This article aims to provide you with a marvelous and meaningful list of positive words that start with M!
These words will help you develop an impressive self-image of yourself among people around.
It is no doubt that words have the power to influence people.
When we use more positive words every day, our life is sure to take a drastic change for the better.
Fill more positivity to our life with positive words starting with M now!
Let’s dive in:
- Full List Chart (283 Words)
- Positive M Words to Describe a Person
- Inspirational Words Starting with M
- Complimentary Words Starting with M
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Positive Words Starting with Other Alphabets
Full List of Positive Words That Start with M
To begin with, we have a full list of positive words that start with M. They’ll definitely help you leave a pleasant mark on people around you. Try and learn each one of them.
Madam | Made | Maestoso |
Maestro | Magi | Magic |
Magical | Magnanimity | Magnanimous |
Magnanimously | Magnate | Magnet |
Magnetic | Magnetism | Magnificence |
Magnificent | Magnificently | Magnifico |
Magnify | Magniloquent | Magnitude |
Mahalo | Maid | Maiden |
Maidenly | Main | Mainstay |
Maintain | Majestic | Majestically |
Majesty | Major | Majorly |
Make | Makeover | Makeup |
Malapropism | Malleable | Mama |
Mammoth | Manage | Manageable |
Manager | Managerial | Mandate |
Mandatory | Maneuver | Maneuverable |
Manifest | Manifold | Manliness |
Manly | Manna | Manner |
Mannerly | Manoeuvrable | Mantra |
Many | Marital | Marked |
Marriage | Married | Marry |
Marshal | Marvel | Marvelled |
Marvellous | Marvellously | Marvelous |
Marvelously | Marvelousness | Mascot |
Masculine | Masculinity | Mass |
Massage | Massive | Massively |
Master | Masterful | Masterfully |
Masterly | Mastermind | Masterpiece |
Masterstroke | Masterwork | Mastery |
Matchless | Matchmaker | Mate |
Maternal | Mateship | Matey |
Matrimony | Matter | Mature |
Maturely | Maturing | Maturity |
Maven | Maverick | Maximal |
Maximize | Maximum | May |
Meander | Meaning | Meaningful |
Measured | Medal | Medallion |
Medallist | Mediate | Mediation |
Mediator | Medication | Medicinal |
Medicine | Meditate | Meditation |
Meditative | Meed | Meek |
Meekness | Meet | Mega |
Megastar | Meliorate | Mellifluos |
Mellifluous | Mellow | Melodic |
Melodious | Melody | Melt |
Memento | Memorabilia | Memorable |
Memorial | Memory | Menagerie |
Mensch | Mention | Mentor |
Merciful | Mercifully | Mercy |
Merger | Merit | Meritable |
Meritocracy | Meritorious | Merrily |
Merriment | Merriness | Merry |
Merrymaking | Mesmerize | Mesmerized |
Mesmerizing | Mesmerizingly | Messiah |
Messianic | Metaphysical | Meteoric |
Method | Methodical | Meticulous |
Meticulously | Metier | Mettle |
Mettlesome | Might | Mightily |
Mighty | Mild | Mildmannered |
Mild-mannered | Million | Mim |
Mind-blowing | Mindful | Mindfulness |
Mingle | Minikin | Ministerial |
Mint | Miracle | Miraculous |
Miraculously | Miraculousness | Mirth |
Mirthful | Miscellany | Mission |
Mitigate | Mitigative | Mitigatory |
Mixer | Mobile | Mobility |
Mode | Model | Modern |
Modernistic | Modest | Modestly |
Modesty | Modish | Modiste |
Mogul | Moisturize | Mojo |
Moment | Momentous | Momentum |
Monastic | Mondaine | Mondo |
Moneyed | Moneymaker | Moneyspinner |
Monotheistic | Monumental | Monumentally |
Moony | Moppet | Moral |
Morale | Moralist | Morality |
Moralize | More | Moreish |
Mores | Mosey | Most |
Motherly | Motif | Motivate |
Motivated | Motivating | Motivation |
Motivational | Motor | Motto |
Mouthwatering | Mouth-watering | Move |
Moved | Movement | Moving |
Moxie | Much | Mucho |
Muliebrity | Multidimensional | Multidisciplined |
Multifaceted | Multifarious | Multi-purpose |
Multitalented | Multitask | Multitasking |
Multitude | Mumsy | Munificence |
Munificent | Muscle | Muscular |
Muse | Music | Musical |
Musician | Must | Muster |
Mutate | Mutual | Mutuality |
Mutually | Myriad | Mystical |
Mystique |
Positive Words That Start with M to Describe a Person
Words are not just used to name people but to describe their salient features as well. They help to forge a positive image of the people around you. Following is a list of positive words that start with M to describe a person.
