This article aims to provide you with a killer list of positive words that start with K!
K is one of the least frequently used alphabets, but it is usually associated with words that make people feel good.
For example: knowledge, kindhearted, kickstart, kindle, etc.
Positive words starting with K act as an inspiration and have the power to motivate us to strive for our goals.
Let’s dive in:
- Full List Chart (139 Words)
- Positive K Words to Describe a Person
- Inspirational Words Starting with K
- Complimentary Words Starting with K
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Positive Words Starting with Other Alphabets
Full List of Positive Words That Start with K
To begin with, we have a full list of positive words that start with K. Use them in your daily talks and see the positive effect upon people.
Kabbalah | Kahuna | Kairos |
Kaizen | Kaleidoscope | Kaleidoscopic |
Kalon | Kangaroo | Karaoke |
Karat | Karate | Karma |
Kayak | Kedegree | Keen |
Keenly | Keenness | Keep |
Keeper | Keeping | Keepsake |
Kef | Kegling | Kekoa |
Kempt | Ken | Kennel |
Kenspeckle | Kerchief | Kerchieft |
Kermis | Kernel | Kerosene |
Ketchup | Kettle | Key |
Keynote | Keystone | Kichel |
Kick | Kickass | Kicking |
Kick-off | Kickstart | Kicky |
Kid | Kidding | Kiddish |
Kiddyish | Kid-friendly | Kid-glove |
Kif | Kilig | Kill |
Killer | Kiln | Kilter |
Kimono | Kin | Kind |
Kindergarten | Kind-hearted | Kindle |
Kindliness | Kindly | Kindness |
Kindred | Kinesthetic | Kinetic |
Kinfolk | King | Kingdom |
Kinglike | Kingliness | Kingly |
Kingpin | Kingship | King-size |
King-sized | Kinkiness | Kinky |
Kinship | Kinswoman | Kismet |
Kiss | Kissable | Kissogram |
Kissy | Kit | Kitchen |
Kite | Kith | Kitsch |
Kitten | Kittenish | Kitty |
Kiwi | Klatch | Klondike |
Knack | Knackish | Knap |
Knapsack | Knead | Knee-deep |
Kneel | Knee-slapper | Knees-up |
Knick-knacks | Knight | Knight-like |
Knightly | Knit | Knock |
Knockabout | Knockout | Knoll |
Knot | Know | Knowable |
Know-how | Knowing | Knowingly |
Knowledge | Knowledgeable | Knowledgeably |
Known | Koan | Kohl |
Kook | Kookily | Kooky |
Koran | Kosher | Kraal |
Kudos | Kung-Fu | Kvell |
Kwanzaa |
Positive Words That Start with K to Describe a Person
Words are used not just to name persons, but also to characterize their distinguishing personalities. Following is a list of positive words that start with K to describe a person.
Kalon | Keen | Kekoa |
Kempt | Kenspeckle | Kicky |
Kiddie | Kiddyish | Kid-glove |
Kind | Kindness | Kindred |
King | Kingly | Kinswoman |
Kissable | Kiwi | Knight |
Knightly | Knit | Knowledge |
Knowledgeable | Known | Kooky |
Positive Words That Start with K to Encourage Yourself
People are often in need of encouragement to pursue their dreams. Following are some inspirational words that start with K. You can use these words not just to encourage other people but yourself too.
Kabuki | Karat | Karma |
Keep | Keepsake | Kempt |
Kernel | Key | Kick-off |
Kickstart | Killer | Kindle |
Kinetic | King | King-sized |
Kitsch | Knack | Knackish |
Knapsack | Knock | Knowable |
Kowtow | Kvell |
Positive Words That Start with K to Compliment Others
You love hearing other people uttering good words, don’t you? For your convenience, we have come up with a list of nice words that start with K that you can use to compliment people.
Kabbalistic | Kal | Kalon |
Kampuchean | Karaoke | Kedegree |
Keen | Kempt | Kerchief |
Kick-ass | Kicky | Kimono |
Kindergartener | Kindhearted | Kinglet |
Kinglike | Kingly | King-size |
Kiplingesque | Kittenish | Knight |
Knockout | Knowledgeable | Kohl |
Kudos |
Positive Words That Start with K – Definitions and Examples
Merely going through the list is usually not enough for learning, below we compiled definitions and examples of positive words that begin with K for you as well.
Kabbalah: the ancient tradition of explaining holy texts through mystical means; cabbalah; kabala.
– In his hands was The Zohar, the chief text of the Jewish Kabbalah.
