
562 Nouns That Start with T | Huge List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, we’ll have a squint at nouns that start with T, the most common consonant in the English language. There are loads of nouns that start with T and it’s almost paradoxical to include all of these in one single article. That’s why we spared no effort in investigating and exploring some particulars nouns that start with T which will help you refine your communication skills.

Communication skills are also contemplated as one of the most pivotal skills for anyone who wants to be in a leadership position. Since the ruling goal of a leader is to communicate effectively with others it’s essential for him to have a diverse and coherent lexicon. And this list of nouns that start with T, will surely assist you in improving your vocabulary as well as getting a better understanding of these words.

We’ve categorized these words from always used to seldom used so that it’s easy for you to navigate and find the nouns beginning with T that you are looking for. So, without any further dilly-dally let’s inspect and learn some new nouns starting with T.

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Nouns That Start with T You Always Use

We will start this article with nouns that are used over and over in our daily and professional life. We’ll also see some synonyms of these nouns that start with T that will enable you to juice up your sentences.

1. Table

  • Definition: a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at
  • Synonyms: bench, work surface, counter, desk
  • Example: She put the plate on the table.

2. Tank

  • Definition: a large receptacle or storage chamber, especially for liquid or gas
  • Synonyms: container, receptacle, cistern, barrel
  • Example: He drained the tank of all water.

3. Target

  • Definition: a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack
  • Synonyms: prey, quarry, game, kill
  • Example: The airport terminal was the target of a bomb.

4. Task

  • Definition: a piece of work to be done or undertaken
  • Synonyms: job, duty, chore, labor
  • Example: The new manager was given the task of developing the club’s talent.

5. Truck

  • Definition: a large, heavy road vehicle used for carrying goods, materials, or troops; a lorry
  • Synonyms: heavy goods vehicle, juggernaut
  • Example: I’m learning to drive a truck.

6. Tax

  • Definition: a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions
  • Synonyms: levy, tariff, duty, toll
  • Example: He was accused of evading taxes.

7. Tea

  • Definition: a hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water
  • Synonyms: drink
  • Example: Katherine took a sip of tea.

8. Team

  • Definition: a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport
  • Synonyms: group, squad, band, bunch
  • Example: I was on the cricket team in college.

9. Technology

  • Definition: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
  • Synonyms: mechanization, automation
  • Example: Technology has made us ever more productive.

10. Television

  • Definition: a device with a screen for receiving television signals
  • Synonyms: TV, television set
  • Example: He had been spending too much time with the television lately.

Nouns That Start with T You Usually Use

Let’s take a gander at a few more nouns starting with T which we use in our daily lives. Read on to see if you were using these commonly used nouns in their true spirit or not.

1. Temperature

  • Definition: the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch
  • Synonyms: meteorological conditions, atmospheric conditions, meteorology, climate
  • Example: The temperature of his tent seemed to drop by ten degrees.

2. Term

  • Definition: a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study
  • Synonyms: word, expression, phrase, idiom
  • Example: I’m sure there’s a Latin term for it.

3. Test

  • Definition: a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use
  • Synonyms: trial, experiment, pilot study, try-out
  • Example: Both countries carried out nuclear tests in May.

4. Text

  • Definition: a book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form
  • Synonyms: written work, book, work, printed work
  • Example: This text is too long.

5. Track

  • Definition: a rough path or road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed
  • Synonyms: path, pathway, lane, trail
  • Example: He followed the tracks made by the cars in the snow.

6. Theme

  • Definition: the subject of a talk, piece of writing, exhibition, etc.
  • Synonyms: subject, topic, subject matter
  • Example: The theme of the sermon was reverence.

7. Theory

  • Definition: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained
  • Synonyms: hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, speculation
  • Example: It seems good in theory, but it doesn’t work in practice.

8. Trouble

  • Definition: difficulty or problems
  • Synonyms: problems, difficulty, issues, inconvenience
  • Example: I had trouble finding somewhere to park.

9. Thing

  • Definition: an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to
  • Synonyms: object, article, item, artifact
  • Example: What’s that thing over there on the table?

10. Thread

  • Definition: a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving
  • Synonyms: fiber, strand, string, twine
  • Example: He had a loose thread on his shirt.

Nouns That Start with T You Often Use

In this segment, we’ll discuss nouns that begin with the letter T which you have already heard a lot of times throughout your life. Make certain that you read their definitions and synonyms to get a feel for these nouns beginning with T.

