
What You Need to Know about Keyword Modifiers

As you improve your website’s visibility and drive targeted traffic, understanding the power of keyword modifiers is essential.

Keyword modifiers are additional words or phrases that can be added to your primary keywords to refine the search intent and attract more specific and qualified visitors to your website. This guide will discuss what you need to know about keyword modifiers.

Types of Keyword Modifiers

Here are different types of keyword modifiers:


Adding question words like “how,” “what,” or “why” to your keywords helps capture searches where users seek answers or information. For example, instead of just “running shoes,” you might use “what are the best running shoes.” This modifier directs your content towards providing solutions and answers to user queries.

Color, Size, and Brand

Incorporating specific details like color, size, or brand into your keywords caters to users with precise preferences. For instance, instead of “jackets,” you might use “red winter jacket” or “large black leather jacket.” This helps your content attract users looking for something very specific, enhancing the relevance of your offerings.


Adding terms related to a person’s identity or role refines your keyword targeting. For instance, if you sell office furniture, you might use “executive office chair” to reach users looking for chairs associated with a particular role. Person modifiers help tailor your content to the needs and preferences of specific user segments.

Price Range

Including price-related terms in your keywords is crucial for attracting users with specific budget considerations. For instance, instead of “smartphones,” you might use “budget smartphones under $300.” This modifier ensures that your content reaches users actively looking for products within their financial range.


Using descriptive words in your keywords adds a layer of detail and appeal. For example, instead of a “laptop,” you might use a “powerful gaming laptop” or “lightweight laptop for travel.” Adjective modifiers help highlight specific features or qualities of your products or services, making your content more compelling and distinctive.

Where to Use Keyword Modifiers

Keyword modifiers should be strategically used in various elements of your online content to enhance relevance, improve search visibility, and cater to user intent. Here are key places where you should incorporate keyword modifiers:

Meta Title

In the world of websites, the meta title is like the headline of a book. This is where you put the main, attention-grabbing version of your keyword. For instance, if your keyword is “best-running shoes,” your meta title could be “Discover the Best Running Shoes for Every Workout.” People first see it on search results, so make it catchy and informative.

Meta Description

Just beneath the meta title in search results, the meta description provides more detail about your content. Use your keyword modifiers here to give users a sneak peek into what your page offers. Continuing, your meta description might say, “Explore a range of high-performance running shoes in various colors and sizes – perfect for every runner.”

Headings and Sub-Headings

When someone visits your page, they usually scan for headings to understand the content. Use keyword modifiers in your headings and sub-headings to guide readers and enhance the clarity of your content. If your article is about budget smartphones, a heading could be “Top Budget Smartphones Under $300.”

Body of Article

Sprinkle your keyword modifiers naturally throughout the body of your article. Doing this will keep your content interesting and relevant. For example, if you’re writing about executive office chairs, integrate phrases like “comfortable executive office chair” or “stylish chairs for executives” to align with different user preferences.

Alt Text of Images

Images are not just for decoration; they also play a role in SEO. When adding alt text to your images, include relevant keyword modifiers. If you have an image of a red winter jacket, the alt text could be “Red Winter Jacket – Stylish and Warm Outerwear for Cold Days.” This helps search engines understand the content of your images and contributes to better visibility.

Integrate Keyword Modifiers in Your SEO Strategy

Adding keyword modifiers is not just for SEO; it also gives your users something of value. So, whether aiming to capture local markets, target specific user intents, or refine your product offerings, using keyword modifiers is a dynamic and adaptable strategy. It’s a pathway to staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of digital discovery.