If you are thinking that there must not be any positive words that start with X, we are here to put that fear to rest.
While there are not too many, and the letter X can sometimes get a bad wrap or have negative associations, there are definitely some words to describe someone or something.
So stay away from Xenophobes, but hang out with Xenophiles and get ready for the real X-factor: positive words beginning with X!
Why do you need positivity and optimism in your life? Because you cannot fully enjoy life without having a positive perspective and outlook on the ways of living.
Having a wide array of positive words that start with X in your vocabulary enables you to better color your everyday life and experiences with optimism and joy, thus creating balance and a better world to live in.
The letter X is often overlooked and forgotten as a source for positive words, but as you will see, there are a large number. We hope you will enjoy!
Table of Contents
Positive Words That Start with X to Describe a Person
There is a bunch of some positive words that start with X to describe a person or personalities in a positive way. Let’s stroll down through some positive words starting with X to describe a person positively:
1. Xenodochial
- Definition: something such as a person, place or software application that is friendly to strangers
- Synonyms: intellectual-sounding, hospitable
- Example: Sometimes being Xenodochial helps you to become a better person.
2. Xanthic
- Definition: relating to, or tending toward a yellow color
- Synonyms: light-skinned, golden-haired, yellow-haired
- Example: A boy can dig enough fine gold; hoard it, just keep locating more nuggets or perhaps quickly reposit some, too, until very wealthy, and ultimately find a xanthic young girl in his life.
3. Xenolalia
- Definition: The ability to speak in a language which the individual has not learned. It is similar to, but not the same as, xenography
- Synonyms: language
- Example: Researchers call this form of tongue-speaking xenolalia or xenoglossia; but over the years, as linguists disproved such claims.
4. Xenomania
- Definition: an extreme attachment or attraction to foreign things (i.e., countries, cultures, customs.)
- Synonyms: attachment, xenophilia
- Example: Lydia’s Xenomania made her curious about the Russian culture and traditions, and she’s even learned to speak the language.
Positive Words That Start with X to Encourage Yourself
Sometimes we just need a bit of encouragement through encouraging words that start with X to feel and do better again. Take a glance over a list of some of those words:
1. Xanadu
- Definition: an idyllic, exotic, or luxurious place
- Synonyms: paradise, wonderland, land of milk and honey
- Example: A little bit of home improvement and I think we can turn this cabin into a real xanadu.
2. Xaern
- Definition: to enjoy something so much you begin to hate how much you enjoy it
- Synonyms: enjoy, to get pleasure
- Example: I xaern playing video games because I can’t stop once I start.
3. Xenium
- Definition: a gift, usually food items, given to a guest or foreign diplomat in ancient Greece and Rome
- Synonyms: gift, present
- Example: Unless you are one of those unbalanced individuals who actually enjoys having company, I would recommend giving a xenium such as a pair of used socks.
4. Xenismos
- Definition: a ritual offering a meal in Ancient Greece
- Synonyms: ritual, offering, meal
- Example: In Greece, we were served with a delicious xenismos by our host in a church.
Positive Words That Start with X to Compliment Others
It’s nice to be complimented by people we care about even if we don’t always know how to comfortably receive the gesture. If you’re searching for the best compliment that shows genuine appreciation, here are some nice words that start with X to use when you want to say something nice.
1. Xenial
- Definition: being nice or friendly to foreign visitors
- Synonyms: hospitable, friendly
- Example: His final release and departure to America came shortly after the China’s president’s visit to the United States, under the guise of a belated xenial present to his host leader.
2. Xenas
- Definition: a tough, physical, confident woman
- Synonyms: xenon, zenna, zinks
- Example: They win the fight and Xenas tends to Hercules’ wounds.
3. Xenagogue
- Definition: a guide
- Synonyms: your guide, translator
- Example: He takes the form of the Xenagogue for us, and leads us into a place that is unimaginable, yet inevitable.
4. Xenodochy
- Definition: an attitude of kindness to strangers
- Synonyms: hospitality, generosity
- Example: The foreigners were pleased at their hosts’ xenodochy during their travels.
Positive Words That Start with X to Help Through Difficulties
Do you often feel discouraged or overwhelmed by life? You need to have support and encouragement by some positive words that can serve as your pillars in overcoming whatever life throws at you. Let’s look at a list of such positive words that start with the letter X:
1. Xany
- Definition: overly energetic
- Synonyms: self-confident, independent
- Example: The hardships of life sometimes make you more xany.
2. Xenoglossy
- Definition: purported use (as by a medium) while in a trance state of a language unknown to the individual under normal conditions
- Synonyms: xenoglossia, xenolalia
- Example: Stevenson claimed there were a handful of cases that suggested evidence of xenoglossy.
3. Xenophile
- Definition: a person attracted to that which is foreign, especially to foreign peoples, manners, or cultures
- Synonyms: fanatical, partisan, fiend
- Example: Well, you saw for yourself that she’s is a xenophile.
4. Xoxo
- Definition: abbreviated in North America as an informal term used for expressing sincerity, faith, love, or good friendship at the end of a written letter, email or text message
- Synonyms: compliments
- Example: I would be forever grateful and indebted to you, xoxo.