1. Ticket

  • Definition: a piece of paper or card that gives the holder a certain right, especially to enter a place, travel by public transport, or participate in an event
  • Synonyms: pass, warrant, authorization, permit
  • Example: Tickets are available from the Arts Centre for £5.00.

2. Time

  • Definition: a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon
  • Synonyms: hour, minutes
  • Example: The time is 9:30.

3. Tip

  • Definition: the pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering
  • Synonyms: point, end, extremity, head
  • Example: George pressed the tips of his fingers together.

4. Title

  • Definition: the name of a book, composition, or other artistic work
  • Synonyms: name, subtitle, subject
  • Example: The chapter title poses a valid question.

5. Tool

  • Definition: a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function
  • Synonyms: instrument, utensil, device, apparatus
  • Example: He went back to get his gardening tools.

6. Type

  • Definition: a category of people or things having common characteristics
  • Synonyms: kind, sort, variety, class
  • Example: This type of heather grows better in a drier habitat.

7. Topic

  • Definition: a matter dealt with in a text, discourse, or conversation
  • Synonyms: subject, theme, issue, point
  • Example: Sleep deprivation became a frequent topic of conversation.

8. Touch

  • Definition: an act of touching someone or something
  • Synonyms: be in contact, press, pat, tap
  • Example: Her touch on his shoulder was hesitant.

9. Tour

  • Definition: a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited
  • Synonyms: excursion, journey, expedition, trip
  • Example: He has gone on a walking tour.

10. Town

  • Definition: a built-up area with a name, defined boundaries, and local government, that is larger than a village and generally smaller than a city
  • Synonyms: urban area, conurbation, municipality, township
  • Example: The hotel is eight miles from the nearest town.

Nouns That Start with T You Sometimes Use

In this segment, we will look at some of the nouns that start with letter T that are only used sometimes in our daily lives. We are sure you’ll stumble on some new words in this section.

1. Trade

  • Definition: the action of buying and selling goods and services
  • Synonyms: commerce, buying and selling, dealing, business
  • Example: They banned all trade in ivory.

2. Traffic

  • Definition: vehicles moving on a public highway
  • Synonyms: vehicles, cars, trucks
  • Example: There was a stream of heavy traffic.

3. Trail

  • Definition: a mark or a series of signs or objects left behind by the passage of someone or something
  • Synonyms: series, stream, string, line, row
  • Example: There was a trail of blood on the grass.

4. Training

  • Definition: the action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior
  • Synonyms: instruction, teaching, coaching, tuition
  • Example: You’ll have to go into strict training.

5. Transfer

  • Definition: an act of moving something or someone to another place, organization, team, etc.
  • Synonyms: move, movement, relocation, shifting
  • Example: We switched to another car, and the transfer only took a few minutes.

6. Transition

  • Definition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another
  • Synonyms: change, move, passage, transformation
  • Example: The students are in transition from one program to another.

7. Treatment

  • Definition: the manner in which someone behaves towards or deals with someone or something
  • Synonyms: behavior towards, conduct towards, action towards
  • Example: The directive required equal treatment for men and women in social security schemes.

8. Tree

  • Definition: a woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground
  • Synonyms: sapling, plant, shrub
  • Example: I hid behind a tree.

9. Trial

  • Definition: a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings
  • Synonyms: court case, lawsuit, hearing, inquiry
  • Example: He was sent for trial and condemned to hard labor.

10. Trip

  • Definition: a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure
  • Synonyms: tour, journey, excursion, outing
  • Example: Sammy’s gone on a school trip.

Nouns That Start with T You Occasionally Use

If you want to add some lavish and fancy words to your lexicon then this section is perfect for you. We will cover some unique nouns with letter T that will step up your word game.

1. Trump

  • Definition: (in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: I played a trump.

2. Toad

  • Definition: a contemptible or detestable person (used as a general term of abuse)
  • Synonyms: wretch, beast, pig
  • Example: You’re an arrogant little toad.

3. Traction

  • Definition: the grip of a tyre on a road or a wheel on a rail
  • Synonyms: grip, friction, adhesion
  • Example: His car hit a patch of ice and lost traction.

4. Twiddle

  • Definition: an act of twisting or fiddling with something
  • Synonyms: whirl, swirl
  • Example: At the twiddle of a knob the operators can focus on a tiny amount of airspace or scan the whole area.

5. Tablespoon

  • Definition: a large spoon for serving food
  • Synonyms: dessertspoon, soupspoon, teaspoon
  • Example: Heat one tablespoon of oil in a saucepan.

