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300+ Verbs That Start with R | Huge List with Definitions and Examples


For exploring the unlimited spheres of universe amidst its unbelievable beauty, verbs that start with R can whisk us away to magical lands filled with endless wonder. We use the verbs that begin with R all day, every day as a way to dissect verbs with our children or students, or a new way to add to our vocabulary.

The letter R stands tall somewhere in the last of the alphabets. Nothing beats a robust vocabulary and with some verbs that start with R in your back pocket, you’ll be well positioned to brighten up your next piece of writing or speech.

The action words starting with R are a great addition to an already-robust vocabulary which can help you improve your English skills.

Do you prefer to read, reason, or ramble? How about reading your favorite book while you reason out the plot and ramble through the countryside? R-verbs can add some serious spice to our literary lives.

You can build a nice vocabulary for describing actions and a state of being or condition through the verbs that start with R. We hope so you will get much of this list of R-verbs. Enjoy it and have a great day!

Verbs That Start with R You Always Use

Learning English from scratch can be an exhilarating experience. It can be both exciting and terrifying to master your ABCs in a totally different language and to practice this list of some commonly used verbs that start with R:

1. Reach

2. Read

3. React

4. Reason

5. Record

6. Remove

7. Relax

8. Reduce

9. Refer

10. Reject

Verbs That Start with R You Usually Use

Common verbs aren’t only awesome to know, but they’re super useful because they’re (you guessed it) super common in everyday conversation. Let’s take a glance over few of the most common verbs starting with R in the following list:

1. Recall

2. Recover

3. Repair

4. Replace

5. Restore

6. Roast

7. Run

8. Remember

9. Race

10. Rain

Verbs That Start with R You Often Use

Verbs beginning with R are an integral part of complete English sentences. Furthermore, because of the fact that these verbs are so common, they’ll be incredibly useful to a English learner who’s just starting out.

1. Raise

2. Rate

3. Readjust

4. Realize

5. Rage

6. Rely

7. Rebuild

8. Receive

9. Recharge

10. Recite

Verbs That Start with R You Sometimes Use

As you advance and continue to immerse yourself, you’ll run into other surprises like to learn and memorize the verbs you use sometimes. Let’s glance over a list of few sometimes used verbs starting with letter R in the following list:

1. Recognize

2. Recommend

3. Refund

4. Recount

5. Recruit

6. Rectify

7. Refresh

8. Recycle

9. Refill

10. Refine

Verbs That Start with R You Occasionally Use

There’s a whole world of rare verbs out there, just waiting to add style and sophistication to your vocabulary. Once you see how smoothly they make your English flow, you’ll never want to stop using them. Let’s stroll down through this list of some rare verb words that start with R:

1. Rape

2. Recur

3. Recollect

4. Reform

5. Refuse

6. Regret

7. Regularize

8. Rehearse

9. Rejoice

10. Remind

Verbs That Start with R You Seldom Use

The sheer amount of rare verbs out there will discombobulate you, if you stop and cogitate. Seriously, cogitate for a moment with us about some action verbs starting with R in the English language that are rarely used.

1. Relegate

2. Relish

3. Remunerate

4. Renovate

5. Repatriate

6. Repent

7. Repress

8. Reprimand                         

9. Relocate

10. Reiterate

Positive Verbs That Start with R

The English language is full of many beautiful and positive verbs. Often these verbs trigger a specific memory, pleasant thought or a dream in our minds. Let’s dive in the sea of verbs and pluck few positive verbs that start with R in the below list:

1. Radiate

2. Rally

3. Ravish

4. Reassure

5. Regard

6. Release

7. Relieve

8. Remedy

9. Renew

10. Respect

Verbs That Start with R to Describe a Person

The descriptive R verbs that appeal to us are often very personal and the feelings they trigger are essentially unique to you. Let’s stroll down through a list of some verbs that start with R to describe a person:

1. Revitalize

2. Reward

3. Reverence

4. Rise

5. Ripen

6. Romance

7. Represent

8. Rollick

9. Rouse

10. Roll

Verbs That Start with R – Full List (300+)

Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with R

We hope your stroll through this list of verbs that start with R was a rich, robust, restful, rosy and relaxing time. While there are other collections that have a longer list of verbs starting with R, we decided to omit those verbs that are very obscure or rarely ever used.

We hope your feast of verbs that begin with R was a magnificent one and that you were able to find the perfect words for whatever you needed, whether it be for a card, text, Instagram post or just a vocabulary booster.

Please return here whenever you need more verbs and share this collection of verbs that start with R. Come back and visit us often! We will be right here waiting for you.

People also search for positive words that start with Radjectives that start with R and nouns that start with R.

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