
300+ Verbs That Start with R | Huge List with Definitions and Examples

For exploring the unlimited spheres of universe amidst its unbelievable beauty, verbs that start with R can whisk us away to magical lands filled with endless wonder. We use the verbs that begin with R all day, every day as a way to dissect verbs with our children or students, or a new way to add to our vocabulary.

The letter R stands tall somewhere in the last of the alphabets. Nothing beats a robust vocabulary and with some verbs that start with R in your back pocket, you’ll be well positioned to brighten up your next piece of writing or speech.

The action words starting with R are a great addition to an already-robust vocabulary which can help you improve your English skills.

Do you prefer to read, reason, or ramble? How about reading your favorite book while you reason out the plot and ramble through the countryside? R-verbs can add some serious spice to our literary lives.

You can build a nice vocabulary for describing actions and a state of being or condition through the verbs that start with R. We hope so you will get much of this list of R-verbs. Enjoy it and have a great day!

Verbs That Start with R You Always Use

Learning English from scratch can be an exhilarating experience. It can be both exciting and terrifying to master your ABCs in a totally different language and to practice this list of some commonly used verbs that start with R:

1. Reach

  • Definition: arrive at; get as far as
  • Synonyms: get to, come to
  • Example: He reached across the table to squeeze her hand.

2. Read

  • Definition: look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed
  • Synonyms: peruse, study, look through
  • Example: It’s the best novel I’ve ever read.

3. React

  • Definition: act in response to something; respond in a particular way
  • Synonyms: behave, act, take it
  • Example: He reacted angrily to the news of his dismissal.

4. Reason

  • Definition: think, understand, and form judgements logically
  • Synonyms: cogitate, calculate, conclude
  • Example: He reasoned that both statements couldn’t be true.

5. Record

  • Definition: set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference
  • Synonyms: write down, put down, set down
  • Example: You should record all your expenses during your trip.

6. Remove

  • Definition: take (something) away or off from the position occupied
  • Synonyms: detach, unfasten, take out
  • Example: Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.

7. Relax

  • Definition: make or become less tense or anxious
  • Synonyms: moderate, temper, modify
  • Example: He relaxed and smiled confidently.

8. Reduce

  • Definition: make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size
  • Synonyms: lessen, lower, bring down
  • Example: Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.

9. Refer

  • Definition: mention or allude to
  • Synonyms: mention, attach on, note
  • Example: I promised not to refer to the matter again.

10. Reject

  • Definition: dismiss as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty
  • Synonyms: decline, refuse, deny
  • Example: My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.

Verbs That Start with R You Usually Use

Common verbs aren’t only awesome to know, but they’re super useful because they’re (you guessed it) super common in everyday conversation. Let’s take a glance over few of the most common verbs starting with R in the following list:

1. Recall

  • Definition: bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one’s mind; remember
  • Synonyms: recollect, think of, look back on
  • Example: I don’t recall what time they said they would be here.

2. Recover

  • Definition: find or regain possession of (something stolen or lost)
  • Synonyms: retrieve, take back, recapture
  • Example: Police recovered a stolen mobile phone.

3. Repair

  • Definition: restore (something damaged, faulty, or worn) to a good condition
  • Synonyms: mend, restore, service
  • Example: We’ll repair it as quickly as possible.

4. Replace

  • Definition: take the place of
  • Synonyms: put back, return
  • Example: The new design will eventually replace all existing models.

5. Restore

  • Definition: bring back or re-establish (a previous right, practice, or situation)
  • Synonyms: put back, replace, reinstate
  • Example: The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.

6. Roast

  • Definition: cook (food, especially meat) by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire
  • Synonyms: cook, bake, grill
  • Example: She was going to roast a leg of mutton for Sunday dinner.

7. Run

  • Definition: move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time
  • Synonyms: sprint, race, dart
  • Example: He can run very fast.

8. Remember

  • Definition: have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past)
  • Synonyms: recall, recollect, think of
  • Example: My aunt always remembers my birthday.

9. Race

  • Definition: move or progress swiftly or at full speed
  • Synonyms: hurry, dash, run
  • Example: I raced into the house.

10. Rain

  • Definition: rain falls
  • Synonyms: beat down, rash down, lash down
  • Example: It was still raining heavily.