6. Taboo

  • Definition: a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing
  • Synonyms: prohibition, proscription, veto, interdiction
  • Example: Many taboos have developed around physical exposure.

7. Teaser

  • Definition: a problem for which it is hard to find the answer, especially one that people enjoy trying to solve as a game
  • Synonyms: brainteaser, puzzler, brain-twister
  • Example: Here’s a teaser for all of you who enjoy a quiz.

8. Tackle

  • Definition: the equipment required for a task or sport
  • Synonyms: gear, equipment, apparatus, outfit
  • Example: He bought a box of fishing tackle.

9. Tactic

  • Definition: an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end
  • Synonyms: strategy, scheme, stratagem, plan
  • Example: The minority attempted to control the Council by a delaying tactic.

10. Tan

  • Definition: a yellowish-brown color
  • Synonyms: yellowish brown, brownish yellow, light brown, pale brown
  • Example: She still has a tan from her vacation in Mexico.

Nouns That Start with T You Seldom Use

This section is all about noun words starting with T which are rarely used in our conversation. You might also come across words that haven’t hear or read even once in your entire life. Let’s have a look at these noun words that start with T.

1. Taskmaster

  • Definition: a person who imposes a harsh or onerous workload on someone
  • Synonyms: boss, captain, chief, foreman
  • Example: He was a hard taskmaster.

2. Taunt

  • Definition: a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone
  • Synonyms: jeer, gibe, sneer, insult
  • Example: Pupils will play truant rather than face the taunts of classmates about their ragged clothes.

3. Taxation

  • Definition: the levying of tax
  • Synonyms: tax, toll, excise, fee
  • Example: Nothing is permitted to escape taxation, and duplicated taxes on the same thing are frequent.

4. Tidy

  • Definition: an act or spell of tidying something
  • Synonyms: cleaning, neat and tidy, getting orderly, well ordered
  • Example: She’s coming to give his house its Saturday morning tidy.

5. Timber

  • Definition: wood prepared for use in building and carpentry
  • Synonyms: wood, logs, firewood
  • Example: We conducted exploitation of forests for timber.

6. Timepiece

  • Definition: an instrument, such as a clock or watch, for measuring time
  • Synonyms: chronometer, small clock, timer, a watch
  • Example: The gift was an inscribed marble timepiece.

7. Titration

  • Definition: an operation, used in volumetric analysis, in which a measured amount of one solution is added to a known quantity of another solution until the reaction between the two is complete
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: The solution is then ready for titration with the standard permanganate solution.

8. Toleration

  • Definition: the practice of tolerating something, in particular differences of opinion or behavior
  • Synonyms: forbearance, open-mindedness, lack of prejudice, lack of bias
  • Example: The king demanded greater religious toleration.

9. Touchdown

  • Definition: the moment at which an aircraft’s wheels or part of a spacecraft make contact with the ground during landing
  • Synonyms: alighting, arrival, coming in, deplaning
  • Example: One of the plane’s tyres burst on touchdown.

10. Tang

  • Definition: a strong taste, flavor, or smell
  • Synonyms: flavor, taste, savor smell, aroma
  • Example: There’s a tang of autumn in the air.

Positive Nouns That Start with T

Let’s have a look at some positive nouns that start with T which we can use to make ourselves and others feel upbeat and energized. These positive nouns can help anyone feel confident and optimistic.

1. Tact

  • Definition: skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues
  • Synonyms: sensitivity, understanding, thoughtfulness, consideration
  • Example: The inspector broke the news to me with tact and consideration.

2. Talent

  • Definition: natural aptitude or skill
  • Synonyms: flair, aptitude, gift, knack
  • Example: He possesses more talent than any other player.

3. Taste

  • Definition: the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance
  • Synonyms: flavor, savor, relish, tang
  • Example: The wine had a fruity taste.

4. Teaching

  • Definition: the occupation, profession, or work of a teacher
  • Synonyms: preaching, evangelism
  • Example: I went into teaching because I like working with children.

5. Tot

  • Definition: dancing classes for tiny tots
  • Synonyms: baby, infant, newborn
  • Example: We organize dancing classes for tiny tots.

6. Teammate

  • Definition: a fellow member of a team
  • Synonyms: friend, companion, comrade
  • Example: He’s my teammate.

7. Testament

  • Definition: a persons will, especially the part relating to personal property
  • Synonyms: last will and testament, last wishes, testimony, witness
  • Example: This file contains the father’s testament.

