In this article, we are going to talk about verbs that start with L. Verbs are words that describe an action or talk about something that happens. They take many different forms depending on their subjects, the time they refer to and other ideas we want to express.
It is a well-known fact that if you want to stand out from rest of the people around you, you must have a wide range of words at your disposal to perform and explain your actions, particularly verbs that start with L.
There are hundreds of verbs that begin with L that you must learn because they will make your speech and writing much more compact. We have designed for you an amazing collection of verbs that start with L. You must try to learn all of them because they will be a big help in perfecting your expressive language.
Let’s now dive into the following list of action words starting with L to make ourselves familiar with it. Try and memorize all the verbs given in this list.
Table of Contents
Verbs That Start with L You Always Use
There is a variety of verbs that we use in your day-to-day life, whether it is in writing or speaking. These are some of the verbs that start with L that we use regularly.
1. Live
- Definition: to make one’s home in a particular place or with a particular person
- Synonyms: reside, stay
- Example: He lives in Moscow.
2. Learn
- Definition: to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity
- Synonyms: acquire, grasp, master
- Example: He is learning French.
3. Leave
- Definition: go away from
- Synonyms: depart, go
- Example: She is going to leave for London on June 6.
4. Let
- Definition: to allow
- Synonyms: allow, permit
- Example: They would not let anyone go out.
5. Lie
- Definition: be in a horizontal position on a surface
- Synonyms: recline, rest, sprawl
- Example: He lies awake at night, worrying.
6. Look
- Definition: to direct one’s gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction
- Synonyms: glance, gaze, stare
- Example: People were looking at him.
7. Lay
- Definition: put something down gently or carefully
- Synonyms: put, place, set
- Example: She laid the baby on the bed.
8. Lose
- Definition: to no longer have something because you do not know where it is
- Synonyms: forget, misplace
- Example: I’ve lost my ticket.
9. Lack
- Definition: to be deficient or missing
- Synonyms: miss, require
- Example: Many of these people lack the basic necessities of life.
10. List
- Definition: to make a list of
- Synonyms: record, register
- Example: I’ve listed some useful reading material on the handout.
Verbs That Start with L You Usually Use
Verbs are an indispensable part of our daily lives. We can’t imagine communicating, writing, or reading without these verbs. Here are some verbs starting with L that we usually make use of.
1. Last
- Definition: to continue in time
- Synonyms: remain, continue, endure
- Example: The movie lasted about two hours.
2. Light
- Definition: to provide with light or lighting
- Synonyms: torch, fire
- Example: Please light the candles.
3. Load
- Definition: to put a lot of things into a vehicle or machine
- Synonyms: fill up, pack, stuff
- Example: How long will it take to load this sand onto the lorry?
4. Lend
- Definition: to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back
- Synonyms: loan, grant
- Example: Stewart asked me to lend him my car.
5. Land
- Definition: to arrive on the ground or other surface after moving down through the air
- Synonyms: arrive, touch, settle
- Example: We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m.
6. Limit
- Definition: to control something so that it is not greater than a particular amount, number, or level
- Synonyms: restrict, check
- Example: I’ve been asked to limit my speech to ten minutes maximum.
7. Line
- Definition: to form a row along the side of something
- Synonyms: bound, fringe, border
- Example: Thousands of people lined the streets to watch the presidential procession pass by.
8. Link
- Definition: to make, form, or suggest a connection with or between
- Synonyms: associate, connect, relate
- Example: All our workstations are linked together with each other.
9. Lecture
- Definition: to deliver an educational lecture
- Synonyms: expatiate, teach, speak
- Example: He was lecturing at the University of Birmingham.
10. Locate
- Definition: to discover the exact place or position of
- Synonyms: find, discover, pinpoint
- Example: Engineers were working very hard to locate the fault in the electrical system.
Verbs That Start with L You Often Use
Verbs are very important for language development because they help us build sentences. Following is a list of verbs beginning with L that we often use to build phrases and sentences.
1. Launch
- Definition: start or set in motion an activity or enterprise
- Synonyms: start, begin
- Example: The programme was launched a year ago.
2. Leak
- Definition: (of a liquid or gas) to escape from a hole or crack in a pipe or container
- Synonyms: seep, escape
- Example: Water was leaking from the pipe.
3. Lean
- Definition: be in or move into a sloping position
- Synonyms: slant, incline, bend
- Example: He leaned back in his chair.
4. Lick
- Definition: pass the tongue over something in order to taste
- Synonyms: wet, moisten
- Example: She licked the sauce off her finger.
