This article aims to provide you with an ultimate and useful list of positive words that start with U!
You can use these words in your cards, essays, poems, games, and messages.
Positive words are a fantastic way to increase your optimism!
Making a conscious choice to speak positively can lift up your mind and create a pleasant atmosphere around.
So, let’s jump right at this list of positive words starting with U:
- Full List Chart (220 Words)
- Positive U Words to Describe a Person
- Inspirational Words Starting with U
- Complimentary Words Starting with U
- Check All Definitions and Examples
- Infographic [Downloadable]
- Positive Words Starting with Other Alphabets
Full List of Positive Words That Start with U
To begin with, we have a full list of positive words that start with U. As you can expect, most with them are with prefix ‘un’.
Uber | Ubiquitous | Ultimate |
Ultimately | Ultra | Ultra-crisp |
Ultra-light | Ultraprecise | Unabashed |
Unabashedly | Unabated | Unaccountable |
Unadulterated | Unaffected | Unafraid |
Unalloyed | Unambiguous | Unanimous |
Unarguable | Unassailable | Unassuming |
Unattached | Unbeatable | Unbeaten |
Unbelievable | Unbelievably | Unbiased |
Unbigoted | Unblemished | Unbound |
Unbreakable | Unbroken | Unbruised |
Unburden | Unburdened | Unburnt |
Unchallengeable | Unclouded | Uncluttered |
Uncommon | Uncomplaining | Uncomplicated |
Unconditional | Unconditionally | Unconfined |
Uncontestable | Unconventional | Uncorrupted |
Uncritical | Undamaged | Undauntable |
Undaunted | Undefeated | Undefiled |
Undeniable | Undeniably | Understand |
Understandable | Understanding | Understated |
Understood | Undertake | Undesigning |
Undiminished | Undisputable | Undisputed |
Undisputedly | Undisturbed | Undivided |
Undoubted | Undoubtedly | Undying |
Unencumbered | Unequaled | Unequalled |
Unequivocal | Unequivocally | Unerring |
Unexpected | Unfading | Unfailing |
Unfailingly | Unfaltering | Unfaultable |
Unfazed | Unfeigned | Unfetter |
Unfettered | Unflagging | Unflappable |
Unflashy | Unflinching | Unfold |
Unforgettable | Ungrudging | Unhampered |
Unharmed | Unhesitating | Unhurried |
Unhurt | Unification | Unified |
Unify | Unimpaired | Unimpeachable |
Unimpeded | Union | Unique |
Uniquely | Uniqueness | United |
Unity | Universal | Universally |
Universe | Unlimited | Unmatched |
Unmissable | Unmistakable | Unmistakeable |
Unmitigated | Unobjectionable | Unobstructed |
Unobtrusive | Unopposed | Unparalleled |
Unplugged | Unprecedented | Unprejudiced |
Unpretentious | Unquestionable | Unquestionably |
Unrefuted | Unrelenting | Unreserved |
Unrestricted | Unrivaled | Unrivalled |
Unruffled | Unscathed | Unselfconscious |
Unselfish | Unshakable | Unshaken |
Unsoiled | Unspoiled | Unspoilt |
Unstained | Unstinting | Unstirred |
Unstoppable | Unsullied | Unsurpassed |
Unswayed | Untapped | Untarnished |
Unthreatening | Untiring | Untouchable |
Untouched | Untroubled | Unusual |
Unwasteful | Unwavering | Unwind |
Unworried | Unyielding | Up |
Up-and-coming | Upbeat | Upbuild |
Upcoming | Upcycle | Updated |
Upfront | Upgradable | Upgrade |
Upgraded | Upheld | Uphold |
Uplift | Uplifted | Uplifter |
Uplifting | Upliftingly | Upliftment |
Upmarket | Upmost | Uppermost |
Uprate | Upright | Uprightness |
Uproarious | Upscale | Upside |
Upskill | Upstage | Upstanding |
Up-to-date | Up-to-par | Uptown |
Upturn | Upward | Urbane |
Usable | Useable | Useful |
Usefulness | User-friendly | User-replaceable |
Usually | Utile | Utilize |
Utmost | Utopia | Utopian |
Uttermost | Uxorious | Uxoriously |
Uxoriousness |
Positive Words That Start with U to Describe a Person
Below are some positive words that start with U to describe a person, which are super powerful in life. So, apply them and enjoy the change.