Magnetic | Magnificent | Majestic |
Marital | Marvelous | Mastermind |
Mate | Mature | Maven |
Maverick | Meaningful | Megastar |
Mensch | Mentor | Meritorious |
Might | Mindful | Mirthful |
Modern | Modest | Moralist |
Mother | Multidisciplinary | Munificent |
Muscular |
Positive Words That Start with M to Encourage Yourself
A little encouragement from friends is powerful when you are in pursuance of your dreams. It goes a long way in giving you that extra bit of boost that you often need. Following are some inspirational words that start with M.
Magical | Magnetism | Mandatory |
Manliness | Marked | Marshal |
Master | Maternal | Maximum |
Mediator | Melodic | Melodious |
Merit | Merrimaking | Merry |
Mesmerize | Miraculous | Momentum |
Moral | More | Motivating |
Motivation | Motto | Moving |
Much | Muster |
Positive Words That Start with M to Compliment Others
You love hearing other people uttering nice words to compliment, don’t you? Every person loves that! For your convenience we have come up with a list of nice words that start with M that you can use to compliment people around you.
Major | Male | Manifold |
Manna | Mannerly | Marvelous |
Mastermind | Matchless | Mature |
Meditative | Meek | Mensch |
Meritorious | Mesmerizing | Messenger |
Mettle | Mighty | Million |
Mind-blowing | Mobile | Modern |
Modest | Motherly | Musical |
Positive Words That Start with M – Definitions and Examples
Only going through the list may not be enough for learning, below we prepared definitions and examples of positive words that begin with M for you as well.
Madam: a girl or young woman who expects other people to do what she wants; lady; mistress.
– She’s a proper little madam.
Made: made in a particular place or way; construct; build.
– A Japanese-made camera.
Maestoso: performed in a majestic manner; majestic; stately.
– A strong maestoso section precedes a march introduced by piccolo and snare drum.
Maestro: a great performer, especially a musician; conductor; director.
– The winning goal was scored by the maestro himself.
Magi: the three wise men from the East who are said to have brought presents to the baby Jesus; seer; wizard.
– The Magi, Bramins, and Druids were bracketed together as men of wisdom.
Magic: the secret power of appearing to make impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special things; sorcery; witchcraft.
– A place of secret shadows and ancient magic.
Magical: containing magic; used in magic; paranormal; preternatural.
– Her words had a magical effect on us.
Magnanimity: behaviour that is kind, generous and forgiving, especially towards an enemy or competitor; generosity; charity.
– She accepted the criticism with magnanimity.
Magnanimous: kind, generous and forgiving, especially towards an enemy or competitor; generous; charitable.
– A magnanimous gesture.
Magnanimously: in a way that is kind, generous and forgiving, especially towards an enemy or competitor; graciously; liberally.
– The best man won, he said, magnanimously conceding defeat.
Magnate: a person who is rich, powerful and successful, especially in business; industrialist; tycoon.
– The company was owned by shipping magnate Fred Olsen.
Magnet: a person, place or thing that somebody/something is attracted to; alluring; appealing.
– The scent of flowers acts as a magnet to bees.
Magnetic: behaving like a magnet; that can be attracted by a magnet; alluring; attractive.
– Steel is magnetic.
Magnetism: a physical property (characteristic) of some metals such as iron, produced by electric currents, that causes forces between objects, either pulling them towards each other or pushing them apart; allure; attraction.
– The magnetism produced by the battery attracts the metal.
Magnificence: the quality of being extremely attractive and impressive; grandeur; greatness.
– The magnificence of the scenery.
Magnificent: extremely attractive and impressive; deserving praise; splendid.
– The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.
Magnificently: in a way that is extremely attractive and impressive; in a way that deserves praise; grandiose.
– The city boasts a wealth of magnificently preserved temples and palaces.
Magnifico: a very powerful, important, or eminent person; dazzling; elegant.
– The ranking magnificoes of the media establishment.
Magnify: to make something look bigger than it really is, for example by using a lens or microscope; enlarge; enhance.
– A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen.
Magniloquent: using high-flown or bombastic language; grandiloquent; high-sounding.
– When he relayed the story, he used a magniloquent voice to express the characters.
Magnitude: the great size or importance of something; the degree to which something is large or important; immensity; vastness.
– We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.
Mahalo: mainly in Hawaii an expression of gratitude; admiration; praise.
– A big mahalo goes out to these volunteer groups.
Maid: a female servant in a house or hotel; maidservant; housemaid.
– There is a maid to do the housework.
Maiden: a girl or young woman who is not married; unmarried; unwed.
– Stories of knights and fair maidens.
Maidenly: relating to or appropriate to a maiden; demure; demure; decorous.
– Maidenly modesty.
Main: being the largest or most important of its kind; principal; chief.
– Be careful crossing the main road.
Mainstay: a person or thing that is the most important part of something and enables it to exist or be successful; pillar; anchor.
– He is the mainstay of our theatre group.
Maintain: to make something continue at the same level, standard; preserve; keep.
– To maintain law and order.
Majestic: impressive because of size or beauty; awe-inspiring; splendid.
– The Rockies are majestic in size.
Majestically: in a way that is impressive because of its size or beauty; royally; regally.