5. Latch
- Definition: fasten a door or gate with a latch
- Synonyms: fasten, secure
- Example: She latched the door carefully.
6. Level
- Definition: to make a surface flat
- Synonyms: flatten, smooth
- Example: Level the wet cement before it sets.
7. Lure
- Definition: tempt a person to do something, especially by offering some form of reward
- Synonyms: tempt, entice, attract
- Example: The child was lured into a car.
8. Lock
- Definition: to secure something with a lock
- Synonyms: secure, seal
- Example: He forgot to lock the car.
9. Legalize
- Definition: make (something that was previously illegal) permissible by law
- Synonyms: decriminalize, legitimize
- Example: They wanted to legalize gambling in this city.
10. Lead
- Definition: to guide on a way
- Synonyms: show, guide
- Example: He led the officers to his hiding place.
Verbs That Start with L You Sometimes Use
Verbs are the building blocks of phrases, clauses and sentences; they are needed for the creation of a complete thought. Following is a list of verbs starting with letter L that we sometimes use in our everyday lives.
1. Lodge
- Definition: to make an official complaint about something
- Synonyms: submit, register, enter
- Example: The US lodged a formal protest against the arrest of the foreign reporters.
2. Leverage
- Definition: to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better
- Synonyms: employ, wield
- Example: The organization needs to leverage its key resources.
3. Labor
- Definition: to work hard; to make great effort
- Synonyms: toil, work
- Example: They labored from dawn to dusk.
4. Laminate
- Definition: overlay a flat surface, especially paper, with a layer of plastic
- Synonyms: cover, overlay, coat
- Example: We will laminate your photos in clear plastic.
5. Loiter
- Definition: to move slowly around or stand in a public place without an obvious reason
- Synonyms: linger, potter, skulk
- Example: She saw Mary loitering near the cinema.
6. Liberate
- Definition: to free (something, such as a country) from domination by a foreign power
- Synonyms: discharge, free, release
- Example: The prisoners have been liberated.
7. Lubricate
- Definition: to use a substance such as oil to make a machine operate more easily
- Synonyms: oil, grease
- Example: A car engine needs to be well lubricated with oil.
8. Leather
- Definition: beat or thrash someone
- Synonyms: beat, strap, belt
- Example: He leathered him severely.
9. Legislate
- Definition: to make or enact laws
- Synonyms: constitute, appoint, commission
- Example: They legislated against discrimination in the workplace.
10. Leapfrog
- Definition: to improve your position by going past other people quickly
- Synonyms: plunge, rise, upsurge
- Example: They’ve leapfrogged from third to first place.
Verbs That Start with L You Occasionally Use
Some verbs are either more complex or just simply less frequent than others. Following is a list of verb words that start with L that are occasionally used in our writings and conversations.
1. Lambast
- Definition: criticize someone harshly
- Synonyms: criticize, castigate, chastise
- Example: The professor lambasted me for my careless mistake.
2. Lobby
- Definition: seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue
- Synonyms: influence, persuade, sway
- Example: Small businesses have lobbied hard against changes in the tax laws.
3. Levy
- Definition: to impose a tax, fee, or fine
- Synonyms: impose, charge, exact
- Example: A tax of two per cent was levied on all cargoes.
4. Lampoon
- Definition: to publicly criticize someone by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm
- Synonyms: satirize, mock, ridicule
- Example: The actor was lampooned by the press.
5. Lard
- Definition: insert strips of fat or bacon in (meat) before cooking
- Synonyms: grease, oil
- Example: The roast was larded with bacon.
6. Lather
- Definition: to produce a lather from soap, or to cover something or someone in lather
- Synonyms: scrub, sponge
- Example: He stood under the shower lathering himself with the soap.
7. Libel
- Definition: to defame someone by publishing a libel
- Synonyms: defame, malign
- Example: The jury found that he was libeled by a newspaper.
8. Litigate
- Definition: resort to legal action to settle a matter
- Synonyms: prosecute, contest
- Example: They agreed to litigate all disputes in this court.
9. Ligate
- Definition: tie up an artery or vessel
- Synonyms: bandage, bind, dress
- Example: The uterine artery was ligated by the surgeon.
10. Liquidate
- Definition: to cause a business to close, so that its assets can be sold to pay its debts
- Synonyms: reimburse, repay, clear
- Example: The owners were ordered to liquidate the company and pay their creditors.
Verbs That Start with L You Seldom Use
There are some verbs that are used to a minimal extent in our daily lives. By going through the list given below, confirm it for yourself how many of these action verbs starting with L have you heard of?
