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Best Way to Stay Motivated and Find Motivation


Today we’re going to walk through one of the most common questions asked within the fitness industry, which is how to stay motivated. I’m going to share with you some very honest answers in terms of how to stay motivated and how to best help you maybe find motivation but also keep that throughout your goal.

When it comes to motivation there’s going to be quite a few ways to maybe try and find the motivation or keep it. I’m going to share with you very big factors within and stay motivated or at least staying consistent with your goal.

I think a lot of people sometimes confuse the idea of actually still making progress with the goal being consistent with being motivated. Right sometimes you’re not going to be motivated but you can still be consistent with your goal. Consistency is the key and so I think some people sometimes get that confused you’re not always going to be passionate and ready to go and do every little thing that needs to be done for your goal.

Sometimes you are that’s when motivation is going to be up. Sometimes that’s not going to be the case that when that’s where motivation is going to be down. But we still need to be consistent in that moment, so I’m going to walk through a combination of things that might help us stay motivated and stay passionate about what we’re doing but also things that’s going to help us, maybe when that isn’t there just continue to do what needs to be done.

Before we get into point one, another big area where people struggle or mistakes that they make is that they try and find motivation from outside of themselves or their goal. True motivation is that actually really going to help to come from within it’s like internal motivation. External motivation or extrinsic motivators aren’t really going to help that much. You might get a little bit of motivation for like 30 minutes and then it’s very quickly going to die off.

But intrinsic motivation coming from yourself is going to be what adds fuel to that fire for a very long term basis. So number one is to know your why. This is you have to understand why you’re wanting to achieve whatever goal it is that you’re setting out to achieve. The why is that reason but it’s that deep reason

as to why you want to achieve your goal.

Let me give you an example so you can do this yourself and you’re going to have to leave it yourself unless you’ve got someone asking you the questions. But you basically want to ask yourself why you want to achieve whatever goal you’ve got. For example, someone might say I want to drop body fat; that’s the first answer they give now, the first answer that you give is never going to be your true reason why there’s going to be a reason as to why that you want to drop body fat.

So whatever first reason you give dropping body fat is just an example here, you then have to ask why again why do you want to drop body fat, the answer to that one might be for that individual that they want to be more confident, and they feel like dropping body fat’s gonna bring about more confidence, then you need to ask again why do you want to be more confident, potentially what is it right now that’s not allowing you to be confident; ask why to that, whatever answer they give to that you probably want to ask why again.

And the idea is that you delve as deep as you can within yourself to find because there will be maybe one or two very very deep reasons as to why you always go back and you want to get leaner, you want to draw body fat. But that in itself isn’t the reason. The reason will be much much much deeper and you have to keep asking yourself why and why why and why why why.

Everyone’s gonna be different; everyone’s gonna have a different reason, but if you can lock that reason yourself and you can find that deep reason as to why you want to achieve your goal. The reason that brings emotion with it, brings passion with it, brings that drive for you to do it.

Then when you find yourselves at a lower motivation or down, you’ve got to pick yourself up, not wanting to continue if you have this burning reason as to why you want to do it. You can revisit that and remember that and think about that, that’s going to bring a lot of motivation for you to get back and rolling again going making progress.

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