– The cliffs rise majestically from the ocean.
Majesty: His/her Majesty, Your Majesty a title of respect used when speaking about or to a king or queen; emperor; highness.
– The Prime Minister is here to see you, Your Majesty.
Major: very large or important; crucial; vital.
– A major road.
Majorly: very; extremely; highly.
– Majorly disappointed.
Make: to create or prepare something by combining materials or putting parts together; construct; build.
– To make a table.
Makeover: the process of improving the appearance of a person or a place, or of changing the impression that something gives; renovation; restoration.
– She won a complete makeover in a magazine competition.
Makeup: the different qualities that combine to form somebody’s character or being; format; structure.
– Jealousy is not part of his make-up.
Malapropism: a mistake somebody makes when they use a word that sounds similar to the word they wanted to use, but means something different and sounds funny; solecism; error.
– His nervousness escalated into an avalanche of malapropisms.
Malleable: that can be hit or pressed into different shapes easily without breaking or cracking; pliable; ductile.
– She was young enough to be malleable.
Mama: in some places in Africa, a mother or older woman (often used as a title that shows respect); mother; female parent.
– Leave this work to us, mama.
Mammoth: an animal like a large elephant covered with hair, that lived thousands of years ago and is now extinct; huge; enormous.
– He finds a large herd of adult female mammoths.
Manage: to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult; dominate; govern.
– I don’t know exactly how we’ll manage it, but we will, somehow.
Manageable: possible to deal with or control; achievable; doable.
– Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable.
Manager: a person who is in charge of running a business, a shop or a similar organization or part of one; administrator; head.
– I’m a senior manager in a multinational company.
Managerial: connected with the work of a manager; bureaucratic; commanding.
– Does she have any managerial experience?
Mandate: the authority to do something, given to a government or other organization by the people who vote for it in an election; instruction; directive.
– It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.
Mandatory: required by law; compulsory; obligatory.
– The offence carries a mandatory life sentence.
Maneuver: a movement performed with care and skill; operation; exercise.
– A skillful maneuver.
Maneuverable: that can easily be moved into different positions; controllable; steerable.
– A highly maneuverable vehicle.
Manifest: to show something clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or a quality; demonstrate; exhibit.
– Their sadness was manifest in their faces.
Manifold: many; of many different types; numerous.
– The possibilities were manifold.
Manliness: the qualities and physical features that are admired or expected in a man; virility; masculinity.
– You don’t have to be aggressive to prove your manliness.
Manly: having the qualities or physical features that are admired or expected in a man; brave; courageous.
– He looked so manly in his uniform.
Manna: the food that God provided for the people of Israel during their 40 years in the desert; blessing; boon.
– To the refugees, the food shipments were manna from heaven.
Manner: behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture; technique; procedure.
– It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
Mannerly: well-mannered; polite; courteous.
– He is always genteel and mannerly in private.
Manoeuvrable: able to be easily moved or steered while in motion; handleable; manipulatable.
– The plane was surprisingly fast and manoeuvrable for its size.
Mantra: a word, phrase or sound that is repeated again and again, especially during prayer or meditation; hymn; melody,
– A Buddhist mantra.
Many: used with plural nouns and verbs, especially in negative sentences or in more formal English, to mean ‘a large number of’. Also used in questions to ask about the size of a number, and with ‘as’, ‘so’ and ‘too; multiple; several.
– We don’t have very many copies left.
Marital: connected with marriage or with the relationship between a married couple; matrimonial; married.
– Marital difficulties.
Marked: easy to see; noticeable; distinct.
– A marked increase in profits.
Marriage: the legal relationship between two people who are married to each other; wedding; marriage ceremony.
– An unhappy marriage.
Married: having a husband or wife; wedded; wed.
– A married man.
Marry: to become the husband or wife of somebody; to get married to somebody; associate; bond.
– I asked her to marry me.
Marshal: an officer whose job is to put court orders into effect; assemble; collect.
– A federal marshal.
Marvel: wonderful results or things that have been achieved; wonders; miracle.
– The doctors have done marvels for her.
Marvelled: be filled with wonder or astonishment; wonder; be surprised.
– She marvelled at Jeffrey’s composure.
Marvellous: causing great wonder; extraordinary; amazing; astounding.
– These marvellous technological toys are fun to play with.
Marvellously: extremely well; superbly; fabulously.
– He played marvellously.
Marvelous: extremely good; wonderful; fantastic; splendid.
– This will be a marvelous opportunity for her.
Marvelously: extremely well; superbly; fabulously.
– He played marvelously.
Marvelousness: Causing wonder or astonishment; wonderfulness; awesomeness.
– Of the highest or best kind or quality; first-rate: has a marvelous collection of rare books.
Mascot: a person, animal or thing that people believe will bring them good luck, or that represents an organization or event; amulet; charm.
– The team’s mascot is a giant swan.
Masculine: having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of men; connected with or like men; macho; manly.
– He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.
Masculinity: the fact of being a man; the qualities that are considered to be typical of men; virility; manliness.