1. Levitate
- Definition: rise or cause to rise and hover in the air, typically by means of supposed magical powers
- Synonyms: float, surge, rise
- Example: I swear to God he levitated over the bar.
2. Lacerate
- Definition: tear or make deep cuts in flesh or skin
- Synonyms: cut, gash, slash
- Example: The point had lacerated his neck.
3. Lance
- Definition: to cut the skin with a sharp tool in order to release infected matter that has collected under it
- Synonyms: peck, pick, pierce,
- Example: Doctor lanced her boil this morning.
4. Leaven
- Definition: permeate and transform something for the better
- Synonyms: infuse, suffuse, imbue
- Example: He needs to leaven his speeches with more humor.
5. Lacquey
- Definition: behave in a servile way towards someone
- Synonyms: conduct, carry, act
- Example: He had lacqueyed and flattered Walpole.
6. Languish
- Definition: to exist in an unpleasant or unwanted situation, often for a long time
- Synonyms: rot, decay, deteriorate
- Example: He has been languishing in jail for the past 20 years.
7. Lucubrate
- Definition: write or study, especially by night
- Synonyms: elaborate, expatiate, expound
- Example: I shall go and lucubrate somewhere nice and quiet.
8. Lout
- Definition: to bow in respect
- Synonyms: stoop, bow
- Example: He louted as the queen passed by.
9. Limn
- Definition: to draw or paint
- Synonyms: picture, portray, draw
- Example: Miss Read limns a gentler world in her novels.
10. Lacquer
- Definition: to give a smooth finish or appearance to something
- Synonyms: gleam, glitter, shine
- Example: The stylist lacquered her hair.
Positive Verbs That Start with L
Among every category of verbs, some carry positive connotation whereas some do not. Following are some of the positive verbs that start with L that talk about positive actions and experiences.
1. Love
- Definition: feel deep affection for someone
- Synonyms: adore, cherish
- Example: He loves his wife dearly.
2. Like
- Definition: to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in
- Synonyms: want, fancy, admire
- Example: He likes baseball.
3. Laugh
- Definition: to show emotion (such as mirth, joy, or scorn) with a chuckle
- Synonyms: cackle, chortle
- Example: The audience was laughing hysterically.
4. Lift
- Definition: raise to a higher position or level
- Synonyms: raise, hoist, heave
- Example: He lifted his trophy over his head.
5. Lighten
- Definition: to make light, clear, interesting
- Synonyms: relieve, alleviate
- Example: She attempted a joke to lighten the atmosphere.
6. Luster
- Definition: to give luster or distinction to
- Synonyms: coruscate, flame, flash
- Example: Her pearl necklace lustered softly in the candlelight of the restaurant.
7. Lounge
- Definition: to stand or sit in a relaxed way
- Synonyms: relax, repose, rest
- Example: John was lounging on the sofa.
8. Lavish
- Definition: to expend or bestow with profusion
- Synonyms: heap, pour, shower
- Example: The media is lavishing praise on the film.
9. Legitimize
- Definition: to make legitimate
- Synonyms: validate, legitimate, permit
- Example: Elon Musk helped legitimize cryptocurrencies in the eyes of Wall Street investors.
10. Limber
- Definition: warm up in preparation for exercise or activity, especially sport or athletics
- Synonyms: prepare, practice, train
- Example: The acrobats were limbering up for the big show.
Verbs That Start with L to Describe a Person
Verbs also have the power of describing the state of being of a person, like the verbs am, is, be, feel, etc. Following are some of the verbs that start with L to describe a person. Try and add new L verbs to this list that can help us define a person.
1. Label
- Definition: to describe or designate someone with a label
- Synonyms: mark, tag, ticket
- Example: William has been labelled as a bad guy.
2. Leap
- Definition: to achieve something suddenly, usually fame, power, or importance
- Synonyms: soar, succeed
- Example: He leapt to fame after his appearance in a Broadway play.
3. Limp
- Definition: to walk lamely
- Synonyms: halt, hobble
- Example: The injured player limped off the field.
4. Long
- Definition: to feel a strong desire or craving
- Synonyms: want, desire, craving
- Example: She longed for a little more excitement.
5. Lark
- Definition: to engage in harmless fun or mischief
- Synonyms: cavort, disport, frisk
- Example: We would rather lark about in the summer than get part-time jobs.
6. Linger
- Definition: to be slow in parting or in quitting something
- Synonyms: crawl, creep
- Example: The fans lingered outside the door.
7. Lag
- Definition: fail to keep up with another or others in movement or development
- Synonyms: dawdle, straggle, linger
- Example: They waited for Tim who was lagging behind.