8. Testimonial

  • Definition: a formal statement testifying to someone’s character and qualifications
  • Synonyms: reference, character reference, recommendation, letter of recommendation
  • Example: Ask for solid evidence rather than a glowing testimonial.

9. Thanks

  • Definition: an expression of gratitude
  • Synonyms: gratitude, gratefulness, appreciation
  • Example: Festivals were held to give thanks for the harvest.

10. Therapy

  • Definition: a form of treatment for someone with mental illness or emotional problems that involves talking to them or asking them to do things
  • Synonyms: treatment, remedy, cure, remedial treatment, method of healing
  • Example: Her son is in therapy.

Nouns That Start with T to Describe a Person

Lastly, we have a section set aside for nouns that start with T to describe a person based on his attributes. You’ll find some familiar and some new nouns in this section.

1. Teacher

  • Definition: a person who teaches, especially in a school
  • Synonyms: educator, tutor, instructor, pedagogue
  • Example: He is my history teacher.

2. Testator

  • Definition: a person who has made a will or given a legacy
  • Synonyms: settlor, petitioner
  • Example: A settlor in a will is usually called a testator.

3. Thinker

  • Definition: a person who thinks deeply and seriously
  • Synonyms: theorist, theoretician, ideologist, philosopher
  • Example: She was not a thinker, but she had common sense.

4. Tracer

  • Definition: a person or thing that traces something or by which something may be traced
  • Synonyms: tracker
  • Example: The tracer was not able to find any concrete evidence.

5. Top

  • Definition: the most important or successful position in an organization, activity, etc
  • Synonyms: summit, peak
  • Example: He worked hard and quickly reached the top of his profession.

6. Trusty

  • Definition: a prisoner who is given special privileges or responsibilities in return for good behavior
  • Synonyms: reliable, dependable, trustworthy, tried and trusted
  • Example: He is a trusty of the Federal government.

7. Tutor

  • Definition: a private teacher, typically one who teaches a single pupil or a very small group
  • Synonyms: teacher, instructor, educator, educationist
  • Example: He is a voluntary tutor in adult literacy.

8. Tycoon

  • Definition: a wealthy, powerful person in business or industry
  • Synonyms: magnate, mogul, big businessman, baron
  • Example: He is a newspaper tycoon.

9. Taxpayer

  • Definition: a person or organization who pays taxes
  • Synonyms: citizens, subjects, general public, electors
  • Example: The President promised a $50 rebate for each taxpayer but failed to deliver it.

10. Therapist

  • Definition: a person skilled in a particular kind of therapy
  • Synonyms: psychologist, psychotherapist, analyst, psychoanalyst
  • Example: Talking to a therapist is a cathartic process.

Nouns That Start with T – Full List (562 Words)