Kahuna: the most important person, company, etc. in a particular area; big; heavyweight.
– Hawaii was once the big kahuna in global pineapple production.
Kairos: the qualitative time of life. The Greeks considered it the most appropriate for something new; decisive moment; kairotic moment.
– The present time is a time of opportunity, a kairos of which the Scriptures speak, a time of new chances and new graces.
Kaizen: the practice of continuously improving the way in which a company operates; rectifying; betterment.
– Kaizen is practiced in many industries.
Kaleidoscope: a toy consisting of a tube that you look through with loose pieces of coloured glass and mirrors at the end. When the tube is turned, the pieces of glass move and form different patterns; prismatic; rainbow.
– The landscape was a kaleidoscope of changing colors.
Kaleidoscopic: containing a lot of different parts that are always changing; multicolored; many-coloured.
– Kaleidoscopic patterns.
Kalon: Ideal perfect beauty in the physical and moral sense, especially as perceived by Greek philosophers; beauty; idealness.
– The man who called himself Kalon was a magnificent creature, worthy, in a physical sense, to be the pontiff of Apollo.
Kangaroo: a large Australian animal with a strong tail and back legs that moves by jumping. The female carries its young in a pocket of skin (called a pouch) on the front of its body; koala; opossum.
– Kangaroos can jump immense distances.
Karaoke: a type of entertainment in which a machine plays only the music of popular songs so that people can sing the words themselves; entertainment; music.
– A karaoke machine.
Karat: a unit for measuring how pure gold is; exclusive; fine.
– The purest gold is 24 karats.
Karate: a Japanese system of fighting in which you use your hands and feet as weapons; judo; wrestling.
– She has a brown belt in karate.
Karma: the sum of somebody’s good and bad actions in one of their lives, believed to decide what will happen to them in the next life; predestination; predetermination.
– He thought about its history, the dark karma that clung to it.
Kayak: a light canoe in which the part where you sit is covered over; outrigger; coracle.
– The lakes are used to learn to kayak.
Keen: wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much; anxious; eager.
– John was very keen to help.
Keenly: in a way that involves strong or deep feelings or awareness; acutely; severely.
– We were keenly aware of the danger.
Keenness: he quality of being enthusiastic or wanting something very much; eagerness; willingness.
– I admire his enthusiasm and keenness to experiment.
Keep: keep something to continue to have something and not give it back or throw it away; retain; hold on to.
– She handed the waiter a hundred dollar bill and told him to keep the change.
Keeper: a person whose job is to take care of a building, its contents or something valuable; guardian; protector.
– The keeper of geology at the museum.
Keeping: being taken care of by somebody; guardianship; observance.
Her secrets were safe in his keeping.
Keepsake: a small object that somebody gives you so that you will remember them; memento; souvenir.
– My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake.
Kef: a state of drowsy contentment, especially from the use of marijuana, opium, or other narcotic; bhang; cannabis.
– In our peace-themed rooms scented with patchouli and the smoke of homegrown weed, we felt the kef and thought we were saving the world.
Kegling: the game of tenpin bowling; bowls; candlepins.
– Kegling bowling is not on the proposed list.
Kekoa: warrior; fighter; soldier.
– Kekoa is a masculine Hawaiian name replete with many brave and admirable connotations.
Kempt: of a person or a place maintained in a neat and clean condition; well cared for; tidied; trim.
– She was looking as thoroughly kempt as ever.
Ken: if something is beyond your ken, you do not know enough about it to be able to understand it; knowledge; awareness.
– They are not prepared to listen to anything from anybody outside their ken.
Kennel: a place where people can leave their dogs to be taken care of when they go on holiday; a place where dogs are kept in order to produce young; den; doghouse.
– We put the dog in kennels when we go away.
Kenspeckle: easily recognizable; conspicuous; prominent.
– He loved walking in the village, where he was a kenspeckle figure.
Kerchief: a square piece of cloth worn on the head or around the neck; scarf; shawl.
– He wiped his mouth with his kerchief and then blotted the table.
Kerchieft: a piece of cloth worn tied over the head or around the neck; scarf; shawl.
– A black kerchieft modestly veiled her hair.
Kermis: a fair or carnival, especially one held to raise money for a charity; festival; bazaar.
– The Gimbsheim kermis is held each year on the last weekend in September.
Kernel: the central, most important part of an idea or a subject; essence; core.
– The kernel of her argument.
Kerosene: a type of fuel oil that is made from petroleum and that is used in the engines of planes and for heat and light. In British English it is usually called paraffin when it is used for heat and light; crude oil; fossil fuel.
