In this article, we are going to talk about adjectives that start with Z. Adjectives are an essential part of our everyday talks and we cannot do without them.
Let us talk about the letter Z first. The letter Z is the twenty-sixth and final letter of the modern English alphabet. There is no apparent answer why there aren’t many adjectives starting with Z. But if you start counting them, you surely won’t find many.
Adjectives are describing words used to describe our world and the things it contains. By having them at our disposal, we can attribute innumerable features to people and things around us.
Some of the adjectives beginning with Z given below, belong to field of botany, zoology, and medicine. Therefore you may get confused in learning and using them into phrases and sentences.
If you want to memorize these adjectives, go through this article a couple of times, it will surely help you out.
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Table of Contents
Positive Adjectives That Start with Z
Following is a list of positive adjectives starting with Z. These adjectives have this amazing property of describing positive aspects of things around us. Try and memorize all of these adjectives.
1. Zany
- Definition: strange, surprising, or uncontrolled in a humorous way
- Synonyms: comical, eccentric, goofy
- Example: Michael made us all laugh with his zany tricks.
2. Zestful
- Definition: full of energy and enthusiasm
- Synonyms: lively, gaudy, animated
- Example: Her zestful performance made the film very successful.
3. Zigzag
- Definition: having the form of a zigzag; veering alternately to right and left
- Synonyms: snaky, twisty, tacking
- Example: It was fun travelling on that zigzag road.
4. Zoological
- Definition: relating to the scientific study of animals, especially their structure
- Synonyms: biological, zoologic
- Example: They studied him like a zoological specimen.
5. Zodiacal
- Definition: of or pertaining to the zodiac
- Synonyms: celestial, astrological, heavenly
- Example: The year after next year is my Zodiacal year.
6. Zygomorphic
- Definition: having bilateral symmetry, as the flowers of a pea plant
- Synonyms: regular, uniform, consistent
- Example: The flowers are borne on pedicels and are strongly zygomorphic.
7. Zymoid
- Definition: relating to a ferment
- Synonyms: biochemical
- Example: Zymoid medicines were in high demand.
8. Zymotic
- Definition: of or relating to or causing fermentation
- Synonyms: zymolytic
- Example: Zymotic reactions were being carried out in the lab.
Adjectives That Start with Z to Describe a Person
Below is a list of adjectives that start with Z to describe a person. These adjectives are used to describe both good and bad aspects of people. Let us go through the following list of Z adjectives to describe a person first, and then we will try to use them to describe people around us.
1. Zealous
- Definition: enthusiastic and eager
- Synonyms: impassioned, committed, fervid
- Example: The shop assistant is very zealous.
2. Zippy
- Definition: energetic or fast
- Synonyms: brisk, speedy, lively
- Example: Sherry is kind of a zippy girl, isn’t she?
3. Zoftig
- Definition: having a full, rounded figure; plump (typically used of a woman)
- Synonyms: chubby, plump, rotund
- Example: She is a zoftig lady.
4. Zolaesque
- Definition: something that is in the manner of Emile Zola
- Synonyms: Zolaistic
- Example: A Zolaesque novel always keeps you hooked.
5. Zaftig
- Definition: (of a woman) having large breasts and hips and not thin, but in a way that is attractive
- Synonyms: curvaceous, shapely, full-figured
- Example: The actress playing the lead role was a zaftig blonde.
More Adjectives That Start with Z
As we have said earlier in the article that there aren’t many Z adjectives in English language. We have tried to build for you a unique list that contains some cool adjectives that you will be coming across for the first time.
1. Zeroth
- Definition: immediately preceding what is regarded as first in a series
- Synonyms: nil, zero
- Example: The zeroth building in this street has no elevator.
2. Zonal
- Definition: relating to or arranged in zones
- Synonyms: meridional, zonary
- Example: The zonal pattern will persist for the next couple of days.
3. Zillion
- Definition: (related to) an extremely large, but not an exact, number
- Synonyms: boundless, enormous
- Example: I’ve told you a zillion times of times not to do that.
4. Zonary
- Definition: related to the nature of zones
- Synonyms: azonal, territorial
- Example: Keep in mind the zonary restrictions while building your garage.
5. Zenithal
- Definition: of, relating to, or located at or near the zenith
- Synonyms: capital, chief, head
- Example: All round the horizon is built a black cloud-wall, but the zenithal part is clear.
6. Zygomatic
- Definition: related to the cheek bone
- Synonyms: facial, exterior
- Example: In the skull, the zygomatic arch is very slender.
7. Zoophagous
- Definition: (of an animal) feeding on other animals
- Synonyms: carnivorous, predaceous
- Example: I shall have to invent a new classification for him, and call him a zoophagous maniac.
8. Zygotic
- Definition: pertaining to, or connected with, a zygote
- Synonyms: zygotic, ovular
- Example: Many fungi and many protozoa utilize the zygotic life cycle.
9. Zoonotic
- Definition: related to infectious disease caused by pathogens
- Synonyms: viral, diseased
- Example: Rabies is a zoonotic disease, caused by the rabies virus.
10. Zoic
- Definition: relating to or having animal life
- Synonyms: beastly, animalistic
- Example: She was too much absorbed in reading zoic books.
Adjectives That Start with Z – Full List (36 Words)
- Zippy
- Zonal
- Zoonotic
- Zoophagous
- Zolaesque
- Zymoid
- Zestful
- Zoetic
- Zoological
- Zenithal
- Zany
- Zoftig
- Zibeline
- Zymotic
- Zonary
- Zinciferous
- Zero
- Zazzy
- Zen
- Zaftig
- Zappy
- Zymolytic
- Zonked
- Zygomatic
- Zesty
- Zygote
- Zealous
- Zygomorphic
- Zeroth
- Zodiacal
- Zoic
- Zillion
- Zigzag
- Zingy
- Zoogenic
- Zillionth
Adjectives That Start with Z – Infographic

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with Z
Thank you for going through this article on adjectives that start with Z. Hopefully, you would have found this article useful and it would have helped you add some cool new adjectives into your vocabulary.
When it comes to learning the different types of adjectives, some are more interesting than others. All of the adjectives given above are important in their own way and you should try and learn all of them.
The descriptive words that start with Z are really important for you because they will help you assign positive and negative features of people, things, ideas, etc.
Try to incorporate them in your writings.
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