.

– The spire is obsoletely tuberculate or smooth and rather depressed.

Tuberculoid: resembling tuberculosis and especially the tubercles characteristic of it; infectious disease; tuberculoid.

– Tuberculoid leprosy.

Tuberculous: of or relating to tuberculosis or tubercles; tubercular; tubercular ill.

– Tuberculous patients.

Tuberous: having a short thick round part on the underground stem or root, which stores food and from which new plants grow; beet; bulb.

– Tuberous begonias.

Tubular: made of tubes or of parts that are like tubes in shape; tube-shaped; tubiform.

– A tubular metal chair.

Tudor: ​connected with the time (1485–1603) when kings and queens from the Tudor family ruled England; ruler; swayer.

– Tudor architecture.

Tufted: ​having a tuft or tufts; growing in tufts; cespitose; comose.

– A tufted carpet.

Tumescent: larger than normal, especially as a result of sexual excitement; swollen; bloated; bulging.

– There is the enlarged head tumescent with body fluid.

Tumultuous: very loud; involving strong feelings, especially feelings of approval; loud; deafening.

– Tumultuous applause.

Tuneful: having a pleasant tune or sound; melodious; melodic.

– A tuneful melody.

Tuneless: not having a pleasant tune or sound; discordant; unmelodious.

– Tuneless singing.

Tunisian: a person from Tunisia; African; Algerian.

– Tunisian archeological sites.

Tuppeny: of trifling worth; sixpenny; threepenny; two-a-penny.

– In England, his adventures were published in the pages of Tuppenny Fun.

Turbaned: wearing a turban; bandore; biretta.

– Turbaned Sikhs.

Turbid: full of mud, dirt, etc. so that you cannot see through it; muddy; murky.

– She clung to it as an escape from the turbid waters below the surface of their conversation.

Turbinate: Shaped or spinning like a top; spiraling; coiling.

– The thick, solid shell has a turbinate shape.

Turbulent: in which there is a lot of sudden change, trouble, argument and sometimes violence; tempestuous; stormy.

– A short and turbulent career in politics.

Turgid: boring, complicated and difficult to understand; swollen; congested.

– Turgid pros.

Turkic: of, relating to, or constituting a family of Altaic languages including Turkish; Turki; turks.

– Turkic language.

Turkish: from or connected with Turkey; ottoman; turks.

– Turkish tea.

Turkmen: ​a member of, or connected with, the Turkmen people; ottoman; turks.

– I come in my brother’s car and I take you to inspect a great Turkmen memorial, the Friendship Bridge.

Tuscan:  of or relating to Tuscany, its inhabitants, or their dialect of Italian; Italian; Cubans.

– I saw us clambering up a Tuscan hillside, a sea of wild flowers at our feet.

Tusked: having tusks; toothed; having teeth especially of a certain number or type.

– A long protruding tooth tusked.

Tutelar: Serving as a guardian; protective; tutelary.

– A tutelar of the mansion.

Tutelary: having the position of guardian or protector of a person, place, or thing; guardian; protective.

– Tutelary saint. 

Tutorial: connected with the work of a tutor; lesson; seminar.

– Tutorial staff.

Tuxedoed:  dressed in a tuxedo; clad; clothed.

– A tuxedoed gentleman.

Twee: very pretty, in a way that you find unpleasant and silly; appearing sentimental; quaint; sweet.

– The room was decorated with twee little pictures of animals.

Tweedy: ​made of or looking like tweed; donnish; bookish.

– A tweedy jacket.

Twelfth: coming after the eleventh in number or counting order, position, time; being the ordinal number of twelve; duodecimal; duodenary.

– December is the twelfth month of the year.

Twelve: denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units; 12; dozen; xii cardinal.

– I have lunch at twelve.

Twiggy: thin as a twig; twiglike lean; thin; lacking excess flesh.

– There are many woody little, much branched, twiggy shrublets, which bristle all over with thorns and spines. 

Twiglike: thin as a twig; twiglike lean; thin; lacking excess flesh.

– A new explosion of twittering broke out, and a forest of twiglike arms waved back at him.

Twilit: lit by twilight; blistered; bleak.

– She hurried out into the Twilit Street.

Twilled: of textiles; having parallel raised lines; corded rough; unsmooth.

– She twilled a lock of her hair, a sure sign of nervousness.

Twinkly: Smiling with happiness or optimism; beamish; smiling.

– Twinkly smile.

Twinned: born two at one birth; closely or intimately associated, joined, or united; coupled; paired.

– The borough is twinned with a town in Germany.

Twinning: producing two offspring at a time; biparous; multiparous.

– Twinning seems to run in some families, is mainly confined to fraternal.

Twisted: ​turned around on itself so that the original shape is lost; perverted; warped.

– After the crash the car was a mass of twisted metal.

Twisty: having many bends or turns; winding; zigzag.

– A narrow twisty lane leading to the farm.

Twitchy: ​nervous or anxious about something; jittery; jumpy.

– As the time for her driving test approached, she started to get twitchy.

Twofold: consisting of two parts; bifold; binal.

– The problem was twofold.

Twopenny: costing or worth two old pence; sixpenny; threepenny.

– A twopenny stamp.

Twoscore: being ten more than thirty; 40; forty.

– Twoscore years old.

Tympanic: Of, relating to, or resembling a drum; eardrum or middle ear; tympanum.

– Tympanic membrane

Tympanitic: of, relating to, or affected with tympanites; resonant on percussion; hollow-sounding.

– A tympanitic abdomen.

Typic:  constituting or having the nature of a type; typical; classical.

– A typic soil subgroup.

Typical: having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of person, thing or group; representative; classic.

– This is a typical example of Roman pottery.

Typographic: connected with the art or work of preparing books, etc. for printing, especially of designing how text will appear when it is printed; composition; presswork.

– Typographic design.

Typographical: connected with the art or work of preparing books, etc. for printing, especially of designing how text will appear when it is printed; composition; presswork.

– A typographical error.

Tyrannic: unjustly cruel, harsh, or severe; arbitrary or oppressive; despotic.

– A tyrannical ruler.

Tyrannical: using power or authority over people in an unfair and cruel way; autocratic; dictatorial.

– A tyrannical government.

Tyrannous: using power or authority in a cruel and unfair way; dictatorial; autocratic.

– A tyrannous dictator.

Tyrolean: of, relating to, or characteristic of the Tyrol or its inhabitants; Tirolean.

– As she left the ship behind she noticed Tyrolean Hat in the Audi had disappeared.

Tzarist: of, relating to, or characteristic of a czar or the system and principles of government under a czar; autocratic; dictatorial.

– The dark forces that guarded the tzarist autocracy are going under.

True: connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessed; accurate; correct.

– All the rumors turned out to be true.

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