– A kerosene lamp.
Ketchup: a thick cold sauce made from tomatoes, usually sold in bottles; dressing; gravy.
– She put ketchup on her hamburger.
Kettle: a container with a lid, a handle and a spout, used for boiling water; boiler; cauldron.
– An electric kettle.
Key: a piece of metal with a special shape used for locking a door, starting a car; crucial; essential.
– He inserted the key in the lock and let himself into the house.
Keynote: the central idea of a book, a speech; cornerstone; criterion.
– Choice is the keynote of the new education policy.
Keystone: the most important part of a plan or argument that the other parts depend on; foundation; basis.
– Changes to the welfare system are the keystone of the government’s reforms.
Kichel: a slightly sweet cracker or cookie in Jewish cuisine.
– Gluten-free kichel are a little tricky since we are not using any gums.
Kick: to hit somebody/something with your foot; boot; punt.
– She had to kick the door open because her hands were full.
Kickass: powerful and aggressive; exceptionally good; spectacular.
– The movie’s kick-ass heroine.
Kicking: full of life and excitement; propel; drive.
– The club was really kicking last night.
Kick-off: the start of a game of football; begin; lead off.
– The kick-off is at 3.
Kickstart: start (a motorcycle engine) with a downward thrust of a pedal; switch on; set going.
– He kick-started the motor and zoomed up the hill.
Kicky: exciting; fashionable; breathtaking.
– Kicky high-heeled boots.
Kid: a child or young person; child; youngster.
– A bunch of kids were hanging around outside.
Kidding: to tell somebody something that is not true, especially as a joke; tease; jest.
– I thought he was kidding when he said he was going out with a rock star.
Kiddish: childish; like or typical of a child; immature.
– It sounds so mad – completely kiddish.
Kiddyish: frolicsome; sportive; childish.
– A Kiddyish act.
Kid-friendly: a place that has special features that parents and children like; suitable for children; community.
– The hotel is very Kid-friendly and offers a babysitting service.
Kid-glove: gloves made from kid leather; delicacy; fastidiousness.
– He’s upset, so handle him with kid-gloves today.
Kif: a substance, especially cannabis, smoked to produce a drowsy state; bhang; cannabis.
– That T-shirt’s kif.
Kilig: causing or characterized by a feeling of exhilaration or elation; giddiness; shudder.
– The fans went wild with the kilig moments they shared on stage.
Kill: to make somebody/something die; eliminate; terminate.
– Tiredness while driving can kill.
Killer: a person, an animal or a thing that kills; executioner; slayer.
– Police are hunting his killer.
Kiln: a large oven for baking clay and brick, drying wood and grain; furnace; stove.
– The vases are then fired in a kiln.
Kilter: not agreeing with or the same as something else; crazy; silly.
– His views are out of kilter with world opinion.
Kimono: a traditional Japanese piece of clothing like a long loose dress with wide sleeves (= parts covering the arms), worn on formal occasions; a dressing gown or robe in this style; smock; housecoat.
– The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child.
Kin: your family or your relatives; relatives; relations.
– Marriage between close kin is prohibited.
Kind: a group of people or things that are the same in some way; a particular variety or type; type; variety.
– I need to buy paper and pencils, that kind of thing.
Kindergarten: a school or class to prepare children aged five for school; nursery school; babysitter.
– His first day at kindergarten.
Kind-hearted: kind and generous; warm-hearted; tender-hearted.
– He was a hardworking, honest and kind-hearted man.
Kindle: kindle (something) to make something such as an interest, emotion, etc. start to grow in somebody; to start to be felt by somebody; light; ignite.
– She felt a warmth of pride kindle in her.
Kindliness: the quality of being kind and caring; benevolence; warmth.
– She smiled slightly, a nervous smile that held kindliness.
Kindly: in a kind way; warmly; affectionately.
– She spoke kindly to them.
Kindness: the quality of being kind; affection; warmth.
– To treat somebody with kindness and consideration.
Kindred: the fact of being related to another person; related; allied.
– Ties of kindred.
Kinesthetic: relating to a person’s awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints; bodily; physical.
– Kinaesthetic learning through a physical activity.
Kinetic: of or produced by movement; animated; lively.
– Kinetic energy.
Kinfolk: a person’s relatives; relatives; relations.
– They were like kinfolk, so she told herself, feeling it to be so, but none of the other villagers understood that.
King: the male ruler of an independent state that has a royal family; ruler; monarch.
– To be crowned king.