Verbs That Start with R You Often Use

Verbs beginning with R are an integral part of complete English sentences. Furthermore, because of the fact that these verbs are so common, they’ll be incredibly useful to a English learner who’s just starting out.

1. Raise

  • Definition: lift or move to a higher position or level
  • Synonyms: lift, elevate, upraise
  • Example: She raised both arms above her head.

2. Rate

  • Definition: assign a standard or value to (something) according to a particular scale
  • Synonyms: assess, evaluate, judge
  • Example: The university is highly rated for its research.

3. Readjust

  • Definition: set or adjust (something) again
  • Synonyms: rearrange, regulate, reset
  • Example: I readjusted the rear-view mirror.

4. Realize

  • Definition: become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly
  • Synonyms: register, perceive, understand
  • Example: He realized his mistake at once.

5. Rage

  • Definition: feel or express violent uncontrollable anger
  • Synonyms: seethe, storm, rave
  • Example: She raged about the injustice of their decision.

6. Rely

  • Definition: depend on with full trust or confidence
  • Synonyms: depend, count, plan
  • Example: You cannot rely completely on others.

7. Rebuild

  • Definition: build (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed
  • Synonyms: reconstruct, renovate, restore
  • Example: After the earthquake people set about rebuilding their homes.

8. Receive

  • Definition: be given, presented with, or paid (something)
  • Synonyms: collect, accept, obtain
  • Example: She received a complaint from a customer.

9. Recharge

  • Definition: restore electrical energy in (a battery or a battery-operated device) by connecting it to a power supply
  • Synonyms: energize, refresh, regenerate
  • Example: He plugged his phone in to recharge it.

10. Recite

  • Definition: say aloud (a series of names, facts, etc.)
  • Synonyms: enumerate, list, detail
  • Example: She recited the dates and names of kings and queens.

Verbs That Start with R You Sometimes Use

As you advance and continue to immerse yourself, you’ll run into other surprises like to learn and memorize the verbs you use sometimes. Let’s glance over a list of few sometimes used verbs starting with letter R in the following list:

1. Recognize

  • Definition: identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again
  • Synonyms: acknowledge, accept, realize
  • Example: I can always recognize him from far away by the way he walks.

2. Recommend

  • Definition: put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role
  • Synonyms: advocate, endorse, suggest
  • Example: Which restaurant do you recommend?

3. Refund

  • Definition: pay back (money), typically to a customer who is not satisfied with goods or services bought
  • Synonyms: repay, give back, return
  • Example: We’ll refund your money if you aren’t satisfied.

4. Recount

  • Definition: tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience
  • Synonyms: tell, relate, describe
  • Example: He recounted his adventures since he had left home.

5. Recruit

  • Definition: enlist (someone) in the armed forces
  • Synonyms: enlist, sign up, enrol
  • Example: The police are trying to recruit more black and Asian officers.

6. Rectify

  • Definition: put right; correct
  • Synonyms: correct, right, amend
  • Example: You should rectify your error before it is too late.

7. Refresh

  • Definition: give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate
  • Synonyms: revitalize, revive, restore
  • Example: The shower had refreshed her.

8. Recycle

  • Definition: convert (waste) into reusable material
  • Synonyms: reuse, reprocess, reclaim
  • Example: They’re studying various ways to recycle garbage into fuel.

9. Refill

  • Definition: fill (a container) again
  • Synonyms: reload, repack, replenish
  • Example: Drink up, then I’ll refill your glass.

10. Refine

  • Definition: remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance), typically as part of an industrial process
  • Synonyms: purify, clarify, clear
  • Example: The inventor of the machine spent years refining the design.

Verbs That Start with R You Occasionally Use

There’s a whole world of rare verbs out there, just waiting to add style and sophistication to your vocabulary. Once you see how smoothly they make your English flow, you’ll never want to stop using them. Let’s stroll down through this list of some rare verb words that start with R:

1. Rape

  • Definition: to force someone to have sex when they are unwilling, using violence or threatening behaviour
  • Synonyms: sexual assault, criminal assault, violation
  • Example: She was pulled from the car and raped.

2. Recur

  • Definition: occur again periodically or repeatedly
  • Synonyms: reoccur, come and go, return
  • Example: There is only a slight chance that the disease will recur.