  • Torture
  • Transportation
  • Testicle
  • Tuition
  • Tenor
  • Thrower
  • Template
  • Trotter
  • Trajectory
  • Temperance
  • Treatise
  • Theme
  • Touch
  • Tabac
  • Turmoil
  • Tilt
  • Tribesmen
  • Tunnel
  • Tan
  • Transparency
  • Thermometry
  • Tangency
  • Temperature
  • Tenant
  • Treason
  • Trip
  • Thaw
  • Taxation
  • Tug
  • Taunt
  • Thug
  • Teamwork
  • Timber
  • Teaching
  • Taffeta
  • Teetotaler
  • Tailgate
  • Trustee
  • Tribulation
  • Tropocollagen
  • Transposition
  • Trait
  • Tappet
  • Tamale
  • Tollhouse
  • Touchdown
  • Timidity
  • Trimester
  • Tag
  • Thigh
  • Tradition
  • Treaty
  • Troup
  • Theologian
  • Token
  • Tarpaulin
  • Transit
  • Turbofan
  • Tribe
  • Theorem
  • Term
  • Torsion
  • Taxi
  • Teletype
  • Transistor
  • Trickle
  • Tektite
  • Transmitter
  • Throw
  • Talker
  • Turpentine
  • Telephone
  • Trifle
  • Tower
  • Translucence
  • Tooth
  • Transcript
  • Town
  • Ticklebrush
  • Townsmen
  • Training
  • Testator
  • Tetrachloride
  • Tease
  • Teammate
  • Tertian
  • Tapestry
  • Territory
  • Toxin
  • Teaspoon
  • Timbre
  • Torpor
  • Theocracy
  • Tombstone
  • Transcendence
  • Trisodium
  • Trap
  • Truce
  • Treat
  • Topography
  • Triol
  • Turbulence
  • Twosome
  • Trophy
  • Test
  • Testimonial
  • Trickster
  • Triphenylphosphine
  • Terminology
  • Tremor
  • Transmutation
  • Tip
  • Thimble
  • Tyme
  • Theatergoer
  • Tableland
  • Therapist
  • Tansy
  • Twitter
  • Teaser
  • Third
  • Toy
  • Tetrasodium
  • Tsunami
  • Transferee
  • Temperament
  • Tournament
  • Trade
  • Torment
  • Totality
  • Team
  • Turtle
  • Transcendent
  • Taskmaster
  • Township
  • Theaf
  • Tavern
  • Theory
  • Timepiece
  • Thief
  • Topnotch
  • Turnout
  • Technique
  • Trundle
  • Transom
  • Transference
  • Tonic
  • Technology
  • Tart
  • Translator
  • Thunder
  • Transient
  • Teaspoonful
  • Tramway
  • Toe
  • Tentacle
  • Thermostat
  • Turquoise
  • Trench
  • Twinge
  • Threesome
  • Tie
  • Toilet
  • Tumor
  • Trout
  • Thrombi
  • Tribunal
  • Tailback
  • Troubie
  • Tenancy
  • Title
  • Tumble
  • Thyroxine
  • Thought
  • Tinsel
  • Termini
  • Turnpike
  • Theology
  • Tornado
  • Tiller
  • Technician
  • Trust
  • Townsman
  • Tagua
  • Tranquillity
  • Tab
  • Tungsten
  • Tracer
  • Topsoil
  • Turnoff
  • Tortoise
  • Toleration
  • Terry
  • Tinder
  • Temper
  • Trot
  • Tung
  • Throughput
  • Triangle
  • Travel
  • Trick
  • Trucker
  • Transferral
  • Thirst
  • Taint
  • Treasure
  • Tread
  • Treasury
  • Triple
  • Trail
  • Twiddle
  • Thorn
  • Teacart
  • Turnaround
  • Trumpeter
  • Tabulation
  • Thwump
  • Trapper
  • Tuba
  • Tantrum
  • Transaction
  • Turkey
  • Thrush
  • Tally
  • Topgallant
  • Tandem
  • Theater
  • Towel
  • Tack
  • Toast
  • Transcription
  • Testimony
  • Taxicab
  • Telegrapher
  • Twister
  • Teleology
  • Testament
  • Tonsil
  • Temple
  • Typology
  • Tool
  • Traffic
  • Thermometer
  • Triplet
  • Trailblazer
  • Toadyism
  • Toll
  • Translation
  • Tension
  • Tap
  • Takeoff
  • Twinkle
  • Tradesmen
  • Tomb
  • Triumph
  • Teacher
  • Translucency
  • Thong
  • Turnover
  • Text
  • Taste
  • Trawler
  • Truckdriver
  • Torch
  • Tropidoclonion
  • Take
  • Tyrant
  • Triplication
  • Thumb
  • Trolley
  • Traveler
  • Terrace
  • Tannin
  • Telescope
  • Tact
  • Typicality
  • Teeth
  • Turbine
  • Thyroid
  • Thanksgiving
  • Typescript
  • Ticket
  • Tallow
  • Tidbit
  • Tularemia
  • Topcoat
  • Travelogue
  • Thyronine
  • Transport
  • Teakwood
  • Teddy
  • Tender
  • Tiger
  • Tree
  • Transition
  • Turnery
  • Temptation
  • Tangle
  • Touchstone
  • Tycoon
  • Triad
  • Titleholder
  • Tactic
  • Trademark
  • Throne
  • Telegram
  • Trouble
  • Teahouse
  • Tax
  • Trinket
  • Tray
  • Tablet
  • Television
