Are you looking to enthrall and engage your readers?
Incorporating adjectives that start with U is an ultra-useful way to create a unique tone in writing.
They also help to improve your English reading, writing and communication skills.
Let dive right in:
- Full List Chart (1593 Words)
- Positive Adjectives That Start with U
- Negative Adjectives That Start with U
- Descriptive Adjectives Starting with U
- U Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Adjectives Starting with Other Letters
Full List of Adjectives That Start with U
Let’s begin with a full list of adjectives that start with U. As you can guess, most of them have a prefix “Un”.
Ubiquitous | Unenviable | Unpromising |
Ugandan | Unequal | Unprompted |
Ugly | Unequaled | Unpronounceable |
Ukrainian | Unequalized | Unprophetic |
Ulcerated | Unequalled | Unpropitious |
Ulcerative | Unequipped | Unprotected |
Ulcerous | Unequivocal | Unprotective |
Ulnar | Unerasable | Unprovable |
Ult | Unerect | Unproved |
Ulterior | Unerring | Unproven |
Ultimate | Unessential | Unprovocative |
Ultimo | Unestablished | Unprovoked |
Ultra | Unethical | Unprovoking |
Ultraconservative | Uneven | Unpublishable |
Ultramarine | Uneventful | Unpublished |
Ultramicroscopic | Unexacting | Unpunctual |
Ultramodern | Unexampled | Unpunished |
Ultramontane | Unexceeded | Unpurified |
Ultranationalistic | Unexcelled | Unqualified |
Ultrasonic | Unexceptionable | Unquantifiable |
Ultraviolet | Unexceptional | Unquenchable |
Umbellar | Unexchangeable | Unquestionable |
Umbellate | Unexcitable | Unquestioned |
Umbelliferous | Unexcited | Unquestioning |
Umbelliform | Unexciting | Unquiet |
Umber | Unexclusive | Unquotable |
Umbilical | Unexhausted | Unranked |
Umbilicate | Unexpansive | Unratable |
Umbrageous | Unexpected | Unratified |
Umbrella | Unexpendable | Unraveled |
Umbrellalike | Unexpended | Unreachable |
Umpteen | Unexpired | Unreached |
Umpteenth | Unexplainable | Unreactive |
Umptieth | Unexplained | Unread |
Umteen | Unexploded | Unreadable |
Umteenth | Unexploited | Unready |
Unabashed | Unexplorative | Unreal |
Unabated | Unexploratory | Unrealistic |
Unable | Unexplored | Unrealizable |
Unabridged | Unexportable | Unrealized |
Unaccented | Unexpressible | Unreasonable |
Unacceptable | Unexpressive | Unreasoning |
Unaccepted | Unexpurgated | Unreassuring |
Unaccessible | Unextended | Unreceptive |
Unaccommodating | Unfaceted | Unreciprocated |
Unaccompanied | Unfading | Unrecognisable |
Unaccountable | Unfailing | Unrecognizable |
Unaccredited | Unfair | Unrecognized |
Unaccustomed | Unfaithful | Unreconcilable |
Unachievable | Unfaltering | Unreconciled |
Unacknowledged | Unfamiliar | Unreconstructed |
Unacquainted | Unfashionable | Unrecorded |
Unacquisitive | Unfastidious | Unrecoverable |
Unactable | Unfathomable | Unredeemable |
Unadaptable | Unfathomed | Unredeemed |
Unadapted | Unfattened | Unreduced |
Unaddicted | Unfavorable | Unrefined |
Unadjustable | Unfavourable | Unreflected |
Unadjusted | Unfearing | Unreflective |
Unadoptable | Unfeasible | Unreformable |
Unadorned | Unfeathered | Unreformed |
Unadulterated | Unfed | Unrefreshed |
Unadventurous | Unfeeling | Unregenerate |
Unadvisable | Unfeigned | Unregenerated |
Unaerated | Unfeminine | Unregistered |
Unaesthetic | Unfenced | Unregretful |
Unaffected | Unfermented | Unregretting |
Unaffecting | Unfertile | Unregulated |
Unaffectionate | Unfertilized | Unrelated |
Unaffiliated | Unfettered | Unrelaxed |
Unaffixed | Unfilled | Unrelenting |
Unaffordable | Unfilmed | Unreliable |
Unafraid | Unfinished | Unrelieved |
Unaged | Unfirm | Unremarkable |
Unaggressive | Unfit | Unremarked |
Unagitated | Unfitting | Unremedied |
Unaided | Unfixed | Unremitting |
Unalarming | Unflagging | Unremorseful |
Unalienable | Unflappable | Unremunerative |
Unalike | Unflattering | Unrenewable |
Unalloyed | Unflavored | Unrenewed |
Unalterable | Unflavoured | Unrentable |
Unaltered | Unflawed | Unrepaired |
Unambiguous | Unfledged | Unrepeatable |
Unambitious | Unflinching | Unrepentant |
Unamended | Unfluctuating | Unreplaceable |
Unanalyzable | Unflurried | Unreportable |
Unanalyzed | Unflustered | Unreported |
Unangry | Unforbearing | Unrepresentative |
Unanimated | Unforced | Unrepresented |
Unanimous | Unforceful | Unreproducible |
Unannealed | Unforeseeable | Unrequested |
Unannounced | Unforeseen | Unrequited |
Unanswerable | Unforesightful | Unresentful |
Unanswered | Unforested | Unreserved |
Unanticipated | Unforethoughtful | Unresistant |
Unapologetic | Unforfeitable | Unresisting |
Unappareled | Unforgettable | Unresolvable |
Unapparent | Unforgivable | Unresolved |
Unappealable | Unforgiving | Unrespectable |
Unappealing | Unformed | Unresponsive |
Unappeasable | Unfortunate | Unrested |
Unappendaged | Unfounded | Unrestrained |
Unappetising | Unframed | Unrestricted |
Unappetizing | Unfree | Unrestrictive |
Unappreciated | Unfrequented | Unretentive |
Unappreciative | Unfretted | Unretrievable |
Unapprehensive | Unfriendly | Unrevealed |
Unapproachable | Unfrightened | Unreverberant |
Unarbitrary | Unfrosted | Unrevived |
Unarguable | Unfrozen | Unrewarded |
Unargumentative | Unfruitful | Unrewarding |
Unarmed | Unfueled | Unrhetorical |
Unarmored | Unfulfilled | Unrhymed |
Unarmoured | Unfunctional | Unrhythmic |
Unarticulate | Unfunded | Unrhythmical |
Unarticulated | Unfunny | Unrifled |
Unartistic | Unfurnished | Unrigged |
Unary | Unfurrowed | Unrighteous |
Unascertainable | Ungainly | Unrimed |
Unascribable | Ungallant | Unripe |
Unashamed | Ungarbed | Unripened |
Unasked | Ungarmented | Unrivaled |
Unassailable | Ungathered | Unrivalled |
Unassertive | Ungeared | Unromantic |
Unassignable | Ungenerous | Unroofed |
Unassigned | Ungentle | Unrouged |
Unassisted | Ungentlemanlike | Unruffled |
Unassuming | Ungentlemanly | Unruly |
Unassured | Ungetatable | Unsaddled |
Unasterisked | Unglamorous | Unsafe |
Unattached | Unglamourous | Unsaid |
Unattackable | Unglazed | Unsalable |
Unattainable | Ungodly | Unsalaried |
Unattended | Ungovernable | Unsaleable |
Unattired | Ungoverned | Unsalted |
Unattractive | Ungraceful | Unsalvageable |
Unattributable | Ungracious | Unsanctified |
Unauthentic | Ungraded | Unsanctioned |
Unauthorized | Ungrammatical | Unsanded |
Unavailable | Ungrasped | Unsanitary |
Unavailing | Ungrateful | Unsaponified |
Unavenged | Ungratified | Unsarcastic |
Unavoidable | Ungratifying | Unsated |
Unavowed | Ungregarious | Unsatiable |
Unawakened | Ungroomed | Unsatiated |
Unaware | Ungrudging | Unsatisfactory |
Unawed | Ungual | Unsatisfiable |
Unbacked | Unguaranteed | Unsatisfied |
Unbaffled | Unguarded | Unsatisfying |
Unbalanced | Unguiculate | Unsaturated |
Unbalconied | Unguided | Unsaved |
Unbanded | Ungulate | Unsavory |
Unbaptized | Ungulated | Unsavoury |
Unbarred | Ungummed | Unscalable |
Unbarreled | Ungusseted | Unscathed |
Unbarrelled | Unhallowed | Unscheduled |
Unbearable | Unhampered | Unscholarly |
Unbeatable | Unhandsome | Unschooled |
Unbeaten | Unhappy | Unscientific |
Unbecoming | Unhardened | Unscripted |
Unbefitting | Unharmed | Unscrupulous |
Unbeholden | Unharmonious | Unsealed |
Unbeknown | Unhatched | Unseamanlike |
Unbeknownst | Unhazardous | Unseamed |
Unbelievable | Unheaded | Unseasonable |
Unbelieving | Unhealed | Unseasoned |
Unbeloved | Unhealthful | Unseaworthy |
Unbelted | Unhealthy | Unsectarian |
Unbendable | Unhearable | Unsecured |
Unbending | Unheard | Unseductive |
Unbeneficed | Unhearing | Unseeable |
Unbent | Unheated | Unseeded |
Unbigoted | Unheeded | Unseeing |
Unbitter | Unheeding | Unseemly |
Unbleached | Unhelpful | Unseen |
Unblemished | Unheralded | Unsegmented |
Unblended | Unhesitating | Unsegregated |
Unblinking | Unhewn | Unselected |
Unbloody | Unhindered | Unselective |
Unblushing | Unhinged | Unselfconscious |
Unbodied | Unholy | Unselfish |
Unbolted | Unhomogenized | Unsensational |
Unbooked | Unhoped | Unsent |
Unbordered | Unhopeful | Unsentimental |
Unborn | Unhuman | Unserviceable |
Unbound | Unhumorous | Unservile |
Unbounded | Unhurried | Unsettled |
Unbowed | Unhurt | Unsettling |
Unbraced | Unhygienic | Unsexed |
Unbrainwashed | Uniate | Unsexy |
Unbranched | Unicameral | Unshackled |
Unbranching | Unicellular | Unshaded |
Unbranded | Unicuspid | Unshadowed |
Unbreakable | Unidentifiable | Unshakable |
Unbridgeable | Unidentified | Unshaken |
Unbridled | Unidimensional | Unshaped |
Unbroken | Unidirectional | Unshapely |
Unbrushed | Unifacial | Unshapen |
Unburdened | Unified | Unshared |
Unburied | Unifilar | Unsharpened |
Unburnished | Unifoliate | Unshaved |
Unbuttoned | Uniform | Unshaven |
Uncamphorated | Uniformed | Unsheared |
Uncanny | Unilateral | Unsheathed |
Uncapped | Unilluminated | Unshelled |
Uncarbonated | Unilluminating | Unshielded |
Uncaring | Unimaginable | Unshockable |
Uncarpeted | Unimaginative | Unshod |
Uncarved | Unimagined | Unshoed |
Uncastrated | Unimodal | Unshorn |
Uncategorized | Unimpaired | Unshrinkable |
Uncaulked | Unimpassioned | Unshrinking |
Unceasing | Unimpeachable | Unshuttered |
Uncensored | Unimpeded | Unsighted |
Unceremonial | Unimportant | Unsightly |
Unceremonious | Unimposing | Unsigned |
Uncertain | Unimpregnated | Unsilenced |
Uncertified | Unimpressionable | Unsinkable |
Unchained | Unimpressive | Unsized |
Unchallengeable | Unimprisoned | Unskilled |
Unchallenged | Unimproved | Unskillful |
Unchangeable | Unincorporated | Unsleeping |
Unchanged | Unindustrialized | Unsloped |
Unchanging | Uninebriated | Unsmiling |
Uncharacteristic | Uninfected | Unsmooth |
Uncharged | Uninflected | Unsmoothed |
Uncharitable | Uninfluenced | Unsnarled |
Uncharted | Uninfluential | Unsociable |
Unchartered | Uninformative | Unsocial |
Unchaste | Uninformed | Unsoiled |
Uncheckable | Uninhabitable | Unsold |
Unchecked | Uninhabited | Unsoldierly |
Uncheerful | Uninhibited | Unsolicited |
Unchewable | Uninitiate | Unsoluble |
Unchivalrous | Uninitiated | Unsolvable |
Unchristian | Uninjectable | Unsolved |
Unchristianly | Uninjured | Unsophisticated |
Unchristlike | Uninominal | Unsorted |
Uncial | Uninquiring | Unsought |
Uncivil | Uninquisitive | Unsound |
Uncivilized | Uninspired | Unsoundable |
Unclad | Uninspiring | Unsounded |
Unclaimed | Uninstructed | Unsoured |
Unclassifiable | Uninstructive | Unsown |
Unclassified | Uninsurable | Unspaced |
Unclean | Uninsured | Unsparing |
Unclear | Unintegrated | Unspeakable |
Unclimbable | Unintelligent | Unspecialized |
Unclipped | Unintelligible | Unspecific |
Unclogged | Unintentional | Unspecified |
Unclothed | Uninterested | Unspectacular |
Unclouded | Uninteresting | Unspent |
Uncluttered | Uninterrupted | Unspoiled |
Uncoated | Unintimidated | Unspoilt |
Uncoiled | Unintoxicated | Unspoken |
Uncollected | Unintrusive | Unsporting |
Uncolored | Uninucleate | Unsportsmanlike |
Uncolumned | Uninventive | Unspotted |
Uncombable | Uninvited | Unstable |
Uncombed | Uninviting | Unstaged |
Uncombined | Uninvolved | Unstained |
Uncomely | Union | Unstarred |
Uncomfortable | Unionized | Unstated |
Uncommercial | Uniovular | Unstatesmanlike |
Uncommitted | Uniovulate | Unsteady |
Uncommon | Uniparous | Unsterilized |
Uncommunicative | Unipolar | Unstilted |
Uncomparable | Unique | Unstimulating |
Uncompartmented | Unironed | Unstinted |
Uncompassionate | Unisex | Unstinting |
Uncompensated | Unisexual | Unstirred |
Uncompetitive | Unitarian | Unstoppable |
Uncomplaining | Unitary | Unstoppered |
Uncomplete | United | Unstrained |
Uncompleted | Univalent | Unstratified |
Uncomplicated | Univalve | Unstructured |
Uncomplimentary | Universal | Unstrung |
Uncompounded | Universalist | Unstuck |
Uncomprehended | Universalistic | Unstudied |
Uncomprehending | Univocal | Unstudious |
Uncomprehensible | Unjointed | Unstylish |
Uncompromising | Unjust | Unsuasible |
Unconcealed | Unjustifiable | Unsubdivided |
Unconcerned | Unjustified | Unsubduable |
Unconditional | Unkempt | Unsubdued |
Unconditioned | Unkept | Unsubmissive |
Unconfined | Unkeyed | Unsubstantial |
Unconfirmed | Unkind | Unsubstantiated |
Unconformable | Unkindled | Unsubtle |
Unconformist | Unkindly | Unsuccessful |
Uncongenial | Unknowable | Unsufferable |
Unconnected | Unknowledgeable | Unsugared |
Unconquerable | Unknown | Unsuitable |
Unconquered | Unlabeled | Unsuited |
Unconscientious | Unlabelled | Unsullied |
Unconscionable | Unlaced | Unsung |
Unconscious | Unladylike | Unsupportable |
Unconsecrated | Unlamented | Unsupported |
Unconsidered | Unlatched | Unsupportive |
Unconsolable | Unlaureled | Unsure |
Unconsolidated | Unlaurelled | Unsurmountable |
Unconstipated | Unlawful | Unsurpassable |
Unconstitutional | Unleaded | Unsurprising |
Unconstrained | Unlearned | Unsusceptible |
Unconstricted | Unleavened | Unsuspected |
Unconstructive | Unlettered | Unsuspecting |
Unconsumed | Unlicenced | Unsuspicious |
Unconsummated | Unlifelike | Unsustainable |
Uncontainable | Unlighted | Unswayed |
Uncontaminated | Unlikable | Unsweet |
Uncontaminating | Unlike | Unsweetened |
Uncontested | Unlikeable | Unswept |
Uncontrived | Unlikely | Unswerving |
Uncontrollable | Unlimited | Unsworn |
Uncontrolled | Unlined | Unsyllabic |
Uncontroversial | Unlipped | Unsyllabled |
Unconventional | Unlisted | Unsymbolic |
Unconverted | Unlit | Unsymmetric |
Unconvertible | Unliterary | Unsymmetrical |
Unconvinced | Unlittered | Unsympathetic |
Unconvincing | Unlivable | Unsympathizing |
Uncooked | Unliveable | Unsynchronized |
Uncool | Unliveried | Unsynchronous |
Uncooperative | Unlobed | Unsystematic |
Uncoordinated | Unlocated | Untactful |
Uncordial | Unlocked | Untagged |
Uncorrectable | Unlogical | Untainted |
Uncorrected | Unlovable | Untalented |
Uncorrelated | Unloved | Untalkative |
Uncorroborated | Unlovely | Untamable |
Uncorrupted | Unloving | Untamed |
Uncounted | Unlubricated | Untanned |
Uncoupled | Unlucky | Untaped |
Uncousinly | Unmade | Untapped |
Uncouth | Unmalicious | Untarnished |
Uncovered | Unmalleable | Untasted |
Uncrannied | Unmalted | Untaught |
Uncreative | Unmanageable | Untaxed |
Uncritical | Unmanful | Untechnical |
Uncropped | Unmanlike | Untellable |
Uncrowded | Unmanly | Untempered |
Uncrowned | Unmanned | Untempting |
Uncrystallized | Unmannered | Untenable |
Unctuous | Unmannerly | Untenanted |
Uncultivable | Unmapped | Untended |
Uncultivatable | Unmarked | Untested |
Uncultivated | Unmarketable | Untethered |
Uncultured | Unmarred | Unthankful |
Uncurbed | Unmarried | Unthawed |
Uncured | Unmasked | Untheatrical |
Uncurled | Unmatchable | Unthematic |
Uncurtained | Unmatched | Unthinkable |
Uncurved | Unmated | Unthinking |
Uncurving | Unmeasurable | Unthought |
Uncut | Unmeasured | Unthoughtful |
Undamaged | Unmechanical | Unthreatening |
Undatable | Unmechanized | Untidy |
Undated | Unmediated | Untilled |
Undaunted | Unmedical | Untimbered |
Undeceived | Unmedicative | Untimely |
Undecided | Unmedicinal | Untipped |
Undecipherable | Unmelodic | Untired |
Undeciphered | Unmelodious | Untiring |
Undeclared | Unmelted | Untitled |
Undecomposable | Unmemorable | Untoasted |
Undecorated | Unmentionable | Untold |
Undedicated | Unmercenary | Untoothed |
Undefeated | Unmerciful | Untouchable |
Undefendable | Unmerited | Untouched |
Undefended | Unmeritorious | Untoughened |
Undeferential | Unmethodical | Untoward |
Undefiled | Unmilitary | Untraceable |
Undefinable | Unmindful | Untracked |
Undefined | Unmined | Untraditional |
Undelineated | Unmingled | Untrained |
Undemanding | Unmistakable | Untransferable |
Undemocratic | Unmistakeable | Untranslatable |
Undemonstrative | Unmitigable | Untransmutable |
Undeniable | Unmitigated | Untraveled |
Undenominational | Unmixable | Untravelled |
Undependable | Unmixed | Untraversable |
Undepicted | Unmoderated | Untreated |
Under | Unmodernized | Untried |
Underactive | Unmodifiable | Untrimmed |
Underage | Unmodified | Untrod |
Underarm | Unmodulated | Untrodden |
Underbred | Unmolested | Untroubled |
Underclass | Unmortgaged | Untrue |
Underclothed | Unmotivated | Untrusting |
Undercoated | Unmotorized | Untrustworthy |
Undercooked | Unmourned | Untrusty |
Undercover | Unmovable | Untruthful |
Underdeveloped | Unmoved | Untucked |
Underdone | Unmoving | Untufted |
Undereducated | Unmown | Untuneful |
Underemployed | Unmusical | Unturned |
Underfed | Unmutilated | Untutored |
Underfunded | Unmyelinated | Untwisted |
Underground | Unnameable | Untypical |
Underhand | Unnamed | Unusable |
Underhanded | Unnatural | Unuseable |
Underhung | Unnaturalized | Unusual |
Underivative | Unnavigable | Unutterable |
Underived | Unnecessary | Unuttered |
Underlying | Unneeded | Unvaccinated |
Undermanned | Unneighborly | Unvalued |
Undermentioned | Unneighbourly | Unvaned |
Undernourished | Unnerved | Unvanquishable |
Underpopulated | Unnerving | Unvanquished |
Underprivileged | Unneurotic | Unvaried |
Underqualified | Unnotched | Unvarnished |
Underrated | Unnoted | Unvarying |
Undersea | Unnoticeable | Unvendible |
Undersealed | Unnoticed | Unvented |
Undersexed | Unnourished | Unventilated |
Undershot | Unnumberable | Unverbalized |
Undersize | Unnumbered | Unverifiable |
Undersized | Unnumerable | Unverified |
Underslung | Unobjectionable | Unvigilant |
Understaffed | Unobjective | Unvindictive |
Understandable | Unobligated | Unvitrified |
Understanding | Unobliging | Unvoiced |
Understated | Unobservable | Unvoluntary |
Understood | Unobservant | Unvulcanized |
Underwater | Unobserved | Unwanted |
Underway | Unobstructed | Unwarmed |
Underweight | Unobtainable | Unwarrantable |
Undescended | Unobtrusive | Unwarranted |
Undescriptive | Unobvious | Unwary |
Undeserved | Unoccupied | Unwashed |
Undeserving | Unoffending | Unwatchable |
Undesigned | Unofficial | Unwatchful |
Undesirable | Unoiled | Unwavering |
Undesired | Unopen | Unwaxed |
Undesiring | Unopened | Unweaned |
Undesirous | Unopposable | Unwearable |
Undestroyable | Unordered | Unwearied |
Undetectable | Unorganized | Unwearying |
Undetected | Unoriented | Unweathered |
Undeterminable | Unoriginal | Unwebbed |
Undetermined | Unornamented | Unwed |
Undeterred | Unorthodox | Unwedded |
Undeveloped | Unostentatious | Unwelcome |
Undeviating | Unowned | Unwell |
Undiagnosable | Unoxygenated | Unwholesome |
Undifferentiated | Unpackaged | Unwieldy |
Undigested | Unpaid | Unwilled |
Undignified | Unpainful | Unwilling |
Undiluted | Unpaintable | Unwise |
Undiminished | Unpainted | Unwished |
Undimmed | Unpaired | Unwitting |
Undiplomatic | Unpalatable | Unwomanly |
Undirected | Unparallel | Unwonted |
Undiscerning | Unparalleled | Unwooded |
Undischarged | Unpardonable | Unworkable |
Undisciplined | Unparented | Unworkmanlike |
Undiscouraged | Unparliamentary | Unworldly |
Undiscoverable | Unpartitioned | Unworried |
Undiscovered | Unpassable | Unworthy |
Undiscriminating | Unpasteurized | Unwounded |
Undismayed | Unpatented | Unwoven |
Undisputable | Unpatriotic | Unwrinkled |
Undisputed | Unpatronized | Unwritten |
Undissolved | Unpatterned | Unyielding |
Undistinguishable | Unpaved | Upbeat |
Undistinguished | Unpeaceable | Upbound |
Undistorted | Unpeaceful | Upcoming |
Undistributed | Unpeopled | Upcountry |
Undisturbed | Unperceivable | Upcurved |
Undiversified | Unperceived | Upended |
Undividable | Unperceiving | Upfield |
Undivided | Unperceptive | Upfront |
Undoable | Unperformed | Uphill |
Undocumented | Unpermed | Upland |
Undogmatic | Unpermissive | Upmarket |
Undogmatical | Unperplexed | Upmost |
Undomestic | Unpersuadable | Upper |
Undomesticated | Unpersuaded | Uppercase |
Undoubted | Unpersuasive | Upper-Class |
Undrained | Unperturbed | Uppermost |
Undramatic | Unpictured | Uppish |
Undraped | Unpicturesque | Uppity |
Undrawn | Unpierced | Upright |
Undreamed | Unpigmented | Uproarious |
Undreamt | Unpillared | Upscale |
Undried | Unpitying | Upset |
Undrinkable | Unplaced | Upsetting |
Undue | Unplanned | Upstage |
Undulant | Unplanted | Upstair |
Undulate | Unplayable | Upstairs |
Undulatory | Unplayful | Upstanding |
Undutiful | Unpleasant | Upstart |
Undyed | Unpleasing | Upstream |
Undying | Unpledged | Uptight |
Undynamic | Unploughed | Up-To-Date |
Uneager | Unplowed | Uptown |
Unearned | Unplumbed | Upturned |
Unearthly | Unpointed | Upward |
Uneasy | Unpolished | Upwind |
Uneatable | Unpolitical | Uraemic |
Uneconomic | Unpolluted | Urban |
Uneconomical | Unpompous | Urbane |
Unedifying | Unpopular | Urbanized |
Unedited | Unpopulated | Urceolate |
Uneducated | Unportable | Uremic |
Uneffective | Unpotted | Urethral |
Unelaborate | Unpowered | Urgent |
Unelaborated | Unpracticed | Uric |
Unembellished | Unprecedented | Uricosuric |
Unembodied | Unpredictable | Urinary |
Unemotional | Unpredicted | Urogenital |
Unemphatic | Unpredictive | Ursine |
Unemployable | Unprejudiced | Uruguayan |
Unemployed | Unpremeditated | Usable |
Unencouraging | Unprepared | Useable |
Unencumbered | Unprepossessing | Useful |
Unended | Unpresentable | Useless |
Unending | Unpresidential | Usual |
Unendowed | Unpretending | Usurious |
Unendurable | Unpretentious | Uterine |
Unenergetic | Unpreventable | Utile |
Unenforceable | Unpriestly | Utilitarian |
Unenforced | Unprincipled | Utility |
Unengaged | Unprintable | Utilizable |
Unenlightened | Unproblematic | Utmost |
Unenlightening | Unprocurable | Utopian |
Unenlivened | Unproductive | Utter |
Unenterprising | Unprofessional | Utterable |
Unenthusiastic | Unprofitable | Uttered |
Unentitled | Unprogressive | Uttermost |
Positive Adjectives That Start with U
Following are some positive adjectives that start with U. If you want to make a positive impression in front of people, try to use them often.
