
100+ Verbs That Start with G | Huge List with Definitions and Examples

In this article, we are going to talk about verbs that start with G. Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing. Along with nouns, verbs are the main part of a sentence or phrase, telling a story about what is taking place. Several categories of verbs that begin with G have been given below that describe different actions.

Without a verb, full thoughts cannot be properly conveyed, and even the simplest sentences, such as “John sings.” has one. Actually, a verb can be a sentence by itself, with the subject, in most case you, implied, such as, Eat! and Drive! In this article, you are going to see a number of such verbs that start with G that can stand alone all by themselves.

Now that you have got the basics of verbs, let us delve into different categories of verbs that start with G. The reason for this categorization of verbs is to make reading systematic. It will enable you to learn all of these action words starting with G with much more ease.

Verbs That Start with G You Always Use

There are a lot of verbs that we use much frequently in our day-to-day life both while speaking and writing. Following is one list of such verbs that start with G.

1. Go   

  • Definition: to travel or to move to another place
  • Synonyms: travel, depart
  • Example: He goes to school daily.

2. Get

  • Definition: to obtain, buy, or earn something
  • Synonyms: earn, receive
  • Example: He went to the shop to get some milk.

3. Gift

  • Definition: to present someone with a gift
  • Synonyms: bestow, award
  • Example: She gifted me a beautiful watch.

4. Group

  • Definition: put into categories
  • Synonyms: arrange, assemble, classify
  • Example: I grouped the children according to age.

5. Gain           

  • Definition: to get something that is useful
  • Synonyms: achieve, acquire
  • Example: She finally gained approval for her project.

6. Generate

  • Definition: to bring into existence
  • Synonyms: produce, form
  • Example: This program would generate a lot of new jobs.

7. Grab

  • Definition: to seize suddenly or quickly
  • Synonyms: capture, grasp
  • Example: He grabbed me by the collar.

8. Gather

  • Definition: to bring together into one group, collection, or place
  • Synonyms: choose, accumulate
  • Example: Our College is gathering a faculty from all over the country.

9. Guess

  • Definition: estimate or conclude something without sufficient information to be sure of being corrects
  • Synonyms: presume, predict, suppose
  • Example: She asked me to guess her age.

10. Glance

  • Definition: take a brief or hurried look
  • Synonyms: gaze, peep
  • Example: He glanced up from his book as I passed.

Verbs That Start with G You Usually Use

A verb is the action word in a sentence; it literally drives the sentence and indicates much about what is going on. Following is a list of verbs starting with G that we usually use in our daily life routine.

1. Grill 

  • Definition: to cook food over fire or hot coals
  • Synonyms: barbecue, roast, sear
  • Example: Dad is grilling chicken in the back yard.

2. Guarantee

  • Definition: to promise that something will happen or exist
  • Synonyms: affirm, certify, confirm
  • Example: No one can guarantee a profit on stocks and shares.

3. Grade

  • Definition: to give a score to a student’s piece of work
  • Synonyms: value, rate, mark
  • Example: I graded forty tests last night.

4. Gamble       

  • Definition: to play at any game of chance for money or other stakes
  • Synonyms: challenge, bet, wager
  • Example: Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.

5. Generalize

  • Definition: make a general or broad statement by inferring from specific cases
  • Synonyms: establish, induce, postulate
  • Example: It’s impossible to generalize about children’s books, as they are all different.

6. Grind

  • Definition: to reduce to fine particles, as by pounding or crushing
  • Synonyms: compress, crush, crunch
  • Example: They allowed us to grind the spices.

7. Gaze

  • Definition: to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity
  • Synonyms: peek, ogle, gawk
  • Example: She gazed admiringly at Warren as he spoke.

8. Gesture

  • Definition: to use a gesture to express or emphasize something
  • Synonyms: signal, wave, action
  • Example: She gestured meaningfully with the pistol.

9. Groom

  • Definition: to clean yourself or an animal
  • Synonyms: brush, clean, comb
  • Example: The horses were groomed and taken to shows.

10. Grasp

  • Definition: to quickly take something in your hands and hold it firmly
  • Synonyms: clutch, grip, catch
  • Example: Sheela suddenly grasped my hand.

Verbs That Start with G You Often Use

Following are some of the verbs beginning with G that we often make us of. Go through this list and find out how many of these verbs are often used by you in your daily life.

1. Google

  • Definition: to search the internet for information about a person, or topic
  • Synonyms: search, explore
  • Example: We googled the new applicant to check her background.