Positive Words That Start with X to Uplift Our Mind
In today’s hectic world, it is becoming harder and harder to calm the mind. We are over-stimulated and overworked. Inspirational words of encouragement have a powerful effect on the mind. Let’s stroll down a list of some good words that start with X to uplift our mind:
1. Xenophilia
- Definition: attraction to, or appreciation of foreign people, manners, customs, or cultures
- Synonyms: xenomania, xenophilism
- Example: This is the human condition writ large, stretched out on the fabric of millenia and seasoned with the subtle taste of xenophilia.
2. Xesturgy
- Definition: a substance used to polish
- Synonyms: cleanliness, refinement, shininess
- Example: In old times, xesturgy was intensively used in day-to-day life.
3. Xhosa
- Definition: a member of a Nguni people of eastern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa
- Synonyms: African, Angolan
- Example: In his autobiography, Nelson Mandela wrote about the almost mystical attachment that the Xhosa have for cattle, not only as a source of food and wealth, but as a blessing from God and a source of happiness.
4. Xiexie
- Definition: thanks, vote of thanks
- Synonyms: give thanks, thank
- Example: I love you, xie xie, peace, said O’Neal, using the Chinese word for thank you.
List of Positive Words That Start with X to Keep Us Stay Positive
Whether you’ve received a recent setback or you’re experiencing a serious disturbing situation, everyone can use some words of encouragement to get back in the game and stay positive. Let’s pluck following list of positive words that start with X to keep us stay positive:
1. XO
- Definition: hugs, kisses
- Synonyms: best regards, kind regards
- Example: He has sent me an email containing XO at the end.
2. Xoanon
- Definition: a primitive image of a god, carved, esp originally, in wood, and supposed to have fallen from heaven
- Synonyms: wooden cult image, structure
- Example: He finds a transceiver used by Neeva to hear the commands of Xoanon.
3. X-ray
- Definition: a type of radiation that can go through many solid substances, allowing hidden objects such as bones and organs in the body to be photographed
- Synonyms: flouroscope, radioactivity
- Example: The X-ray showed a slight irregularity in his lungs.
4. Xylographic
- Definition: the art of printing texts or illustrations, sometimes with color, from woodblocks, as distinct from typography
- Synonyms: printing art, wood-engraving
- Example: The volume was printed using the xylographic technique, printing each page of text from one hand carved woodblock.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with X
Don’t underestimate the significance of positivity in our life. Below you will see a comprehensive list of kind words that start with X which you can apply to your day-to-day speech and writing:
1. Xoompin
- Definition: to drive over bumps on the road
- Synonyms: drive
- Example: Today, we went xoompining again.
2. Xylotomous
- Definition: boring into or cutting wood, as certain insects
- Synonyms: cutting, boring
- Example: Wooden structures in the tropics must be chemically treated to repel xylotomous pests.
3. Xyresic
- Definition: sharp as a razor
- Synonyms: incisive, sting
- Example: A Xyresic advocate is one who has a sharp mind.
4. Xystus
- Definition: a long portico used by athletes for exercise
- Synonyms: patio, piazza
- Example: In ancient Greece, Xystus were used by wrestlers for exercises during the winter or in rainy weather.
Positive Words That Start with X for Attractive Resumes
Powerful positive words can help you attract the hiring manager’s attention and land an interview. The correct words can highlight the differences between you and other applicants while clearly illustrating your professional strengths. Below is list of some inspirational words that start with X used for attractive resume:
- Definition: a quality that you cannot describe that makes someone very special
- Synonyms: talent, remarkableness
- Example: He’s a singer who has the X-factor.
2. Xerox
- Definition: copy (a document) by the Xerox process
- Synonyms: photocopy, copy, duplicate
- Example: The rooms are crammed with humming Xerox machines.
3. Xper
- Definition: a person with xeroderma pigmentosum
- Synonyms: expert
- Example: Xper is dedicated to serving the needs of our customers offering a number of ordering methods.
Positive Words That Start with X – Full List (33 Words)
- Xper
- Xany
- Xerox
- Xenodocheionology
- Xenomania
- Xoompin
- Xenoglossy
- Xylotomous
- X-ray
- Xenismos
- Xoanon
- Xanthic
- Xhosa
- Xenophilia
- Xesturgy
- X-factor
- Xyresic
- Xenagogue
- Xiexie
- XO
- Xylographic
- Xenolalia
- Xenial
- Xenas
- Xanadu
- Xaern
- Xenium
- Xenodochial
- Xenophile
- Xenodochy
- Xystus
Positive Words That Start with X – Infographic

Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with X
We hope this short and sweet collection of positive words that start with X has come across very xenial.
And if you happen to be one of the few lucky individuals to have xenolalia, we hope this collection was extra enjoyable for you.
Filling your life with positivity begins with your thoughts, words and deeds. We hope that these positive words starting with X are able to help you fill your home with hope and love!
Please share these positive words with those you love and care about.
Whether you ended up here in search of positive words that start with X to describe a person you know, for a game, poetry or more, we hope you found our list helpful. XOXO!
People also search for verbs that start with X, adjectives that start with X and nouns that start with X.
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