How about a list of positive words that start with Y? Yes! Positive results? Positive spirit? Yes! Positive perspective? Yay! Good vibes? Yes please! You bet!
Welcome to the most weird and bizarre list of positive Y words. The letter “Y” often has a very positive association. The word “yes” has to be one of English’s most positive words starting with Y.
Instead of getting stuck in negativity, find positive words to describe a person, place, feeling, action or thing and use them all the time.
Send a note to someone at your work, your family or just a random person that you meet. Find people who are habitually optimistic that somehow figured out to see the brighter side of life and learn to do the same.
While the letter Y isn’t the most common, we worked hard to come up with the best list of positive words beginning with Y and we hope it helps make your day a bit more wonderful.
Have a look at some of these positive words for some hope, motivation and inspiration. YOLO!
Table of Contents
Positive Words That Start with Y to Describe a Person
Positive words that start with Y to describe a person can have a huge positive impact when you are talking about people or personalities. Let’s stroll down through a list of some those words:
1. Yahoo
- Definition: an expression when someone is very happy or excited about something
- Synonyms: huzzah, hallelujah, hey
- Example: Yahoo! I’ll bet the other boys will be hopping mad.
2. Yahweh
- Definition: the god of the Israelites, whose name was revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the tetragrammaton.
- Synonyms: god
- Example: He, like Jeremiah, was friendly to Nebuchadrezzar, regarding him as Yahweh’s instrument for the chastisement of the nation.
3. Yell
- Definition: a loud, sharp cry of pain, surprise, or delight
- Synonyms: shout, scream, roar
- Example: I usually yell, “Hey!” and clap my hands.
4. Yee-haw
- Definition: to express exuberant delight or excitement by cowboys
- Synonyms: hooray, wahoo, yippee,
- Example: Then she instructed them to holler, ” Yee-haw! ” and snapped the picture.
5. Yay
- Definition: expressing triumph, approval, or encouragement
- Synonyms: cheer, encouragement, whoopee
- Example: Yay! I’ve finished my exam!
Positive Words That Start with Y to Encourage Yourself
Sometimes, simply reading through a list of encouraging words that start with Y and contemplating what they mean to you, is a great way to feed your mind with positive motivation. Let’s gather some words to encourage yourself:
1. Yeah
- Definition: a casual form of yes
- Synonyms: exactly,OK, alright
- Example: Yeah, u can say that again.
2. Yern
- Definition: willing, eager, covetous, swift, nimble, earnest
- Synonyms: eager, feel tenderness for, have affection for
- Example: He was yern to go, for nought could he be stayed.
3. Yummy-mummy
- Definition: an attractive and stylish young mother
- Synonyms: young lady, woman, female
- Example: So expect to see yummy-mummies and well-off families moving to the seaside soon.
4. Yare
- Definition: (of a vessel) answering swiftly to the helm; easily handled
- Synonyms: manageable, maneuverable
- Example: We had our first full day of patients yesterday and I’m happy to report that my ship is yare.
5. Yearning
- Definition: a strong feeling of wishing for something, especially something that you cannot have or get easily
- Synonyms: desire, want, wish
- Example: I suppose it’s because I live in a city that I have this yearning for open spaces.
Positive Words That Start with Y to Compliment Others
Giving a good compliment is one of the quickest ways to make someone else feel good and to feel better yourself. Get on out there and brighten someone’s day with a list of nice words that start with Y to compliment others:
1. Yip
- Definition: give a short, sharp cry or yelp
- Synonyms: cry, yelp
- Example: The winner yipped with glee.
2. Yippee
- Definition: to express happiness, excitement, or great satisfaction
- Synonyms: cheer, whoopee
- Example: She took one look at the new car in the driveway and exclaimed, “Yippee!”
3. Yodel
- Definition: to sing by making a series of very fast changes between the natural voice and a much higher voice
- Synonyms: melody, song
- Example: That little yodel in the chorus serves as a personal calling card.
4. Yeoman
- Definition: an attendant or officer in a royal or noble household
- Synonyms: homesteader, attendant
- Sentence: He is the ideal yeoman as Arthur is the ideal knight.
5. Yo
- Definition: used as a spoken greeting, or to get someone’s attention
- Synonyms: aye, ay, hi
- Example: Yo, dude! How’s it going?
Positive Words That Start with Y to Help Through Difficulties
Words have the power to motivate us and help us to live more intentionally and can motivate us to achieve our dreams and aspirations. Use the under mentioned list of positive words that start with the letter Y to empower yourself and stay motivated.
1. Young
- Definition: (esp. of something living) at an early stage of development or existence; not old
- Synonyms: juvenile, teenage, youthful
- Example: The young lady at reception sent me up here.
2. Yield
- Definition: an amount produced of an agricultural or industrial product
- Synonyms: product, output, crop
- Example: The use of modern agricultural technologies is improving the yield of the crop.
3. Yummylicious
- Definition: a guy who is so cute and sexy at the same time that you just want to eat him all up and do something naughty with
- Synonyms: handsome, attractive
- Example: Boy, you are so yummylicious, i can squeeze and kiss you all night.