Uber | Ubiquitous | Ultimate |
Ultraprecise | Unabashed | Unafraid |
Unbelievable | Unbiased | Uncle |
Undefeated | Undeniable | Understanding |
Understudy | Unearthly | Unflappable |
Unhurt | Unique | United |
Unity | Universe | Unlimited |
Unorthodox | Unselfish | Untiring |
Unusual | Unwavering | Unwind |
Upbeat | Upfront | Uplift |
Upright | Upstanding | Urbane |
Positive Words That Start with U to Encourage Yourself
Here are some inspirational words that start with U. Choose your favorite ones, pin them to an inspiration board, or glue them to your refrigerator for easy checking during stressful times.
Ultimate | Unabashedly | Unadulterated |
Unaffected | Unafraid | Unalloyed |
Unanimous | Unarguable | Unassuming |
Unattached | Unbeatable | Unbeaten |
Unbelievable | Unbreakable | Unbroken |
Uncomplicated | Uncontestable | Unconventional |
Undertake | Undisputed | Unearth |
Unify | Unionize | Unite |
Unmistakable | Unwind | Unyielding |
Up | Upcoming | Uplift |
Uppermost | Uproarious | Upstand |
Utopia |
Positive Words That Start with U to Compliment Others
One of the simplest ways to exhibit friendliness is to provide someone a genuine compliment! And you can use the following nice words that start with U in such cases.
Unalloyed | Unambiguous | Unassuming |
Unbiased | Unburden | Unchallengeable |
Unclouded | Uncommon | Unconditional |
Undamaged | Undaunted | Undefeated |
Undefiled | Understand | Undeterred |
Undiminished | Undying | Unfeigned |
Uniqueness | United | Unpretentious |
Unreserved | Unrivaled | Unselfish |
Unspoiled | Unstoppable | Unsullied |
Untarnished | Untiring | Unwavering |
Unyielding | Upcheer | Uppermost |
Upstage | Urbane | Uxorious |
Positive Words That Start with U – Definitions and Examples
After examining the list of positive words that begin with U, now you are recommended to review definitions and examples for further learning.
Uber: denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person or thing.
– An audience composed largely of uber geeks.
Ubiquitous: present, appearing, or found everywhere; omnipresent; ever-present.
– His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family.
Ultimate: being or happening at the end of a process; final; eventual; last.
– Their ultimate aim was to force his resignation.
Ultimately: finally; in the end; eventually; in the end; eventually; in the end.
– The largest firms may ultimately become unstoppable.
Ultra: an extremist; extremist; radical.
– Ultras in the animal rights movement.
Ultra-light: extremely light in mass or weight.
Ultraprecise: extremely precise
Unabashed: not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed; unashamed; shameless.
– He was unabashed by the furore his words provoked.
Unabashedly: without embarrassment or shame.
– He was staring unabashedly at her.
Unabated: without any reduction in intensity or strength.
– The storm was raging unabated.
Unaccountable: unable to be explained; inexplicable; unexplainable.
– A strange and unaccountable fact.
Unadulterated: (especially of food or drink) having no inferior added substances; pure; unmixed; unsullied.
– Unadulterated whole-milk yogurt.
Unaffected: feeling or showing no effects or changes; unchanged; unaltered.
– The walks are suitable only for people who are unaffected by vertigo.
Unafraid: feeling no fear or anxiety; fearless; intrepid.
– She was calm and unafraid.
Unalloyed: (of metal) not alloyed; pure.
– Unalloyed copper
Unambiguous: not open to more than one interpretation.
– Instructions should be unambiguous.
Unanimous: (of two or more people) fully in agreement; united; of one mind.
– The doctors were unanimous in their diagnoses.
Unarguable: not open to disagreement; indisputable.