2. Gear

  • Definition: to make something ready or suitable for a particular purpose
  • Synonyms: adapt, adjust
  • Example: They gear workouts to your specific needs.

3. Grip

  • Definition: to grasp or seize firmly
  • Synonyms: clutch, clasp, clench
  • Example: The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.

4. Glue           

  • Definition: to join things together using glue
  • Synonyms: cement, paste, stick
  • Example: Is it worth trying to glue this plate back together?

5. Grace

  • Definition: to lend or add grace to
  • Synonyms: dignify, distinguish, elevate
  • Example: Many fine paintings graced their room.

6. Gulp

  • Definition: to swallow eagerly, or in large drafts or morsels
  • Synonyms: consume, swallow, englut
  • Example: She gulped down her drink and made a hasty exit.

7. Gut

  • Definition: to destroy the interior of a place
  • Synonyms: decimate, ransack, ravage
  • Example: Fire gutted the whole building.

8. Govern

  • Definition: to control and direct the public business of a country, city, or group of people
  • Synonyms: administer, control
  • Example: The scandal limited her ability to govern effectively.

9. Gobble

  • Definition: to eat food too fast
  • Synonyms: devour, gulp
  • Example: Don’t gobble your food like that!

10. Glide

  • Definition: to move easily without any effort
  • Synonyms: sail, soar
  • Example: She came gliding gracefully into the ballroom in a beautiful dress.

Verbs That Start with G You Sometimes Use

In both our verbal and written communications, we use some verbs more than the others. These are some of the verbs starting with letter G that are not used on a regular basis in our daily life routine.

1. Gag            

  • Definition: to restrain by force or authority from freedom of speech
  • Synonyms: constrain, suppress
  • Example: The media has obviously been gagged because nothing has been reported.

2. Gush

  • Definition: to flow quickly and in large amounts
  • Synonyms: spew, spout, burst
  • Example: Blood was gushing from his nose.

3. Gabble

  • Definition: to speak quickly and not clearly
  • Synonyms: jibber, babble
  • Example: Gina was gabbling away on the phone.

4. Grunt     

  • Definition: to make a low, rough noise
  • Synonyms: groan, cry, squawk
  • Example: The pigs were grunting contentedly while eating their food.

5. Gallop

  • Definition: to run rapidly
  • Synonyms: dart, dash, hasten
  • Example: They galloped through the jungle.

6. Gargle

  • Definition: to wash or rinse the throat or mouth with a liquid
  • Synonyms: swish, mouthwash
  • Example: Prior to bedtime, gargle with salt water.

7. Glamorize

  • Definition: to make something seem better than it is
  • Synonyms: beautify, adorn, prettify
  • Example: The ad glamorized life in the army.

8. Garner

  • Definition: to collect something
  • Synonyms: gather, accumulate
  • Example: The senator has spent much time garnering financial support for his upcoming campaign.

9. Globalize

  • Definition: develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible
  • Synonyms: popularize, internationalize
  • Example: Markets are being increasingly globalized these days.

10. Grease

  • Definition: to put grease or oil on something
  • Synonyms: anoint, oil, butter
  • Example: Grease the tins well before adding the cake mixture.

Verbs That Start with G You Occasionally Use

Most of the verb words that start with G might be pretty commonly used, but there are some that are only used at some specific occasions. Following is a list of such verbs.

1. Garble   

  • Definition: to make words or messages unclear and difficult to understand
  • Synonyms: confuse, misinterpret
  • Example: It’s bad when phones garble conversations.

2. Galvanize

  • Definition: to cause someone to suddenly take action
  • Synonyms: arouse, excite, motivate
  • Example: She decided to shout at him to galvanize him to take action.

3. Gesticulate

  • Definition: to use gestures, especially in an animated or excited manner
  • Synonyms: gesture, signal
  • Example: He gesticulated wildly as he tried to make her understand.

4. Gnaw

  • Definition: to bite or chew something repeatedly
  • Synonyms: chomp, eat, consume
  • Example: Babies like to gnaw hard objects when they’re teething.

5. Gibe           

  • Definition: to utter mocking or scoffing words
  • Synonyms: ridicule, taunt
  • Example: Michael began to gibe at his friend’s cowardice.

6. Glean

  • Definition: to collect information in small amounts and often with difficulty
  • Synonyms: deduce, extract, garner
  • Example: From what I was able to glean, the news isn’t good.

