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10 Essential Online Writing Tools That Help to Save Your Time


Whether you are a freelance, blog, or writer, most ideas on what to write come in what I may describe as “weird” situations. To guarantee that your writing is entertaining and instructive, you must maintain track of what you are writing. However, you must avoid losing sight of your original ideas. Listed below are some of the tools you may use to make your job easier and more focused.


If you have difficulty with your grammar and want to improve it, you might try utilizing Grammarly to help you. It will evaluate your grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation and offer you ideas on how to avoid using the same phrases repeatedly, among other things.  It may also be used as a paraphrasing machine, as you can utilize it to check for any copied sentences in your work that need to be rephrased by using it as a plagiarism detector. You may sign up for a Grammarly membership for free for a week and then decide whether or not to upgrade afterward.


Fluently is a distraction-free online text editor that comes pre-loaded with a language translation, grammar checker, and thesaurus, among other useful features. You may use it to produce a document in a foreign language while still writing in your own language, which is convenient. The translator works side by side with the actual editor, making it simple to view the final product as it develops in front of you. Integration with the LanguageTool grammar checker, which covers 42 languages, is available. The thesaurus has synonyms for a total of 21 different languages.


Ulysses is the important tool of choice when it comes to long-form writing. Even though it has many functions, it helps authors to concentrate on their work by minimizing the number of bells and whistles on the screen to a bare minimum. The most important features are a library for organizing your work, filters for rapidly finding certain chunks of text, and a goal tracker to help align with your goals. Apart from that, Ulysses has a distraction-free typewriter mode and bookmarking and outlining tools.

Text-to-Speech Software

Would you want someone to go through your work for errors? So, why aren’t you using the services of a text-to-speech reader? Proofreading is made simple using this program. Most computers come equipped with a standard text-to-speech reader, but if yours does not, you may try utilizing the ImTranslator to convert text to voice. What more could you ask for than something free and simple to use?


Ahrefs is famous SEO research and analysis tool that many companies utilize. It is used to determine the number of backlinks pointing to a certain URL, do keyword research, and monitor the ranks of keywords. It’s also a fantastic tool for coming up with new content ideas. Using Ahrefs to create ideas may be done in a variety of ways. Using their “Content Explorer” tool is the first thing you should do. This tool allows you to search for a certain topic and then locate the most popular articles on that subject. Another method of doing content research using Ahrefs is to look for rival URLs.


The majority of customers are looking for original work and one-of-a-kind. The material should not be copied, and Copyscape is software that can be used to identify plagiarism in online content. You may either use the free version or register and purchase credits. Obtaining and using an online paraphrase machine to paraphrase your usage of terms and limit the level of plagiarism is recommended if the majority of your writing is derived from internet resources.


The usage of Wordable when you write in Google Docs and you or your clients use WordPress will save you a great deal of time when it comes time to publish your material. When you use Wordable, it will take a Google Doc and automatically upload it to a WordPress website with the press of a button, saving you time. When you upload a document to WordPress, it is uploaded as a draft, allowing you to evaluate the content before clicking “Publish” to make the information live on the site. Wordable is completely free to use for a single website. The subscription service, which costs $19 per month, allows you to export an infinite number of Google Docs to an unlimited number of WordPress blogs.


Many of you are probably aware of platforms like Patreon, Substack, and Gumroad if you are currently monetizing your work or have considered doing so in the past. Ghost is a viable alternative to those options. It’s a non-profit organization dedicated to developing open source technology for journalism, which will enable you to start a company based on your work – among other things. Anyone who writes, from solitary bloggers just getting started to huge teams of writers and editors trying to generate money from content, newsletters, or memberships, may benefit from using a ghost.


Using Evernote, you can jot down ideas, compose a blog post when inspiration strikes, and even capture photos for your notes anytime you need to, even while you’re driving or caught in traffic. When compared to paper notes, which are likely to be misplaced, your notes using Evernote will be synced across all of your devices, including your phone and laptop.


Anyone writing for a living is under constant time constraints, and we can’t afford to be sidetracked from our work now and again. Some authors need complete silence to complete their work. While putting up your earbuds and listening to calm music may do this, writers will want a screen free of distractions to resist the temptation of doing other things other than writing. FocusWriter is a fantastic tool that allows you to accomplish just that, thanks to its simple design that allows you to get completely involved in your writing.

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