– Unarguable proof of conspiracy.
Unassailable: unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated; impregnable; invulnerable.
– An unassailable lead.
Unassuming: unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated; impregnable; invulnerable.
– An unassailable lead.
Unattached: not working for or belonging to a particular body or organization; unaffiliated; unallied.
– Local people unattached to any organization.
Unbeatable: not able to be defeated or bettered in a contest or commercial market; invincible; unstoppable.
– The team is unbeatable.
Unbeaten: not defeated or surpassed; undefeated; unconquered.
– They were the only side to remain unbeaten.
Unbelieavable: not able to be believed; unlikely to be true; incredible; beyond belief.
– Unbelievable or not, it happened.
Unbelievable: not able to be believed; unlikely to be true; incredible; beyond belief.
– Unbelievable or not, it happened.
Unbelievably: to a great degree; extremely.
–The show went unbelievably well.
Unbiased: showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial; unprejudiced; disinterested.
– His assessment of the benefits and drawbacks was unbiased.
Unbigoted: not opinionated.
Unblemished: not damaged or marked in any way; impeccable; flawless.
– Her body was perfectly formed and unblemished.
Unbound: not bound or tied up.
– Her hair was unbound.
Unbreakable: not liable to break or able to be broken easily; shatterproof; non-breakable.
– The flask is guaranteed unbreakable.
Unbroken: not broken, fractured, or damaged; undamaged; unimpaired.
– An unbroken glass.
Unbruised: not bruised.
– She was unbruised, just a little dirty.
Unburden: relieve (someone) of a burden; confess; come clean.
– The need to unburden yourself to someone who will listen.
Unburdened: not burdened or encumbered.
– They are unburdened by expectations of success.
Unburnt: not damaged or destroyed by fire.
–The remains of a campfire with unburnt wood and dry ashes.
Unchallengeable: not able to be disputed, opposed, or defeated.
– The unchallengeable truth of these basic facts.
Unclouded: (of the sky) not dark or overcast.
– You wake up to sunshine and unclouded skies.
Uncluttered: not having or impeded by too many objects, details, or elements.
–The rooms were plain and uncluttered.
Uncommon: out of the ordinary; unusual; unusual; abnormal.
– Prostate cancer is not uncommon in men over 60.
Uncomplaining: not complaining; resigned.
– She was uncomplaining, accepting of her lot.
Uncomplicated: simple or straightforward; clear; direct.
– He was an extraordinarily uncomplicated man.
Unconditional: not subject to any conditions; unquestioning; unqualified.
– Unconditional surrender.
Unconditionally: without conditions or limits.
–The enemy forces surrendered unconditionally.
Unconfined: without conditions or limits.
– The enemy forces surrendered unconditionally.
Uncontestable: not able to be disputed.
Unconventional: not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed; unusual; irregular.
–His unconventional approach to life.
Uncorrupted: not corrupted.
– Lucinda is uncorrupted by nefarious influences.
Uncritical: not expressing criticism or using one’s critical faculties.
– An uncritical acceptance of the results.
Undamaged: not harmed or damaged.
– Buildings undamaged during the war.
Undauntable: not harmed or damaged
– Buildings undamaged during the war.
Undaunted: not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment; unafraid; undismayed.
– They were undaunted by the huge amount of work needed.
Undefeated: not defeated, especially in a battle or other contest.
– The undefeated champion.
Undefiled: not defiled; pure.
Undeniable: unable to be denied or disputed; indisputable; unquestionable.
– It is an undeniable fact that some dogs are easier to train than others.
Undeniably: used to emphasize that something cannot be denied or disputed.
– While technology undeniably benefits society, it can be a major disruptor for certain businesses.
Understand: perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker).
– He didn’t understand a word I said.
Understandable: able to be understood; comprehensible; clear.
– Though his accent was strange, the words were perfectly understandable.
Understanding: the ability to understand something; comprehension; apprehension; grip.
– Foreign visitors with little understanding of English.
Understated: presented or expressed in a subtle and effective way.
– Understated elegance.
Understood: perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker).
– He didn’t understand a word I said.