3. Recollect

  • Definition: remember (something); call to mind
  • Synonyms: remember, recall, think of
  • Example: She couldn’t recollect who had mentioned his name in the first place.

4. Reform

  • Definition: make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it
  • Synonyms: improve, better, correct
  • Example: Who will reform Britain’s unfair electoral system?

5. Refuse

  • Definition: indicate or show that one is not willing to do something
  • Synonyms: decline, turn down, reject
  • Example: We refuse to talk to terrorists.

6. Regret

  • Definition: feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over
  • Synonyms: rue, lament, deplore
  • Example: She immediately regretted her words.

7. Regularize

  • Definition: make (something) regular
  • Synonyms: order, arrange, set up
  • Example: Within three months, you should regularize your stay.

8. Rehearse

  • Definition: practise (a play, piece of music, or other work) for later public performance
  • Synonyms: prepare, practise, try out
  • Example: We were rehearsing a radio play.

9. Rejoice

  • Definition: feel or show great joy or delight
  • Synonyms: happiness, pleasure, joy
  • Example: We spent the evening rejoicing at our victory.

10. Remind

  • Definition: cause (someone) to remember someone or something
  • Synonyms: prompt, nudge
  • Example: Remind me to buy some groceries after work.

Verbs That Start with R You Seldom Use

The sheer amount of rare verbs out there will discombobulate you, if you stop and cogitate. Seriously, cogitate for a moment with us about some action verbs starting with R in the English language that are rarely used.

1. Relegate

  • Definition: assign an inferior rank or position to
  • Synonyms: downgrade, lower, demote
  • Example: She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job.

2. Relish

  • Definition: enjoy greatly
  • Synonyms: love, adore, like
  • Example: I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.

3. Remunerate

  • Definition: pay (someone) for services rendered or work done
  • Synonyms: pay, reward, reimburse
  • Example: They should be remunerated fairly for their work.

4. Renovate

  • Definition: restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair
  • Synonyms: modernize, restore, refurbish
  • Example: The old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house.

5. Repatriate

  • Definition: send (someone) back to their own country
  • Synonyms: exclude, extradite, deport
  • Example: Italy is using military helicopters to repatriate 292 Albanian refugees.

6. Repent

  • Definition: feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one’s wrongdoing or sin
  • Synonyms: regret, rue
  • Example: Never too late to repent.

7. Repress

  • Definition: subdue (someone or something) by force
  • Synonyms: supress, quell, quash
  • Example: The government was quick to repress any opposition.

8. Reprimand                         

  • Definition: address a reprimand to
  • Synonyms: rebuke, admonish
  • Example: Officials were reprimanded for poor work.

9. Relocate

  • Definition: move to a new place and establish one’s home or business there
  • Synonyms: transfer, move back, decamp
  • Example: Sixty workers could face redundancy because the firm is relocating.

10. Reiterate

  • Definition: say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity
  • Synonyms: repeat, retell, restate
  • Example: Let me reiterate the most important points.

Positive Verbs That Start with R

The English language is full of many beautiful and positive verbs. Often these verbs trigger a specific memory, pleasant thought or a dream in our minds. Let’s dive in the sea of verbs and pluck few positive verbs that start with R in the below list:

1. Radiate

  • Definition: emit (energy, especially light or heat) in the form of rays or waves
  • Synonyms: emit, discharge, diffuse
  • Example: The sun radiates heat and light.

2. Rally

  • Definition: recover or cause to recover in health, spirits, or poise
  • Synonyms: recover, improve, revive
  • Example: He floundered for a moment, then rallied again.

3. Ravish

  • Definition: to give great pleasure to someone
  • Synonyms: delight, enchant
  • Example: I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.

4. Reassure

  • Definition: say or do something to remove the doubts or fears of (someone)
  • Synonyms: console, cheer up, comfort
  • Example: He tried to reassure me that my mother would be okay.

5. Regard

  • Definition: consider or think of in a specified way
  • Synonyms: consider, look on, view
  • Example: He regards himself as a patriot.

6. Release

  • Definition: allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free
  • Synonyms: free, let go, liberate
  • Example: The judge released the prisoner.

7. Relieve

  • Definition: cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious
  • Synonyms: alleviate, mitigate, soothe
  • Example: Drugs helped to relieve the pain.

