Believe it or not, there are more than thirty positive words that start with Z! And we have carefully sifted through the English language to bring you all of them.
The poor letter Z is rarely used and lives all the way at the end of the alphabet, but if you thought there weren’t any positive words that start with Z, then we hope to lift your spirits.
This modern world can be filled with negativity and fear, and it is up to each of us to create the type of world that we want to live in.
One way to do this is to fill your speech, writing and messages with positivity.
Though there may not be a zillion positive Z words to describe someone or something, we can say with zappy zeal and zest that there are definitely some good ones.
So don’t zip and zoom through this list, but be zen and enjoy these positive words beginning with Z!
Table of Contents
Positive Words That Start with Z to Describe a Person
Positive words that start with Z to describe a person can help us depict someone’s characteristics in a more positive light. Below is a list of some words starting with Z to describe a person positively:
1. Zany
- Definition: strange, surprising, or uncontrolled in a humorous way
- Synonyms: eccentric, peculiar, quirky
- Example: She’s special because her coat looks zany, it is sharply divided between horse and zebra.
2. Zappy
- Definition: lively; energetic
- Synonyms: perky, brisk, vivacious
- Example: They worked well together and their chemistry was palpable and full of delicious, zappy sparks.
3. Zardozi
- Definition: a beautiful metal embroidery, which once used to embellish the attire of the kings and the royals in India
- Synonyms: embroidery
- Example: As most of the designer suits, a pencil suit is also embellished with beads, mirror work, zardozi or zari work.
4. Zaddik
- Definition: a righteous and saintly person by Jewish religious standards
- Synonyms: saintly person, having piety
- Example: I told zaddik it might be the key to making her human.
5. Zaftig
- Definition: having a full, rounded figure; plump (typically used of a woman)
- Synonyms: tubby, fat, round
- Example: Marilyn Monroe’s zaftig figure made her one of the most famous curvy actresses.
Positive Words That Start with Z to Compliment Others
There are plenty of compliments you can use to make someone feel great about themselves, but certain ones can be more appropriate than others. Make someone’s day brighten with a list of nice words that start with Z:
1. Zen
- Definition: relaxed and not worrying about things that you cannot change
- Synonyms: calm, relaxed, rested
- Example: People do yoga to help them become more zen.
2. Zealed
- Definition: full of zeal; characterized by zeal
- Synonyms: keenness, fervency, earnestness
- Example: She tackles it with something of the missionary’s zealed.
3. Zealful
- Definition: full of or inspired by zeal; characterized by passionate enthusiasm
- Synonyms: passionate, zealous, zealot
- Example: A creative genius, Steve Jobs’ Zealful personality was one of the principal driving forces behind his success.
4. Zazzy
- Definition: shiny or flashy
- Synonyms: salacious, lively, gaudy
- Example: So you decided to get the whole Manhattan Project? but he’ s so zazzy.
5. Zeal
- Definition: great enthusiasm or eagerness
- Synonyms: passion, love
- Example: He approached the job with missionary zeal.
Positive Words That Start with Z to Help Through Difficulties
Each of us have areas of our lives that we would like to improve, and there are words of wisdom that can almost always be found to motivate and inspire us in these different areas. Below is the list of such positive words that start with the letter Z:
1. Zealous
- Definition: having or showing zeal
- Synonyms: ardent, avid, eager
- Example: She was most zealous in performing her duties.
2. Zenith
- Definition: the time at which something is most powerful or successful
- Synonyms: peak, top, apex
- Example: His career is now at its zenith.
3. Zarzuela
- Definition: a Spanish opera having spoken dialogue and often a satirically treated, topical theme
- Synonyms: opera, music
- Example: His father began as a violinist performing for opera and zarzuela orchestras.
4. Zest
- Definition: great enthusiasm and energy
- Synonyms: passion, keenness, avidity
- Example: He has a zest for life and a quick intellect.
5. Zesty
- Definition: lively and pleasing
- Synonyms: full of energy, full of flavor
- Example: Our panel consists of several excellent and zesty experts.
Positive Words That Start with Z to Uplift Our Mind
To get motivated, you have to change your thoughts. So enjoy this selection of good words that start with Z to help get you on the right track with your thinking. We hope they give you encouragement and inspiration to achieve your goals.
1. Zestful
- Definition: in a way that is full of energy and enthusiasm
- Synonyms: lively, exciting, salacious
- Example: Being active and zestful meanwhile, calm makes me feel, that I am a little different from other ones.
2. Zing
- Definition: energy, enthusiasm, or liveliness
- Synonyms: appetite, relish, passion
- Example: You need to put more zing into your playing.
3. Zinger
- Definition: something causing or meant to cause interest, surprise, or shock
- Synonyms: glee, joy, praise
- Example: She opened the speech with a real zinger.
4. Zephyr
- Definition: a light wind
- Synonyms: west wind, gentle wind, breeze
- Example: I feel very comfortable in the zephyr from the sea.