Undertake: commit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on; tackle; take on.
– A firm of builders undertook the construction work.
Undesigning: having no ulterior or fraudulent purpose.
Undiminished: not diminished, reduced, or lessened.
– His enthusiasm for the game remains undiminished.
Undisputable: another term for indisputable.
Undisputed: not disputed or called in question; accepted; undoubted; uncontested.
– The undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
Undisputedly: without question; certainly.
– Without question; certainly.
Undisturbed: not disturbed.
– A quiet weekend of undisturbed tranquillity.
Undivided: not divided, separated, or broken into parts; complete; full.
– An undivided estate can be passed on to succeeding generations.
Undoubted: not questioned or doubted by anyone; undisputed; uncontested.
– Her undoubted ability.
Undoubtedly: without doubt; certainly; doubtless; no doubt.
– They are undoubtedly guilty.
Undying: (especially of an emotion) lasting forever; abiding; lasting.
– Promises of undying love.
Unencumbered: not having any burden or impediment.
– He needed to travel light and unencumbered.
Unequaled: superior to all others in performance or extent; unbeaten; unmatched.
– A range of facilities unequalled in London.
Unequalled: superior to all others in performance or extent; unbeaten; unmatched.
– A range of facilities unequalled in London.
Unequivocal: leaving no doubt; unambiguous; unmistakable; indisputable.
– An unequivocal answer.
Unequivocally: in a way that leaves no doubt.
– We unequivocally condemn any violence in the protest.
Unerring: always right or accurate; unfailing; infallible.
– An unerring sense of direction.
Unexpected: not expected or regarded as likely to happen; unforeseen; unanticipated.
– His death was totally unexpected.
Unfading: not losing brightness, vitality, or strength.
– Then, with smile unfading, he handed the envelope to Lewis.
Unfailing: without error or fault.
– His unfailing memory for names.
Unfailingly: in a reliable or unchanging way; always.
– Individuals who unfailingly obey his orders.
Unfaltering: not faltering; steady; resolute; steady; resolute.
– Her unfaltering energy and determination.
Unfaultable: Not capable of being folded.
Unfazed: not disconcerted or perturbed
– The protestors were unfazed by the prospect of arrest.
Unfeigned: genuine; sincere; genuine; real.
– A broad smile of unfeigned delight.
Unfetter: release from a restraining or inhibiting force.
–His imagination is unfettered by the laws of logic.
Unfettered: unrestrained or uninhibited; unrestrained; unrestricted.
– Unfettered artistic genius.
Unflagging: tireless; persistent; tireless; persistent.
– His apparently unflagging enthusiasm impressed her.
Unflappable: having or showing calmness in a crisis; imperturbable; unexcitable.
– I prided myself on being unflappable even in the most chaotic circumstances.
Unflashy: not seeking attention through being ostentatiously impressive; restrained or tasteful.
– A solid, unflashy performance.
Unflinching: not showing fear or hesitation in the face of danger or difficulty; resolute; determined.
– He has shown unflinching determination throughout the campaign.
Unfold: open or spread out from a folded position; open out; flatten.
– He unfolded the map and laid it out on the table.
Unforgettable: impossible to forget; very memorable; indelible; catchy.
– That unforgettable first kiss.
Ungrudging: not grudging.
– He showed her ungrudging courtesy and kindness.
Unhampered: not impeded or encumbered.
– We have the benefit of a highly skilled team, unhampered by red tape and bureaucracy.
Unharmed: not harmed; uninjured; unhurt; unscathed.
– All the hostages were released unharmed.
Unhesitating: without doubt or hesitation; immediate.
– Unequivocal and unhesitating condemnation.
Unhurried: moving, acting, or taking place without haste or urgency; leisurely; leisured.
– He began opening the drawers of his desk in an unhurried way.
Unhurt: not hurt or harmed
– He was shaken but unhurt after being pelted with cans and bottles.
Unification: the process of being united or made into a whole; union; merger.
– The costs of German unification.
Unified: make or become united, uniform, or whole; merge; fuse
– The new chief executive said he hoped to unify the company.
