In this article, we are going to discuss adjectives that start with Y.
But first, let us get to know what an adjective actually is. An adjective modifies a noun; that is, it provides more details about a noun. This can be anything from color to size to temperature to personality.
In every language, adjectives are important elements of sentences. Using adjectives means that we can express the quality of any person or object. Without adjectives we could not say how any object looks like.
Adjectives are also an essential component of descriptive writing. You need to use them for describing things around you.
Let us now explore the adjectives beginning with Y. Try to utilize all of these adjectives into your sentences to see how they change the meaning of the sentence.
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Table of Contents
Positive Adjectives That Start with Y
Following is a list of positive adjectives starting with Y. While the letter Y isn’t the most common, we worked hard to compile the best possible list of those adjectives. We hope that you will found them interesting.
1. Yogic
- Definition: relating to the activity of yoga
- Synonyms: yogistic
- Example: He was really enjoying the yogic meditation.
2. Yellowish
- Definition: slightly yellow in color
- Synonyms: lemony, faint, fair
- Example: He has a yellowish complexion.
3. Yearnful
- Definition: full of yearning : mournful
- Synonyms: languishing, wistful, home sick
- Example: The mother is yearnful of older times when the family used to live in a better house.
4. Yodeling
- Definition: singing in a special manner
- Synonyms: melodious, sweet-sounding
- Example: A yodeling song was playing in the house.
5. Youngling
- Definition: appearing young or resembling a young man or woman
- Synonyms: immature, juvenile
- Example: There are a number of special caretakers at the youngling nursery.
6. Yance
- Definition: only one time, and formerly
- Synonym: yan, former
- Example: A person’s 20th birthday comes yance a lifetime.
7. Yummy
- Definition: tasting extremely good
- Synonyms: tasty, delicious
- Example: I think I’ll have some more of that yummy chocolate cake.
8. Youthward
- Definition: a period of a lifetime which is leading towards youth
- Synonyms: pre-planned, orderly
- Example: His youthward years were filled with pleasure.
9. Ylike
- Definition: something that is similar to the other thing
- Synonyms: alike, same
- Example: This book is ylike that one.
10. Yore
- Definition: of long ago or former times (used in nostalgic or mock-nostalgic recollection)
- Synonyms: yesteryear, bygone days
- Example: There are no centuries’ old customs or tales recalling yore days.
11. Yearning
- Definition: involving or expressing yearning
- Synonyms: longing, craving
- Example: He had a yearning hope that his son would return home one day.
12. Yapping
- Definition: talking in an annoying manner
- Synonyms: roaring, squawking, screeching
- Example: It is difficult to silence yapping children.
13. Yielding
- Definition: (of a substance or object) giving way under pressure; not hard or rigid
- Synonyms: soft, smooth
- Example: She dropped on to the yielding cushions.
Adjectives That Start with Y to Describe a Person
Following is a list of Y adjectives to describe a person. These adjectives help us in differentiating the good and bad aspects of a person.
1. Young
- Definition: having lived or existed for only a short time and not old
- Synonyms: youthful, juvenile
- Example: She is a young girl.
2. Youthful
- Definition: having the qualities that are typical of young people
- Synonyms: young looking, active, girlish
- Example: People aspiring to remain youthful.
3. Young-at-heart
- Definition: active and having a lot of energy
- Synonyms: lively, active
- Example: She’s a grandmother now but she’s young-at-heart.
4. Yellow-bellied
- Definition: not having courage
- Synonyms: feeble, afraid, cowardly
- Example: He’s a yellow-bellied traitor!
5. Yemeni
- Definition: someone or a group of people who belong to Yemen
- Synonyms: Hodeida, aden, from Yemen
- Example: The Yemeni people are facing a lot of atrocities these days.
6. Yugoslavian
- Definition: belonging to or relating to the former country of Yugoslavia
- Synonyms: from Yugoslavia
- Example: He is a Yugoslavian belonging who lives in Nigeria now.
7. Yeomanly
- Definition: of, relating to, or having the rank of a yeoman
- Synonyms: nice, well-mannered
- Example: He was behaving in a yeomanly way.
8. Yokelish
- Definition: characteristic of or resembling a yokel
- Synonyms: rude, uncouth
- Example: He is a yokelish person, so no one wants to spend time with him.
9. Yobbish
- Definition: (especially of a young person) rude, noisy, and aggressive
- Synonyms: hostile, violent, quarrelsome, argumentative, war-like
- Example: It was difficult to tolerate that yobbish child.