8. Remedy

  • Definition: set right (an undesirable situation)
  • Synonyms: right, rectify, solve
  • Example: The conflict can be remedied by scheduling the meeting for next week.

9. Renew

  • Definition: resume (an activity) after an interruption
  • Synonyms: resume, start again, recommence
  • Example: The parents renewed their campaign to save the school.

10. Respect

  • Definition: admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements
  • Synonyms: esteem, admire, appreciate
  • Example: She was respected by everyone she worked with.

Verbs That Start with R to Describe a Person

The descriptive R verbs that appeal to us are often very personal and the feelings they trigger are essentially unique to you. Let’s stroll down through a list of some verbs that start with R to describe a person:

1. Revitalize

  • Definition: imbue (something) with new life and vitality
  • Synonyms: re-energize, reinvigorate, fortify
  • Example: Gentle massage will revitalize your skin.

2. Reward

  • Definition: give something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or achievements
  • Synonyms: recompense, pay, remunerate
  • Example: She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus.

3. Reverence

  • Definition: regard or treat with deep respect
  • Synonyms: respect, admire, appreciate
  • Example: We reverenced the academy’s code of honor.

4. Rise

  • Definition: move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up
  • Synonyms: stand up, get up, jump up
  • Example: He rose to his full height and leaned across the table.

5. Ripen

  • Definition: become or make ripe
  • Synonyms: develop, grow, progress
  • Example: The tomatoes finished ripening on the windowsill.

6. Romance

  • Definition: engage in a love affair
  • Synonyms: love life, flirtation, relationship
  • Example: We started romancing.

7. Represent

  • Definition: be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity
  • Synonyms: act for, speak for
  • Example: She represented the United States in figure skating at the Olympics.

8. Rollick

  • Definition: act or behave in a jovial and exuberant fashion
  • Synonyms: frolic, frisk, romp
  • Example: Restaurants and bars were open, and people sat together at tables, somehow rollicking with laughter.

9. Rouse

  • Definition: cause to stop sleeping
  • Synonyms: wake, wake up, awaken
  • Example: She was roused from a deep sleep by a hand on her shoulder.

10. Roll

  • Definition: move in a particular direction by turning over and over on an axis
  • Synonyms: spin, rotate, bowl
  • Example: The car rolled down into a ditch.

Verbs That Start with R – Full List (300+)