Unabashed | Understanding | Unprecedented |
Unadorned | Understood | Unquestioning |
Unadulterated | Undisputed | Unrivaled |
Unaffected | Undivided | Unruffled |
Unafraid | Undoubted | Unselfish |
Unanimous | Unencumbered | Unsinkable |
Unassailable | Unending | Unspoiled |
Unassisted | Unequivocal | Unstoppable |
Unbeatable | Unerring | Untainted |
Unbeaten | Uneventful | Untapped |
Unbiased | Unfailing | Untroubled |
Unblemished | Unforgettable | Unused |
Unbreakable | Uniform | Upbeat |
Unceasing | Uninjured | Upmost |
Uncluttered | Uninterrupted | Upper |
Unconcerned | Unique | Upright |
Unconditional | United | Upward |
Unconstrained | Universal | Urbane |
Unconventional | Unmasked | Useful |
Uncritical | Unmatched | Utopian |
Undaunted | Unmistakable | Utter |
Undefeated | Unopposed | Unperturbed |
Undeniable |
Negative Adjectives That Start with U
Below is a list of adjectives starting with U that you can use to describe different aspects and features of people and things in a negative way.
Ugly | Undefined | Uninspired |
Unable | Underfunded | Unintelligent |
Unacceptable | Underhanded | Unintended |
Unaccountable | Underrated | Unjust |
Unaccustomed | Undesirable | Unkempt |
Unacknowledged | Undignified | Unkind |
Unadvised | Undiplomatic | Unlawful |
Unaffordable | Undisciplined | Unlicensed |
Unanswerable | Undistinguished | Unlikable |
Unanticipated | Uneasy | Unmerciful |
Unapologetic | Uneducated | Unmitigated |
Unappealing | Unemployed | Unnatural |
Unappetizing | Uneven | Unnecessary |
Unappreciative | Unfair | Unobtainable |
Unapproachable | Unfaithful | Unplanned |
Unattainable | Unfamiliar | Unprofessional |
Unattractive | Unfashionable | Unraveled |
Unauthorized | Unfavorable | Unreachable |
Unavailable | Unfeeling | Unreadable |
Unbearable | Unfilled | Unrealistic |
Unbeatable | Unforeseeable | Unruly |
Unbecoming | Unforgettable | Unsafe |
Uncaring | Unforgivable | Unsettled |
Uncertain | Unforgiving | Unsettling |
Unclean | Unfortunate | Unsightly |
Uncommunicative | Unfriendly | Unskilled |
Uncomprehending | Ungraceful | Unsolvable |
Unconquerable | Unguarded | Unsophisticated |
Unconscionable | Unhappy | Unsound |
Unconscious | Unhealthy | Unsuited |
Uncontrollable | Unheeded | Unsure |
Uncooperative | Unhelpful | Untamed |
Uncoordinated | Unimpressive | Uninformed |
Uncouth |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start with U
Below are some descriptive words that start with U. They have the amazing power of making your written and oral conversations much more specific and a lot more interesting.
Ubiquitous | Undone | Unneighborly |
Ultimate | Undue | Unparalleled |
Ultra | Unearthed | Unpassable |
Umber | Uneasy | Unpredictable |
Unable | Unemployed | Unqualified |
Unacceptable | Unerring | Unquestionable |
Unactive | Unfailing | Unread |
Unadvisable | Unfaithful | Unreal |
Unargued | Unfavorable | Unremitting |
Unarmed | Unfilled | Unripe |
Unasked | Unfirm | Unrivaled |
Unbecoming | Unfit | Unruly |
Unbelievable | Ungainly | Unseen |
Unbelieved | Unglued | Unsettling |
Unbidden | Ungovernable | Unsorted |
Unblemished | Ungraceful | Unstable |
Unborn | Unhappy | Unstudied |
Unbuttoned | Unheard | Unsubstantiated |
Uncanny | Unified | Unsuitable |
Uncertain | Uniform | Unthinkable |
Uncompromising | Unilateral | Unthinking |
Unconditional | United | Untitled |
Uncontested | Universal | Untrue |
Uncurable | Unjust | Unusual |
Uncut | Unkind | Unwashed |
Underage | Unknown | Unwell |
Undercurrent | Unlike | Unwieldy |
Underdressed | Unlimited | Unwilling |
Underground | Unloved | Unwise |
Underhand | Unmade | Unwitting |
Underhanded | Unmerciful | Unworkable |
Undirected | Unmistakable | Unworthy |
Undisclosed | Unnatural | Unwritten |
Adjectives That Start with U to Describe a Person
In this section we have put together a list of adjectives that start with U to describe a person. Which one would you use to describe yourself or your closest one?
Ugly | Unfavorable | Unsightly |
Ukrainian | Unfocused | Unsophisticated |
Unable | Unforgettable | Unspeakable |
Unacceptable | Unguarded | Unspoiled |
Unaccountable | Unharmed | Unstable |
Unacknowledged | Unholy | Unsuited |
Unaffected | Unhurt | Unsullied |
Unattractive | Unimpeachable | Unsupervised |
Unavailable | Unimpressive | Unsupported |
Unbalanced | Uninformed | Untested |
Unbeatable | Uninjured | Unthinking |
Unbelievable | Unique | Untidy |
Unblemished | United | Untouchable |
Unblinking | Unladylike | Untrue |
Unblushing | Unlucky | Untrustworthy |
Unchangeable | Unmanly | Untrusty |
Uncivilized | Unmatched | Unusual |
Uncommon | Unnoticeable | Unwell |
Unconditional | Unobjectionable | Unwitting |
Unconscious | Unorthodox | Uppity |
Undefeated | Unpopular | Upright |
Underage | Unpredictable | Upsetting |
Underbred | Unprompted | Upstage |
Underprivileged | Unqualified | Upstanding |
Underqualified | Unrefined | Urbane |
Underrated | Unreliable | Used |
Undisputed | Unresponsive | Useful |
Undoubted | Unruly | Useless |
Unemployed | Unsafe | Utopian |
Unfaithful | Unscathed |
Adjectives That Start with U – Definitions and Examples
Merely going through the list of adjectives starting with U is not enough. We recommend you to further learn their definitions and examples below.
Ubiquitous: seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time; very common; omnipresent.
– The ubiquitous bicycles of university towns.
Ugandan: person from Uganda; African, Afrikaner; Algerian.
– Ugandan child soldiers.
Ugly: unpleasant to look at; unattractive; displeasing.
– An ugly face.
Ukrainian: a person from Ukraine; Little Russian; Malo-Russian.
– Ukrainian elections.
Ulcerated: having an ulcer or canker; cankerous; sore; painful.
– Standing for years at a time causes swollen legs and ulcerated feet.
Ulcerative: relating to or being affected by an ulcer; festering; cankerous.
– Soon he had several huge, ulcerous sores on his legs.
Ulnar: Of or pertaining to the ulna, or the elbow; ulna; elbow bone.
– Ulnar nerve.
Ulterior: (of a reason for doing something) that somebody keeps hidden and does not admit; unrevealed; concealed.
– She must have some ulterior motive for being nice to me what does she really want?
Ultimate: happening at the end of a long process; final; eventual.
– We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens.
Ultimo: in or during the previous month; earlier than the present time; no longer current.
– A letter of the 7th ultimo.
Ultraconservative: extremely or extraordinarily conservative; right-winger; rightist.
– An ultraconservative investment strategy.
Ultramarine: situated beyond the sea; indigo; navy.
– The male is indigo blue with ultramarine blue supercilium and forehead.
Ultramicroscopic: too small to be seen with an ordinary microscope; molecular; imponderable.
– The fiber diameter was measured and ultramicroscopic was observed.
Ultramodern: very advanced in ideas, design, or techniques; progressive; forward-looking.
– The decorator appointed the hotel with ultramodern furnishings.
Ultrasonic: higher than humans can hear; accelerated; brisk.
– Ultrasonic waves.
Ultraviolet: of or using electromagnetic waves that are just shorter than those of violet light in the spectrum and that cannot be seen; Roentgen rays; radioactivity.
– An ultraviolet lamp.
Umbellate: bearing or consisting of or resembling umbels; umbellar; bulging.
– Grifola umbellate could also absorb nutrition from the earth.
Umbelliferous: bearing an umbel or umbels; umbellar; bulging.
– Many of these frequent the blossoms of Golden-rods, umbelliferous and other late-flowering plants.
Umber: yellow or reddish brown in colour; beige; bister.
– A burnt umber man in a raw sienna compartment.
Umbilicate: having an umbilicus or navel; umbilical; omphalic.
– A central depression an umbilicate leaf.
Umbrageous: filled with shade; shadowed; shadowy.
– Cool umbrageous woodlands.
Umbrellalike: resembling an umbrella; umbrella; sunshade.
– An umbrellalike dome fourteen feet in diameter S. M. Spencer.
Umpteen: very many; indefinitely; numerous.
– Ellie had already phoned her sister umpteen times.
Umpteenth: happening or coming after many other occasions, things or people; countless; infinite.
– This is crazy,’ she told herself for the umpteenth time.
Umptieth: last in an indefinitely numerous series; umpteenth; umpteenth.
– After the re tied the knot for the umptieth time, he finally figured out how to make it stay tied.
Unabashed: not ashamed, embarrassed or affected by people’s negative opinions, when other people would be; unashamed; shameless.
– He was unabashed by the reaction he had caused.
Unabated: without becoming any less strong; continuous; endless.
– The rain continued unabated.
Unable: unable to do something not having the skill, strength, time, knowledge, etc. to do something; powerless; impotent.
– They have been unable or unwilling to resolve the conflict.
Unabridged: complete, without being made shorter in any way; unreduced; uncondensed.
– The message in the newspaper is unabridged.
Unaccented: having no regional or foreign accent; dull; feeble.
– Her English is unaccented.
Unacceptable: so bad that you think it should not be allowed; intolerable; insufferable.
– Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society.
Unaccepted: not given acceptance; not accepted; unpopular.
– An unaccepted submission.
Unaccessible: capable of being reached only with great difficulty or not at all; inaccessible outback; remote.
– Always unaccessible to touch sky.
Unaccommodating: not providing or inclined to provide help or assistance; troublesome; argumentative.
– Her music is similarly unaccommodating.
Unaccompanied: without a person going together with somebody/something; unescorted; unattended.
– No unaccompanied children allowed.
Unaccountable: impossible to understand or explain; inexplicable; unsolvable.
– There has been an unaccountable increase in cases of the disease.
Unaccredited: not recognized as meeting prescribed standards or requirements; unauthorized; unlicensed.
– She holds a degree from an unaccredited university.
Unaccustomed: unaccustomed to something/to doing something not in the habit of doing something; not used to something; unfamiliar; uncommon.
– He was unaccustomed to hard work.
Unachievable: that you cannot manage to reach or obtain; distant; impassable.
– Unachievable goals.
Unacknowledged: not receiving the thanks or praise that is deserved; unidentified; unnamed.
– Her contribution to the research went largely unacknowledged.
Unacquainted: unacquainted (with something/somebody) not familiar with something/somebody; having no experience of something; ignorant; inexperienced.
– Visitors unacquainted with local customs.
Unacquisitive: not acquisitive; not interested in acquiring or owning anything; unachieved.
– Our perceptive faculties grow quiet, unprejudiced, and unacquisitive.
Unactable: not capable of or suitable for being performed or portrayed; not actable.
– An unactable play.
Unadapted: not suited by nature, character, or design to a particular use, purpose, or situation; not adapted.
– A plant unadapted to cold climates.
Unadjusted: not changed according to particular facts or circumstances; not adjusted; un-adapted.
– Unadjusted figures which do not take tourism into account showed that unemployment fell in July.
Unadoptable: not capable of being adopted especially because of having some undesirable trait; not adoptable.
– The older animals were considered unadoptable.
Unadorned: without any decoration; simple; unembellished.
– The walls were plain and unadorned.
Unadulterated: you use unadulterated to emphasize that something is complete or total; undiluted; untouched.
– For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure.
Unadventurous: not willing to take risks or try new and exciting things; cautious; prudent.
– The presenter’s remark made me feel very unadventurous and inadequate.
Unadvisable: not prudent or wise; not recommended; inadvisable; imprudent; not prudent or wise.
– It is unadvisable to ripple the flax so severely.
Unaerated: not supplied with oxygen; unoxygenated; unventilated; not ventilated.
– Unaerated blood circulates in the brain, and coma is produced.
Unaesthetic: not beautiful; disgusting; ordinary.
– But he was an extremely unaesthetic person.
Unaffected: unaffected (by something) not changed or influenced by something; not affected by something; unaltered; uninfluenced.
– People’s rights are unaffected by the new law.
Unaffecting: not evoking a strong emotional response; not affecting; unimpressed.
– An unaffecting performance.
Unaffectionate: lacking affection or warm feeling; detached; uncaring; unloving.
– She was keen to escape to London and get away from her unaffectionate and disapproving parents.
Unaffiliated: unaffiliated (with something) not belonging to or connected with a political party or a large organization; independent; nonaligned.
– Candidates unaffiliated with any political party.
Unaffixed: not affixed; loose; immense.
– Unaffixed masculine.
Unaffordable: costing so much that people do not have enough money to pay for it; outrageous; excessive.
– Health insurance is now unaffordable for many people.
Unafraid: not afraid or nervous; not worried about what might happen; fearless; courageous.
– She was unafraid of conflict.
Unaged: not subjected to an aging process; immature; unripe; unripened.
– Unaged tequila tinted with caramel.
Unaggressive: not aggressive; unwarlike; nonbelligerent.
– The dunlin is a small and unaggressive bird.
Unagitated: not physically disturbed or set in motion; not turbulent; relaxed.
– The young girl’s tone was quite unagitated.
Unaided: without help from anyone or anything; unaccompanied; nonpartisan.
– He can now walk unaided.
Unalarming: not alarmed or afraid; undeterred; audacious.
– The stock market makes all this debt seem unalarming.
Unalienable: that cannot be taken away from you; inherent; nontransferable.
– The greatest evil, he believed, did not lie in unalienable rights.
Unalike: not alike; dissimilar; contrasting.
– I did think: wow, we are really unalike.
Unalloyed: not mixed with anything else, such as negative feelings; pure; absolute.
– Unalloyed joy.
Unalterable: that cannot be changed; immutable; unchangeable.
– The unalterable laws of the universe.
Unaltered: that has not changed or been changed; impervious; unconcerned.
– This practice has remained unaltered for centuries.
Unambiguous: clear in meaning; that can only be understood in one way; explicit; obvious.
– An unambiguous statement.
Unambitious: not involving a lot of effort, time, money, etc. or anything new; apathetic; dallying.
– An unambitious plan.
Unamended: not altered or corrected; not amended; unaltered.
– An unamended copy.
Unanalyzable: not capable of being analyzed; not analyzable; undecomposable.
– This weight of evidence is something mystical and unanalyzable.
Unanalyzed: not analyzed or broken down for detailed examination; not analyzed.
– Unanalyzed data.
Unangry: not angry.
– Look down with unangry eyes.
Unanimated: not animated or lively; dull; inanimate.
– There is something strikingly unanimated about her.
Unanimous: if a decision or an opinion is unanimous, it is agreed or shared by everyone in a group; unified; united.
– The decision was not unanimous.
Unannealed: not annealed; not properly heated and cooled; brittle.
– A thoroughly well annealed ring of soft iron.
Unannounced: happening without anyone being told or warned in advance; undisclosed; unpublished.
– She just turned up unannounced on my doorstep.
Unanswerable: an unanswerable argument, etc. is one that nobody can question or disagree with; irrefutable; insoluble.
– They presented an unanswerable case for more investment.
Unanswered: that has not been answered; unresolved; undecided.
– Many questions about the crime remain unanswered.
Unanticipated: that you have not expected or predicted; hasty; hurried.
– Unanticipated costs.
Unapologetic: not saying that you are sorry about something, even in situations in which other people might expect you to; remorseless; unmerciful.
– She was unapologetic about her remarks.
Unappareled: having removed clothing; unattired; unclad; undressed.
– An unappareled boy.
Unapparent: not readily perceptible; not apparent; not easy to see.
– The virus also presents a threat since most infections remain unapparent.
Unappealable: not appealable to a higher court, as a cause; not appealable.
– The Deputy Chief Justice added that the decision was unappealable.
Unappealing: not attractive or pleasant; unlikable; unlikeable.
– The room was painted in an unappealing shade of brown.
Unappeasable: not to be appeased; relentless; implacable; persistent.
– I remembered with a shudder the crib in which Luman had been bound; and the look of unappeasable rage in his eyes.
Unappetizing: unpleasant to eat; looking as if it will be unpleasant to eat; unpalatable; uninviting.
– She brought me an unappetizing meal of cold fried eggs on toast.
Unappreciated: not having your work or your qualities recognized and enjoyed by other people; not appreciated; unacknowledged.
– He was in a job where he felt unappreciated and undervalued.
Unappreciative: not feeling or expressing gratitude; thankless; ungrateful; unthankful.
– Unappreciative of nature’s bounty.
Unapprehensive: not recognizing or slow to recognize danger; fearless; unafraid.
– They settled upon the faces and arms of the paddlers, totally unapprehensive of rebuff.
Unapproachable: of a person not friendly or easy to talk to; detached; reserved.
– Neighbors described the man as being difficult and unapproachable.
Unarguable: that nobody can disagree with; compelling; convincing.
– Unarguable proof.
Unargumentative: not given to or characterized by argument; noncontentious; not given to controversy.
– Her speech was languid and unargumentative.
Unarmed: not carrying a weapon; unguarded; unshielded.
– He walked into the camp alone and unarmed.
Unarmored: not equipped with defensive or protective covering; not armored; scaleless.
– An unarmored vehicle.
Unarmoured: without protective armor; unarmored.
– The most effective against unarmoured troops and a decent strike will one hit kill.
Unarticulated: without or deprived of the use of speech or words; dumb; inarticulate.
– Deep but unarticulated mood.
Unartistic: not conforming to the standards of art; not aesthetically appealing; unimaginative; unoriginal.
– These people seem to be quite happy to spray horrific and unartistic graffiti on memorials.
Unary: involving only one member of a set at a time; single; existing alone.
– It was a mixture of unary fertilizers.
Unascertainable: not able to be ascertained; resisting discovery; undiscoverable.
– The cause of death was unascertainable.
Unashamed: not feeling ashamed or embarrassed about something, especially when people might expect you to; outrageous; rude.
– She talked openly about her unashamed love of money.
Unasked: an unasked question is one that you have not asked even though you would like to know the answer; unsolicited; unsought.
– She answered his unasked question.
Unassailable: that cannot be destroyed, defeated or questioned; impregnable; invulnerable.
– The party now has an unassailable lead.
Unassertive: not assertive; modest; shy.
– I needed no binoculars, only an unassertive presence.
Unassignable: incapable of being transferred; nontransferable; unalienable.
– Unassignable priests.
Unassigned: not given to or reserved for any particular person or purpose; unallocated; unfamiliar.
– The apartment complex offers tenants ample, unassigned parking.
Unassisted: not helped by anyone or anything; unaided; unattended.
– She could not move unassisted.
Unassuming: not wanting to draw attention to yourself or to your abilities or status; modest; humble.
– He did some wonderful work in a quiet and unassuming way.
Unassured: lacking boldness or confidence; lacking self-confidence or assurance; insecure.
– Class 1 is assured delivery, class 2 is blind unassured delivery.
Unasterisked: not marked with an asterisk; unstarred.
– Unasterisked items.
Unattached: not married or involved in a romantic relationship; single; unengaged.
– He was still unattached at the age of 34.
Unattackable: immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with; impregnable; invulnerable.
– Unattackable immune system.
Unattainable: impossible to achieve or reach; unreachable; unachievable.
– An unattainable goal.
Unattended: without the owner present; not being watched or cared for; ignored; disregarded.
– Never leave young children unattended.
Unattired: having removed clothing; unappareled; unclad; undressed.
– Unattired kids.
Unattractive: not attractive or pleasant to look at; disgusting; unappealing.
– An unattractive brown colour.
Unattributable: not able to be ascribed or credited to a source; not capable of being attributed; unascribable.
– An unattributable rumor.
Unauthentic: not real, accurate, or sincere; not authentic; inauthentic.
– I confess to adding my own, very unauthentic addition to the recipe.
Unauthorized: without official permission; unofficial; unsanctioned.
– No access for unauthorized personnel.
Unavailable: unavailable (to somebody/something) that cannot be obtained; inaccessible; unobtainable.
– Such luxuries are unavailable to ordinary people.
Unavailing: without success; unsuccessful; ineffective.
– Their efforts were unavailing.
Unavenged: relating to that which has not been punished or avenged; acquitted; spared.
– His was the perfect crime, undetected, unexplained, motiveless, and unavenged.
Unavoidable: impossible to avoid or prevent; inescapable; inevitable.
– Recession at the time seemed unavoidable.
Unavowed: not affirmed, mentioned, or declared; not avowed; undisclosed; unidentified.
– An unavowed motive.
Unawakened: not aroused or activated; dormant; somnolent
– Unawakened emotions.
Unaware: not knowing or realizing that something is happening or that something exists; ignorant; unconscious.
– He was completely unaware of the whole affair.
Unawed: not filled with awe; aweless; not awed.
– We look for intelligent life off our planet but remain unawed by the societies that live parallel to us on earth.
Unbacked: without backing or support; lawed; illogical.
– An unbacked challenger.
Unbalanced: giving too much or too little importance to one part or aspect of something; unstable; deranged.
– An unbalanced article.
Unbanded: not identified with a band; Lacking a band or string; not fastened.
– An unbanded bird.
Unbaptized: not having undergone the Christian ritual of baptism; unidentified; anonymous.
– She was unbaptised, and I was terrified at the thought of her burning in hell.
Unbarred: not secured by a bar; unlocked; not marked with bars.
– He tried the gate in the high back fence and found it unbarred.
Unbarrelled: not in a barrel; unbarreled.