– He felt it was a threat to his masculinity.
Mass: a large amount of a substance that does not have a definite shape or form; multitude; proletariat.
– She saw a large dark mass in the water.
Massage: the action of rubbing and pressing a person’s body with the hands, especially to reduce pain in the muscles and joints; rubbing; kneading.
– Massage will help the pain.
Massive: very large, heavy and solid; enormous.
– A massive rock.
Massively: to a very large degree or extent; extremely; highly; enormously.
– Women have contributed massively to economic growth.
Master: a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home; sovereign; monarch.
– They lived in fear of their master.
Masterful: showing great skill or understanding; skillful; skilled.
– A masterful performance.
Masterfully: in a way that shows great confidence and the ability to control people or situations; magnificently; splendidly.
– He took her arm masterfully and led her away.
Masterly: showing great skill or understanding; excellent; masterful.
– Her handling of the situation was masterly.
Mastermind: an intelligent person who plans and directs a complicated project or activity; genius; intellect.
– The mastermind behind the robbery was never caught.
Masterpiece: a work of art such as a painting, film, book, etc. that is an excellent, or the best, example of the artist’s work; classic; gem.
– Her work is a masterpiece of simplicity.
Masterstroke: something clever that you do that gives a successful result; accomplishment; achievement.
– A masterstroke that established his career.
Masterwork: a work of art such as a painting, film, book, etc. that is an excellent, or the best, example of the artist’s work; masterpiece; classic.
– A cinematic masterwork.
Mastery: mastery (of something) great knowledge about or understanding of a particular thing; command; proficiency.
– She has mastery of several languages.
Matchless: so good that nothing can be compared with it; incomparable; unrivalled.
– Matchless beauty.
Matchmaker: a person who tries to arrange marriages or relationships between others; arbitrator; emissary.
– Some friends played matchmaker and had us both over to dinner.
Mate: a friend; companion; comrade.
– I was with a mate.
Maternal: having feelings that are typical of a caring mother towards a child; parental; affectionate.
– Maternal love.
Mateship: companionship or friendship, especially between men; friendship; companionship.
– Mateship began in the harsh world of the penal settlement.
Matey: familiar; friendly; sociable.
– A matey grin.
Matrimony: marriage; the state of being married; alliance.
– Holy matrimony.
Matter: a subject or situation that you must consider or deal with; affair; business.
– It’s a private matter.
Mature: of a child or young person behaving in a sensible way, like an adult; grown-up.
– Jane is very mature for her age.
Maturely: in a sensible way, like an adult; sophisticated; cultivated.
– To behave maturely.
Maturing: to become fully grown or developed; aging; blossoming.
– These apples are maturing fast.
Maturity: the quality of thinking and behaving in a sensible, adult manner; adulthood; full growth.
– He has maturity beyond his years.
Maven: an expert on something; guru; master.
– A food maven could also be called a gourmet.
Maverick: independent, with unusual opinions; bohemian; dissenter.
– A maverick film director.
Maximal: as great or as large as possible; extreme; acute.
– It takes several weeks for the treatment to have maximal effect.
Maximize: maximize something to increase something as much as possible; boost; enlarge.
– Maximize the window to full screen.
Maximum: used after amounts to show that the amount is the highest possible; greatest; highest.
– The table has a length of four feet maximum.
May: used to say that something is possible; be allowed; be authorized.
– That may or may not be true.
Meander: to bend with curves rather than being in a straight line; twist; turn.
– The stream meanders slowly down to the sea.
Meaning: the thing or idea that a sound, word, sign, etc. represents; definition; sense.
– I am using the word with its original meaning.
Meaningful: having a meaning that is easy to understand; significant; relevant.
– These statistics are not very meaningful.
Measured: slow and careful; showing control; sustained.
– She replied in a measured tone to his threat.
Medal: flat piece of metal, usually like a coin in shape that is given to the winner of a competition or to somebody who has been brave for example in war; gold; reward.
– To win a gold medal in the Olympics.
Medallion: a piece of jewelry in the shape of a large, flat coin worn on a chain around the neck; emblem; medal.
– She lifted up Jenny’s silver medallion to take a closer look.
Medallist: an athlete or other person who is awarded a medal; challenger; champ.
– An Olympic diving medallist.
Mediate: mediate something to succeed in finding a solution to a problem between people or groups who disagree; negotiate; arbitrate.
– The UN attempted to mediate a solution to the conflict.
Mediation: attempts to end a problem between two or more people or groups who disagree by talking to them and trying to find things that everyone can agree on; arbitration; reconciliation.
– Mediation is a way of sorting out the issues that arise when a couple separates.
Mediator: a person or an organization that tries to get agreement between people or groups who disagree with each other; arbitrator; negotiator.
– The peace talks were chaired by international mediators.
Medication: a drug or another form of medicine that you take to prevent or to treat an illness; treatment involving drugs; assistance; drug.
– The condition may require prolonged medication.
Medicinal: helpful in the process of curing illness or infection; curative; healing.
