
Top 10 Tips to Improve Essay Writing Skills for Students

As a student, at some point in your academic life, you’re going to be tasked with writing an essay. Whether it’s for a university admission application or a simple class assignment, writing an essay is a crucial aspect of your academic journey.

However, not everyone can effortlessly churn out an A-worthy essay. In fact, essay writing may seem like an endless and daunting task.

So do you find yourself staring at a blank page, wondering where to start? Or maybe you’re looking to level up your writing game and take your essays to the next level.

Well, fear not, because we’re here to help! We’ve been in your shoes and picked up quite a few tips and tricks over the years to improve essay writing skills. So, if you want to learn how to write better essays, read on for our top 10 tips!

1. Start with a plan

It’s never a good idea to dive into essay writing without a plan. Before you even start typing your first sentence, take some time to plan out your essay. Jot down the main points you want to make and structure your essay accordingly.

Good essays should be well-researched, so make sure you take the time to gather all the information you need to make your point. Having a clear structure will help ensure that your essay makes sense and effectively conveys your message.

2. Read, read, read

As the famous writer, Stephen King once said, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” Reading is an excellent way to improve your essay writing skills.

Good writers are voracious readers, so make sure you’re reading widely and exposing yourself to different styles and perspectives. By reading extensively, you get to learn new vocabulary and different writing styles, which you can then incorporate into your writing.

3. Use active voice

Passive voice can make your writing sound dull and lifeless, so try to use an active voice instead. It makes your writing more engaging and helps to keep the reader interested.

Using active voice instead of passive voice can make your sentences more concise and easier to understand.

When you use the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, which makes it more engaging and direct. For example, instead of writing “The cake was eaten by the dog,” write “The dog ate the cake.”

4. Make use of transition words

Transition words are essential when it comes to essay writing. They help to connect ideas and create a logical flow in your writing.

Using transition words such as “however,” “similarly,” and “in contrast,” can help add coherence to your essay and make it easier to follow.

5. Use quotes and sources

Incorporating quotes and sources into your essay can help make it more authoritative and convincing. However, it’s essential to ensure that your sources are credible and reliable.

If you’re unsure, try using Google Scholar to find academic sources related to your topic.

6. Proofread your work

Proofreading your work is crucial if you want to ensure that your essay is error-free and flows well. Take some time to read through your essay, check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and ensure that your sentences make sense.

7. Take breaks

Sitting in front of your computer for hours on end can be draining, both mentally and physically. Therefore, taking breaks is essential when it comes to essay writing.

Take some time to stretch, go for a walk, or do some other activity that helps you relax and recharge your mind. Writing essays with fresh mind and eyes can turn it into a masterpiece for sure.

8. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you’re struggling with essay writing, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your teachers, peers, and even writing centers can offer useful tips and feedback to help improve your writing skills.

9. Use examples

Using examples is an effective way to support your points and make your essay more relatable. This also makes your writing more persuasive and helps to illustrate your point more clearly.

Including real-life examples can help make your writing more engaging and tangible.

10. Practice makes perfect

Like all skills, improving your essay writing skills takes practice. The more you practice writing essays, the easier it will become.

Set aside some time each week to practice writing essays on different topics, and you’ll soon see a marked improvement in your writing. So keep practicing and don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and techniques.


So there you have it, students! Our top 10 tips to improve essay writing skills. Improving essay writing skills is not an easy task, but definitely not an impossible one.

By following these top ten tips, you too can take your essay writing game to the next level and be a successful writer. So, get started today and start writing great essays that will inspire and engage your readers.

Don’t forget to have fun with it, and remember, practice, and consistency are key!

Happy writing!