– An unbarrelled tank.
Unbearable: too painful, annoying or unpleasant to deal with or accept; intolerable; insufferable.
– The heat was becoming unbearable.
Unbeatable: impossible to defeat; invincible; unstoppable.
– This year the team has shown itself to be almost unbeatable.
Unbeaten: not having been defeated; undefeated; unconquered.
– The team are unbeaten in their last four games.
Unbecoming: not suiting a particular person; unflattering; unattractive.
– She was wearing an unbecoming shade of purple.
Unbefitting: unbefitting (of/for/to somebody/something) not suitable or good enough for somebody/something; inappropriate; unsuitable.
– His behaviour is unbefitting of a university professor.
Unbeholden: not having an obligation to someone; not indebted or beholden.
– In our age, for the first time, they could gain power themselves, unbeholden to tribal leaders for support.
Unbeknown: unbeknown to somebody without the person mentioned knowing; unknown; unaware.
– Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise party.
Unbeknownst: unbeknown to somebody without the person mentioned knowing; undiscovered; unperceived.
– Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise party.
Unbelievable: used to emphasize how good, bad or extreme something is; incredible; unimaginable.
– We get through an unbelievable amount of food each week.
Unbelieving: feeling or showing that you do not believe somebody/something; faithless; agnostic.
– She stared at us with unbelieving eyes.
Unbeloved: unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love; bereft; lovelorn unloved.
– An unbeloved monster.
Unbendable: marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable; firm; steadfast; steady.
– A man of unbendable perseverance” synonyms:
Unbending: unwilling to change your opinions, decisions; inflexible; rigid.
– Her father was a stern unbending man.
Unbigoted: showing respect for the rights or opinions or practices of others; not opinionated; tolerant.
– Like his family, he also observed unbigoted, liberal views.
Unbitter: not bitter; not having a bitter taste; unresentful; not resentful.
– An unbitter variety of eggplant.
Unbleached: not made whiter by the use of chemicals; not bleached; pure; raw.
– Unbleached flour.
Unblemished: not spoiled, damaged or marked in any way; impeccable; flawless.
– He had an unblemished reputation.
Unblended: not mixed with other types of the same substance; neat; plain.
– Unblended whisky.
Unblinking: if somebody has an unblinking stare or looks with unblinking eyes, they look very steadily at something and do not blink; steady; unwavering.
– The book provides an unblinking view of the causes of the war.
Unbloody: not bloody; nonviolent; bloodless.
– An unbloody transfer of power.
Unblushing: not feeling or showing embarrassment or shame; arrant; audacious.
– A comedy of manners, encased in the most unblushing melodrama.
Unbodied: having no body; incorporeal; celestial.
– Unbodied souls.
Unbolted: not fastened or secured, as with a bolt or bolts; detach; discharge.
– As the door was unbolted, it burst open on her and the heavy oak wood knocked Ione unconscious.
Unbooked: not reserved in advance; unreserved; unallocated.
– Unbooked train tickets.
Unbordered: having no border; indefinite; indistinct.
– Unbordered shadows.
Unborn: not yet born; embryonic; fetal.
– Her unborn baby.
Unbound: not bound; not attached, as by a chemical bond; unfetter; unshackle
– Unbound electrons.
Unbowed: not defeated or not ready to accept defeat; stubborn; triumphant.
– The losing team left the field bloody but unbowed.
Unbraced: without braces or props; unsupported; attenuate.
– Her shoulder had been unbraced.
Unbrainwashed: not successfully subjected to brainwashing; unconvinced; unpersuaded.
– Despite the torture and the psychological pressure he remained unbrainwashed.
Unbranched: free from or not divided into branches; branchless; having no branches.
– A tree with a straight unbranched trunk.
Unbranded: that does not have a brand name; nonproprietary; untrademarked.
– The website sells cheap, unbranded clothes and accessories.
Unbreakable: impossible to break; indestructible; shatterproof.
– This new material is virtually unbreakable.
Unbridgeable: an unbridgeable gap or difference between two people or groups or their opinions is one that cannot be closed or made less wide; awkward; intolerable.
– Owing to seemingly unbridgeable political differences, there has been little dialogue between the two sides.
Unbridled: lacking control and therefore extreme; unrestrained; unconstrained.
– Unbridled passion.
Unbroken: not interrupted in any way; uninterrupted; continuous.
– A single unbroken line.
Unbrushed: not brushed; ungroomed; messy; rumpled.
– The suit was wrinkled and unbrushed,
Unburied: not buried or placed in a grave; disembalm; disentomb.
– The unburied bodies were discovered at ten different sites.
Unburnished: not burnished; unpolished; dull.
– His recollections are more striking for being so understated and unburnished.
Unbuttoned: informal and relaxed; unzipped; unfastened.
– Staff respond well to her unbuttoned style of management.
Uncanny: strange and difficult to explain; weird; mysterious.
– I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched.
Uncapped: not selected for a representative team; unsealed; broke open.
– The team is made up largely of uncapped players.
Uncarbonated: not having carbonation; noncarbonated; noneffervescent.
– Frozen uncarbonated beverages are made by freezing a non-carbonated juice or other liquid.
Uncaring: not showing sympathy about the problems or pain of other people; callous; heartless.
– He was selfish and uncaring.
Uncarpeted: not carpeted; uncovered; unpainted.
– Bare uncarpeted floors.
Uncarved: not having been carved or shaped with knife or other tool; natural; unmodified.
– In uncarved simplicity the people attain their true nature.
Uncastrated: not castrated; intact; entire.
– An uncastrated stallion.
Uncategorized: not categorized or sorted; unsorted; unclassified.
– In the past the uncategorized pages were updated once a week.
Unceasing: continuing all the time; incessant; ceaseless.
– Planes passed overhead with unceasing regularity.
Uncensored: not censored, having had parts removed that are not considered suitable for the public; uncut; entire.
– An uncensored newspaper article.
Unceremonial: discourteously abrupt; hasty; rude.
– He made an unceremonial departure in the middle of my speech.
Unceremonious: done roughly and rudely; abrupt; sudden.
– He was bundled out of the room with unceremonious haste.
Uncertain: uncertain (about/of something) feeling doubt about something; not sure; unresolved.
– They’re both uncertain about what to do.
Uncertified: not endorsed; not confirmed, guaranteed, or attested authoritatively; not certified.
– An uncertified teacher.
Unchallengeable: that cannot be questioned or argued with; that cannot be challenged; noncontroversial; uncontroversial.
– Unchallengeable evidence.
Unchallenged: not doubted; accepted without question; not challenged.
– She could not allow such a claim to go unchallenged.
Unchangeable: that cannot be changed; unalterable; immutable.
– Unchangeable laws.
Unchanged: that has stayed the same and not changed; unaffected; uninterrupted.
– My opinion remains unchanged.
Unchanging: that always stays the same and does not change; consistent; constant.
– The party stood for certain unchanging principles.
Uncharacteristic: uncharacteristic (of somebody) not typical of somebody; not the way somebody usually behaves; uncommon; unconventional.
– The remark was quite uncharacteristic of her.
Uncharged: not charged, especially with electricity; electrically neutral; electroneutral; drained.
– An uncharged battery.
Uncharitable: unkind and unfair in the way that you judge people; unkind; inconsiderate.
– Uncharitable thoughts.
Uncharted: not marked on a map; that has not been visited or investigated before; unexplored; untraveled.
– The ship hit an uncharted rock.
Unchartered: not recorded or plotted on a map, chart, or plan; undiscovered; unexplored.
– An unchartered island.
Unchaste: not chaste; not virtuous; not pure.
– An unchaste woman.
Uncheckable: incapable of being checked or restrained; difficult; unmanageable; hard to control.
– An uncheckable force.
Unchecked: if something harmful is unchecked, it is not stopped from getting worse; uncontrolled; berserk.
– The rise in violent crime must not go unchecked.
Uncheerful: causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy; cheerless; depressing.
– A moody and uncheerful person.
Unchewable: not able or suited to be chewed; not chewable; tough.
– Unchewable meat.
Unchivalrous: not chivalrous; lacking in chivalry; crude; impolite.
– An unchivalrous rivalry.
Unchristian: not of a Christian faith; christless; nonchristian.
– I am not aware of any parish that does that in an unchristian, unfriendly manner.
Unchristianly: not professing Christianity or its teachings; unkind, unfair; morally wrong.
– She was possessed of a very unchristianly suspicion about her half-sister.
Uncial: Of or relating to an ounce, or an inch, especially to letters printed an inch high. Majuscule; initial.
– The uncial letters are very small and neat, upright and regular, and their breadth is nearly equal to their height.
Uncivil: not polite; rude; insulting.
– He laughed at her uncivil behavior.
Uncivilized: not having developed a modern culture and way of life; uneducated; uncultured.
– I have worked in the wildest and most uncivilized parts of the world.
Unclad: naked; nude; undressed.
– Unclad beauties in tropical pools.
Unclaimed: that nobody has claimed as belonging to them or being owed to them; nameless; undisclosed.
– The prize has remained unclaimed.
Unclassifiable: not possible to classify; unidentifiable; impossible to identify.
– It fell somewhere between the two, as an unclassifiable phenomenon of undoubted potency.
Unclassified: not officially secret; available to everyone; unidentified.
– The military gave unclassified information to the newspapers.
Unclean: dirty and therefore likely to cause disease; filthy; grimy; mucky.
– Unclean water.
Unclear: not clear or definite; difficult to understand or be sure about; ambiguous; confused.
– His motives are unclear.
Unclimbable: incapable of being ascended; unscalable; impassable.
– Unclimbable wall.
Unclipped: not clipped; uncut; untrimmed.
– Unclipped hair.
Unclogged: freed of obstructions; unobstructed; cleanse.
– An unclogged drain.
Unclothed: not wearing any clothes; naked; bare; nude.
– Police found the victim’s unclothed body in the woods.
Unclouded: not covered by clouds; not darkened or obscured; clear.
– His eyes were blue and unclouded.
Uncluttered: not containing too many objects, details or unnecessary items; tidy; systematic; orderly.
– An uncluttered room.
Uncoated: not having a coating; non-covered; non-enveloped.
– Uncoated paper.
Uncollected: not collected or gathered; absent in mind; not having one’s thoughts collected.
– Roads are potholed and streets strewn with uncollected rubbish and awash with sewage.
Uncolored: with no colour; with no colour added; colorless; unstained.
– Plain, uncolored glass.
Uncombable: not capable of being combed; uncombed.
– Uncombable hair.
Uncombed: of hair that has not been brushed or combed; very untidy; messy.
– Her hair was lifeless and uncombed.
Uncombined: not combined; uncomplicated; absolute.
– Chemically uncombined elements.
Uncomely: unpleasant to look at; indecent; indecorous.
– An uncomely portrait.
Uncomfortable: not feeling physically relaxed, warm; intolerable; unbearable.
– I was sitting in an extremely uncomfortable position.
Uncommercial: not engaged in or related to commerce; uneconomic; profitless.
– Uncommercial travel.
Uncommitted: uncommitted (to somebody/something) not having given or promised support to a particular person, group, belief, action; floating; undecided.
– The party needs to canvass the uncommitted voters.
Uncommon: not existing in large numbers or in many places; unusual; rare.
– Side effects from the drug are uncommon.
Uncommunicative: not willing to talk to other people or give opinions; taciturn; reserved.
– He had a headache and was uncommunicative.
Uncompartmented: not compartmented; not divided into compartments or isolated units.
– Most Regio rolling stock consist of uncompartmented single and double-decker cars.
Uncompassionate: devoid of feeling, sympathy, or compassion; callous; cold-blooded.
– An uncompassionate statement.
Uncompensated: not providing or provided with monetary compensation; not paid or compensated; unpaid; voluntary.
– Uncompensated workers.
Uncompetitive: not cheaper or better than others and therefore not able to compete equally; symbiotic; nonconflicting.
– An uncompetitive industry.
Uncomplaining: not saying that you are unhappy about a difficult or unpleasant situation; not saying that you are in pain; patient; forbearing.
– The work is boring, but he’s cheerful and uncomplaining.
Uncomplete: not brought to an end or to the desired final state; not completed; vacant.
– An uncompleted portrait.
Uncompleted: that has not been finished; untouched; unused.
– She left the sentence uncompleted.
Uncomplicated: imple; without any difficulty or worry; straightforward.
– An easygoing, uncomplicated young man.
Uncomplimentary: rude or showing a lack of respect; belittling; deprecating.
– Uncomplimentary remarks.
Uncompounded: not mixed; pure; uncomplicated.
– These poisons in their uncompounded form may only be supplied to persons known to the pharmacist.
Uncomprehending: not understanding a situation or what is happening; dull; heedless.
– He gave me an uncomprehending look when I mentioned his name.
Uncomprehensible: difficult to understand; unclear; not clear to the mind.
– Her comments were often uncomprehensible.
Uncompromising: unwilling to change your opinions or behaviour; determined; inflexible.
– He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising.
Unconcealed: of an emotion, etc. that you do not try to hide; obvious; evident.
– Unconcealed curiosity.
Unconcerned: unconcerned (about/by something) not worried or anxious about something because you feel it does not affect you or is not important; uninterested; uninvolved.
– He drove on, apparently unconcerned about the noise the engine was making.
Unconditional: without any conditions or limits; unquestioning; unqualified; unreserved.
– She gave her children unconditional love.
Unconditioned: of behaviour not trained or influenced by experience; natural; absolute.
– An unconditioned response.
Unconfined: not limited in space, range or amount; unrestrained; unbound.
– The animals have unconfined access to pasture.
Unconfirmed: that has not yet been proved to be true or confirmed; gratuitous; groundless.
– Unconfirmed reports said that at least six people had been killed.
Unconformable: not conforming; abominable; contradictory.
– In the grounds of the Admiralty House curious instances of unconformable strata are laid bare in old quarries.
Uncongenial: uncongenial (to somebody) (of a place, job, etc.) not pleasant; not making you feel relaxed; not suitable for your personality.
– An uncongenial atmosphere.
Unconnected: not related or connected in any way; unrelated; unassociated.
– The two crimes are apparently unconnected.
Unconquerable: too strong to be defeated or changed; invincible; impregnable; inexpugnable.
– He was thought of to be unconquerable in the field of battle and was never defeated in any war he fought.
Unconquered: not overcome, defeated, or subjugated especially by military force; not conquered; unbeaten; unvanquished.
– Unconquered territories.
Unconscientious: done with or acting with insufficient attention; negligent; heedless.
– Please to come in a very mischievous, unconscientious, theatre-loving humor.
Unconscionable: so bad, immoral, etc. that it should make you feel ashamed; too great, large, long; excessive.
– It would be unconscionable for her to keep the money.
Unconscious: in a state like sleep because of an injury or illness, and not able to use your senses; insensible; senseless.
– They found him lying unconscious on the floor.
Unconsecrated: not having been made or declared sacred; indecent; irreverent.
– Buried in unconsecrated ground.
Unconsidered: not thought about, or not thought about with enough care; hasty; impulsive.
– I came to regret my unconsidered remarks.
Unconsolable: sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled; disconsolate; inconsolable desolate; crushed by grief.
– The mother was almost unconsolable, and the young wife was sorely smitten by the bereavement.
Unconsolidated: loosely arranged; loose; incoherent.
– Unconsolidated subsidiaries.
Unconstitutional: not allowed by the constitution of a country, a political system or an organization; unjustified; unlawful; unofficial.
– The judges declared the decision unconstitutional.
Unconstrained: not limited in amount; extent.
– Unconstrained growth.
Unconstricted: not constricted physically or by extension psychologically; not constricted.
– Healthy unconstricted arteries.
Unconstructive: not serving to promote improvement or advancement; ineffectual; impractical.
– Vague and unconstructive criticism.
Unconsumed: not used up or expended; uneaten; unused.
– Any unconsumed food should be stored safely.
Unconsummated: not having been consummated; incomplete; unfinished.
– An unconsummated marriage.
Uncontainable: not able to be restrained, checked, or controlled; uncontrollable; disorderly.
– The uncontainable obsession.
Uncontaminated: not harmed by something; unused; virgin.
– Uncontaminated water.
Uncontested: without any opposition or argument; indisputable; irrefutable.
– These claims have not gone uncontested.
Uncontrived: not showing the effects of planning or devising; irresistible; natural.
– There’s not a moment in the film that feels honest and uncontrived.
Uncontrollable: that you cannot control or prevent; unmanageable; ungovernable.
– I had an uncontrollable urge to laugh.
Uncontrolled: that somebody cannot control or stop; unrestrained; unconstrained.
– The thoughts rushed into my mind uncontrolled.
Uncontroversial: not causing, or not likely to cause, people to disagree; unchallenged; undisputed.
– An uncontroversial opinion.
Unconventional: not following what is done or considered normal or acceptable by most people; different and interesting; unorthodox; unfamiliar.
– An unconventional approach to the problem.
Unconverted: not converted; capricious; changeable.
– He is not a natural communicator to his wider flock, never mind the unconverted.
Unconvertible: not able to be converted; inconvertible; unexchangeable.
– All will be made in unconvertible currency, and over issue will occur.
Unconvinced: not believing or not certain about something despite what you have been told; distrustful; dubious.
– I remain unconvinced of the need for change.
Unconvincing: not seeming true or real; not making you believe that something is true; flimsy; implausible.
– I find the characters in the book very unconvincing.
Uncooked: not cooked; raw; unprocessed.
– Eat plenty of uncooked fruit and vegetables.
Uncool: not considered acceptable by fashionable young people; abhorrent; bitter.
– My kids tell me my hairstyle is really uncool.
Uncooperative: not willing to be helpful to other people or do what they ask; unhelpful; awkward.
– The witness was extremely uncooperative.
Uncoordinated: not well organized; with no thought for how the different parts work together; lumbering; shambling.
– The budget process had been uncoordinated and inefficient.
Uncordial: lacking warmth or friendliness; not disposed to friendship or friendliness; unfriendly.
– Looked uncordial as we approached.
Uncorrectable: not capable of being corrected; not correctable; irredeemable; irrecoverable.
– An uncorrectable error.
Uncorrected: not subjected to correction or discipline; not made right; undisciplined.
– An uncorrected typo.
Uncorrelated: having no mutual relationship; not correlated; unrelated.
– Uncorrelated factors.
Uncorroborated: not supported by any other evidence; not having been corroborated; unconfirmed; unjustifiable.
– His story was uncorroborated by the evidence.
Uncorrupted: not debased; untainted; uncontaminated.
– Though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted.
Uncounted: not counted; innumerable; incalculable.
– A stack of uncounted bills.
Uncoupled: having the coupling undone; unconnected; not joined or linked together.
– The engine had been uncoupled from the rest of the train.
Uncouth: of a person or their behaviour rude or socially unacceptable; coarse; uncivilized.
– Uncouth laughter.
Uncovered: not covered by anything; unwrap; unveil.
– His head was uncovered.
Uncreative: lacking originality of thought; unimaginative; unoriginal.
– The company is full of nice but rather uncreative people.
Uncritical: not willing to criticize somebody/something or to judge whether somebody/something is right or wrong; careless; easily pleased.
– Her uncritical acceptance of everything I said began to irritate me.
Uncropped: not trimmed or cut off short; unbrowsed; unplanted.
– An uncropped photograph.
Uncrowded: not full of people; comfortable; roomy; vast.
– The beach was pleasantly uncrowded.
Uncrowned: of a king or queen not yet crowned; deposed; dethroned.
– He is the uncrowned king of comedy.
Uncrystallized: without real or apparent crystalline form; amorphous; uncrystallised.
– Various uncrystallized limestones were frequently used in the archaic period and here and there even in the fifth century.
Unctuous: friendly or giving praise in a way that is not sincere and that is therefore unpleasant; sycophantic; ingratiating.
– An unctuous host.
Uncultivable: unable to be cultivated; not suitable for cultivation; not cultivable.
– Uncultivable land.
Uncultivated: of land not used for growing crops; unmannerly; indecorous.
– These meadowlands have lain uncultivated for centuries.
Uncultured: of people not well educated; not able to understand or enjoy art, literature; artless; unrefined.
– She is the one from a log village near an ice shelf, but she makes me feel uncultured and awkward.
Uncurbed: not restrained or controlled; incontinent; unbridled.
– The 1950s were characterized by an uncurbed belief in technological progress.
Uncured: not seasoned; unseasoned; not aged or processed.
– Uncured pelts.
Uncurled: not having been curled; straight; untwisted.
– The snake uncurled and slithered off.
Uncurtained: not provided with curtains; curtainless; uncovered.
– Without curtains.
Uncut: left to grow; not cut short; uncensored.
– The uncut grass came up to her waist.
Undamaged: not damaged, harmed or made less good; intact; unharmed.
– There was a slight collision but my car was undamaged.
Undatable: Not able to be dated; that may be not be ascribed a date; Not dateable; unsuitable for romantic outings; unattractive.
– The first patient developed undatable atrial fibrillation, which was resistant to pharmacological treatment and electrical cardioversion.
Undated: without a date written or printed on it; dateless; un-datable.
– An undated letter.
Undaunted: still enthusiastic and determined, despite difficulties, danger; undeterred; unafraid.
– He seemed undaunted by all the opposition to his idea.
Undecided: not having made a decision about somebody/something; unsure; uncertain.
– I’m still undecided (about) who to vote for.
Undecipherable: unable to be deciphered; not decipherable; indecipherable.
– Undecipherable handwriting.
Undeciphered: not clear or definite; ambiguous; unresolved.
– Undeciphered journal.
Undeclared: not admitted to; not stated in an open way; not having been declared; indescribable.
– No income should remain undeclared.
Undecomposable: representing the furthest possible extent of analysis or division into parts; uncontaminated; untouched.
– A feeling is a simple and undecomposable mental state.
Undecorated: not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction; unadorned bare; plain.
– The table is large and made out of steel, completely undecorated.
Undedicated: not intended for or given over to a particular purpose; not dedicated.
– Undedicated funds.
Undefeated: not having lost or been defeated; reigning; unbeaten.
– They are undefeated in 13 games.
Undefendable: not defended or capable of being defended; assailable; open; undefended.
– His proposal was examined by Cornwallis and rejected as undefendable.
Undefended: not protected or guarded; unprotected; unguarded.
– Undefended borders.
Undefiled: not made corrupt, impure, or unclean; not defiled; untainted.
– Juries were judges undefiled by practice.
Undefinable: not capable of being precisely or readily described; not easily put into words; indefinable; undefined; vague.
– He could fight an enemy, but not this undefinable emptiness.
Undefined: not made clear or definite; unspecified; unexplained.
– The money was lent for an undefined period of time.
Undelineated: not represented accurately or precisely; undepicted; unpictured.
– The border also remains undelineated.
Undemanding: not needing a lot of effort or thought; easygoing; mellow.
– An undemanding job.
Undemocratic: against or not acting according to the principles of democracy; authoritarian; autocratic.
– The system is fundamentally undemocratic.
Undemonstrative: not showing feelings openly, especially feelings of love; unemotional; unaffectionate.
– His father was distant and undemonstrative.
Undeniable: true or certain; that cannot be denied; indisputable.
– He had undeniable charm.
Undenominational: not bound or devoted to the promotion of a particular denomination; nonsectarian; secular.
– Undenominational religious instruction.
Undependable: unable to be trusted or relied on; not dependable; unreliable.
– He is completely undependable.
Under: lower; below; underneath.
– The under layer.
Underactive: having an abnormally low level of activity; hypoactive; inactive.
– I have to take all kinds of hormone replacements because my thyroid gland is underactive.
Underage: done by people who are too young by law; adolescent; minor.
– Underage drinking.
Underarm: an underarm throw of a ball is done with your hand kept below the level of your shoulder; connected with a person’s armpit; underhand.
– Underarm sweating.
Underbred: marked by lack of good breeding; ill-bred; unrefined.
– An uneducated, underbred, and underfed property less man.
Undercooked: Insufficiently cooked, so as to be unpalatable or inedible; half-cooked; half-raw.
– I can’t eat this chicken it’s undercooked.
Undercover: working or done secretly in order to find out information for the police, a government; covert; secret.
– The scandal was revealed after months of undercover work by journalists.
Underdeveloped: having few industries and a low standard of living; unmodernized; homespun.