– Medicinal herbs.
Medicine: the study and treatment of diseases and injuries; therapy; treatment.
– Advances in modern medicine.
Meditate: to think deeply about something; muse; ponder.
– He went off to meditate on the new idea.
Meditation: the practice of focusing your mind in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm; contemplation; thought.
– She found peace through yoga and meditation.
Meditative: thinking very deeply; involving deep thought; thoughtful.
– She found him in a meditative mood.
Meed: a person’s deserved share of praise, honor; amends; atonement.
– He must extract from her some meed of approbation.
Meek: quiet, gentle, and always ready to do what other people want without expressing your own opinion; compliant; self-effacing.
– They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild.
Meekness: the quality of being quiet, gentle, and always ready to do what other people want without expressing your own opinion; docility; humility.
– Her chief qualities are a loving nature, meekness and gentleness.
Meet: to be in the same place as somebody by chance and talk to them; converge; connect.
– Maybe we’ll meet again some time.
Mega: very large or impressive; huge; great.
– The song was a mega hit last year.
Megastar: a very famous singer, actor, musician; celebrity; icon.
– She was an unlikely megastar.
Meliorate: another term for ameliorate: advance; ameliorate.
– May goodness, which thy heart did once enthrone, Emit one ray to meliorate my own!
Mellifluos: pleasingly smooth and musical to hear; sweet-toned; dulcet.
– Her low mellifluous voice.
Mellifluous: sounding sweet and smooth; very pleasant to listen to; dulcet.
– A softly mellifluous voice.
Mellow: soft, rich and pleasant; tuneful; euphonious.
– Mellow music and lighting helped to create the right atmosphere.
Melodic: connected with the main tune in a piece of music; melodious; ariose.
– The melodic line is carried by the two clarinets.
Melodious: pleasant to listen to, like music; musical; tuneful.
– A rich, melodious voice.
Melody: a tune, especially the main tune in a piece of music written for several instruments or voices; tune; music.
– The melody is then taken up by the flutes.
Melt: to become or to make a feeling, an emotion, etc. become gentler and less strong; liquefy; thaw.
– The tension in the room began to melt.
Memento: a thing that you keep or give to somebody to remind you or them of a person or place; souvenir; memorandum.
– A memento of our trip to Italy.
Memorabilia: things that people collect because they once belonged to a famous person, or because they are connected with a particular interesting place, event or activity; mementos; souvenirs.
– Football memorabilia.
Memorable: worth remembering or easy to remember, especially because of being special or unusual; unforgettable; catchy.
– The holiday provided many memorable moments.
Memorial: a statue, stone, etc. that is built in order to remind people of an important past event or of a famous person who has died; monument; shrine.
– A war memorial.
Memory: your ability to remember things; recollection; remembrance.
– He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him.
Menagerie: a collection of wild animals kept in cages, etc. for people to see; assortment; jumble.
– He is cooking a menagerie of animals in a vast cage contraption that hangs over a fire pit.
Mensch: a good person, especially somebody who does something kind or helpful; weakling; reed.
– His proposal is the work of a mensch and, no doubt, an act of love.
Mention: to write or speak about something/somebody, especially without giving much information; hint at; bring up.
– Sorry, I won’t mention it again.
Mentor: an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time; adviser; guide.
– She was a friend and mentor to many young actors.
Merciful: ready to forgive people and be kind to them; forbearing; humane.
– They asked her to be merciful to the prisoners.
Mercifully: used to show that you feel somebody/something is lucky because a situation could have been much worse; thankfully; luckily.
– Deaths from the disease are mercifully rare.
Mercy: a kind or forgiving attitude towards somebody that you have the power to harm or right to punish; humanity; leniency.
– They showed no mercy to their hostages.
Merger: the act of joining two or more organizations or businesses into one; amalgamation; combination.
– If the merger goes through, thousands of jobs will be lost.
Merit: the quality of being good and of deserving praise or reward; worth; caliber.
– The plan is entirely without merit.
Meritable: deserving reward or praise; meritorious worthy; having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable.
– Every single creative person has previously accumulated some meritable work.
Meritocracy: a country or social system where people get power or money on the basis of their ability; excellence; good.
– The theory assumes the existence of a “meritocracy”? That there is equal opportunity for all.
Meritorious: deserving praise; praiseworthy; laudable.
– She was given an award for meritorious service.
Merrily: in a happy, cheerful way; cheery; glad.
– They chatted merrily.
Merriment: happy talk, fun and the sound of people laughing; jollity; mirth.
– Sounds of merriment coming from the party.
Merriness: a mood characterized by high spirits and amusement and often accompanied by laughter; blithesomeness; carefreeness.
– I hate the forced merriness of so many New Year’s Eve parties.
Merry: happy; cheerful; cheery.
– A merry grin.
Merrymaking: fun and pleasure with singing, laughing, drinking; revelry; party; celebrate.
– Christmas Eve is always an occasion of much merrymaking at our home.
