5 Tips to Keep You Motivated on Friday

You understand the feeling that “I still have to work a whole day to make it through”? It is devastating. The most awful part is recognizing that you need to rise, go to work, and cope with tons of nonsense when you really feel exhausted, unmotivated, and just want to go to bed and get a sleep. The scariest part about this is even if you might understand completely that you’re not the only person feeling this way, at that very moment, you just feel so lonely.

If you feel Friday sucks and wish to get over it, try the following 5 tips to keep you motivated on Friday.

Have a Good Breakfast and Plan a Big Lunch

The very first thing you can do to raise your Friday motivation is to have a good breakfast. We are all familiar with the expression, “breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day.” Clearly, it was not simply something our moms and dads were telling us to get us to eat before school. Studies have shown that having breakfast can help to improve memory, state of mind, and physical functions.

However, scientists have actually discovered evidence that the advantages of the micronutrient boost given by breakfast would disappear in a short while. Just like a vehicle with a complete tank of gas that goes out after a lengthy journey, it requires to be refueled. So, planning a big lunch on a day when you are not feeling motivated might provide you some extra motivation to get you through the day. Missing meals can result in low blood sugar, which can make you feel weak and also tired. If you are already feeling unmotivated, not eating is only going to make it worse for you with less inspiration to do anything.

Focus on Urgent and Important Tasks

Despite who you are, there is a high chance that by Friday, there is one or two things that should have been done earlier, but anyway just not yet till now. So you must figure out what is urgent and important, which can be easily achieved by asking yourself the following three questions:

  • Are there any tasks that have passed deadline but are still due?
  • Which task is the most overdue?
  • Of all the overdue tasks, which will possibly require the least time to get significant progress or finish?

This should assist you to conveniently determine which task that you should devote yourself to work on, understanding that you are getting something crucial done.

Tackle the Easiest Tasks

Another way to boost your Friday motivation is to tackle the easiest tasks. There is nothing incorrect with doing the simple things first. Maybe you are so worn out but the urgent tasks will cost way too much energy. There is nothing wrong with coping with the super easy things, such as emails, data entry, follow-up calls, filing, etc.

Completing these simpler tasks will still give you a sense of achievement. You can leverage this sense of achievement to aid you tackle some more difficult tasks or finish all the very easy jobs today so next week, you can devote your time to the tougher tasks.

Listen to Some Positive and Inspiring Music

Another way to keep you motivated on Friday is to listen to some positive and inspiring music. Music is medicine. It is common knowledge that the vibrations of sound can influence our mood. Even in ancient times, people already recognized this and embraced it via practices like chanting, making use of singing bowls, bells, and other sound instruments for healing. In the modern world, we are still doing it in a similar way.

Most of us will surely recall some moments in our lives with the ringing of music. Music has already been proved to have a direct effect on the listener. Studies show that listening to music while working can lead to an increase in both mood and productivity of work.

If you are feeling really unmotivated, you can try turning on your favorite album while you are working. If you can not focus on working while listening to music with words, try genres like Trip jump, ambient, JamBand. You might also like musicians like Bonobo and Grammatik.

Promise Yourself a Reward When Things Done

People tend to concentrate on the present. Yet sometimes, present seems too intense for you, and being super present won’t help to boost your mood. In those minutes, promising yourself a reward when things done can help a lot, because knowing that something great is coming your way will motivate you to accomplish tasks even better than expected.

All of us enjoy to be rewarded, especially when we are unmotivated to do tasks assigned. Offering yourself something you can look forward to is a great way to assure that you will be rewarded for the hard work to get through the day.

The reward does not need to be expensive. It can be something like getting a hamburger, playing basketball, having a date, or simply lying in bed going through your smartphone without being disturbed for a few hours. Believe me, it does work great.

Try it whenever you feel annoyed when meeting Friday. Think of something you can get rewarded, no matter large or small, and see exactly how it magically changes your mood.


Friday is simply a day like any other day, it will surely end. One thing you can rest assured is that time does not stuck for anybody, so no matter how tough it might feel to survive, you’ll see weekend coming together with anyone else.

At the same time, you must be aware that Friday time is also valuable, once gone or wasted, can not be regained any more. So instead of feeling annoyed and expecting the weekend to come early, you are advised to keep yourself motivated to make every minute count, whether it is on Friday or any day. We hope you find this article helpful for Friday motivation and don’t forget to share it with your friends and colleagues as well! Thanks again for reading.