– The baby was born with underdeveloped lungs.
Underdone: not cooked enough; raw; uncooked.
– I like my steak underdone.
Undereducated: poorly educated; untutored; unschooled.
– The schoolchildren are undereducated, unskilled and unprepared for the world of work.
Underemployed: not having enough work to do; not having work that makes full use of your skills and abilities; underused; underutilized.
– He was underemployed and not satisfied with his work.
Underfed: having had too little food to eat; malnourished; starved.
– The Russian army is full of underfed teenage conscripts.
Underfunded: not having enough money to spend, with the result that it cannot function well; undercapitalized; underfinanced.
– Seriously underfunded.
Underground: under the surface of the ground; basement; subterranean.
– Underground parking.
Underhand: secret and dishonest; fraudulent; cheating.
– I would never have expected her to behave in such an underhand way.
Underhanded: marked by secrecy, chicanery, and deception; not honest and aboveboard; covert.
– An underhanded attempt to gain power.
Underhung: of a lower jaw; projecting beyond the upper jaw; undershot.
– An underhung jaw.
Underivative: not derivative or imitative; original; authentic.
– A natural and underivative poet.
Underived: not derived; primary or simple; original.
– It affects to treat men as though their existence were underived.
Underlying: important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly; fundamental; basic.
– The underlying assumption is that the amount of money available is limited.
Undermanned: not having enough people working in order to be able to function well; understaffed; inadequate.
– They have had great difficulties of display and have been undermanned and overcrowded.
Undermentioned: used in a book or document to refer to something that is mentioned later; aforementioned; aforesaid.
– The undermentioned staff all wish to join the union.
Undernourished: in bad health because of a lack of food or a lack of the right type of food; malnourished; underfed.
– Severely undernourished children.
Underpopulated: having a lower population density than normal or desirable; inhabited.
– The richly endowed but underpopulated Ivory Coast.
Underprivileged: having less money and fewer opportunities than most people in society; disadvantaged; deprived.
– Underprivileged sections of the community.
Underqualified: lacking sufficient qualifications (such as adequate education and experience) for a particular job, assignment; unfit; incompetent.
– An underqualified candidate.
Undersea: found, used or happening below the surface of the sea; submerged; immersed.
– Undersea cables.
Undersealed: having a coating of tar or other rustproof material applied to the underside; undercoated; rustless.
– It also fitted new brakes and completely undersealed the chassis.
Undersexed: having the lower incisor teeth or lower jaw projecting beyond the upper when the mouth is closed underhung; underslung.
– The jaw is wide and slightly undershot.
Undersized: not as big as is expected or needed; underdeveloped; stunted.
– She held an undersized baby in her arms.
Underslung: suspended below a supporting member; underhung; undershot.
– She jutted her chin toward the giant ship, jaw underslung in anger like a bulldog.
Understaffed: not having enough people working and therefore not able to function well; undermanned; inadequate.
– We’re very understaffed at the moment.
Understandable: seeming normal and reasonable in a particular situation; comprehensible; intelligible.
– It was an understandable mistake to make.
Understanding: showing sympathy for other people’s problems and being willing to forgive them when they do something wrong; sympathetic; compassionate.
– She has very understanding parents.
Understated: if a style, colour, etc. is understated, it is attractive in a way that is not too obvious; subtle; underrate.
– He understated his taxable income.
Understood: implied by or inferred from actions or statements; tacit; implicit; inexplicit.
– The understood provisos of a custody agreement.
Underwater: below the surface of water; undersea; submarine.
– They escaped by swimming underwater.
Underway: having started; ongoing; advancing.
– Preparations are well underway for a week of special events in May.
Underweight: weighing less than the normal or expected weight; malnourished; starved.
– The baby was dangerously underweight at birth.
Undescended: staying inside the body instead of moving down normally into the scrotum; unpushed; airbell.
– When my son was nine he had two operations to bring down his undescended testicles.
Undescriptive: not successful in describing; nondescriptive; nondepictive.
– Even other administrators may be confused by undescriptive block summaries.
Undeserved: that somebody does not deserve and therefore unfair; disproportionate; extreme.
– The criticism was totally undeserved.
Undeserving: undeserving (of something) not deserving to have or receive something; inappropriate; ineligible.
– He was undeserving of her affections.
Undesirable: not wanted or approved of; likely to cause trouble or problems; unpleasant; disagreeable.
– It would be highly undesirable to increase class sizes further.
Undesired: not wanted or desired; unwanted; unacceptable.
– Normally this would result in an undesired dip in the drink.
Undesirous: having or feeling no desire; undesiring.
– A very private man, totally undesirous of public office.
Undetectable: impossible to see or find; unnoticeable; imperceptible.
– The sound is virtually undetectable to the human ear.
Undetected: not noticed by anyone; uncharted; undiscovered.
– How could anyone break into the palace undetected?
Undeterminable: incapable of being definitely decided, settled or fixed; not determinable; indeterminable.
– At an undeterminable location.
Undetermined: not definitely or authoritatively decided, settled, or identified; not determined; unclear.
– An undetermined boundary.
Undeterred: if somebody is undeterred by something, they do not allow it to stop them from doing something; fearless; indomitable.
– But the society pursued its objects, undeterred by sarcasm.
Undeveloped: not grown to full size; primitive; underdeveloped.
– Undeveloped limbs.
Undeviating: going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside; unswerving; direct.
– Some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex.
Undiagnosable: not possible to diagnose; unidentifiable; impossible to identify.
– Their failure to report a plant might be the cause of its every undiagnosable problem.
Undifferentiated: having parts that you cannot see a difference between; not split into different parts or sections; identical; similar.
– A view of society as an undifferentiated whole.
Undigested: not digested; indigestible; nondigestible.
– Undigested food.
Undignified: causing you to look silly and to lose the respect of other people; demeaning; unbecoming.
– There was an undignified scramble for the best seats.
Undiluted: not mixed or combined with anything and therefore very strong; unadulterated; concentrated.
– I looked back on that time with undiluted pleasure.
Undiminished: that has not become smaller or weaker; entire; exhaustive.
– They continued with undiminished enthusiasm.
Undiplomatic: lacking in diplomacy; imprudent; inconsiderate.
– Nobody can accuse this book of being undiplomatic; the author is unfailingly kind.
Undirected: not directed; not planned or guided; directionless; aimless.
– An undirected graph.
Undiscerning: lacking judgement, insight, or taste; obtuse; purblind.
– An undiscerning audience.
Undischarged: an undischarged bankrupt is a person who has been officially stated to be bankrupt by a court but who still has to pay his or her debts; owing; outstanding.
– We should leave our responsibilities undischarged, our task unfinished.
Undisciplined: not having enough control or organization; behaving badly; disorderly.
– His talent is raw and undisciplined.
Undiscovered: that has not been found or noticed; that has not been discovered; obscure; uncharted.
– A previously undiscovered talent.
Undiscriminating: deciding what you like without thinking carefully; uncritical; arbitrary.
– The public was often so undiscriminating in its praise.
Undismayed: not worried or frightened by something unpleasant or unexpected; undaunted; audacious.
– He was undismayed by the havoc he encountered on his return.
Undisputable: incapable of being questioned or disputed; indisputable; undisputably.
– Undisputable proof/evidence.
Undisputed: that cannot be questioned or proved to be false; that cannot be disputed; irrefutable.
– The date of the painting is now undisputed.
Undissolved: not dissolved; still in solid form; unmelted.
– Undissolved sugar in the bottom of the cup.
Undistinguishable: not capable of being distinguished or differentiated; indistinguishable; imperceptible.
– The thrills of joy and thrills of pain are undistinguishable.
Undistinguished: not very interesting, successful or attractive; ordinary; average.
– An undistinguished career.
Undistorted: without alteration or misrepresentation; artless; ingenuous.
– His judgment was undistorted by emotion.
Undistributed: not distributed among a variety of securities; undiversified; not diversified.
– We taxed distributed profits at a far higher rate than undistributed profits.
Undisturbed: not interrupted by anyone; uninterrupted; untouched.
– She succeeded in working undisturbed for a few hours.
Undiversified: Not diversified; general; not specialized.
– His undiversified investments left him overexposed to the market downturn.
Undividable: unable to be divided; unsplittable; impenetrable.
– It is undividable society’s advancement for law and morality.
Undivided: not split into smaller parts; not divided; unflagging.
– The estate passed undivided to his only son.
Undoable: impossible to achieve; unachievable; unattainable.
– Nearly everything you can do to an image is undoable.
Undocumented: not supported by written evidence; imaginary; theoretical.
– Undocumented accusations.
Undogmatic: not dogmatic; freethinking; not accepting of (especially religious) authority.
– She leads prayers on the hour and espouses a real but undogmatic faith.
Undomesticated: not domesticated; barbarian; desert.
– Undomesticated relatives of the house cat.
Undoubted: used to emphasize that something exists or is definitely true; indubitable; uncontested.
– She has an undoubted talent as an organizer.
Undrained: not emptied of liquid; not drained.
– Preserve wetlands; keep them undrained.
Undramatic: not dramatic; lacking in dramatic action; unspectacular; unsensational.
– I thought I’d make a fairly undramatic farewell.
Undraped: lacking drapery or draperies; bald; Bare; bare-skinned.
– Undraped windows.
Undrawn: not represented in a drawing; undiversified; undividable.
– She had left her curtains undrawn so as not to sleep too long in the morning.
Undreamed: much more or much better than you thought was possible; unexpected; unforeseen.
– Undreamed of success.
Undreamt: not imagined even in a dream; undreamed; undreamed of; undreamt o; unimagined incredible.
– We, of course, have knowledge undreamt of by the Babylonians.
Undried: still wet or moist; wet; covered or soaked with a liquid such as water.
– He shrugged off the undried raincoat.
Undrinkable: not good or pure enough to drink; polluted; contaminated.
– The water was undrinkable and had to be boiled.
Undue: more than you think is reasonable or necessary; excessive; extreme.
– They are taking undue advantage of the situation.
Undulant: rising and falling in waves; having a wavy form, outline, or surface; convoluted; lurching.
– Beyond was a lake, very blue in the sunlight, bulwarked by undulant hills.
Undulatory: moving in undulations; having the form or appearance of waves; coiled; curly.
– His mind was still touched into mystery by the spirit housed in that uncouth and undulatory flesh.
Undutiful: not dutiful; disobedient; disrespectful; impious
– An undutiful son.
Undyed: not artificially colored or bleached; unbleached; uncolored natural.
– Undyed cotton.
Undying: lasting forever; eternal; enduring.
– He declared his undying love for her.
Undynamic: not active, energetic, or forceful; not dynamic; stagnant.
– One condition of happiness is that it’s undynamic.
Uneager: feeling or showing a lack of eagerness; reluctant or unwilling; not eager.
A– n apprehensive, uneager expression.
Unearned: used to describe money that you receive but do not earn by working; undeserved; unjustified.
– Declare all unearned income.
Unearthly: very strange; not natural and therefore frightening; supernatural.
– An unearthly cry.
Uneasy: feeling worried or unhappy about a particular situation, especially because you think that something bad or unpleasant may happen or because you are not sure that what you are doing is right; anxious; worried.
– His presence made her feel uneasy.
Uneatable: not good enough to be eaten; indigestible; inedible.
– The lamb is uneatable.
Uneconomic: not making a profit; unprofitable; unaffordable.
– The plant had become uneconomic to run.
Uneconomical: using too much time or money, or too many materials, and therefore not likely to make a profit; extravagant; improvident.
– It soon proved uneconomical to stay open 24 hours a day.
Unedifying: unpleasant in a way that causes disapproval; unpleasant; awful.
– The unedifying sight of the two party leaders screeching at each other.
Unedited: not edited; left unrevised; not yet edited.
– Unedited books.
Uneducated: having had little or no formal education at a school; showing a lack of education; untaught; unschooled.
– An uneducated workforce.
Uneffective: not producing an intended effect; ineffective; unproductive.
– These policies have proved uneffective.
Unelaborate: not developed or presented in great or further detail; plain; pure.
– The school was built of brick and glass in the functional and unelaborate manner of the early 1970s.
Unelaborated: not elaborate; simple; pure.
– The theory remains unelaborated and sketchy.
Unembellished: lacking embellishment or elaboration; not embellished; basic.
– A plain, unembellished room.
Unembodied: not having a material body; bodiless; discorporate.
– Unembodied spirits.
Unemotional: not showing your feelings; reserved; controlled.
– She seemed very cool and unemotional.
Unemphatic: not having or characterized by special emphasis or stress; not emphatic; unobtrusive.
– A low, unemphatic voice.
Unemployable: not having the skills or qualities that you need to get a job; nonfunctional; inoperable.
– Is Britain producing a generation of unemployable young people?
Unemployed: without a job although able to work; jobless; unwaged.
– How long have you been unemployed?
Unencumbered: not having or carrying anything heavy or anything that makes you go more slowly; burdenless; unburdened.
– Unencumbered with material possessions or human relationships.
Unended: not ended; lacking an end or conclusion; unfinished.
– He did with the book still unended.
Unending: seeming to last forever; ceaseless; continual.
– Hours went by and the desert in front of us was unending.
Unendowed: having no dowry; dowerless; not equipped or provided.
– She is unendowed, but is just as nasty as her sisters.
Unendurable: too bad, unpleasant, etc. to bear; unbearable; intolerable.
– Unendurable pain.
Unenergetic: deficient in alertness or activity; lethargic; inactive.
– She is no longer pale and unenergetic.
Unenforceable: unable to be enforced; not enforceable; void.
– An unenforceable law.
Unenforced: not given force or carried out effectively; not enforced; discretionary.
– An unenforced rule.
Unengaged: not busy or occupied; free; unemployed.
– She was already unwell and unengaged with contemporary issues.
Unenlightened: having or showing a lack of necessary knowledge or understanding; not enlightened; uneducated; ignorant.
– That is a much unenlightened attitude on the part of employers.
Unenlightening: failing to provide knowledge, understanding, or insight; not enlightening; ignorant.
– To lump all these countries together is unenlightening.
Unenterprising: not bold or venturesome; not enterprising; unadventurous; unassertive.
– He was lazy and unenterprising.
Unenthusiastic: having or showing a lack of excitement or enthusiasm; not enthusiastic; apathetic.
– An unenthusiastic response.
Unentitled: not entitled; having no title or right; unworthy.
– A distinction to which he was unentitled.
Unenviable: difficult or unpleasant; that you would not want to have; disagreeable; unpleasant.
– She was given the unenviable task of informing the losers.
Unequal: in which people are treated in different ways or have different advantages in a way that seems unfair; unfair; dissimilar.
– An unequal distribution of wealth.
Unequaled: better than all others; unparalleled; unmatched.
– An unequaled record of success.
Unequalled: better than all others; matchless; unrivalled.
– She is unequalled in her support for the family, and we all enjoyed her speech.
Unequipped: not provided with what is needed; unprepared; incapable.
– The Center was mechanical, and unequipped to hear complaints.
Unequivocal: expressing your opinion or intention very clearly and strongly; unambiguous; indisputable.
– An unequivocal rejection.
Unerasable: that cannot be erased; indelible; ineffaceable.
– I remember being very upset and on the phone to my dad saying that it’s an unerasable mark on my life.
Unerring: always right or accurate; unfailing; infallible.
– She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal.
Unessential: not essential; dispensable; unimportant; archaic.
– Unessential is actually an unfair epithet when applied to sticky buns.
Unestablished: not established; not firmly based; unconfirmed; tenuous.
– An unestablished reputation.
Unethical: not morally acceptable; immoral; amoral; unprincipled.
– The doctor was suspended amid accusations of unethical behaviour.
Uneven: not level, smooth or flat; bumpy; rough.
– The floor felt uneven under his feet.
Uneventful: in which nothing interesting, unusual or exciting happens; unexciting; uninteresting.
– The pregnancy itself was relatively uneventful.
Unexacting: not rigorous; undemanding; uncritical
– Relaxed and unexacting standards.
Unexampled: unprecedented; unparalleled; unlike anything previously known.
– Unexampled kindness.
Unexcelled: incapable of being bettered or improved upon; unsurpassed; superb.
– An unexcelled performance.
Unexceptionable: not giving any reason for criticism; clean; errorless.
– A man of unexceptionable character.
Unexceptional: not interesting or unusual; unremarkable; ordinary.
– Since then, Michael has lived an unexceptional life.
Unexchangeable: not suitable to be exchanged; incommutable; unchanging.
– These objects are unexchangeable as circulating library novels.
Unexcitable: not excitable; amiable; amicable.
– An unexcitable temperament.
Unexcited: not excited; marked by a lack of excitement; calm.
– An unexcited response.
Unexciting: not interesting; boring; unimaginative; uninspiring.
– Some people might find the life we live here unexciting.
Unexclusive: not exclusive; inclusive; comprehensive.
– London’s circle of property millionaires is becoming an increasingly unexclusive club.
Unexhausted: not used up completely; left over; odd; remaining; unexpended.
– An unexhausted well.
Unexpansive: not given to high spirits or effusiveness; restrained; retiring.
– An unexpansive man.
Unexpected: if something is unexpected, it surprises you because you were not expecting it; unforeseen; unanticipated.
– Things took an unexpected turn.
Unexpendable: essential; not capable of being expended; inexhaustible.
– Unexpendable resources vital to our security.
Unexpended: not consumed or used up; not spent. Remaining; unexhausted.
– Unexpended resources/provisions.
Unexpired: still legally acceptable or current; not yet having come to an end or expired; valid; authentic.
– The unexpired period of the lease.
Unexplainable: incapable of being explained; inexplicable; unaccountable.
– I was at a loss how to explain the unexplainable.
Unexplained: for which the reason or cause is not known; that has not been explained; baffling; enigmatic.
– He died in unexplained circumstances.
Unexploded: that has not yet exploded; charged; explodable.
– There were unexploded mines all over the place.
Unexploited: not exploited or developed; not taken advantage of; unused; unutilized.
– Unexploited resources.
Unexplored: that has not yet been examined or discussed carefully and completely; uncharted; undetermined.
Very little forest is left unexplored nowadays.
– Unexpressible: too great; to be expressed or uttered; indescribable.
He felt a sudden unexpressible loneliness.
Unexpressive: not expressive; emotionless; expressionless.
– It was an oddly unexpressive face.
Unexpurgated: complete and containing all the original material, even if it is considered offensive; entire; exhaustive.
– This is the full unexpurgated version of the diaries.
Unextended: not extended; not stretched out; not having the property of extension.
– An unextended substance.
Unfaceted: lacking facets; unexpressiblely; unexpressive.
– An unfaceted gem.
Unfading: not losing color or freshness; ceaseless; continual.
– His smile and sheer niceness were unfading.
Unfailing: that you can rely on to always be there and always be the same; bottomless; boundless.
– She fought the disease with unfailing good humor.
Unfair: not right or fair according to a set of rules or principles; not treating people equally; unjust; inequitable.
– They had been given an unfair advantage.
Unfaithful: unfaithful (to somebody) having s#x with somebody who is not your husband, wife or usual partner; deceitful; treacherous.
– She divorced her unfaithful husband.
Unfaltering: not wavering or weakening; firm; steady.
– Press, and out comes an unfaltering milky flow.
Unfamiliar: that you do not know or recognize; unknown; strange.
– She felt uneasy in the unfamiliar surroundings.
Unfashionable: not popular or fashionable at a particular time; out of fashion; outdated.
– An unfashionable part of London.
Unfastidious: not extremely or excessively careful, selective; difficult to please; unrefined.
– They are notoriously unfastidious in their appearance.
Unfathomable: too strange or difficult to be understood; incomprehensible; enigmatic.
– We are confronted with the unfathomable nature of human motivation.
Unfathomed: not fully explored or understood; ethereal; immense.
– Throughout the book her emotions remain relatively opaque and unfathomed.
Unfavorable: unfavorable (for/to something) (of conditions, situations, etc.) not good and likely to cause problems or make something more difficult; adverse; critical.
– The conditions were unfavorable for agriculture.
Unfavourable: showing that you do not approve of or like somebody/something; inauspicious; unpropitious.
– The documentary presents him in a very unfavourable light.
Unfearing: having no fear; dauntless; daring.
– Unfearing minds
Unfeasible: not possible to do or achieve; impossible; impractical.
– The teachers’ demands were economically unfeasible.
Unfeathered: having no feathers; featherless; plucked.
– The unfeathered legs of an Orpington.
Unfed: not given support; unfilled; famished.
– A grudge that remained unfed.
Unfeeling: not showing care or sympathy for other people; uncaring; unsympathetic.
– Her eyes were cold and unfeeling.
Unfeigned: real and sincere; genuine; authentic.
– Unfeigned admiration.
Unfeminine: not characteristic of, typical of, or appropriate for a woman; not feminine; tomboyish.
– An unfeminine voice/manner.
Unfenced: of a road or piece of land without fences next to or around it; fenceless; unenclosed.
– Unfenced site.
Unfermented: not soured or preserved; fresh; sweet; unsoured.
– Yogurt may be added to provide the sour flavor for unfermented batters.
Unfertile: incapable of reproducing; infertile; sterile barren.
– Unfertile land.
Unfertilized: not made fertile; not fertilized; arid; desolate.
– An unfertilized egg.
Unfettered: not limited in any way; unrestrained; unrestricted.
– An unfettered free market.
Unfilled: if a job or position is unfilled, nobody has been chosen for it; depleted; drained.
– There are thousands of unfilled vacancies in the nation’s schools.
Unfilmed: not recorded on film or tape; untapped; unrecorded.
– He was a producer on Victor Garcia’s unfilmed project, Slaughter.
Unfinished: not complete; not finished; incomplete.
– We have some unfinished business to settle.
Unfirm: not firmly set; unsteady; insecure.
– An unfirm stance.
Unfit: not capable of doing something, for example because of illness; unsuited; inappropriate.
– The company’s doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work.
Unfitting: not in keeping with what is correct or proper; inappropriate; incompatible.
– I can discard that which is unfitting.
Unfixed: not firmly placed or set or fastened; detached; free.
– Their new discovery unfixed all established notions.
Unflagging: remaining strong; not becoming weak or tired; tireless; persistent.
– She had shown unflagging support for the cause.
Unflappable: able to stay calm in a difficult situation; imperturbable; unexcitable.
– He has a reputation for being unflappable.
Unflattering: making somebody/something seem worse or less attractive than they really are; unfavorable; uncomplimentary.
– An unflattering dress.
– Unflavored: without flavoring added; nonflavored; nonflavoured.
Unflavored tasteless cake.
Unflavoured: without flavoring added; nonflavored; nonflavoured.
– Unflavoured Absolut Vodka.
Unflawed: free of flaws; flawless; perfect.
– An unflawed gem.
Unfledged: not feathered or ready for flight; not fully developed; immature.
– An unfledged writer.
Unflinching: remaining strong and determined, even in a difficult or dangerous situation; steadfast; persistent.
– Unflinching loyalty.
Unfluctuating: not fluctuating; unwavering; unvarying; steady.
– An unfluctuating guide.
Unflurried: not flurried; free of agitation or nervous tension; calm.
– Unflurried service.
Unflustered: free from emotional agitation or nervous tension; unflurried; unperturbed
– He’d been calm and unflustered, and had given better than he’d got.
Unforbearing: unwilling to endure; anxious; appetent.
– She was unforbearing with the slower students.
Unforced: natural; done without effort; deliberate.
– Unforced humor.
Unforeseeable: that you cannot predict or foresee; unexpected; uncertain.
– Building a dam here could have unforeseeable consequences for the environment.
Unforeseen: that you did not expect to happen; unexpected; unpredicted.
– The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.
Unforfeitable: not subject to forfeiture; inalienable.
– An unforfeitable right.
Unforgettable: if something is unforgettable, you cannot forget it, usually because it is so beautiful, interesting, pleasant; memorable; impressive.
– The music is what makes the movie so unforgettable.
Unforgivable: if somebody’s behaviour is unforgivable, it is so bad or unacceptable that you cannot forgive the person; inexcusable; unpardonable.
– It was an unforgivable thing to say.
Unforgiving: unwilling to forgive other people when they have done something wrong; relentless; ruthless.
– A proud and unforgiving man.
Unformed: not fully developed; formless; shapeless.
– Unformed ideas.