Mesmerize: to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else; fascinate; spellbinding.
– They were mesmerized by her performance.
Mesmerized: to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else; fascinate; spellbinding.
– He was so mesmerized by what he was hearing.
Mesmerizing: having such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else; hypnotizing; spellbinding.
– Her performance was mesmerizing.
Mesmerizingly: very attractive, in a mysterious way, making you want to keep looking:
– He has mesmerizingly blue eyes.
Messiah: messiah a leader who people believe will solve the problems of a country or the world; savior; lord.
– He’s seen by many as a political messiah.
Messianic: attempting to make big changes in society or to a political system in an extremely determined and enthusiastic way; passionate; emotional.
– The reforms were carried out with an almost messianic zeal.
Metaphysical: connected with the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence, truth and knowledge; abstract; abstruse.
– Metaphysical problems.
Meteoric: achieving success very quickly; rapid; quick.
– A meteoric rise to fame.
Method: a particular way of doing something; procedure; technique.
– A scientific method of data analysis.
Methodical: done in a careful and logical way; analytical; businesslike.
– A methodical approach.
Meticulous: paying careful attention to every detail; fastidious; thorough.
– Their room had been prepared with meticulous care.
Meticulously: in a way that pays careful attention to every detail; fastidiously; thoroughly.
– A meticulously planned schedule.
Metier: a profession or occupation; occupation; job.
– The boy must begin to learn his métier as heir to the throne.
Mettle: the ability and determination to do something successfully despite difficult conditions; spirit; fortitude.
– The next game will be a real test of their mettle.
Mettlesome: (of a person or animal) full of spirit and courage; lively; spirited
– Their horses were beasts of burden, not mettlesome chargers.
Might: used when showing that something is or was possible; strength; force.
– He might get there in time, but I can’t be sure.
Mightily: very; very much; with great strength or effort.
– Mightily impressed.
Mighty: very strong and powerful; fearsome; ferocious.
– A mighty warrior.
Mild: not severe or strong; lenient; clement.
– A mild form of the disease.
Mildmannered: of a person) gentle and not given to extremes of emotion; balmy; bland.
– Karate was introduced into Japan by a mildmannered Okinawan schoolmaster.
Mild-mannered: gentle and not usually getting angry or violent; calm; gentle.
– She is quite mild-mannered and kind, but has a mischievous streak.
Million: a very large amount; much; sum.
– I still have a million things to do.
Mim: affectedly modest or demure; reticent; meek.
– Loud blows Heimdall, his horn is raised; Odin speaks with Mim’s head.
Mind-blowing: very exciting, impressive or surprising; overwhelming; astounding.
– Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience.
Mindful: remembering somebody/something and considering them or it when you do something; conscious; cautious.
– Mindful of the danger of tropical storms, I decided not to go out.
Mindfulness: the fact of remembering somebody/something and considering them/it when you do something; consciousness; carefulness.
– Their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition.
Mingle: to combine or make one thing combine with another; mix; blend.
– The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.
Minikin: a small person or thing; diminutive; dwarf.
– He was then but a little manikin.
Ministerial: connected with a government minister or ministers; administrative; authoritative.
– Decisions taken at ministerial level.
Mint: a plant whose leaves have a fresh smell and taste that are added to food and drinks and used in cooking as a herb; immaculate; unblemished.
– Mint-flavored toothpaste.
Miracle: an act or event that does not follow the laws of nature and is believed to be caused by God; wonder; mystery.
– The miracle of rising from the grave.
Miraculous: like a miracle; completely unexpected and very lucky; extraordinary; phenomenal.
– Miraculous powers of healing.
Miraculously: in a way that is completely unexpected and very lucky; as if by a miracle; admirably.
– They miraculously survived the plane crash.
Miraculousness: of the nature of a miracle; preternatural; so astounding as to suggest a miracle.
– Rediscovering our own miraculousness is the most important, valuable, world-peacing, beauty-spreading, kind, and generous thing.
Mirth: happiness, fun and the sound of people laughing; merriment; cheerfulness.
– The performance produced much mirth among the audience.
Mirthful: full of mirth; merry or amusing; merry; high-spirited.
– Mirthful laughter.
Miscellany: a group or collection of different kinds of things; assortment; mixture.
– They took over a vast miscellany of undertakings.
Mission: an important official job that a person or group of people is given to do, especially when they are sent to another country; assignment; commission.
– She led a recent trade mission to China.
Mitigate: to make something less harmful, serious; alleviate; diminish.
– Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees.
Mitigative: moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear; alleviative; alleviatory; lenitive.
– The doctor gave me a prescription to mitigate the pain.
Mitigatory: reducing, lessening the effects of something, generally something painful or uncomfortable; demulcent; emollient.
– Garwe said there were “highly mitigatory ” factors suggesting a lenient sentence.
Mixer: a drink such as fruit juice that is not alcoholic and that can be mixed with alcohol; blender; food processor.
– Low-calorie mixers.
Mobile: that is not fixed in one place and can be moved easily and quickly; moving; walking.