Kingdom: one of the three traditional divisions of the natural world; realm; domain.
– The animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms.
Kinglike: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a king; kingly; monarchal.
– In Mexico, presidents have always enjoyed kinglike powers.
Kingliness: a dignified bearing or appearance befitting someone of royal status from an early age; princely; sovereign.
– He had that special something, an aura of kingliness that foretold his future rise to the country’s presidency.
Kingly: like a king; connected with or good enough for a king; monarchical.
– They paid a kingly price for their new house.
Kingpin: the most important person in an organization or activity; magnate; tycoon.
– Once the gang’s kingpin was killed in a police shootout, the organization had to look for another leader.
Kingship: the state of being a king; the official position of a king: aristocracy; authority.
– Though his kingship was challenged, he continued to rule de facto.
King-size: very large; larger than normal when compared with a range of sizes; oversized.
– A king-size bed.
King-sized: very large; larger than normal when compared with a range of sizes; oversized.
– A king-sized headache.
Kinkiness: relating to, having, or appealing to unconventional tastes especially in sex; wrinkle; coil.
– The extreme psychosis and kinkiness of the past was not apparent but much of her work continued to have a sexual content.
Kinky: used to describe sexual behaviour that most people would consider strange or unusual; abnormal; unusual.
– There must be a kink in the pipe.
Kinship: the fact of being related in a family; relationship; relatedness.
– The ties of kinship.
Kinswoman: a female relative; agnate; aunt.
– I am most grateful to my noble kinswoman for that advice.
Kismet: the idea that everything that happens to you in your life is already decided and that you cannot do anything to change or control it; destiny; fate.
– When we first met each other, we knew it must have been kismet.
Kiss: to touch somebody with your lips as a sign of love or sexual desire or when saying hello or goodbye; smooch; canoodle.
– He bent forward to kiss her cheek.
Kissable: capable of being kissed; Attractive, so as to invite kissing; lovable.
– They wouldn’t know she was throwing up and not at all kissable.
Kissogram: a humorous message on your birthday, etc., delivered by somebody dressed in a special costume who kisses you, arranged as a surprise by your friends; the person who delivers the message.
– Her friends clubbed together to send her a kissogram.
Kissy: characterized by or given to kissing; amorous; romantic.
– Dean and I were just getting kissy.
Kit: a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose; equipment; tools.
– A drum kit.
Kitchen: a room in which meals are cooked or prepared; cookhouse; bakehouse.
– We ate at the kitchen table.
Kite: a toy made of a light frame covered with paper, cloth, etc., that you fly in the air at the end of one or more long strings.
– John wants to fly his new stunt kite.
Kith: one’s friends, acquaintances, and relations; folks; household.
– I had a reunion today with all my kith and kin.
Kitsch: works of art or objects that are popular but that are considered to have no real artistic value or not to be in good taste, for example because they are sentimental; tasteless; vulgar.
– The restaurant is decorated with 1950s furniture and kitsch from old TV shows.
Kitten: a young cat; brood; cubs.
– There was a litter of puppies and of kittens as well.
Kittenish: lively, and trying to attract attention or sexual interest; playful; fun-loving.
– These cats tend to stay playful and kittenish throughout their long lives.
Kitty: if money is put in a kitty, a group of people all give an amount and the money is spent on something they all agree on; cat; feline.
– We each put £50 in the kitty to cover the bills.
Kiwi: a small fruit with thin brown skin covered with small hairs that is soft and green inside with black seeds; dweller; habitant.
– The kiwi eats worms, other invertebrates, and berries.
Klatch: an informal social occasion, often at somebody’s home, at which people drink coffee and talk; clique; network.
– The show was meant to feel like a cozy coffee klatch among friends.
Klondike: a rich source of something; America’s Icebox; Seward’s Folly.
– I left Klondike at one particularly deep hole and trekked upstream.
Knack: a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn; talent; flair.
– It’s easy, once you’ve got the knack.
Knackish: cunning; artful; ticklish.
– Knackish is cunning or artful.
Knap: the crest of a hill; bulge; bump.
– A pathway winding around the knap of a green hill.
Knapsack: a small rucksack; backpack; haversack.
– He had walked into the school yard that morning with his knapsack on his back and his lunchbox in his hand.
Knead: knead something to press and stretch dough, wet clay, etc. with your hands to make it ready to use; squeeze; form.
– Add the water and knead the mixture well.
Knee-deep: up to your knees; enmeshed; involved.
– The snow was knee-deep in places.
Kneel: to be in or move into a position where your body is supported on your knee or knees; bow; curtsey.