Unfortunate: having bad luck; caused by bad luck; unlucky.
– He was unfortunate to lose in the final round.
Unfounded: not based on reason or fact; groundless; baseless.
– Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded.
Unframed: not fitted into a solid frame; not framed; boxless.
– His eye lit upon a small, unframed photograph.
Unfree: not free; lacking freedom; enslaved.
– People feel both insecure and unfree.
Unfrequented: not often visited or traveled over; abandoned; bare.
– Unfrequented streets.
Unfretted: not fretted; without frets. Restrained.
– A closed, or fretted, note sounds slightly different sound than an open, unfretted, string.
Unfriendly: not kind or pleasant to somebody; hostile; disagreeable.
– An unfriendly atmosphere.
Unfrightened: not frightened; fearless; brave.
– Her face was white; her eyes blazed, but she seemed calm and unfrightened.
Unfrosted: lacking a frosted coating; lucid; pellucid.
– Unfrosted light bulbs.
Unfrozen: not having been frozen, or no longer frozen; defrosted; melted.
– You have fresh unfrozen turkeys available at your market, buy one of those.
Unfruitful: not producing offspring; barren; unprofitable.
– An unfruitful conference.
Unfueled: not provided with fuel; unfed; self-sustained.
– Unfueled not provided with fuel play.
Unfulfilled: hat has not been satisfied or achieved; frustrated; disappointed.
– He died young with his ambitions unfulfilled.
Unfunctional: not functional; disadvantageous; dysfunctional.
– When this protein is unfunctional it causes the heparan sulfate chains to become shorter.
Unfunded: not provided with money or funds; not funded; insufficient; scanty.
– The new education program remains unfunded.
Unfunny: not funny, especially when something is supposed to be funny; unamusing; humorless.
– The show was deeply unfunny.
Unfurnished: without furniture; stark; vacant.
– We rented an unfurnished apartment.
Unfurrowed: having no furrows; unplowed; untrenched.
– An unfurrowed field.
Ungainly: moving in a way that is not smooth or attractive; awkward; clumsy.
– I felt very ungainly in the diving suit.
Ungallant: not marked by courtesy or valor; not gallant; cowardly.
– Ungallant behavior toward a woman was not in his nature.
Ungarbed: having removed clothing; unappareled; unattired.
– An ungarbed boy.
Ungeared: having gears not engaged or disconnected; out of gear; not having gears engaged.
– The machine’s ungeared pinion.
Ungenerous: not willing to give money, help, kindness, praise, etc. to other people, or only willing to give a little; grudging; harsh.
– An ungenerous welfare benefits system.
Ungentle: not gentle; lacking in softness, delicacy; harsh; rough.
– An ungentle touch.
Ungentlemanlike: not befitting a gentleman; ungentlemanly unrefined; not refined; uncouth.
– He is most ungentlemanlike most unpardonable.
Ungentlemanly: of a man’s behaviour not polite or pleasant; not socially acceptable; inconsiderate.
– He was sent off the pitch for ungentlemanly conduct.
Unglamorous: not attractive or exciting; unromantic; unexotic.
– Lunch was a decidedly unglamorous affair.
Unglamourous: dull and lacking excitement; commonplace; humdrum.
– If a role required it, she never feared looking unglamourous.
Unglazed: not coated with a glossy or lustrous surface or finish; unfruitful; not glazed.
– Unglazed tiles.
Ungodly: not showing respect for God; evil; unholy; godless.
– I apologize for phoning you at this ungodly hour.
Ungovernable: impossible to govern or control; uncontrollable; unmanageable.
– Corruption and civil unrest had made the country ungovernable.
Ungoverned: not subjected to regulation or control; unrestrained; wild.
– Ungoverned trade.
Ungraceful: lacking grace; clumsy; awkward.
– An ungraceful swimmer.
Ungracious: not polite or friendly, especially towards somebody who is being kind to you; rude; uncivil.
– I was often rude and ungracious in refusing help.
Ungraded: not graded; makeshift; primitive.
– An ungraded writing assignment.
Ungrammatical: not following the rules of grammar; improper; inaccurate.
– Blots like the ungrammatical fourth line are not infrequent with him.
Ungrasped: not fully apprehended; ununderstood; ungentle.
– The ungrasped infinite ground of all being.
Ungrateful: not showing or expressing thanks for something that somebody has done for you or given to you; unappreciative; unthankful.
– I won’t give her any more if she’s ungrateful.
Ungratified: not satisfied; discontented; restless.
– Ungratified work.
Ungregarious: not disposed to seek company; complaining; disaffected.
– A lonely ungregarious person.
Ungroomed: not neat and smart in appearance; untidy; dingy.
– Ungroomed hair.
Ungrudging: without envy or reluctance; generous; charitable.
– Ungrudging admiration.
Ungual: of, pertaining to, bearing, or shaped like a nail, claw, or hoof; ungratifying; ungreased.
– The ungual phalanx progressively decreases in size from the first to the fourth.
Unguaranteed: without financial security; unsecured; insecure; unsafe.
– Unguaranteed bank loans.
Unguarded: not protected or watched; undefended; unprotected.
– The museum was unguarded at night.
Unguiculate: having one or more nails or claws; unguiculated; clawed.
– Unguiculate animals.
Unguided: not guided; pointless; random.
– Creativity is unguided freedom.
Ungummed: not treated with adhesive gum; nonadhesive; not tending to adhere.
– In dyeing yarns, the silk is first ungummed and cleaned by boiling in soap and water, then washed in cold water.
Unhallowed: not formally consecrated; unholy; wicked.
– Unhallowed retribution.
Unhampered: allowed to move or progress freely; relaxed; spontaneous.
– She enjoyed a season unhampered by injury.
Unhandsome: lacking good looks; not attractive in physical appearance; plain or ugly; ungracious; discourteous; unseemly.
– An unhandsome exchange of epithets.
Unhappy: not happy; sad; miserable.
– I didn’t realize but he was deeply unhappy at that time.
Unhardened: not brought to a proper consistency or hardness; untampered; brittle.
– The unhardened part was then rinsed away with a solvent.
Unharmed: not injured or damaged; not harmed; uninjured.
– All eight climbers were rescued unharmed.
Unharmonious: not harmonious; discordant; unmelodious; not congenial or compatible.
– It was unpleasant to spend an evening with such an inharmonious group.
Unhatched: not yet emerged from an egg; unborn; not yet brought into existence.
– An unhatched egg.
Unhazardous: thought to be devoid of risk; risk-free; riskless; safe.
– Unhazardous substance.
Unheaded: not having a heading or caption.
– Unheaded sections.
Unhealed: not having healed physically, mentally, or emotionally; abraded; bruised.
– An unhealed wound.
Unhealthful: characterized by ill-health; sick; unwell.
– Unhealthful air pollution.
Unhealthy: not having good health; showing a lack of good health; harmful; detrimental.
– They looked poor and unhealthy.
Unhearable: impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear; inaudible; hushed.
– The noise of the wind made her cries Unhearable.
Unheard: that nobody pays attention to; unprecedented; exceptional.
– Their protests went unheard.
Unheated: having no form of heating; frozen; iced.
– An unheated bathroom.
Unheeded: that is heard, seen or noticed but then ignored; disregarded; ignored.
– Her warning went unheeded.
Unheeding: giving no attention; heedless; careless.
– She had gone on in her earnestness, unheeding of his question.
Unhelpful: not helpful or useful; not willing to help somebody; awkward; disagreeable.
– The taxi driver was being very unhelpful.
Unheralded: not previously mentioned; happening without any warning; anonymous; overlooked.
– I didn’t want to make an unheralded entrance.
Unhesitating: done or given immediately and confidently; unwavering; unfaltering.
– He gave an unhesitating ‘yes’ when asked if he would go through the experience again.
Unhewn: not given a finished form by or as if by hewing; rough; unpolished.
– Generally speaking napakivi are unhewn stones that people have set upright.
Unhindered: without anything stopping or preventing the progress of somebody/something; straight; constant.
– She had unhindered access to the files.
Unhinged: having a mental illness that makes somebody unable to think or behave normally; deranged; demented.
– The delusions of an unhinged mind.
Unholy: dangerous; likely to be harmful; irreligious.
– An unholy alliance between the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.
Unhomogenized: not having undergone homogenization; unblended; unhomogenised.
– The homogenized suspensions were significantly more uniform compared to unhomogenized suspension.
Unhoped: not anticipated; unexpected; improbable.
– To come in like that with the big favorites was unhoped for.
Unhopeful: not having, feeling, or inspiring hope; not hopeful; dispirited.
– An unhopeful outlook.
Unhuman: lacking human attributes; nonhuman; not human.
– Her hands clenched the chair with unhuman strength.
Unhumorous: unhysterical; unamusing; unfunny; humorless.
– Serious but not totally unhumorous play.
Unhurried: relaxed and calm; not done too quickly; relaxed; unrushed.
– It’s a quiet resort where life is taken at an easy, unhurried pace.
Unhurt: not injured or harmed; unharmed; unblemished.
– He escaped from the crash unhurt.
Unhygienic: not clean and therefore likely to cause disease or infection; unsanitary; filthy.
– The animals were kept in cramped and unhygienic conditions.
Uniate: Of or pertaining to a Uniate Church; defecates; egests.
– The old Calvinist nobility of Lithuania were speedily reconverted; a Uniate Church in connexion with Rome was established.
Unicameral: of a parliament that has only one main legislative (law-making) body; Uniliteral; unicuspid.
– The legislative branch is unicameral.
Unicellular: consisting of only one cell; cellulous; corpuscular.
– Unicellular organisms.
Unicuspid: having a single cusp or point; angular; angulate.
– A unicuspid tooth.
Unidentifiable: impossible to identify; undiagnosable; elusive.
– He had an unidentifiable accent.
Unidentified: not recognized or known; not identified; unknown; unnamed.
– An unidentified virus.
Unidimensional: of or having only one dimension; peripheral; shallow.
– The results confirm that most of the tests are mostly unidimensional structures.
Unidirectional: operating or moving in one direction only; not changing direction; unifacial.
– A unidirectional flow.
Unifacial: Having, or showing, a single face; unidirectional.
– A primitive unifacial flint tool.
Unifilar having or involving only one thread, wire, or the like; unifoliate; unifoliolate.
– Unifilar suspension.
Unifoliate: having only one leaf; leafy.
– The leaves appear simple, but are actually unifoliate.
Uniform: not varying; the same in all parts and at all times; constant; consistent.
– The walls were a uniform grey.
Uniformed: wearing a uniform; robed; attired.
– A uniformed chauffeur.
Unilateral: done by or affecting only one person, group or country involved in a situation without the agreement of the others; one-way; solitary.
– They were forced to take unilateral action.
Unilluminated: deficient in mental or spiritual enlightenment; not lighted; lightless; dark.
– Art is a dark night, unexplored and unilluminated.
Unilluminating: deficient in mental or spiritual enlightenment; not lighted; lightless; dark.
– The real problem is the unilluminating, mind-numbing predictability.
Unimaginable: impossible to think of or to believe exists; impossible to imagine; unthinkable; inconceivable.
– This level of success would have been unimaginable just last year.
Unimaginative: not having any original or new ideas; dull; uninspired; uninventive.
– An unimaginative solution to a problem.
Unimagined: that you had not imagined or thought of as possible; inconceivable; surprising; unanticipated.
– Things could change in ways that are unimagined.
Unimodal: having a single mode; monistic; monocle.
– A unimodal statistical distribution.
Unimpaired: not damaged or made less good; undamaged; unharmed.
– Although he’s ninety, his mental faculties remain unimpaired.
Unimpassioned: free from emotional appeal; marked by reasonableness; detached; dispassionate.
– Answered with an unimpassioned defense.
Unimpeachable: that you cannot doubt or question; trustworthy; reliable.
– Evidence from an unimpeachable source.
Unimpeded: with nothing blocking or stopping somebody/something; unrestricted; unconstrained.
– An unimpeded view of the bay.
Unimportant: not important; insignificant; inconsequential.
– They dismissed the problem as unimportant.
Unimposing: not large or impressive; not imposing; considerate; courteous.
– A physically unimposing man.
Unimpregnated: not having been fertilized; unfertilized; unfertilized infertile; sterile.
– Imagine how much time would be saved if talent shows unimpregnated their pauses.
Unimpressionable: of a person; insensitive; unyielding.
– An unimpressionable mind.
Unimpressive: ordinary; not special in any way; unremarkable.
– His academic record was unimpressive.
Unimproved: that has not been changed in a way that would make it more useful, for example by putting buildings on it; unaltered; unchanged.
– The property is unimproved.
Unincorporated: of an area of land not part of a particular city or town; autonomous; distinct.
– An unincorporated community governed by the county.
Unindustrialized: not having many highly developed industries; not industrialized; undeveloped.
– Unindustrialized regions/areas.
Uninfected: free from infection; not infected; hygienic.
– An uninfected wound.
Uninflected: not changing its form to show different functions in grammar; boring; dreary.
– An uninfected person.
Uninfluenced: not affected or altered by an external force; not influenced; nonaligned.
– In his fantasies, uninfluenced by photographs or paintings, it did.
Uninfluential: not influential; lacking influence; inconspicuous.
– Not so many years ago, internet companies were small and pretty uninfluential.
Uninformative: not giving enough information; ambiguous; arcane.
– The reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.
Uninformed: having or showing a lack of knowledge or information about something; unenlightened; uneducated.
– The public is generally uninformed about these diseases.
Uninhabitable: not fit to live in; impossible to live in; dilapidated.
– The building was totally uninhabitable.
Uninhabited: with no people living there; not inhabited; unpopulated.
– The area is largely uninhabited.
Uninhibited: behaving or expressing yourself freely without worrying about what other people think; unrestrained; unrepressed.
– Uninhibited dancing.
Uninitiated: having no special knowledge or experience of something; amateur; callow.
– The detailed notes in each chapter offer support to the uninitiated reader.
Uninjured: not hurt or injured in any way; unhurt; flawless.
– They escaped from the crash uninjured.
Uninominal: based on the principle of having only one member (as of a legislature) selected from each electoral district; single-mandate; single-person.
– A uninominal electoral system.
Uninquisitive: not prying or excessively curious; uninquiring.
– It was uncritical and uninquisitive.
Uninspired: not original or exciting; unimaginative; uninventive.
– It’s an album of perfectly competent, if uninspired songs.
Uninspiring: not making people interested or excited; boring; dull.
– The view from the window was uninspiring.
Uninstructed: not educated or provided with knowledge or instructions; not instructed; absentminded.
– A nation under a well-regulated government should permit none to remain uninstructed.
Uninstructive: not providing knowledge or information; not instructive; unenlightening; unilluminating.
– A vague and uninstructive text.
Uninsurable: a person or thing that is uninsurable cannot be given insurance because there is too much risk; uninsured; not covered by insurance.
– Higher-risk patients are often uninsurable.
Uninsured: not having insurance; not covered by insurance; Uninsurable.
– An uninsured driver.
Unintegrated: not integrated; nonintegrated.
– All this material and more is unintegrated into the story.
Unintelligent: not intelligent; dumb; stupid.
– He was not unintelligent, but he was lazy.
Unintelligible: impossible to understand; incomprehensible; incomprehensible.
– She turned away and muttered something unintelligible.
Unintentional: not done deliberately, but happening by accident; unexpected; unintended.
– Perhaps I misled you, but it was quite unintentional.
Uninterested: uninterested (in somebody/something) not interested; not wanting to know about somebody/something; detached; incurious.
– He was totally uninterested in sport.
Uninteresting: not attracting your attention or interest; not interesting; boring.
– It was an uninteresting book on genealogy.
Uninterrupted: not stopped or blocked by anything; continuous and not interrupted; unbroken; continuous.
– We had an uninterrupted view of the stage.
Unintoxicated: not intoxicated; sober; gritty.
– It is strange that Pepys should have thought it unintoxicated.
Unintrusive: not interfering or meddling; not intrusive; uninterruptible.
– Window tax was relatively unintrusive and easy to assess.
Uninventive: lacking creativity or imagination; not inventive; uncreative; uninspired.
– Uninventive thinking.
Uninvited: doing something or going somewhere when you have not been asked or invited to, especially when somebody does not want you to; unwelcome; unwanted.
– Uninvited guests at a party.
Uninviting: not attractive or pleasant; displeasing; distasteful.
– The water looked cold and uninviting.
Uninvolved: uninvolved (in/with something) not taking part in something; not connected with somebody/something, especially on an emotional level; uninterested; disinterested.
– My mum was distant and cold and much uninvolved in my life.
Unionized: being a member of or formed into a labor union; organized; unionized union; of trade unions.
– The analysis in this study looks at trade liberalization in a unionized international oligopoly.
Unipolar: having or oriented in respect to a single pole; bipolar; multipolar.
– China mistrusts a unipolar, U.S.-dominated world.
Unique: being the only one of its kind; astonishing; astounding.
– Everyone’s fingerprints are unique.
Unironed: not restrained or confined with fetters; not pressed with a flatiron; rumpled; cockled.
– She was dressed casually in an unironed blouse and jeans.
Unisex: intended for or used by both men and women; genderless; ambisexual.
– A unisex hair salon.
Unisexual: of, relating to, or restricted to one sex; male or female but not hermaphroditic; diclinous; unisex.
– A unisexual flower.
Unitarian: belonging to or connected with a Christian Church that does not believe in the Trinity and has no formal teachings; Anglicanism; pietism.
– When he entered the divinity school he was an orthodox Unitarian.
Unitary: of a country or an organization consisting of a number of areas or groups that are joined together and are controlled by one government or group; entire; exhaustive.
– A single unitary state.
United: joined together as a political unit or by shared aims; unified; integrated.
– The United States of America.
Univalent: having a valence of one; monovalent. Genetics; single; unpaired.
– Modern architecture concentrates on univalent forms such as right angles and square buildings often resembling office buildings.
Univalve: having one valve; mollusk; snail.
– The snail proper bears a typical univalve shell.
Universal: done by or involving all the people in the world or in a particular group; comprehensive; common.
– Such problems are a universal feature of old age.
Universalist: of or relating to the whole; universal in scope or nature; comprehensive; extensive.
– Most of this opposition was exercised by professed Universalist preachers.
Universalistic: of or relating to the whole; universal in scope or nature; comprehensive; extensive.
– The triumph of this universalistic element in the teaching of Christ is vividly portrayed in the Acts of the apostles.
Univocal: having one meaning only; unambiguous; unequivocal.
– The univocal conclusion of deterioration of forest quality has been drawn.
Unjointed: having no joints; not jointed; unarticulated.
– An unjointed appendage.
Unjust: not deserved or fair; biased; prejudiced.
– An unjust law.
Unjustifiable: of an action impossible to excuse or accept because there is no good reason for it; indefensible; inexcusable.
– An unjustifiable delay.
Unjustified: not fair or necessary; unwarranted; groundless; unfounded.
– The criticism was wholly unjustified.
Unkempt: not well cared for; not neat or tidy; disheveled.
– The children were unwashed and unkempt.
Unkept: not kept; neglected; disheveled.
– There was a small, scrubby, unkept piece of lawn outside the house.
Unkind: unkind (to somebody/something) (to do something) not pleasant or friendly; slightly cruel; unpleasant.
– He was never actually unkind to them.
Unkindled: not kindled (lit, or set alight); not aroused, awakened or stirred; unlighted.
– Pan Longin approached the still unkindled machine, bent and hurled the stone at the very center of the wall.
Unkindly: n a way that does not treat someone very well, or does not consider someone’s feelings; fiercely; mercilessly.
– It makes you look older, she said unkindly.
Unknowable: that cannot be known; esoteric; impenetrable.
– A distant, unknowable divine power.
Unknowledgeable: having or showing a lack of knowledge; not knowledgeable; unwitting uninformed.
– A poorly trained and unknowledgeable salesperson.
Unknown: not known or identified; undisclosed; unrevealed.
– A previously unknown group claimed responsibility for the bombing.
Unlabeled: having no label; not labeled; undesignated.
– He keeps the tablets in an unlabeled bottle.
Unlabelled: lacking a label or tag; unlabeled; untagged.
– The investigation found that many genetically modified foods were unlabelled, contrary to legislation.
Unlaced: with the lace or laces untied or loose; untied; unfastened.
– She unlaced her boots.
Unladylike: not becoming or suitable to a lady; not ladylike; unrefined.
– Unladylike behavior/language.
Unlamented: not grieved for; causing no mourning; not lamented.
– Unlamented past.
Unlatched: not firmly fastened or secured; unbarred; unbolted; unlocked; unsecured; unfastened.
– Went through the unlatched gate into the street.
Unlawful: not allowed by the law; illegal; illegitimate.
– He was convicted of unlawful possession of a firearm.
Unleaded: not containing lead and therefore less harmful to the environment; leadless; nonleaded.
– My car runs on unleaded petrol.
Unlearned: ignorant; illiterate; unlettered; untutored.
– Unlearned workers.
Unleavened: made without any yeast, or other substance that would cause the bread to rise, and therefore flat; unraised; uncorrupted.
– Unleavened bread is often simply flour mixed with water.
Unlettered: unable to read; unlearned; untutored.
– They were not entirely unlettered; for the use of runes dates back considerably earlier than the Viking Age.
Unlifelike: without substance; cardboard; artificial; unreal.
– The sun was bright and therefore the demon on the bow was quite unlifelike and battered.
Unlighted: not made to start burning; unlit; unignited.
– The farm house area was unlighted and as still as a tomb according to Howie.
Unlikable: not easy to like; obnoxious; rude.
– She’s adept at playing unlikeable characters.
Unlike: of two people or things different from each other; dissimilar; unalike; disparate.
– They are both teachers. Otherwise they are quite unlike.
Unlikeable: not easy to like; unpleasant; obnoxious.
– She’s adept at playing unlikeable characters.
Unlikely: not likely to happen; not probable; improbable.
– Of course, such an event is very unlikely to happen.
Unlimited: as much or as many as is possible; not limited in any way; inexhaustible; limitless.
– The ticket gives you unlimited travel for seven days.
Unlined: not marked with lines; seamless; unseamed.
– Unlined paper/skin.
Unlisted: not on a published list, especially of stock exchange prices; unrecorded; undisclosed.
– An unlisted company.
Unlit: dark because there are no lights or the lights are not switched on; black; darkened.
– An unlit passage.
Unliterary: not knowledgeable about literature; vernacular; nonliterary.
– A very unliterary young girl.
Unlittered: having nothing extraneous; uncluttered; tidy.
– The unlittered shoulders of the road.
Unlivable: not fit for living in; uninhabitable; uncomfortable.
– They made life unlivable for anyone who dared to disagree with them.
Unliveable: unable to be lived or unfit to live in, on, or with; not livable; uncomfortable.
Unliveable tenements.
Unliveried: not wearing livery; halfhearted; unenthusiastic.
– An unliveried chauffeur.
Unlobed: without lobes; simple; unsubdivided.
– The leaves are unlobed and never decurrent along the stem.
Unlocated: not located or placed; unsettled; not settled.
– An unlocated leak.
Unlocked: not locked; unbolt; unlatch.
– Don’t leave your desk unlocked.
Unlogical: lacking in correct logical relation; illogical; incoherent.
– While law can be completely unlogical, logic is used to show that.
Unlovable: they are not likely to be loved by anyone, because they do not have any attractive qualities; unattractive; unpleasant.
– She was totally unlovable.
Unloved: not loved by anyone; unwanted; friendless.
– Unloved children.
Unlovely: not attractive; unpleasant; unpleasing.
– An unlovely building.
Unloving: not loving; loveless; without love.
– An unloving father.
Unlucky: unlucky (to do something) having bad luck or happening because of bad luck; not lucky; unfortunate.
– He was very unlucky not to win.
Unmade: an unmade bed is not ready for sleeping in because the sheets, etc. have not been arranged neatly; disheveled; tousled.
– We are two miles from a road and it is reached by an unmade forestry track.
Unmalicious: not having or showing malice or done in malicious way; benevolent; sympathetic.
– He watches with unmalicious amusement as other independents emerge, overstretch themselves and fail.
Unmalleable: not easy to work, hammer, or form into different shapes; unyielding; uncompromising.
– It is not an unchanging and unmalleable.
Unmalted: not converted into or containing malt; not malted; unmaidenly.