Unify: make or become united, uniform, or whole; merge; unite.
– The new chief executive said he hoped to unify the company.
Unimpaired: not weakened or damaged.
– Unimpaired mobility.
Unimpeachable: not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy; reliable; dependable.
– An unimpeachable witness.
Unimpeded: not obstructed or hindered; unrestricted; unhampered.
– An unimpeded view across the headland.
Union: the action of joining together or the fact of being joined together, especially in a political context; unification; uniting.
– He was opposed to closer political or economic union with Europe.
Unique: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else; distinctive; individual.
– This discovery was unique in history.
Uniquely: in a way that belongs or is connected to only one particular person or thing.
– A way of life that was uniquely British.
Uniqueness: the quality of being the only one of its kind.
– The ability to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual.
United: joined together politically, for a common purpose, or by common feelings; integrated; consolidated.
– Women acting together in a united way.
Unity: the state of being united or joined as a whole; union; unification.
– European unity.
Universal: relating to or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases; general; ubiquitous.
– Universal adult suffrage.
Universally: by everyone; in every case; invariably; always.
– Progress is not always universally welcomed.
Universe: a particular sphere of activity or experience; province; world.
– The front parlor was the hub of her universe.
Unlimited: not limited or restricted in terms of number, quantity, or extent; inexhaustible; limitless.
– Offshore reserves of gas and oil are not unlimited.
Unmatched: not matched or equalled; unequaled; unrivaled.
– He has a talent unmatched by any other politician.
Unmissable: so good that it should not be missed.
– The special effects make this an unmissable treat.
Unmistakable: not able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive; distinct; telltale.
– The unmistakable sound of his laughter.
Unmistakeable: not able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive; distinctive; distinct.
– The unmistakable sound of his laughter.
Unmitigated: absolute; unqualified; absolute; unqualified.
– The tour had been an unmitigated disaster.
Unobjectionable: not objectionable; acceptable.
– The bail conditions were unobjectionable as far as he was concerned.
Unobstructed: not obstructed.
– An unobstructed view of the traffic lights.
Unobtrusive: not conspicuous or attracting attention; self-effacing; retiring.
– The service was unobtrusive and efficient.
Unopposed: not opposed; unchallenged.
– She was elected unopposed as leader.
Unparalleled: having no parallel or equal; exceptional; exceptional; exceptional.
– The sudden rise in unemployment is unparalleled in the post-war period.
Unplugged: (of pop or rock music) performed or recorded with acoustic rather than electrically amplified instruments.
– Rod Stewart’s acoustic set spawned an unplugged album that sold three million copies.
Unprecedented: never done or known before; unparalleled; unequaled.
– The emphasis has been on shaping bold solutions to save lives and livelihoods in these unprecedented times.
Unprejudiced: not having or showing a dislike or distrust based on fixed or preconceived ideas; objective; impartial.
– An unprejudiced reading of the New Testament.
Unpretentious: not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed; unaffected; modest.
– A friendly and unpretentious hotel.
Unquestionable: not able to be disputed or doubted; indubitable; undoubted.
– His musicianship is unquestionable.
Unquestionably: in a way that cannot be disputed or doubted; without question.
– The awards were unquestionably deserved.
Unrefuted: not refuted or disproved.
Unrelenting: not yielding in strength, severity, or determination; implacable; inflexible.
– The heat was unrelenting.
Unreserved: without reservations; complete; unconditional; unqualified.
– He has had their unreserved support.
Unrestricted: not limited or restricted; unlimited; open.
– Unrestricted access to both military bases.
Unrivaled: better than everyone or everything of the same type; unequaled; peerless.
– The paper’s coverage of foreign news is unrivaled.
Unrivalled: better than everyone or everything of the same type; peerless; without peer.
– The paper’s coverage of foreign news is unrivalled.
Unruffled: not disordered or disarranged; tranquil; calm.
– The unruffled waters of the lake.
Unscathed: without suffering any injury, damage, or harm; unharmed; unhurt.
– I came through all those perils unscathed.