– Mobile equipment.
Mobility: the ability to move easily from one place, social class or job to another; movability; portability.
– The high cost of living acts as an obstacle to mobility of labor.
Mode: a particular way of doing something; a particular type of something; manner.
– A mode of communication.
Model: a copy of something, usually smaller than the original object; replica; copy.
– I used to build model aero planes.
Modern: of the present time or recent times; contemporary; recent.
– The modern industrial world.
Modernistic: (of a painting, building, piece of furniture, etc.) painted, designed, etc. in a very modern style; futuristic; surrealistic.
– The new airport has a very modernistic appearance.
Modest: not very large, expensive, important; humble; unpretentious.
– He charged a relatively modest fee.
Modestly: in a way that does not praise your own abilities or possessions; humble; moderate.
– ‘I’m not a very good painter,’ he said modestly.
Modesty: the fact of not talking much about your abilities or possessions; decency; humility.
– He accepted the award with characteristic modesty.
Modish: fashionable; modern; contemporary.
– She is always crazy at modish things.
Modiste: a fashionable milliner or dressmaker; designer; sewer.
– He was the son of fashionable Parisian modistes.
Mogul: a very rich, important and powerful person; magnate; tycoon.
– A movie mogul.
Moisturize: moisturize (something) to put a special cream on your skin to make it less dry; dampen; drench.
– A product that soothes and moisturizes.
Mojo: a small object, or a collection of small objects in a bag, that is believed to have magic powers; magic; sorcery.
– He’s been suffering from incredibly bad mojo lately.
Moment: a very short period of time; second; instant.
– For a moment He thought for a moment before replying.
Momentous: very important or serious, especially because there may be important results; historic; important; significant.
– At the same time, momentous events were taking place in Russia.
Momentum: the ability to keep increasing or developing; stimulus; boost.
– The fight for his release gathers momentum each day.
Monastic: connected with monks or monasteries; cloistered; conventual.
– A monastic community.
Mondaine: belonging to fashionable society; worldly; embittered.
– Her mondaine world.
Mondo: very striking or remarkable; colossal; considerable.
– Listen to the Mondo auto tune with the quick correction time on it.
Moneyed: having a lot of money; rich;
– The moneyed classes.
Moneymaker: a product, business, etc. that produces a large profit; backer; golden goose.
– It could be a useful moneymaker for you too.
Moneyspinner: something that earns a lot of money; backer; golden goose.
– Her last book was a real moneyspinner.
Monotheistic: holding or showing the belief that there is only one God; believer; worshiper.
– It is a monotheistic faith.
Monumental: very important and having a great influence, especially as the result of years of work; historic; enormous; gigantic.
– Gibbon’s monumental work ‘The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire’
Monumentally: extremely; highly; greatly.
– Monumentally stupid.
Moony: dreamy and unaware of one’s surroundings, for example because one is in love; dreamy; nostalgic.
– She came home from work with a moony smile that told me she’d met someone.
Moppet: an attractive small child, especially a girl; kid; toddler.
– This is the Mouse peeping out behind the cupboard, and making fun of Miss Moppet.
Moral: connected with principles of right and wrong behaviour; virtuous; righteous.
– Traditional moral values.
Morale: the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time; self-confidence; self-esteem.
– Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment.
Moralist: a person who teaches or writes about moral principles; honest; honorable.
– He always fancied himself a moralist.
Morality: principles relating to right and wrong or good and bad behaviour; decency; integrity.
– Standards of morality seem to be dropping.
Moralize: to tell other people what is right and wrong especially in order to emphasize that your opinions are correct; preach; pontificate.
– He’s always moralizing about ‘young people today’.
More: a larger number or amount of; additional; further.
– She earns a lot more than I do.
Moreish: if food or drink is moreish, it tastes so good that you want to have more of it; enjoyable; relaxing.
– They are moreish but airy.
Mores: the customs and behaviour that are considered typical of a particular social group or community; conventions; customs.
– Changes in social mores.
Mosey: to go in a particular direction slowly and with no definite purpose; amble; meander.
– He moseyed on over to the bar.
Most: the largest in number or amount; utmost; extreme.
– She had the most money of all of them.
Motherly: having the qualities of a good mother; typical of a mother; maternal; protective.
– She was a kind, motherly woman.
Motif: a design or a pattern used as a decoration; design; pattern.
– Wallpaper with a flower motif.
Motivate: to give reasons for something that you have stated; prompt; drive.
– Please motivate your answer to question 5.
Motivated: to be the reason why somebody does something or behaves in a particular way; encouragement; impetus.
– He is motivated entirely by self-interest.
Motivating: to make somebody want to do something, especially something that involves hard work and effort; prompt; drive.
– She’s very good at motivating her students.
Motivation: the reason why somebody does something or behaves in a particular way; incentive; stimulus.
– Most people said that pay was their main motivation for working.
Motivational: making somebody want to do something, especially something that involves hard work and effort; encouraging; exciting.
– An important motivational factor.