– Lighter beers may include rice or corn, and specialty beers may include wheat or unmalted barley.
Unmanageable: difficult or impossible to control or deal with; troublesome; demanding.
– The costs involved had become unmanageable.
Unmanly: not having the qualities that are admired or expected in a man; effeminate; unmasculine.
– He felt unmanly because he wasn’t interested in sports.
Unmanned: if a machine, a vehicle, a place or an activity is unmanned, it does not have or need a person to control or operate it; remote-controlled; pilotless.
– An unmanned spacecraft.
Unmannered: marked by a lack of good manners; rude; impolite.
– Naturally, she is ill-mannered or unmannered, and careless and ignorant and all those things.
Unmannerly: not having or showing good manners; not polite; discourteous.
– I do not remember to have heard if Sugden kicked his unmannerly guest: if he did not, I regret the omission.
Unmapped: not represented on a map; uncharted; remote.
– The labyrinth of alleyways and back streets in that part of the city was still unmapped.
Unmarked: without a sign or words to show what or where something is; flawless; unblemished.
– He was buried in an unmarked grave.
Unmarketable: not marketable; unsalable; uncommercial.
– The houses were in an unmarketable condition because of the issues with subsidence.
Unmarred: not marred; having no injury; defacement, or imperfection.
– An Unmarred surface.
Unmarried: not married; single; unattached.
– He remained unmarried all his life.
Unmatchable: not matchable; incomparable; unequaled.
– His knowledge of the ins and outs of the political system is unmatchable.
Unmatched: unmatched (by somebody/something) better than all others; unequalled; unrivalled.
– He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century.
Unmated: not mated sexually; single; unmarried.
– The females in the remaining capsules were left unmated.
Unmeasurable: not able to be measured; immeasurable; unmeasured.
– We know that there is a huge but unmeasurable growth in gambling in the country.
Unmeasured: not measured; boundless; immeasurable.
– Time used to be just time, an unmeasured, undivided thing that washed over the earth.
Unmechanized: not mechanized; not performed with machines or involving machines; nonmechanical.
– The unmechanised infantry troops stood little chance against the enemy’s tank batallions.
Unmediated: happening or done without any people, actions, etc. in between; direct; immediate.
– Because of the need to use search engines, there is no unmediated access to the Web.
Unmedicinal: not having a medicinal effect or not medically prescribed; nonmedicinal; unmedicative.
– No medicine is nice; No pills are unmedicinal.
Unmelodic: not having a pleasing melody; discordant; jarring.
– Unmelodic music was playing from a distant temple.
Unmelodious: not having a pleasing melody; unmusical; dissonant.
– The unmelodious call of a flicker in the pine-tree, and a towhee singing in the distance.
Unmelted: not melted; in a solid state; unfrozen; hot.
– Don’t eat unmelted snow, as it will lower your body temperature.
Unmemorable: that cannot be remembered because it was not special; dreary; dull.
– He was a very ordinary-looking man with one of those unmemorable faces.
Unmentionable: too shocking or embarrassing to be mentioned or spoken about; censored; forbidden.
– An unmentionable disease.
Unmercenary: not influenced by greed or a desire for money or gain; unworldly; not mercenary.
– It has a quality of defiant freedom, of unmercenary and anonymous endeavor.
Unmerciful: not merciful; merciless; Ruthless; cruel.
– Chatted for an unmerciful length of time.
Unmerited: not adequately earned or deserved; not merited; groundless.
– An unmerited award.
Unmeritorious: without merit; unworthy; lacking in value or merit.
– Protect from unmeritorious criticism.
Unmethodical: not efficient or methodical; confused; indiscriminate.
– The project failed through unmethodical planning.
Unmilitary: not associated with soldiers or the military; nonmilitary; unsoldierly.
– Unmilitary circles of government.
Unmindful: unmindful of somebody/something not giving thought or attention to somebody/something; heedless; disregardful.
– Unmindful of the cold and rain, he trudged on.
Unmined: not mined.
– Deposits of unmined uranium.
Unmingled: not mixed with extraneous elements; plain; sheer; unmixed pure.
– A coolness grew up between the latter and Eric, not unmingled with a little mutual contempt.
Unmistakable: that cannot be mistaken for somebody/something else; distinctive; distinct.
– Her accent was unmistakable.
Unmitigable: not able to be mitigated or made less severe; not mitigable; irremediable; unappeasable.
– No better process was found, and the disgust of the public with their goods was soon general and unmitigable.
Unmitigated: used to mean ‘complete’, usually when describing something bad; absolute; unqualified.
– The evening was an unmitigated disaster.
Unmixable: unable to be mixed; not mixable; incompatible.
– Unmixable substance.
Unmixed: not mixed; unadulterated; pure.
– The separate, unmixed components.
Unmoderated: not moderated; having no moderator; unconditional.
– Unlike most Web-based discussion forums, traditional Usenet newsgroups are unmoderated.
Unmodernized: not brought up to date; regressive; opposing progress.
– To move from unmodernised to modernised is proving to be an expensive business.
Unmodifiable: Incapable of being modified; constant; fixed.
– Unmodifiable traits better than they do modifiable traits.
Unmodified: not changed in any way; not modified; blunt.
– The long-run rate of time preference thus remains unmodified.
Unmodulated: not modulated; expressionless; boring.
– An unmodulated voice.
Unmolested: not attacked or disturbed by somebody; not prevented from doing something; intact; protected.
– Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.
Unmortgaged: ree from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law; clear; unencumbered.
– Is it difficult to get a mortgage on an unmortgaged property?
Unmotivated: not having interest in or enthusiasm for something, especially work or study; apathetic; dull.
– Unmotivated students.
Unmotorized: not equipped with a motor; not motorized; motorless.
– A nonmotorized treadmill.
Unmourned: not grieved for; causing no mourning; unlamented.
– She was not buried unmourned.
Unmovable: not physically able to be moved; Incapable of being emotionally moved or persuaded; anchored; attached.
– His eyes were as dark as the ocean depths, his grip around her body unmovable.
Unmoved: unmoved (by something) not feeling sympathy or not feeling sad, especially in a situation where it would be normal to do so; unaffected; untouched.
– Alice seemed totally unmoved by the whole experience.
Unmoving: not moving; not moving; apoplectic.
– He stood, unmoving, in the shadows.
Unmown: not cut down with a hand implement or machine; uncut.
– An unmown lawn.
Unmusical: of a sound unpleasant to listen to; unmelodious; antagonistic.
– His voice was harsh and unmusical.
Unmutilated: free from physical or moral spots or stains; unblemished; unmarred stainless; unstained.
– That beautiful face and body was buried unmutilated.
Unmyelinated: lacking a myelin sheath; amyelinated; amyelinic.
– Myelinated and unmyelinated motor and sensory nerves.
Unnameable: not worthy or capable to be given a name or identified by name; not nameable.
– An unnameable quality.
Unnamed: whose name is not given or not known; without a name; nameless.
– Information from an unnamed source.
Unnatural: different from what is normal or expected, or from what is generally accepted as being right; abnormal; unusual.
– It seems unnatural for a child to spend so much time alone.
Unnavigable: incapable of being navigated; impassable; unpassable; incapable of being passed.
– It is a large but quite unnavigable stream.
Unnecessary: not needed; more than is needed; unjustified.
– They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.
Unneeded: not required or necessary; not needed; unessential.
– Unneeded assistance.
Unneighborly: not exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighbor; unneighbourly; unfriendly.
– It was unneighborly of you not to help.
Unnerving: making somebody feel nervous or frightened; demoralize; discourage.
– An unnerving experience.
Unneurotic: not affected with or characteristic of neurosis; not neurotic; levelheaded; judicious.
– A placid, unneurotic temperament.
Unnotched: having no notches; untoothed; smooth.
– Unnotched teeth.
Unnoted: not noted; unobserved; disregarded.
– For the most part, it has gone virtually unnoted.
Unnoticeable: not worthy or likely to be noticed; not noticeable; invisible.
– An unnoticeable cigarette burn on the carpet.
Unnoticed: not seen or noticed; unrecognized; unseen.
– His kindness did not go unnoticed by his staff.
Unnourished: supplied with too little food for health and growth; unwholesome; unhealthy.
– She was undernourished, an observation that prompted yet another unasked question.
Unnumberable: too numerous to be counted; countless; hidden.
– Unnumberable crowded place.
Unnumbered: not marked with a number; not numbered; countless.
– Unnumbered seats.
Unnumerable: too numerous to be counted; myriad; numerous.
– Unnumerable chickens.
Unobjectionable: that you can accept or agree with; adequate; acceptable.
– He wore unobjectionable clothes, a red poppy and a respectful expression.
Unobjective: not possessing or representing objective reality; subjective; prejudiced.
– Almost all text added was unobjective and had to be reverted.
Unobliging: not accommodating; unaccommodating; disobliging.
– Miss Archer surveyed the unobliging witness in vexed silence.
Unobservable: not seen or perceived; imperceptible; indistinct.
– Being essentially imperceptible, there is something about the very nature of incorporeals that renders them unobservable.
Unobservant: not observant; not watchful; not attentive.
– Unobservant of other people.
Unobserved: without being seen; discarded; disobeyed.
– It’s not easy for somebody to get into the building unobserved.
Unobstructed: clear or free from obstructions or obstacles; not obstructed; clear.
– An unobstructed view of the river.
Unobtainable: that cannot be obtained; inaccessible; inconceivable.
– Unfortunately, it is unobtainable in most shops.
Unobtrusive: not attracting unnecessary attention; retiring; unassuming.
– The service at the hotel is efficient and unobtrusive.
Unobvious: not obvious; unapparent; unprovable.
– Unobvious text box.
Unoccupied: empty, with nobody living there or using it; vacant; empty.
– I sat down at the nearest unoccupied table.
Unoffending: not offending or offensive; not harming; harmless; innocuous.
– Let no more of these unoffending spirits of darkness be consumed.
Unofficial: that does not have permission or approval from somebody in authority; unauthenticated; unconfirmed.
– Unofficial estimates put the figure at over two million.
Unoiled: not having oil rubbed into the surface; unpainted.
– Dusty unoiled roads.
Unopened: not opened; closed; shut; sealed.
– There was a pile of unopened mail on the table.
Unordered: not arranged in order; disordered; chaotic; disorganized.
– All characters were run unordered and equally weighted.
Unorganized: not having been organized; dislocated; disordered.
– Unorganized data.
Unoriented: not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained; confused; anomic.
– Engaged in unoriented study.
Unoriginal: lacking originality; not original; uncreative; unimaginative.
– An unoriginal idea.
Unornamented: having no decorations or ornaments; not ornamented; plain; undecorated.
– It’s all most beautifully arranged, but in a manner ferociously determined to leave no surface unornamented.
Unorthodox: different from what is usual or accepted; unconventional; unusual.
– Unorthodox methods.
Unostentatious: not excessively or pretentiously showy or flamboyant; quiet and restrained in taste; not ostentatious.
– A large but unostentatious house.
Unowned: not owned; not having an owner; ownerless.
– An unowned property.
Unoxygenated: not combined or supplied with oxygen; not oxygenated; unventilated.
– Unoxygenated blood.
Unpackaged: not packaged or put into packets; loose; not carefully arranged in a package.
– Unpackaged nuts.
Unpaid: not yet paid; unsettled; outstanding.
– Unpaid bills.
Unpainful: not causing or characterized by pain; painless; pain-free.
– Both painful and unpainful stimulation conditions.
Unpaintable: not capable of being painted; not suitable for painting; undyed; unstained.
– Sunlight being unpaintable, they confined themselves to the representation of what they could represent.
Unpainted: not having a coat of paint or badly in need of a fresh coat; unfinished.
– An unpainted house.
Unpaired: not paired; unmatched; alone.
– The vomer is one of the unpaired facial bones of the skull.
Unpalatable: unpalatable (to somebody) (of facts, ideas, etc.) unpleasant and not easy to accept; distasteful; uninviting.
– Only then did I learn the unpalatable truth.
Unparalleled: used to emphasize that something is bigger, better or worse than anything else like it; unequalled; incomparable.
– It was an unparalleled opportunity to develop her career.
Unpardonable: that cannot be forgiven or excused; unforgivable; inexcusable.
– I must ask a question you may find unpardonable.
Unparliamentary: As rude and abusive as to be unsuitable for parliament; impolite; not polite.
– He probably owed another coin for unparliamentary language.
Unpartitioned: not divided by partitions; united; characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity.
– Unpartitioned space.
Unpassable: incapable of being traveled, traveled through, or crossed; impassible; obsolete.
– Damaged unpassable roads.
Unpatented: not protected by patent; nonproprietary; not protected by trademark or patent or copyright.
– Unpatented inventions.
Unpatriotic: not supporting your own country; disaffected; untrustworthy.
– State workers are concerned their strike may be viewed as unpatriotic.
Unpatronized: not patronized; having little or no patronage; patronless.
– A restaurant unpatronized by the elite.
Unpatterned: lacking patterns especially in color; plain solid-colored; undecorated.
– Unpatterned racing slicks on dry roads give maximum traction.
Unpaved: not covered with a hard, smooth surface; not paved; unsurfaced.
– Roads are often dusty and unpaved.
Unpeaceful: not peaceful; inharmonious; agitated; turbulent.
– The system of the unpeaceful plea is a traditional system of Civil Law.
Unpeopled: not filled with or occupied by people; uninhabited; unsettled.
– The world only ever looked unpeopled from certain vantage points.
Unperceivable: impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses; imperceptible; inaudible.
– Color is unperceivable to the touch.
Unperceived: not seen, observed, or given notice; not perceived; disregarded.
– There was a ditch, unperceived, and he fell into heavily.
Unperceptive: not perceptive; unperceiving; careless.
– Extraordinarily unperceptive people.
Unperformed: not performed; unstaged. Unconcluded.
– The author of numerous unperformed plays.
Unpermed: not having had a permanent wave; straight.
– Smooth glossy unpermed hair.
Unperplexed: not confused or puzzled; unbaffled; simple.
– The course of his narrative is unperplexed by doubtful or insoluble problems.
Unpersuadable: not persuadable; who cannot be persuaded or convinced; uncompromising.
– He seemed unpersuadable to the final step of getting aboard.
Unpersuaded: not having been induced, urged, or prevailed upon successfully; unconvinced; undecided.
– Even as he inspected the proofs he was unpersuaded.
Unpersuasive: not able to make you agree that something is true, real, or acceptable; not persuasive; unconvincing.
– The jury concluded police evidence was unpersuasive.
Unperturbed: not worried or anxious; untroubled; undisturbed.
– She seemed unperturbed by the news.
Unpictured: not pictured; undepicted; undelineated; not represented accurately.
– A wildness of landscape, unpictured before, opens to the view.
Unpicturesque: without beauty or charm; unlovely; ugly.
– Captain Fidanza, unpicturesque, but always a little mysterious.
Unpierced: not pierced; uncut; not cut.
– His unpierced ears.
Unpigmented: not pigmented; uncolored; clear.
– Unpigmented hair.
Unpillared: lacking pillars; noncolumned; uncolumned.
– An unpillared room.
Unpitying: not taking pity or showing mercy; uncaring; unsympathetic.
– As seniors we can look down on her with a cold and unpitying eye.
Unplaced: not one of the first three to finish in a race or competition; outcast; unestablished.
– The horse was unplaced in its first four races.
Unplanned: not planned in advance; haphazard; impromptu.
– The clinic provides advice on unplanned pregnancies.
Unplayable: not able to be played; impossible to play on or with; unwatchable; unrecognizable.
– The two coaches decided the pitch was unplayable so the match was cancelled.
Unplayful: completely lacking in playfulness; serious; sober.
– Full of eager but unplayful smiles.
Unpleasant: not pleasant or comfortable; disagreeable; irksome.
– It can be unpleasant to sit next to a group of people arguing.
Unpleasing: not pleasant; displeasing; disagreeable; offensive.
– His coloring for the most part is unpleasing.
Unpledged: not used as collateral; unengaged; uncommitted.
– With no unpledged assets and low profitability, the business could get no further financing.
Unploughed: not tilled with a plough; unbroken; unplowed.
– Unploughed soil.
Unplowed: not having been worked or cleared with a plow; not plowed; slack.
– An unplowed field.
Unplumbed: not tested with a plumb line; not measured with a plumb; not thoroughly explored.
– The depth of his self-knowledge is unplumbed.
Unpointed: having no point; blunted; round.
– An unpointed Hebrew text.
Unpolished: not refined or cultured; unprocessed; untreated.
– Unpolished charm.
Unpolitical: not interested or active in politics; nonpolitical; not political.
– Unpolitical views.
Unpolluted: that has not been polluted; pure; clean.
– The unpolluted air of the mountains.
Unpopular: not liked or enjoyed by a person, a group or people in general; disliked; unliked.
– An unpopular choice.
Unpopulated: not populated; not occupied or settled; not inhabited.
– All are fearful areas, unpopulated and places of last resort for bandits and other desperados.
Unpotted: not planted in a pot; not grown in a pot.
– If it feels hard and tight, then it’s probably seriously potbound and you should ask to see it unpotted.
Unpowered: Lacking in power, especially electrical power; motorless; non-active.
– Northwich is an unpowered narrowboat which was towed by horse or a motor boat.
Unpracticed: not put to use or test; untried; not practiced; unskilled; inexpert.
– This the lawyer proceeded to do and so cleverly that an unpracticed eye would not detect it.
Unprecedented: that has never happened, been done or been known before; unparalleled; unequalled.
– The situation is unprecedented in modern times.
Unpredictable: that cannot be predicted because it changes a lot or depends on too many different things; incalculable; uncertain.
– The unpredictable weather in the mountains can make climbing extremely hazardous.
Unpredicted: without warning or announcement; unannounced; unheralded; unexpected.
– House is equipped with alarm to avoid unpredicted burglars.
Unprejudiced: not influenced by an unreasonable fear or dislike of something/somebody; willing to consider different ideas and opinions; impartial; unbiased.
– There must be a few honest and unprejudiced lawyers around.
Unpremeditated: of a crime or bad action not planned in advance; unplanned; spontaneous.
– An unpremeditated, willful and reckless action which had put them outside the law.
Unprepared: unprepared (for something) not ready or not expecting something; unready; surprised.
– She was totally unprepared for his response.
Unprepossessing: not attractive; not making a good or strong impression; unattractive; repulsive.
– He was big, burly and unprepossessing.
Unpresentable: not presentable; unprepossessing; unattractive; lacking beauty or charm.
– Unpresentable friends.
Unpresidential: not suitable for or appropriate to a president; unstatesmanlike; not statesmanlike
– Some claim that his style is unpresidential but to many people it is another reason to respect him.
Unpretending: not pretended; real; genuine.
– Some could not understand the reason for enjoying so thoroughly as almost everyone did these simple unpretending songs.
Unpretentious: not trying to appear more special, intelligent, important, etc. than you really are/it really is; unaffected; modest.
– He was a friendly and unpretentious man.
Unpreventable: not preventable; unavoidable; inevitable.
– An unpreventable accident.
Unpriestly: not priestly; unbefitting a priest.
– Unpriestly behavior.
Unprincipled: without moral principles; dishonest; unethical.
– She saw him as an unprincipled opportunist.
Unprintable: too offensive or shocking to be printed and read by people; vulgar; obscene.
– I can’t tell you what he said because it’s unprintable.
Unproblematic: not having or causing problems; uncomplicated; straightforward.
– This was unproblematic for most students, who identified themselves with this image.
Unprocurable: not capable of being obtained; inaccessible; unobtainable; untouchable.
– Buckwheat is scarce, and candles are almost unprocurable.
Unproductive: not producing very much; not producing good results; barren; infertile.
– Unproductive land.
Unprofessional: not reaching the standard expected in a particular profession; improper; unethical.
– She was found guilty of unprofessional conduct.
Unprofitable: not making any financial profit; worthless; fruitless.
– Unprofitable companies.
Unprogressive: not progressive; conservative; delayed.
– The methods of agriculture are still unscientific and unprogressive.
Unpromising: not likely to be successful or show good results; inauspicious; unfavorable.
– Things got off to an unpromising start.
Unprompted: said or done without somebody asking you to say or do it; unexpected; unmeditated.
– Quite unprompted, Sam started telling us exactly what had happened that night.
Unpronounceable: of a word, especially a name too difficult to pronounce; difficult; impossible.
– It was his first release since changing his stage name to an unpronounceable symbol.
Unpropitious: not likely to have or produce a good result; not favorable or advantageous; not propitious.
– The prime minister is pursuing it in circumstances so unpropitious that they would have been unimaginable even eight months ago.
Unprotected: not protected against being hurt or damaged; exposed; helpless.
– They hunt in packs, attacking the old, sick and unprotected young animals.
Unprovable not provable; unobvious; not immediately apparent.
– It was both unproved and unprovable.
Unproved: not proved or tested; undemonstrated; unpracticed.
– The theory remains unproven.
Unproven: not proved or tested; baseless; deceptive.
– The theory remains unproven.
Unprovocative: not provocative; not provoking a response; unexciting; nonviolent.
– Unprovocative conversation.
Unprovoked: not caused by anything the person being attacked has said or done; baseless; groundless.
– A vicious and unprovoked attack.
Unprovoking: occurring without any identifiable cause or justification; not provoked; motiveless; gratuitous.
– An unprovoking assault.
Unpublishable: not suitable for publication; unprintable; obscene.
– When her work was rejected as unpublishable, she typeset and printed it herself.
Unpublished: not published; strictly confidential; concealed.
– An unpublished novel.
Unpunctual: not punctual; late or habitually late; belated.
– But Lucy at last was unpunctual in her visits to the Wilderness.
Unpunished: not punished; uncorrected, undisciplined.
– He promised that the murder would not go unpunished.
Unpurified: not purified, not purged of impure matter; crude; grainy.
– That lake is extremely difficult of access to men of unpurified souls.
Unqualified: not having the right knowledge, experience or qualifications to do something; uncertificated; unlicensed.
– An unqualified instructor.
Unquantifiable: not capable of being quantified; immeasurable; incalculable.
– My concern is that the difficulties that may arise are unquantifiable.
Unquenchable: that cannot be satisfied; insatiate; unsatiable.
– He had an unquenchable thirst for life.
Unquestionable: that cannot be doubted; indubitable; undoubted.
– The advantages of this approach are unquestionable.
Unquestioned: so obvious that it cannot be doubted; undeniable; unquestionable.
– His courage remains unquestioned.
Unquestioning: done or given without asking questions, expressing doubt; implicit; absolute.
– Unquestioning obedience.
Unquiet: not calm; anxious; restless.
– She prowled the night like an unquiet spirit.
Unquotable: not able or fit to be repeated or quoted; unquestioned; unrepeatable.
– What he said was funny but unquotable.
Unranked: not ranked. Especially; not included in a ranked list; nonhierarchical.
– The team was unranked last season.
Unratified: lacking legal authority; illegal; null.
– The unratified Equal Right Amendment.
Unreachable: incapable of being reached; distant; elusive.
– The island was unreachable by air.
Unreached: inaccessibly located or situated; out of reach; unapproachable; unreachable; inaccessible.
– Be an instrument of redemption, there are still unreached people.
Unreactive: tending not to show a chemical change when mixed with another substance; indifferent; inert.
– He often seems inert and unreactive.
Unread: that has not been read; benighted; uncultivated.
– The manuscript was returned unread.
Unreadable: if somebody’s face or expression is unreadable, you cannot tell what they are thinking or feeling; indecipherable; unintelligible.
– Ed regarded her with an unreadable expression.
Unready: not ready or prepared; slow or hesitant to see or act; immature.
– She cursed her unready tongue.
Unreal: so strange that it is more like a dream than reality; imaginary; imagined.
– The party began to take on an unreal, almost nightmarish quality.
Unrealistic: not showing or accepting things as they are; impractical; impracticable.
– Unrealistic expectations.
Unrealizable: incapable of being effected or accomplished; not realizable; hopeless.
– An unrealizable goal.
Unrealized: not achieved or created; unrealized; unsuccessful.
– Their potential is unrealized.
Unreasonable: not fair; expecting too much; uncooperative.
– The job was beginning to make unreasonable demands on his free time.
Unreasoning: not based on facts or reason; irrational; insensitive.
– Unreasoning fear.