7. Glisten

  • Definition: to shine by reflecting light from a wet or smooth surface
  • Synonyms: flicker, gleam, sparkle
  • Example: His eyes glistened with tears.

8. Gouge

  • Definition: to dig or cut into something in a rough or violent way
  • Synonyms: burrow, dig, cut
  • Example: A symbol was gouged into the surface of the wood.

9. Gallivant

  • Definition: go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure
  • Synonyms: gad, flit, jaunt
  • Example: She quit her job so that she could gallivant around the globe.

10. Garland

  • Definition: decorate with a garland
  • Synonyms: festoon, wreathe, swathe
  • Example: They were garlanded with flowers.

Verbs That Start with G You Seldom Use

While going through a written piece or while listening to a person talking, we often come across certain verbs that we haven’t heard of a lot. Following is one such list of action verbs starting with G that are seldom used in our talks and writings.

1. Gainsay

  • Definition: to refuse to accept something as the truth
  • Synonyms: combat, contravene, disprove
  • Example: Certainly there’s no gainsaying the technical brilliance of his performance.

2. Gambol

  • Definition: to run and jump in a happy way
  • Synonyms: frolic, jump
  • Example: Lambs were gamboling around in the spring sunshine.

3. Garrote

  • Definition: to kill someone by putting a metal wire or collar around their neck and pulling it
  • Synonyms: assassinate, execute
  • Example: Mike was garroted with a piano wire.

4. Gerrymander

  • Definition: manipulate the boundaries of an electoral constituency so as to favor one party or class
  • Synonyms: rig, doctor
  • Example: The government dropped plans to gerrymander rural constituencies.

5. Gestate

  • Definition: to think of and develop an idea slowly in the mind
  • Synonyms: conceive, conceptualize
  • Example: The subconscious mind needs time to gestate the work.

6. Grubstake         

  • Definition: to give money to someone to start a new business in return for part of its profits
  • Synonyms: give, bank, fund
  • Example: They grubstaked him two horses and enough supplies for three months.

7. Grouse

  • Definition: to complain angrily
  • Synonyms: protest, complain
  • Example: She’s always grousing about how she’s been badly treated by the management.

8. Genuflect

  • Definition: to bend the knee to the floor in reverence or worship
  • Synonyms: bow, stoop, kneel
  • Example: Men and women were genuflecting in front of the altar.

9. Gyrate

  • Definition: to move in a circle or spiral, or around a fixed point
  • Synonyms: rotate, revolve, circle
  • Example: The woman began to gyrate to the music.

10. Guillotine

  • Definition: to cut someone’s head off using a guillotine
  • Synonyms: decapitate, behead
  • Example: During the French Revolution, thousands of revolutionaries were guillotined.

Positive Verbs That Start with G

Do you want some positivity in your life? Do you want to boost your morale? Go through the list of positive verbs that start with G given below, it will fill you with positive vibes.

1. Give

  • Definition: to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation
  • Synonyms: award, donate, provide
  • Example: We always try to give to charity.

2.   Guard

  • Definition: to keep safe from harm or danger
  • Synonyms: protect, defend, safeguard
  • Example: A brother guards his sister from all dangers.

3. Grant

  • Definition: to give or allow someone something
  • Synonyms: contribute, donate, gift
  • Example: They were granted a meeting.

4. Garden  

  • Definition: to take care of a garden, as planting seeds and watering the plants
  • Synonyms: farm, plant, cultivate
  • Example: She wrote books, kept journals, and gardened.

5. Glorify

  • Definition: to honor with praise, admiration, or worship
  • Synonyms: commend, honor, dignify
  • Example: A statue was erected to glorify the country’s national heroes.

6. Glow           

  • Definition: give out steady light without flame
  • Synonyms: brighten, illuminate
  • Example: The children’s faces were glowing with excitement.

7. Graduate

  • Definition: to complete a university degree successfully
  • Synonyms: finish, certify
  • Example: He has graduated from the Preston University.

8. Greet

  • Definition: to address with some form of salutation
  • Synonyms: welcome, receive
  • Example: A crowd was waiting at the dock to greet them.

9. Guide

  • Definition: show or indicate the way to someone
  • Synonyms: advise, instruct, steer
  • Example: He guided us around the city.

10. Gad

  • Definition: to go from place to place in the pursuit of pleasure
  • Synonyms: gallivant, roam, rove
  • Example: They gad about Europe a lot, going to expensive restaurants and shows.