4. Yokozuna
- Definition: a grand champion sumo wrestler
- Synonyms: champion, winner
- Example: An aura of dignity is as necessary for a yokozuna as strength and skill.
5. Yearn
- Definition: have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from
- Synonyms: lust, covet, wish
- Example: We all yearn for what we have lost but sometimes, we forget what we have.
Positive Words That Start with Y to Uplift Our Mind
When you’re facing a lot of brainstorm or tough challenge, there’s list of good words that start with Y that can alleviate the pressure of being wrong and open up a pathway of critical thinking. Let’s have a glance over it!
1. Youthfully
- Definition: in a way that is similar to, typical of, or relates to young people
- Synonyms: sprightly, vigorous, young-looking
- Example: Judy believes that dressing youthfully is about keeping up with trends.
2. Young-at-heart
- Definition: thinking and behaving as if you are younger than you really are
- Synonyms: young-looking, budding, active
- Example: Dad may be nearly 90 but he’s still young-at-heart.
3. Young-looking
- Definition: having the appearance of youth
- Synonyms: fresh, tender, youngish
- Example: She’s very young-looking.
4. Younker
- Definition: a young man
- Synonyms: child, teenage
- Example: Sit down by the fire, younker, and rest yourself; for youll have to go out with us again to-night, though not very far off.
5. Young-blood
- Definition: young people who have a lot of energy and idea
- Synonyms: young man, rising generation, youth
- Example: We need to introduce more young-blood into the organization.
List of Positive Words That Start with Y to Keep Us Stay Positive
Words are powerful. They have the ability to inspire, motivate, and persuade; or discourage, dismiss, and dissuade. We’ve gathered here a list of positive words that start with Y that are useful to keep us stay positive!
1. Youth
- Definition: the time of life between being a child and an adult
- Synonyms: teens, adolescence
- Example: He spent his youth in Europe.
2. Yuppie
- Definition: a young person who lives in a city, earns a lot of money, and spends it doing fashionable things and buying expensive possessions
- Synonyms: classy, modern
- Example: He dresses up as a woman to play a nanny working for a yuppie in Mrs Doutfire.
3. Yup
- Definition: (spelled the way it is spoken) yes
- Synonyms: yeah, yes
- Example: Can you see it? Yup, there it is.
4. Yum
- Definition: used to say that food tastes or smells very good
- Synonyms: mouth watering, appetizing, tasty
- Example: The real taste of yum comes from adding fresh celery, mint, and basil leaves.
5. Yours
- Definition: used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing
- Synonyms: his, hers
- Example: This is our room, and yours is just across the hall.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with Y
The English language is full of many beautiful and positive words. Often these words trigger a specific memory, pleasant thought or a dream in our minds. Below, we’ve listed some kind words that start with Y you use in your daily life.
1. Yummy
- Definition: delicious food
- Synonyms: tasty, juicy, spicy
- Example: I’ll bet they have yummy ice cream.
2. Yock
- Definition: a noisy laugh
- Synonyms: laughter, laughing
- Example: His story got a big yock.
3. Youthfulness
- Definition: behaviour or appearance characteristic of young people
- Synonyms: juvenility, youth, puberty
- Example: I wonder at her perennial youthfulness.
4. Yep
- Definition: non-standard spelling of yes, representing a pronunciation
- Synonyms: yes, yeah
- Example: Yep, I can move the girls tonight so they’re not stuck without a tent to sleep in.
5. Youthful
- Definition: typical or characteristic of young people
- Synonyms: sprightly, vigorous, spry
- Example: I hope your youthful enthusiasm can be beneficial for our company.
- Definition: about people, especially young men, who have lots of energy and talent, and are becoming very successful
- Synonyms: best, master
- Example: The impact of the young-guns has radiated from the company’s annual report.
Positive Words That Start with Y – Full List (39 Words)
- Yuppie
- Youth
- Yahweh
- Yours
- Yern
- Youthfulness
- Yeoman
- Young
- Yee-haw
- Yeehaw
- Yearn
- Yummy-mummy
- Young-At-Heart
- Young-looking
- Younker
- Yippee
- Young-gun
- Yare
- Youthfully
- Yo
- Yock
- Yokozuna
- Yummy
- Yeah
- Yes
- Youthful
- Yep
- Yummylicious
- Yum
- Yay
- Yup
- Yell
- Yearning
- Yodel
- Yield
- Yip
- Young-blood
- Yahoo
Positive Words That Start with Y – Infographic

Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with Y
Thank you for checking out our collection of positive words that start with Y.
Yippee! We hope that you found these words to describe someone or something to be helpful in your daily life. There are difficulties and challenges in life but we can still stay positive and stay confident.
Attitude is something with your control that can make a huge difference in our life. Use these positive words starting with Y to get you going on your own good vibes. Positive thinking can benefit us in difficult moments.
So take daily opportunities to make a positive impact and make the world around you radiate with joy. Which positive words that start with Y are your favorites?
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