Unreceptive: not responsive or receptive; closed; unsympathetic.
– An unreceptive audience.
Unreciprocated: not requited; unanswered; unreturned.
– Unreciprocated love.
Unrecognizable: of a person or thing so changed or damaged that you do not recognize them or it; unidentifiable; unknowable.
– He was unrecognizable without his beard.
Unrecognized: that people are not aware of or do not realize is important; nameless; unfamous.
– The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized.
Unreconciled: not reconciled or brought into harmony; incompatible; inconsistent.
– I want to give up, still remains unreconciled.
Unreconstructed: not having changed, although general opinion on these matters has changed; incorrigible; unregenerate.
– An unreconstructed Marxist.
Unrecorded: not written down or recorded; uncounted; unidentified.
– Many crimes go unrecorded.
Unrecoverable: that you cannot get back after it has been spent or lost; irreplaceable; irreversible.
– A number of hard drives failed, which rendered the data unrecoverable.
Unredeemable: insusceptible of reform; irreclaimable; irredeemable.
– The human condition is messy and perhaps unredeemable.
Unredeemed: not redeemed; not granted redemption or salvation; unsaved.
– Unredeemed promises.
Unrefined: not separated from the other substances that it is combined with in its natural form; unprocessed; untreated.
– Unrefined sugar.
Unreflective: not reflective; thoughtless; lacking in due deliberation; heedless; rash.
– The old times New England house mother was not a mere unreflective drudge of domestic toil.
Unreformable: unrepentant and incapable of being reformed; unregenerate; incorrigible.
– The first is that it is designed to be an irreversible and unreformable project of ever closer union.
Unreformed: unaffected by the Reformation; mainstream; orthodox.
– Unreformed churches.
Unrefreshed: not rested or refreshed; unrested; tired.
– Hot flashes occur during the day and sometimes at night as well, causing interrupted and unrefreshed sleep.
Unregenerate: not trying to change your bad habits or bad behaviour; agnostic; apostate.
– If he was an unregenerate delinquent, he would have been expelled.
Unregistered: not listed in an official or public record; not registered; unrecorded.
– That region has a high number of unregistered births.
Unregretful: not regretful; having no regrets; unrepentant.
– Calm and unregretful heart.
Unregulated: not controlled by laws or regulations; unchecked; uncontrolled.
– A deregulated market does not mean an unregulated market.
Unrelated: not connected; not related to something else; unconnected.
– The two events were totally unrelated.
Unrelaxed: not at rest or at ease; not relaxed; nervous.
– An unrelaxed and very fervid scrutiny.
Unrelenting: not stopping or becoming less severe; relentless; implacable.
– Unrelenting pressure.
Unreliable: that cannot be trusted or depended on; undependable; untrustworthy.
– The trains are notoriously unreliable.
Unrelieved: of an unpleasant situation continuing without changing; unmitigated; absolute.
– She held the family together through years of unrelieved poverty.
Unremarkable: ordinary; not special in any way; customary.
– An unremarkable life.
Unremarked: not noticed; overlooked; undiscovered.
– His absence went unremarked.
Unremedied: not having been put right; uncorrected; unremorseful.
– Unremedied errors.
Unremitting: never stopping; relentless; continual.
– Unremitting hostility.
Unremorseful: lacking remorse, regret, or sorrow for one’s actions or behaviour; impenitent; unregenerate.
– Unremorseful interview.
Unremunerative: not remunerative; returning no gain or profit or an inadequate one; unrewarding.
– An unremunerative occupation.
Unrenewed: not renewed; not regenerated; unrepentant.
– An unrenewed license.
Unrepaired: unserviceable because necessary repairs have not been made; unserviceable; not ready for service.
– Empty and unrepaired, the house now is slipping into foreclosure.
Unrepeatable: too offensive or shocking to be repeated; irreproducible; unreproducible.
– He called me several unrepeatable names.
Unrepentant: showing no shame about your actions or beliefs; remorseless; unremorseful.
– She was cheerfully unrepentant about her part in the deception.
Unreplaceable: too valuable or special to be replaced; irreplaceable; unexpendable.
– The manufacturing industry plays an unreplaceable role in our country economic development.
Unreportable: too extreme or monstrous to report; unspeakable; unrepeatable.
– To date, most published testing has been run in an unvalidated, unreportable manner.
Unreported: not reported to the police or somebody in authority or to the public; confidential; not recorded.
– Many cases of bullying go unreported.
Unrepresentative: unrepresentative (of somebody/something) not typical of a group of people or things and therefore not useful as a source of information about that group; untypical; abnormal.
– This early novel is unrepresentative of her work as a whole.
Unrepresented: not having representation; belittled; diminished.
– He had no fear of difficulty resulting from fractions remaining unrepresented.
Unreproducible: not able to be reproduced, duplicated, or copied; unreplicable; irreplicable.
– Upon retesting, the unreproducible positive results turned negative except for one which turned non-conclusive.
Unrequested: not requested; unasked; unasked; unsolicited.
– The merchandise was unrequested.
Unrequited: not returned by the person that you love; unanswered; unreciprocated.
– Yet for an unlucky few, sport can be an unrequited love.
Unresentful: not resentful; without resentment; hateful.
– He had queried it with the Colonel, who had listened patiently, quietly, unresentful of a subordinate’s representation.
Unreserved: not paid for in advance; not kept for the use of a particular person; uninhibited; liberated.
– Unreserved seats are available one hour before the performance.
Unresistant: not giving, capable of, or exhibiting resistance; not resistant; submissive.
– Insects unresistant to pesticides.
Unresisting: not showing, producing, or putting up any resistance; compliant; constrained.
– She took the box from his unresisting hand.
Unresolvable: not able to be settled, solved, or brought to resolution; not resolvable; unsolvable.
– An unresolvable dispute.
Unresolved: of a problem or question not yet solved or answered; not having been resolved; undecided.
– These unresolved issues must be addressed.
Unrespectable: not worthy of or inspiring respect; not respectable; contemptible.
– She regarded the hire-purchase system as unrespectable.
Unresponsive: not reacting to somebody/something; not giving the response that you would expect or hope for; insensitive; passive.
– She is a cold, unfeeling and unresponsive woman.
Unrestrained: not controlled; not having been restrained; uncontrolled; unconstrained.
– Unrestrained greed.
Unrestricted: not limited or controlled in any way; unlimited; unhindered.
– We have unrestricted access to all the facilities.
Unrestrictive: not having limits; not subject to restriction; not restricted.
– Permissions can be created in either a totally restrictive or totally unrestrictive state.
Unretentive: deficient in retentiveness or range; forgetful; short forgetful.
– Unretentive syllabus.
Unrevealed: not having been disclosed, divulged, revealed; concealed; covered; covert.
– All through the trial there was something in his bearing which left the impression of a purpose unrevealed.
Unrewarded: not receiving the success that you are trying to achieve; fruitless; futile.
– Real talent often goes unrewarded.
Unrewarding: not bringing feelings of pleasure or achievement; barren; useless.
– I find the work dull and unrewarding.
Unrhetorical: not rhetorical; literal; plainspoken.
– He displays much affection for the dead bishop, and has written a plain and simple narrative, unrhetorical and truthful.
Unrhymed: having no rhyme; rhymeless; unrimed.
– Writing unrhymed blank verse is like playing tennis without a net.
Unrhythmic: not marked by or moving with rhythm; not regularly recurrent; not rhythmic.
– Unrhythmic steps.
Unrifled: not rifled; smoothbore.
– Can I offer you refreshment the wheaten loaf, the smooth, unrifled egg.
Unrigged: Not rigged; not having the rigging up.
– The last lure can be rigged with a hook or unrigged.
Unrighteous: not righteous; sinful; wicked; unjust; unmerited.
– God is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love.
Unripe: not yet ready to eat; immature; unready.
– Unripe fruit.
Unrivaled: better or greater than any other; unsurpassed; unmatched.
– The hotel enjoys an unrivalled position overlooking the lake.
Unrivalled: better or greater than any other; unsurpassed; unmatched.
– An unrivalled knowledge of antiques.
Unromantic: not suitable for, conducive to, or given to romance or courtship; unsentimental; cynical.
– An unromantic gesture.
Unroofed: not provided with a roof; not roofed; bare.
– A house that is partially unroofed.
Unruffled: calm; unperturbed; tranquil.
– He remained unruffled by their accusations.
Unruly: difficult to control or manage; disorderly; disruptive.
– An unruly class.
Unsafe: of a thing, a place or an activity not safe; dangerous; risky.
– The roof was declared unsafe.
Unsaid: thought but not spoken; unspoken; unuttered.
– Some things are better left unsaid.
Unsalable: unfit or unable to be sold; not salable; unmarketable.
– Unsalable inventory.
Unsalaried: not paid a salary; gratuitous; honorary.
– An unsalaried volunteer.
Unsaleable: that cannot be sold, because it is not good enough or because nobody wants to buy it; worthless; useless.
– An increased catch of unsaleable whole fish has resulted from the increased bycatch of the fishing industry.
Unsalted: without added salt; unmodified; unsmoked.
– Unsalted butter.
Unsalvageable: not capable of being salvaged; irreversible; irredeemable.
– A house in unsalvageable condition.
Unsanctified: not made sacred or holy; abusive; blasphemous.
– Later, the convent was closed and the Church was unsanctified.
Unsanctioned: not having been given permission or authorization; contraband; illicit.
– His death had devastated her, and her grieving was all the greater for its secret, unsanctioned nature.
Unsanded: not brought to the desired final state; raw; unfinished.
– Unsanded wood.
Unsanitary: dirty and likely to spread disease; unhygienic; insanitary.
– They were forced to live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions.
Unsaponified: not converted into soap; saponify.
– Unsaponified fat.
Unsated: not satiated; not satisfied; insatiable.
– Totten ham’s desire for the ball was unsated.
Unsatisfactory: not good enough; inadequate; unacceptable.
– The results were considered to be thoroughly unsatisfactory.
Unsatisfiable: not able to be satisfied; insistent; rapacious.
– The cupidity of a nation is never ending and is unsatisfiable.
Unsatisfied: of a person not having got what you hoped; not having had enough of something; annoyed; begrudging.
– The novel had interested him, but left him unsatisfied.
Unsatisfying: not making you feel satisfied; satisfying; disappointing; lame.
– A shallow, unsatisfying relationship.
Unsaturated: not saturated; unimpregnated; unsoaked.
– Various fats contain different proportions of saturated and unsaturated fat.
Unsaved: not saved. Especially; not absolved from eternal punishment; not regenerate.
– To an unsaved person, the Bible is a closed, difficult book.
Unsavory: unpleasant to taste or smell; disagreeable; distasteful.
– An unsavory assignment.
Unsavoury: unpleasant or offensive; not considered morally acceptable; unpalatable; unappetizing.
– Her friends are all pretty unsavoury characters.
Unscalable: not capable of being climbed or scaled; not scalable; unclimbable.
– Unscalable peaks.
Unscathed: not hurt; unharmed; uninjured.
– The hostages emerged from their ordeal unscathed.
Unscheduled: that was not planned in advance; unplanned; unprepared.
– An unscheduled stop.
Unscholarly: not characteristic of, suitable to, or having the characteristics of a scholar; not scholarly; illiterate.
– An illogical and unscholarly argument.
Unschooled: has had no formal education; untaught; untutored.
– An unschooled person.
Unscientific: not scientific; not done in a careful, logical way; irrational.
– An unscientific approach to a problem.
Unscripted: not written or prepared in detail in advance; spontaneous; improvisational.
– The sea coast of Illyria underwent an unscripted earthquake.
Unscrupulous: without moral principles; not honest or fair; unprincipled.
– In his desire for power, he has become completely unscrupulous.
Unsealed: not sealed; not stamped or marked with a seal; uncovered.
– Unsealed cargo.
Unseamed: not having or joined by a seam or seams; Smooth; seamless; unlined smooth.
– His unseamed face.
Unseasonable: unusual for the time of year; unexpected; untimely.
– Unseasonable weather.
Unseasoned: not seasoned; inexperienced; bland.
– Unseasoned food.
Unseaworthy: not fit for a sea voyage; not seaworthy; leaky.
– An unseaworthy vessel.
Unsectarian: not restricted to one sect or school or party; comprehensive; cosmopolitan.
– A wide and unsectarian interest in religion.
Unsecured: not locked, guarded or protected; loose; insecure.
– Unsecured windows.
Unseeable: impossible or nearly impossible to see; imperceptible by the eye; invisible; covert.
– She was unseeable in the dusk of the room.
Unseeded: not chosen as a seed (= one of the players expected to do well) in a sports competition, especially in tennis; virgin; dormant.
– Unseeded players.
Unseeing: not noticing or really looking at anything although your eyes are open; amaurotic; eyeless.
– He gazed out to the horizon with unseeing eyes.
Unseemly: not polite or suitable for a particular situation; improper; indecorous.
– There followed an unseemly rush for the exits.
Unseen: that cannot be seen; that is not seen; not previously seen.
– Unseen forces.
Unsegmented: not divided into or made up of segments; not segmented; nonsegmental; united.
– Unsegmented worms.
Unsegregated: not segregated, especially not subject to racial division; integrated; multicultural.
– An unsegregated community.
Unselected: not selected; refused; rejected.
– Will be held at a still unselected location.
Unselective: not marked by selection; random; indiscriminate.
– A term given to viewers who are unselective about the content they watch.
Unselfconscious: not worried about or aware of what other people think of you; relaxed; spontaneous.
– He sang with unselfconscious ease.
Unselfish: giving more time or importance to other people’s needs, wishes, etc. than to your own; selfless; altruistic.
– Unselfish motives.
Unsensational: not of such character as to arouse intense interest, curiosity, or emotional reaction; undramatic; unexciting.
– A sensational disaster, it is told in an unsensational way.
Unsent: not yet sent or transmitted; undelivered; unmailed.
– He had the unsent letter in his hand.
Unsentimental: not having or expressing emotions such as love or sympathy; not allowing such emotions to influence what you do; practical; prosaic.
– He told us about his father’s death in a very brisk and unsentimental way.
Unserviceable: not suitable to be used; useless; impractical.
– The aircraft was completely unserviceable.
Unsettled: that may change; making people uncertain about what might happen; undecided; unresolved.
– These were difficult and unsettled times.
Unsettling: making you feel upset, nervous or worried; discompose; unnerve.
– Seeing Nicky again after so long was an unsettling experience.
Unsexed: deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes; castrated altered; neutered.
– I obtained two unsexed birds, which proved to be a true pair, and within weeks they settled down and bred.
Unsexy: not sexy; not sexually suggestive or appealing; unerotic.
– A modest, unsexy dress.
Unshackled: not bound by shackles and chains; unchained; unfettered.
– He unshackled the prisoner.
Unshaded: without a shade or other type of cover; unshadowed; not darkened or obscured by shadow.
– An unshaded light bulb.
Unshadowed: not darkened or obscured by shadow; unshackled.
– On the rough sea ice you may on an unshadowed day.
Unshakable: of a feeling or an attitude that cannot be changed or destroyed; firm; impregnable.
– Their confidence in the plan appears unshakable.
Unshaken: unshaken (in something) not having changed a particular feeling or attitude; undaunted; undismayed.
– They remain unshaken in their loyalty.
Unshaped: not shaped: such as; not dressed or finished to final form; abnormal.
– An unshaped timber.
Unshapely: not having a regular or pleasing shape; not shapely; floppy; oversize.
– Frequently the book seems compiled rather than composed, facts and fiction accreting into a formidable but unshapely mass.
Unshapen: not shaped or definitely formed; shapeless; formless; indefinite.
– Sometimes, however, his thoughts are unshapen, and as it were rough-hewn and rugged.
Unshared: not shared; individual; lone.
– An unshared achievement.
Unsharpened: not sharp; blunted; edgeless.
– Blades are typically sold as unsharpened.
Unshaved: not shaved; unshaven; barbate; bearded.
– He looks terrible unshaved.
Unshaven: not having shaved or been shaved recently; bristly; hairy.
– He looked pale and unshaven.
Unsheared: not having been sheared; rough; uncut.
– Unsheared cloth.
Unsheathed: not protected by a sheath; naked; bare.
– He carried close to his leg a narrow unsheathed sword.
Unshelled: of animals or fruits that have no shell; shell-less.
– Unshelled almonds.
Unshielded: not shielded; unprotected; vulnerable.
– Unshielded eyes.
Unshockable: incapable of being shocked; broad-minded.
– He was warmhearted, sensible and unshockable.
Unshod: not shod; unshoed; barefoot.
– He scratched the back of his calf with an unshod foot.
Unshorn: not sheared; shaggy; unshaven.
– A grizzly unshorn beard.
Unshrinkable: incapable of being shrunken, diminished, or reduced; not shrinkable; not capable of being shrunk.
– Unshrinkable Underwear.
Unshrinking: not shrinking from danger; unblinking; unflinching.
– As if within her bonny smile and unshrinking friendliness he beheld something new and wonderfully beautiful.
Unshuttered: not provided with shutters or having the shuttered open; free; susceptible.
– Shopkeepers have not yet unshuttered their stores.
Unsighted: not sighted; eyeless; purblind.
– I glanced up over the unsighted pages of the newspaper to look through the café window up the avenue.
Unsightly: not pleasant to look at; ugly; unattractive.
– An unsightly scar.
Unsigned: not having been signed by somebody; without a signature; obscure; undesignated.
– An unsigned letter to the editor.
Unsilenced: not silenced; unhushed.
– Guns silenced and unsilenced.
Unsinkable: not capable of sinking or being sunk; bouncy; resilient.
– An unsinkable ship.
Unsized: not fashioned to sizes; unsorted; not arranged according to size.
– Unsized gloves.
Unskilled: not having or needing special skills or training; untrained; unqualified.
– Unskilled manual workers.
Unskillful: not skillful; lacking in skill or proficiency; inexpert; incompetent.
– The answer of some problems is unskillful.
Unsleeping: fully awake; wide-awake; awake.
– The unsleeping city.
Unsmiling: not smiling; looking unfriendly; earnest; grave.
– His eyes were hard and unsmiling.
Unsmooth: not smooth; rough; harsh.
– That once wipes unsmooth green memory.
Unsmoothed: not made smooth, level, or even on the surface; not smoothed; bumpy; irregular.
– Unsmoothed bedsheets.
Unsociable: not enjoying the company of other people; not friendly; unamiable.
– I was feeling very unsociable, so I didn’t go to the party.
Unsocial: outside the normal times of working; reclusive; reserved.
– I work long and unsocial hours.
Unsoiled: not corrupt or tainted; not dirty or stained; antiseptic.
– Unsoiled clothes.
Unsold: not bought by anyone; discouraged; deterred.
– Many of the houses remain unsold.
Unsoldierly: not characteristic of or befitting a soldier; not soldierly; amiable; obliging.
– There was something peculiar about it, quite unsoldierly, rather comic, but extremely attractive.
Unsolicited: not asked for and sometimes not wanted; uninvited; unsought.
– Unsolicited advice.
Unsolvable: not able to be explained, answered for, or solved; not solvable; hopeless; impossible.
– Unsolvable disputes.
Unsolved: not having been solved; baffling; mysterious.
– An unsolved murder/mystery/problem.
Unsophisticated: not having or showing much experience of the world and social situations; unworldly; naïve.
– Unsophisticated tastes.
Unsorted: not sorted, or not arranged in any particular order; blurred; chaotic.
– A pile of unsorted papers.
Unsought: not looked or sought for; unwanted; unsolicited.
– It showed that all that had been promised to me, unsolicited and unsought, was not sincere.
Unsound: not acceptable; not based on reliable evidence; unreliable.
– Ideologically unsound.
Unsounded: not pronounced or spoken; not sounded; silent.
– The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsounded.
Unsoured: not having turned bad; fresh; sweet; unfermented.
– The idea was to create an atmosphere unsoured by threats.
Unsown: not have a crop sown on it; unseeded; unplanted.
– Farmland still unsown.
Unsparing: unsparing (in something) not caring about people’s feelings; merciless; pitiless.
– She is unsparing in her criticism.
Unspeakable: that cannot be described in words, usually because it is so bad; indescribable; inexpressible; unutterable.
– I hate to think of all the vile unspeakable things he did.
Unspecialized: having no speciality, or particular purpose; general; unlimited.
– Unspecialized immigrants.
Unspecific: not stated clearly or definitely; not having been specified; ambiguous.
– This group of children displayed an unspecific broad negativity and no positivity in response to over-regularizations.
Unspecified: not stated clearly or definitely; not having been specified; unnamed; unstated.
– The story takes place at an unspecified date.
Unspectacular: not exciting or special; unremarkable; unexceptional.
– He had a steady but unspectacular career.
Unspent: still valid; still available to spend; unexpended; unexhausted.
– His unspent allowance.
Unspoiled: beautiful because it has not been changed or built on; preserved; intact.
– Unspoiled countryside.
Unspoilt: not left to spoil; good; undecomposed.
– An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.
Unspoken: not stated; not said in words but understood or agreed between people; unstated.
– An unspoken assumption.
Unsporting: not fair or generous in your behaviour or treatment of others, especially of an opponent in a game; dishonest; unfair.
– It was very unsporting of you to trip him.
Unsportsmanlike: not behaving in a fair, generous and polite way, especially when playing a sport or game; cheating; ungentlemanly.
– Unsportsmanlike conduct.
Unspotted: having no spots or stains; without spots; spotless.
– An unspotted breed of dog.
Unstable: likely to change suddenly; volatile; unsteady
– The political situation remains highly unstable.
Unstaged: not formally staged; not presented to an audience on a stage; genuine.
– This version went unstaged after the latter was arrested and convicted for fraud.
Unstained: not discolored by a stain; not morally blemished or tainted; clean; stainless.
– Unstained clothing.
Unstarred: not marked with an asterisk; unasterisked; unmarked.
– As it happens, that particular word has appeared many times, unstarred, in our pages.
Unstated: not stated; not said in words but understood or agreed between people; unspoken.
– Their reasoning was based on a set of unstated assumptions.
Unstatesmanlike: not statesmanlike; unpresidential.
– Unstatesmanlike procedure.
Unsteady: not completely in control of your movements so that you might fall; unstable; wobbly.
– She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation.
Unsterilized: not sterilized; that has not been made sterile; unsterile; unsanitary.
– Unsterilized soils.
Unstilted: flowing naturally and continuously; unaffected’ free of artificiality; sincere and genuine.
– Unstilted conversation.
Unstimulating: an uninspiring political force; boring; dull; dreary; unexciting; unstimulating; uninvolving.
– A lifetime of narrow, unstimulating years and thwarted instincts had made age treat her ill.
Unstinted: not restrained or restricted; generously or freely given; lavish; liberal.
– Unstinted praise.
Unstinting: given or giving generously; ungrudging; unsparing.
– Unstinting support.
Unstirred: not stirred or beaten; not stirred or moved; undisturbed.
– Those were feelings I’d rather stayed unstirred.
Unstoppable: that cannot be stopped or prevented; rebellious; determined.
– On form, the team was simply unstoppable.
Unstrained: not forced or resulting from undue effort; loosen up; make relaxed.
– A relaxed and unstrained manner.
Unstratified: not stratified; not formed, arranged, or deposited in layers.
– Unstratified glacial till.
Unstructured: without structure or organization; disorganized; unregulated.
– An unstructured interview.
Unstrung: having the string or strings loosened or removed, as a bow or harp; unnerved; discomposed.
– The incident left him unstrung.
Unstuck: fail completely, with bad results; detach; discharge.
– Their plans came badly unstuck.
Unstudied: not studied; not acquired by study; not forced; not done or planned for effect.
– She moved with an unstudied grace.
Unstudious: Not studious; not inclined towards studying; unscholarly.
– Despite the unstudious criticisms of some historians, Cortez was not a cruel conqueror.
Unstylish: lacking style; not stylish or fashionable; tacky.
– Unstylish outfits.
Unsubdued: not conquered or brought under control; not subdued; untamed.
– Though he suffered most of the damage, his spirit remained unsubdued.
Unsubmissive: Unwilling to submit; not submissive; disobedient.
– An unsubmissive or degraded being.
Unsubstantial: having little or no solidity, reality, or factual basis; fanciful; insubstantial.
– A pretty if unsubstantial cubist composition.