More Adjectives That Start with Y
Following are some more Y adjectives that might help you in your everyday talks. Go through this list of adjectives that start with Y a couple of times and try to learn as many as you can.
1. Yeasty
- Definition: similar to or containing yeast
- Synonyms: fermented, fungal
- Example: She scooped out the yeasty sediments.
2. Yankee
- Definition: of, relating to, or characteristic of a Yankee or Yankees
- Synonyms: American, USian
- Example: He was possessed with a mania for patronizing Yankee ingenuity.
3. Yearlong
- Definition: lasting one year, or one school year
- Synonyms: long-lasting
- Example: The course is a standard yearlong introduction to Western civilization.
4. Yearly
- Definition: an event that is happening or a crop that is grown annually or after every 12 months
- Synonyms: seasonal, yearlong
- Example: We get a yearly pay increase.
5. Yeastian
- Definition: an event that is organized to celebrate the memory of the great people
- Synonyms: poetic, dramatic, literary
- Example: I really enjoyed reading yeastian works.
6. Year-round
- Definition: during the whole of the year
- Synonyms: year long
- Example: Joshua Tree National Park is open year-round.
7. Yawling
- Definition: related to boating using four or six oars
- Synonyms: boating, kayaking
- Example: When the Titanic sank, people were saved by yawling rescuer teams.
8. Yearward
- Definition: toward the remainder of the year
- Synonyms: forward, ahead
- Example: In looking yearward at this time, it is impossible to predict the end of the pandemic.
9. Yon
- Definition: that or those (used to refer to something situated at a distance)
- Synonyms: distant but within sight, there
- Example: There’s an old farm over yon hill.
10. Yonder
- Definition: in the place or direction shown; over there
- Synonyms: over there
- Example: He has walked to yonder hill.
11. Yawning
- Definition: used to describe a difference or amount that is extremely large and difficult to reduce
- Synonyms: broad, extensive, spacious,
- Example: There exists nowadays a yawning gap between rich and poor.
12. Yucky
- Definition: disgusting or unpleasant
- Synonyms: repellent, repulsive, filthy
- Example: They painted the bathroom a yucky green colour.
13. Yawped
- Definition: an event that is full of noise
- Synonyms: noisy, loud, raucous
- Example: Children had created a really yawped environment in the school.
14. Yellowing
- Definition: a color like that of a lemon or gold or the sun
- Synonyms: fading
- Example: It was early autumn and the yellowing leaves were falling.
15. Yowling
- Definition: crying and screeching
- Synonyms: noisy, rowdy
- Example: The yowling foxes were moving up and down the hill.
16. Yellowed
- Definition: losing original color and complexion because of old age
- Synonyms: bleached, sun-beaten, weather-beaten
- Example: I whitewashed my yellowed bedroom last weekend.
17. Yiddish
- Definition: related to German language that is spoken by some Jewish people
- Synonyms: hebrewish
- Example: There are similarities with German, though Yiddish is language has different rules.
Adjectives That Start with Y – Full List (55 Words)
- Youngish
- Yond
- Yemenite
- Year-round
- Young-at-heart
- Yellowing
- Yellow-bellied
- Yearward
- Your
- Yielding
- Young
- Yobbish
- Yance
- Yore
- Yeomanly
- Yonder
- Yuletide
- Yellowy
- Yapping
- Youthful
- Yearly
- Yugoslavian
- Yawling
- Youthward
- Yodeling
- Yellowed
- Yeast-like
- Yearling
- Ylike
- Yankee
- Yelping
- Yiddish
- Yucky
- Young-looking
- Yummy
- Youngling
- Yellowish
- Yowling
- Yeasty
- Yearn
- Yemeni
- Yogic
- Yokelish
- Yearlong
- Yellow-tinged
- Yoke-toed
- Yeatsian
- Yeastian
- Yawped
- Yawning
- Yearnful
- Yellow
- Yon
- Yappy
- Yare
Adjectives That Start with Y – Infographic

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with Y
Thank you for reading this article on adjectives that start with Y with interest. It is hoped that you would have learned something new as a result of this experience.
Inserting these adjectives into the phrases, clauses, and sentences that you speak and write would bring you great success.
This article will not only help you improve your vocabulary but will also help you in describing the world around you in a better fashion.
All of these descriptive words that start with Y are rarely used in our day-to-day talks. If you will learn and use them in your talk and writing, they will surely improve your public self-image.
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