Unselfconscious: not suffering from or exhibiting self-consciousness; not shy or embarrassed.
– His behavior was natural and unselfconscious.
Unselfish: willing to put the needs or wishes of others before one’s own; altruistic; disinterested.
– Unselfish devotion.
Unshakable: (of a belief, feeling, or opinion) strongly felt and unable to be changed.
– My unshakeable faith in the goodness of mankind.
Unshaken: not disturbed from a firm position or state; steadfast and unwavering.
– Their trust in him remained unshaken.
Unsoiled: not stained or dirty.
– She looked fresh and her uniform was unsoiled.
Unspoiled: not spoiled, in particular (of a place) not marred by development; unimpaired; preserved.
– One of the best stretches of unspoiled coastline in the UK.
Unstained: not stained.
– His unstained jeans.
Unstinting: given or giving without restraint; unsparing; free; benevolent.
– He was unstinting in his praise.
Unstirred: not moved, agitated, or stirred.
– Waters that are ice-covered remain unstirred by wind.
Unstoppable: impossible to stop or prevent.
– An unstoppable left-foot volley.
Unsullied: not spoiled or made impure; spotless; untarnished.
– An unsullied reputation.
Unsurpassed: better or greater than any other; unmatched; unrivalled.
– The quality of workmanship is unsurpassed.
Unswayed: (of a person) not influenced or affected.
– Investors are unswayed by suggestions that the numbers are overblown.
Untapped: (of a person) not influenced or affected.
– Investors are unswayed by suggestions that the numbers are overblown.
Untarnished: (of metal or metalware) not having lost its lustre; unsullied; unblemished.
– His ministers enjoyed an untarnished reputation.
Unthreatening: not having a hostile or frightening quality or manner.
– A quiet and unthreatening place.
Untiring: (of a person or their actions) continuing at the same rate without loss of vigour; energetic; industrious.
– His untiring efforts in commissioning ecological reports.
Untouchable: not able or allowed to be touched or affected.
– Ince they have these documents, they become legally untouchable.
Untouched: not handled, used, or tasted; uneaten; unconsumed
– Annabel pushed aside her untouched plate.
Untroubled: not feeling, showing, or affected by anxiety or problems; unworried; unperturbed.
– A man untroubled by a guilty conscience.
Unusual: not habitually or commonly occurring or done; uncommon; abnormal.
– The company took the unusual step of complaining publicly about the decision.
Unwasteful: not wasteful; frugal.
Unwavering: not wavering; steady or resolute; steady; fixed.
– She fixed him with an unwavering stare.
Unwind: undo or be undone after winding or being wound; unroll; uncoil.
– Ella unwound the long woollen scarf from her neck.
Unworried: not anxious or uneasy.
– The passengers were apparently unworried by the danger.
Unyielding: (of a mass or structure) not giving way to pressure; hard or solid; stiff; inflexible.
– The Atlantic hurled its waves at the unyielding rocks.
Up: towards a higher place or position.
– He jumped up.
Up-and-coming: (of a person beginning a particular activity or occupation) making good progress and likely to become successful; promising; budding.
– Up-and-coming young players.
Upbeat: cheerful; optimistic; cheerful; cheery.
– He was upbeat about the company’s future.
Upbuild: construct or develop (something).
– She gave money to the Church for the upbuilding of God’s kingdom.
Upcoming: about to happen; forthcoming.
– The upcoming election.
Upcycle: reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
– The opportunity to upcycle trash, or turn it into new products, was vast.
Updated: made more modern or up to date.
– An updated bathroom and kitchen.
Upfront: at the front; in front
– He can play up front or in defence.
Upgradable: having the ability to be made more powerful or efficient.
Upgrade: raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components; improve; better.
– The cost of upgrading each workstation is around £300.
Upgraded: improved by the addition or replacement of components; raised to a higher standard.
– Upgraded computers.
Upheld: confirm or support (something which has been questioned); confirm; endorse.
– The court upheld his claim for damages.
Uphold: confirm or support (something which has been questioned); confirm; endorse.
– The court upheld his claim for damages.
