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1162 Nouns That Start with C | Huge List with Definitions and Examples


In this article, we are going to talk about nouns that start with C. Nouns occupy a central part in everyone’s life that is why the list of nouns is a never-ending one. Nouns are significant because they refer to individuals, places, directions, concrete things, and abstract concepts etc. You will come across a variety of nouns starting with C that refer to all these things.

Without nouns, we’ll only be left with verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. A lack of nouns will thus eliminate either subject or the object from your sentence, which is equivalent to communicating virtually nothing.

When you search for a list of nouns beginning with C either online or from any particular book on vocabulary, you will definitely come across a number of such lists. Now the question arises that why you should opt for this particular article? This question is very relevant.

Firstly, this list contains an amazing collection of nouns that start with C. Secondly, all of the given nouns have been carefully divided into several categories. Randomness creates big hurdles in learning that is why the categories created in this article will help you organize your learning process. Let us now go through the list of nouns that start with C given below.

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Nouns That Start with C You Always Use

Nouns are everywhere in our speech and writing. They form a large proportion of English vocabulary and they come in a wide variety of types. Nouns that start with C that one uses regularly are listed below.

1. Child

2. Class

3. Car

4. Coffee

5. City

6. Color

7. Camera

8. Cash

9. Cab

10. Church

Nouns That Start with C You Usually Use

Nouns can name things, and sometimes those might be intangible things, such as concepts, activities, or processes. Some might even be hypothetical or imaginary things. Following is a list of nouns starting with C that we usually use in our daily life routine.

1. Choice

2. Christmas

3. College

4. Community

5. Company

6. Computer

7. Control

8. Cost

9. Country

10. Customer

Nouns That Start with C You Often Use

In a sentence, nouns can play the role of a subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, or an adjective. Following are some of the nouns beginning with C that we often use. Try and memorize as many of these nouns that begin with the letter C as possible.

1. Career

2. Center

3. Challenge

4. Courage

5. Chance

6. Candidate

7. Cabinet

8. Candle

9. Care

10. Character

Nouns That Start with C You Sometimes Use

Every sentence must have a subject, and that subject will always be a noun. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that is doing or being the verb in that sentence. Following are some of the nouns that start with the letter C that are less frequently used in our everyday lives.

1. Champion

2. Calamity

3. Chasm

4. Chassis

5. Charisma

6. Catastrophe

7. Choreography

8. Chateau

9. Carnage

10. Canon

Nouns That Start with C You Occasionally Use

Nouns are at the heart of sentences and clauses; they are indispensable to the formation of a complete thought. Following are some of the nouns with letter C that are occasionally used in our writings and conversations.

1. Cabal

2. Cache

3. Cadaver

4. Cauldron

5. Cant

6. Caricature

7. Carousal

8. Caucus

9. Caveat

10. Charade

Nouns That Start with C You Seldom Use

There are some noun words that start with C that are seldom seen or heard in both writing and communication. When a reader gets to know about them he is astounded that such nouns even exist. Below are some of those noun words starting with C.

1. Canard

2. Casuistry

3. Cataclysm

4. Chicanery

5. Chutzpah

6. Cistern

7. Circumlocution

8. Codicil

9. Cognoscenti

10. Conflagration

Positive Nouns That Start with C

How often has it occurred to you that when you came across certain nouns while reading, writing, or listening, positive emotions overwhelmed you? Positive nouns do have that effect upon people. Following are some of the positive nouns that start with C.

1. Compassion

2. Climbing

3. Comfort

4. Caliber

5. Calligraphy

6. Camaraderie

7. Catharsis

8. Celerity

9. Certitude

10. Chalet

Nouns That Start with C to Describe a Person

Following is a list of nouns that start with C to describe a person, his profession, his character, etc. Try and memorize as many of these C nouns as possible.

1. Cad

2. Cardiologist

3. Captain

4. Chaperon

5. Charlatan

6. Clientele

7. Churl

8. Claque

9. Clairvoyant

10. Concierge

Nouns That Start with C – Full List (1162 Words)

Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with C

Thank you for going through this article on nouns that start with C. It is hoped that you would have found this given list of nouns much more interesting than those you would have come across earlier.

Nouns are an integral part of our day-to-day communication. Without nouns we wouldn’t have been able to comprehend this world of ours and the list of nouns starting with C given above would definitely be a big help in getting to know a number of new concepts.

The categories of nouns beginning with C given above will help you systemize your learning process and enables you to learn them in double quick time and that too in a much more coherent fashion. Now that you are done with this article you can do one more thing. Try and utilize these nouns that start with C in your own phrases and sentences.

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