
Next Generation Polythene Made from Recycled Plastic Waste

UK company Polystar Plastics has launched a revolutionary new polythene product called PCWflex that is made from recycled post-consumer plastic waste. As concern grows over plastic pollution, PCWflex provides a sustainable solution by giving single-use plastics a second life.

Tackling the Plastic Waste Crisis

Plastic waste is a huge environmental problem. Over 10 million tons of plastic ends up in the oceans each year, harming wildlife and polluting ecosystems. Seabirds and marine mammals often become entangled in plastic or mistake it for food, leading to injury and death. Microplastics also end up in the fish we eat.

On land, plastic waste clogs up landfills and litters the environment. Single-use plastic items like bags, bottles and food packaging can take hundreds of years to break down. With more and more plastic being produced, the waste crisis is spiraling out of control.

The UK government announced plans to introduce a plastic packaging tax on products containing less than 30% recycled plastic, to tackle this pressing issue. PCWflex allows companies to avoid the tax and reduce their environmental impact at the same time.

How PCWflex Works

PCWflex contains recycled post-consumer plastic waste collected in the UK. This waste plastic is cleaned, shredded and turned into plastic pellets, which are then used to manufacture new polythene products.

Depending on the end product, PCWflex films can contain between 30-100% recycled plastic content:

  • Non-shrink wrap starts at 30% recycled plastic but can be made with 100%
  • Pallet stretch wrap can incorporate 30% with no loss of performance
  • Shrink wrap and films can include 50% recycled plastic and remain fully functional

This innovatively marries high recycled content with maximum functionality.

Benefits of the New Plastic Film

PCWflex provides all the same qualities as products made from virgin plastic but with a much lower environmental footprint. It’s also important that it is still 100% recyclable after use.

By using PCWflex, companies can avoid the incoming plastic packaging tax. It also helps them meet sustainability targets and satisfy consumers demanding greener products.

On a wider scale, PCWflex reduces plastic waste, plastic pollution and reliance on fossil fuels. It creates a circular lifecycle where plastic is recycled repeatedly rather than used once and thrown away.

Applications of PCWflex

PCWflex is a versatile product that can be used across many applications:

  • Shrink wrap and stretch films for pallet wrapping
  • Bags and sacks e.g. for furniture covers or waste bags
  • Tubing and sheeting for industrial packaging
  • Shrink covers for bundling products
  • Form-fill-seal films for food packaging

Closing the Loop on Plastic Waste

PCWflex is an innovative solution that finally gives single-use plastic a true recycling potential. By supporting its uptake, businesses can help end the current wasteful plastic model and create a closed-loop, circular economy for plastics.

With legislation on recycled content in plastic packaging getting stricter, PCWflex offers companies an easy route to compliance. And by tackling plastic waste in the environment, it helps protect the planet for future generations.