Uplift: raise the level of; improve.
– The refreshing smell of essential oils like lavender and peppermint can instantly uplift your mood.
Uplifted: placed in a higher position; raised.
– Followers worship with uplifted arms.
Uplifter: a person or thing that uplifts
Uplifting: inspiring happiness, optimism, or hope.
– An uplifting story of triumph over adversity.
Upliftingly: positive in a way that encourages the improvement of a person’s mood or spirit.
Upliftment: Lifting up; elevation or promotion.
Upmarket: relatively expensive and designed to appeal to affluent consumers.
– An upmarket ski resort.
Upmost: another term for uppermost.
Uppermost: highest in place, rank, or importance; highest; loftiest.
– The uppermost windows.
Uprate: increase the value of (a payment or benefit).
– Income support will be uprated.
Upright: (of a person) sitting or standing with the back straight.
– An upright posture.
Uprightness: the state of being in a vertical position.
– Steadying himself, he slowly managed to achieve a state of relative uprightness.
Uproarious: characterized by or provoking loud noise or uproar; disorderly; tumultuous.
– An uproarious party.
Upscale: moneyed.
Upside: the more positive aspect of a situation.
– Being self-employed has its upside.
Upskill: teach (an employee) additional skills.
– This is an opportunity to upskill staff and expand their capabilities.
Upstage: divert attention from (someone) towards oneself.
– They were totally upstaged by their co-star in the film.
Upstanding: honest; respectable; honorable; upright.
– An upstanding member of the community.
Up-to-date: incorporating the latest developments and trends; modern; contemporary.
– A modern, up-to-date hospital.
Up-to-par: at an expected or usual quality; good enough; up to the mark.
– I can promise that the tipple will be up to par.
Uptown: of, in, or characteristic of the residential area of a town or city.
Upturn: an improvement or upward trend, especially in economic conditions or someone’s fortunes; increase; jump.
– An upturn in the economy.
Upward: towards a higher place, point, or level; up; upwards.
– She peered upward at the sky.
Urbane: courteous and refined in manner (typically used of a man).
– The supposedly urbane, restrained English gentleman.
Usable: able or fit to be used; fit for use; disposable.
– Usable information
Useable: able or fit to be used.
Useful: able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways; functional; practical.
– Aspirins are useful for headaches.
Usefulness: the quality or fact of being useful; functionality; practicality.
– Faults that affect the book’s usefulness.
User-friendly: (of a machine or system) easy to use or understand.
– The search software is user-friendly.
User-replaceable: CICS®-supplied program that is always invoked at a particular point in CICS processing, as if it were part of the CICS code.
Usually: under normal conditions; generally; normally; generally.
– He usually arrives home about one o’clock.
Utile: advantageous.
– I deplored the killing of them for merely utile purposes.
Utilize: make practical and effective use of; use; exploit.
– Vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet.
Utmost: most extreme; greatest; maximum; maximal.
– A matter of the utmost importance.
Utopia: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions.
Utopian: modelled on or aiming for a state in which everything is perfect; idealistic; unwordly; non-materialistic.
– A utopian ideology.
Uttermost: furthest, greatest, or most extreme; utmost; greatest; maximum.
– The uttermost parts of the earth.
Uxorious: having or showing a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife.
– He had always impressed me as home-loving and uxorious.
Uxoriously: excessively fond of or submissive to a wife.
Uxoriousness: Overt devotion or submissiveness to one’s wife.
Positive Words That Start with U – Infographic [Downloadable]
Here, we designed for you a pretty infographic of positive words that start with the letter U. Download it now.

Positive Words Starting with A to Z
Now it has come to an end for studying positive words beginning with U. Would you like to continue the journey with other letters?
Positive Words That Start with:
Final Thoughts
Thank you for reading positive words that start with U till the end.
I believe you are feeling smarter now, don’t you?
Positive words have the power to change your opinions about life and make you think more openly and optimistically.
They can empower you and give you all the motivation to cope with the things which seemed impossible before.
So would you like to add any other positive words starting with U in our list?
Please do let us know in the comment section.
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