
96 Positive Words That Start with Q Improve Your Vocabulary

This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive list of positive words that start with Q!

These words have a positive energy that can make people feel hopeful, confident, and upbeat; and it is something that even money won’t be able to buy.

Using these words in your social posts or stories will immediately give them a good look.

So, let’s jump right at this list of positive words starting with Q:

Full List of Positive Words That Start with Q

To begin with, we have a full list of positive words that start with Q. Enhancing your vocabulary with these words will instantly give your self-esteem a boost.


Positive Words That Start with Q to Describe a Person

In this section, we have some positive words that start with Q to describe a person. You can use these words to uplift the spirit of people around.


Positive Words That Start with Q to Encourage Yourself

Here are some inspirational words that start with Q. You can use these words to inspire and stimulate friends and family. Let’s have a look.


Positive Words That Start with Q to Compliment Others

Below are some nice words that start with Q you can use to compliment, praise, or applaud someone. For you, these might be just a few words, but for the other person, they are equivalent to happiness.


Positive Words That Start with Q – Definitions and Examples

After going through the list of positive words that begin with Q, now it is time to revise the definitions and examples for better understanding.

Qasida: an ancient Arabic word and form of writing poetry, often translated as ode, passed to other cultures after the Arab Muslim expansion.

Qawwali: a style of Muslim devotional music now associated particularly with Sufis.

Qi: the circulating life force whose existence and properties are the basis of much Chinese philosophy and medicine.

– Acupuncture is thought to work by balancing the body’s flow of qi.

Qigong: a Chinese system of physical exercises and breathing control related to tai chi.

Qiviut: the inner wool of the muskox. In Inuinnaqtun the same word can be used to refer any down such as the down feathers of birds.

Quadrate: (in the skull of a bird or reptile) a squarish bone with which the jaw articulates, thought to be homologous with the incus of the middle ear in mammals.

Quadruple: consisting of four parts or elements.

– A quadruple murder.

Quadruplicate: consisting of four parts or elements.

Quaestuary: concerned with profit; money making.

Quaff: drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily; swallow; down.

– He quaffed pint after pint of good Berkshire ale.

Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned; picturesque; charming.

– Quaint country cottages.

Quaintise: Craft; subtlety; cunning

Quaintly: in an attractively unusual or old-fashioned manner.

– Quaintly named cottages.

Qualification: a pass of an examination or an official completion of a course, especially one conferring status as a recognized practitioner of a profession or activity.

– I left school at 15 with no qualifications.

Qualified: officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job; certified.

– Newly qualified nurses.

Qualify: be entitled to a particular benefit or privilege by fulfilling a necessary condition; be allowed.

– A pensioner who does not qualify for income support.

Qualitative: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quality of something rather than its quantity.

– A qualitative change in the undergraduate curriculum.

Qualitatively: with regard to the quality or qualities of something rather than its quantity.

– Our results differ qualitatively from previous studies.

Qualitied: having qualities

Quality: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something; standard; grade.

– An improvement in product quality.

Quality-assurance: the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production.

Quality-control: a system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specification.

Quality-of-life: the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group.

– The things that are needed for a good quality of life.

Quality-time: time in which one’s child, partner, or other loved person receives one’s undivided attention, in such a way as to strengthen the relationship.

– The most important thing is to spend quality time talking to their children.

Quantifiable: able to be expressed or measured as a quantity.

– Quantifiable data.

Quantity: the amount or number of a material or abstract thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement; amount; amount.

– The quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled.

Quantize: form into quanta, in particular restrict the number of possible values of (a quantity) or states of (a system) so that certain variables can assume only certain discrete magnitudes.

– Light is quantized into packets of energy.

Quantum: a required or allowed amount, especially an amount of money legally payable in damages.

– The court must determine the quantum of compensation due.

Quarender: quarender (plural quarenders) Alternative form of quarrender (“type of apple”)

Quarrion: another term for cockatiel.

Quarter: each of four equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided.

– She cut each apple into quarters.

Quat: a spot, pimple, or sty.

Quattrocentism: the 15th century as a period of Italian art or architecture.

– Artists of the quattrocento.

Queen: the female ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth; monarch; sovereign.

– He insisted the princess could be crowned queen.

Queen-bee: the single reproductive female in a hive or colony of honeybees.

– Sarah was the queen bee of the Society circuit.

Queenhood: The state, rank, or status of a queen.

Queenlike: Resembling or characteristic of a queen (female monarch); regal, majestic.

Queenly: resembling, fit for, or appropriate to a queen.

– A dark-haired woman of queenly manner.

Queep: queep (uncountable) (military, slang, US) Non-flying duties, typically paperwork, that are undesirable to pilots.

Queer: strange; odd; unusual; curious.

– She had a queer feeling that they were being watched.

Quell: put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force;

put an end to; stamp out.

– Extra police were called to quell the disturbance

Quemeful: Kindly; merciful.

Quench: extinguish (a fire); extinguish; put out.

– Firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames.

Quenching: satisfy (one’s thirst) by drinking; extinguish; put out.

– Firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames.

Querist: a person who asks questions; a questioner.

Quest: a long or arduous search for something; search; hunt.

– The quest for a reliable vaccine has intensified.

Quester: a person who asks questions; a questioner.

Question: a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information; inquiry; query.

– We hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.

Quick: moving fast or doing something in a short time; fast; swift.

– In the qualifying session he was two seconds quicker than his teammate.

Quick-acting: taking effect quickly.

Quick-as-a-flash: very quickly.

– Quick as a flash he was at her side.

Quicken: make or become faster or quicker; speed up; accelerate.

– She quickened her pace, desperate to escape.

Quickly: at a fast speed; rapidly; fast; swiftly.

– We moved quickly to deal with our auditor’s questions.

Quick-moving: rapid in movement or action.

– This camera should capture every detail of distant or quick-moving subjects.

Quickness: the quality of moving fast or doing something in a short time.

– An athlete with outstanding quickness and agility.

Quick-on-the-trigger: quick to respond.

Quick-release: (of a device) designed for rapid release.

– A quick-release button.

Quick-sighted: having very keen vision.

Quickstep: dance similar to a fast foxtrot.

Quick-thinking: having or showing an ability to think or react quickly and effectively.

– A major crash was avoided thanks to quick-thinking drivers.

Quick-witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively; alert; astute.

– She was far too quick-witted to complain.

Quiddity: a distinctive feature; a peculiarity.

– His quirks and quiddities.

Quid-pro-quo: a favour or advantage granted in return for something; exchange; trade.

– The pardon was a quid pro quo for their help in releasing hostages.

Quiescent: in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy; inactive; inert.

– Strikes were headed by groups of workers who had previously been quiescent.

Quiet: making little or no noise; silent; still.

– The car has a quiet, economical engine.

Quietly: in a quiet manner; softly; silently.

– He worked quietly and diligently.

Quietness: absence of noise or bustle; calm; peace; serenity.

– He loved the quietness and stillness of early summer days.

Quietsome: Characterised or marked by quietness; calm; still; tranquil quotations.

Quietude: a state of stillness, calmness, and quiet in a person or place.

– It highlights her quietude and wise passivity.

Quietus: death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life.

Quillet: A small plot of land; historically: a strip of land that together with others like it formed a larger field.

Quilt: a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design; duvet.

– We quilted the covers with parallel lines of stitching.

Quincentenary: the five-hundredth anniversary of a significant event.

– 1992, the quincentenary of Columbus’s discovery.

Quintessence: the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class; exemplar; exemplar; stereotype.

– He was the quintessence of political professionalism.

Quintessential: representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class; typical; prototypical.

– He was the quintessential tough guy—strong, silent, and self-contained.

Quintessentially: representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class; typical; prototypical.

– He was the quintessential tough guy—strong, silent, and self-contained.

Quip: a witty remark; joke; witticism.

– Peter ate heartily with a quip about being a condemned man.

Quirky: having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects; eccentric; idiosyncratic.

– Her sense of humour was decidedly quirky.

Quite: to the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely; completely; fully.

– It’s quite out of the question.

Quiver: tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion; tremble; shake.

– The tree’s branches stopped quivering.

Qui-vive: on the alert or lookout.

– It’s tiring to be always on the qui-vive.

Quixotic: extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical; idealistic; unbusinesslike.

– A vast and perhaps quixotic project.

Quiz: a test of knowledge, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment; competition; panel game.

Quizzical: (of a person’s expression or behaviour) indicating mild or amused puzzlement; puzzled; perplexed.

– She gave me a quizzical look.

Quorum: the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid.

Quota: a fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to contribute; allocation; share.

– The county is falling short of its quota of blood donations.

Quotable: suitable for or worth quoting.

– A script peppered with quotable one-liners.

Quotation: a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker; citation; quote.

– A quotation from Mark Twain.

Quote: repeat or copy out (words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person); recite; repeat.

– I realized she was quoting passages from Shakespeare.

Quotha: an expression of mild sarcasm, used in picking up a word or phrase used by someone else.

Quotidian: of or occurring every day; daily.

– The car sped noisily off through the quotidian traffic.

Positive Words That Start with Q – Infographic [Downloadable]

Here, we designed a captivating infographic of positive words that start with the letter Q for you. Download it now with just one click.


Positive Words Starting with A to Z

Now it has come to an end for the journey of learning positive words beginning with Q. Would you like to continue with other letters?

Positive Words That Start with:


Final Thoughts

Thank you for reading positive words that start with Q till the end.

We hope you were able to find some cheerful and upbeat words to incorporate a positive tone in your communication style.

Incorporating positive words in regular talks is a magical way to help brighten the day of your friends who are going through a hard time.

Would you like to add any other positive words starting with Q in our list?

Please do let us know in the comment section.