Motor: a device that uses electricity, petrol, etc. to produce movement and makes a machine, a vehicle, a boat, etc. work; generator; transformer.
– An electric motor is used to pump the water.
Motto: a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behaviour; saying; proverb.
– ‘Live and let live.’ That’s my motto.
Mouthwatering: food looks or smells so good that you want to eat it immediately; tempting; appealing.
– A mouthwatering display of cakes.
Mouth-watering: food looks or smells so good that you want to eat it immediately; tempting; appealing.
– Mouth-watering travel brochures.
Move: to change position or make somebody/something change position in a way that can be seen, heard or felt; motion; action.
– You can’t move for books in her room.
Moved: to change position or make somebody/something change position in a way that can be seen, heard or felt; motion; action.
– Phil moved towards the window.
Movement: an act of moving the body or part of the body; man oeuvre; gesture.
– She observed the gentle movement of his chest as he breathed.
Moving: causing strong, often sad, feelings about somebody/something; touching; emotive.
– A deeply moving experience.
Moxie: courage, energy and determination; boldness; fearlessness.
– The pitcher showed his moxie in Sunday’s win.
Much: used with uncountable nouns, especially in negative sentences to mean ‘a large amount of something’, or after ‘how’ to ask about the amount of something. It is also used with ‘as’, ‘so’ and ‘too’; copious; abundant.
– I don’t have much money with me.
Mucho: much or many; sufficient; abounding.
– That caused me mucho problems.
Muliebrity: womanly qualities; womanliness; femininity.
– The sexy songstress’s muliebrity set her apart from the less feminine women in the club.
Multidimensional: having several dimensions (measurements in space); complex; intricate.
– Multidimensional space.
Multidisciplined: combining or involving more than one discipline or field of study; multidisciplinary; cross-disciplinary.
– The project involved a large multidisciplined design team.
Multifaceted: having many different aspects to be considered; complicated; delicate.
– A complex and multifaceted problem.
Multifarious: of many different kinds; having great variety; assorted.
– The multifarious life forms in the coral reef.
Multi-purpose: having several purposes or functions; multiuse; multifunction.
– Two tools may do a better job than one multi-purpose tool.
Multitalented: having many skills or talents; versatile; adaptable.
– A multitalented musician and songwriter.
Multitask: to do several things at the same time; balance; juggle.
– Women seem to be able to multitask better than men.
Multitasking: the ability of a computer to operate several programs at the same time; balance; juggle.
– The job requires someone who is good at multitasking.
Multitude: multitude (of something/somebody) an extremely large number of things or people; horde; legion.
– A multitude of possibilities.
Mumsy: characteristic of a mum; motherly; parent.
– And he pointed to the very biggest one, mumsy.
Munificence: the quality of being extremely generous; liberality; philanthropy.
– The lottery will be judged by its impact upon the nation through the munificence of its large sums of money.
Munificent: extremely generous; bountiful; magnanimous.
– He enjoys being munificent on a princely scale.
Muscle: a piece of body tissue that you make tight and relax in order to move a particular part of the body; the tissue that forms the muscles of the body; tendon; tissue.
– All of this put strain on the heart muscle.
Muscular: relating to the muscles; fibrous; sinewy.
– Muscular tension.
Muse: a person or spirit that gives a writer, painter, etc. ideas and the desire to create things; inspiration; stimulus.
– He felt that his muse had deserted him.
Music: sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to. People sing music or play it on instruments; strains; tones.
– I like any kind of pop or dance music.
Musical: connected with music; containing music; tuneful; melodic.
– He was one of the greatest musical talents of all time.
Musician: a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a job; performer; instrumentalist.
– A jazz/rock/classical musician.
Must: used to say that something is necessary or very important (sometimes involving a rule or a law); necessity; essential.
– All visitors must report to reception.
Muster: to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can; summon; gather.
– She left the room with all the dignity she could muster.
Mutate: to develop or make something develop a new form or structure, because of a genetic change; evolve; metamorphose.
– The ability of the virus to mutate into new forms.
Mutual: used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other equally, or actions that affect two or more people equally; reciprocal; requited.
– They parted by mutual consent.
Mutuality: the fact of being shared by two or more people equally or of affecting two or more people equally; accord; affiliation.
– The mutuality of their love.
Mutually: felt or done equally by two or more people; collective; associated.
– A mutually beneficial relationship.
Myriad: extremely large in number; quantities; mass.
– The myriad problems of modern life.
Mystical: having spiritual powers or qualities that are difficult to understand or to explain; spiritual; religious.
– Watching the sun rise over the mountain was an almost mystical experience.
Mystique: the quality of being mysterious or secret that makes somebody/something seem interesting or attractive; charisma; glamour.
– The mystique surrounding the monarchy has gone forever.
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Thank you for reading positive words that start with M till the end. We hope you found them beneficial.
Using these words in daily life can make you will feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.
And having a vast encyclopedia of positive words at disposal can make your conversations and writings more fun, distinctive and appealing.
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