  • Thud
  • Trace
  • Tenacity
  • Tot
  • Toothpaste
  • Tent
  • Trestle
  • Thermistor
  • Thanks
  • Tail
  • Trash
  • Tint
  • Turf
  • Tilth
  • Tyranny
  • Transaminase
  • Tar
  • Tee
  • Thrust
  • Tempo
  • Turn
  • Tricolor
  • Thyroglobulin
  • Telegraphy
  • Thermocouple
  • Track
  • Transmission
  • Tallyho
  • Traction
  • Telepathy
  • Tunic
  • Titanium
  • Thicket
  • Tongue
  • Table
  • Task
  • Tidewater
  • Torrent
  • Tweed
  • Theatregoer
  • Talk
  • Transgression
  • Tollgate
  • Tea
  • Tenspot
  • Triamcinolone
  • Trooper
  • Target
  • Tendency
  • Twin
  • Thiamin
  • Thunk
  • Talent
  • Tribute
  • Torquer
  • Thwart
  • Takeover
  • Transshipment
  • Tutor
  • Trusteeship
  • Trenchermen
  • Trauma
  • Traveller
  • Timesaver
  • Tiptop
  • Tempest
  • Tedium
  • Tube
  • Triviality
  • Trumpet
  • Turtleneck
  • Thump
  • Thinker
  • Train
  • Tomato
  • Trilogy
  • Typhoon
  • Threat
  • Troubleshooter
  • Total
  • Toolmaker
  • Timetable
  • Tissue
  • Troopship
  • Toad
  • Tin
  • Troupe
  • Tranquilizer
  • Tour
  • Truculence
  • Traditionalist
  • Thermoplastic
  • Tolylene
  • Termination
  • Thwack
  • Tank
  • Tackle
  • Truck
  • Thruway
  • Troop
  • Towne
  • Tub
  • Triphenylarsine
  • Transpiration
  • Terminal
  • Twist
  • Trusty
  • Tile
  • Turban
  • Taper
  • Tout
  • Teenager
  • Truth
  • Tear
  • Trump
  • Toothbrush
  • Titration
  • Ton
  • Trader
  • Trivia
  • Tragedy
  • Therapy
  • Thick
  • Threshhold
  • Throttle
  • Transvestitism
  • Textile
  • Typography
  • Trapezoid
  • Trio
  • Tripod
  • Theatre
  • Transience
  • Traitor
  • Trill
  • Torso
  • Trailer
  • Triphosphopyridine
  • Trough
  • Turntable
  • Telegraph
  • Tire
  • Truism
  • Temerity
  • Tract
  • Tale
  • Transducer
  • Trance
  • Tenure
  • Tractor
  • Toner
  • Tang
  • Trombonist
  • Tablespoonful
  • Thrill
  • Twilight
  • Trim
  • Tablespoon
  • Tableau
  • Treatment
  • Textbook
  • Time
  • Tick
  • Tourist
  • Theft
  • Typhoid
  • Terror
  • Trek
  • Transferor
  • Thread
  • Tow
  • Taboo
  • Texture
  • Threshold
  • Thumbnail
  • Today
  • Tole
  • Torque
  • Tone
  • Triphenylstibine
  • Treadmill
  • Tenement
  • Tailor
  • Typewriter
  • Terrain
  • Tolerance
  • Transfer
  • Tootsie
  • Type
  • Tape
  • Teardrop
  • Tune
  • Toil
  • Tense
  • Taffy
  • Turret
  • Thoroughfare
  • Transformer
  • Treasurer
  • Teamster
  • Transformation
  • Tranquility
  • Thing
  • Tramp
  • Tincture
  • Trouser
  • Topic
  • Taxpayer
  • Trial
  • Tumbler
  • Tango
  • Trainman
  • Tripolyphosphate
  • Teen
  • Titer
  • Tempera
  • Triptych
  • Twirler
  • Throng
  • Trollop
  • Thermopile
  • Thyratron
  • Totalitarianism
  • Terrier
  • Trunk
  • Tangent
  • Throat
  • Toffee
  • Top
  • Thiouracil
  • Tarpon
  • Twitch
  • Tintype
  • Torpedo
  • Trapdoor
  • Try
  • Teakettle
  • Traditionalism
  • Tulip
  • Tide
  • Tobacco
  • Trend
  • Tapdance
  • Triservice
  • Thiihng
  • Tenderfoot
  • Trachea
  • Tambourine
  • Tulle
  • Tidy
  • Treble
  • Tariff
  • Tyrosine

Final Thoughts on Nouns That Start with T

All the above nouns that start with T, their definitions, synonyms, and examples were just surface-level information to help you get a feel for these words. But that’s not it, there is still a lot for you to explore on your own. Make a list of these words, and whenever you come across them while reading or watching a movie, observe how the author or the character is using these nouns starting with T.

Practicing this will drastically increase your exposure and help you think of other ways in which you can use these nouns. So, what were your favorite nouns that start with T in this list? Are there any other nouns beginning with T, that you want to share with others? If yes, then do let us know about them in the comment section.