  • Recite
  • Remodel
  • Romanize
  • Return
  • Report
  • Renounce
  • Refrigerate
  • Refer
  • Regild
  • Reerect
  • Resound
  • Rust
  • Replant
  • Repute
  • Rejoin
  • Redound
  • Rail
  • Ransack
  • Resell
  • Rifle
  • Reshape
  • Repel
  • Reunite
  • Ratify
  • Realize
  • Remount
  • Rake
  • Reoccupy
  • Remember
  • Repent
  • Reside
  • Reach
  • Reproach
  • Retain
  • Redden
  • Recapture
  • Reinsert
  • Redouble
  • Restrain
  • Reinstate
  • Reanimate
  • Rebuff
  • Repolish
  • Remelt
  • Resume
  • Recharge
  • Recognize
  • Regurgitate
  • Repack
  • Reassemble
  • Reinsure
  • Rid
  • Require
  • Reimpose
  • Reseat
  • Relieve
  • Rally
  • Reprobate
  • Represent
  • Remedy
  • Reason
  • Ring
  • Respect
  • Rest
  • Rule
  • Round
  • Reject
  • Retire
  • Radiate
  • Reward
  • Repeat
  • Reign
  • Regraft
  • Recommend
  • Reconsider
  • Ramify
  • Recall
  • Ruin
  • Reform
  • Regress
  • Retract
  • Redistribute
  • Remain
  • Regulate
  • Reopen
  • Rumble
  • Reabsorb
  • Reassure
  • Rummage
  • Rebuke
  • Reinvest
  • Requisition
  • Reinvigorate
  • Reexamine
  • Relish
  • Roam
  • Reaffirm
  • Reel
  • Reverberate
  • Repatriate
  • Repay
  • Rent
  • Retry
  • Reiterate
  • Rig
  • Relapse
  • Relax
  • Roughhew
  • Recompose
  • Remake
  • Republicanize
  • Rock
  • Retake
  • Reconcile
  • Relay
  • Rekindle
  • Revere
  • Rob
  • Reincorporate
  • Raid
  • Reverse
  • Rain
  • Rehearse
  • Resent
  • Respire
  • Reengage
  • Reserve
  • Reconvert
  • Rib
  • Race
  • Remarry
  • Repudiate
  • Refit
  • Refine
  • Repeal
  • Resupply
  • Reenter
  • Rouge
  • Rival
  • Ripen
  • Result
  • Rebuild
  • Ridiculize
  • Recur
  • Rinse
  • Reconfirm
  • Rip
  • Release
  • Restore
  • Rivet
  • Recede
  • Retranslate
  • Roll
  • Relate
  • React
  • Revert
  • Rouse
  • Replace
  • Renovate
  • Rein
  • Revive
  • Reap
  • Retort
  • Refurnish
  • Reissue
  • Reload
  • Rescue
  • Ruffle
  • Radicalize
  • Reestablish
  • Revitalize
  • Retaliate
  • Relegate
  • Revise
  • Rave
  • Ripple
  • Recline
  • Roughcast
  • Recap
  • Reassume
  • Rhyme
  • Reveal
  • Revisit
  • Reprint
  • Reembark
  • Romance
  • Republish
  • Rollick
  • Repress
  • Rot
  • Recuperate
  • Regenerate
  • Row
  • Reinstall
  • Reconsolidate
  • Relearn
  • Recover
  • Rat
  • Regain
  • Rebel
  • Refresh
  • Retouch
  • Ravage
  • Rear
  • Respond
  • Rage
  • Reply
  • Reascend
  • Reek
  • Ridicule
  • Recruit
  • Rectify
  • Rejuvenate
  • Rub
  • Revile
  • Reappear
  • Rename
  • Retail
  • Retrograde
  • Recount
  • Resolve
  • Rape
  • Recommence
  • Remunerate
  • Romp
  • Rustle
  • Record
  • Refill
  • Resist
  • Revolt
  • Ruminate
  • Rack
  • Remind
  • Recycle
  • Request
  • Refashion
  • Reorganize
  • Reckon
  • Root
  • Reimburse
  • Repair
  • Reprimand
  • Roast
  • Refute
  • Resemble
  • Realign
  • Rasp
  • Reduce
  • Recollect
  • Reapply
  • Relocate
  • Readjust
  • Readmit
  • Reflect
  • Rebaptize
  • Ride
  • Redraw
  • Renew
  • Recross
  • Reconquer
  • Redesign
  • Rejoice
  • Redo
  • Resort
  • Rationalize
  • Resow
  • Run
  • Rarefy
  • Regrind
  • Reciprocate
  • Reboot
  • Redeem
  • Reemerge
  • Reproduce
  • Rotate
  • Ridge
  • Reintegrate
  • Rebound
  • Recapitulate
  • Ramp
  • Recriminate
  • Receive
  • Resign
  • Resuscitate
  • Review
  • Rise
  • Rate
  • Revolutionize
  • Rehabilitate
  • Risk
  • Refuse
  • Roar
  • Restrict
  • Reenlist
  • Rough
  • Recast
  • Rap
  • Recut
  • Ration
  • Rapture
  • Regularize
  • Ramble
  • Recreate
  • Reverence
  • Riot
  • Reinforce
  • Repaint
  • Raise
  • Reclaim
  • Rattle
  • Run-After
  • Reset
  • Regard
  • Ravish
  • Regret
  • Retrace
  • Refund
  • Reheat
  • Rush
  • Register
  • Rediscover
  • Remove
  • Read
  • Reintroduce
  • Refract

Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with R

We hope your stroll through this list of verbs that start with R was a rich, robust, restful, rosy and relaxing time. While there are other collections that have a longer list of verbs starting with R, we decided to omit those verbs that are very obscure or rarely ever used.

We hope your feast of verbs that begin with R was a magnificent one and that you were able to find the perfect words for whatever you needed, whether it be for a card, text, Instagram post or just a vocabulary booster.

Please return here whenever you need more verbs and share this collection of verbs that start with R. Come back and visit us often! We will be right here waiting for you.

People also search for positive words that start with Radjectives that start with R and nouns that start with R.