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40 Verbs That Start with Y | Huge List with Definitions and Examples


You must be familiar of the fact that there are a limited number of verbs that start with Y. This lack of verbs beginning with Y is due to the fact that Y, as a consonant, does not have a distinct sound when it comes at the beginning of a consonant cluster.

Before we talk about verbs that start with Y in detail, let us find out what a verb actually is. Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence.

In British and American English, most of the verbs that start with Y have become archaic and obsolete, and are no longer in use. In Scottish and Australian English, on the other hand, a large number of these verbs have been retained. Some of the verbs in this article are no longer used in British English but are still used in Scottish and Australian English.

Let us now go through the list of action words starting with Y given below. Try to get yourself familiarized with them and also make an effort in using them in your own phrases and sentences that you utter in your everyday life.

Common Verbs That Start with Y

A verb is a doing word that shows an action, an event or a state. A sentence may either have a main verb, a helping verb or both. Following are some of the verbs that start with Y. Try and learn as many of these verbs starting with Y as possible.

1. Yank

2. Yap

3. Yellow

4. Yowl

5. Yell

6. Yak

7. Yarn

8. Yaw

9. Yabber

Positive Verbs That Start with Y

Words with a positive connotation appear pleasant, fulfilling, and affirming in the context in which they are employed. Following are some of the positive verbs that start with Y. Find out for yourself how many of these verbs starting with Y had you known before.

1. Yield

2. Yo-yo

3. Yacht

4. Yard

5. Yawp

6. Yean

7. Yeast

8. Yock

9. Yodel

Verbs That Start with Y to Describe a Person

There are certain verbs in English language that represent a state of being, need, opinion, sense, or preference. Following are some of the verbs that start with Y to describe a person. If you know more such verbs that start with Y, add them to this list.

1. Yelp

2. Yawn

3. Yip

4. Yen

5. Yammer

6. Yuk

7. Yak

8. Yearn

9. Yeuk

More Verbs That Start with Y

Following are some more verbs starting with Y. Some of these verbs beginning with Y have been taken from Scottish and Australian English therefore you might get confused while learning them. To learn them properly go through them a couple of times.

1. Yark

2. Yaup

3. Yawl

4. Yux

5. Youl

6. Yerk

7. Yend

Verbs That Start with Y – Full List (40 Words)

Final Thoughts on Verbs That Start with Y

Thank you for going through this article on verbs that start with Y. It is hoped that this article would have help you in acquiring a number of new verbs starting with Y that you haven’t heard of before.

You must have noticed this thing that in both our verbal and written communications, we use some verbs more than the others. The verbs that start with Y that you have learned in this article are not used on a regular basis in our daily life routine. If you want to stand apart from the rest of the people, start using these verbs in your daily life talks.

Let us now conclude our discussion on verbs beginning with Y. Try adding new verbs to the list of verbs given above if you want to enhance your vocabulary.

People also search for positive words that start with Yadjectives that start with Y and nouns that start with Y.

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