Verbs That Start with G to Describe a Person

There are some verbs that describe what happens to a person. Following are some of those verbs that start with G to describe a person. Try and use these G verbs in your daily lives to describe people around you.

1. Grow

  • Definition: to increase in size
  • Synonyms: develop, mature
  • Example: Ahmed is growing so quickly.

2. Grieve

  • Definition: to feel or express great sadness
  • Synonyms: lament, cry
  • Example: He is still grieving over his wife.

3. Grin

  • Definition: to smile broadly, especially as an indication of pleasure
  • Synonyms: smirk, beam, smile
  • Example: He grinned at me from the doorway.

4. Gasp

  • Definition: a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise
  • Synonyms: choke, snort
  • Example: “Help me!” he gasped.

5.   Giggle

  • Definition: to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way
  • Synonyms: chuckle, snicker
  • Example: She started to giggle, but Bob quelled her with a look.

6. Gloat

  • Definition: dwell on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with malignant pleasure
  • Synonyms: rejoice, exult
  • Example: She was continually gloating over her new job.

7. Gape

  • Definition: to look in great surprise at someone or something
  • Synonyms: glare, goggle
  • Example: Do you think our daughter will gape in awe when she sees her birthday present?

8. Grimace

  • Definition: to make an expression of pain or strong dislike
  • Synonyms: contort, scowl
  • Example: He tried to stand and grimaced with pain.

9. Gawk

  • Definition: to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way
  • Synonyms: glare, ogle, goggle
  • Example: Don’t sit there gawking like that – give me a hand!

10. Grovel

  • Definition: to abase or demean oneself
  • Synonyms: beseech, fawn, cringe
  • Example: I’ll apologize, but I won’t grovel just because I made a mistake.

Verbs That Start with G – Full List (100+)

  • Glance
  • Gang
  • Gush
  • Gauge
  • Glorify
  • Glamour
  • Grade
  • Glare
  • Gloss
  • Gussy
  • Grunt
  • Gad
  • Grouse
  • Gravitate
  • Gin
  • Grease
  • Garrote
  • Gut
  • Gag
  • Gratify
  • Gnash
  • Get
  • Gurgle
  • Gather
  • Grass
  • Grace
  • Glory
  • Groove
  • Groom
  • Guess
  • Glad-hand
  • Greet
  • Gyrate
  • Glisten
  • Gloat
  • Glimmer
  • Grin
  • Grate
  • Gallop
  • Gravel
  • Ghost
  • Gab
  • Grapple
  • Guzzle
  • Grope
  • Grub
  • Grimace
  • Glaze
  • Granulate
  • Glow
  • Graduate
  • Grow
  • Gladden
  • Gift
  • Guide
  • Garnish
  • Germinate
  • Gasp
  • Generalize
  • Gamble
  • Game
  • Gash
  • Guillotine
  • Garble
  • Generate
  • Gobble
  • Giggle
  • Gulp
  • Graze
  • Glean
  • Galvanize
  • Ground
  • Guarantee
  • Glad
  • Gesticulate
  • Google
  • Go
  • Guard
  • Grit
  • Globalize
  • Groan
  • Grovel
  • Gossip
  • Guest
  • Grant
  • Govern
  • Garden
  • Gawk
  • Gear
  • Gangrene
  • Goad
  • Gargle
  • Glue
  • Grip
  • Gnaw
  • Grain
  • Gird
  • Garland
  • Glamorize
  • Gun
  • Grill
  • Grasp
  • Garb
  • Gape
  • Guerdon
  • Glimpse
  • Gild
  • Grumble
  • Glide
  • Grubstake
  • Group
  • Glove
  • Guffaw
  • Gallivant
  • Gesture
  • Grok
  • Glister
  • Garner
  • Grind
  • Gentle
  • Gouge
  • Geld
  • Give
  • Gain
  • Grieve
  • Ginger
  • Graft
  • Gleam
  • Glitter
  • Grab

Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with G

Thank you for going through this article on verbs that start with G with such interest. Hopefully you would have found what you have been looking for. Kindly go through this article a couple of times, it will help you improve your English language skills and clear up any confusion you might have over the use of verbs that begin with G in your writings and interactions.

Although there are hundreds of verbs starting with G we didn’t include all of them here. The list of verbs given in this article has been carefully designed and it contains some fascinating verbs for you to learn.

Now that your reading has become systematic because of the categorization of verbs that start with G, you can add some more verbs to the above given categories, it will bring you great success.

People also search for positive words that start with Gadjectives that start with G and nouns that start with G.