– People sometimes kneel to pray.
Knee-slapper: an uproariously funny joke; amusing; entertaining.
– My uncle told me a real knee-slapper the other day.
Knees-up: a noisy party, with dancing; party; celebration.
– Sorry I’m a bit sleepy today, we had a big knees-up last night.
Knick-knacks: a small object of little worth that is used for decoration in a house; ornament; novelty.
– A collection of knick-knacks.
Knight: a man who saves somebody, especially a woman, from a dangerous situation; chevalier; cavalier.
– She’s still waiting for a knight in shining armor to come and rescue her.
Knightly: consisting of knights; typical of a knight; chivalrous.
– A knightly family.
Knit: knit (something) to use a basic stitch in knitting; furrow; tighten.
– Knit one row, purl one row.
Knock: to hit something so that it moves or breaks; bang; tap.
– They had to knock the door down to get in.
Knockabout: knockabout entertainment involves people acting in a deliberately silly way, for example falling over or hitting other people, in order to make the audience laugh; rowdy; coarse.
– He lived a knockabout life in the city.
Knockout: a hard hit that makes an opponent fall to the ground and be unable to get up, so that they lose the fight; blow; kayo.
– The match ended in knockout in the fifth round.
Knoll: a small round hill; hillock; mound.
– Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll.
Knot: a join made by tying together two pieces or ends of string, rope; loop; lace.
– Tie the two ropes together with a knot.
Know: to have information in your mind as a result of experience or because you have learned or been told it; notice; perceive.
– I need to know your name.
Knowable: able to be observed, understood, or ascertained; comprehensible; obvious.
– The full extent of the damage isn’t knowable in advance.
Know-how: knowledge of how to do something and experience in doing it; knowledge; expertise.
– We need skilled workers and technical know-how.
Knowing: showing that you know or understand about something that is supposed to be secret; significant; meaningful.
– The man at reception gave her the key with a knowing look.
Knowingly: while knowing the truth or likely result of what you are doing; deliberately; intentionally.
– She was accused of knowingly making a false statement to the police.
Knowledge: the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience; understanding; comprehension.
– Scientific/technical knowledge and skills.
Knowledgeable: knowing a lot; well informed; learned.
– She is very knowledgeable about plants.
Knowledgeably: in a way that shows you know a lot about a subject; intelligently; judiciously.
– She talks knowledgeably about pesticides.
Known: known about, especially by a lot of people; certain; determinate.
– He’s a known thief.
Koan: a koan is a surprising and often perplexing phrase that’s used as a meditation tool; riddle; puzzle.
– This sounds like a koan because it is, and like a true Zen puzzle, contemplating the riddle will free you from the shackles of your mind.
Kohl: a black powder that is used especially in Eastern countries. It is put around the eyes to make them more attractive; mascara; lipstick.
– The soot in kohl helped in reducing the damaging effects of sun glare on their eyes.
Kook: a person who acts in a strange or crazy way; crank; crazy.
– He was dismissed as a kook for saying what he thought.
Kookily: having the characteristics of a kook; crazy; offbeat.
– She has a kookily style and wears heavy make-up.
Kooky: strange or eccentric; bizarre; cranky.
– I like kooky foreign films.
Koran: the holy book of the Islamic religion, written in Arabic, containing the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad; religious text; religious writing.
– The Koran describes paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.
Kosher: prepared according to the rules of Jewish law; acceptable; adequate.
– A kosher meal.
Kraal: an area surrounded by a fence in which animals are kept; cage; henhouse.
– A cattle kraal.
Kudos: the praise and honor that goes with a particular achievement or position; prestige; honor.
– The kudos of playing for such a famous team.
Kung-Fu: a Chinese system of fighting without weapons, similar to karate; judo; karate.
– He decides to study kung-Fu.
Kvell: to be extraordinarily proud; rejoice; delight.
– Please forgive me if I kvell, but she’s done so well in her exams.
Kwanzaa: a cultural festival that is celebrated in the US by some African Americans from December 26 to January 1; fete; festival.
– The last day of Kwanzaa is marked by a lavish feast.
Positive Words That Start with K – Infographic [Downloadable]
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Positive Words Starting with A to Z
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Positive Words That Start with:
Final Thoughts
Thank you for reading positive words that start with K till the end. Are you feeling more knowledgeable now?
Even if you learned just one new word today, that’s a win for your vocabulary.
Remember it is constant efforts that make a difference. So keep learning every day.
And did we miss any important positive words starting with K?
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