8. Lord
- Definition: to act like a lord
- Synonyms: domineer, dominate
- Example: He lords it over his friends.
9. Lynch
- Definition: to kill someone for an alleged offence without a legal trial
- Synonyms: hang, execute, kill
- Example: Her father had been lynched for a crime he didn’t commit.
10. Lionize
- Definition: to treat someone as an object of great interest or importance
- Synonyms: celebrate, fete, glorify
- Example: She was lionized everywhere after her novel won the Pulitzer Prize.
Verbs That Start with L – Full List (200+)
- Librate
- Lavish
- Lithograph
- Leak
- Limp
- Lib
- Lord
- Limn
- Larn
- Lampoon
- Levitate
- Launder
- Leach
- Lantern
- Lawe
- Linger
- Lounge
- Lambaste
- Loosen
- Localize
- Litigate
- Liberalize
- Lip
- Lour
- Lag
- Langure
- Loan
- Lighten
- Lapidate
- Luge
- Locomote
- Lie
- Lap
- Lech
- Liquor
- Larrup
- Lard
- Luminesce
- Leave
- Lacerate
- Landscape
- Lithotype
- Leash
- Louse
- Lute
- Lube
- Lumber
- Luncheon
- Lactate
- Laze
- Labour
- Lank
- Lux
- Lattice
- Labor
- Link
- Legislate
- Litter
- Londonize
- Loo
- Lull
- Laminate
- Ladle
- Line
- Latibulize
- Lacquer
- Latch
- Levant
- Laureate
- Lengthen
- Lame
- Leaguer
- Lade
- Leer
- Lear
- Lynch
- Lath
- Level
- Lam
- Laniate
- Latrate
- Lather
- Lurk
- Lifen
- Lance
- Lappet
- License
- Last
- Lecher
- Lark
- Lose
- Lash
- Liquidize
- Loll
- Loose
- Legalize
- Lachrymate
- Learn
- List
- Lessen
- Ladder
- Lay
- Levy
- Lill
- Legitimize
- Lake
- Liberate
- Lumine
- Lapidify
- League
- Liaise
- Lowball
- Laveer
- Lapse
- Labefy
- Light
- Lustrate
- Lodge
- Lob
- Liquate
- Leech
- Loot
- Lare
- Let
- Length
- Lack
- Lobby
- Leather
- Legitimatize
- Loathe
- Lop
- Lese
- Lyophilize
- Love
- Live
- Linearize
- Lubricate
- Lurch
- Levigate
- Lime
- Lanch
- Legend
- Leap
- Like
- Laden
- Limit
- Languish
- Liquefy
- Ladify
- Lout
- Lisp
- Ligature
- Luxate
- Lopper
- Luminate
- Lace
- Lollygag
- Lin
- Load
- Letheonize
- Lament
- Loricate
- Ligate
- Laugh
- Lust
- Loom
- Laconize
- Long
- Lead
- Lignify
- Lege
- Loiter
- Loft
- Language
- Lamb
- Liss
- Launch
- Lethargize
- Lariat
- Lambast
- Leaf
- Lig
- Legitimate
- Limbec
- Laud
- Lecture
- Lateralize
- Loam
- Lever
- Lasso
- Lift
- Leese
- Lustre
- Luxuriate
- Leg
- Lixiviate
- Lesson
- Lope
- Limber
- Lure
- Laicize
- Lunch
- Liquify
- Louden
- Lipread
- Lend
- Lucubrate
- Lump
- Labiate
- Loop
- Lunge
- Loaf
- Lionize
- Latinize
- Lenify
- Lusk
- Look
- Lave
- Libel
- Lock
- Label
- Log
- Lilt
- Lexicalize
- Lean
- Low
- Lease
- Locate
- Lot
- Limb
- Leverage
- Levee
- Lug
- Lower
- Lipstick
- Luster
- Land
- Lithe
- Labialize
- Lollop
- Liquidate
- Lick
- Luff
- Literalize
- Lige
Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with L
Thank you for avidly reading this article on verbs that start with L. Now that you have learnt these verbs starting with L, the next step is also very critical for you, and that comprises the practical application of these verbs in phrases and sentences that you either write or utter.
Practically applying these verbs that begin with L in your daily life routine will not just enhance your skill level but will also groom your expressive language. You will be able to achieve excellence in your speech and writing, if you learn the art of using these verbs correctly.
After finishing this article, there is one more thing that you can do. There are many more verbs that start with L that you can include in each of the above given categories. If you do that it will better your learning experience even further.
People also search for positive words that start with L, adjectives that start with L and nouns that start with L.
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