5. Zillion
- Definition: an extremely large number or amount
- Synonyms: infinite, boundless, immense
- Example: There were zillions of people to help you, all the time.
List of Positive Words That Start with Z to Keep Us Stay Positive
When you are motivated, you have true passion for what you do. Motivated people have great attitudes, which tend to rub off on us. They also have an inner drive, bags of energy and determination. Let’s glance over a list of positive words that start with Z to keep us stay positive:
1. Zip
- Definition: to move or go somewhere very quickly
- Synonyms: rush, hasten
- Example: Sonic has high speed motion and zipped through levels that made the game fun.
2. Zouk
- Definition: a style of dance music that combines African and Latin American rhythms and uses electronic instruments and modern studio technology
- Synonyms: dance music, reggae, calypso
- Example: You should recognize the change in tempo from the Brazilian zouk to the Lambada zouk.
3. Zowie
- Definition: to express astonishment or admiration especially in response to something sudden or speedy
- Synonyms: glory, hey, hallelujah
- Example: “Zowie.” I’ll give her the message.
4. Zingy
- Definition: strikingly attractive or appealing
- Synonyms: enjoyable, joyous, pleasant
- Example: The dialog is chock full of the zingy hilarity we all loved in the movies.
5. Zion
- Definition: hill in eastern Jerusalem, Israel
- Synonyms: fantasy land, empyrean
- Example: Originally the stronghold of Jerusalem, Zion was conquered by David and in ancient times was the site of the Jewish Temple.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with Z
Below, we’ve listed some positive and kind words that start with Z you commonly use in your daily life to describe someone, something, a feeling, action and more around you positively.
1. Zoo
- Definition: an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study, conservation, or display to the public
- Synonyms: wildlife park, menagerie, zoological garden
- Example: In the zoo we saw many monkeys running round in the cage.
2. Zorbing
- Definition: an activity in which someone rolls down a hill or along the surface of water in a large transparent plastic ball
- Synonyms: recreation, game
- Example: They think we all go kite-surfing and zorbing in our free time.
3. Zounds
- Definition: a mild oath indicating surprise, indignation
- Synonyms: gad, gadzooks
- Example: Zounds, princess, you are slipping.
4. Zoom
- Definition: move or travel very quickly
- Synonyms: race, rush, speed
- Example: He jumped into his car and zoomed off.
5. Zootrophic
- Definition: relating to or serving for the nutrition of the lower animals
- Synonyms: physiology
- Example: Holozoic or Zootrophic Nutrition: In this case, food is ingested like animals.
Positive Words That Start with Z for Attractive Resumes
The following is a list of powerful inspirational words that start with Z that you can use to make your resume pack the punch you need to land an interview. Let’s glance over it:
1. Zippiness
- Definition: the quality of being fresh, lively, or appealing in style
- Synonyms: alert, brisk, spanking
- Example: Zippiness is the fundamental personally trait of a successful manager.
2. Zippy
- Definition: energetic or fast
- Synonyms: lively, active, fresh
- Example: He was praised for his styling, economy, zippy handling and ability to work with almost anyone.
3. Zooty
- Definition: showy or flashy ; ostentatious
- Synonyms: stylish, dandy, nifty
- Example: Madam, I am Rebo and zooty.
4. Zipless
- Definition: brief, uncomplicated, and passionate
- Synonyms: loving, amorous
- Example: Zipless experience sometimes grooms your personality in an unnoticeable way.
5. Zippily
- Definition: in a zippy manner
- Synonyms: lively, energetic
- Example: I am a zippily intelligent and emotionally charged person who can significantly contribute to the success of the company.
Positive Words That Start with Z – Full List (37 Words)
- Zowie
- Zestful
- Zillion
- Zephyr
- Zest
- Zarzuela
- Zardozi
- Zorbing
- Zippy
- Zenith
- Zootrophic
- Zoo
- Zoom
- Zeal
- Zounds
- Zaftig
- Zipless
- Zealous
- Zappy
- Zing
- Zooty
- Zippily
- Zoftig
- Zen
- Zealful
- Zealed
- Zesty
- Zinger
- Zany
- Zion
- Zippiness
- Zazzy
- Zip
- Zingy
- Zouk
- Zaddik
- Zarzuella
Positive Words That Start with Z – Infographic

Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with Z
Thank you for checking out our collection of positive words that start with Z. Zounds! We hope you enjoyed these words to describe a person, thing, feeling, action and more.
Using positive words throughout the day can help change your outlook on life and give you a more “glass is half full” perspective.
And certainly there must be people in your life who could also benefit from some positive words.
The letter Z may not be the most utilized but it represents completion and can convey an exciting feeling through such words as zip, zoom and zest! So even the letter Z is an encouraging one.
We sure hope you enjoyed this collection of positive words beginning with Z!
People also search for verbs that start with Z, adjectives that start with Z and nouns that start with Z.
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