Unsubstantiated: not proved to be true by evidence; unsupported; unconfirmed.
– The court found that most of her claims were unsubstantiated.
Unsubtle: not indirect or difficult to perceive; not subtle; absolute.
– A mournfully unsubtle document.
Unsuccessful: not successful; not achieving what you wanted to; abortive; misfired.
– His efforts to get a job proved unsuccessful.
Unsufferable: not to be suffered or borne with patience or composure; intolerable; insufferable.
– An unsufferable wrong.
Unsuitable: unsuitable (for somebody/something) not right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose or occasion; inappropriate; unsuited.
– He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.
Unsuited: unsuited (to/for something) | unsuited (to do something) not having the right or necessary qualities for something; incompatible; inapt.
– He is unsuited to academic work.
Unsullied: not made less good by anything; still pure or in the original state; unspoiled; spotless.
– The unsullied emotions of childhood.
Unsung: not praised or famous but deserving to be; unacknowledged; uncelebrated.
– The unsung heroes of the war.
Unsupportable: not able to be supported or defended; intolerable; unbearable; unendurable; incapable of being put up with.
– The society of these devotees is calculated solely to render their lives mutually more unsupportable.
Unsupported: not proved to be true by evidence; unsubstantiated; baseless; groundless.
– Their claims are unsupported by research findings.
Unsupportive: not providing support; not supportive; disconfirming.
– They were unsupportive of her decision.
Unsure: not certain of something; having doubts; unassertive; insecure.
– There were a lot of things I was unsure about.
Unsurmountable: not capable of being surmounted or overcome; insurmountable; unconquerable.
– He possessed power, energy, and a driving force which overcame apparently unsurmountable obstacles.
Unsurpassable: unable to be surpassed or exceeded; consummate; matchless.
– An unsurpassable legacy.
Unsurprising: not causing surprise; predictable; foreseeable.
– It’s unsurprising that people with dogs walk more than others.
Unsusceptible: not likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing; invulnerable; unexposed.
– Infants are relatively unsusceptible to infections.
Unsuspected: not predicted or known; that you were not previously aware of; improbable; inconceived.
– Scientists are investigating the previously unsuspected side effects of the drug.
Unsuspecting: not suspecting that anything is wrong; not aware of danger or of something bad; unsuspicious; unwary.
– He had crept up on his unsuspecting victim from behind.
Unsuspicious: not distrustful or suspicious; naïve; innocent.
– A person with a trusting, unsuspicious nature.
Unsustainable: that cannot be continued at the same level, rate; unsuitable; unendurable.
– Unsustainable growth.
Unswayed: not moved or affected; not influenced; impartial.
– But the judge and jury were unswayed.
Unsweetened: without sugar or a similar substance having been added; bitter; sour.
– Unsweetened water.
Unswept: not having been swept; dirty; soiled; unclean.
– Unswept floors.
Unswerving: strong and not changing or becoming weaker; unwavering; unfaltering.
– Unswerving loyalty.
Unsworn: not bound by or stated on oath.
– Unsworn testimony.
Unsyllabled: not articulated in syllables; nonsyllabic; unsyllabic.
– Unsyllabled sounds.
Unsymmetrical: not symmetrical; lacking symmetry; misproportioned.
– Unsymmetrical loading.
Unsympathetic: unsympathetic (to/towards somebody) not feeling or showing any sympathy; uncaring; unconcerned.
– I told him about the problem but he was totally unsympathetic.
Unsympathizing: not showing or expressing sympathy; harsh; merciless.
– An uncharitable and unsympathizing attitude.
Unsynchronized: not operating or happening at the same time; not synchronized; nonsimultaneous.
– Unsynchronized clocks.
Unsystematic: not organized into a clear system; unmethodical; uncoordinated.
– The site was excavated in an unsystematic way.
Untactful: lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; tactless; inconsiderate.
– These kinds of scandals can crush a company if you’re untactful.
Untagged: not provided with or as if with a tag; not tagged; anonymous.
– Untagged merchandise.
Untainted: not damaged or harmed by something unpleasant; not tainted; pristine; unsullied.
– He personally remained untainted by the multiple scandals that beset his party.
Untalented: without a natural ability to do something well; unskilled ; inexperienced.
– She was considered relatively untalented by the diving coaches.
Untalkative: unwilling to talk; taciturn; refusing to speak.
– He was a quiet, rather untalkative man.
Untamable: unable to be tamed or brought under control; resistant; unmalleable.
– An untamable spirit.
Untamed: allowed to remain in a wild state; not changed, controlled or influenced by anyone; not tamed; savage; feral.
– He was so angry, he was like an untamed beast.
Untanned: not converted into leather by treating it with a tanning agent; pallid; ashen.
– Untanned buffalo skins.
Untapped: available but not yet used; inaugural; introductory.
– Untapped reserves of oil.
Untarnished: not dulled or damaged; not tarnished; immaculate; polished.
– An untarnished reputation.
Untasted: not tasted; not sampled or tried out; distasteful; repulsive.
– The food lay untasted on the plate.
Untaught: not instructed or trained; ignorant; natural; spontaneous.
– You must be untaught some of what you have learned by yourself.
Untaxed: not subjected to taxation; not taxed; tax exempt.
– Aviation fuel is completely untaxed in most countries.
Untechnical: not characteristic of or skilled in applied arts and sciences; general; nonspecific.
– I am totally untechnical and can barely change a fuse without blowing up the house.
Untellable: That cannot be told; indefinable; indescribable or ineffable.
– They had to be told completely or they were altogether untellable.
Untempered: Not tempered; not conditioned by a process; inexperienced; untested.
– There was an atmosphere of untempered gloom.
Untenable: that cannot be defended against attack or criticism; indefensible; undefendable.
– His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign.
Untenanted: not leased to or occupied by a tenant; not tenanted; vacated.
– Untenanted property.
Untended: not managed, minded, or watched over; not tended; crumbling.
– An untended garden.
Untested: not tested; of unknown quality or value; unproved; unproven.
– An untested assumption.
Untethered: not tied or limited with or as if with a tether; unbound; unleashed.
– She was raw and untethered from her life.
Unthankful: disagreeable; thankless; unpleasant; unappreciative.
– An unthankful assignment.
Unthawed: not thawed; still frozen; dissolve.
– The company blamed that on dry periods early last year and the amount of unthawed snow this winter.
Untheatrical: not suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater; underplayed; unpretentious.
– A beautifully written but untheatrical play.
Unthematic: not relating to a melodic subject; untethered; untextured.
– There is nothing unthematic in this composition.
Unthinkable: impossible to imagine or accept; inconceivable; unimaginable.
– This would have been considered unthinkable only a decade ago.
Unthinking: not thinking about the effects of what you do or say; thoughtless; inconsiderate.
– Unthinking, he started to cross the road.
Unthought: so unexpected as to have not been imagined; careless; reckless.
– An unthought advantage.
Unthoughtful: not thoughtful; lacking in thought; thoughtless; careless.
– Unthoughtful behavior.
Unthreatening: nonthreatening; innocuous; harmless.
– But most of the insect world was neither so helpless nor so unthreatening.
Untidy: not neat or well arranged; not in order; disordered; messy.
– An untidy desk.
Untilled: not plowed or harrowed or hoed; unbroken; unploughed; unplowed.
– Untilled land.
Untimely: happening too soon or sooner than is normal or expected; premature; inappropriate.
– A cough at the doorway brought an untimely end to their embrace.
Untipped: not tipped; not having a tip or point.
– She smoked an untipped Gauloise, thick and fat as a chalk stick, with the relish of a true professional.
Untired: not tired; unwearied; exhilarated.
– It continued its flight, apparently untired, in tempestuous as well as moderate weather.
Untiring: continuing to do something for a long period of time with a lot of effort and/or enthusiasm; tireless; vigorous.
– An untiring campaigner for human rights.
Untitled: without a title; unnamed; incognito.
– The album has a hidden track, which was untitled when the album released.
Untoasted: not having been browned by exposure to heat; raw.
– Untoasted bread.
Untold: used to emphasize how large, great, unpleasant, etc. something is; immeasurable; boundless.
– These gases cause untold damage to the environment.
Untouchable: a person who is untouchable is in a position where they are unlikely to be punished or criticized; imperceptible; invulnerable.
– Given his political connections, he thought he was untouchable.
Untouched: not affected by something, especially something bad or unpleasant; not damaged; unharmed; unscathed.
– The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development.
Untoward: unusual and unexpected, and usually unpleasant; unexpected; unanticipated.
– He had noticed nothing untoward.
Untraceable: not able to be traced; imperceptible; unnoticeable.
– She was untraceable in the shadow world, until she emerged somewhere else.
Untracked: not tracked or followed; not tracked down; pathless.
– He promises the world a literature, an art that shall be new because his forest is untracked and his town just built.
Untraditional: not adhering to past practices or conventions; not traditional; reactionary.
– I chose a very untraditional route in life compared with the rest of my family.
Untrained: untrained (in something) not trained to perform a particular job or skill; without formal training in something; unskilled; untaught.
– Untrained in keyboard skills.
Untransferable: not subject to transfer; incapable of being transferred; inviolable.
– The license and right are exclusive and untransferable.
Untranslatable: not able to be expressed or written down in another language or dialect; ungrammatical; transliterate.
– An untranslatable phrase.
Untransmutable: not capable of being changed into something else; inconvertible; incommutable.
– Durable and untransmutable.
Untraveled: not having traveled, especially to distant places; not having gained experience by travel; not traveled through or over; not frequented by travelers.
– An untraveled country lane.
Untravelled: not having travelled widely; narrow or provincial; undiscovered.
– Our untravelled friends.
Untreated: not receiving medical treatment; unprocessed; native.
– If untreated, the illness can become severe.
Untried: without experience of doing a particular job; untested; unestablished.
– She chose two untried actors for the leading roles.
Untrimmed: not made trim or neat by cutting or clipping; not trimmed; abridged.
– An untrimmed beard.
Untrod: not trod; not traversed; pathless; trackless.
– Of his own volition, he entered upon the path that led through untrod and dangerous ground.
Untrodden: lacking pathways; pathless; roadless; trackless.
– The furniture was too perfectly arranged, the rugs untrodden upon, everything clean, immaculate, untouched.
Untroubled: not given trouble; not made uneasy; unworried; unperturbed.
– She is untroubled by the fact that she didn’t win.
Untrue: not true; not based on facts; false; untruthful.
– These accusations are totally untrue.
Untrusting: not having or given to confidence in something or someone; not trusting; cautious.
– Humans can be an untrusting race.
Untrustworthy: not dependable or worthy of confidence; not trustworthy; dishonest.
– An untrustworthy person.
Untruthful: not containing or telling the truth; false; inaccurate.
– An untruthful report.
Untucked: not tucked into something; smooth out; set straight.
– The new uniform is an untucked version worn with the shirt not tucked into the waistband.
Unturned: to try every possible course of action in order to find or achieve something; inverted; upturned.
– I left no stone unturned.
Untutored: not having been formally taught about something; ignorant; illiterate.
– To the untutored eye, all these butterflies look the same.
Untwisted: to separate the twisted parts of; untwine; disentangle.
– He untwisted the cap.
Untypical: untypical (of somebody/something) not typical; aberrant; abnormal.
– An untypical example.
Unusable: in such a bad condition or of such low quality that it cannot be used; ineffective; inoperative.
– The damage rendered the building unusable.
Unusual: different from what is usual or normal; uncommon; abnormal.
– The case is highly unusual.
Unutterable: used to emphasize how great a particular emotion or quality is; indescribable; inconceivable.
– He felt such an unutterable fool.
Unuttered: not expressed in words; unspoken; implicit.
– The anticipated yowl of pain remains unuttered.
Unvaccinated: not having received a vaccine; not vaccinated; non-vaccinate.
– Unvaccinated animals.
Unvalued: not important or prized; disregarded; not appraised.
– Unheeded and unvalued, she should die; but she both lives and grows.
Unvaned: incapable of being subdued; unconquerable; undefeatable.
– Rise like lions after slumber, in unvanquishable number.
Unvanquished: not conquered; unbeaten; unconquered.
– The verdict of open and informed debate may leave more than one claimant to this title unvanquished by its rivals.
Unvaried: not varied or diverse; homogenous; monotonous.
– An unvaried diet.
Unvarnished: with nothing added; bare; plain.
– It was the plain unvarnished truth.
Unvarying: never changing; uniform; constant.
– An unvarying routine.
Unvented: not vented; not furnished with vents; unventilated.
– Unvented fireplaces are not approved for use.
Unventilated: not ventilated; airless; suffocating.
– A stuffy, unventilated office.
Unverbalized: not objective or easily verified; unobjective; subjective.
– What sets off the crisis is almost always unverifiable.
Unverified: not having been confirmed, substantiated, or proven to be true; unproved; unproven.
– The facts of the story are unverified, and sceptics call the tale historically dubious.
Unvigilant: not alert to what is potentially dangerous; unalert; unwatchful; unwary.
– Unvigilant carelessness of the Royalists, came one night into their close vicinity.
Unvoiced: thought about but not expressed in words; indescribable; inexpressible.
– He takes a long time to realize that his unvoiced fears are groundless.
Unvoluntary: not subject to the control of the will; involuntary; nonvoluntary; unconscious.
– I gasped and took an unvoluntary step backwards.
Unwanted: that you do not want; unwelcome; undesirable.
– We made efforts to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
Unwarrantable: incapable of being justified or explained; indefensible; insupportable; unjustifiable.
– Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.
Unwarranted: not reasonable or necessary; not appropriate; unjustified.
– Much of the criticism was totally unwarranted.
Unwary: not aware of the possible dangers or problems of a situation and therefore likely to be harmed in some way; incautious; careless.
– Exams are not designed to set traps for unwary students.
Unwashed: not washed; dirty; soiled.
– Their clothes were dirty and their hair unwashed.
Unwatchable: not suitable or fit for watching; tending to discourage watching; unlistenable.
– This level of trauma is almost unwatchable.
Unwatchful: not watchful; inattentive; unobservant.
– If you are careless and unwatchful, the child’s will speedily assert itself.
Unwavering: not changing or becoming weaker in any way; steady; fixed.
– Unwavering support.
Unwaxed: not coated or treated with wax; not waxed.
– An unwaxed floor.
Unweaned: not accustomed to taking food otherwise than by nursing; not weaned; adolescent.
– Unweaned calves.
Unwearable: unable or unsuitable to be worn; unweary; not wearable.
– Shoes so dilapidated as to be unwearable.
Unwearied: not tired or jaded; fresh; not wearied; not fatigued.
– He gave me my tuition, and had taken unwearied pains with my lessons.
Unwearying: not tired or jaded; fresh; assiduous; diligent.
– He has died in harness, as befits one of the most strenuous and unwearying workers of his time.
Unweathered: not showing the effects of exposure to the weather; not weathered; smooth.
– Unweathered skin.
Unwebbed: not webbed.
– A primitive frog with unwebbed toes. Unwearied; unweary.
Unwed: not married; unmarried; unattached.
– Unwed mothers.
Unwelcome: not wanted; unwanted; uninvited.
– Security cameras around the building keep out unwelcome visitors.
Unwell: ill; sick; ailing.
– She said she was feeling unwell and went home.
Unwholesome: that you consider unpleasant or not natural; unhealthy; noxious.
– She developed an obsessive and unwholesome passion for him.
Unwieldy: difficult to move or control because of its size, shape or weight; cumbersome; unmanageable.
– The first mechanical clocks were large and rather unwieldy.
Unwilled: not willed; involuntary; unintentional.
– Unwilled passions.
Unwilling: not wanting to do something and refusing to do it; reluctant; unenthusiastic.
– They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project.
Unwise: unwise (to do something) showing a lack of good judgement; foolish; imprudent.
– It would be unwise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts.
Unwished: undesired; unwelcome; displeasing.
– An unwished-for occurrence.
Unwitting: not aware of what you are doing or of the situation you are involved in; unknowing; unconscious.
– He became an unwitting accomplice in the crime.
Unwomanly: unfeminine; masculine; unladylike.
– I suppose this is what you would call unwomanly; but I have got into a habit of expressing myself.
Unwonted: not usual or expected; unaccustomed; uncustomary.
– He spoke with unwonted enthusiasm.
Unworkable: not practical or possible to do successfully; absurd; futile.
– An unworkable plan.
Unworldly: having little experience of life; naïve; inexperienced.
– She was young and hopelessly unworldly.
Unworried: not worried; calm; relaxed.
– She appeared unworried by criticism.
Unworthy: unworthy (of something) not having the necessary qualities to deserve something, especially respect; undeserving; unbefitting.
– He considered himself unworthy of the honor they had bestowed on him.
Unwounded: not injured, hurt, or suffering from a wound; not wounded; unharmed.
– Adam looked perfect and unwounded.
Unwoven: not woven; disentangle; loosen.
– Your dairy work is unwoven like a dream.
Unwrinkled: not wrinkled; unruffled; horizontal.
– Unwrinkled skin.
Unwritten: not yet written; tacit; inferred.
– The photographs were to be included in his as yet unwritten autobiography.
Unyielding: if a person is unyielding, they are not easily influenced and they are unlikely to change their mind; inflexible; unbending.
– He is not so stern and unyielding as his exterior would represent.
Upbeat: positive and enthusiastic; making you feel that the future will be good; optimistic.
– The tone of the speech was upbeat.
Upbound: traveling or leading in a direction that is regarded as up; incessant; limitless.
– Upbound shipping lanes.
Upcoming: going to happen soon; forthcoming; imminent,
– The upcoming presidential election.
Upcountry: relating to an area of a country that is not near large towns; backland; boondocks.
– As soon as Aunt Nancy heard of the trouble, she made her appearance in the upcountry again.
Upcurved: curving upward; curved; curving.
– The letter-winged kite soars with v-shaped upcurved wings.
Upfield: towards your opponent’s end of the playing field.
– He then jogged upfield towards our goal.
Upfront: upfront (about something) not trying to hide what you think or do; honest; frank.
– He’s been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.
Uphill: sloping upwards; rising; ascending.
– The last part of the race is all uphill.
Upland: in or connected with an area of high land that is not near the coast; prominence; altitude.
– Upland agriculture.
Upmarket: designed for or used by people who belong to a high social class or have a lot of money; esteemed; exclusive.
– An upmarket restaurant.
Upmost: being in the highest or most important position; highest; loftiest.
– The safety of the children was upmost in her mind.
Upper: located above something else, especially something of the same type or the other of a pair; higher; further-up.
– The upper floors of the building.
Uppercase: relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor’s type case; capital; majuscule.
– Uppercase letters.
Upper-Class: belonging to or typical of groups of people that are considered to have the highest social status and that have more money and/or power than other people in society; aristocratic; noble.
– Her family is very upper-class.
Uppermost: higher or nearer the top than other things; loftiest; topmost.
– The uppermost branches of the tree.
Uppish: arrogantly self-assertive; arrogant; bumptious.
– She sensed that her accent made her sound uppish.
Uppity: behaving as if you are more important than you really are, especially when this means that you refuse to obey orders; conceited; egotistic.
– Don’t get uppity with me.
Upright: not lying down, and with the back straight rather than bent; honest; honorable.
– Try to maintain an upright posture while doing this exercise.
Uproarious: in which there is a lot of noise and people laugh or shout a lot; disorderly; tumultuous.
– An uproarious party.
Upscale: designed for or used by people who belong to a high social class or have a lot of money; luxurious; superior.
– Planners and developers aim to propel the city to the forefront of upscale global business and tourism.
Upset: unhappy or disappointed because of something unpleasant that has happened; distress; trouble.
– I understand how upset you must be feeling.
Upsetting: making you feel unhappy, anxious or annoyed; knock over; overturn.
– I could see that it had been an upsetting experience for him.
Upstage: at or towards the back of the stage in a theatre; overshadow; excel.
– Position a camera upstage.
Upstairs: up the stairs; on or to a floor of a house or other building higher than the one that you are on; above; overhead.
– The cat belongs to the people who live upstairs.
Upstanding: behaving in a moral and honest way; upright; vertical.
– An upstanding member of the community.
Upstream: in the direction opposite to the flow of a stream; ambitious; arduous.
– The nearest town is about ten miles upstream.
Uptight: uptight (about something) anxious and/or angry about something; anxious; apprehensive.
– Relax! You’re getting too uptight about it.
Up-To-Date: modern; fashionable; contemporary.
– This technology is bang up to date.
Uptown: in, to or typical of the parts of a town or city that are away from the center, where people live; elegant; fashionable.
– An uptown train.
Upturned: pointing or facing upwards; inverted; overturned.
– An upturned nose.
Upward: pointing towards or facing a higher place; rising; ascending.
– An upward gaze.
Upwind: in the opposite direction to the way in which the wind is blowing; leeward; downwind.
– The house was upwind of the factory and its smells.
Urban: connected with a town or city; metropolitan; suburban.
– Urban and rural communities.
Urbane: good at knowing what to say and how to behave in social situations; appearing relaxed and confident; suave; sophisticated.
– He was charming and urbane, full of witty conversation.
Urbanized: living and working in towns and cities rather than in the country; urban; citified.
– An increasingly urbanized society.
Urceolate: shaped like a pitcher; swelling out like the body of a pitcher and contracted at the orifice, as a corolla; urn-shaped.
– Shell smooth, urceolate, with very delicate and elegant network.
Uremic: of or involving excess nitrogenous waste products in the urine; azotemic; uremia.
– The disease is a neurosis, but it might be mistaken for a toxic or uremic condition by a superficial observer.
Urethral: connected with the urethra; orifice; musculus.
– The dose is instilled into the bladder through a urethral catheter.
Urgent: that needs to be dealt with or happen immediately; pressing; dire; desperate.
– The police have issued an urgent appeal for information.
Urinary: connected with urine or the parts of the body through which it passes; bladder; incontinence.
– A urinary infection.
Urogenital: of, relating to, affecting, treating, or being the organs or functions of excretion and reproduction; genitourinary; anorectal.
– Urogenital system abnormal kidney function has been observed in clinical studies.
Ursine: connected with bears; like a bear; furry; muscular.
– I did not drive all this way to become an ursine protein bar.
Uruguayan: a person from Uruguay; Uruguay; South American.
– Cattle and the horse have determined the habits of the Argentine and Uruguayan.
Usable: that can be used; in good enough condition to be used; functional; serviceable.
– The bike is rusty but usable.
Useable: that can be used; in good enough condition to be used; disposable.
– The purse is fully useable, very good condition.
Useful: that can help you to do or achieve what you want; functional; practical.
– The Minister said that a meeting with the strikers would serve no useful purpose.
Useless: not useful; not doing or achieving what is needed or wanted; futile; pointless.
– This pen is useless.
Usual: that happens or is done most of the time or in most cases; normal; habitual; customary.
– This is the usual way of doing it.
Usurious: lending money at very high rates of interest; acquisitive; avaricious.
– He showed himself especially skillful in exposing the practices of usurious money-lenders.
Uterine: connected with the uterus; womb; belly.
– Menstruation may aggravate goitre, uterine fibroid tumours, skin diseases, and affections of the blood vessels.
Utile: being of use or service; useful; effective; effectual; efficacious.
– Many people think that the only utile aspect of being a teacher is that you get June, July and August off.
Utilitarian: designed to be useful and practical rather than attractive; practical; functional.
– Her clothes were utilitarian, unlike the elaborate dresses the other girls were wearing.
Utility: that can be used for several different purposes; advantage; benefit.
– An all-round utility player.
Utilizable: capable of being put to a profitable or practical use; useful; utile.
– Utilizable land in residential areas is becoming scant and expensive.
Utmost: greatest; most extreme; greatest; maximum.
– This is a matter of the utmost importance.
Utopian: having a strong belief that everything can be perfect, often in a way that does not seem to be realistic or practical; unworldly; non-materialistic.
– Utopian ideals.
Utter: used to emphasize how complete something is; complete; total.
– To my utter amazement she agreed.
Utterable: capable of being expressed in words, especially audibly speak able; expressible.
– Haider would barely be utterable in Germany.
Uttered: emphasizing something bad; emit; let out.
– She uttered a wordless cry of despair.
Uttermost: greatest; most extreme; utmost; farthest.
– I have the uttermost faith in your abilities.
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